2020 | Idaho Conference on Undergraduate Research

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A Case Study Analysis of Baller-Gerold Syndrome

Israel Anaya Carmona, Boise State University
Grace H. Coughlin, Boise State University
Darren J. Lighter, Boise State University
Karen Sanchez, Boise State University
Julia Oxford (Mentor), Boise State University

A Multilayered Approach to Predict Metal-Binding Sites in the Pneumococcal Phosphoglucomutase Protein

Hannah J. Aken, Idaho State University
Michael L. Johnson (Mentor), University of Arizona
Julia E. Martin (Mentor), Idaho State University

A New Translation of Canestrelli's A Kootenai Grammar

Emma A. Halverson, Boise State University
Tim Thornes (Mentor), Boise State University

A Northwest American Sound in Classical Music

Allen W. Skirvin, Boise State University
Eric S. Alexander (Mentor), Boise State University
Linda Kline (Mentor), Boise State University

AFM Study of Cholesterol Containing Lipid Bilayer

Erica L. Rowe, Boise State University
Nawal K. Khadka (Mentor), Boise State University
Laxman Mainali (Mentor), Boise State University

An Application of the Finite Element Method to the Enhanced Snake River Plane Aquifer Model

Jacob Tolman, Idaho State University
Yunrong Zhu (Mentor), Idaho State University

Analysis of Apoptotic Cell Clearance by Microglia in Zebrafish Mutants Lacking Havcr1, a Putative Phosphatidylserine Receptor

Anna P. Findley, University of Idaho
Diana Mitchell (Mentor), University of Idaho

Analysis of Nitrate and Other Anions in Natural Water Sources of North Central Idaho

Elias J. Pukkila, Lewis-Clark State College
Nancy A. C. Johnston (Mentor), Lewis-Clark State College

Analysis of Sulfur Dioxide Emissions in the Lewis-Clark Valley

John K. McGarry, Lewis-Clark State College
Nancy A. C. Johnston (Mentor), Lewis-Clark State College
Elijah P. Moser, Lewis-Clark State College

Analytical Study of Steady-State Flow within the Compression Stage of a Westinghouse Single Loop Jet Engine

Peggy E. Hodges, Idaho State University
Marco Schoen (Mentor), Idaho State University

Applying Molecular Modeling to Design Substituted Pyrimidines as Potential Anti-Inflammatory Drugs

Abdi D. Mohamed, Boise State University
Don L. Warner (Mentor), Boise State University
Joseph Tuccinardi, Boise State University
Riley Olsen, Boise State University

Assessing Relationships Between Predator and Prey Distributions in the Central Volcanic Cordillera Region of Central Costa Rica

Lydia M. Druin, University of Idaho
Lisette P. Waits (Mentor), University of Idaho
Roberto Salom-Perez, Panthera Costa Rica

Assessing the Effects of a Synthetic Flaxseed Lignan on the Gut Microbiome

Reagan A. Badger, Idaho State University
Ken Aho, Idaho State University
Kinta Serve (Mentor), Idaho State University

Assessing the Effects of Hydrogen Bonding on the Reactivity of Zinc Thiolates

Cole M. Shaffer, Boise State University
Eric C. Brown (Mentor), Boise State University
Josiah G. Elsberg, Boise State University

Assistive Technology: WheelChair Mount

Pardis Kabeh, Boise State University
Miranda Nelson, Boise State University
Alyssa Clark, Boise State University
Anjelica Lee, Boise State University
Amy Moll (Mentor), Boise State University

Association Between Collagen Crimp and Mechanical Properties in Developing Tendons

Nicholas M. Pancheri, University of Idaho
Sophia K. Theodossiou, University of Idaho
Jeffrey M. Courtright, University of Idaho
Michele R. Brumley, Idaho State University
Nathan R. Schiele (Mentor), University of Idaho

Becoming Teacher Researchers: 3D Printing Individualized Assistive Technology for High School Students with Disabilities

Maggie Dillon, Boise State University
Kierstyn Heilbrun, Boise State University
Joseph Fritz, Boise State University
Lisa Beymer (Mentor), Boise State University

Body Dysmorphia Occurrence in College Athletes vs. College Students

McKenzie N. Malm, Lewis-Clark State College
Ryan S. Glimp, Lewis-Clark State College
Clay Robinson (Mentor), Lewis-Clark State College

Caffeine Consumption and Beliefs Regarding Caffeine's Effects in an Online U.S. Sample

Daniel F. Gray, Idaho State University
Erika K. Fulton (Mentor), Idaho State University
Becca Huber (Mentor), Idaho State University
Erin Madison (Mentor), Idaho State University
Gavin Crum, Idaho State University

Challenging Conditions and Their Effects on the Biomechanics of Human Movement

Amanda K. Ivy, Boise State University
Aidan Cormier, Boise State University
Amy Holcomb, Boise State University
Clare Fitzpatrick (Mentor), Boise State University

Chronic Illness Impacts Quality of Life

Rhiana J. Fox, Lewis-Clark State College
Heather A. Moon (Mentor), Lewis-Clark State College

Circannual Patterns of Male Production in the Absence of Environmental Cues in Daphnia magna

Judith Boozer, Lewis-Clark State College
Alison Carlson, Lewis-Clark State College
Leah Cepko, Reed College
Leigh C. Latta IV (Mentor), Lewis-Clark State College
Sarah Schaack (Mentor), Reed College

Color Change Exploration in 3-Dimensional Printed Garment

Kawthar S. Alibrahim, University of Idaho
Lori Wahl (Mentor), University of Idaho

Communicating Science in Spanish to Diverse Audiences

Yuliana Cisneros, Boise State University
Eduardo Canales, Boise State University
Kelly Arispe (Mentor), Boise State University
Fatima Cornwall (Mentor), Boise State University
Carolina Viera (Mentor), Boise State University

Comparison of Antibacterial Activities of Garlic and Goldenseal Infused ZnO Nanoparticles

Mikayla S. Manzi, Northwest Nazarene University
Breann A. Porter, Northwest Nazarene University
Jamee Nixon (Mentor), Northwest Nazarene University

Contributions of Top Ten Scholars to Our Society

DeAnna Andrade, Boise State University
Krishna Pakala, Boise State University
Samantha Schauer (Mentor), Boise State University

Creation of a Recombinant Adenovirus to Observe Infection in Real Time

Hailey M. Burgoyne, Boise State University
Erik McIndoo (Mentor), Idaho Veterans Research & Education Foundation
Jay Radke (Mentor), Idaho Veterans Research & Education Foundation

Dating South African Rifting Events via Apatite Helium Thermochronology

Keggan R. Georgeson, University of Idaho
Jessica Stanley (Mentor), University of Idaho

Design and Analysis of ForkAE-Like Ciphers

Aryan Agarwal, Indian Institute of Technology, Delhi
Liljana Babinkostova (Mentor), Boise State University
Marion Scheepers (Mentor), Boise State University

Desulfurization of Petroleum Using Synthesized Novel Ionic Liquids and Betaine Moieties

Bryson Blad, Idaho State University
Kavita Sharma (Mentor), Idaho State University
Karl De Jesus (Mentor), Idaho State University
N. Evelin Paucar, Idaho State University
Peyton Kiggins, Idaho State University

Determination of Diffusive Uptake Rates for VOCs on Passive Thermal Desorption Air Samplers

Dylan D. Miller, Lewis-Clark State College
Nancy A. C. Johnston (Mentor), Lewis-Clark State College

Determination of Glucose Uptake and Glycolysis via IGF1R and Insulin Receptor Pathways in Mink Uterine Epithelial Cells

Ashley E. Harris, Northwest Nazarene University
Anna DePew, Northwest Nazarene University
Ayokunle Hodonu (Mentor), Northwest Nazarene University

Determining Residual Stress Fields and Plastic Zone Sizes Surrounding Fatigue Cracks Using Nanoindentation

Evan M. Allen, University of Idaho
Michael R. Maughan (Mentor), University of Idaho

Developing a Plan to Study the Effects of River Restoration on the Amphibians and Reptiles of the Blackfoot River Wildlife Management Area

Kenneth M. Long, Idaho State University
Charles R. Peterson (Mentor), Idaho State University

Developing an Ear-Born Virtual Fencing System for Livestock

Hope A. M. de Avila, University of Idaho
Gordon K. Murdoch (Mentor), University of Idaho
Karen Launchbaugh (Mentor), University of Idaho
J. W. Karl, University of Idaho
M. S. Hefeida, University of Idaho
Zane Garner, University of Idaho

Differences in Body Composition, Resting Metabolic Rate, and Sleep Quality Following a 6-Week Protein Supplementation Intervention in Collegiate Dancers

Hannah M. Bideganeta, University of Idaho
Samantha Brooks (Mentor), University of Idaho
Ann F. Brown (Mentor), University of Idaho

Digital Imaging of Amphibian and Reptile Specimens at the Idaho Museum of Natural History

Austin R. Young, Idaho State University
Charles R. Peterson (Mentor), Idaho State University
Patrick (Dan) Giltz, Idaho State University

Do Showy Milkweed (Asclepias speciosa) Leaf Characteristics Respond to Environmental Conditions?

Emma K. Archey, College of Western Idaho
Mia Cinello-Smith, College of Western Idaho
Casey Robinson, College of Western Idaho
Zackery Szymczycha, College of Western Idaho
Daison Weedop, College of Western Idaho
Michaela Sonnen, College of Western Idaho
Leslie Blackburn, College of Western Idaho
Francis Kilkenny (Mentor), U.S. Forest Service
Dusty Perkins (Mentor), College of Western Idaho

Educational Inequality in Kebribeyah Refugee Camp in Ethiopia: An Autoethnography

Ahmed A. Muhumed, Boise State University
Saleh Ahmed (Mentor), Boise State University

Effect of Regional Geologic Chemistry on Arid Snail Shell Types

Elijah P. Moser, Lewis-Clark State College
Keegan L. Schmidt (Mentor), Lewis-Clark State College
Mason Linscott, University of Idaho

Effects of Mindful Eating on Delay and Probability Discounting for Food in Food-Insecure Women

Joseph T. Do, Idaho State University
Luis R. Rodriguez, Idaho State University
Erin B. Rasmussen (Mentor), Idaho State University

Encapsulation of Lactobacillus acidophilus and Lactobacillus casei to Determine Cell Viability in a Hydrogel Biobead Matrix

Laura A. Nutter, University of Idaho
Isabell K. Strawn, University of Idaho
Addie White, University of Idaho
Jonathan R. Counts (Mentor), University of Idaho
Connor Hill, University of Idaho
Mark F. Roll, University of Idaho
Kristopher V. Waynant (Mentor), University of Idaho
James G. Moberly (Mentor), University of Idaho

EPRICC: Exploring Peer Relationships in an Inclusive College Classroom

Nicole M. Cherry, Boise State University
Julia Gorman, Boise State University
Lisa Beymer (Mentor), Boise State University

Estimated Ancient Volcanic Characteristics from Modern Spatter

David W. Cavell, University of Idaho
Erika Rader (Mentor), University of Idaho
Kevin Cerna, University of Idaho

Evaluating the Role of Wnt/β-Catenin Signaling in Tenogenic Stem Cell Differentiation

Jett B. Murray, University of Idaho
Sophia K. Theodossiou, University of Idaho
Nathan R. Schiele (Mentor), University of Idaho

Evaluation of a Testing Apparatus for High Temperature/High Pressure in Nuclear Pressure Vessel Conditions

Cody J. Gibson, University of Idaho
Robert R. Stephens (Mentor), University of Idaho

Evolution of Biomedical Research Community Over 20 Years

Tragon A. McFall, Boise State University
Diane B. Smith (Mentor), Boise State University
Julia Oxford (Mentor), Boise State University

Exploration of the Feasibility of Hops as a Textile Material

Margaret E. Zee, University of Idaho
Armando McDonald (Mentor), University of Idaho
Chelsey Byrd Lewallen (Mentor), University of Idaho

Exploring Antifungal Drugs Produced by Brewer's Yeasts

Lance R. Fredericks, University of Idaho
Cooper R. Roslund, University of Idaho
Mark D. Lee, University of Idaho
Mason Shipley, University of Idaho
Angela M. Crabtree, University of Idaho
Paul A. Rowley (Mentor), University of Idaho

Exploring Electrical Properties of Mesenchymal Stem Cells via Dielectrophoresis

Sierra L. Knowles, University of Idaho
Anthony T. Giduthuri (Mentor), University of Idaho
Sophia K. Theodossiou, University of Idaho
Nathan R. Schiele, University of Idaho
Soumya K. Srivastava (Mentor), University of Idaho

Exploring the Impact of Macrophages on the Tenogenic Differentiation of Stem Cells

Kaitlyn J. Harvey, University of Idaho
Sophia K. Theodossiou, University of Idaho
Jett B. Murray, University of Idaho
Nathan R. Schiele (Mentor), University of Idaho

Gene Annotation and Primer Design to Study Sperm DNA Methylation Patterns in Smoke-Exposed Mice

Rachel D. Kessinger, Boise State University
Luke Montrose (Mentor), Boise State University

HeyLo: Visualizing User Interests from Twitter Using Emoji in Mixed Reality

Hunter M. Harris, Idaho State University
Makayla Thompson, Idaho State University
Isaac Griffith (Mentor), Idaho State University
Paul Bodily (Mentor), Idaho State University

Hidden Figures of Environmental Racism: Undocumented Farmworkers and Pesticide Exposure

Karla M. Magana, Boise State University
Isaac Castellano (Mentor), Boise State University

High-precision U-Pb Zircon Age Calibration of Mid-Miocene Flora Northern Idaho

Jessica M. Mueller, Boise State University
Mark D. Schmitz (Mentor), Boise State University

Hot Takes: A Comprehensive Review of Genes That Help Plants Survive Drought

Carlos Dave C. Dumaguit, Boise State University
Anna J. Shuey, Boise State University
Stephanie J. Galla (Mentor), Boise State University
Michael Wojahn (Mentor), Boise State University
Peggy Martinez (Mentor), Boise State University
John Rosato (Mentor), College of Western Idaho
Sven Buerki (Mentor), Boise State University

How Mutations in the Respiratory Syncytial Virus Fusion Protein Affect Fusion Activity and Antibody Binding

McKenna A. Hull, University of Idaho
Sierra Beach (Mentor), University of Idaho
Laura Steiner, University of Idaho
Kevin Hutchison, University of Idaho
Jagdish Patel, University of Idaho
Tanya Miura (Mentor), University of Idaho

Idaho Beaver Outreach Plan

Lillianne French, Boise State University
Rosio Ojeda, Boise State University
Melissa Symmes, Boise State University
Emily Wakild (Mentor), Boise State University

Identification and Quantification of Sesquiterpene Lactones (SLs) in Sagebrush (Artemisia tridentata) and Its Chemical Modification

Rosemary Anibogwu, Idaho State University
N. Evelin Paucar, Idaho State University
Karl De Jesus (Mentor), Idaho State University
Rene Rodriguez, Idaho State University
Kavita Sharma (Mentor), Idaho State University

Identification of Steroidal Alkaloids in Veratrum parviflorum

Jared T. Seale, Boise State University
Joseph Collins, Boise State University
Madison Dirks, Boise State University
Owen M. McDougal (Mentor), Boise State University

Identifying Fire Risk by Mapping Human Development in the Wildland Urban Interface (WUI) in the Intermountain West

Savannah R. Canova, Boise State University
Zackery Szymczycha, College of Western Idaho
Peter Olsoy (Mentor), Boise State University
Megan Cattau (Mentor), Boise State University

Implementing Bioinformatic Tools to Predict Vaccine Potential from Prioritized Staphylococcus aureus Antigens

Cierra R. Wheeler, Boise State University
Danielle Scarbrough, Boise State University
Juliette Tinker (Mentor), Boise State University

In-Space RF Communications and Virtual Reality Imagery: RockSat-X Suborbital Rocket Payload ‚ Project KAUIDA

Nathan Appleby, Northwest Nazarene University
Aaron Borger, Northwest Nazarene University
Benjamin Campbell, Northwest Nazarene University
Garrisen Cizmich, Northwest Nazarene University
Devyn Duryea, Northwest Nazarene University
Angelina Ouye, Kauai Community College
Braden Stoddard, Kauai Community College
Jordan Karimi, Kauai Community College
Boonyarat Onlamai, Kauai Community College
Nicholas Herrmann, Kauai Community College
Stephen Parke (Mentor), Northwest Nazarene University

Integrating Stable Isotope Variation and Seismic Field Perturbations to Understand Recharge to a Fractured-Basalt Aquifer System

Robert A. Kane, University of Idaho
Jeff Langman (Mentor), University of Idaho
James G. Moberly, University of Idaho
Kristopher V. Waynant, University of Idaho
Jan Boll, Washington State University
Tim Bartholomaus, University of Idaho
Erin Brooks, University of Idaho
John Bush, University of Idaho

Interaction of Alpha-Crystallin with Sphingomyelin Membrane

David Maldonado, Boise State University
Raju Timsina (Mentor), Boise State University
Laxman Mainali (Mentor), Boise State University

Ionic Selectivity of Protein Channels in Subconducting States

Jason Ward, Boise State University
Zoe E. Hutchinson, Boise State University
Daniel Fologea (Mentor), Boise State University

Learning to Play: An Analysis of Existing Research into Play Interventions for Children with ASD

Maya K. Davies, Boise State University
Gena Nelson (Mentor), Boise State University

Leopard Geckos and Those That Are Drawn to Them: A Study of Who Is Attracted to Leopard Geckos

Ashley Noelle Maples, Boise State University
Shelly Volsche (Mentor), Boise State University

Leveraging Machine Learning for Automatically Classifying Fake News in the COVID-19 Outbreak

Brian P. Daley, Boise State University
Francesca Spezzano (Mentor), Boise State University

Long-Term Biological Consequences of Blm-Deficiency During Early Embryonic Development in Drosophila Melanogaster

Abbey L. Roy, Lewis-Clark State College
Nathan L. Anderson, Lewis-Clark State College
Karly Lacey, Lewis-Clark State College
U. Isaiah Linabary, Lewis-Clark State College
Eric Stoffregen (Mentor), Lewis-Clark State College

Loss of Parental Attachment at a Young Age and Its Impact on Adult Health

Sarah Bofukya Bope, Boise State University
Robin Allen (Mentor), Boise State University

Lucy, the Witch, and the Shadow Self as Seen in the Lion, the Witch, and the Wardorbe

Nakeata Gilliam, Northwest Nazarene University
Julia Straight (Mentor), Northwest Nazarene University

Lysenin Channel Selectivity for Monovalent Metal Cations

Zoe E. Hutchinson, Boise State University
Jason Ward, Boise State University
Maddelyn Jackson, Boise State University
Malyk Walker, Boise State University
Daniel Fologea (Mentor), Boise State University

Medical Pluralism: Shifts in Traditional Knowledge and Practices Among Sobadores

Mari S. Carrillo, Lewis-Clark State College
Kerensa L. Allison (Mentor), Lewis-Clark State College

Metabolic Modeling Identifies Key Control Points in Carbohydrate Metabolism in Uterine Cancer Cell Line (Ishikawa)

Benjamin T. Johnson, Northwest Nazarene University
Katelyn Heckathorn, Northwest Nazarene University
Jennifer Chase (Mentor), Northwest Nazarene University

Metacognitive Learning Strategies Used by Geoscience Students

Michaela J. Faris, Boise State University
Karen Viskupic (Mentor), Boise State University

Microbiota Compositional Changes in Mice Correlated with Tamiflu, Influenza and MRSA Co-Infection

Andrea C. Meyer, Boise State University
Sumiko Gomi (Mentor), Boise VA Medical Center

Milk Processing by Nonthermal Liquid Plasma Discharge Technology

Elisabeth C. Nickell, University of Idaho
Sarah Wu (Mentor), University of Idaho
Yuan Yuan, University of Idaho
Jordan Ommanney, University of Idaho

Modeling Shielding Designs for the Safe Operation of Neutron Generators

Samuel W. Cutler, Boise State University
Brian Jaques (Mentor), Boise State University
Allyssa Bateman (Mentor), Boise State University

Modeling the Downstream Consequences of the Teton Dam Failure

Hannah R. Spero, Boise State University
Donna Calhoun (Mentor), Boise State University

Multivariate Calibration Domain Adaptation with Unlabeled Data

Robert Spiers, Idaho State University
John H. Kalivas (Mentor), Idaho State University

Muscle Module Composition in Competitive Athletes

Justin D. Lyon, University of Idaho
Craig P. McGowan (Mentor), University of Idaho
Alena M. Grabowski, University of Colorado Boulder

Nanoporous Niobium Oxide Electrode for Sodium-Ion Batteries

Dustin D. Nguyen, Boise State University
Kiev Dixon, Boise State University
Pete Barnes, Boise State University
Hui Xiong (Mentor), Boise State University

Notch Mutation Effects on NICD Molecules Dimerization

Monik D. Marquez, Boise State University
Allan R. Albig (Mentor), Boise State University

Nuclear Hormone Signaling and Regulation of Cone Photoreceptor Gene Expression in the Zebrafish

Audrey M. Duncan, University of Idaho
Ashley A. Farre (Mentor), University of Idaho
Deborah L. Stenkamp (Mentor), University of Idaho

Numerical Model of Gliomas Diffusion in the Brain

Garrett B. Stouffer, Idaho State University
Yunrong Zhu (Mentor), Idaho State University

Online Learning in STEM Courses During Times of Disruption

Ulises J. Trujillo Garcia, Boise State University
Krishna Pakala (Mentor), Boise State University
Samantha Schauer (Mentor), Boise State University
Diana Bairaktarova, Virginia Tech
Bhaskar Chittoori, Boise State University
Devshikha Bose, Boise State University

Optimization of Buffering Capacity to Increase Protein Expression

Aaron D. Ajeti, Boise State University
Maranda S. Cantrell, Boise State University
Lisa R. Warner (Mentor), Boise State University

Perceptions & Stereotypes About Female Sex Offenders

Gabriela G. Roggy, Boise State University
Laura King (Mentor), Boise State University

Phage Engineering to Understand Virus Host Range

Zoë L. Wilson, University of Idaho
James T. Van Leuven (Mentor), University of Idaho
Yesol Sapozhnikov, University of Idaho
Emma R. Altman, University of Idaho
LuAnn Scott, University of Idaho
Holly A. Wichman (Mentor), University of Idaho
Craig R. Miller (Mentor), University of Idaho

Photometric Monitoring of Mrk 501: A Model for Measuring the Optical Variability of BL Lacs

Nathan J. McGregor, Boise State University
Daryl J. Macomb (Mentor), Boise State University

Physical Properties of Cholesterol Bilayer Domains

Mason J. Marosvari, Boise State University
Jackson Thieme, Boise State University
Laxman Mainali (Mentor), Boise State University

Planar Bilayer Lipid Membranes: Preparation and Biophysical Characterization

Kyrie E. Davis, Boise State University
Patrick Eusepi, Boise State University
Pangaea Finn, Boise State University
Fulton McKinney, Boise State University
Daniel Fologea (Mentor), Boise State University

Population Structure Affects Outcomes of Gene Drive Interventions Against Vector-Borne Diseases

Mete K. Yuksel, University of Idaho
Christopher H. Remien (Mentor), University of Idaho
Bandita Karki, University of Idaho
James J. Bull (Mentor), University of Idaho
Stephen M. Krone (Mentor), University of Idaho

Preparation of Novel Sulfur-Containing Ligands for Permanently Porous Materials

Corey J. Walkinshaw, Idaho State University
Joseph D. Simmons, Idaho State University
Katelynn L. Miller, Idaho State University
Kathryn S. Malloy, Idaho State University
Jayden Skinner, Idaho State University
Ardice Fogelson, Idaho State University
Joshua J. Pak (Mentor), Idaho State University

Pressure-Temperature Record From the Eastern Alps, Austria, Reveals Dynamics of Plate Collision

Kyra L. Schroeder, Boise State University
Maya Cizina, Boise State University
Sam Couch, Boise State University
Matt Kohn (Mentor), Boise State University

Proton Diffusion in Hydrogels under Different Solidification Procedures

Ibrahim A. Al Janabi, University of Idaho
Salman Ali, University of Idaho
Jonathan R. Counts, University of Idaho
Kristopher V. Waynant, University of Idaho
Mark F. Roll, University of Idaho
James G. Moberly (Mentor), University of Idaho

Quantum Mechanical Calculations of the Interaction Energy in Ionic Liquids

Philomon Kanjiah Bileng, Idaho State University
Donna Baek (Mentor), Idaho National Laboratory
Rene Rodriguez (Mentor), Idaho State University

Re-Designing Boise State University's Rock Climbing Gym

Abigail L. Keh, Boise State University
Kendall House (Mentor), Boise State University

Recreation and Wildlife Activity in the Wood River Valley

Sarah E. Coose, Boise State University
Edward Trout (Mentor), Boise State University
Neil Carter (Mentor), University of Michigan
Kelly Hopping (Mentor), Boise State University
Kris Thoreson, Wood River Wolf Project
Greg Hill, Wood River Wolf Project

Relationship Between Peroneal Muscle Architecture and Dynamic Ankle Function for Individuals with Chronic Ankle Instability

Sareya J. Harvey, Boise State University
Wyatt D. Ihmels, Boise State University
Tyler N. Brown (Mentor), Boise State University

Relationships Between Jealousy in Intimate Partnerships and the Use of Snapchat

Mariem Laaraj, Boise State University
Cody Andrus, Boise State University
Ellie Begin, Boise State University
Mary Pritchard (Mentor), Boise State University

Role of E1 Gene in Ad14p1 Pathogenesis

Austin Cram, Boise State University
Erik McIndoo (Mentor), Idaho Veterans Research & Education Foundation
Jay Radke (Mentor), Idaho Veterans Research & Education Foundation

Sacrificing the One for the Many: Ethical Decisions About Robots, Dogs, and People

Ashleigh N. Robishaw, Boise State University
Brian W. Stone (Mentor), Boise State University

Sagebrush Steppe: Past, Present, and Future

Sacha L. Wells, University of Idaho
Janet Rachlow (Mentor), University of Idaho

Seen, but Not Heard?: Evaluating the Visibility of Plants in the Conservation Translocation Literature

Anna J. Shuey, Boise State University
Carlos Dave C. Dumaguit, Boise State University
Stephanie J. Galla (Mentor), Boise State University
Michael Wojahn (Mentor), Boise State University
Peggy Martinez (Mentor), Boise State University
John Rosato (Mentor), College of Western Idaho
Sven Buerki (Mentor), Boise State University

Southern Idaho Fauna and Its Effect on the Reproductive Success of the Horned Lark

Taegan A. Wyatt, Boise State University
Madeline Aberg (Mentor), Boise State University

Spatial Analysis of Soil Lead Exposures from Lead Poisoning Tragedy in Artisanal and Small-Scale Gold Mining Villages of Zamfara, Nigeria

Madison L. Thurston, University of Idaho
Margrit von Braun (Mentor), University of Idaho
Ian von Lindern (Mentor), TerraGraphics International Foundation
Casey Bartrem (Mentor), TerraGraphics International Foundation

Stressors and Supports That Affect Refugee Fathers' Parenting and Their Children's Development

Rabia Zahid, Boise State University
April S. Masarik (Mentor), Boise State University

Stuck in a Bucket: The Effect of Confinement Stress on Cortisol Levels in Brook Trout (Salvelinus fontinalis)

Kaysen R. Christensen, Idaho State University
Alexander P. Wooding (Mentor), Idaho State University
Melissa G. Rivas, Idaho State University
Devaleena S. Pradhan (Mentor), Idaho State University

Study of Electron Instabilities in Crossed Electric and Magnetic Fields

Gerardo Herrera, Boise State University
David Vogel, Boise State University
John McClarin, Boise State University
Liz Gaffney, Boise State University
Jessica Carlson, Boise State University
Ranajoy Bhattacharya (Mentor), Boise State University
Jim Browning (Mentor), Boise State University

Synthesis and Characterization of ZnO Nanoparticles from Extracts of Allium sativum and Hydrastis canadensis

Emily A. Wade, Northwest Nazarene University
Cody J. Massie, Northwest Nazarene University
Daniel F. Harris, Northwest Nazarene University
Jerry D. Harris (Mentor), Northwest Nazarene University

Systematic Optimization of Quinoline-Based Small Molecules to Prevent Breast Cancer Metastasis

Grace H. Coughlin, Boise State University
Thomas Conrad, Boise State University
Darren J. Lighter, Boise State University
Thaaer Muhammed, Boise State University
Don L. Warner (Mentor), Boise State University
Lisa R. Warner (Mentor), Boise State University
Matthew King (Mentor), Boise State University

That Sounds Familiar!: An Analysis of People's Stances Toward 'Accent'

Jesus A. Rivera Orozco, Boise State University
Gail Shuck (Mentor), Boise State University

The Brahmagupta Triples and Record Numbers

Christine Patterson, Boise State University
Marion Scheepers (Mentor), Boise State University

The Development of Protocols for the Injection of Yeasts into Galleria mellonella to Study Fungal Virulence and Animal Immunity

Jeremy R. Ellis, University of Idaho
Paul A. Rowley (Mentor), University of Idaho

The Effect of a 6-Week High Intensity Interval Training Program on Aerobic and Anaerobic Fitness in Collegiate Dancers

Coby Contreras, University of Idaho
Ann F. Brown (Mentor), University of Idaho
Chris J. Alfiero (Mentor), University of Idaho

The Effects of "Physical BEMER Vascular Therapy" on Work Performance During Repeated Wingate Tests

Gary “Bear” N. McEwen, Lewis-Clark State College
Collin M. Fehr (Mentor), Lewis-Clark State College
Clay Robinson (Mentor), Lewis-Clark State College

The Effects of a Brief Fifth-Grade Math Intervention in a Special Education Classroom

Gabrielle C. Halaby, Boise State University
Gena Nelson (Mentor), Boise State University

The Effects of Undergraduate Education Research on Our Lives: A Self-Study

Claire M. Oberg, Boise State University
Julianne Mori, Boise State University
Sherry Dismuke (Mentor), Boise State University

The Plasticity of Social Status: Stress Hormones in a Hermaphroditic Fish

Melissa G. Rivas, Idaho State University
Katrina J. White, Idaho State University
Devaleena S. Pradhan (Mentor), Idaho State University

The Potential Role of Solanum sisymbriifolium Putative Cystatin-Like Protein in Plant Defense to Globodera pallida

Tana Rayburn, University of Idaho
Joseph Kuhl (Mentor), University of Idaho

The Psychological Effects of the Covid-19 Pandemic: The Influence of Social Support on Psychological Distress

Kylee D. Amos, University of Idaho
Clarissa M. E. Richardson (Mentor), University of Idaho

The Relationship Between the Types of Resources Teachers Use to Develop Lesson Plans and Teacher Characteristics

Natalie C. Swesey, Boise State University
Gena Nelson (Mentor), Boise State University

To Live in a World of Metals: Robust Microbial Communities of the Great Salt Lake

Talia Cahoon, Idaho State University
Tyson Pattie, Idaho State University
Chante Frerichs, Idaho State University
Jeffrey Rosentrater (Mentor), Idaho State University
Caryn Evilia (Mentor), Idaho State University

Towards a (Truly) Anti-Racist Writing Center

Amanda N. Hawks, Boise State University
Whitney Douglas (Mentor), Boise State University

Tracking Human Development in the Wildland-Urban Interface: A Digitizing Workflow for Open Source Education

Zackery Szymczycha, College of Western Idaho
Savannah R. Canova, Boise State University
Peter Olsoy (Mentor), Boise State University
Megan Cattau (Mentor), Boise State University

Transport of Organic Ions Through Bilayer Lipid Membranes

Madelynn M. Grier, Boise State University
Camille Bryner, Boise State University
Andrea Feci, Boise State University
Ana Velasquez, Boise State University
Daniel Fologea (Mentor), Boise State University

Understanding Packing of New Compounds for Inexpensive Solar Panels

Chris D. Jones, Boise State University
Mia Klopfenstein, Boise State University
Emily Epstein, Boise State University
Gwen White, Boise State University
Eric Jankowski (Mentor), Boise State University

User Experience Software Research

Tony Espinosa, Boise State University
Kendall House (Mentor), Boise State University
Erica Brick (Mentor), Kaggle
Ryan Vasso (Mentor), ReplyPro

Using Community Science to Document Biodiversity at Edson Fichter Nature Area in Pocatello, Idaho

Katherine L. Englund, Idaho State University
Charles R. Peterson (Mentor), Idaho State University
Patrick (Dan) Giltz, Idaho State University

Using Computational Methods to Design Pyrazolopyrimidines as Potential Inhibitors of an Inflammatory Cytokine

Alondra Sarmiento, Boise State University
Don L. Warner (Mentor), Boise State University
Riley Olsen, Boise State University
Joseph Tuccinardi, Boise State University

Using Sequential Art to Communicate Engineering Course Content

Addie P. Totman, Boise State University
Krishna Pakala (Mentor), Boise State University
Samantha Schauer, Boise State University
Christi Nogle, Boise State University

Variation Across Time and Space in Grazing within Thunder Basin National Grassland, Wyoming

Jessica Mancha, Boise State University
Vicken Hillis (Mentor), Boise State University
Molly Levy (Mentor), Boise State University

Visualization and Modeling of Transcriptional Bursting by Live Cell Imaging

Ethan J. Davis, Boise State University
Matthew Ferguson (Mentor), Boise State University
Abigail Figueroa, Boise State University
Julianna Goelzer, Boise State University

Visualizing Complex Crystal Structures for Constructive Mathematics Experiences

Andrew Guillen, Boise State University
Miu Lun Lau (Mentor), Boise State University
Min Long (Mentor), Boise State University

Volatile and Semivolatile Organic Compounds in Wildfire Smoke During NOAA/NASA FIREX-AQ Campaign

Gabrielle N. Dickinson, Lewis-Clark State College
Aakriti Bajracharya, Lewis-Clark State College
William Bruchard, Lewis-Clark State College
Timbre A. Durbin, Lewis-Clark State College
John K. McGarry, Lewis-Clark State College
Dylan D. Miller, Lewis-Clark State College
Elijah P. Moser, Lewis-Clark State College
Laurel A. Nunez, Lewis-Clark State College
Elias J. Pukkila, Lewis-Clark State College
Phillip S. Scott, Lewis-Clark State College
Parke J. Sutton, Brigham Young University - Idaho
Nancy A. C. Johnston (Mentor), Lewis-Clark State College

Vulnerabilities of the Artificial Pancreas System and Proposed Cryptographic Solutions

D. J. Cooke, Boise State University
Andres Guzman, Boise State University
Brooklyn Mesia, Brigham Young University - Idaho
Shawn Shields, Boise State University
Milan Zanussi, Boise State University
Jacob Palmer, Boise State University
Liljana Babinkostova (Mentor), Boise State University
Marion Scheepers (Mentor), Boise State University
Jay Radcliffe (Mentor), Thermo Fischer Scientific
Robert Erbes (Mentor), Idaho National Laboratory

Who's Sexting for Sexual Purposes

Hailey B. Brotcke, Boise State University
Heather Schoenherr (Mentor), College of Western Idaho
Mary Pritchard (Mentor), Boise State University

Winning Strategies for Matrix Games

Pangaea Finn, Boise State University
Marion Scheepers (Mentor), Boise State University

yEvo: A Yeast Evolution Lab for Budding Biologists

Josephine M. Boyer, University of Idaho
Bryce Taylor (Mentor), University of Washington
Alexa Warwick, Michigan State University
Ryan Skophammer, Westridge School
Maitreya Dunham (Mentor), University of Washington
Paul A. Rowley (Mentor), University of Idaho