Geosciences Research Data | Boise State Data Sets | Boise State University


Submissions from 2025


Dataset for Oxygen and Hydrogen Isotope Compositions in Dentine Collagen Correlate Strongly with Oxygen Isotope Compositions of Enamel Carbonate, Linda M. Reynard and Matthew J. Kohn

Submissions from 2024


Basic Seismic Utilities Software: BSU-3.0.3, Paul Michaels


Dataset for Field Parameters, Chemistry Concentrations, and Isotopes of Water, and Down-Hole Geophysical Measurements Primarily in the Summit Area at Reynolds Creek Experimental Watershed and Critical Zone Observatory, Southwestern Idaho, USA, Melissa E. Schegel, Kathleen A. Lohse, Jennifer Souza, Sara R. Warix, Erin M. Murray, Sarah E. Godsey, Mark S. Seyfried, Mark D. Schmitz, Bradley J. Carr, Bruce Finney, and Zane Cram


Dataset for Fine Fuels and Vegetation Point Clouds from Close-Range Structure-from-Motion, Josh Enterkine, Ahmad Hojatimalekshah, and Nancy F. Glenn

Submissions from 2023


Dataset for UAV-Based Quantification of Lahar Channel Dynamics at Volcán de Fuego, Guatemala, Jerry Mock, Armando Pineda, and Jeffrey B. Johnson


Dataset for ASD FieldSpec4 Snow and Conifer Measurements in Idaho and Colorado (2022-2023), Brenton A. Wilder, Josh Enterkine, Hans-Peter Marshall, Thomas Van der Weide, and Nancy F. Glenn

Submissions from 2022


Dataset for Stable Isotopes of Precipitation, Surface Water, Spring Water, and Subsurface Waters at the Reynolds Creek Experimental Watershed and Critical Zone Observatory, Southwestern Idaho, USA, Kathleen Lohse, Melissa Schlegel, Jennifer Souza, Sara Warix, Ruth MacNeille, Erin Murray, Anna Radke, Sarah E. Godsey, Mark S. Seyfried, and Bruce Finney


Dataset for Surface Soil Property and Processes Following the 2015 Soda Fire at the Reynolds Creek Critical Zone Observatory in SW Idaho, Kathleen A. Lohse, Derek Pierson, Nicholas Patton, Jonathan Sanderman, David P. Huber, Bruce Finney, Jeremy Facer, Jared Meyers, and Mark S. Seyfried


Dataset for 1 m Resolution Snow Depth, Topographical, and Vegetation Structural Metrics, Ahmad Hojatimalekshah, Nancy F. Glenn, and Josh Enterkine


Dataset for Experimental Variation in Maximum Soil Depth Controls Near-Surface Carbon and Nitrogen Cycling, David P. Huber, Kathleen A. Lohse, Ken Aho, Mark Seyfried, and Matthew Germino


Dataset for Unreconciled Effects of Salinity on Draining and Wetting Functions in Unsaturated Soils, David P. Huber, Greg L. Butters, and Luis A. Garcia


Dataset for Optimizing Process-Based Models to Predict Current and Future Soil Organic Carbon Stocks at High-Resolution, Derek Pierson, Kathleen A. Lohse, Will Wieder, Jeremy Facer, Nicholas Patton, Mark S. Seyfried, Ryan Will, Gerald Flerschinger, and Marie-Anne de Graaff

Submissions from 2021


Dataset for Dynamic Mass Loss from Greenland's Peripheral Glaciers, Katherine Bollen, Ellyn Enderlin, and Rebecca Muhlheim


Dataset of Observed Suspended Sediment and Particulate Organic Carbon Concentrations and Modeled Long-Term Suspended Sediment and Particulate Organic Carbon Yields (1994-2017) from the Reynolds Creek Experimental Watershed and Critical Zone Observatory in Southwestern Idaho, USA, Kayla A. Glossner, Kathleen A. Lohse, Alison P. Appling, Zane K. Cram, Erin Murray, Sarah Godsey, Steven Van Vactor, Mark S. Seyfried, and Fred B. Pierson


Dataset for Riparian Evapotranspiration and NDVI: Murphy Creek, Idaho, Sara Warix, Sarah Godsey, Gerald Flerchinger, Carrie Bottenburg, Xiaosheng Chu, Kathleen Lohse, Rebecca Hale, and Mark Seyfried

Submissions from 2020


Dataset for Flow Presence and Groundwater Fluxes at Murphy Creek, Southwest Idaho, Sara R. Warix, Sarah E. Godsey, Kathleen A. Lohse, and Rebecca L. Hale


Basic Seismic Utilities Software: BSU-3.0.2, Paul Michaels


Dataset for Fundamental Intra-Specific Differences in Plant-Water Relations in a Widespread Desert Shrub (Artemisia tridentata), Harmandeep Sharma, Keith Reinhardt, and Kathleen A. Lohse


Dataset for Methods to Model Antecedent Effects on Soil Respiration in a Cold Desert Ecosystem, David P. Huber, Ken A. Aho, Gerald Flerchinger, Kathleen A. Lohse, and Mark S. Seyfried


Dataset for Relationship Between Plant and Soil Isotopes and Climate in a Sagebrush-Steppe Ecosystem of Southern Idaho, Amy S. Commendador, Kathleen A. Lohse, Bruce P. Finney, and Ken A. Aho


Dataset for Estimating Surface Water Presence and Streamflow of Ephemeral and Intermittent Streams in Southwest US, Erika L. Gallo, Thomas Meixner, Kathleen A. Lohse, and Hillary Nicholas


Dataset on Rates of In-situ Litter Decomposition across a Range of Ephemeral to Seasonally-Intermittent Stream Reaches and Landscape Positions in Arizona, USA, Kathleen A. Lohse, Erika L. Gallo, and Thomas Meixner


Dataset on Soil Physio-Chemical Properties and Seasonal Moisture and Nutrient Dynamics in Temporary Stream Channels and Contributing Uplands in Arizona, USA, Kathleen A. Lohse, Erika L. Gallo, and Thomas Meixner


Stream Drying and Wildfire Recovery Surface Water Chemistry 2016 Dataset: Temporally Repeated High Spatial Scope Sampling for Intermittent Streams Johnston Draw Creek and Murphy Creek at Reynolds Creek Critical Zone Observatory (RC CZO), Ruth B. MacNeille, Kathleen A. Lohse, Julia N. Prediral, Sarah E. Godsey, Colden V. Baxter, and Mark S. Seyfried

Submissions from 2019


Data for Vegetation Maps for Reynolds Creek Experimental Watershed (RCEW) for the Year 2015, Hamid Dashti, Andrew Poley, Nancy F. Glenn, Nayani Ilangakoon, Lucas Spaete, Dar Roberts, Josh Enterkine, Alejandro N. Flores, Susan L. Ustin, and Jessica J. Mitchell


Data for a Comparison of Sap Flux Among Three Sagebrush Communities Spanning Rain-to Snow-Dominated Precipitation Regimes, Harmandeep Sharma, Keith Reinhardt, and Kathleen A. Lohse


Data Supporting the Characterization of Aeolian Material Deposited in the Reynolds Creek Experimental Watershed, Clayton Roehner, Jennifer Pierce, Elowyn Yager, Nancy F. Glenn, and Frederick Pierson

Submissions from 2018


A Human-Environment Systems Approach to Outdoor Recreation, Human Biological Stress, and Landscape Aesthetics, Ellie Opdahl, Kathryn Demps, and Julie Heath


Dataset for Sequestration of Soil Inorganic Carbon and Potential Sources in a Cold-Desert Ecosystem, David P. Huber, Amy Commendador, Bruce Finney, Kathleen A. Lohse, Ken A. Aho, M.S. Seyfried, and Matthew J. Germino


Dataset for Measured and Modelled Carbon (Net Ecosystem Exchange) and Water (Evapotranspiration) Data for Three Sagebrush Core Sites at Reynolds Creek Critical Zone Observatory, Harmandeep Sharma, Keith Reinhardt Mentor, Kathleen A. Lohse, Ken Aho, Gerald N. Flerchinger, and M.S. Seyfried


Dataset for Soil Properties Determined at the Reynolds Creek Experimental Watershed (RCEW), Idaho [Idaho State University Collections 2010-2016], Nicholas R. Patton, Kathleen A. Lohse, M.S. Seyfried, and Mark D. Murdock


Long-Term, Continuous Four-Component Solar Radiation Time Series from Measurement Sites in Dry Creek Experimental Watershed, Southwest Idaho, James P. McNamara


Dataset for Soil Hydraulic Parameter Estimates Along an Elevation Gradient in Dryland Soils, Mark D. Murdock, David P. Huber, Mark S. Seyfried, Nicholas R. Patton, and Kathleen A. Lohse


Basic Seismic Utilities Software, Paul Michaels


Data for Evaluating Impacts of Climate Change on Future Water Scarcity in Treasure Valley, Idaho, Using a Coupled Model of Biophysical Processes and Water Rights, Bangshuai Han, Shawn Benner, and Alejandro N. Flores


Dataset for Change in Carbon Storage for Cold Desert Ecosystems Controlled by Precipitation Seasonality and Invasive Vegetation, David P. Huber, Kathleen A. Lohse, Amy Commendador, Stephen Joy, Bruce Finney, Ken Aho, and Matt Germino


Dataset for Soil Properties of Johnston Draw a Subcatchment of Reynolds Creek, Idaho, Nicholas R. Patton, Kathleen A. Lohse, Mark Seyfried, and Mark D. Murdock


Dataset for Soil Properties of Reynolds Mountain East a Subcatchment of Reynolds Creek, Idaho, Nicholas R. Patton, Kathleen A. Lohse, Mark Seyfried, Anna Radke, and Sarah Godsey


Topographic Controls of Soil Organic Carbon on Soil-Mantled Landscapes, Nicholas R. Patton, Kathleen A. Lohse, Sarah E. Godsey, Susan B. Parsons, and Mark S. Seyfried


Dataset for Lithology and Coarse Fraction Adjusted Bulk Density Estimates for Determining Total Organic Carbon Stocks in Dryland Soils, Nicholas R. Patton, Kathleen A. Lohse, M.S. Seyfried, Ryan M. Will, and Shawn Benner

Submissions from 2017


Data for Partitioned Carbon and Energy Fluxes within the Reynolds Creek Critical Zone Observatory, Aaron W. Fellows, Gerald N. Flerchinger, Mark S. Seyfried, and Kathleen Lohse


Dataset for Predicting Soil Thickness on Soil Mantled Hillslopes, Nicholas R. Patton, Kathleen A. Lohse, Sarah E. Godsey, Mark S. Seyfried, and Benjamin T. Crosby


1994-2004 SEGY Seismic Data Archive from Paul Michaels Sabbatical, Paul Michaels


Raster Data for Projecting Urban Expansion in the Treasure Valley (Idaho) to Year 2100 Under Different Scenarios of Population Growth and Housing Density, Christian Sprague, Michail Fragkias, Jenna Narducci, Jodi Brandt, and Shawn G. Benner


Soil Moisture and Temperature Along an Elevation, Paired-Aspect Transect, Dry Creek Experimental Watershed, SW Idaho, 2008-2018, Shawn G. Benner, James P. McNamara, Michael J. Poulos, and Toni Smith


Data Associated with 'Coupling Biophysical Processes and Water Rights to Simulate Spatially Distributed Water Use in an Intensively Managed Hydrologic System', Bangshuai Han, Shawn G. Benner, John P. Bolte, Kellie B. Vache, and Alejandro N. Flores


Data Set for Acoustic and Seismic Fields of Hydraulic Jumps at Varying Froude Numbers, Timothy J. Ronan, Dylan Mikesell, and Jonathan M. Lees


Long-Term, Continuous Air Temperature Time Series from Measurement Sites in Dry Creek Experimental Watershed, Southwest Idaho, James P. McNamara


Long-Term, Continuous Net Radiation Time Series from Measurement Sites in Dry Creek Experimental Watershed, Southwest Idaho, James P. McNamara


Long-Term, Continuous Precipitation Time Series from Measurement Sites in Dry Creek Experimental Watershed, Southwest Idaho, James P. McNamara


Long-Term, Continuous Relative Humidity Time Series from Measurement Sites in Dry Creek Experimental Watershed, Southwest Idaho, James P. McNamara


Long-Term, Continuous Snow Depth Time Series from Measurement Sites in Dry Creek Experimental Watershed, Southwest Idaho, James P. McNamara


Long-Term, Continuous Solar Radiation (Incoming Shortwave) Time Series from Measurement Sites in Dry Creek Experimental Watershed, Southwest Idaho, James P. McNamara


Long-Term, Continuous Stream Discharge Time Series from Measurement Sites in Dry Creek Experimental Watershed, Southwest Idaho, James P. McNamara


Long-Term, Continuous Stream Temperature Time Series from Measurement Sites in Dry Creek Experimental Watershed, Southwest Idaho, James P. McNamara


Long-Term, Continuous Wind Direction Time Series from Measurement Sites in Dry Creek Experimental Watershed, Southwest Idaho, James P. McNamara


Long-Term, Continuous Wind Speed Time Series from Measurement Sites in Dry Creek Experimental Watershed, Southwest Idaho, James P. McNamara


Soil Moisture and Temperature Hourly Data for Dry Creek Experimental Watershed, Southwest Idaho, Lower Deer Point Weather Station, James P. McNamara


Soil Moisture and Temperature Hourly Data for Dry Creek Experimental Watershed, Southwest Idaho, Lower Weather Station, James P. McNamara


Soil Moisture and Temperature Hourly Data for Dry Creek Experimental Watershed, Southwest Idaho, Shingle Creek Ridge Weather Station, James P. McNamara


Soil Moisture and Temperature Hourly Data for Dry Creek Experimental Watershed, Southwest Idaho, Treeline Weather Station, James P. McNamara


Soil Moisture,Temperature, Electrical Conductivity and Heat Flux Hourly Data for Dry Creek Experimental Watershed, Southwest Idaho, Bogus Ridge Weather Station, James P. McNamara


Modeled Impacts of Climate Change on Regional Hydrology in the Upper Boise River Basin Idaho, Amy Steimke, Alejandro Flores, Bangshuai Han, Jodi Brandt, and Rebecca Som Castellano


Data for Trace Chemical Evaluation of Cloud Seeding in the Payette Basin Idaho, James M. Fisher, Shawn G. Benner, Marion L. Lytle, Melvin L. Kunkel, Derek Blestrud, Shaun K. Parkinson, and P. Ross Edwards


Reynolds Creek – A Collection of Near-Surface Soil Organic Carbon (SOC) Maps, GIS/Map Data (2017), Ryan M. Will, Shawn Benner, Nancy F. Glenn, Jennifer Pierce, Kathleen A. Lohse, Nicholas Patton, Lucas P. Spaete, and Christopher Stanbery

Submissions from 2016


2009 1m Snow Depth for Reynolds Mountain East, Reynolds Creek Experimental Watershed, Idaho, Rupesh Shrestha


Modeling the Drivers of Land Use Change and Ecosystem Services Change in Three (3) Urban Sites of Idaho: Causal Approach Examining the Importance of Boundaries, Christopher Felt


Community Engagement, Advocacy, and the Application of Science in the Boise River Basin, Vanessa Fry, Jen Schneider, Carl Anderson, Erik Olson, Eric Lindquist, and Jared L. Talley


A Participatory Mapping and Agent-Based Approach to Promote Coexistence Between Idaho Ranchers and Gray Wolves, Alexander Killion and Neil Henderson Carter


Agriculture Transitions: Studying Water and Land-Use Change in Idaho's Treasure Valley, Jillian Moroney


Stakeholder Values, Land Use, and Ecosystem Services Trade-Offs, Jenna Narducci, Jodi Brandt, and Antonio Castro


Does Outdoor Recreation Decrease Stress? Investigating the Physiological Responses of Outdoor Recreation in Idaho, Ellie Opdahl, Kathryn Demps, and Julie Heath


Data Management Services at Boise State University 2016, Jean Barney, Amber Sherman, Tory Jamison, and Kyle Shannon


Data Associated with Characterizing Off Highway Vehicle Mobility Patterns in Southwest Idaho, Eric Frey, Kathryn Demps, Benjamin P. Pauli, and Julie Heath

Treasure Valley Idaho Managed Growth Projection Shapefiles for 2010, 2020, 2030 and 2040, Bangshuai Han


TRAILS Model: Tolerance in Raptors and the Associated Impacts of Leisure Sports, Benjamin P. Pauli, Robert J. Spaul, and Julie A. Heath


Data Associated with 'Forecasting Disturbance Effects on Wildlife: Tolerance Does Not Mitigate Effects of Increased Recreation on Wild Lands', Benjamin P. Pauli, Robert J. Spaul, and Julie A. Heath


Boise State MILES Data Management Workflows, Jean Barney

Treasure Valley Idaho Status Quo Projection Shapefiles for 2010, 2020, 2030 and 2040, Bangshuai Han

Treasure Valley Idaho Unconstrained Growth Projection Shapefiles for 2010, 2020, 2030 and 2040, Bangshuai Han


31 Years of Spatially Distributed Air Temperature, Humidity, Precipitation Amount and Precipitation Phase From a Mountain Catchment in the Rain-snow Transition Zone, Patrick R. Kormos, Danny Marks, Mark Seyfried, Scott Havens, Andrew Hedrick, Kathleen A. Lohse, Matt Masarik, and Alejandro N. Flores


2014 Lidar-Derived 1m Digital Elevation Model Data Set for Reynolds Creek Experimental Watershed, Southwestern Idaho, Nayani Ilangakoon, Nancy F. Glenn, Lucas P. Spaete, Hamid Dashti, and Aihua Li


1938-2014 Data Set of New Development Urban Growth Forms for Boise Idaho and Surrounding Region, Khila R. Dahal


1974-2011 Data Set of Urban Extent for Boise Idaho and Surrounding Region Derived from National Land Cover Database (NLCD), Khila R. Dahal


1938-2014 Data Set of Public Land Use Development Parcels for Boise Idaho and Surrounding Region, Khila R. Dahal and Christopher Felt


1938-2014 Data Set of Urban Extent Derived for Boise Idaho and Surrounding Region, Khila R. Dahal and Christopher Felt


2010 and 2013 Data Set of Building Footprint Shapes and Points for Boise Idaho and Surrounding Region, Khila R. Dahal and Christopher Felt


2007 Lidar-Derived Digital Elevation Model, Canopy Height Model and Vegetation Cover Model Data Sets for Reynolds Creek Experimental Watershed, Southwestern Idaho, Rupesh Shrestha and Nancy F. Glenn


Data Associated with A Simplified Approach to Stakeholder Engagement in Natural Resource Management: The Five-Feature Framework, Jared L. Talley, Jen Schneider, and Eric Lindquist


2013 Morley Nelson Snake River Birds of Prey National Conservation Area RapidEye 7m Landcover Classification, Lucas P. Spaete, Nancy F. Glenn, and Charles W. Baun

Submissions from 2015


Data for Aboveground Biomass Estimates of Sagebrush Using Terrestrial and Airborne LiDAR Data in a Dryland Ecosystem, Aihua Li, Nancy F. Glenn, Peter J. Olsoy, Jessica J. Mitchell, and Rupesh Shrestha