The Graduate College is the only academic unit at Boise State University whose sole concern and primary advocacy is graduate education. The Graduate College provides institutional oversight for more than 70 graduate curricula established across six academic colleges, with approximately 2,000 registered graduate students each semester. These programs span the breadth of graduate education, from practice-oriented master’s programs that prepare students for leadership roles in a wide variety of professional settings, to research focused Ph.D. programs that develop the next generation of scholars.
Visit the Most Popular Papers for a list of the most frequently downloaded theses and dissertations.
Theses/Dissertations from 2024
Climate and Channel Morphology Control Stream Drying Across Scales, Mac Beers
The Functional Dynamics of Bacterial Communities in Relation to Environmental Selection and Host Health in a Pitcher Plant Model System, Jessica Rae Bernardin
Thermal-Fluid and Optical Considerations in the Design of Porous Cavity Receivers, Koda D. Boldt
Verifying the Taxonomic Validity and Resolving the Subspecific Boundaries of the Lomatium foeniculaceum Complex, Daniel Botello
Organizational Attributes and Supervision Officer Role Orientations: What Factors Influence Supervision Officer Behaviors?, Makayla M. Butler
Extending the Technology Acceptance Model: The Experiential Educator and Virtual Learning Technologies, Michael A. Dzbenski
Assessing Experiential Learning in a K-12 Afterschool Makerspace: Using the Beyond Rubrics Toolkit, Stacy L. Dzbenski
Dijkgraaf-Witten Theory for Surfaces, Austin R. Fender
Word Choice, Deep Core Beliefs, and Unlikely Alliances: Increasing the Distance Traveled by the Narrative Policy Framework, Dalten Warren Fox
The Opioid Epidemic in Virginia: Comparing Case Studies of County-Level Implementation of Opioid Response Plans, Sydney Elyse Fox
Sex Differences in Tibial Compression During Load Carriage Running on Challenging Surfaces, Eric Brian Francis
Stabilization of Layered Transition Metal Oxide Positive Electrodes at High Potential for Sodium Ion Batteries, Eric Gabriel
The Dawn of Advanced Collaborative Practices: Charting Transdisciplinary Synergies Through Thematic and Social Network Analysis within Boise State's Grand Challenges Initiative, Eva Lorraine Gaudio
A Journey to the Center of the Cell: The Characterization of Novel Non-Canonical Mechanisms of Notch Signaling, Tana Ranae Gazdik
Investigating the Distribution of Soil Inorganic Carbon, and the Role of Dust Deposition in Dryland Soils, Zahra Ghahremani
Assessment of Western Farmers’ Use, Knowledge, and Acceptance of Cover Crops and The Agri-Environmental Schemes That Support Their Use, Lauren A. Golden
A Computational Framework for Predicting Cell-Specific Nucleo-Cytoskeletal Forces, Madison Leigh Goldfeldt
Promoting Successful Industry Academic Partnerships for Curriculum Development: Integration of Multiple Streams Framework and Stakeholder Theory, Jennifer D. Gudapati
An Analysis of Instructor Feedback, Olga Hawranick
Fling the Emptiness Out of Your Arms, Kelsey Hennegen
Secure Multiparty Protocols on Blockchain with Fairness and Scalability, Joshua S. Holmes
Biological and Environmental Factors Associated with the Autumn Migration Timing of North American Raptors, Nora R. Honkomp
Exploring the Effects of Dopants on the Opto-Electrical Response of Ge2Se3-Based Optically Gated Transistor (OGT), Md Faisal Kabir
Development and Characterization of a Low Intensity Vibrational System for Microgravity Studies, Omor Khan
Before and Beyond the Comintern: The American Popular Front, Kent Daniel Kiser
Triggers of Rapid Change in Glacier Dynamics, Jukes Liu
Developing Relationships Between Macroporosity and Tensile Strength by Imaging Failure Planes, James C. Mazzagotte III
Narratives on Homelessness: Investigating the Connections Between Organizational Language and Learning, Lantz McGinnis-Brown
“Bona Fide and Sincerely-Held”: How Deep Core Beliefs Inform and Influence Policy Engagement at the Institutional Level, Grant T. Miller
Democracy Building Instruction: Defining a Theory of the Dispositions of Democracy to Support Democratic Education, Jackie M. Miller
Inland Water’s Challenges in Ungauged International Basins: Identifying the Desiccation Drivers of Endorheic Hamun Lakes, Arash Modaresi Rad
ID-GNN: Unsupervised Graph Neural Network, Sara Lilly Mount
The Brahmagupta Equation and Record Numbers, Christine Patterson
Witnessing Bullying and Defending Behavior Among Elementary and Middle School Students, Matt Peck
Thanks for Watching, Hannah Lucille Phillips
Preservice Teachers’ Self-Efficacy for Technology Integration and Levels of Planned Technology Integration: A Mixed-Method Study, Marielle Louise Portaro
Cyanide Abundance of Highly Aqueously Altered CM Chondrites: Insight for Asteroid Bennu, Rachel A. Reichow
Comparison of Properties and Fracture Patterns in Aged and Fresh Cortical Bone, McKenna LeeAnn Roan
In the Backyard, Daisy Clar Rosenstock
Learning to Roll: Characterizing Infant Rolling with Biomechanics, Danielle N. Siegel
E-Government in Idaho’s Small Cities: Factors of Adoption, Implementation, and Growing Organizational Capacity, Jeffrey Adam Skinner
On-Chip Active Pulse-Clamp Stimulation (APCS) for Rapid Recovery, Charge-Balanced Neural Stimulation, F. N. U. Tala
Nesting in Urban Areas Affects American Kestrel Home Range Size and Adult Female Health, Jessica Michele Taylor
Lagos Will be Hard for You, Ayotola Tehingbola
From Metabolites to Flux: Understanding Cellular Metabolism, Cale D. Thornton
The Anthropology of Self: How Achieving Greater Self-Concept Clarity Impacts Individual Behavior, Relationships, and Cooperation, Thomas Anthony Voccola
Porcine Computational Modeling to Investigate Developmental Dysplasia of the Hip, Chia-Yu Yu
Theses/Dissertations from 2023
A Coupled Human and Natural Systems Approach to Studying Recreation on Public Lands, Madeline C. Aberg
Re-Mediating Nature: Environmental Entropy, Urban Parks, and the Boise River Greenbelt, Quinn Zachary Anderson
Identifying Sources of Landscape Variation to Improve Predictions of Post-Fire Sagebrush Steppe Recovery, Cara Applestein
Robust Control of Contact-Rich Robots via Neural Bayesian Inference, Nardos Ayele Ashenafi
Affordances of Mobile Technology to Facilitate Learning in Undergraduate Thermal-Fluid Sciences, Maeve Raphael Bakic
Optical and Electrical Interfaces for Biological Structures, Mehdi Bandali
Association of Lockdown Policies with COVID-19 Early Case Growth Rates in the United States, Anna Barefield
High-Performance Domain-Specific Library for Hydrologic Data Processing, Kalyan Bhetwal
Data-Driven Multiscale Modeling of Dye Aggregates in DNA for Excitonic Applications, Austin Biaggne
Exploring Information and Support Needs Through TikTok for People with Polycystic Ovary Syndrome, Matea Bibaburu
Exploring Information and Support Needs Through TikTok for People with Polycystic Ovary Syndrome, Matea Bidaburu
Role of Mechanical Signaling in Bone Tissue, Scott Aaron Birks
A Novel Approach to the Nest Site Characterization of Two Species of Critically Endangered Vulture in Gorongosa National Park, Mozambique, Rebecca Colleen Bishop
Influence of Urbanization and Climate on Irrigation Diversions and Return Flows in the Lower Boise River Basin, Bridget M. Bittmann
Probing the Mechanism of DNA Protein Crosslink Formation by Aziridinomitosenes Through the Selective Precipitation of Protein Salts, Michael Blair
Investigating Combined Extreme Weather Effects on Solar Module Through Hardware and Simulink Performance Evaluation, Amir Botros
Understanding Temporal Dynamics of Plant Specialized Metabolites in Response to Simulated Browsing in Winter, Bryanna Hope Bright
Exploring Digital and Print Text Experiences of Adolescent Readers, Melissa Brown
A History of the Hurwitz Problem Concerning Branched Coverings, James Alexander Byars
The Effects of Restaurant Drive-Through Vehicle Mobile Emissions on Air Quality, Tryston Nychol Sellers Calder
Evaluating Learning Geometric Concepts to Generate Predicate Abstract Domains in Static Program Analysis, Patrick Chadbourne
The Role of Decorin and Biglycan in CNS Angiogenesis and EAE Recovery, Kristina Chapman
Closed-Loop, Recyclable Plastics From Ethyl Cyanoacrylate, Allison Joy Christy
Emergence, Evolution, and Outcomes of Community-Based Conservation Behaviors in Coastal Systems, Matthew C. Clark
Not About You: A Novel, Hillary Colton
The Drying of Dry Creek: A Paired Catchment Experiement Assessing Non-Perennial Headwater Streams, Elizabeth Crowther
The Cost of Public Mistrust: The Indirect Impact of Mass Shootings on Home Values, Austin Dey
Genomic Underpinning of Drought-Associated Phenotypes in a Keystone Shrub Species of Western North America, Carlos Dave Contreras Dumaguit
Anything but Bland: Uncovering the Hidden Diversity and Genomic Origin of the Threatened Vanilla Spice, Paige Ellestad
Interactive Effects of Fungal Community Structure and Soil Moisture on Wyoming Big Sagebrush Performance, Arden Marlene Engel
Investigating the Influence of Surface Finishing Methods on Corrosion of Additively Manufactured SS316L, Joshua R. Fadeley
Social Network Analysis of a Biomedical Research Co-Authorship Network, Amrina Ferdous
Factors Influencing Military Instructor Technology Self-Efficacy, Gina D. Frank
Voter ID Laws and Gendered Impacts on Voter Turnout, Jacqueline D. Franolich
August in the Dog Moon, Desmond Fuller
Perspectives on Data for Good: The Emergence of Embodied Data Discourses, Kimberly M. Gardner
Investigating the Relationship Between K-12 Online Special Education Teachers' Tpack and Teacher Level Variables: A Convergent Design Mixed-Methods Study, Brad R. Garrison
Effects of Discharge and Morphology on Fluvial Sound, Scott J. Gauvain
Development and Validation of an Improved Sagittal Plane Device for Infant Product Safety Testing, Sarah Marie Goldrod
Systematic Investigation of Wavy Surface Roughness Profiles Using Common Roughness Algorithms, Russell Gray
Seed Predation by Harvester Ants on Native Grasses and Forbs: Implications for Management in a Changing Landscape, Michaela Grossklaus
Hydraulic Conductivity's Impact on Rise of Excess Pore-Water Pressure During Seismic-Induced Liquefaction, Holly Gunderson
Mapping Density and Distribution of Ptarmigan and Arctic Ground Squirrels within Gyrfalcon Breeding Territories in Western Alaska, Michaela L. Gustafson
A DNA Aptamer Transducer Designed Toward Rapid Biosensor Development: A Novel Approach to Modular Biosensing Platforms, Timothy Z. Hachigian
Balancing Societal Demands for Agricultural Land: Insights, Innovations, and Conservation Priorities, Sarah Halperin
Verifying Data Provenance During Workflow Execution for Scientific Reproducibility, Rizbanul Hasan
Remote Sensing to Advance Understanding of Snow-Vegetation Relationships and Quantify Snow Depth and Snow Water Equivalent, Ahmad Hojatimalekshah
Photophysical Studies of Electronic Structure and Excited-State Dynamics of DNA-Templated Cyanine Dye Aggregates, Jonathan Samuel Huff
Multiphysics Numerical Modeling for PFAS Transport within Vadose and Saturated Zones, Pierrette Iradukunda
Exploring Middle School Teacher Perceptions of Virtual Teams as a Delivery Mechanism for Professional Learning, Shawna Jensen
Structure-Property-Processing Analysis of Graphene Bioscaffolds for Viability and Differentiation of C2C12 Cells, Lynn Karriem
Words in Context: A Mixed Methods Description of an Early Elementary Comprehensive Vocabulary Building Program, Cherrynn Kast Black
Seasonality in Terminus Ablation Rates for the Glaciers in Kalaallit Nunaat (Greenland), Aman K. C.
The Elegies, Hope Kelham
Fake News Detection Using Narrative Content and Discourse, Hongmin Kim
Conflict: An Autoethnography on Anthropology and Conflict Management, Rachel Koch
Hydrologic Implications of Snow-Vegetation Interactions in a Semiarid Mountain Climate, Maggi Kraft
Anomaly Detection Using Graph Neural Network, Bishal Lakha
Neoliberal Policy: Understanding the Relationship Between Standardization, School Choice, and Special Education, Angel Larson
Automated Materials Spectroscopy and Topology Optimizations Using Genetic Algorithms, Miu Lun Lau
Supervisor Workplace Violence Against Young Workers by Victim's Race/Ethnicity, Camryn Lopez
Kinetic Barriers for Leakage Reduction in DNA Autocatalytic Strand Displacement Networks, Drew Lysne
A Tier 2 Support for Online Learners: Implementing a Technology-Aided Check-In/Check-Out for High School Students with Autism, Patrick J. Mallory
Integrating Climate and Wildfire Education in the Classroom: Development and Implementation of K-12 Place-Based Wildfire Educational Modules, Danielle Marquette
A Different Kind of Shot: The COVID-19 Vaccination Behavior of College Students, Alexandra Maria McCann
Additive Manufacturing of Microelectronic Devices for Extreme Environments, Nicholas McKibben
UAS-Based Quantification of Dynamic Lahar Channel Morphology at Volcán de Fuego, Guatemala, Jerry Clay Mock
Investigating the Petrogenesis of the Naifeh and Plumeria Seamounts: Insights into the Geochemical Diversity of Seamounts Adjacent to the Hawaiian Seamount Chain, Geoffrey Montour
Robust Digital Nucleic Acid Memory, Golam Md Mortuza
Enhanced Hardware Trojan Detection in Chips by Reducing Linearity Between Features, Alfred M. S. Moussa
Analyzing the Effects of Rejuvenators in Balanced Mix Design with High Percentages of Recycled Asphalt Pavement, Amanda Jo Mullins
Black Phosphorus Ink Formulation for Aerosol Jet Printing, Florent Muramutsa
Stalking Victimization: Examining the Influence of Victim-Offender Relationship on Victim Emotional Distress, Abigail M. Neef
Effect of Age on the Mechanical Behavior and Molecular Structure of Human Meniscus: An Experimental and Computational Analysis, Derek Q. Nesbitt
Poly(alkyl Aldehyde)s: A New Class of Closed-Loop Recyclable Plastics, Kyle Arnold Nogales
Application of a High-Resolution Climate Model Dataset to Assess Habitat Suitability for Spotted Wing Drosophila in Southwest Idaho, Elizabeth Padian
Transformation Pathways of Lanthanide-Free Mn-Al-Ga-X Alloys Where X = Co, Fe, and Ni, Shane L. Palmer
The “Nurseries of Republicans”: French Collèges After the Jesuit Expulsion, 1763-1793, Kaci Parker
Risk Assessment and Solutions for Two Domains: Election Procedures and Privacy Disclosure Prevention for Users, Kamryn DeAnn Parker
Doxorubicin-Induced Changes to the TGF-β Signaling Pathway and Autophagic Flux in Fibroblasts: Implications for Cardiotoxicity, Conner John Patricelli
Maximizing the Performance of Geocell Reinforced Pavement Bases with High-Fines Content Soils Through MICP Treatments, Ajay Kumar Reddy Pisati
Sparse Format Conversion and Code Synthesis, Tobi Goodness Popoola
IL13Ra1 Drug Discovery, Anton D. Pugel
Understanding Complex Chemo-Physical Distress and Mitigation Mechanisms of Structural Concrete Using a Physics-Informed Machine Learning Method, Md Asif Rahman
Impacts of Habitat Type on Individual Prairie Falcon (Falco Mexicanus) Movement and Foraging Behavior During the Breeding Season, Eden Sunshine Ravecca
Toward Privacy-Preserving Electronic Voting with Ballot-Spoiling Using Blockchain, Yoonsu Ra
Characteristics of Stream Source Water Contributions and Associated Geochemical Signatures Along a Climate and Vegetation Gradient in a Glacierized Landscape, Southcentral Alaska, Hannah K. Richardson
Using NMR Chemical Shift Perturbations to Map Interactions Between Acyl-Acyl Carrier Proteins and Acyl Homoserine Lactone Synthases, Madison N. Rizzo
Men of the Forgotten War: The Korean War and American Masculinity, Elliott D. Sauerwald
Effects of Wildfire Smoke Exposure on Peripheral Body Systems and Implications for Laboratory Animal Research, Adam J. Schuller
The Influence of K9 Partners on Law Enforcement Officers, Sydney Schultz
Using Terrestrial Laser Scanning to Estimate Canopy Structure in Peatland Conifers Under a Climate Manipulation, Angela D. Seibert
Authoritarian Tendencies in the American Presidency, Erica Serros
The Impact of Free Tuition on Course-Level Student Outcomes, Thomas Sharpe
Improving Security of Order-Preserving Encryption and Its Applications in Data Outsourcing, Ning Shen
Virtual Curtain: A Communicative Fine-Grained Privacy Control Framework for Augmented Reality, Aakash Shrestha
Study of Dry Mixing Method to Apply Microbial-Induced Calcite Precipitation for Soil Treatment, Ruchi Shrestha
Analysis of Emerging Constituents in an Activated Sludge Treatment Facility, Abigail Mae Sigurdson Ryan
The Effects of Socioeconomic Status on Female Health at St. Benet Sherehog, Anastasia S. Slack
Gleanlings, Natalie Stein
Portable Sparse Polyhedral Framework Code Generation Using Multi Level Intermediate Representation, Aaron St. George
An Experimental and Numerical Investigation of Bimodal Particle Distributions for Enhanced Thermal Conductivity in Concentrating Solar Power Applications, Dallin Daniel Stout
Assessing the Effects of Non-Native Flowering Plants and Anti-Herbivory Plastic (Vexar®) Tubes on Insect Visitation to Native Plants, Emily Renee Sun
Development of Predictive Rockfall Runout Maps Based on Calibrated Rockfall Models, Olivia Tabor
Resolving Taxonomic Uncertainty and Clarifying Species Boundaries in the Cymopterus Terebinthinus (Apiaceae) Species Complex, Annie M. Taylor
Locating Queer Possibilities: LGBTQ+ Folks Negotiating Community and Belonging in Idaho, 1969-2011, Rachel Taylor
Assessing Illegal Shooting of Birds Along Power Lines, Eve C. Thomason
Cultivating Algae to Generate PUFAS, and Macromolecules Using Struvite and Stress Factors, Alejandro Torres
Transformer Reinforcement Learning Approach to Attack Automatic Fake News Detectors, Chandler Underwood
Differentiating for Teacher Learners: An Examination of Research in Professional Development Studies, Paula M. Uriarte
Students' Opportunity to Struggle in Middle Grades Mathematics Lessons, Ramey A. Uriarte
Synthesis of 2,4-Disubstituted Pyrimidines and Quinazolines to Inhabit Oncostatin M, Roger Vuong
Novel Sensors and Measurement Techniques for Thermal Properties in Extreme Environments, Katelyn Wada
Understanding Social Vulnerability to Natural Hazards Through Machine Learning and Dynamic Spatiotemporal Analysis, Donglei Wang
Severity Measures for Assessing Error in Automatic Speech Recognition, Ryan Whetten
Compositional and Environmental Effects on Transport and Lipid Ordering in Membranes, Rosey Whiting
Predicting Flower Stalk Production of a Native Shrub Using UAV Structure-from-Motion Photogrammetry, Ryan Scott Wickersham
The Effect of Group Interactions and Group Structure on Achievement in Elementary School Robotics Classrooms, Jonathan Kimei Yogi
Automating Pharmacokinetic Predictions in Artemisia, Celin Younan
Forecasting Natural Regeneration in the Great Basin with Ecological Theory and Remote Sensing, Andrii Zaiats
Carbon/Carbon Composites for Next Generation Microvascular Solar Thermal Receivers, Matt Zuzelski
Theses/Dissertations from 2022
Laughter, Mahrukh Aamir
Literacy Instructional Coaching in the Realm of Writing: An Examination of Writing Coaching Practices in Grades K-6, Jadelyn Abbott
Associations Between Stakeholder Perceptions of School Climate and Fidelity of Implementation of Key Features of the Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports Framework in Rural Schools, Nathan Florin Anderson
Microbiological, Environmental, and Compositional Factors in Efficacy of MICP Treatment in Clayey Soils, Somaye Asghari
Evaluating IMF Structural Conditionality and Good Governance: Has Streamlining Worked to Reduce Corruption?, Yila Ataman
Characterizing Wildfire in the Frank Church Wilderness, Idaho, Between 1972-2012, Abigail Christine Axness
Nutrient Recovery from Wastewater by a Consortium of Algae Species for Biofuel Production, Edgardo Ayala
Investigations on the interactions of Streptolysin O and Lysenin with Natural and Artificial Lipid Membranes, Marcelo Ayllon
Contaminants of Emerging Concern Behavior within Water Renewal Facilities, Joshua C. Baker
Relationships Between COVID-19 Infection Rates, Healthcare Access, Socioeconomic Status, and Cultural Diversity, MarGhece P. J. Barnes
I Used to Weave Crowns: A Novel, Natanya Biskar
Biophysical Insights into the Transport Properties of Lysenin Channels, Andrew Merlin Bogard
The Theory of Mattering: Implications for Adolescent Depression and Suicidal Ideation, Josie Lucretia Bryan
The Effects of Roads on Movement, Flight Dynamics, Occupancy, and Productivity in Barn Owls (Tyto alba), Brian Thomas Busby
Evaluation of Energy Release from Wildfires Across the Elevation Gradient, Isabelle Rose Butler
Climate Shocks and Violent Conflict Incentives: Evidence from the Indian Sub-Continent, Thomas Campbell
Associations Between the School Physical Environment and Climate in Rural Schools, Tate Castleton
The Matrix Sortability Problem, Seth Cleaver
An Exploratory Study on Institutional Belonging and Its Effects on Mental Health Outcomes and Academic Success, William Cooney
COVID-19 Policies and Recreation Behavior: An Economic Analysis, Sophia Croome
Biofidelic Considerations for Improving Standardized Airflow and Firmness Testing for Infant Sleep Products, Wyatt D. Davis
Predicting Surgical Outcome in Patients with Recurrent Patellar Dislocation, Dario De Caro
Effects of Vegetation Heterogeneity on Multiphasic Treatment Outcomes in Sagebrush Steppe, Rebecca Donaldson
Heteroepitaxy of GaSb on GaAs (111)A for Electron Transport Studies, Madison Drake
Use of Harsh-Braking Data from Connected Vehicles as a Surrogate Safety Measure, Nathaniel Patrick Edelmann
Communicating Multiplicative Reasoning Through Semiotic Resources, Emilie N. Eisenberger
Going Viral: A Qualitative Analysis of the Anti-Vaccine Movement & Social Media, Corinn Evancho Schumacher
Anticipating the impacts of the Social, Political, and Biophysical Landscape on Long-Term Connectivity for Reintroduced Plains Bison, Jamie Ann Faselt
Experimentation of Abrasion Erosion at High Temperature for Concentrated Solar Power Systems, Tessa Mei-Lin Fong
Open-Source Workflows for Reproducible Molecular Simulation, Jenny W. Fothergill
Additive Manufacturing of Sensors for Extreme Environments, Kiyo Tiffany Fujimoto
Drought Tolerance of Artemisia Tridentata in Response to Herbivory and Mycorrhizal Colonization, Mathew Geisler
Normalization of Virtual Home Visiting in Idaho, Ashtin Glodt
The Intersections of Sex and Inequality in a Mixed Status Industrial London Sample, Anna Green
Petrochronology and Statistical Analysis to Integrate Different Types of Data to Solve Complex Earth Systems Problems, Claire Ostwald Harrigan
Political, Cultural, and Legal Factors that Triggered Article 7 in Hungary and Poland, Nicolas Hernandez
Arguing for the Philosophy of Political Science, Robert Herold
The Kiss Turns: A Play on Aural Manor, Meredith Higgins
Effects of Aging on Patellofemoral Joint Stress During Stair Negotiation on Challenging Surfaces, Nicholas Lynn Hunt
Process-Property Linkages Construction for Inkjet Printing with Machine Learning, Fataneh Jenabi
Fire Journal, Lillian Jenner
The Effect of the 2018 Tariffs on European Wine, Henry Johnson
Lived Experiences of Women in Collegiate Esports Leadership, Kim S. Johnson
Meshfree Methods for PDEs on Surfaces, Andrew Michael Jones
Predicting Gross Metropolitan Product Worldwide Using Statistical Learning Models, Socio-Economic, and Satellite Imagery Data, Simin Joshaghani
Rapid, Reliable Tissue Fractionation Algorithm for Commercial Scale Biorefineries, Rahul Reddy Kancharla
Sexually Selected Preferences for Human Altruism Across Sexual Orientation, Gender, Age, and Reproductive Status, Katherine Valinske Kappelman
Design and Analysis of Beam Steering Antennas for Next-Generation Wireless Communication, Shafaq Kausar
Deep Learning of Microstructures, Amir Abbas Kazemzadeh Farizhandi
Computational Approaches to Understanding Subduction Zone Geodynamics, Surface Heat Flow, and the Metamorphic Rock Record, Buchanan C. Kerswell
Millimeter-Wave Channel Measurements in Airport Environment, Mahfuza Khatun
DNA Origami Scaffold Development for Digital Nucleic Acid Memory, Sarah Elizabeth Kobernat
Do Casinos Create Economic Development?: A 15-Year National Analysis of Local Retail Sales and Employment Growth, Jonathan Lawrence Krutz
The Effects of Mental Training on Acute Psychophysiological Stress Responses in Endurance Athletes, Shelanda Antonia Maria Kujala
Innovative Foundation Alternative Inspired from Tree Roots, Macie Larranaga
Long-Term Trends in Extreme Environmental Events with Changepoint Detection, Mintaek Lee
The Book of Ela or Apokalypsis in Five Acts, Noah Leventhal
Structure Aware Smart Encoding and Decoding of Information in DNA, Shoshanna Llewellyn
Accessible and Inclusive Online Course Design in Higher Education, Amy Lomellini
The U.S. Endangered Species Act and Agency Discretion: The Role of Public Commenting During the Rulemaking Process, Krista Helmstadter Lyons
Towards Making Transformer-Based Language Models Learn How Children Learn, Yousra Mahdy
A Phenomenological Study of Digital Business Simulation Games and Implementation for Corporate Learning, Jeremy Morgan Manjorin
Literate Change Agents Working in Oral Communities: Navigating Paradigm Shifts, Regina Marie Manley
The Curacautín Eruption of Llaima Volcano, Chile, Aaron Asdale Marshall
Multivariate Analysis of the 2021 Boise Drought in the Context of Natural Human Systems, Jesus Martinez-Osario
Seamless Transition of a Microgrid Between Grid-Connected and Islanded Mode, Julie B. Matarweh
Modeling Developmental, Molecular, and Behavioral Effects of an Apolipoprotein-E4 Fragment on the Embryogenesis of Zebrafish, Madyson McCarthy
Tinkering Towards Theories: The Role of Tinkering in Building Scientific Models, ShaKayla Moran
To Build a Hero: Douglas MacArthur and the War That Wasn’t, Ian Garrett Morris
Development of Remote Optical Instrumentation for the Enhanced Detection of Airborne Environmental Toxins, Riley Mungo
Deviating from the Plan: Assessing the Impact of Forest Management Delays on Ecosystem Function, Kathryn Joyce Murenbeeld
Validation of Non-Invasive CO2 Tolerance Field Test, Joshua T. Murphey
The Risk of Adolescent Victimization: Assessing Elements of the Social Bond Theory, Jaime Antonio Negrete
Ontology-Based Formal Approach for Safety and Security Verification of Industrial Control Systems, Ramesh Neupane
The Effects of COVID-19 Shelter In Place Policies on US Demonstrations, David A. Newton
Mission, Mary Kathleen Olp
Structure, Function, and Immunogenic Applications of AB5-type ADP-Ribosylating Bacterial Toxins, Elise Marie Overgaard
Robust Inference in Wireless Sensor Networks, Santosh Paudel
Improving the Sensitivity of Colorimetric DNA Sensors via Catalytic Disassembly of Gold Nanoparticles, Crystal Faiz Paulus
Examining the Impact of a Self-Awareness Intervention on the Reading Accuracy and Self-Monitoring Skills of Students with Reading Difficulties, Meagan A. Payne
Mechanochemical Synthesis of Functional Layered Materials, Samuel Vladimir Pedersen
Understanding Students' Experience with 1:1 Computer-Supported Collaborative Learning in a Mathematics Classroom, Oscar Antonio Perales Aguilera
Measuring Engineering Students' Engagement in Sustainability Design Concepts, Karen Aide Perez
Ranchers' and Federal Land Managers' Perceptions of Rangeland Management Across an Environmental Gradient, Calandria Puntenney
The Effect of Right-to-Work Laws on Subjective Well-Being: A Case Study of Oklahoma, Tyler Qualls
Understanding the Radiation Effects on Fiber Optic Sensors, Sohel Rana
Sex, Body Size, and Winter Weather Explain Migration Strategies in a Partial Migrant Population of American Kestrels (Falco sparverius), Sadie Claire Ranck
Design and Synthesis of Thiazole-Based Small Molecules to Inhibit the Inflammatory Cytokine Oncostatin M, Samuel Randall
Improving Children's Authentication Practices with Respect to Graphical Authentication Mechanism, Dhanush Kumar Ratakonda
Hate Speech Detection Using Textual and User Features, Rohan Raut
Electrochemical Impedance Spectroscopy of Zirconium Oxidation for In-Situ Nuclear Sensing Applications, Michael Andrew Reynolds
Improving the Ribozyme Toolbox: From Structure-Function Insights to Synthetic Biology Applications, Jessica Michelle Roberts
From River Channel to Cloud Tops: Evaluation and Applications of Regional Climate Models in Mountain Watersheds, William J. Rudisill
Reproducible Prediction of Organic Semiconductor Properties Through Open Source Software Development, James Rushing
Automated Detection of Sockpuppet Accounts in Wikipedia, Mostofa Najmus Sakib
Disturbance, Vegetation Co-Occurrence, and Human Intervention as Drivers of Plant Species Distributions in the Sagebrush Steppe, Fiona Claire Schaus Noonan
Cognitive Demand of Teacher-Created Mathematics Assessments, Megan Marie Schmidt
Toxicological Investigation, Identification, and Bioactivity Evaluation of Steroidal Alkaloids Derived from Veratrum parviflorum, Jared Taylor Seale
Using Food-Industry Byproduct to Treat Expansive Clay, Nicole L. Shaw
Votes and Voices: Minority Languages and Electoral Substate Nationalism in Spain and the United Kingdom, Valeryn Shepherd
Characterization and Mitigation of False Information on the Web, Anu Shrestha
Data-Driven Passivity-Based Control of Underactuated Robotic Systems, Wankun Sirichotiyakul
Horsonnets, Shriram Sivaramakrishnan
Time-Lapse Active Source Seismic Characterization of a Leaky CO2 Reservoir: Little Grand Wash Fault, Utah, Stephen Slivicki
Atomic Layer Processing of Molybdenum Disulfide Thin Films, Jake Alan Soares
Integrating Social, Political, and Economic Factors into Spatial Models of Grizzly Bear Conflict and Connectivity, Shannon Spragg
Waring Rank and Apolarity of Some Symmetric Polynomials, Max Brian Sullivan
Modulation of Alpha-Crystallin-Membrane Association by Phospholipid Acyl Chain Length and Degree of Unsaturation, Geraline Trossi-Torres
Security Analysis of Lightweight Cryptographic Primitives, William Unger
Sinusoidal Projection for 360° Image Compression and Triangular Discrete Cosine Transform Impact in the JPEG Pipeline, Iker Vazquez Lopez
Integrated Neuromusculoskeletal Modeling within a Finite Element Framework to Investigate Mechanisms and Treatment of Neurodegenerative Conditions, Victoria L. Volk
Tibial Compression During Activities of Daily Living in Young and Older Adults, Elijah Miles Walker
The Graduate Identity Formation Through Teaching (GIFT) Project as a Mitigating Tool for Imposter Phenomenon, Brooke Ward
Game-Based Learning: Examining Factors That Influence K-12 Classroom Usage, Sean Ward
SOC Reconfigurable Architecture for Software-Trained Neural Networks on FPGA, Michael Wasef
Towards Improving the Properties and Furthering Acceptance of Advanced Technology Nuclear Fuels, Jennifer K. Watkins
Study as Form-of-Life: Meditations on Schooling, Enjoyment, and the Inoperative Life, Bryan K. Weeks
Solution Synthesis and Additive Manufacturing of Bismuth Telluride Nanoflakes for Flexible Energy Harvesting, Ariel E. Weltner
Direct Ink Writing of Flexible Piezoelectric Sensors, Amanda M. White
An Empirical Study of Rational Addiction: The Effects of Quitting Aids on Smoking Cessation, Cade White
Rural Embodiments of Femininity: An Autoethnographic Approach to Gender Narratives, Randi Wichman
Machine-Learning Reveals Aftershock Locations for Three Idaho Earthquake Sequences, Spencer F. Wilbur
Making in the Midst of Pandemic: The Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Two Public Library Makerspaces, Stacey Woods
Regression Analysis of Resilience and COVID-19 in Idaho Counties, Ishrat Zaman
Theses/Dissertations from 2021
Liposomes: Production and Applications for Controlled Drug Delivery, Gamid Abatchev
An Integrative Approach for Environmental Assessment and Water Resources Management Using Direct Current Resistivity (DC), Geographic Information System (GIS), Remote Sensing, and Gain and Loss Method, Dina Ragab Desouki Abdelmoneim
Assessing Controls on Ice Dynamics at Crane Glacier, Antarctic Peninsula Using a Numerical Ice Flow Model, Rainey Aberle
Phase Change Temperature Sensor for High Radiation Environment: Material, Additive Technology and Structure Development, Al Amin Ahmed Simon
Training Wheels for Web Search: Multi-Perspective Learning to Rank to Support Children's Information Seeking in the Classroom, Garrett Allen
Relationships Between Intimate Partner Violence, Pregnancy, Maternal Mental Health and Infant Care Behaviors, Brooke Ambrose
Using Digital Games in the Science Classroom, Tamara L. Anderson
Design and Development of Optical Waveguide Architectures for Real-Time Temperature Monitoring in Extreme Environments, Bahareh Badamchi
Effects of a Mental Skills Training Program on Performance in Distance Runners, Neil Patrick Bangs
Upscaling Tree Demography to Heterogenous Landscapes Using Models and Remote Sensing, Cristina Barber
Nanostructured Niobium Oxides as Negative Electrodes for Lithium and Sodium Ion Batteries, Pete Levi Barnes
Tukey Morphisms Between Finite Binary Relations, Rhett Barton
Fair and Efficient Consensus Protocols for Secure Blockchain Applications, Golam Dastoger Bashar
Gift for Burning, Di Bei
Video Communication: Explorations of Community and Connectedness, and Closeness in Online Courses, Eric S. Belt
Anti-Fascism, Anti-Communism, and Memorial Cultures: A Global Study of International Brigade Veterans, Jacob Todd Bernhardt
Laboratory Measurement of Electrical and Hydraulic Properties of Regolith Over Granitic Bedrock, Taylor James Bienvenue
Dynamic Mass Loss from Greenland's Peripheral Glaciers, Katherine E. Bollen
Industrial Control System Data Resiliency, Daniel A. Bovard
Already an Archaeobotany, Sydney Britsch
Engineering of Recombinant Fortilin for Structure Activity Studies, Maranda S. Cantrell
Understanding Learners' Experiences of Using ePortfolio in a High School Physics Course, Daniel P. Carroll
Binary Particle Mixtures as a Heat Transfer Media in Shell-and-Plate Moving Packed Bed Heat Exchangers, Chase Ellsworth Christen
Exploring the Relationship Between Different Smartphone Reading Annotation Strategies and Students’ Comprehension, Brandon J. Comstock
Effects of Robotics Instructional Methods on Computational Thinking Skills of Middle School Students, Andrew Patrick Cook
Re-Evaluation of the First Metamorphic P-T Path Using QuiG Barometry and Equilibrium Thermodynamics, Sam Couch
An Exploration of Levels of Choice in Online Assignments and the Relationship to Students' Work and Their Thoughts About Motivation, Jonathan Crocker
The Influence of Ecological Variables on Archaeological Site Density in the Owyhee Region, Southwest Idaho, Jennifer Cuthbertson
Freeport, the Environment, and the Amungme: An Environmental History of the Freeport McMorRan Copper and Gold Mine in Papua, Indonesia, Kole A. Dawson
Movement Integration in Classrooms: Factors Associated with the Adoption and Implementation of Physical Activity in US Elementary Schools, R. Blake Densley
Impact of the Order of EAC and SOS During Instruction on Ratios, Josephine Marlene Derrick
Bioactivity Assessment of Veratrum californicum Alkaloids, Madison Dirks
How to Recognize and Control Interfacial Phenomena That Hinder the Advancement of Clean Energy Technologies, Corey Michael Efaw
Assessment of ICESat-2 Level 3A Products for Snow Depth Estimation in Remote, Mountainous Watersheds, Colten Michael Elkin
Middle School Students' Reported Self-Regulation Strategies in Completing Online Mathematics Homework, Pepper Erlinger
"Who Only Cricket Know": Sport, Ideology and Emancipatory Politics, George Evans
The 4D Living Genome, Julianna Arlene Sherman Goelzer
Role of the Nuclear Envelope in the Mechanoregulation Adipogenesis, Matthew H. Goelzer
How Wildlife Respond to Natural Noise, Dylan G. E. Gomes
Stepfather Investment and Reproductive Outcomes Among US Couples, Daniela Gomez
Why Don't You Act Your Age?: Recognizing the Stereotypical 8-12 Year Old Searcher by Their Search Behavior, Michael Green
Millimeter-Wave Channel Measurement at 73GHz and 81GHz, Changyu Guo
Investigating Cultural Values and Educational Technology Adoption in Central Asia: A Case Study, Randall W. Gwin
Assessing Soil-Related Terroir Factors in Sunnyslope District Vineyards of Southwest Idaho, Rachael Nicole Haggen
Developing Implementable Policies Targeting Sustainable Building Construction Through International Policy Diffusion, Melisa Ciara Hancock
Collagen XI Impact on Structure and Function of the Vertebrate Inner Ear in a Zebrafish Model, Makenna Hardy
Cancel Culture: A Qualitative Analysis of the Social Media Practice of Canceling, Samantha Haskell
Mechanisms for Extracellular Matrix-Dependent Blood-Brain Barrier Dysfunction, Brian Adam Hoettels
Musculoskeletal Adaptation of Young and Older Adults in Response to Environmental, Physical, and Cognitive Conditions, Amy E. Holcomb
The Influence of Positive School Orientation and Teacher Attachment on Adolescent Mental Health Outcomes: Investigating Possible Group Differences, within a Social and Emotional Learning Curriculum, Stefanie Diann Holloway
Exploring Optimal Response Labels for Constructing an Interval Type 5-Point Likert Scale, Douglas Hutchinson
Ensuring Consistency and Efficiency of the Incremental Unit Network in a Distributed Architecture, Mir Tahsin Imtiaz
Spatiotemporal Pattern Detection with Neuromorphic Circuits, Robert C. Ivans
Police Officer Years of Service: Does It Play a Role in Officer Displays of Empathy?, Rachel Jeffries
Using Differential Shear Strain Measurements to Monitor Crosstie Support Conditions in Railroad Tracks, D. Kody Johnson
Modeling Real and Fake News Sharing in Social Networks, Abishai Joy
Structure and Kinetics of Twin Boundaries in Shape Memory Alloys, Bibek Jung Karki
(Re)Discovering I am Worthy: A Black Feminist Autoethnographic Confrontation of Abuse, Sarah Elizabeth Keeton
AI Hand Pattern Authentication Method, Liron Kesem
Situation Awareness Network Intrusion Detection, Mike Kesem
The Influence of Course Community and Personal Community Support on Learner Engagement in Online Courses, Kristin Kipp
Understanding Teachers’ Perceptions and Strategies Implemented in High School Mathematics Classes Using ALEKS, Tristan Kumor
Application of in situ and ex situ Characterization of Atomic Layer Deposition Processes for Gallium Phosphide and Sodium Fluoride, Sara Rose Kuraitis
First-Principles Studies of Nucleation of Atomic-Layered Molybdenum Disulfide by Atomic Layer Deposition, Matthew Lawson
Community Food: A Pilot Ethnographic Study of Local, Small-Scale, & Sustainable Agriculture in Boise, Idaho, Evan Leacox
“Original Environmentalists”: Rancher Environmentalism, Rewilding, and the Buffalo Commons, Gregory B. LeDonne
Tsiyim, a Hiding, Aaron LoPatin
Translating Risk Information to Protective Action: Examining Household Response to Information About Earthquake Hazards and Risk, Carson C. MacPherson-Krutsky
Exploring Electron-Sink Behaviors of Molecular Assemblies, Yume Mai
A Data Adaptive Model for Retail Sales of Electricity, Johanna Marcelia
Gather Round the Tree: Woody Aboveground Biomass Increases Animal Presence and Species Richness in a Tropical Forest-Savanna Ecotone, Merry Vanessa Marshall Davidson
Identifying Factors Impacting the Intention to Use Videos of Authentic Patient Encounters by EMS Educators, Melisa Martin
Modeling and Analyzing Users' Privacy Disclosure Behavior to Generate Personalized Privacy Policies, A.K.M. Nuhil Mehdy
The Starsplitters, Aurora Stone Mehlman
Into the Unknown: Exploration of Search Engines' Responses to Users with Depression and Anxiety, Ashlee Milton
Decentralized and Centralized Optimal Control of HVAC Systems, Ryan S. Montrose
Phase Field Modeling of Crack Growth in Shape Memory Ceramics, Ehsan Moshkelgosha
Developing Reading Instruction Observation Protocols for Special Education Teachers, Laura Ann Moylan
Using Dynamic in vivo Kinematics for Subject-Specific Calibration of Knee Ligament Parameters, Stephen Nelson
Comparative Investigations of Population Health in Urban Military and Non-Military Communities of Roman Britain, Marina Elizabeth Noble
Effects of Habitat Disturbances on Reptiles in Sagebrush Steppe, Kristina Joan Parker
A Low Cost Sensor System for Monitoring and Predicting Corrosion of Long Term Spent Nuclear Fuel Storage, Vikram M. Patel
The Relationship Between Organizational Culture and Police Officer Wellbeing: An Empirical Examination of One Agency, Silas Patterson
Void Hunting: Ambient Noise Tomography for Spatio-Temporal Subsurface Imaging and Monitoring in Karst Environments, John B. Paustian
Todd in Eternity, E. J. Pettinger
Employment and Drug-Related Mortality, Trung Minh Pham
Faculty Views of Online Competency-Based Education, Self-Efficacy, and Institutional Support: An Exploratory Mixed Methods Study, Christopher Russell Prokes
An Exploration of the Nature of Social Interactions Between Preschool Students with Diverse Social-Emotional Skills During Engineering Activities, Gurupriya Ramanathan
A Wireless, Multi-Channel Printed Capacitive Strain Gauge System for Structural Health Monitoring, Kshama Lakshmi Ranganatha
3D Printable and Computational Models of the Bone Marrow Mechanical Environment, Alexander Regner
Generating Test Inputs from String Constraints with an Automata-Based Solver, Marlin Roberts
From Microbes to Management: Spatial and Temporal Variations in Available Vegetation Affect the Gut Microbiota in a Population of Free-Ranging Generalist Herbivores, Olivia K. Rodríguez
PC12 Cells as a Model System to Study LARP6 in the Brain, Beth Rogers
Controls on the Frequency Content of Near-Source Infrasound at an Open-Vent Volcano (Villarrica, Chile), Bryan Blake Rosenblatt
3-D Ambient Noise Tomography of Llaima Volcano, Chile, Claudia Kristina Rossavik
The Marsi: The Construction of an Identity, Inaki Sagarna Urzelai
Prolonged Load Carriage Impacts Magnitude and Velocity of Knee Adduction Biomechanics, Gaervyn John Salverda
Tensile-Strained Germanium Quantum Dots Grown on Indium Aluminum Arsenide (111)A and (110) by Molecular Beam Epitaxy, Kathryn Eva Sautter
Whey Protein Powder Analysis by Kjeldahl and Mid-Infrared Spectroscopy, Rose Saxton
Fundamental Resonant Frequencies Derived from Shallow Sediment Properties for the Charleston, South Carolina Area, William Dale Schermerhorn
Understanding Principals’ Knowledge of Special Education, Whitney G. Schexnider
Exploring the Beginnings of Algebraic K-Theory, Sarah Schott
Fire Effects on Soil Properties: Amending Post-Fire Soils with Native Microbial Communities and Biochar to Improve Sagebrush Performance, Sabrina Marie Schuler
Study and Design of Array and Beamsteering Antennas for Millimeter Wave Band Application, Saeideh Shad
A Case Study in Representing Scientific Applications (GeoAc) Using the Sparse Polyhedral Framework, Ravi Shankar
Exploring How the Functioning of IEP Teams Online Meets the Needs of Students with Disabilities, Susan L. Sharp
Actors for the Internet of Things, Arjun Shukla
Computational Modeling Towards Accelerating Accident Tolerant Fuel Concepts and Determining In-Pile Fuel Behavior, Ember Sikorski
New Applications for the Kinetic Exclusion Assay (KinExA), Mark Harrison Smith
Autophagy Regulation by Lipid Factors with Implications for Parkinson's Disease, Alejandro Soto-Avellaneda
Natural Noise Can Influence Bird Foraging and Vigilance Behavior, Kate Antonia Sweet
"We May Not Be Goliath But We Have David’s Sling": Media and the Perception of the New Zealand Home Guard, 1940-1942, Noah Szajowitz
Assessing Population Variation Using Heritable Nonmetric Traits: A Bronze Age Assemblage from Tell Abraq, United Arab Emirates, Katie Marie Taylor
Exploring Hydrologic Responses to Different Wildfire Spatial Patterns Through the Lens of Computational Modeling, Luke M. Telfer
An Analysis of Ubiquitous Learning Environments and STEM Confidence Building Among Hispanic Students, Torrence G. Temple
Technology, Public Participation, and the American Bureaucracy: Participatory Technology Assessment in United States Federal Agencies, Christopher George Torres
Medical Simulation as a Competency-Based Assessment within Physician Assistant Education, Michele Toussaint
Corridors for Coexistence: Evaluating Spatiotemporal Impacts of Livestock on Wildlife Community Dynamics, Edward Trout
Deep Convolutional Spiking Neural Networks for Image Classification, Ruthvik Vaila
Mafic Explosive Volcanism at Llaima Volcano: 3D X-Ray Microtomography Reconstruction of Pyroclasts to Constrain Shallow Conduit Processes, Pedro Antonio Valdivia-Munoz
Using Remote Sensing Data Fusion Modeling to Track Seasonal Snow Cover in a Mountain Watershed, Allison N. Vincent
Teachers and Digital Literacies: Mixed-Methods Investigation into 1:1 Technology-Enhanced Learning Environments, Angela S. Wagner
Local Ecological Knowledge Exchange of Steelhead, Mikaela A. Weisenfluh
The Impact of Virtual Radiographic Positioning Simulation on 1st Year Radiography Students’ Clinical Preparedness Through the Lens of Activity Theory: A Mixed Method Approach, Christopher Ira Wertz
OSMR Signaling Induces TAMP-Specific BBB Dysfunction Following Autoimmune-Mediated Neutrophil Recruitment, Travis Scott Wertz
Water Quality Responses to a Semi-Arid Beaver Meadow in Boise, Idaho, Luise Bayer Winslow
Adolescent Substance Use: Risk and Protective Factors of Family, School, Peer, and Leisure, Tara Woodward
Seismic Imaging of Active and Ancient CO2 Pathways in the Little Grand Wash Fault, Jonathan Yelton
Studying the Electron Population Effects on Magnetron Oscillation via Particle-In-Cell Simulation, Andong Yue
Zariski Geometries and Quantum Mechanics, Milan Zanussi
Theses/Dissertations from 2020
Designing and Evaluating of MIMO Systems for Millimeter-Wave Communications, Mojtaba Ahmadi Almasi
Presidential Influence and Competitive Grant Funding: Reexamining Presidential Pork, Benjamin Albert
Reinforcement Learning in Self Organizing Cellular Networks, Roohollah Amiri
Initiate, Becca Anderson
Hot Spots of Crime: Seasonal Patterning of Campus Crime, Karen Zahid Armenta Rojas
Material Design, Processing, and Engineering Requirements for Magnetic Shape Memory Devices, Andrew Armstrong
In vitro Regeneration, Rooting, and Cloning of Artemisia tridentata, Rachael Barron
A 30-Year Agroclimatic Analysis of the Snake River Valley American Viticultural Area - Descriptive and Predictive Methods, Charles L. Becker
In vitro Method to Quantify and Visualize Volumetric Wear in Meniscus Subjected to Joint Loading Using a 3D Optical Scanner, Kate J. Benfield
Multiphysics Finite Element Analysis of In-Pile Sensors for Advanced Nuclear Reactors, Takoda Linn Bingham
Towards Unifying Grounded and Distributional Semantics Using the Words-as-Classifiers Model of Lexical Semantics, Stacy Black
Heat Transfer Modeling and Optimization of a Carbonized Microvascular Solar Receiver, Taylor Brown
How Water Level and Irrigation Practices Affect Waterbird Community, Nesting, and Foraging Habitat Use on the Duck Valley Indian Reservation, Jamie L. Burke
Improving Scientist Productivity, Architecture Portability, and Performance in ParFlow, Michael Burke
Plant Diversity and Nitrogen Addition on Belowground Biodiversity and Soil Organic Carbon Storage in Biofuel Cropping Systems, Jennifer Butt
Using Admissions Data to Create a First-Semester Academic Success Model, David James Byrnes Jr.
Phenological Mismatch is Correlated with Fitness Outcomes and Adaptive Behavior in a Generalist Avian Predator Distributed Across North America, Kathleen R. Callery
Observed Defects of Swiss Cheese Based on the Microbiome Contribution to the Production of Organic Acids, Vannessa D. Campfield
A Symbiosis Between a Dark Septate Fungus, an Arbuscular Mycorrhiza, and Two Plants Native to the Sagebrush Steppe, Craig Lane Carpenter
Globalization: A Blessing or a Curse for Women in Developing Countries, Magaly Denisse Carrillo Terriquez
Quantifying the Effects of Climate Change on Pavement Performance Prediction using AASHTOWare Pavement ME Design, Md Shahjalal Chowdhury
Optimizing Raman Spectral Collection for Quartz and Zircon Crystals for Elastic Geothermobarometry, Mayara F. Cizina
The Directed Forest Complex of Cayley Graphs, Kennedy Courtney
Dimerization of the Notch Intracellular Domain Results in Distinct Signaling Activity, Jacob Jeffery Crow
The Effects of Radiation on Memristor-Based Electronic Spiking Neural Networks, Sumedha Gandharava Dahl
Beliefs About Effective Instructional Practices Among Middle Grades Teachers of Mathematics, Lauren A. Dale
Secure Network-on-Chip Against Black Hole and Tampering Attacks, Luka Daoud
Polyhedral+Dataflow Graphs, Eddie C. Davis
Prevalence of Anticoagulant Rodenticides in Ferruginous Hawk Nestlings and Evaluation of a Novel Method to Rapidly Assess Exposure, Ariana Joyce Dickson
Joint Inversion of GPR and ER Data, Diego Domenzain
Improving Spellchecking for Children: Correction and Design, Brody Downs
A Collection of Fast Algorithms for Scalar and Vector-Valued Data on Irregular Domains: Spherical Harmonic Analysis, Divergence-Free/Curl-Free Radial Basis Functions, and Implicit Surface Reconstruction, Kathryn Primrose Drake
Effects of Prolonged Load Carriage of Knee Adduction Biomechanics, Micah Daniel Drew
The Signal of Modern to Holocene Drivers of Complex Channel Response of a Small Alluvial Stream, Scott D. Ducar
Patterns and Drivers in Counts of Migratory Raptors at Hawk Mountain Sanctuary, USA, Patricia Kaye Tahura Dumandan
Critical Race Theory and the Impact of Oppression Narratives on the Identity, Resilience, and Wellness of Students of Color, GerDonna J. Ellis
Direct Solar Absorption Nanoparticle Doped Membranes for a Hybrid Membrane Distillation and Photovoltaic Cell, Alejandro Espejo Sanchez
The Gothic Other: A Critique of Race, Gender, Slavery, and Systemic Oppression Found in Nathaniel Hawthorne, Toni Morrison, and Hannah Crafts, Kelly Franklin
Designing STEM Experiences for the Family in Order to Develop STEM Family Habitus and Capital, Soñia Galaviz
No Dogs Allowed: A Qualitative Study About Invisible Barriers Faced By Those with Disability, Kory Gaona
Measuring Faculty-Student Interaction in Online Courses Using Asynchronous Discussion Boards: A Campus-Wide Analysis, Crystal Gasell
Intimate Partner Violence in a Native American Community: An Exploratory Study, Sheena L. Gilbert
Teacher Self-Perceptions of Skills and Beliefs Using Technology in Classroom Practice, Geri R. Gillespy
The Vietnam Syndrome and Its Effects on the U.S. Public and Foreign and Domestic Policy Decisions During the Post-Vietnam Era Between 1975-1991, Kyle Giovannini
Technology Integration Self-Efficacy Reframed Through the ISTE Standards: An Investigation Among Urban K-12 Teachers, Frank C. Gomez Jr.
Using Terrestrial Laser Scanning to Characterize Peatland Microtopography and Assess Tree Growth Responses to Elevated Temperature and CO2, Jake D. Graham
Rayleigh Wave Analysis in the Presence of High Impedance Boundaries, Gabriel M. Gribler
Large Displacement J-Integral Double Cantilever Beam (DCB) Test Method for Mode I Fracture Toughness, Joshua Gunderson
Privacy-Preserving Protocol for Atomic Swap Between Blockchains, Kiran Gurung
The Feasibility of Creating and Sustaining Charter Schools in the Rural United States, McAllister Hall