2019 Graduate Student Showcase | Graduate Student Showcases | Boise State University

A one-day conference for graduate students to present their research, work and talents, to connect with other graduate students and faculty at Boise State and to learn about other disciplines and gain conference experience.

The showcase will take place on April 10, 2019 from 9:00 a.m. - 1:00 p.m. in the Jordan Ballroom located in the Student Union Building.

Submissions for this collection are now closed. If you have any questions regarding your submission please contact the ScholarWorks team at ScholarWorks@boisestate.edu


Submissions from 2019

Undocumented Immigration and Crime: A Re-Examination of the Trump Hypothesis, Ben Albert

Estimating the Effect of Cryptocurrrencies on Demand for the U.S. Dollar, Mark Baehr

The Effects of Mindfulness and Mental Skills Training on Anxiety in Endurance Athletes, Neil Bangs

Greasy, Grimey Goosey Guts, Jacob Banholzer

Amorphous to Cubic Nanoporous Niobium Oxide Electrodes for Lithium-Ion Batteries, Pete L. Barnes, Kiev Dixon, Hui (Claire) Xiong, and Devan Karsann

Ford Motor Company Light-Truck Electric-Vehicle Go-to-Market 2020 Plan, Jarrett Bell, Kelsey Breen, and Conner Kellogg

Modern Parallel Optimization Techniques in Scientific Computing Applications, Michael C. Burke

The Impact of Genotypic Diversity, Plant Species and Nitrogen Fertilizer on Soil Carbon Sequestration in Biofuel Cropping Systems, Jenn Butt

Timing is of the Essence: Later Breeding Predicts Lower Survival in American Kestrels (Falco sparverius), Kathleen R. Callery and Julie A. Heath

Microbial Diversity Observed in Swiss Cheese, Vannessa D. Campfield

Generation of Lead SMW Fortilin Inhibitors That Bind and Destroy Fortilin in the Cell, Maranda Cantrell


Implementing AASHTO TP 110 for Alkali-Silica Reaction Potential Evaluation of Idaho Aggregates, Md Shahjalal Chowdhury and Debakanta Mishra

Improving the Accuracy of Barometric Methods Used for Metamorphic Rocks with Raman Microspectroscopy, Mayara Fernanda Cizina

Heart Failure, Cardiomyopathy, and Methamphetamine: A Review of Literature, Nicholas Clark


Awareness Matters: Improving Healthcare Workers’ Self-Efficacy, Knowledge, Skills and Attitudes Related to Mental Illness and Suicide Prevention, Carlana J. Coogle and Pamela Gehrke

2019 Idaho Needs Assessment for Alzheimer Disease and Related Dementias, Pamela J. Craig, Jessie Dexter, Christi King, and Megan Stanley


Remote Sensing of Drylands: Applications of Canopy Spectral Invariants, Hamid Dashti, Nancy Glenn, Susan Ustin, Nayani Ilangakoon, Andrew Poly, Yi Qi, Jessica J. Mitchell, and Lucas Spaete

Polyhedral Dataflow Graphs, Eddie Davis

Developing an Angular Knee Jerk Algorithm Using Inertial Measurement Units, Samantha D'az

The Biomechanical Effects of Whole-Body Vibration Therapy Compared to Traditional Exercise for Osteoporosis Adults, Karolyn A. DePaolo

A Formative Assessment of Boise State University's Efforts to Combat Student Food Insecurity, Jessie G. Dexter

The Myth Belongs to Me, Ariel Dixon

Searching for Spellcheckers, Brody Downs

Effects of Intention Status and Social Support on Parental Investment, Kayla Downs

Fast and Accurate Algorithms for Cosmic Microwave Background Radiation Data on HEALPix Points, Kathryn Drake and Grady Wright

Knee Joint Mechanics During Prolonged Load Carriage, Micah Drew

Predictive Models in Data Science, Amrina Ferdous and Jodi Mead

Alzheimer's Association Care Facilitators of Idaho, Kaitlyn Flachbart, Krista Millemann, Anne Lyon, Cali Bogatko, and Brandi Brooks

Evaluation of Idaho Prescribers’ Attitudes Toward Opioid-Related Policy, Tara Fouts, Jessica Marshall, Kodi Romero, and McKenzie Hansen

Learning Behavior of Memristor-Based Neuromorphic Circuits in the Presence of Radiation, Sumedha Gandharava Dahl and Kurtis Cantley

Data Advocates for Democracy?, Kimberly Gardner

Transcriptional Activation by Glucocorticoid Receptor Studied by 3D Orbital Tracking Fluorescence Cross Correlation Spectroscopy, Julianna Goelzer, Diana A. Stavreva, Gordon Hager, and Matthew L. Ferguson


Application of Infrared Thermography in Pavement Inspection, Aidin J. Golrokh, Aminul Islam, and Yang Lu


Implementing the Re-Read Adapt and Answer-Comprehend Intervention with Transition-Age Students with Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities, Julia P. Gorman

Sensitivity of Energy, Water, and Nutrient Cycles to Microtopographic Parameters in ELM, Jake Graham

Leveraging Web-Scale Data for Supporting K-12, Michael Green

E-Learning Module for the Installation of HotFix 18.2 for L&P Digital Front End Servers Running 5.2 IR7 Software for HP Indigo, Jason Groner

Social Entrepreneurship as a Path to Alleviate Global Socio-Economic and Environmental Issues, Paola Gutierrez Guzman

Bonneville and the Vines: Flood Sedimentation Influences on Vineyard Soils, Sunnyslope, SW Idaho, Rachael N. Haggen

Forecasting Residential Electricity Demand Through Machine Learning and Model Synthesis, Steve Hall

Transformation, Caitlin Harris

Exploring the Use of Data from Newer Technologies in Road Design, Mahamudul Hasan


Building an Affirmative Counseling Practice for the Transgender and Gender Nonconforming Communities, Kacie Hoch

Quantifying Distortion Energy in Collagen Matrices Subjected to Complex Loads Using a Biaxial Bioreactor, Katie Hollar, Danielle Siegel, John Everingham, Abdullah Ahmad, Alvaro Morfin, Gunes Uzer, and Trevor Lujan

Impact of Sex and Lace-Up Ankle Brace on Knee Biomechanics During a Single-Leg Cut, Wyatt D. Ihmels, Kayla D. Seymore, and Tyler N. Brown

Spatiotemporal Pattern Detection, Robert Ivans

Laboratory Characterization of Subgrade Soils for Pavement ME Design Implementation in Idaho, Md Jibon and Debakanta Mishra


Disclosing Romantic Relationship Conflicts with a Third Party: A Test of the Disclosure Decision-Making Model, Michelle Jimenez

Ge2Se3/Ge2Se3-M (M = Sn, Al, Ti, W, Cr, Pb, Cu, C)-Based Optically-Gated Transistor: M Influence on Optical and Electrical Properties, Md Faisal Kabir and Kris Campbell

X-Ray Imaging for Biomass Analysis, Rahul Reddy Kancharla and Elisa Barney Smith

A Simple Method to Characterize Twin Boundary Kinetics in Ni-Mn-Ga, Bk Karki, Yotam Bachar, Itay Harel, Eithan Kaplan, Arik Sabag, Doron Shilo, Peter Müllner, and Eilon Faran


Reconfigurable Antenna for Next Generation Satellite & 5G Communication System, Shafaq Kausar and Hani Mehrpouyan

Future Furnishing, Devin Kelly

Backarc Thermal Structure Controls Slab-Mantle Viscous Coupling Depth in Subduction Zones, Buchanan Kerswell, Matthew Kohn, and Taras Gerya

Millimeter-Wave Propagation Channel Measurements at 73 GHz in Airport Environment, Mahfuza Khatun, Changyu Guo, and Hani Mehrpouyan

Staff Injury Prevention Through Dementia Patient-Centered Care Education, Kim Krutz and Sara Ahten

Swarm Behavior to Mitigate Demand Rebound in Air Conditioning Demand Response Events, Jason Kuwada


Application-Specific Memory Subsystem Benchmarking, Mahesh Lakshminarasimhan


Bullying: Teachers’ and Education Professionals’ Knowledge and Needs, Amaia Lojo Novo, Brett E. Shelton, and Katie Bubak-Azevedo

The Roxy Letters, Mary Lowry

Surrogate Nuclear Fuels Synthesis and Crack Behavior, Adrianna E. Lupercio, Riley C. Winters, Jennifer K. Watkins, and Brian J. Jaques

Successful Rulemaking to List Species under the Endangered Species Act (ESA), Krista Lyons

Assessing How Natural Hazard Information, Core Perceptions, and Personal Variables Influence Household Emergency Preparedness Over Time, Carson MacPherson-Krutsky, Brittany Brand, and Michael Lindell


Analyzing Change of Direction and the Laterally Resisted Split Squat: Incorporating a Lateral Vector into the Single Leg Squat, Derek Maddy, Chance Cooley, Tyler Brown, and Shawn Simonson


Offline Bangla Handwriting Recognition with Sequential Detection of Characters/Diacritics, Nishatul Majid

A Study of the Electrical Conduction Mechanisms of Bilayer Phase-Change Memory Devices Over the Temperature Range of 5 K to 340 K, Md Kamrul Hassan Majumdar and Kris Campbell


NMR Structure Determination of KTM: A Rationally Designed Alpha-Conotoxin Targeting Parkinson's-Relevant Receptor Isoforms, Leanna Marquart, Lisa Warner, Matthew King, Joe Dumais, Owen McDougal, and Jim Groome

Unraveling the Causes of Mafic Explosive Volcanism at Llaima Volcano, Southern Chile, Aaron Marshall and Brittany Brand

Investigating Consistency in Snow Distribution Using a Six-Year Airborne LiDAR Time Series of Snow Depth in Tuolumne Basin, California, Megan Mason

Investigating Geochemical Diversity Along a Slow-Spreading Axis: Mid-Atlantic Ridge ~14°N, Emma E. McCully, V. Dorsey Wanless, Mark D. Kurz, Eric L. Mittelstaedt, and S. Adam Soule


How Can Boise State University Engage with Ada County Stakeholders to End Homelessness?, Lantz McGinnis-Brown, Ana Costa, Vanessa Fry, Sally Sargeant-Hu, and Connor Sheldon

Predicting Human Interpretations of Affect and Valence in a Social Robot, David McNeill

Volcano Video Data Characterized and Classified Through Computer Vision and Machine Learning Algorithms, Alexander Miller and Jeffrey B. Johnson

The Idaho Statewide Healthcare Innovation Plan, Jasmine R. Miller and Maddie Priest

Using an Evaluation Capacity Tool to Build Evaluation Capacity in a Nonprofit Organization, Megan Miller

A Mixed Method Evaluation of a Culturally Adapted, Brief, Bullying Bystander Intervention for Middle School Students, Molly Moran

Support for Rural Practice: Female Physicians and the Life-Career Interface, Pragna Naidoo, Kim Stutzman, Sarah E. Toevs, Ruth Ray Karpen, Amanda Weidner, Edward Baker, and David Schmitz

Healthy Habits, Healthy U (HHHU): Associations Between Geographic Location and Socioeconomic Status of Schools and Physical Activity and Nutrition Knowledge, Andrew Nutting

Sculpture, Carl Orstad

Convergent Evolution in Three Alpine Endemic Lomatium Species (Apiaceae), Michael Ottenlips


Microbial Induced Calcite Precipitation (MICP) in Stabilizing Expansive Soils, Anish Pathak and Connor Asmus

Mechanical Stir Casting of Borated Aluminum for Spent Nuclear Fuel Dry Cask Storage, Samuel Pedersen

Listening to Nature: Using Multi-Trophic Interactions to Inform Pest Management Strategies, Britt Pendleton, Benjamin Dudek, Deborah Conner, Carolyn Dadabay, Emma N.I. Weeks, Julie A. Heath, and Jennifer Forbey

Best Practices for Cross Cultural Interviewing, D'jeane Peters

System Identification of Control Systems via Cyber-Physical Intelligence Attacks, Tyler B. Phillips

Recognizing and Reducing Safety Hazards in Northwest Potato Production, Rachel Phinney


Idaho WICSmart: Process and Implementation Evaluation, Alexis Pickering

Gender Differences in the Acceptability of the eCHECKUP TO GO Among High School Students Who Report Alcohol Use, Andrea Pikes

Unravelling the Mystery of Pyroclastic Density Currents by Synthesizing Field Observations with Analogue Laboratory Experiments, Nicholas M. Pollock, Brittany D. Brand, Olivier Roche, Peter J. Rowley, and Damiano Sarocchi

Specialized Interprocedural Analysis For Scientific Applications, Tobi Popoola

Interpretative Phenomenological Analysis of Master's Level Counseling Students’ Experiences in a Suicide Prevention Course, Sherise Porchia


Ride Your Way To Wellness: A Health Promotion Program for College Students Living on Campus, Alex N. Prado

A Multi-Fractal Approach for Modeling Unsaturated Hydraulic Conductivity, Arash Modaresi Rad and Mojtaba Sadegh


A Time-Dependent Chemo-Mechanical Analysis of Alkali-Silica Reaction for the Disparate Geometry of Concrete Meso-Structure, Md. Asif Rahman and Yang Lu


Integration of an Engineering Curriculum on the Social-Emotional Development of Preschool Students with and without Disabilities, Gurupriya Ramanathan, Yvette Mere-Cook, and Deb Carter

Fiber Optic Sensors for Real Time Temperature Monitoring in Harsh Environments, Sohel Rana, Harish Subbaraman, and Nirmala Kandadai

Modeling Nano-Crystalline Silicon Thin-Film Transistors Using COMSOL, Sepideh Rastegar

Service-Learning in an Introductory Environmental Science Course: How Participation Impacts Course Content Knowledge and Agency Development, Mari Rice


Spectral Fingerprints Predict Functional Chemistry of Native Plants Across Sagebrush-Steppe Landscapes, Brecken C. Robb, Jessica Mitchell, Peter Olsoy, Donna Delparte, Janet Rachlow, Lisa Shipley, Jordan Nobler, Marcella Fremgen, Chelsea Merriman, Lilly Whitehead, Jennifer Sorensen Forbey, and Jack Connellyu

Digging into the Socioeconomic Factor of Food Insecurity When CF Patients are Non Compliant with Their Diet, Tiffany A. Robb