"A New Paradigm for the Experimental Study of Malintent" by Charles R. Honts

A New Paradigm for the Experimental Study of Malintent

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A new laboratory paradigm for the study of credibility assessment and deception concerning malintent was tested. Malintent may be a distinct concept from the traditional deception for past action that has been the subject of numerous studies. Sixty participants were either innocent or were given information and malintent to commit a theft. Participants were then screened for malintent using a modified Test for Espionage and Sabotage (TES). The TES was scored with the Kircher and Raskin (1988) discriminant analysis algorithm and produced better than chance results that were comparable to the results for the TES in a forensic deception detection setting. (Honts & Alloway, 2007). This new paradigm provides an experimental framework for exploring the concept of malintent and efforts to detect it.

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