Publication Date


Date of Final Oral Examination (Defense)


Type of Culminating Activity


Degree Title

Doctor of Education in Educational Technology


Educational Technology

Major Advisor

Jesús Trespalacios, Ph.D.


Kerry Rice, Ed.D.


Yu-Chang Hsu, Ph.D.


Teacher turnover is an issue plaguing states and districts around the country, particularly among novice teachers. Research indicates that strong induction and mentoring programs can provide novice teachers with critical support and guidance as they make the transition from the pre-service environment to the professional workforce resulting in higher levels of self-efficacy and performance. Teachers with high self-efficacy exhibit more enthusiasm and persistence and higher levels of organizational commitment. While there is a considerable amount of research on traditional, face-to-face new teacher induction (NTI) programs, there are few studies that investigate the integration of technology for a virtual experience. This study sought to explore quantitative measures of teachers’ self-efficacy and the perceptions of novice teachers engaging in virtual mentoring in the context of a NTI program.

Results of the survey indicate that participants (n = 67) reported a moderate degree of confidence in their ability to satisfactorily accomplish tasks within their classrooms. The scale is comprised of three subscales: Student Engagement, Instructional Strategies, and Classroom Management. The participants indicated a higher self-efficacy in Classroom Management than in any of the other subscales. Several themes emerged from the qualitative data highlighting the importance of the frequency, quality, and content of teachers’ interactions with their mentors. This study contributes to the existing literature on virtual mentoring and explores how the experience can provide teachers with an opportunity to cultivate self-efficacy.


