"Best Practices for Cross Cultural Interviewing" by D'jeane Peters

Best Practices for Cross Cultural Interviewing

Presentation Date


Degree Program

Organizational Performance and Workplace Learning, MS

Major Advisor Name

Jo Ann Fenner

Type of Submission

Scholarly Poster


Conducting interviews in a cross-cultural setting is increasingly common for both practitioners and researchers. Planning to conduct semi-structured interviews in a culture that one may not be familiar with requires additional methodological and ethical considerations. In this poster, I will draw from from published scholarly works on cross-cultural interviewing practices across disciplines to demonstrate evidence-based best practices that professionals can utilize in their own cross-cultural interview project. I will include guidance for building trust with interviewees, designing data collection plans using a participatory approach, and tips for transcending language barriers to collect valid data.


Dr. Lisa Giacumo was an additional advisor on this project.

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