"A Community of World Class Engineering Students" by Devshikha Bose and Krishna Pakala

Document Type

Conference Proceeding

Publication Date



This paper is a work in progress report on an Engineering Living Learning Community (LLC) at Boise State University. Though the LLC under consideration is for the time period of Fall 2014 to Fall 2016, this report is limited to student as well as instructor anecdotal and self-reported experiences, observations, and evaluations made during Fall 2014 and Spring 2015. The mission of the Residential College program at BSU is to integrate student academic and personal life in a residential setting, so as to develop interdisciplinary knowledge, foster deep learning, and maximize student success. In support of this goal, students completed various activities, which were designed to meet the learning objectives of the LLC. Two of the notable products created by students were a written report entitled (1) Design your process for becoming a “world class” engineering student in Fall 2014, and (2) Open-ended projects in Spring 2014. Results from anonymous student evaluation surveys (Fall 2014 and Spring 2015) are discussed. Future directions for this LLC include starting a program wherein former LLC participants (current sophomores) could apply to return to the community as peer mentors and identifying ways to expand the program.

Copyright Statement

© (2015), American Society for Engineering Education, Proceedings of the Annual First-Year Engineering Experience Conference, FYEE 2015 (Roanoke, VA).
