Publication Date


Date of Final Oral Examination (Defense)


Type of Culminating Activity


Degree Title

Doctor of Education in Curriculum and Instruction


Curriculum, Instruction, and Foundational Studies

Major Advisor

Evelyn Johnson, Ed.D.


Patricia Hampshire, Ph.D.


Lisa Beymer, Ed.D.


Daibao Guo, Ph.D.


Students with reading difficulties often struggle to monitor their reading, which limits their ability to become independent readers. To foster development of self-monitoring skills in the process of reading, strategies for monitoring one’s own reading performance should be incorporated into existing reading interventions. However, there is a lack of comprehensive interventions that support both reading and self-monitoring. The purpose of this study was to examine the impact of a video self-monitoring intervention on the word reading accuracy, oral reading accuracy, and self-monitoring skills of students with reading and self-regulation difficulties. The theory of change on which the study was based is that, by improving self-awareness and the ability to self-monitor their reading, students with reading difficulties will make fewer errors as they read, which will allow them to become more independent, accurate readers.

A multi-component, multiple baseline across individuals design was used to test whether a novel video self-awareness intervention could improve the reading accuracy and self-monitoring of students with reading and self-regulation difficulties. Three students participating in an evidence-based reading intervention program received a self-monitoring intervention in which they were recorded as they read aloud a list of decodable real words, pseudowords, and a reading passage. Participants were then asked to listen to the recording while marking their own errors and self-corrections. Finally, students participated in feedback discussions in which they reflected upon their performance on the reading tasks and received researcher feedback.

Data were evaluated using visual analysis, percentage of non-overlapping data, and individual Tau-U and weighted Tau-U effect sizes. Data analysis revealed that the video self-awareness intervention improved the passage reading accuracy of all three participants. Data analysis also indicated that the self-awareness intervention did not significantly improve participant’s real and pseudoword accuracy, or self-monitoring skills. There are a number of possible interpretations of these findings, which are discussed.

This study adds to the literature by testing a novel self-monitoring intervention designed to support both reading and self-regulation processes. Because integrated interventions can be more robust than either self-regulation or reading instruction in isolation (Denton et al., 2020), combined intervention approaches should be explored to support students who do not adequately respond to reading intervention alone. There is still more to be learned about how to support students with reading and self-regulation difficulties to improve their accuracy and monitoring during the reading process.

