The Graduate College is the only academic unit at Boise State University whose sole concern and primary advocacy is graduate education. The Graduate College provides institutional oversight for more than 70 graduate curricula established across six academic colleges, with approximately 2,000 registered graduate students each semester. These programs span the breadth of graduate education, from practice-oriented master’s programs that prepare students for leadership roles in a wide variety of professional settings, to research focused Ph.D. programs that develop the next generation of scholars.

Visit the Most Popular Papers for a list of the most frequently downloaded theses and dissertations.


Theses/Dissertations from 1999

Nest-Site Selection, Ectoparasites, and Mitigation Techniques: Studies of Burrowing Owls and Artificial Burrow Systems in Southwestern Idaho, Brian Wade Smith

The Evolution of Guffey Butte Tuff Cone Complex, Western Snake River Plain, Idaho, Christopher Aaron Watson

Theses/Dissertations from 1998

Avian Diversity in the Rio Platano Biosphere Reserve, Honduras: The Influence of Indigenous Agricultural Practices, David Lawrence Anderson

Gender Equity in Elementary School Librarians' K-2 Read-Aloud Selections, Ellen T. Cernusak

Earthquake Focal Depth Determination Utilizing Depth-Dependent Phases Recorded at Near Regional Distances, Dean M. Childs

Cross-Cultural Comparison of Cardiovascular Disease Risk Factors, Rhonda S. Cooper

Post-Fledging Ecology of Great Horned Owls in South Central Saskatchewan, Christopher D. Danilson

Learning of Planetary Science Content Through Listserv Conversations on the Internet, Sheri L. Klug

Niche Overlap, and Nearest-Neighbor Distances of Northern Saw-Whet Owls (Aegolius acadicus) and Western Screech-Owls (Otus kennicottii) in Southwestern Idaho, Charlotte R. Rains

Adolescent Nutrition: A Descriptive Study of Students at Meridian Academy, Pamela M. Rybus

Assessing the Workplace Skills of Boise State University Biology and Geoscience Students, Ellen B. Unsworth

Sand and Gravel Resource Potential Mapping in the Eagle 7 1/2-minute Quadrangle: Applications for Land Use Planning, Judith A. Walling

A Study of Noise Exposure at Junior High School Dances, Judy Walters Barczak

Theses/Dissertations from 1997

Evidence of Active Faulting in the Halfway Gulch-Little Jacks Creek Area of the Western Snake River Plain, Idaho, Gregg Steven Beukelman

Postfledging Behavior and Dispersal of Juvenile Western Screech-Owls: Patterns of Movement and the Effects of Gender and Social Dominance, Ethan A. Ellsworth

Paleozoic Geology and Structure of the Northern Rowland Quadrangle, Northern Elko County, Nevada, John Stephen Fierst

Three-Dimensional Seismic Mapping Around Ocean Drilling Program Leg 167 Site 1019 (Site Survey Ca-1): Implications for Sedimentation, Deformation and Evolution of the Eel River Basin, Philip John Gallaway

A Comparative Study of Injuries in High School Soccer Games by Gender, Tamara L. Hafner

Geophysical Measurements of Basalt Intraflow Structures, William K. Hudson

Winter Ecology of Bald Eagles in the Upper Boise River Drainage, Idaho, Gregory S. Kaltenecker

The Recovery of Microbiotic Crusts Following Post-Fire Rehabilitation on Rangelands of the Western Snake River Plain, Julienne Hilty Kaltenecker

Problems and Solutions Associated with Integrating Telecommunications Into Public Schools as Identified by Telecommunications Experts : A Delphi Approach, Brenton Allen Kidder

Continuing Education Needs of Gerontological Nurses in Idaho, Mei Goh Koh

Ecology of Nesting Laughing Falcons and Bat Falcons in Tikal National Park, Guatemala: Foraging and Niche Breadth, Margaret N. Parker

Group Differences on Incidence of Obligatory Exercise Behaviors and Level of Body Size Dissatisfaction, Lisa A. Stuppy

Reintroduction of Captive-Reared Birds the Influence of Hand-Rearing and Release Techniques on Behavior and Survival in Three Species of Corvidae, Laura L. Valutis

Imagery Rehearsal Training for the 1995-1996 United States Disabled Ski Team, Raymond E. Watkins

Spatial Visual Acuity in American Kestrels : The Influences of Bird-Stimulus Distance and Stimulus Rotation, Peter L. Whitlock

Theses/Dissertations from 1996

Basalt Features Observed in Outcrops, Cores, Borehole Video Imagery and Geophysical Logs, and Basalt Hydrogeologic Study at the Idaho National Engineering Laboratory, Eastern Idaho, William M. Bennecke

An Evaluation of Piping Through Embankment Dams, Douglas J. Bennett

The Effect of Hand and Paper Positions on the Quality of Left-Handed Manuscript Writing, Julia A. Faber

Behavioral Flexibility in Juvenile Ospreys, Lauren Noelle Gilson

Effects of Body Condition on the Adrenal Stress Response, and the Role of Corticosterone in American Kestrel Nest Departure and Post-Fledging Dispersal, Julie A. Heath

Stratigraphy of a Deltaic Complex in the Boise Foothills Sandstones: Applications for Environmental and Water Resource Issues, Tobey Elizabeth Jossis

Post-Fledging Dispersal and Behavioral Ecology of Burrowing Owls in Southwestern Idaho, Ronald Andrew King

Home Ranges, Core Use Areas, and Dietary Habits of Ferruginous Hawks in Southcentral Washington, Alan W. Leary

Effects of Military Training and Wildfires on Shrubsteppe Raptors in Southwestern Idaho, Robert N. Lehman

The Boise River Greenbelt: Perceived Benefits and Problems Associated with the Pathway as a Place for Activity, Daniel G. Line

Characterization of Humic Substances Under Varying Environmental Conditions and Investigations of Their Interactive Properties with Colloidal Hematite Using Flow Field-Flow Fractionation, Mark P. Petteys

Epidemiological Study of Football Injuries Sustained by Participants in Interscholastic Tackle Football in Five Treasure Valley High Schools, Todd D. Sandberg

Aspects of the Breeding Biology of Rough-Legged Hawks Along the Colville River, Alaska, Theodor R. Swem Jr.

Pudicus Atque Lascivus: The Sensuality of the Emperor Hadrian as Represented in His Poetry, Thomas Henry Talboy

Peregrine Falcons in the Northeastern United States: Sonagraphic Analysis of the Defense Call, Population Turnover, and Dispersal, Elizabeth A. Telford

Volcanic-Hosted Epithermal Mineralization, Dooley Summit area, Oregon, Charles C. Unsworth

Developing Hand-Rearing Techniques for the Conservation of Altricial Passerines, Kathryn D. Whitmore

Breeding Ecology of the Northern Goshawk in Relation to Surface Gold Mining in Naturally Fragmented Aspen Forests of Northern Nevada, James V. Younk

Theses/Dissertations from 1995

Studies of Breeding American Kestrels in Southwestern Idaho: I. Offspring Sex Ratios of American Kestrels in Southwestern Idaho; II. Effects of Distrubance and Food Availability on American Kestrel Reproduction in Southwestern Idaho; III. Use of Mist Nets and a Live Great Horned Owl to Capture Breeding American Kestrels, George P. Carpenter

Breeding Biology and Habitat Requirements of the White Hawk (Leucopternis Albicollis) in Guatemala, Greg S. Draheim

Northern Goshawk Breeding Habitat in Conifer Stands with Natural Tree Mortality in Eastern Oregon, Karen F. Haines

Discourse Analysis: An Alternative Approach to the Evaluation of Student Writing, Melanie Purcell Hale

Effect of a Very Low Fat Diet on Body Weight, Body Composition and Blood Cholesterol Levels, Joyce Hunter

Effects of Microbiotic Crusts on the Germination and Establishment of Three Range Grasses, Kelly D. Larsen

Productivity of Peregrine Falcons (Falco Peregrinus) in the Greater Yellowstone Area, 1988-1990, Edward W. Levine

Comparative Breeding Ecology and Success of Roadside Hawks in Human-Modified and Forest Habitats of Péten, Guatemala, Theresa Panasci

Tectonic Implications of Pennsylvanian and Permian Conodont Biostratigraphy at Selected Locations in the Diamond Range, White Pine and Eureka Counties, Nevada, Dixon Van Hofwegen

Food Habits, Breeding Biology, and Status of the Gray-Backed Hawk (Leucopternis Occidentalis) in Western Ecuador, Hernán Vargas

Identification of Eating Disordered Behavior in College-Aged Female Athletes, Jennifer E. Vawter

Theses/Dissertations from 1994

Stratigraphy of a Portion of the Lower Permian Dry Mountain Trough, Southern Sulphur Spring Range and Central Diamond Mountains, East-Central Nevada, Steven W. Dobbs

Occurrence and Habitat Associations of Diurnal Raptors Along the Bio-Bio River, Chile, John Foss

Seismic Evidence of Conjugate Normal Faulting: The 1984 Devil Canyon Earthquake Sequence Near Challis, Idaho, Suzette M. Jackson

Effects of Arm Elevation on Tests of Lung Mechanics in Patients with Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease, Michele J. Lancaster

Science-Policy Interactions: Idaho Forest Practices Act Rules and Regulations, Kathleen A. Seyedbagheri

The Loggerhead Shrike in Southwest Idaho, Christopher P. Woods

Theses/Dissertations from 1993

Ecology of the Madagascar Buzzard, Buteo Brachypterus, in the Rain Forest of the Masoala Peninsula, James Berkelman

Studies of Ferruginous Hawk Biology: I. Recoveries of Banded Ferruginous Hawks from Presumed Eastern and Western Subpopulations, II. Morphological and Genetic Differences of Presumed Subpopulations of Ferruginous Hawks, III. Sex Determination of Nestling Ferruginous Hawks, Daniel N. Gossett

Exercise During Pregnancy: Effects on the Mother and the Fetus, Christine Haley

Experimental Observation of the Seismic Effect of Variations in the Thickness of the Water-Table Waveguide, James Carlton Parker Jr.

Factors Affecting Foraging and Productivity of Ospreys (Pandion Halieatus) at Cascade Reservoir, Idaho, James M. Phelps III

A Survey of the Health Status of Certified Athletic Trainers in the Northwest Athletic Trainers Association, Kevin D. Roberts

The Ecology of Wintering Gyrfalcons (Falco Rusticolus) in Central South Dakota, Gonzalo H. Sanchez

Selected Early Permian Ammonoids from Portuguese Springs, White Pine County, Nevada, Tamra Andrake Schiappa

Breeding Ecology of Two Species of Forest-Falcons (Micrastur) in Northeastern Guatemala, Russell Thorstrom

Azimuthal Dependence of Seismic Scattering in Upper Oceanic Crust at Ocean Drilling Program Site 418A, Robert John Vincent

Conodont Biostratigraphy of the Carbon Ridge Formation, Secret Canyon, Fish Creek Range, Nevada, Dechin Wang

Theses/Dissertations from 1992

The 1990 Nooksack Forks, Washington, Earthquake Sequence: Sequence Geometry and Temporal Characteristics, Eric Ejike Amadi

Seismic Refraction and Resistivity Imaging of Shallow Sedimentary/Volcanic Interfaces Beneath the Western Snake River Plain Near Orchard, Idaho, Steven Michael Bunch

The Anterior Cruciate Ligament Surgery Patient: Psychological Considerations in the Rehabilitation Process, Michael G. Humphrey

Hydrogeologic Framework of the Boise Aquifer System Ada County, Idaho, Edward Squires

Theses/Dissertations from 1991

Winter Ecology of Northern Shrikes (Lanius Excubitor) in Idaho: Foraging, Territories, and Niche Overlap with American Kestrels (Falco Sparverius), Eric Christopher Atkinson

Home Range, Habitat Utilization, and Prey Delivery Patterns of the Mauritius Kestrel (Falco Punctatus), Jo Ellen Carter

Tectonic Implication of Facies Patterns, Lower Permian Dry Mountain Trough, East-Central Nevada, Dora M. Gallegos

Mottled Owls (Ciccaba Virgata): Response to Calls, Breeding Biology, Home Range, and Food Habits, Richard Paul Gerhardt

Changes in Lifting Capacities of Back-Injured Workers Participating in Work Hardening, Suzanne Hedrick Gillespie

Tibiofemoral Shear Forces During Isokinetic Knee Flexion, Linda Hammann


Idaho Earthquakes of 1905, 1913, and 1916: Intensity, Location, and Magnitude Inferred from Newspaper Accounts, Lynda Koll Harpham

Natural Regeneration of Douglas-Fir (Pseudotsuga Menziesii Var. Glauca) in Southcentral Idaho Clearcuts: Effects of Shrubs and Shade on Seedling Establishment, MIchael Hunt Jones

Characteristics of Clients Prescribed Ritalin and Referred for Alcohol/Drug Use Assessment, Joan L. Nelson

Respiratory Gas Concentrations and Thermal Gradients in Nestboxes Occupied by American Kestrels, Falco Sparverius, Bradley B. Tripp

Theses/Dissertations from 1990

Geology and Mineralization of the Grouse Creek Au-Ag Deposit Custer County, Idaho, Kurt D. Allen

Raptor Rehabilitation: Banding Data and Idaho Manual, Alison L. Beck

Home Range, Activity Budgets, and Habitat Use of Ferruginous Hawks (Buteo Regalis) Breeding in Southwest Idaho, Dawn Maureen McAnnis

Factors Affecting the Distribution of Bald Eagles and Effects of Human Activity on Bald Eagles Wintering Along the Boise River, Robin Spahr

Post-Nesting Ecology of the Long-Eared Owl (Asio Otus) in Southwestern Idaho, Helen Ulmschneider

Theses/Dissertations from 1989

Leaded Waters: A History of Mining Pollution on the Coeur D'Alene River in Idaho 1900-1950, Nicholas A. Casner

The Origin of Folded Chert Horizons in the Monterey Formation, Lions Head, California, Derrick D. Crowther

Stratigraphy and Structure of the Devonian Autochthonous Rocks, North-Central Carlin Trend of the Southern Tuscarora Mountains, Northern Eureka County, Nevada, David C. Ettner

High-Resolution Seismic Imaging of Shallow Sedimentary/Volcanic Interfaces Beneath the Western Snake River Plain Near Boise, Idaho, Robert Brett Howarth

Geohydrologic and Stratigraphic Applications of High-Resolution Seismic Reflection Profiling in Southeast Boise, Idaho, J. Michael Kleinschmidt

A Computer-Assisted System of Toe-Scale Pattern Analysis for Identification of Peregrine Falcons, Jennifer M. Smith

Theses/Dissertations from 1988

Investigations into Fractured Granite Rock by Detailed Geologic and Geophysical Methods, Leigh Ivan Beem

An Evaluation of Idaho Ag in the Classroom Curriculum, Norma Jean Blattner

Geology and Revised Stratigraphic Interpretation of the Miocene Sucker Creek Formation, Malheur County, Oregon, David C. Lawrence

Theses/Dissertations from 1987

The Panegyric of 313 by an Anonymous Pagan Orator to the Emperor Constatntine a Translation and Commentary, Jody Kay Mabe

Geology of the Lower Permian Dry Mountain Trough, Buck Mountain, Limestone Peak, and Secret Canyon Areas, East-Central Nevada, David L. Schwarz

Theses/Dissertations from 1986

Structure of the Schoonover Sequence, Independence Mountains, Nevada: Emplacement Mechanisms for the Golconda Allochthon, Rex J. Johnson

A History of the Uses and Impacts of the Library Services and Construction Act in Idaho, 1956-1984, Richard A. Wilson

Theses/Dissertations from 1981

A History of the Seven Devils Mining District, 1884-1907, Marvin D. Binegar

A Study of the Relationship of the Emotional Adustment of Military-Connected Students and the Emotional Adjustment of Non-Military-Connected Students, Lorraine H. Fox

Theses/Dissertations from 1979

A Correlation Study of the Relationship Among Reading, Memory, and Verbal Ability, Burnell D. Lee

The Extent of Interest in Southwest Idaho in an Expanded Graduate Program(s) in Counseling: A Survey, James W. McGill Sr.

Theses/Dissertations from 1978

Effect of Alpha Tocopherol on Adriamycin Altered Erythrocytes, Judy P. Burrow

Theses/Dissertations from 1977

Passage Formation, Classification, and Modification of Lava Tubes, M. Frank Ireton

Theses/Dissertations from 1975

Performance on Digit Span of the WISC and WISC-R: The Effects of Varying the Intertrial Interval, Marion Sigurdson