Internet-Based, Asynchronous Connected Learning and the Role of Course Management Software in Higher Education

Publication Date


Type of Culminating Activity


Degree Title

Doctor of Education in Curriculum and Instruction

Department Filter

Curriculum, Instruction, and Foundational Studies


Curriculum, Instruction, and Foundational Studies

Supervisory Committee Chair

Dr. Rickie Miller

Supervisory Committee Member

Dr. Lamont Lyons

Supervisory Committee Member

Dr. Roger Stewart


This study surveyed faculty members of four-year public colleges and universities in Idaho who use Blackboard and WebCt in order to research the question: : "Do faculty members using course management software perceive that the software allows them to meet the requirements of the seven principles of good practice in Higher Education as espoused by Chickering and Ehrman (1997)?"

Results were tallied from the 149 respondents to the survey. A combination of percentage tables, chi square analysis and correlation models were used to report the results of this survey. The results of the survey showed that faculty members perceived that the course management software easily allowed them to meet the principles of: 1) Cooperation among students, 2) Frequent faculty / student contact, 3) Prompt feedback on assignments and correspondence, 4) Communicating high expectations, and 5) Active learning.

The survey demonstrated that faculty members perceived that the course management software did not adequately or easily allow them to meet the principles of monitoring time on task and encouraging diverse talents and ways of learning.

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