"2019 Idaho Needs Assessment for Alzheimer Disease and Related Dementia" by Pamela J. Craig, Jessie Dexter et al.

2019 Idaho Needs Assessment for Alzheimer Disease and Related Dementias

Presentation Date


Degree Program

Public Administration, MPA

Major Advisor Name

Stephanie Witt

Type of Submission

Scholarly Poster


The 2012 Idaho Legislature recognized the importance of developing a statewide plan for Alzheimer disease and related dementias (ADRD) with its support of Concurrent Resolution 112. This legislation acknowledged the seriousness of the impact of ADRD and endorsed the efforts of the Idaho Alzheimer’s Planning Group (IAPG) to develop a state plan. The following report describes the findings of assessment activities conducted to inform IAPG and others of the needs of patients and their caregivers and families. The purpose of current research is to update the initial state plan using data collected from a 2019 needs assessment.

Results from the 2019 needs assessment survey included a desire for those affected by ADRD to manage their care or the care of their loved ones independently and for as long as possible. Caregivers and family members are not looking for a hand-out, but rather for a supportive hand as they navigate the often unpredictable landscape of ADRD.


Project Advisors: Greg Hill and Sarah Toevs

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