Aboveground Biomass Estimates of Sagebrush Using Terrestrial and Airborne LiDAR Data in a Dryland Ecosystem, Aihua Li, Nancy F. Glenn, Peter J. Olsoy, Jessica J. Mitchell, and Rupesh Shrestha
A Bystander Bullying Psychoeducation Program with Middle School Students: A Preliminary Report, Aida Midgett, Diana Doumas, Dara Sears, Amanda Lundquist, and Robin Hausheer
Acculturation and Global Mindsponge: An Emerging Market Perspective, Quan Hoang Vuong and Nancy K. Napier
A CMOS Spiking Neuron for Brain-Inspired Neural Networks with Resistive Synapses and In-Situ Learning, Xinyu Wu, Vishal Saxena, Kehan Zhu, and Sakkarapani Balagopal
A Conceptual Framework for an Urban Areas Typology to Integrate Climate Change Mitigation and Adaptation, Michail Fragkias
A Critical Proton MR Spectroscopy Marker of Alzheimer Early Neurodegenerative Change: Low Hippocampal NAA/Cr Ratio Impacts APOE 4 Mexico City Children and Their Parents., Partha S. Mukherjee
A Framework to Assess Evolutionary Responses to Anthropogenic Light and Sound, Jesse R. Barber
A Geometric Preprocessor for Immersed Boundary Calculations, Inanc Senocak, Rey DeLeon, Micah Sandusky, and Derek Wade
A Glimpse into Secondary Students’ Understanding of Functions, Jonathan L. Brendefur, Gwyneth Hughes, and Robert Ely
A Hybrid Trust-Based Recommender System for Online Communities of Practice, Xiao-Lin Zheng, Chao-Chao Chen, Jui-Long Hung, Wu He, Fu-Xing Hong, and Zhen Lin
Air Pollution and Children: Neural and Tight Junction Antibodies and Combustion Metals, the Role of Barrier Breakdown and Brain Immunity in Neurodegeneration, Partha Sarathi-Mukherjee
Alkaloid Variation in New Zealand Kōwhai, Sophora Species, Owen M. McDougal, Peter B. Heenan, Peter Jaksons, Catherine E. Sansom, Bruce M. Smallfield, Nigel B. Perry, and John W. van Klink
A Longitudinal Assessment of the Relation Between Executive Function and Theory of Mind at 3, 4, and 5 Years, Stuart Marcovitch, Marion O'Brien, Susan D. Calkins, Esther M. Leerkes, Jennifer M. Weaver, and Douglas W. Levine
Alternative Food Networks and Food Provisioning as a Gendered Act, Rebecca L. Som Castellano
Americano, Americano, John Bieter
A Meta-Analysis of Soil Biodiversity Impacts on the Carbon Cycle, M.-A. de Graaff, J. Adkins, P. Kardol, and H. L. Throop
A Molecular Phylogeny of Eumorpha (Lepidoptera: Sphingidae) and the Evolution of Anti-Predator Larval Eyespots, Francesca V. Ponce, Jesse W. Breinholt, Thomas Hossie, Jesse R. Barber, Daniel H. Janzen, Winnie Hallwachs, and Akito Y. Kawahara
A Multiyear Dust Devil Vortex Survey Using an Automated Search of Pressure Time Series, Brian Jackson and Ralph Lorenz
Analytical and Semi-Analytical Tools for the Design of Oscillatory Pumping Tests, Michael Cardiff and Warren Barrash
Analyzing High Resolution Topography for Advancing the Understanding of Mass and Energy Transfer Through Landscapes: A Review, Nancy F. Glenn
An Automated Test Generation Technique for Software Quality Assurance, Dianxiang Xu, Weifeng Xu, Michael Kent, Lijo Thomas, and Linzhang Wang
Ancient Floods, Modern Hazards: The Ping River, Paleofloods and the ’Lost City’ of Wiang Kum Kam, Serene Ng, Spencer H. Wood, and Alan D. Ziegler
A New Paradigm for the Experimental Study of Malintent, Charles R. Honts
A Newsvendor Approach to Compliance and Production under Cap and Trade Emissions Regulation, Andrew S. Manikas and James R. Kroes
An Exploration of Professional Values Held by Nurses at a Large Freestanding Pediatric Hospital, Cara Gallegos and Charlotte Sortedahl
Anger and Hostility as Primary Externalizing Features of Depression in College Men, Matthew Genuchi
An Immersed Boundary Geometric Preprocessor for Arbitrarily Complex Terrain and Geometry, Inanc Senocak, Micah Sandusky, Rey DeLeon, Derek Wade, Kyle Felzien, and Marianna Budnikova
An Institutional Ethnography of Nurses’ Support of Breastfeeding on the Night Shift, Jane S. Grassley, Manda Clark, and Joyce Schleis
An Irrigation Canal as a Lotic Mesocosm: Examining the Relationship Between Macroinvertebrate Benthos and Drift, Peter Koetsier and Luana M. M. McCauley
A Novel Root Based Arabic Stemmer, Mohammed N. Al-Kabi, Saif A. Kazakzeh, Belal M. Abu Ata, Saif A. Al-Rababah, and Izzat M. Alsmadi
Anthropogenic Noise Alters Bat Activity Levels and Echolocation Calls, Jessie P. Bunkley, Christopher J.W. McClure, Nathan J. Kleist, Clinton D. Francis, and Jesse R. Barber
Antioxidant Capacity of Wyoming Big Sagebrush (Artemisia tridentata SSP. Wyomingensis) Varies Spatially and is Not Related to the Presence of a Sagebrush Dietary Specialist, Xinzhu Pu, Lisa Lam, Kristina Gehlken, Amy C. Ulappa, Janet Rachlow, and Jennifer Sorensen Forbey
An X-Band Co2+ EPR Study of Zn1−xCoxO (x=0.005–0.1) Nanoparticles Prepared by Chemical Hydrolysis Methods Using Diethylene Glycol and Denaturated Alcohol at 5 K, Sushil K. Misra, S. I. Andronenko, S. Srinivasa Rao, Jordan Chess, and A. Punnoose
A Phantom Road Experiment Reveals Traffic Noise is an Invisible Source of Habitat Degradation, Heidi E. Ware, Christopher J.W. McClure, Jay D. Carlisle, and Jesse R. Barber
A Preliminary Assessment of Water Partitioning and Ecohydrological Coupling in Northern Headwaters Using Stable Isotopes and Conceptual Runoff Models, James P. McNamara
Are They Simply Interested? An Exploration of Engineering Students' Most Favorite Classes, Dazhi Yang, Louis S. Nadelson, and Kimberly Hardy
A Review of Models and Frameworks for Designing Mobile Learning Experiences and Environments, Yu-Chang Hsu and Yu-Hui Ching
A Signal-Passing DNA-Strand-Exchange Mechanism for Active Self-Assembly of DNA Nanostructures, Jennifer E. Padilla, Ruojie Sha, Martin Kristiansen, Junghuei Chen, Natasha Jonoska, and Nadrian C. Seeman
Aspherical Word Labeled Oriented Graphs and Cyclically Presented Groups, Jens Harlander and Stephan Rosebrock
Assessing Idaho Rural Family Physician Scope of Practice Over Time, David Schmitz, Ed Baker, Lisa MacKenzie, Logan Kinney, and Ted Epperly
Atom Probe Study of Irradiation-Enhanced α′ Precipitation in Neutron-Irradiated Fe–Cr Model Alloys, Yaqiao Wu
Augmenting the Immersed Boundary Method with Radial Basis Functions (RBFs) for the Modeling of Platelets in Hemodynamic Flows, Varun Shankar, Grady B. Wright, Robert M. Kirby, and Aaron L. Fogelson
Automated Model-Based Testing of Role-Based Access Control Using Predicate/Transition Nets, Dianxiang Xu, Michael Kent, Lijo Thomas, Tejeddine Mouelhi, and Yves Le Traon
Bedrock Infiltration Estimates from a Catchment Water Storage-Based Modeling Approach in the Rain Snow Transition Zone, Patrick R. Kormos, James P. McNamara, Mark S. Seyfried, Hans Peter Marshall, Danny Marks, and Alejandro N. Flores
Beliefs of Applied Studio Faculty on Desirable Traits of Prospective Music Education Majors: A Pilot Study, Natalie Steele Royston and D. Gregory Springer
Beyond Downton Abbey: Remembering the Great War's Fallen Through Education and Marketing, Nina M. Ray Ph.D. and Andrew T. Mink
Beyond the Aesthetic: The Historical Pursuit of Local Arts Economic Development, Amanda Johnson Ashley
Bimodal Phonon Scattering in Graphene Grain Boundaries, David Estrada
Birth of the Northern Cordilleran Orogen, as Recorded by Detrital Zircons in Jurassic Synorogenic Strata and Regional Exhumation in Yukon, Maurice Colpron, James L. Crowley, George Gehrels, Darrel G. F. Long, Donald C. Murphy, Luke Beranek, and Luke Bickerton
Building an Islamic Financial Information System Based on Policy Managements, Izzat Alsmadi and Mohammad Zarour
Burrowing Owls, Pulex irritans, and Plague, James R. Belthoff, Emily Price, and Juliette K. Tinker
Can Teachers Accurately Predict Student Performance?, Keith W. Thiede, Jonathan L. Brendefur, Richard D. Osguthorpe, Michele B. Carney, Amanda Bremner, Sam Strother, Steven Oswalt, and Jennifer L. Snow
Carbon Dioxide Sorption in a Nanoporous Octahedral Molecular Sieve, Izaak Williamson, Eric B. Nelson, and Lan Li
Carbon Free Energy Development and the Role of Small Modular Reactors: A Review and Decision Framework for Deployment in Developing Countries, Geoffrey Black, Meredith A. Taylor, David Solan, and David Shropshire
Caspase-Cleaved Tau Co-Localizes with Early Tangle Markers in the Human Vascular Dementia Brain, Ryan J. Day, Maria J. Mason, Chloe Thomas, Wayne W. Poon, and Troy T. Rohn
Castelnuovo–Mumford Regularity and Arithmetic Cohen–Macaulayness of Complete Bipartite Subspace Arrangements, Zach Teitler and Douglas A. Torrence
Changing Habitat Use Associated with Distributional Shifts of Wintering Raptors, Neil Paprocki, Nancy F. Glenn, Eric C. Atkinson, Katherine M. Strickler, Christine Watson, and Julie A. Heath
Channel Estimation and Optimal Training Design for Correlated MIMO Two-Way Relay Systems in Colored Environment, Rui Wang, Meixia Tao, Hani Mehrpouyan, and Yingbo Hua
Chapter Eight: Ethnoarchaeology of Foraging and the Case of Vanishing Agriculturalists in the Amazon Basin, Pei-Lin Yu
Characteristics of Child Sexual Assault Within a Child Advocacy Center Client Population, Faye M. Carlson, Jane Grassley, Janet Reis, and Kelley Davis
Characterization of Microstructure and Property Evolution in Advanced Cladding and Duct: Materials Exposed to High Dose and Elevated Temperature, Janelle P. Wharry
Characterize Behavior of Geogrid Reinforced Ballast at Different Levels of Degradation Through Triaxial Shear Strength Test and Discrete Element Modeling, Yu Qian, Debakanta Mishra, Erol Tutumluer, and Hasan A. Kazmee
Characterizing the Distribution of an Endangered Salmonid Using Environmental DNA Analysis, Matthew B. Laramie, David S. Pilliod, and Caren S. Goldberg
Chile’s Calbuco Volcano Erupts Without Warning. What Can We Expect Next?, Brittany Brand
Chronostratigraphy and Paleoclimatology of the Lodève Basin, France: Evidence for a Pan-Tropical Aridification Event Across the Carboniferous–Permian Boundary, Lauren A. Michel, Neil J. Tabor, Isabel P. Montañez, Mark D. Schmitz, and Vladimir I. Davydov
Ciliates — Protists with Complex Morphologies and Ambiguous Early Fossil Record, William A. Bourland
Climate Change, Water Supply, and Agriculture in the Arid Western United States: Eighty Years of Agricultural Census Observations from Idaho, Zeynep K. Hansen, Scott Lowe, and Wenchao Xu
Climate, Dust, and Fire Across the Eocene-Oligocene Transition, Patagonia, Peter A. Selkin, Caroline A. E. Strömberg, Regan Dunn, Matthew J. Kohn, Alfredo A. Carlini, K. Siân Davies-Vollum, and Richard H. Madden
Clinical Study and Numerical Simulation of Brain Cancer Dynamics Under Radiotherapy, S. Nawrocki and B. Zubik-Kowal
Clinical Supervisors’ Perceptions of the Clarity and Comprehensiveness of the Supervision Competencies Framework, Matthew C. Genuchi, Jeffrey A. Rings, Mistie D. Germek, and Jennifer A. Erickson Cornish
Clustering and Classification of Email Contents, Izzat Alsmadi and Ikdam Alhami
Cognitive Load Theory and Nursing Simulation: An Integrative Review, Jayne Josephsen
Combining Airborne Hyperspectral and LiDAR Data Across Local Sites for Upscaling Shrubland Structural Information: Lessons for HyspIRI, Jessica J. Mitchell, Rupesh Shrestha, Lucas P. Spaete, and Nancy F. Glenn
Commemoration and Poppies: Cambridge, and Other American Battle Monuments Commission Cemeteries’ Mission on Anniversary Years, Nina M. Ray and Andy T. Mink
Communicating with Patients and Their Families About Palliative and End-of-Life Care: Comfort and Educational Needs of Nurses, Cheryl Moir, Renee Roberts, Kim Martz, Judith Perry, and Laura J. Tivis
Comparative Metal Oxide Nanoparticle Toxicity Using Embryonic Zebrafish, Leah C. Wehmas, Catherine Anders, Jordan Chess, Alex Punnoose, Cliff B. Pereira, Juliet A. Greenwood, and Robert L. Tanguay
Comparing a Few Behavior Engineering Models, Donald J. Winiecki
Competition or Cooperation? Promoting Supplier Performance with Incentives Under Varying Conditions of Dependence, Regis Terpend and Daniel R. Krause
Constantine and God: Imperial Theocracy for the Christian Divinity in the First Christian Emperor's Beliefs and Policies, Charles Matson Odahl
Constraints from Melt Inclusions on Depths of Magma Residence at Intermediate Magma Supply Along the Galápagos Spreading Center, Alice Colman, John M. Sinton, and V. Dorsey Wanless
Contact Work in Child-Centered Play Therapy: A Case Study, Karrie L. Swan and April A. Schottelkorb
Contracting, Contesting, and Co-Optation: Civil Society Organizations’ Strategies Under New Institutional Arrangements in Brazil, Brian Wampler and Michael Touchton
Corrections Reform in Kosovo: A Qualitative Study of Canadian Corrections Advisers’ Experiences in a Post-Conflict Environment, Danielle Murdoch
Courageous Conversations: Advising the Foreclosed Student, Olga T. Salinas and Kyle W. Ross
Cultivating a Justice Orientation Toward Citizenship in Preservice Elementary Teachers, Sara W. Fry and Jason O'Brien
Cycling Willingness: Investigating Distance as a Dependent Variable in Cycling Behavior Among College Students, Thomas Wuerzer and Susan G. Mason
Cyclosporin A Disrupts Notch Signaling and Vascular Lumen Maintenance, Raghav Pandey, Mark A. Botros, Benjamin A. Nacev, and Allan R. Albig
Daily Activity Patterns of 2,316 Men and Women from Five Countries Differing in Socioeconomic Development, Mamane Sani and Roberto Refinetti
Dairy Wastewaters for Algae Cultivation, Polyhydroxyalkanote Reactor Effluent Versus Anaerobic Digester Effluent, Maxine Passero, Ben Cragin, Erik R. Coats, Armando G. McDonald, and Kevin Feris
Data Mining in Online Professional Development Program Evaluation: An Exploratory Case Study, Kerry Rice and Jui-Long Hung
Deciding Type-Based Partial-Order Constraints for Path-Sensitive Analysis, Elena Sherman, Brady J. Garvin, and Matthew B. Dwyer
Democratic Parenting Beliefs and Observed Parental Sensitivity: Reciprocal Influences Between Coparents, Thomas J. Schofield and Jennifer M. Weaver
Dependent Variables in Entrepreneurship Research, Eric Shaunn Mattingly
Detecting Incorrect Uses of Combining Algorithms in XACML 3.0 Policies, Dianxiang Xu, Ning Shen, and Yunpeng Zhang
Determinants of Seat Belt Use: Regression Analysis with FARS Data Corrected for Self-Selection, Frank Goetzke and Samia Islam
Determining Hydrodynamic Forces in Bursting Bubbles Using DNA Nanotube Mechanics, Rizal F. Hariadi, Erik Winfree, and Bernard Yurke
Developing a Comprehensive Mathematical Assessment Tool to Improve Mathematics Intervention for At-Risk Students, Jonathan Brendefur, Evelyn S. Johnson, Keith W. Thiede, Everett V. Smith, Sam Strother, Herbert H. Severson, and John Beaulieu
Developing a Data Narrative: Analyzing Trends in an Academic Interlibrary Loan Department, Heather Grevatt
Developing a Mathematics Instructional Practice Survey: Considerations and Evidence, Michele B. Carney, Jonathan L. Brendefur, Gwyneth R. Hughes, and Keith Thiede
Developing Multiplication Fact Fluency, Jonathan Brendefur, S. Strother, K. Thiede, and S. Appleton
Distributed Detection Performance Under Dependent Observations and Nonideal Channels, Ying Lin and Hao Chen
DNA-Mediated Excitonic Upconversion FRET Switching, Donald L. Kellis, Sarah M. Rehn, Brittany L. Cannon, Paul H. Davis, Elton Graugnard, Jeunghoon Lee, Bernard Yurke, and William B. Knowlton
DNA Topology Influences Molecular Machine Lifetime in Human Serum, Sara Goltry, Natalya Hallstrom, Tyler Clark, Wan Kuang, Jeunghoon Lee, Cheryl Jorcyk, William B. Knowlton, Bernard Yurke, William L. Hughes, and Elton Graugnard
Dodd-Frank: Accretion of Power, Illusion of Reform, Charlotte Twight
Dosing-Time Dependent Effects of Sodium Nitroprusside on Cerebral, Renal, and Hepatic Catalase Activity in Mice, Mamane Sani, Hichem Sebai, Roberto Refinetti, Mohan Mondal, Néziha Ghanem-Boughanmi, Naceur A. Boughattas, and Mossadok Ben-Attia
Dust Devils and Dustless Vortices on a Desert Playa Observed with Surface Pressure and Solar Flux Logging, Ralph D. Lorenz and Brian K. Jackson
Dynamical Precipitation Downscaling for Hydrologic Applications Using WRF 4D-Var Data Assimilation: Implications for GPM Era, Liao-Fan Lin, Ardeshir M. Ebtehaj, Rafael L. Bras, Alejandro N. Flores, and Jingfeng Wang
Dynamic Variations of the Light-Induced Effects in a-GexSe100-x Films: Experiment and Simulation, A. Mishchenko, J. Berashevich, K. Wolf, A. Reznik, D. A. Tenne, and M. Mitkova
Early Permian Conodont Fauna and Stratigraphy of the Garden Valley Formation, Eureka County, Nevada, Bruce R. Wardlaw, Dora M. Gallegos, Valery V. Chernykh, and Walter S. Snyder
Easing the Transition from Clinician to Nurse Educator: An Integrative Literature Review, Jane S. Grassley and Andrea Lambe
Economic Abuse in the Lives of Women Abused by an Intimate Partner: A Qualitative Study, Cynthia K. Sanders
Effectiveness of Play Therapy on Problematic Behaviors of Preschool Children with Somatization, April A. Schottelkorb, Karrie L. Swan, Lexie Jahn, Sara Haas, and Jordan Hacker
Effect of Directional Solidification on Texture and Magnetic-Field-Induced Strain in Ni–Mn–Ga Foams with Coarse Grains, Peiqi Zheng, Nikole J. Kucza, Zilong Wang, Peter Müllner, and David C. Dunand
Effect of Porosity on the Magneto-Mechanical Behavior of Polycrystalline Magnetic Shape-Memory Ni–Mn–Ga Foams, C. Witherspoon, P. Zheng, M. Chmielus, D. C. Dunand, and P. Müllner
Electrical Anisotropy in Sea Ice and a Dual-Polarization Radar System to Mitigate the Effects of Preferential Attenuation in Imaging Sea Ice, Esther L. Babcock, John H. Bradford, and Christopher Hall
Electromagnetically Induced Transport for Soil/Groundwater Remediation, Arvin Farid, Mahsa Azad, Jim Browning, and Elisa Barney Smith
Emergence of Room-Temperature Ferroelectricity at Reduced Dimensions, D. A. Tenne
In Situ Characterization of the Nitridation of Dysprosium during Mechanochemical Processing, Brian J. Jaques, Daniel D. Osterberg, Gordon A. Alanko, Sumit Tamrakar, Cole R. Smith, Michael F. Hurley, and Darryl P. Butt
Enacting Change Through Borrowed Legitimacy: An Institutional Perspective, Eric Shaunn Mattingly and Jonathan H. Westover
Engaging Parents of Students with Disabilities: Moving Beyond the Grief Model, Keith W. Allred
Enhanced Li Capacity in Functionalized Graphene: A First Principle Study with van der Waals Correction, Rajiv K. Chouhan and Pushpa Raghani
Epitaxial CrN Thin Films with High Thermoelectric Figure of Merit, Eric L. Thies, Daniel A. Hillsberry, and Dmitri A. Tenne
Establishing Common Course Objectives for Undergraduate Exercise Physiology, Shawn R. Simonson
Ethics in a Mountain State County Jail, Brian Iannacchione, Peter A. Collins, Marianne Hudson, Mary K. Stohr, Craig Hemmens, Jamie Thayer, and Katelyn Brady
Ethnic Differences in Drinking Motives and Alcohol Use Among College Athletes, Diana M. Doumas and Aida Midgett
Evaluation of a Parent-Based Intervention for At-Risk Adolescents, Diana M. Doumas, Marianne King, Christa Stallworth, Polly Peterson, and Amanda Lundquist
Evaluation of Spam Impact on Arabic Websites Popularity, Mohammed N. Al-Kabi, Izzat M. Alsmadi, and Heider A. Wahsheh
Event Recommendation Using Twitter Activity, Axel Magnuson, Vijay Dialani, and Deepa Mallela
Evidence for a Far-Traveled Thrust Sheet in the Greater Himalayan Thrust System, and an Alternative Model to Building the Himalaya, S. Khanal, D. M. Robinson, M. J. Kohn, and S. Mandal
Examining Elementary School Science Achievement Gaps Using an Organizational and Leadership Perspective, John Settlage, Malcolm B. Butler, Julianne Wenner, Lara K. Smetana, and Betsy McCoach
Excitonic AND Logic Gates on DNA Brick Nanobreadboards, Brittany L. Cannon, Donald L. Kellis, Paul H. Davis, Jeunghoon Lee, Wan Kuang, William L. Hughes, Elton Graugnard, Bernard Yurke, and William Knowlton
Expect the Unexpected When Teaching Probability, Karen Koellner, Mary Pittman, and Jonathan L. Brendefur
Experiential Learning Projects: A Pedagogical Path to Macromarketing Education, Scott K. Radford, David M. Hunt, and Deborah Andrus
Experimental Quantification of Improvement During Circadian Wheel Running in the Indian Field Mouse, Mus terricolor: Theoretical Uses, Priyoneel Basu, Muniyandi Singaravel, and Roberto Refinetti
Expert Modeling, Expert/Self-Modeling Versus Lecture: A Comparison of Learning, Retention, and Transfer of Rescue Skills in Health Professions Students, Suzan Kardong-Edgren, Ann Butt, Rosemary Macy, Sarah Harding, Caleb J. Roberts, Alexandra Waddell, and Amanda Erickson
Exploring Barriers to Home Gardening in Ohio Households, Justin L. Schupp, Rebecca L. Som Castellano, Jeff S. Sharp, and Molly Bean
Exploring Effects of Intrinsic Motivation and Prior Knowledge on Student Achievements in Game-Based Learning, Youngkyun Baek, Yan Xu, Sanghoon Han, and Jungwon Cho
Extending Critical Pedagogies: Attending to Economic Communication and Inspiring Critical Engagement, John G. McClellan and Majia Holmer Nadesan
Extension of Chebfun to Periodic Functions, Grady B. Wright, Mohsin Javed, Hadrien Montanelli, and Lloyd N. Trefethen
Faculty Perceptions of the Adoption and Use of Clickers in the Legal Studies in Business Classroom, Denise M. Farag, Susan Park, and Gundars Kaupins
Fearscapes: Mapping Functional Properties of Cover for Prey with Terrestrial LiDAR, Peter J. Olsoy, Jennifer S. Forbey, Janet L. Rachlow, Jordan D. Nobler, Nancy F. Glenn, and Lisa A. Shipley
Filling the Gap: New Precise Early Cretaceous Radioisotopic Ages from the Andes, Beatriz Aguirre-Urreta, Marina Lescano, Mark D. Schmitz, Maisa Tunik, Andrea Concheyro, Peter F. Rawson, and Victor A. Ramos
Five poems from Witch in Mourning, Maria-Mercè Marçal and Clyde Moneyhun
Flipping the Classroom and Student Performance in Advanced Statistics: Evidence from a Quasi-Experiment, Michael Touchton
Flowability and Density Characteristics of Controlled Low Strength Material (CLSM) Using Native High Plasticity Clay, Anand J. Puppala, Bhaskar Chittoori, and Anil Raavi
Focused Exhumation Along Megathrust Splay Faults in Prince William Sound, Alaska, Peter J. Haeussler, Phillip A. Armstrong, Lee M. Liberty, Kelly M. Ferguson, Shaun P. Finn, Jeanette C. Arkle, and Thomas L. Pratt
Forecasting the Response of Earth’s Surface to Future Climatic and Land Use Changes: A Review of Methods and Research Needs, Jennifer L. Pierce and Michael J. Poulos
Forum Introduction: Promoting the Field Through Organizational Communication Pedagogy, Matthew L. Sanders and John G. McClellan
Foundational Concepts for Conducting Program Evaluations, Seung Youn (Yonnie) Chyung
Frequency Dependent Hydraulic Properties Estimated from Oscillatory Pumping Tests in an Unconfined Aquifer, Avinoam Rabinovich, Warren Barrash, Michael Cardiff, David L. Hochstetler, Tania Bakhos, Gedeon Dagan, and Peter K. Kitanidis
From Archive to Evidence: Historians and Natural Resource Litigation, Jennifer A. Stevens
From Sage on the Stage to Mobile and Engaged: One Community College's Evolution of Library Instruction, Deana Brown
GAMPMS: Genetic Algorithm Managed Peptide Mutant Screening, Thomas Long, Owen M. McDougal, and Tim Andersen
GaSb Thermophotovoltaic Cells Grown on GaAs by Molecular Beam Epitaxy Using Interfacial Misfit Arrays, Bor-Chau Juang, Ramesh B. Laghumavarapu, Brandon J. Foggo, Paul J. Simmonds, Andrew Lin, Baolai Liang, and Diana L. Huffaker
General Theory Versus ENA Theory: Comparing Their Predictive Accuracy and Scope, Lee Ellis, Anthony Hoskin, Richard Hartley, Anthony Walsh, Alan Widmayer, and Malini Ratnasingam
Gourmet Cuisine with a Side of Murder, German Style, Heike Henderson
Grandparental Help in Indonesia Is Directed Preferentially Towards Needier Descendants: A Potential Confounder When Exploring Grandparental Influences on Child Health, Kristin Snopkowski and Rebecca Sear
Grit, Biography, and Dedicated Teachers Who Struggled Academically as Students, Sara Winstead Fry
Heavy Episodic Drinking and Alcohol-Related Consequences: Sex-Specific Differences in Parental Influences Among Ninth-Grade Students, Diana M. Doumas, Robin Hausheer, and Susan Esp
Heterojunction Metal-Oxide-Metal Au-Fe3O4-Au Single Nanowire Device for Spintronics, K. M. Reddy, Nitin P. Padture, Alex Punnoose, and Charles Hanna
High-Precision U-Pb CA-TIMS Calibration of Middle Permian to Lower Triassic Sequences, Mass Extinction and Extreme Climate-Change in Eastern Australian Gondwana, I. Metcalfe, J. Crowley, R. S. Nicoll, and M. Schmitz
High-Precision U-Pb Zircon Age Constraints on the Duration of Rapid Biogeochemical Events During the Ludlow Epoch (Silurian Period), Bradley D. Cramer, Mark D. Schmitz, Warren D. Huff, and Stig M. Bergström
High Prevalence of Leucocytozoon Parasites in Nestling Northern Goshawks (Accipiter gentilis) in the Northern Great Basin, U.S.A., Michelle I. Jeffries, Robert A. Miller, Michelle D. Laskowski, and Jay D. Carlisle
High-Temperature and High-Power-Density Nanostructured Thermoelectric Generator for Automotive Waste Heat Recovery, Yanliang Zhang, Nicholas Kempf, and Luke Schoensee
High Temperature Oxidation Kinetics of Dysprosium Particles, Brian J. Jaques and Darryl P. Butt
Homogeneous Cosmology with Aggressively Expanding Civilizations, S. Jay Olson
Homogeneous Spiking Neuromorphic System for Real-World Pattern Recognition, Xinyu Wu, Vishal Saxena, and Kehan Zhu
Hope, Rage and Inequality: A Critical Humanist Inclusive Education, Kevin Magill and Arturo Rodriguez
How Can Supply Management Really Improve Performance? A Knowledge-Based Model of Alignment Capabilities, Robert B. Handfield, Paul D. Cousins, Benn Lawson, and Kenneth J. Petersen
How Debriefing Strategies Can Improve Student Motivation and Self-Efficacy in Game-Based Learning, Cigdem Uz Bilgin, Youngkyun Baek, and Hyungsung Park
How Do U.S. and Chinese Biology Students Compare in Explaining Energy Consumption Issues?, Hui Jin, Hayat Hokayem, Sasha Wang, and Xin Wei
How Much Does Natural Quiet Matter?, Jesse Barber
How You Know You are Not a Brain In a Vat, Alexander Jackson
Humanistic Experience and Psychodynamic Understanding: Empirical Associations Among Facets of Self-Actualization and Psychological Mindedness, Mark Beitel, Lana M. Wald, Aida Midgett, Dovid Green, John J. Cecero, Ronit Kishon, and Declan T. Barry
Human Rights in the Context of Environmental Conservation on the US-Mexico Border, Lisa Meierotto
Hybrid Type-I InAs/GaAs and Type-II GaSb/GaAs Quantum Dot Structure with Enhanced Photoluminescence, Hai-Ming Ji, Baolai Liang, Paul J. Simmonds, Bor-Chau Juang, Tao Yang, Robert J. Young, and Diana L. Huffaker
Hydraulic Tomography: Continuity and Discontinuity of High-K and Low-K Zones, David L. Hochstetler, Warren Barrash, Carsten Leven, Michael Cardiff, Francesco Chidichimo, and Peter K. Kitanidis
Hydrological Partitioning in the Critical Zone: Recent Advances and Opportunities for Developing Transferable Understanding of Water Cycle Dynamics, Paul D. Brooks, Jon Chorover, Ying Fan, Sarah E. Godsey, Reed M. Maxwell, James P. McNamara, and Christina Tague
"I Don't Know Where I Am—Boise or the Basque Country": Diaspora Identity Travel and Tourism, John P. Bieter and Nina M. Ray
Image Denoising by a Local Clustering Framework, Partha Sarathi Mukherjee and Peihua Qiu
Immersive Technology and the Elderly: A Mini-Review, Brett E. Shelton and Cigdem Uz
“I’m the Oldest New Archaeologist in Town”: The Intellectual Evolution of Lewis R. Binford, Pei-Lin Yu, Matthew Schmader, and James G. Enloe
Incised Stones from Idaho, Jan Snedden Kee and Mark G. Plew
Increasing Capture Frequency for Flammulated Owls and Northern Saw-Whet Owls During Fall Migration, Jessica Pollock, Jay D. Carlisle, Chad Runco, and Gregory Kaltenecker
Increasing Rural Special Education Teacher Candidates' Ability to Implement Evidence-Based Practices: A Program Description of the Boise State University TATERS Program, Evelyn S. Johnson
Influences of Intensive Professional Development in Writing Instruction on Teachers' Dispositions and Self-Efficacy: It's a Matter of Practice, Sherry Dismuke
Infrasound from Volcanic Rockfalls, Jeffrey B. Johnson and Timothy J. Ronan
In Search of Quality: Using Quality Matters to Analyze the Quality of Massive, Open, Online Courses (MOOCs), Patrick R. Lowenthal and Charles B. Hodges
Integrating Information Literacy, the POGIL Method, and iPads Into a Foundational Studies Program, Carrie Moore, Jennifer Black, Barbara Glackin, Margie Ruppel, and Elaine Watson
Integrating Special Education Teachers Into a Statewide Teacher Evaluation System, Evelyn S. Johnson
Integration of Video-Based Demonstrations to Prepare Students for the Organic Chemistry Laboratory, Louis S. Nadelson, Jonathan Scaggs, Colin Sheffield, and Owen M. McDougal
Interaction Dispersed, Participation Compromised: The Report, the Field, and the Struggle for "Communicative Rights", Ed McLuskie
Intergenerational Effects of Disability Benefits: Evidence from Canadian Social Assistance Programs, Kelly Chen, Lars Osberg, and Shelley Phipps
Irradiation Response of Delta Ferrite in As-Cast and Thermally Aged Cast Stainless Steel, Zhangbo Li, Wei-Yang Lo, Yiren Chen, Janne Pakarinen, Yaqiao Wu, Todd Allen, and Yong Yang
Is George W Bush a Burden or Blessing for Jeb Bush’s 2016 Campaign?, Justin S. Vaughn
Isotopic Ordering in Eggshells Reflects Body Temperatures and Suggests Differing Thermophysiology in Two Cretaceous Dinosaurs, Matthew J. Kohn
“It Broadens Your View of Being Basque”: Identity Through History, Branding and Cultural Policy, Nina M. Ray and John P. Bieter
Kebab in London: Transnational Experiences and the Role of Food in Yadé Kara’s Cafe Cyprus, Heike Henderson
Kikiktat Volcanics of Arctic Alaska—Melting of Harzburgitic Mantle Associated with the Franklin Large Igneous Province, Grant M. Cox, Justin V. Strauss, Galen P. Halverson, Mark D. Schmitz, William C. McClelland, Ross S. Stevenson, and Francis A. Macdonald
Kinetics of the Nitridation of Dysprosium During Mechanochemical Processing, Gordon A. Alanko, Daniel D. Osterberg, Brian J. Jaques, Michael F. Hurley, and Darryl P. Butt
Lacing Together Mathematics and Culture, Denise L. Mirich and Laurie O. Cavey
Lahar Infrasound Associated with Volcán Villarrica's 3 March 2015 Eruption, Jeffrey B. Johnson and Jose L. Palma
Landscape Features Associated with the Roosting Habitat of Indiana Bats and Northern Long-Eared Bats, Benjamin P. Pauli, Holly A. Badin, G. Scott Haulton, Patrick A. Zollner, and Timothy C. Carter
Landslides and Megathrust Splay Faults Captured by the Late Holocene Sediment Record of Eastern Prince William Sound, Alaska, Shaun P. Finn, Lee M. Liberty, Peter J. Haeussler, and Thomas L. Pratt
Laser Vision: Lidar as a Transformative Tool to Advance Critical Zone Science, N. F. Glenn
Lattice-Constant Prediction and Effect of Vacancies in Aliovalently Doped Perovskites, R. Ubic, K. Tolman, K. Talley, B. Joshi, J. Schmidt, E. Faulkner, J. Owens, M. Papac, A. Garland, C. Rumrill, K. Chan, and N. Lundy
Learning About Functions Through Learner-Generated Examples, Martha O. Dinkelman and Laurie O. Cavey
Learning from Degree-Seeking Older Adult Students in a University Library, Mary C. Aagard, Marilia Y. Antunez, and Jaime N. Sand
Let Them Read Trash!, Jeffrey Wilhelm
Leveraging IT Resources, Embeddedness, and Dependence: A Supplier's Perspective on Appropriating Benefits with Powerful Buyers, Michael T. Lee and Kit Scott
Lichen-Based Indices to Quantify Responses to Climate and Air Pollution Across Northeastern U.S.A, Susan Will-Wolf, Sarah Jovan, Peter Neitlich, JeriLynn E. Peck, and Roger Rosentreter
Life’s Lessons in the Lab: A Summer of Learning from Undergraduate Research Experiences, Louis S. Nadelson, Don Warner, and Eric Brown
Linear Optical Quantum Metrology with Single Photons: Exploiting Spontaneously Generated Entanglement to Beat the Shot-Noise Limit, Keith R. Motes, Jonathan P. Olson, Evan J. Rabeaux, Jonathan P. Dowling, S. Jay Olson, and Peter P. Rohde
Linked Canopy, Climate, and Faunal Change in the Cenozoic of Patagonia, Regan E. Dunn, Caroline A. E. Strömberg, Richard H. Madden, Matthew J. Kohn, and Alfredo A. Carlini
Linking Disparate Approaches to the Study of Social Norms: An Example from Northern Siberia, John P. Ziker
Literary Dystopias, Uxue Alberdi Estibaritz and Nere Lete
Lived Body Knowledge: Disciplinary Knowledge for Preservice Physical Education Teachers, Tyler G. Johnson
Living with Students: Lessons Learned While Pursuing Tenure, Administration, and Raising a Family, Michael Humphrey, Janet Callahan, and Geoff Harrison
Lobbying from Inside the System: Why Local Governments Pay for Representation in the U.S. Congress, Matt W. Loftis and Jaclyn J. Kettler
Lower Bound for Ranks of Invariant Forms, Harm Derksen and Zach Teitler
Low-Loss Dielectric Ceramic Materials and Their Properties, M. T. Sebastian, R. Ubic, and H. Jantunen
Magma Emplacement, Differentiation and Cooling in the Middle Crust: Integrated Zircon Geochronological–Geochemical Constraints from the Bergell Intrusion, Central Alps, Kyle M. Samperton, Blair Schoene, John M. Cottle, C. Brenhin Keller, James L. Crowley, and Mark D. Schmitz
Magmatic Plumbing at Lucky Strike Volcano Based on Olivine-Hosted Melt Inclusion Compositions, V. D. Wanless, A. M. Shaw, M. D. Behn, S. A. Soule, J. Escartín, and C. Hamelin
Magnetic-Field-Induced Bending and Straining of Ni–Mn–Ga Single Crystal Beams with High Aspect Ratios, Nikole J. Kucza, Charles L. Patrick, David C. Dunand, and Peter Müllner
Magnetic Structure and Ordering of Multiferroic Hexagonal LuFeO3, Daniel A. Hillsberry, Eric L. Thies, and Dmitri A. Tenne
Magnetoresistance Characteristics in Individual Fe3O4 Single Crystal Nanowire, K. M. Reddy, Nitin P. Padture, Alex Punnoose, and Charles Hanna
Making Progress in Idaho State Budgeting: The Sequel, Dick Kinney
Maneuvering Together to Develop New Practices: Examining Our Collaborative Processes, Susan D. Martin and Sherry Dismuke
Measurement Properties of the Sedentary Behavior Strategy Self-Management Instrument in African-American Breast Cancer Survivors, Raheem J. Paxton, Yong Gao, Stephen D. Herrmann, and Gregory J. Norman
Measuring News Media Literacy, Adam Maksl, Seth Ashley, and Stephanie Craft
Mechanical and Magnetic Behavior of Oligocrystalline Ni-Mn-Ga Microwires, Peiqi Zheng, Nikole J. Kucza, Charles L. Patrick, Peter Müllner, and David C. Dunand
Media Literacy in Action?: What Are We Teaching in Introductory College Media Studies Courses?, Seth Ashley
Mediation and Moderation of Divorce Effects on Children’s Behavior Problems, Jennifer M. Weaver and Thomas J. Schofield
Microdomain Formation, Oxidation, and Cation Ordering in LaCa2Fe3O8+y, Patrick M. Price, Nigel D. Browning, and Darryl P. Butt
Microstructural Stability of a Self-Ion Irradiated Lanthana-Bearing Nanostructured Ferritic Steel, Jatuporn Burns, Darryl P. Butt, and James I. Cole
Minimizing the Size of Path Conditions Using Convex Polyhedra Abstract Domain, Justin Lloyd and Elena Sherman
Mitigation Effectiveness for Improving Nesting Success of Greater Sage-Grouse Influenced by Energy Development, Christopher P. Kirol, Andrew L. Sutphin, Laura Bond, Mark R. Fuller, and Thomas L. Maechtle
Mobile Agents Modelling Using UML, Feras Ahmad Hanandeh, Izzat Alsmadi, Majdi Yousef Al-Shannag, and Essam Al-Daoud
Mobile Augmented-Reality Artifact Creation as a Component of Mobile Computer-Supported Collaborative Learning, Fengfeng Ke and Yu-Chang Hsu
Modeling Trade-Offs Between Plant Fiber and Toxins: A Framework for Quantifying Risks Perceived by Foraging Herbivores, Meghan J. Camp, Lisa A. Shipley, Timothy R. Johnson, Jennifer Sorenson Forbey, Janet L. Rachlow, and Miranda M. Crowell
Modification of Cellular DNA by Synthetic Aziridinomitosenes, Chris M. Mallory, Ryan P. Carfi, SangPhil Moon, Kenneth A. Cornell, and Don L. Warner
Moth Tails Divert Bat Attack: Evolution of Acoustic Deflection, Jesse R. Barber, Brian C. Leavell, Adam L. Keener, and Christopher J. W. McClure
Natural Degradation of Earthworks, Trenches, Walls and Moats, Northern Thailand, Spencer H. Wood, Layle R. Wood, and Alan D. Ziegler
Navigating Evidence-Based Practice Projects: The Faculty Role, Susan D. Moch, Lisa Quinn-Lee, Cara Gallegos, and Charlotte K. Sortedahl
Neutron Irradiation Induced Microstructural Changes in NBG-18 and IG-110 Nuclear Graphites, Chinnathambi Karthik, Joshua Kane, Darryl Butt, William E. Windes, and Rick Ubic
Noise Reduces Foraging Efficiency in Pallid Bats (Antrozous pallidus), Jessie Patrice Bunkley and Jesse Rex Barber
Novel Magnetic and Optical Properties of Sn1−xZnxO2 Nanoparticles, Nevil A. Franco, Kongara M. Reddy, Josh Eixenberger, Dmitri A. Tenne, Charles B. Hanna, and Alex Punnoose
On a Mission: Priests, Jesuits, "Jesuitresses," and Catholic Missionary Efforts in Tudor-Stuart England, Lisa McClain
Oncostatin M Binds to Extracellular Matrix in a Bioactive Conformation: Implications for Inflammation and Metastasis, Randall E. Ryan, Bryan Martin, Liliana Mellor, Reed B. Jacob, Ken Tawara, Owen M. McDougal, Julia Thom Oxford, and Cheryl L. Jorcyk
Online Graduate Students’ Preferences of Discussion Modality: Does Gender Matter?, Yu-Hui Ching and Yu-Chang Hsu
On the Fe Enrichment during Anodic Polarization of Mg and Its Impact on Hydrogen Evolution, D. Lysne, S. Thomas, M. F. Hurley, and N. Birbilis
Order-Preserving Derivative Approximation with Periodic Radial Basis Functions, Edward Fuselier and Grady B. Wright
Origin and Evolution of Petrocosmea (Gesneriaceae) Inferred from Both DNA Sequence and Novel Findings in Morphology with a Test of Morphology-Based Hypotheses, Zhi-Jing Qiu, Yuan-Xue Lu, Chao-Qun Li, Yang Dong, James F. Smith, and Yin-Zheng Wang
Overlay Thickness Design for Low-Volume Roads: Mechanistic–Empirical Approach with Nondestructive Deflection Testing and Pavement Damage Models, Priyanka Sarker, Debakanta Mishra, Erol Tutumluer, and Scott Lackey
Oxide Dispersion Strengthened Nickel Based Alloys via Spark Plasma Sintering, Somayeh Pasebani, Aniket K. Dutt, Jatuporn Burns, Indrajit Charit, and Rajiv S. Mishra
Paleoenvironments and Age of the Talampaya Formation: The Permo-Triassic Boundary in Northwestern Argentina, E. L. Gulbranson, P. L. Ciccioli, I. P. Montañez, S. A. Marenssi, C. O. Limarino, M. D. Schmitz, and V. Davydov
Parental Consent Procedures: Impact on Response Rates and Nonresponse Bias, Diana M. Doumas, Susan Esp, and Robin Hausheer
Pavement and Riparian Forest Shape the Bird Community Along an Urban River Corridor, Christopher J.W. McClure, Allison C. Korte, Julie A. Heath, and Jesse R. Barber
Peat Formation Concentrates Arsenic Within Sediment Deposits of the Mekong Delta, Jason W. Stuckey, Michael V. Schaefer, Benjamin D. Kocar, Jessica Dittmar, Juan Lezama Pacheco, Shawn G. Benner, and Scott Fendorf
Performance Evaluations of Unbound Aggregate Permanent Deformation Models for Various Aggregate Physical Properties, Yuanjie Xiao, Erol Tutumluer, and Debakanta Mishra
Phase-Control of a Rising Sun Magnetron Using a Modulated, Addressable, Current Source, Sulmer Fernandez-Gutierrez, Jim Browning, Ming-Chieh Lin, David N. Smithe, and Jack Watrous
Problems without Ceilings: How Mentors and Novices Frame and Work on Problems-of-Practice, Jessica Thompson, Sara Hagenah, Karin Lohwasser, and Kat Laxton
Promoting Teacher Presence: Strategies for Effective and Efficient Feedback to Student Writing Online, Stephanie Cox, Jennifer Black, Jill Heney, and Melissa Keith
Public Attitudes Regarding Large-Scale Solar Energy Development in the U.S., Juliet E. Carlisle, Stephanie L. Kane, David Solan, Madelaine Bowman, and Jeffrey C. Joe
Quantitative and Qualitative Comparison of Light Water and Advanced Small Modular Reactors, Fatih Aydogan, Geoffrey Black, Meredith A. Taylor Black, and David Solan
Quasi-Static Eocene–Oligocene Climate in Patagonia Promotes Slow Faunal Evolution and Mid-Cenozoic Global Cooling, Matthew J. Kohn, Caroline A. E. Strömberg, Richard H. Madden, Regan E. Dunn, Samantha L. Evans, Alma Palacios, and Alfredo A. Carlini
Radial Basis Function-Generated Finite Differences: A Mesh-Free Method for Computational Geosciences, Natasha Flyer, Grady B. Wright, and Bengt Fornberg
Randomized and Blinded Study for the Treatment of Glenohumeral Internal Rotation of Motion Restriction: The Prone-Passive Stretching Technique, Dave Hammons, John W. McChesney, Michael Curtin, Ronald Pfeiffer, and Keith W. Thiede
Reactivity and Speciation of Mineral-Associated Arsenic in Seasonal and Permanent Wetlands of the Mekong Delta, Jason W. Stuckey, Michael V. Schaefer, Shawn G. Benner, and Scott Fendorf
Reclaiming Lost Territory: The Response of Owyhee Harvester Ants to Forager Intrusions by Neighboring Colonies, Brett D. Howell and Ian C. Robertson
Reconciling Leadership and Partnership: Strategies to Empower Professionals and Families, Keith W. Allred and Christine L. Hancock
Reconfigurable Memristive Device Technologies, Arthur H. Edwards, Hugh J. Barnaby, Kristy A. Campbell, Micahel N. Kozicki, Wei Liu, and Matthew J. Marinella
Recovering Melville’s Hand: An Inaugural Report on Digital Discovery and Analysis at Melville’s Marginalia Online, Steven Olsen-Smith
Reference Diffraction Patterns, Microstructure, and Pore-Size Distribution for the Copper (II) Benzene-1,3,5-Tricarboxylate Metal Organic Framework (Cu-BTC) Compounds, L. Li and I. Williamson
Reflection Waveform Inversion of Ground-Penetrating Radar Data for Characterizing Thin and Ultrathin Layers of Nonaqueous Phase Liquid Contaminants in Stratified Media, Esther Babcock and John H. Bradford
Relationship Conditions and Multicultural Competence for Counselors of Children and Adolescents, Karrie L. Swan, April A. Schottelkorb, and Sarah Lancaster
Relationships1 Among Applications of Tacit Knowledge and Transformational/Transactional Leader Styles: An Exploratory Comparison of the MLQ and TKML, Teresa Z. Taylor, Joseph Psotka, and Peter Legree
Removal of Old Nest Material Decreases Reuse of Artificial Burrows by Burrowing Owls, Corey S. Riding and James R. Belthoff
Reshaping Teachers’ Mathematical Perceptions: Analysis of a Professional Development Task, Gwyneth Hughes, Jonathan Brendefur, and Michele Carney
Resolving Bottlenecks: Converting Three High-Enrollment Nursing Courses to an Online Format, Ken-Zen Chen, Jeff Anderson, Elizabeth Lyon Hannah, Christine Bauer, and Corinna Provant-Robishaw
Reverse-Time Prestack Depth Migration of GPR Data from Topography for Amplitude Reconstruction in Complex Environments, John H. Bradford
Revision and Psychometric Testing of the Incivility in Nursing Education (INE) Survey: Introducing the INE-R, Cynthia M. Clark, Celestina Barbosa-Leiker, Larecia Money Gill, and Danh Nguyen
Rongbuk Re-Visited: Geochronology of Leucogranites in the Footwall of the South Tibetan Detachment System, Everest Region, Southern Tibet, John M. Cottle, Michael P. Searle, Micah J. Jessup, James L. Crowley, and Richard D. Law
Safety Evaluations for Skewed Intersections on Low-Volume Roads: Case Study, Bhaskar C. S. Chittoori, Mandar Khanal, and Dan Harelson
SASB: A Pathway to Sustainability Reporting in the United States, Diane K. Schooley and Denise M. English
Science Fiction in Education: Case Studies from Classroom Implementations, Charalambos Vrasidas, Lucy Avraamidou, Katerina Theodoridou, Sotiris Themistokleous, and Petros Panaou
Seasonal and Diurnal Cycles of Liquid Water in Snow—Measurements and Modeling, A. Heilig, C. Mitterer, L. Schmid, N. Wever, J. Schweizer, H.-P. Marshall, and O. Eisen
Security of Software Defined Networks: A Survey, Izzat Alsmadi and Dianxiang Xu
Seismic Imaging Through the Volcanic Rocks of the Snake River Plain: Insights from Project Hotspot, Lee M. Liberty, Douglas R. Schmitt, and John W. Shervais
Seismic Imaging to Help Understand and Manage Water Quality in Coastal Bénin, West Africa, Kyle Lindsay, John Bradford, Steve Silliman, Nicaise Yalo, and Moussa Boukari
Selective Games on Binary Relations, Rodrigo R. Dias and Marion Scheepers
Serum Proteins Enhance Dispersion Stability and Influence the Cytotoxicity and Dosimetry of ZnO Nanoparticles in Suspension and Adherent Cancer Cell Models, Catherine B. Anders, Jordan J. Chess, Denise G. Wingett, and Alex Punnoose
Sex Differences in Masculine Depression: Externalizing Symptoms as a Primary Feature of Depression in Men, Matthew C. Genuchi and Lauren K. Mitsunaga
Simmering, Uxue Alberdi and Nere Lete
Skills, Division of Labor, and Economies of Scale Among Amazonian Hunters and South Indian Honey Collectors, Paul L. Hooper, Kathryn Demps, Michael Gurven, Drew Gerkey, and Hillard S. Kaplan
Smart Growth in Two Contrastive Metropolitan Areas: A Comparison Between Portland and Los Angeles, Hongwei Dong and Pengyu Zhu
Snake River Plain Play Fairway Analysis – Phase 1 Report, L. Liberty
Snow Angels, Mitch Wieland
Social Science Discourse and the Biopolitics of Terrorism, Michael Blain
Social Scientists: Making a Difference, Leslie R. Alm
Sol–Gel Synthesis and Characterization of xCuO–(1 − x)Bi2O3 (0.15 ≤ x ≤ 0.55) Glasses by Magnetic and Spectral Studies, B. B. Das, A. Srinivassan, M. Yogapriya, M. R. Kongara, and A. Punnoose
Source Mechanism of Small Long-Period Events at Mount St. Helens in July 2005 Using Template Matching, Phase-Weighted Stacking, and Full-Waveform Inversion, Robin S. Matoza, Bernard A. Chouet, Phillip B. Dawson, Peter M. Shearer, Matthew M. Haney, Gregory P. Waite, Seth C. Moran, and T. Dylan Mikesell
Sowing the Seeds of Hope, Robert D. Barr and Emily L. Gibson
Speciation within Columnea section Angustiflora (Gesneriaceae): Islands, Pollinators and Climate, Lacie J. Schulte, John L. Clark, Stephen J. Novak, Shandra K. Jeffries, and James F. Smith
Spectrum Sensing of OFDM Signals in the Presence of Carrier Frequency Offset, Weiyang Xu, Wei Xiang, Maged Elkashlan, and Hani Mehrpouyan
Stability and Decomposition of Ca-Substituted Lanthanum Ferrite in Reducing Atmospheres, Patrick M. Price and Darryl P. Butt
Stabilizing a Fine Twin Structure in Ni–Mn–Ga Samples by Coatings and Ion Implantation, K. Ullakko, M. Chmielus, and P. Müllner
Static Impedance Behavior of Programmable Metallization Cells, M. Mitkova
Statistical Thermodynamics of Material Transport in Nonisothermal Suspensions, Semen Semenov and Martin Schimpf
St. Brendan Celebrates, Ruth Saxey-Reese
Stethoscope-Based Detection of Detorqued Bolts Using Impact-Induced Acoustic Emissions, Joe Guarino and Robert Hamilton
Streambed and Water Profile Response to In-Channel Restoration Structures in a Laboratory Meandering Stream, Bangshuai Han, Hong-Hanh Chu, and Theodore A. Endreny
Structural Effect of Aliovalent Doping in Lead Perovskites, Kevin R. Tolman, Rick Ubic, Meagan Papac, Kevin C. Seymour, Scott J. McCormack, Waltraud M. Kriven, and Hans Kungl
Structural Stability and Microwave Dielectric Properties of (1-x)Ba(Mg1/2W1/2)O3−xBa(RE2/3W1/3)O3 (RE = Sm, Dy, Y, Yb) Solid Solutions, Jianjiang Bian, Jiayin Wu, Rick Ubic, C. Karthik, and Y. Wu
Student Perceptions of Online Learning: An Analysis of Online Course Evaluations, Patrick Lowenthal, Christine Bauer, and Ken-Zen Chen
Substitution of Clinical Experience with Simulation in Prelicensure Nursing Programs: A National Survey in the United States, Tonya L. Breymier, Tonya Rutherford-Hemming, Trisha Leann Horsley, Teresa Atz, Lisa G. Smith, Donna Badowski, and Kelley Connor
Superelasticity by Reversible Variants Reorientation in a Ni–Mn–Ga Microwire with Bamboo Grains, Z. L. Wang, P. Zheng, Z. H. Nie, Y. Ren, Y. D. Wang, P. Müllner, and D. C. Dunand
Synthesis and Characterization of [Zn(Acetate)2(Amine)x] Compounds (x= 1 or 2) and Their Use as Precursors to ZnO, Aaron Thurber, Alex Punnoose, Jason Brotherton, Pamela Walker, Lloyd Lowe, Blake Rapp, Shem Purnell, and William B. Knowlton
Synthesis and Sintering of UN-UO2 Fuel Composites, Brian J. Jaques, Jennifer Watkins, Joseph R. Croteau, Gordan A. Alanko, and Darryl P. Butt
Teacher Candidates' Perceptions of Their Learning and Engagement in a Writing Methods Course, Susan D. Martin and Sherry Dismuke
Teaching Design Thinking in Business Schools, Roy Glen, Christy Suciu, C. Christopher Baughn, and Robert Anson
Tectono-Metamorphic History of the Eastern Taureau Shear Zone, Mauricie Area, Québec: Implications for the Exhumation of the Mid-Crust in the Grenville Province, Renaud Soucy La Roche, Félix Gervais, Alain Tremblay, James L. Crowley, and Gilles Ruffet
The Benefits and Costs of Using Metadata to Improve Enterprise Document Search, Gregory Schymik, Karen Corral, David Schuff, and Robert St. Louis
The Comparison of Microstructure and Nanocluster Evolution in Proton and Neutron Irradiated Fe–9%Cr ODS Steel to 3 DPA at 500 °C, M. J. Swenson and J. P. Wharry
The Comparison Question Polygraph Test: A Contrast of Methods and Scoring, Charles R. Honts and Racheal Reavy
The Decision, Implementation and Assessment of a Credit-Bearing Activity Class by Faculty in Residence: A Case Study, Janet Callahan, Geoff Harrison, Michael Humphrey, Cala Sielaff, and Melissa Wintrow
The Effect of Behavioral Contracting on Preservice Elementary Teachers’ Performance Achievement on the Soprano Recorder, John Okley Egger, D. Gregory Springer, and Lori F. Gooding
The Effect of Incentives and Other Instructor-Driven Strategies to Increase Online Student Evaluation Response Rates, James Goodman, Robert Anson, and Marcia Belcheir
The Effect of Lichen-Dominated Biological Soil Crusts on Growth and Physiological Characteristics of Three Plant Species in a Temperate Desert of Northwest China, W. W. Zhuang, M. Serpe, and Y. M. Zhang
The Effect of OSM on MC3T3-E1 Osteoblastic Cells in Simulated Microgravity with Radiation, Jake Goyden, Ken Tawara, Danielle Hedeen, Jeffrey S. Willey, Julia Thom Oxford, and Cheryl L. Jorcyk
The Evaluation of Undergraduate Nursing Students' Knowledge of Post-Op Pain Management After Participation in Simulation, Cecile B. Evans and Diana K. Mixon
The Fall and Rise of Metamorphic Zircon, Matthew J. Kohn, Stacey L. Corrie, and Christopher Markley
The Flayed and Exquisite Self of Travelers: Managing Face and Emotions in Strange Places, Ginna Husting
The Foibles of Greed, R. Bahruth
The Global Range of Subduction Zone Thermal Structures from Exhumed Blueschists and Eclogites: Rocks Are Hotter than Models, Sarah C. Penniston-Dorland, Matthew J. Kohn, and Craig E. Manning
The Impact of State Certification of Community Health Workers on Team Climate Among Registered Nurses in the United States, Mark Siemon, Geoff Shuster, and Blake Boursaw
The Information Content of Risk Factor Disclosures in Quarterly Reports, Joshua J. Filzen
The Journey of U.S. Korean Children: (Re)constructing Bicultural Identities in Picture Books, Eun Hye Son and Yoo Kyung Sung
Theorycrafting the Classroom: Constructing the Introductory Technical Communication Course as a Game, Carly Finseth
The Power and Potential of Positive Mentoring, Cynthia M. Clark
Thermal Vesiculation During Volcanic Eruptions, Jeffrey B. Johnson
Thermodynamics and Kinetics of DNA Nanotube Polymerization from Single-Filament Measurements, Rizal F. Hariadi, Bernard Yurke, and Erik Winfree
Thermoosmosis as Driving Mechanism for Micro- or Nanoscale Engine Driven by External Temperature Gradient, Semen Semenov and Martin Schimpf
The Social Media Instructional Design Model: A New Tool for Designing Instruction Using Social Media, Quincy Conley and Kent E. Sabo
The Validation of an Instrument for Evaluating the Effectiveness of Professional Development Program on Teaching Online, Jui-Long Hung and Dazhi Yang
The Vietnam War, the American War and the ‘Bridge Generation’, Nancy K. Napier
They Read What They Need, Jeffrey D. Wilhelm and Michael W. Smith
TID Impact on Process Modified CBRAM Cells, M. Ailavajhala and M. Mitkova
Tip-Based Nanofabrication of Arbitrary Shapes of Graphene Nanoribbons for Device Applications, Huan Hu, Shouvik Banerjee, David Estrada, Rashid Bashir, and William P. King
To Swaddle, or Not to Swaddle? Paleoepidemiology of Developmental Dysplasia of the Hip and the Swaddling Dilemma Among the Indigenous Populations of North America, Samantha H. Blatt
Tragic Choices in Ideological Battles: Gay Rights Versus Religious Freedom, Anthony Walsh
Transforming the Legal Studies Classroom: Clickers and Engagement, Susan Park and Denise Farag
Translating Failure into Success, Deana Brown and Elizabeth Ramsey
Trees Grow on Money: Urban Tree Canopy Cover and Environmental Justice, Michail Fragkias
Trends in Midwinter Counts of Bald Eagles in the Conterminous United States, 1986-2005, Karen Steenhof, Laura Bond, and Leah L. Dunn
Trends in Na-Ion Solvation with Alkyl-Carbonate Electrolytes for Sodium-Ion Batteries: Insights from First-Principles Calculations, Mehdi Shakourian-Fard, Ganesh Kamath, Kassiopeia Smith, Hui Xiong, and Subramanian K.R.S. Sankaranarayanan
Trends in Physical Activity and Sedentary Behaviors of United States Youth, David R. Bassett, Dinesh John, Scott A. Conger, Eugene C. Fitzhugh, and Dawn P. Coe
Trust in Science and Scientists and the Acceptance of Evolution, Louis S. Nadelson and Kimberly K. Hardy
Truth(s), Fiction, and Storytelling in Performance Improvement, Donald J. Winiecki
Tuning the Bandgap and Cytotoxicity of ZnO by Tailoring the Nanostructures, Aaron Thurber, Dmitri A. Tenne, Charles B. Hanna, and Alex Punnoose
Undermining Indigenous Self-Determination and Land Access in Highland Peru, Arthur Scarritt
University Student Beliefs About Sexual Violence in Prison: Rape Myth Acceptance, Punitiveness, and Empathy, Laura L. King and Kathleen J. Hanrahan
U-Pb Zircon Age of the Walloon Coal Measures in the Surat Basin, Southeast Queensland: Implications for Paleogeography and Basin Subsidence, C. C. Wainman, P. J. McCabe, J. L. Crowley, and R. S. Nicoll
Use of Robotic Controls in Ergonomics Laboratories, U. Reischl and B. Mijović
Using Asynchronous Activities to Promote Sense of Community and Learning in an Online Course, Jesús Trespalacios and Jennifer Rand
Using GIS Analytics and Social Preference Data to Evaluate Utility-Scale Solar Power Site Suitability, Justin Brewer, Daniel P. Ames, David Solan, Randy Lee, and Juliet Carlisle
Validating an Observation Protocol to Measure Special Education Teacher Effectiveness, Evelyn S. Johnson and Carrie L. Semmelroth
Validity and Reliability of Eating Disorder Assessments Used with Athletes: A Review, Zachary Pope, Yong Gao, Nicole Bolter, and Mary Pritchard
Value-Added Results for Public Virtual Schools in California, Richard Ford and Kerry Rice
Vegetative and Climatic Controls on Holocene Wildfire and Erosion Recorded in Alluvial Fans of the Middle Fork Salmon River, Idaho, Kerry Riley, Jennifer Pierce, and Grant A. Meyer
Vlogging About School on YouTube: An Exploratory Study, Chareen Snelson
Volta Potentials Measured by Scanning Kelvin Probe Force Microscopy as Relevant to Corrosion of Magnesium Alloys, M. F. Hurley, C. M. Efaw, P. H. Davis, J. R. Croteau, E. Graugnard, and N. Birbilis
Web-Based Personalized Feedback: Is This an Appropriate Approach for Reducing Drinking Among High School Students?, Diana M. Doumas
“We Do More Than Discuss Good Ideas”: A Close Look at the Development of Professional Capital in an Elementary Education Liaison Group, Jennifer L. Snow, Susan D. Martin, and Sherry Dismuke
Westward Growth of Laurentia by Pre–Late Jurassic Terrane Accretion, Eastern Oregon and Western Idaho, United States, Todd A. LaMaskin, Rebecca J. Dorsey, Jeffrey D. Vervoort, Mark D. Schmitz, Kyle P. Tumpane, and Nicholas O. Moore
Where Were You When the Mountain Blew? Remembering the Eruption of Mount St Helens, Brittany Brand
Who Commits to the Rule of Law? Constrained Government and Foreign Direct Investment in Postcommunist States, Michael Touchton
Wintering Bald Eagle Count Trends in the Conterminous United States, 1986-2010, Wade L. Eakle, Laura Bond, Mark R. Fuller, Richard A. Fischer, and Karen Steenhof
Working Ni–Mn–Ga Single Crystals in a Magnetic Field Against a Spring Load, P. G. Lindquist and P. Müllner
Young in Class: Implications for Inattentive/Hyperactive Behaviour of Canadian Boys and Girls, Kelly Chen, Nicole Fortin, and Shelley Phipps
Youth Peers Put the “Invent” into NutriBee’s Online Intervention, Ingrid C. Kohlstadt, Elizabeth T. Anderson Steeves, Kerry Rice, Joel Gittelsohn, Liane M. Summerfield, and Preety Gadhoke
Activating Democracy in Brazil: Popular Participation, Social Justice, and Interlocking Institutions, Brian Wampler
A Writers Topography: Space and Place in the Life and Works of Albert Camus, Jason Herbeck and Vincent Grégoire
Bitter Green, Martin Corless-Smith
Cities, Sagebrush, and Solitude: Urbanization and Cultural Conflict in the Great Basin, Dennis R. Judd and Stephanie L. Witt
Civil War Interventions and Their Benefits: Unequal Return, Isaac M. Castellano
Concepts of Athletic Training, Ronald P. Pfeiffer, Brent C. Mangus, and Cynthia A. Trowbridge
Controlling the Message: New Media in American Political Campaigns, Victoria A. Farrar-Myers and Justin S. Vaughn
Czars in the White House: The Rise of Policy Czars as Presidential Management Tools, Justin S. Vaughn and José D. Villalobos
Feminist Criminology Through a Biosocial Lens, Anthony Walsh and Jamie C. Vaske
Fractures: A Detectives Seagate and Miner Mystery (Volume 5), Mike Markel
Garmendia and the Black Rider, Kirmen Uribe, Mikel Valverde, and Nere Lete
Imagery from the Bird's Home: The Art of Bill Carman, Bill Carman
It's Elementary: A Parent's Guide to K-5 Mathematics, Joy W. Whitenack, Laurie O. Cavey, and Catherine Henney
Jolly Della Pringle: Star of the Western Stage, Charles E. Lauterbach
Literacy Teacher Education: Principles and Effective Practices, Deborah G. Litt, Susan D. Martin, and Nancy A. Place
LIVEculture: How Creative Leaders Grow the Cultures They Want, Nancy K. Napier, Jamie Cooper, Mark Hofflund, Don Kemper, Bob Lokken, Rich Raimondi, Gary Raney, Leon Rice, and John Michael Schert
Mediation Theory and Practice, Suzanne McCorkle and Melanie J. Reese
Melville in His Own Time: A Biographical Chronicle of His Life, Drawn from Recollections, Interviews, and Memoirs by Family, Friends, and Associates, Steven Olsen-Smith
Plain Language and Ethical Action: A Dialogic Approach to Technical Content in the Twenty-First Century, Russell Willerton
Professional Ethics for the Construction Industry, Rebecca Mirsky and John Schaufelberger
Racial Spoils from Native Soils: How Neoliberalism Steals Indigenous Lands in Highland Peru, Arthur Scarritt
River by Design: Essays on the Boise River, 1915-2015, Todd Shallat (editor), Colleen Brennan (editor), Mike Medberry (editor), Roy V. Cuellar, Richard Martinez, Erin Nelson, Travis Armstrong, Doug Copsey, Sheila Spangler, Emily Berg, Dean Gunderson, and Michael Gosney
Rivers, Fish, and the People: Tradition, Science, and Historical Ecology of Fisheries in the American West, Pei-Lin Yu
Showdown in the Big Quiet: Land, Myth, and Government in the American West, John P. Bieter Jr.
State Legislatures Today: Politics Under the Domes, Peverill Squire and Gary Moncrief
Student Journalism & Media Literacy, Megan Fromm, Homer L. Hall, and Aaron Manfull
Technical Communication, Mike Markel
The Blended Classroom: A Guide for Technology Supported Learning, Kerry Rice
Contributions to Books
Afterword, Jason Herbeck
Anna Deavere Smith and Her West Wing Residencies, Jacqueline O'Connor
Applying the CACAO Change Model to Promote Systemic Transformation in STEM, Anthony Marker, Patricia Pyke, Sarah Ritter, Karen Viskupic, Amy Moll, R. Eric Landrum, Tony Roark, and Susan Shadle
Assessing the Potential Impacts of Natural Events on the Holocene Productivity of Anadromous Fish Populations in Western Idaho, Mark G. Plew and Stacey Guinn
A Systematic Evaluation of a Soccer Club's College Advisory Program, Seung Youn (Yonnie) Chyung, Stacey E. Olachea, Colleen Olson, and Ben Davis
Boise State's Journey to a K-12 Online Teaching Endorsement Program, Dazhi Yang and Kerry Rice
Bridging Consciousness: A Topographical Reading of La Chute, Jason Herbeck
Bringing Service Standards to Life, Julie Kwan, Stephanie Clark, and Steven W. Villachica
Conclusion: Message Control at the Margins, Victoria A. Farrar-Myers and Justin S. Vaughn
Conducting Classroom Assessment Based in Cognition: The Case of Proportional Reasoning, Michele B. Carney, Gwyneth R. Hughes, Jonathan L. Brendefur, Angela R. Crawford, and Tatia Totorica
Connecting Questions with Answers, Ellie Dworak and Carrie Moore
Constructing the "Quality of Life" City: "Boise Is Best", erin daina mcclellan
Disciplinary and Professional Identities are Constructed Through Writing, Heidi Estrem
Environmental Disruption as a Consequence of Human Migration: The Case of the U.S.-Mexico Border, Lisa Meierotto
Field Measurements for Remote Sensing of the Cryosphere, Hans-Peter Marshall, Robert L. Hawley, and Marco Tedesco
Framing Professional Development That Promotes Mathematical Thinking, Jonathan L. Brendefur, Michelle Carney, Gwyneth Hughes, and Sam Strother
Framing the Empty: Technology as Progress in Photography and Art, Todd Shallat
Go Away Closer: The Collision of Culture and Governance, Stephanie L. Witt and Brian Laurent
Grassroots Outreach to Foster a Diverse Community, Elizabeth Ann Ramsey
Integrating Multimedia Animations to Support Common Core State Standards in Mathematics Classrooms, Jesús Trespalacios, Karen Trujillo, and Lida J. Uribe-Flórez
Integrating Visual and Media Literacy in YouTube Video Projects, Chareen Snelson
Into Active Voice: Seeking Agency Through Collaborative Scholarship, Melissa Keith, Jennifer Black, Stephanie Cox, and Jill Marie Heney
Introduction, Jason Herbeck and Vincent Grégoire
Introduction: Controlling the Message in the Social Media Marketplace of Ideas, Victoria A. Farrar-Myers and Justin S. Vaughn
Mending Broken Fences, Mary E. Pritchard
Nature as Friction: Integrating Clausewitz into Environmental Histories of the Civil War, Lisa M. Brady
New Literacies, Lee Ann Tysseling
Orthogonal Decomposition Methods to Analyze PIV, LDV, and Thermography Data of Thermally Driven Rotating Annulus Laboratory Experiments, Uwe Harlander, Thomas von Larcher, Grady B. Wright, Michael Hoff, Kiril Alexandrov, and Christoph Egbers
Power, Victimage Ritual, and Terrorism, Michael Blain
Redefining Modernity in Latin American Fiction: Toward Ecological Consciousness in La loca de Gandoca and Lo que soñó Sebastian, Adrian Taylor Kane
Scale and Organization in Traditional Salmon Fishing: Insights from Ancient Technology of the Upper Columbia River, Pei-Lin Yu and Jackie M. Cook
Shake It Up After-School: Service Learning, Shakespeare, and Performance as Interpretation, Matthew C. Hansen
Simulation Research Considerations, Suzan E. Kardong-Edgren, Peter Dieckmann, and James C. Phero
The Human Element MOOC, Whitney Kilgore and Patrick R. Lowenthal
The INACSL Standards of Best Practice, Suzan E. Kardong-Edgren, Teri Boese, and Valerie M. Howard
The Last Urban Frontier, Dennis R. Judd and Stephanie L. Witt
The Nuclear Pipeline: Integrating Nuclear Power and Climate Change, Jen Schneider, Abraham S.D. Tidwell, and Savannah Avgerinos Fitzwater
Threshold Concepts and Student Learning Outcomes, Heidi Estrem
Unifying Themes in Studies of Ancient and Contemporary Migrations, Takeyuki Tsuda, Brenda J. Baker, James F. Eder, Kelly J. Knudson, Jonathan Maupin, Lisa Meierotto, and Rachel E. Scott
Unpacking the Debate on Judicial Appointments Outside the United States: What Research Might Be Able to Contribute to the Normative Conversation, Lori Hausegger and Troy Riddell
Urban Places/Empty Spaces: Big and Small Governments in the Great Basin, Stephanie L. Witt
What New Writing Teachers Talk About When They Talk About Teaching, Heidi Estrem and E. Shelley Reid
Writing is a Knowledge-Making Activity, Heidi Estrem
Conference Proceedings
A CMOS Spiking Neuron for Dense Memristor-Synapse Connectivity for Brain-Inspired Computing, Xinyu Wu, Vishal Saxena, and Kehan Zhu
A Community of World Class Engineering Students, Devshikha Bose and Krishna Pakala
A Comprehensive Design Approach for a MZM Based PAM-4 Silicon Photonic Transmitter, Kehan Zhu, Vishal Saxena, and Xinyu Wu
Analysis of Students’ Proportional Reasoning Strategies, Michele Carney, Ev Smith, Gwyneth Hughes, Jonathan Brendefur, Angela Crawford, and Tatia Totorica
An Elective Mathematics Readiness Initiative for STEM Students, Janet Callahan and Judith A. Garzolini
A New Equivalent Circuit of a Salient-Pole Synchronous Machine and Its Phasor Interpretation, Said Ahmed-Zaid, Danyal Mohammadi, and Ahmed M.A. Oteafy
Anm Model Approach for Lunar Soil Simulant Properties Study, Yang Lu and Stephen Thomas
Application of PANDA and Geo-Endoscopy Techniques for Improved Assessment of Track Substructure Conditions at Railroad Bridge Approaches, Debakanta Mishra, Jonathan Gallier, Erol Tutumluer, Younes Haddani, and Roland Gourves
A Probabilistic Homomorphic Encryption Algorithm Over Integers: Protecting Data Privacy in Clouds, Jyh-Haw Yeh
Arabic Sentiment Polarity Identification Using a Hybrid Approach, Rawan T. Khasawneh, Heider A. Wahsheh, Izzat M. Alsmadi, and Mohammed N. Al-Kabi
A Refinement of Michener’s Example Classification, Laurie O. Cavey and Margaret T. Kinzel
Assessing Ultraviolet and Infrared Radiation Penetration Through Clothing, Uwe Reischl and Jordan Ramage
Blowing Up Safety Culture: The Lure and Trap of Accident Investigation and Continuous Improvement, Harold S. Blackman
Coherent Calculus Course Design: Creating Faculty Buy-In for Student Success, Doug Bullock, Janet Callahan, and Susan E. Shadle
Confocal Raman Spectroscopy and AFM for Evaluation of Sidewalls in Type II Superlattice FPAs, D. A. Tenne
Design Analysis of a 12.5 GHz PLL in 130 nm SiGe BiCMOS Process, Kehan Zhu, Vishal Saxena, Xinyu Wu, and Sakkarapani Balagopal
Design Considerations for Traveling-Wave Modulator-Based CMOS Photonic Transmitters, Kehan Zhu, Vishal Saxena, Xinyu Wu, and Wan Kuang
Dynamics of Silver Photo-Diffusion into Ge-Chalcogenide Films: Time-Resolved Neutron Reflectometry, M. Ailavajhala, M. R. Latif, K. Wolf, M. Mitkova, and M. W.A. Skoda
Effects of Clustering Algorithms on Typographic Reconstruction, Elisa H. Barney Smith and Bart Lamiroy
Effects of Pre-College Engineering Participation on First-Year Engineering Outcomes, Noah Salzman and Matthew Ohland
E-Learning Authoring Software Selection: How Do Instructional Designers Gain Competency Using and Selecting Appropriate Digital Media Development Tools?, Lisa Giacumo and Quincy Conley
Enabling Self-Service BI Through a Dimensional Model Management Warehouse, Karen Corral, David Schuff, Gregory Schymik, and Robert St. Louis
Evolution of a First-Year Engineering Course, Noah Salzman, Janet Callahan, Gary LeRoy Hunt, Carol Sevier, and Amy J. Moll
Exploiting Domain and Program Structure to Synthesize Efficient and Precise Data Flow Analyses (T), Elena Sherman and Matthew B. Dwyer
Exploring Radioisotopic Geochronology and Astrochronology, Stephen R. Meyers, Bradley S. Singer, and Mark D. Schmitz
Fault-Based Testing of Combining Algorithms in XACML 3.0 Policies, Dianxiang Xu, Ning Sheng, and Yunpeng Zhang
Fitting a Round Peg into a Square Hole: Dickeson’s Academic Program Prioritization and Libraries, Tracy Bicknell-Holmes
Formalizing Semantic Differences Between Combining Algorithms in XACML 3.0 Policies, Dianxiang Xu, Yunpeng Zhang, and Ning Shen
Gender Effects on Online Learners’ Preferences for Discussion Modality, Yu-Hui Ching and Yu-Chang Hsu
Identifying Similar Polygons: Comparing Prospective Teachers’ Routines with a Mathematician’s, Sasha Wang
I Like Therefore I Learn! Engineering Student Motivation to Learn in Their Least and Most Favorite Courses, Louis Nadelson, Kimberly Kristine Hardy, and Dazhi Yang
Impact of Common Observations in Parallel Distributed Detection, Hao Chen and Tsang-Yi Wang
Implications of a Changing Agro-Ecosystem on the Nascent Wine Grape Production Industry in Idaho, Eric Lindquist
Interactive Storytelling & Online Course Design, Sally Baldwin and Yu-Hui Ching
Intramolecular Phenotypic Capacitance in a Modular RNA Molecule, Eric J. Hayden, Devin P. Bendixsen, and Andreas Wagner
Just-in-Case or Just-in-Time Training? — Excerpts from a Doctoral Research Study, Devshikha Bose
Laboratory Study of Electromagnetically Induced Contaminant Removal, Vahab Bolvardi, Arvin Farid, Atena Najafi, Jim Browning, and Elisa Barney Smith
Leveraging Student Knowledge of DSP for Optical Engineering, Cameron H.G. Wright, Thad B. Welch, and Michael G. Morrow
Location Privacy in the Era of the Internet of Things and Big Data Analytics, Robert P. Minch
Measuring the Effects of Pre-College Engineering Experiences, Year 2, Noah Salzman, Matthew W. Ohland, and Monica E. Cardella
Mobile Apps for Older Adults: Health, Learning, and Living, Sally Baldwin, Yu-Chang Hsu, and Yu-Hui Ching
Model-Based Testing of SDN Firewalls: A Case Study, Izzat Alsmadi, Milson Munakami, and Dianxiang Xu
One School’s Approach to the Additional Area of Science Requirement for Civil Engineering, Robert Hamilton
Optimization of Flexible Ag-Chalcogenide Glass Sensors for Radiation Detection, M. Mitkova