A Study of the Relationship of the Emotional Adustment of Military-Connected Students and the Emotional Adjustment of Non-Military-Connected Students

Publication Date


Type of Culminating Activity


Degree Title

Master of Arts Elementary Education


Curriculum, Instruction, and Foundational Studies

Supervisory Committee Chair

Claire M. Bowman

Supervisory Committee Member

John D. Hoge

Supervisory Committee Member

George Hess


Teachers, through their work with children, are exposed to a wide variety of children and behaviors. Anyone who is a teacher may have encountered such children as Rob – a boy who insisted he would never amount to anything; Angela – who knew every current obscenity and tried them out sporadically on the teacher; Shawn – who continually wandered aimlessly, friendless, hopeless; Rick – who convinced himself he was not a person but some other-worldly, magical robot; Nick – who was outwardly content one moment and gloomy to the point of abject despair the next because he had had a mistake brought to his attention.

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