"The Biomechanical Effects of Whole-Body Vibration Therapy Compared to " by Karolyn A. DePaolo

The Biomechanical Effects of Whole-Body Vibration Therapy Compared to Traditional Exercise for Osteoporosis Adults

Presentation Date


Degree Program

Biophysical Studies, MS

Major Advisor Name

Tyler Brown

Type of Submission

Scholarly Poster


Osteoporosis is a chronic progressive disease, in which bone loss is the leading cause for men and women. Previous literature has shown that one of the safest physical activity forms is Whole-body vibration therapy (WBV) training which helps increase muscle mass and bone density. The purpose of this study is to determine if WBV is a more efficient form of exercise for adults with osteoporosis compared to traditional exercise interventions. This study will have 3 groups: Group 1 will be completing the Too Fit to Fracture exercise program. Group 3 will be the controlled group that does not complete anything.

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