Content Posted in 2017
1187 Days, Part 1, Panel 20, Samantha Lynne Henze
1187 Days, Part 1, Panel 22, Samantha Lynne Henze
1187 Days, Part 2, Panel 1, Samantha Lynne Henze
1187 Days, Part 3, Panel 17, Samantha Lynne Henze
1187 Days, Title Page, Samantha Lynne Henze
17th-Century Books Display, Allison Corona
1994-2004 SEGY Seismic Data Archive from Paul Michaels Sabbatical, Paul Michaels
2015-2016 Data Management Strategic Agenda - Final Report, Michelle Armstrong, Megan Davis, Heather Grevatt, and Amber Sherman
2017 Boise State Research Data Environmental Scan Report, Michelle Armstrong and Heather Grevatt
3D Printed Subject-Specific MRI Compatible Physiologic Simulator of Intracranial Fluid Dynamics, Brian Aldrimk, Gabryel Conley, Lucas Sass, and Bryn Martin (Mentor)
A Certificateless One-Way Group Key Agreement Protocol for Point-to-Point Email Encryption, Srisarguru Sridhar
A Chemical Analysis of Apatite and Zircon Composition From Four Minnesotan Ordovician K-Bentonite Deposits, Jeff Novak
A Chronic Disease Self-Management Program and Its Evaluation Tool: A Case Study, Lisa L. Hatfield
A Chronostratigraphic Assessment of the Moenave Formation, USA Using C-Isotope Chemostratigraphy and Detrital Zircon Geochronology: Implications for the Terrestrial End Triassic Extinction, Celina A. Suarez, Todd K. Knobbe, James L. Crowley, James I. Kirkland, and Andrew R.C. Milner
A Classroom Experience That Builds the Top Skills Employers Want, Kirk Smith
A Coding Scheme for Nucleic Acid Memory (NAM), Kelsey Suyehira, Simon Llewellyn, Reza M. Zadegan, William L. Hughes, and Tim Andersen
A Comprehensive Comparison Between the Refraction Microtremor and Seismic Interferometry Method for Phase Velocity Estimation, Zongbo Xu, T. Dylan Mikesell, Jianghai Xia, and Feng Cheng
A Conceptual Framework for Understanding Illegal Killing of Large Carnivores, Neil H. Carter
Acoustic and Aerodynamic Data on Somali Chizigula Stops, Michal Temkin Martinez and Vanessa Rosenbaum
Acoustic and Seismic Fields of Hydraulic Jumps at Varying Froude Numbers, Timothy J. Ronan, Jonathan M. Lees, T. Dylan Mikesell, Jacob F. Anderson, and Jeffrey B. Johnson
Acoustic Environments Matter: Synergistic Benefits to Humans and Ecological Communities, Mitchell Levenhagen and Jesse R. Barber
Activity of Benzimidazole and 1-indanone-based Molecules as Inhibitors of Escherichia coli 5'-methylthioadenosine nucleosidase (MTN), Anthony Phero, Kenneth Cornell (Mentor), Hank Dossett (Mentor), John Thurston (Mentor), and Necia Hunter (Mentor)
Adaptation and Acceptance in Online Course Design from Four-Year College and University Instructors: An Analysis using Grounded Theory, Sally J. Baldwin
Adoption as a Social Marker: Innovation Diffusion with Outgroup Aversion, Paul E. Smaldino, Marco A. Janssen, Vicken Hillis, and Jenna Bednar
Adult Quality Indicators Underlying Sex Ratio Bias in American Kestrels, Joseph Low and Julie Heath (Mentor)
Advanced Atomic Force Microscopy for BioMaterials Research, Jesse Schimpf, Michael Abend, Conner Patricelli, Gunes Uzer, Daniel Fologea, Paul H. Davis (Mentor), and Elton Graugnard
Advanced Scanning Probe Microscopy for Materials Research, Kari Livingston, Steve Johns, Armen Kvryan, Corey Efaw, Paul Davis (Mentor), Michael Hurley (Mentor), and Elton Graugnard (Mentor)
Advances in Understanding Air Pollution and CVD, Cynthia L. Curl
Adventures with Animals Big and Small, Emily Allen, Marcus Blandford, Shannon Brennan, Brennen Keen, Amanda Timm, Tara Penry, and Sarah Obendorf
Aerial Versus Below-Ground Alkaloid Content Variation from Veratrum californicum as a Function of Plant Growth Cycle and Harvest Site, Emily A. Wade, Ellie I. Hunt, Bing Ho, Meagan M. Rossi, and Owen M. McDougal (Mentor)
Aerodynamic Roughness Length Estimation with Lidar and Imaging Spectroscopy in a Shrub-Dominated Dryland, Aihua Li, Wenguang Zhao, Jessica J. Mitchell, Nancy F. Glenn, Matthew J. Germino, Joel B. Sankey, and Richard G. Allen
A Faceoff with Hazardous Noise: Noise Exposure and Hearing Threshold Shifts of Indoor Hockey Officials, Karin L. Adams and William J. Brazile
A Functional Equivalence Verification of Sequential and MPI Versions of the Eikonal Algorithm., Jose Pena-Perez and Elena Sherman (Mentor)
A Game of Things: Strategic Allocation of Security Resources for IoT, Antonino Rullo, Daniele Midi, Edoardo Serra, and Elisa Bertino
Agriculture and Energy Price Transference: The Impact of Crude Oil on US Wheat Markets, Rob Humphrey
A High Precision U–Pb Radioisotopic Age for the Agrio Formation, Neuquén Basin, Argentina: Implications for the Chronology of the Hauterivian Stage, Mark D. Schmitz
Albertsons Library Data Management Strategic Agenda Summer 2017 - Spring 2019, Amber Sherman, Heather Grevatt, Megan Davis, and Michelle Armstrong
Alcohol Use and Drinking Motives Among Sanctioned and Non-Sanctioned Students, Diana M. Doumas
Algebraic Topics in Control, Cheryl B. Schrader
Aligning Organizational Priorities with ARC to Improve Youth Mental Health Service Outcomes, Charles Glisson, Nathaniel J. Williams, Anthony Hemmelgarn, Enola Proctor, and Philip Green
“All Students are Brilliant”: A Confession of Injustice and a Call to Action, Amy D. Robertson and Leslie J. Atkins Elliott
Alternative Food Networks and the Labor of Food Provisioning: A Third Shift?, Rebecca L. Som Castellano
A Machine Learning Approach to Estimation of Downward Solar Radiation from Satellite-derived Data Products: An Application Over a Semi-Arid Ecosystem in the U.S., Qingtao Zhou, Alejandro Flores, Nancy F. Glenn, Reggie Walters, and Bangshuai Han
Amake: Cached Builds of Top-Level Targets, Jim Buffenbarger
A Method for Detecting Stress Corrosion Cracking and the Influence Environmental Factors, Arvin Cunningham, Jessica Bottleberghe, and Dustin Greene
Am I a STEM Professional? Documenting STEM Student Professional Identity Development, Sharon Paterson McGuire, Kirsten A. Davis, Arvin Farid, Kimberly K. Hardy, Yu-Chang Hsu, Uwe Kaiser, Rajesh Nagarajan, and Sasha Wang
A Mixed Method Analysis of Gender Disparities in Scientists’ Accounts of Success, Hailee L. Tracy and Dilshani Sarathchandra (Mentor)
A Motionless Actuation System for Magnetic Shape Memory Devices, Andrew Armstrong, Kevin Finn, Anthony Hobza, Paul Lindquist, Nader Rafla, and Peter Müllner
A Multi-Resolution and Adaptive 3-D Image Denoising Framework with Applications in Medical Imaging, Partha Sarathi Mukherjee
An Adaptive, Parallel Algorithm for Approximating the Generalized Voronoi Diagram, Nathan Vollmer, Nicholas Harrison, and John Edwards (Mentor)
An Algebraic Approach to Test Primality, Brad Bentz, Morad I. Hassan, Andre Hernandez-Espiet, Hyun Jong Kim, and Liljana Babinkostova (Mentor)
An Alternative to Divine Omniscience: John Milton’s Chaos and Night, Cydney Haines
Analysis of Novel Inhibitors of Borrelia MTA/SAH Nucleosidases, Jesus Gonzalez, Tudor Firica, Amaia Mimenza, and Elias Lines
Analysis of Summertime Atmospheric Sulfides and Volatile Organic Compounds in Lewis-Clark Valley near a Kraft Pulp Paper Mill., Brian K. Grimm, Reece P. Uhlorn, and Nancy A C Johnston (Mentor)
Analysis of the Interactions Between the Septate Fungus Darksidea sp. and Artemisia tridentata Roots, Adam K. Thompson, Erika Petzinger, and Marcelo Serpe (Mentor)
Analysis on the Security and Use of Password Managers, Carlos Luevanos, John Elizarraras, Khai Hirschi, and Jyh-Haw Yeh (Mentor)
Analyzing Electrolyte Degradation via Chemical, Thermal, and Electrochemical Methods, John Lewis, Pete Barnes (Mentor), and Hui Xiong (Mentor)
Analyzing Large Truck and Pedestrian Traffic Patterns in the Lewis - Clark Valley Area, Andrew W. Anaya and Jenni Light (Mentor)
Analyzing Variability in Exoplanetary Eclipses, Steven Kreyche and Jennifer Briggs
An Apple for a Heart, Kolby Weston Deagle
An Apple for a Heart (Detail), Kolby Weston Deagle
An Application of Bahktin’s Theory of the Dialogic to the “No More Campaign”, Mackenzie Moss and Manda Hicks (Mentor)
An Assay for Blood Parasite Detection in Idaho Golden Eagles (Aquila Chrysaetos), Alicia N. Wilkening, Stephanie Hudon (Mentor), Eric J. Hayden (Mentor), Julie Heath, and Benjamin M. Dudek
An Augmented Reality Basketball Game for the Environment, Alexis X. Araiza and Quincy Conley (Mentor)
Ancile: Toward Using Blockchain Technology for Access Control and Interoperability of Electronic Health Records, Jordan S. Mohler, Matea Milojkovic, Praneeth Babu Marella, and Gaby Dagher (Mentor)
"...and carry a big the biggest stick!", Alexander B. Vestermark
An Electrical Thermometry Platform for Thermal Conductivity Measurements of 2D Materials /, Alondra Perez
An Evaluation of the Ecohydrological Separation Hypothesis in a Semiarid Catchment, Ryan J. McCutcheon, James P. McNamara, Matthew J. Kohn, and Samantha L. Evans
An Evaluation of the Effectiveness and Utilization of Idaho's Tobacco Cessation Program from 2000 to 2007, Kathryn R. Quinn
An Evidence-Based Approach to Integrate Civility, Professionalism, and Ethical Practice Into Nursing Curricula, Cynthia M. Clark
A New and Improved Computing System for the FireMAP Project, Isaac L. Kronz, Barry Myers (Mentor), and Dale Hamilton (Mentor)
A New Appraisal of Sri Lankan BB Zircon as a Reference Material for LA-ICP-MS U-Pb Geochronology and Lu-Hf Isotope Tracing, Mark D. Schmitz
A New Late Hemingfordian Vertebrate Fauna from Hawk Rim, Oregon, with Implications for Biostratigraphy and Geochronology, Win N.F. McLaughlin, Samantha S.B. Hopkins, and Mark D. Schmitz
A New Model of Roche-Lobe Overflow for Short-Period Gaseous Planets and Binary Stars, Brian Jackson, Phil Arras, Kaloyan Penev, Sarah Peacock, and Pablo Marchant
An Exploration of a Quantitative Reasoning Instructional Approach to Linear Equations in Two Variables with Community College Students, Paul T. Belue, Laurie Overman Cavey, and Margaret T. Kinzel
An Exploratory Study on Impact of Participation in Youth Action Councils on Development of Assets, Rhiannon N. Avery
An International Comparison Study of the Alignment Between Standards and Assessment of Pre-Service Elementary Mathematics Teacher Preparation Courses, Vilma Guadalupe Duke Escobar
An Investigation Into The Accuracy of Activation Energies Derived From The Weizmann Methods., Jonathan Prince and Clifford LeMaster (Mentor)
Ankle Prophylactic Devices Prevent Excessive Inversion, Wyatt Ihmels
An Open, Extensible Geodatabase for Socio-Ecological System Analyses in the Boise River Basin, ID, Abigail Rose Cannon, Alejandro Flores (Mentor), Amy Steimke (Mentor), and Andrea Leonard (Mentor)
A Novel Fix to Reduce the Log-Layer Mismatch in Wall-Modeled Large-Eddy Simulations of Turbulent Channel Flow, Rey DeLeon and Inanc Senocak
Anthropogenic Noise Changes Arthropod Abundances, Jessie P. Bunkley, Christopher J.W. McClure, Akito Y. Kawahara, Clinton D. Francis, and Jesse R. Barber
Antibiotic Resistance Rates of Methicillin-Resistant Staphlococcus Aureus and Vancomycin-Resistant Enterococcus in Idaho Hospitals from 1994 to 1998, Richard S. Taylor
Antje Rávic Strubel’s Disruptive Discourse, Beret Norman
A Phylum-Level Phylogenetic Classification of Zygomycete Fungi Based on Genome-Scale Data, Merlin M. White
A Pilot Study on Perceptions of Environmental Health Risk in Kootenai County, Idaho, Kimberly Anne Harding
Application and Development of Accelerated Bridge Construction Technologies in the State of Idaho, Irvin Aguilar, Mustafa Mashal (Mentor), and Arya Ebrahimpour (Mentor)
Application of Cold Atmospheric Plasma to Disrupt Biofilms on Medical Devices, Moriah Murray, Jen Finkbeiner, Alma Stosius, and Kylee Holdaway
Applications for ICESat-2 Data: From NASA's Early Adopter Program, Nancy F. Glenn
App-reciating Educational Technology: Bringing Traditional English Classrooms into the 21st Century, Brianna Gibson and Esther Ntuli (Mentor)
A Preliminary Investigation of High Dose Ion Irradiation Response of a Lanthana-Bearing Nanostructured Ferritic Steel Processed via Spark Plasma Sintering, Yaqiao Wu and Jatuporn Burns
A Probabilistic Homomorphic Encryption Algorithm Over Integers: Protecting Data Privacy in Clouds, Jyh-Haw Yeh
A Probabilistic Logic of Cyber Deception, Sushil Jajodia, Noseong Park, Fabio Pierazzi, Andrea Pugliese, Edoardo Serra, Gerardo I. Simari, and V. S. Subrahmanian
A Quality Improvement Project: Adopting the Standards of Best Practice in Simulation: Debriefing with PEARLS, Rebecca Lea Hooper Keesee
Arachnophobia, Jamil Lionel Lawyer
A Radial Basis Function (RBF) Compact Finite Difference (FD) Scheme for Reaction-Diffusion Equations on Surfaces, Erik Lehto, Varun Shankar, and Grady B. Wright
Architextual Authenticity: Constructing Literature and Literary Identity in the French Caribbean, Jason Herbeck
Are Stable Annual Flows Associated with Higher Food Density for Trout in Headwater Streams?, Rayna Flynn, Tyson Hallbert (Mentor), and Ernest Keeley (Mentor)
A Retrospective Analysis of the Rural Female Family Physician in Idaho, Jessica J. Marshall, D. F. Schmitz (Mentor), and Ed Baker
Armor and Rapier Display, Allison Corona
Armor Display, Allison Corona
Armor Making Demonstration, Allison Corona
Arsenite Resistance of Euglena mutabilis, Nicole Loumarinett Rosendo Mercado and Doug G. Cole (Mentor)
Art of Sword Fighting Display, Allison Corona
Arts-Based Educational Research as a Site for Emerging Pedagogy and Developing Mentorship, Anniina Suominen Guyas and Kathleen Keys
A Scalable Graph-Coarsening Based Index for Dynamic Graph Databases, Akshay Kansal
A Secure Homomorphic Encryption Algorithm Over Integers for Data Privacy Protection in Clouds, Jyh-Haw Yeh
A Simplified Approach to Stakeholder Engagement in Natural Resource Management: The Five-Feature Framework, Jared L. Talley, Jen Schneider, and Eric Lindquist
A Software Tool for Maintaining File and Macro Build Dependencies, Jim Buffenbarger
As Received Fe-9%Cr ODS, Kayla Yano, Matt Swenson, and Janelle Wharry
Assertive Community Treatment: A Comparative Study Between Independent and Dependent Living, Kirby L. Farner
Assessing a Multi-Platform Data Fusion Technique in Capturing Spatiotemporal Dynamics of Heterogeneous Dryland Ecosystems in Topographically Complex Terrain, Peter J. Olsoy, Jessica Mitchell, Nancy F. Glenn, and Alejandro N. Flores
Assessing Dependency in SPAR-H: Some Practical Considerations, Harold S. Blackman and Ronald L. Boring
Assessing the Potential of Polyculture to Accelerate Algal Biofuel Production, Kevin P. Feris
Assessing Udaleku 2013: The Effects of Gender, Age, Family, and Community on Basque Youth Skills, Interest, Identity and Pride, Catherine M. Petrissans
Assessment of Student Learning Using Augmented Reality Grand Canyon Field Trips for Mobile Smart Devices, Natalie Bursztyn, Andy Walker, Brett Shelton, and Joel Pederson
Assessment of the Family Medicine Residency of Idaho Focus Clinic: A Pilot Study, Jaime E. Hineman
Assessment of the Usability and Impact of the Idaho Health Data Exchange (IHDE), Janet Reis, Lisa MacKenzie, Terri Soelberg, and Jennifer Smith
Associations Between Burrowing Owls and Common Ravens in the Morley Nelson Snake River Birds of Prey National Conservation Area, Idaho, Lindsey A. Belthoff, Sara Pourzamani, Kristi Weckwerth, Diane White, Joe Weldon, and Jim Belthoff (Mentor)
A Stable Algorithm for Divergence-Free and Curl-Free Radial Basis Functions in the Flat Limit, Kathryn Primrose Drake
A Sting in the Night: Pallid Bat Detection of Dangerous Prey, Nicholas Carlson
A Study of Rural Hospital Antimicrobial Resistance Proficiency, Heidi L. Hawkins
A Study of Transcriptional Activation by the Transcription Factor Gal4 in Saccharomyces cerevisiae by 3D Orbital Tracking and In Vivo RNA labelling, Anh Huynh, Micah Buckmiller, Tineke Lenstra, and Matthew Ferguson (Mentor)
Asymptotic Perfect Secrecy in Distributed Estimation for Large Sensor Networks, Jun Guo, Hao Chen, and Uri Rogers
A Tale as Old as Time, Kolby Weston Deagle
A Tapestry of Nature: Emerging Themes of Disturbance and Recovery from Multiple Disciplines, Nalini Nadkarni
Atmospheric Impacts of Population Growth in a Semi-Arid Climate, Kelsey Martin and Sondra Miller (Mentor)
Augmented Reality and Interactivity for Visualizing Scientific Datasets, Dean J. Cohen, Gabriel W. Grow, and Josh Johnston (Mentor)
Authentic Leadership in Volunteer Based Teams: A Research Essay and Reflection of My Leadership Experience in LEAD 326, Jonathan Troy Ferguson
Automated Conformance Testing of the 2017 NIST Password Policies, Antoinette Jackson, Anthony Luo, and Dianxiang Xu (Mentor)
Automated Measurement of Fracture Callus in Radiographs Using Portable Software, Stephen M. Porter, Hannah L. Dailey, Katharine A. Hollar, Karina Klein, James A. Harty, and Trevor J. Lujan
A Validated Software Application to Measure Fiber Organization in Soft Tissue, Erica E. Morrill, Azamat N. Tulepbergenov, Christina J. Stender, Roshani Lamichhane, Raquel J. Brown, and Trevor J. Lujan
A Week in Yellowstone, Emma Elizabeth Hood
Bad Girl: Feminism, Contradiction, and Transformation, Laura Goodwin
Bait and Switch: How Diversity in Higher Education Promotes a Whitening Racial Orthodoxy Through Tokenism, Terrence Sharrer
Beam Me Up, Aarin Cody Bigler
Beam Me Up, Aarin Cody Bigler
Behaviorism is Not Enough: Better Recommendations Through Listening to Users, Michael D. Ekstrand and Martijn C. Willemsen
Behind the Scenes: Stronger Shines the Light Inside
Bells for Books Community Service, Jamie J. Maas
Benefits of Participating in Service-Learning, Business-related Classes: Assessing the Impact on the Community Partners, Nancy Vizenor, Tasha J. Souza, and Joshua Jordan Ertmer
Ben & Jerry's Food Truck, Allison Corona
“Bestowing a Veil on Truth”: Melville’s Reading of Homer, Cyrus Garner, Marcus Blandford, and Kenzington Price
Bethany Poythress Reading Hamlet's Soliloquy, Allison Corona
Beyond the Dedicated Education Unit: Using Cognitive Load Theory to Guide Clinical Placement, Pamela M. Mulcock, Jane Grassley, Michael Davis, and Kathryn White
Beyond the Region: Cuban Libraries, a Humbling Experience, Stan Steiner
Bi-Directional Fatigue Life Behavior of Bovine Meniscus, Jaremy Creechley
Binge-Eating Disorder: A Primer for Professional Counselors, Raissa M. Miller and Jaime D. McManus
Biophysical Characterization of Peptides and Their Interaction with Lysenin Nanopores, Devon Richtsmeier, Nisha Shrestha, Christopher Thomas, Sheenah Bryant, Xinzhu Pu, Juliette Tinker (Mentor), and Daniel Fologea (Mentor)
Biotic Changes Around the Radioisotopically Constrained Carboniferous-Permian Boundary in the Boskovice Basin (Czech Republic), Stanislav Oplu štil, Jakub Jirásek, Mark Schmitz, and Dalibor Matýsek
Biphasic Response of the Voltage Induced Gating of Lysenin Channels, Kaitlyn Lowther, Charles Hanna (Mentor), Sheenah Lynn Bryant, Austin Dewey, Nisha Shrestha, and Daniel Fologea (Mentor)
Birth Order and Intelligence, Mackenzi Alsop
Blown Saves: The Fate of Baseball's Silent Cinema, Marshall G. Most
Blue Collar Masculinity, Tabitha Penny
Blue-Green Algal Blooms in Brownlee Reservoir, Lola Klamm
Boise Air Quality: Assessing Health Risks at Elementary Schools, Kelly Tarantino, Colton Braatz, and Heath Chisholm
Boise Public Library Booth, Allison Corona
Boise State Meistersingers, Allison Corona
Boise State Meistersingers, Allison Corona
Boise State Opens Its First Folio Exhibit with Fanfare and Hoopla, Dana Oland
Boise State Theatre Majors Association Booth, Allison Corona
Boise State University Bookstore Booth, Allison Corona
Boise State University Bookstore's First Folio Pop-Up Store, Allison Corona
Boise State University Jazz Ensemble, Allison Corona
Boise State University Jazz Ensemble, Bass and Sax, Allison Corona
Boise State University Jazz Ensemble: Sax, Allison Corona
Boise State University Librarian and Archivist Gwyn Hervochon, Allison Corona
Boise State University Mascot Buster Bronco, Allison Corona
Boise State University Provost Martin Schimpf, Allison Corona
Bolivia, Shayla King
Born Blind in the Mind's Eye: Investigating Congenital Aphantasia, Cooper Lyons, Bardha Vrapi, Christopher Herrera, and Matt Barvo
Brainbook: An Impact Study of a Statewide Concussion Awareness Training for High-School Athletes, Quincy Conley and Willi Savenye
Breastfeeding-Family-Friendly City Assessment, Avalon Leddy, Anna Spafford, Kona Estes, Rebecca Benedict, Heather Brady, Mina Craig, Tamara Hazen, Kalyn Morgan, and Suzanne Gersten
Breeding Ecology and Habitat Suitability of Ferruginous Hawks (Buteo regalis) in Southern Idaho, Talia Jolley, Kassandra C. Townsend, Zach Sanchez, Steve Alsup (Mentor), Dusty Perkins (Mentor), Bryan Krouse (Mentor), Joseph Weldon (Mentor), and Matthew Stuber (Mentor)
Bridging the Gap Between the Foreland and Hinterland I: Geochronology and Plate Tectonic Geometry of Ordovician Magmatism and Terrane Accretion on the Laurentian Margin of New England, Paul M. Karabinos, Francis A. Macdonald, and James L. Crowley
Bridging the Gap Between the Foreland and Hinterland II: Geochronology and Tectonic Setting of Ordovician Magmatism and Basin Formation on the Laurentian Margin of New England and Newfoundland, Francis A. Macdonald, Paul M. Karabinos, James L. Crowley, Eben B. Hodgin, Peter W. Crockford, and John W. Delano
Broadened Diversity: How University Diversity Initiatives Promote a Culture of Racial Microaggressions /, Fructoso Basaldua
Broad First-Order Magnetic Entropy Change Curve in Directionally Solidified Polycrystalline Ni-Co-Mn-In, F. Chen, Y. X. Tong, L. Li, J. L. Sánchez Llamazares, C. F. Sánchez-Valdés, and P. Müllner
Broad Street Renovation Project, Alyce Tolman, Jonah Duncan, Nic Cota, Hussain Aldhneen, and Kyle Rink
BroncoVotes: Secure Voting System using Ethereum's Blockchain, Praneeth Babu Marella, Gaby Dagher (Mentor), Jordan Mohler, and Matea Milojkovic
Building an Effective Online Thermodynamics Course for Undergraduate Engineering Students, Dazhi Yang and Krishna Pakala
Building a Network File Server from The Ground Up, Glen Luengen, Dale Hamilton (Mentor), Barry Meyrs (Mentor), and Nicholas Hamilton
Building an Online Adaptive Learning and Recommendation Platform, Hsiao-Chien Tseng, Chieh-Feng Chiang, Jun-Ming Su, Jui-Long Hung, and Brett E. Shelton
Bunny Bot V2.0, Dylan Reen, William Burdge, Kevin Jin, and Tshering Sherpa
Burrowing Owl Fleas During a Ground Squirrel Plague Epizootic in Idaho, Andrew S. Elgin, Scott A. Bernhardt, and Jim R. Belthoff (Mentor)
Burrowing Owls, Common Ravens, and Power Transmission Lines in the Morley Nelson Snake River Birds of Prey National Conservation Area, Idaho, Aidan Branney, Maitreyi Sur, Sharon Poessel, Todd E. Katzner, and James R. Belthoff (Mentor)
Buster Bronco and Friend, Allison Corona
Cable Effects in Ground-Penetrating Radar Data and Implications for Quantitative Amplitude Measurements, Esther L. Babcock, A. Peter Annan, and John H. Bradford
Calculus Reform: Increasing STEM Retention and Post-Requisite Course Success While Closing the Retention Gap for Women and Underrepresented Minority Students, Doug Bullock, Janet Callahan, and Jocelyn B.S. Cullers
Calibrating the Middle and Late Permian Palynostratigraphy of Australia to the Geologic Time-Scale via U–Pb Zircon CA-IDTIMS Dating, J. L. Crowley
Campus Microgrid Project Morrison Hall: Unplugged, Angel Rodriguez
Cancer, Christine Elizabeth McLenna
Can Ryan Zinke Balance Conservation and Development as Interior Secretary?, John Freemuth and Mackenzie Case
Can Technology Improve Engagement and Confidence in an Undergraduate Research Class?, Hannah Lentz and Brittney Simmons
Capricorn, Christine Elizabeth McLenna
Captive Spring, Amy Nicole Hildebrandt
Caring for Those Who Care for Everyone: Nutrition Intervention for Nurses and Nursing Assistants, Miranda R. Anspach and Katie N. Brown (Mentor)
Carnival Grounds, Allison Corona
Carnival Grounds, Allison Corona
Carvinal Goers, Allison Corona
Case Report: Coincidental Inclusion in a 17-Locus Y-STR Mixture, Wrongful Conviction and Exoneration, Greg Hampikian, Gianluca Peri, Shih-Shiang Lo, Mon-Hwa Chin, and Kuo-Lan Liu
Cave Dragon, Katya Michele Greimes
Cave Dragon Spot, Katya Michele Greimes
Cermet Development for High Temperature and High Pressure Applications, Beatriz Justus Ferez, Samantha Guthrie, Brian J. Jaques (Mentor), and Darryl P. Butt (Mentor)
Characterization and Testing of Neuromorphic Electronic Circuits, Susy Camargo, Robert C. Ivans, and Kurtis D. Cantley (Mentor)
Characterization and Validation of CMOS Spiking Neuron Circuits, Susy Camargo, Robert Ivans, and Kurtis D. Cantley (Mentor)
Characterization of Inkjet-Printed Features for Electronic Applications, Conor S. Perry and Kurtis D. Cantley (Mentor)
Characterization of Potential Staphylococcus Aureus Vaccine Candidates, Orion L. Thomson-Vogel and Juliette K. Tinker (Mentor)
Characterizing Finite Fields With Anomalous Elliptic Curves, Jackson C. Bahr, Yujin H. Kim, Gregory K. Taylor, Eric M. Neyman, and Liljana Babinkostova (Mentor)
Chronotype, Class Times, and Academic Achievement of University Students, Tristan Enright and Roberto Refinetti
Circadian Physiology, Roberto Refinetti
Circle Detection Performance Evaluation Revisited, Elisa H. Barney Smith and Bart Lamiroy
Classification of Vertex-Transitive Structures, Stephanie Potter
Clickbait as Critique: An Application of Visual Rhetoric to the Thigh-Gap Jewelry Campaign, Madison E. Grady and Amy Arellano (Mentor)
Climate Change in Cities: Innovations in Multi-Level Governance, Sara Hughes, Eric K. Chu, and Susan Mason
Climate, Wildfire, and Erosion Ensemble Foretells More Sediment in Western USA Watersheds, Scott E. Lowe
Clinical Management of Pressure Control Ventilation: An Algorithmic Method of Patient Ventilatory Management to Address “Forgotten but Important Variables”, Lonny Ashworth, Yasuhiro Norisue, Megan Koster, Jeff Anderson, Junko Takada, and Hatsuyo Ebisu
Closed Primary, Exposed Preferences: Idaho's Primary System and the Bureaucratic Dilemma, Matthew Ryan May
Closing the Gap: Principal Perspectives on an Innovative School-Based Mental Health Intervention, Kate F. Blackman, Joelle D. Powers, Jeffrey D. Edwards, Kate M. Wegmann, Ethan Lechner, and Danielle C. Swick
Closing the Reading Gap with Virtual Maze Environments, Lisa Gabel, Evelyn Johnson, Brett E. Shelton, and Jui-Long Hung
CO2 Flux along an Intermittent Stream in SE Idaho, Cody R. Durfee, Rebecca Hale (Mentor), and Sarah Godsey (Mentor)
Cody Goin Reading Hamlet's Soliloquy, Allison Corona
Coeur d’Alene Salamander (Plethodon idahoensis): Literature Review and Demographics along the North Fork Clearwater River, Anna Ensley, Anna Foust, Gisela Soto, and Michael Edgehouse (Mentor)
Coexistence 101: A Review Of Global Human Wildlife Conflict Mitigation Strategies, Javier Luna, Julie M. Ramirez, and Neil H. Carter (Mentor)
Cognitive and Emotional Processes as Predictors of a Successful Transition Into School, A. Nayena Blankson, Jennifer Miner Weaver, Esther M. Leerkes, Marion O'Brien, Susan D. Calkins, and Stuart Marcovitch
CogSketch: An Intelligent Tutoring System Designed to Enhance Engineering Free Body Drawing Ability, Karen Perez, Emmanuel Massaquoi, Alexis Araiza, Lijia Lin, and Quincy Conley (Mentor)
Coherent Exciton Delocalization in a Two-State DNA-Templated Dye Aggregate System, Brittany L. Cannon, Donald L. Kellis, Lance K. Patten, Paul H. Davis, Jeunghoon Lee, Elton Graugnard, Bernard Yurke, and William B. Knowlton
Coleridge, Thoreau, and the Transatlantic "Riddle of the World", Samantha C. Harvey and Rochelle L. Johnson
Collagen Alpha-1(XI) Protein Expression during Zebrafish Morphogenesis, Darrian Lobato, Makenna Hardy, Jonathon Reeck (Mentor), and Julia Thom Oxford (Mentor)
College Student Perceptions of the Romantic Relationships for People with Disabilities, Katie Hamilton
College Students' Awareness and Knowledge of Occupational Therapy, Allison Powell and Heather Schoenherr (Mentor)
Colonial Photoshop, Veiko V. Valencia
Colorimetric Detection of DNA via Catalytic Disassembly of Gold Nanoparticles, Christopher Bonner, Daniel Moyer, Elton Graugnard (Mentor), and Jeunghoon Lee (Mentor)
Color Perception: A Useful Persuasive Marketing Strategy, Zachary C. McClanahan and Donna M. Allen (Mentor)
Combustion-Derived Nanoparticles in Key Brain Target Cells and Organelles in Young Urbanites: Culprit Hidden in Plain Sight in Alzheimer’s Disease Development, Angélica González-Maciel, Rafael Reynoso-Robles, RIcardo Torres-Jardón, Partha S. Mukherjee, and Lilian Calderón-Garcidueñas
Comedian of the Frontier: The Life of Actor/Manager Jack Langrishe, 1825-1895, Margaret McCutcheon Lauterbach and Charles E. Lauterbach
Community as a Constant: An Oral History Project Exploring the Recent History of the Boise Police Department, Chelsee Kay Boehm
Comparative Analysis of Atmospheric Volatile Organic and Sulfide Compounds in Lewis-Clark Valley and Surrounding Regions, Damien T. Ketcherside, Brandi A. Bundy, John P. Andrew, and Nancy A. C. Johnston (Mentor)
Comparing Nutritional Utilization by the Extremophile Euglena mutabilis, Julia M. Bittencourt, Veronica Chiu, Jasmine Paredes, and Douglas Cole (Mentor)
Complementary Coffee Cups, Brandon Sams
Completeness Integrity Protection for Outsourced Databases Using Semantic Fake Data, Lois Urizar, Holly Roisum, Kedric Salisbury, Megan Magette, and Jyh-haw Yeh (Mentor)
Complex Engineered Systems Design Verification Based on Assume-Guarantee Reasoning, Hoda Mehrpouyan, Dimitra Giannakopoulou, Guillaume Brat, Irem Y. Tumer, and Chris Hoyle
Complicating Factors of English Usage in a Post-Colonial Context: A Linguistic Survey of Sri Lanka, Paige Ashmead and Galvin Olsen-Smith
Computational Evaluation of Patellar Dislocation in a High Risk Population, Nardos Ashenafi and Clare Fitzpatrick (Mentor)
Computational Investigation of Anatomic Factors Associated with Recurrent Patellar Dislocation, Oliver Alvarez and Clare Fitzpatrick (Mentor)
Computationally Connecting Organic Photovoltaic Performance to Atomistic Arrangements and Bulk Morphology, Matthew L. Jones and Eric Jankowski
Computational Modeling of 2D Transition Metal Dichalcogenides by Atomic Layer Deposition, Joy Sigurdson, Matthew Lawson, Lan Li (Mentor), and Elton Graugnard (Mentor)
Computational Modeling of Electrical and Phonon Properties of Skutterudites and Two-Dimensional Transition Metal Dichalcogenides, Izaak Gene Williamson
Computational Modeling of Mechanical Properties of Graphene Foam, Carlee Miller, David Estrada, Katie Livingston, and Clare Fitzpatrick (Mentor)
Computational Studies of Grain Boundary Behavior in Uranium Dioxide Nuclear Fuels, Eric Nelson, Lan Li (Mentor), and Simon C. Middleburgh (Mentor)
Comunidad in an Unfamiliar Place: Navigational Strategies of Latinx Students at a Predominantly-white Institution, Fructoso Basaldua and Rosaura Conley-Estrada (Mentor)
Concrete Durability in Aggressive Deicing Environments, Kevin Ramirez and Ahmed Ibrahim (Mentor)
Concrete Pavement Service Condition Assessment Using Infrared Thermography, Yang Lu, Aidin J. Golrokh, and M.D. Aminul Islam
Conditional Data-Flow Analysis Framework, Eric Keefe and Elena Sherman (Mentor)
Conducting Classroom Assessment Based in Cognition: The Case of Proportional Reasoning, Michele B. Carney, Gwyneth R. Hughes, Jonathan L. Brendefur, Angela R. Crawford, and Tatia Totorica
Conductive Effects of Aluminum-doped Zinc Oxide in Lead-halide Perovskite Solar Cells, Natalie Linnell Schwab, Kelly Schutt, Brad Kinney, and Rick Ubic (Mentor)
Confessional Technologies of the Self: From Seneca to Social Media, Norm Friesen
Configuring and Assembling Information Retrieval Based Solutions for Software Engineering Tasks, Bogdan Dit
Confirmatory Analysis of an Organizational Culture Instrument for Corrections, Xiaohan Mei, Brian Iannacchione, Mary K. Stohr, Craig Hemmens, Marianne Hudson, and Peter A. Collins
Confluence Water Project, Darby Kenyon, Drew Riemersma, Lisa Barry, and Kymber Hunt
Conformance Testing of Balana: An Open Source Implementation of the XACML3.0 Standard, Sung-Ju Fan Chiang, Daniel W. Chen, and Dianxiang Xu
Connecting Hardware and Software in a Middle School Engineering Outreach Effort-RTP, Noah Salzman and Sin Ming Loo
Connectivity, Kailee Maureen Poetsch
Connectivity, Kailee Maureen Poetsch
Connectivity (Detail 1), Kailee Maureen Poetsch
Connectivity (Detail 2), Kailee Maureen Poetsch
Consequences of Inoculation with Native Arbuscular Mycorrhizal Fungi for Root Colonization and Survival of Artemisia Tridentata ssp. Seedlings After Transplanting, Bill E. Davidson, Stephen J. Novak, and Marcelo D. Serpe
Consolidated Energy: Hillary Clinton and the 2016 U.S. Presidential Campaign, David Gabbard
Constantine and the Christian Empire, Charles Matson Odahl
Construction Labor Shortage in Idaho: An Examination into the Causes and Consequences, Blake Elliott, Everett Wurtz, Nathan Swift, and Dylan Manning
Continuous Snowpack Monitoring Using Upward-Looking Ground-Penetrating Radar Technology, Lino Schmid, Achim Heilig, Christoph Mitterer, Jürg Schweizer, Hansruedi Maurer, Robert Okorn, and Olaf Eisen
Continuous Snow Water Equivalent Measurements with Ultra-Wideband Radar: Towards a New Generation of Real-Time Automated Snow Sensor Arrays, Mark Edward Robertson
Controls on Nitrous Oxide Emissions from the Hyporheic Zones of Streams, Annika M. Quick, W. Jeffery Reeder, Tiffany B. Farrell, Daniele Tonina, Kevin P. Feris, and Shawn G. Benner
Controls on the Presence, Concentration, Storage, and Variability of Soil Inorganic Carbon in a Semi-Arid Watershed, Christopher Allen Stanbery
Corporate Citizens - Public Participation in Corporate Governance, Alexander Michael Belisle
Corrections: From Research, to Policy, to Practice, Mary K. Stohr and Anthony Walsh
Correlates of Immune Defenses in Golden Eagle Nestlings, Benjamin M. Dudek and Julie A. Heath
Correlation between Nutrient Concentrations and Chlorophyll a within an Agricultural Stream, Katlyn R. Gonzalez, Rebecca Hale (Mentor), and Sarah Stalder (Mentor)
Cost Benefit Analysis of Idaho’s Fit and Fall Proof Program, Susie Bergeron, Michelle Arnett, Sarah Toevs, Tami Cirerol, Rihana Hartung, Linda Petersen, Trina Stolp, Zijada Sulejmanovic, Maria Tellez, Hailee Tilton, Nicole Tuffield, and Kenzie Wilson
CO2-Fixing One-Carbon Metabolism in a Cellulose-Degrading Bacterium Clostridium thermocellum, Wei Xiong, Paul P. Lin, Lisa Warner, James C. Liao, Pin-Ching Maness, and Katherine J. Chou
Could Wearable Technology Be Leveraged to Improve Health Outcomes in Rural Idaho?, Kitanna S. Belnap and Sankara Subramanian Srinivasan (Mentor)
Could Yeast Help Us with More Than Just Beer to Survive Stress?, Lindsey Snyder, Slawomir Dziedzic, and Allan Caplan (Mentor)
Counseling and Therapy in Video, Memo Cordova and Ellie Dworak
Counterintuitive Roles of Experience and Weather on Migratory Performance, Adrian I. Rus, Adam E. Duerr, Tricia A. Miller, James R. Belthoff, and Todd Katzner
Coupled Numerical Analysis of Variations in the Capacity of an Energy Pile in Clay Soil, Daniel Patrick Zimmerman
Coupling Biophysical Processes and Water Rights To Simulate Spatially Distributed Water Use in an Intensively Managed Hydrologic System, Bangshuai Han, Shawn G. Benner, John P. Bolte, Kellie B. Vache, and Alejandro N. Flores
Cover, Amethyst Brooke Tagney
Cr Doping and Heat Treatment Effect on Core–Shell Ni Nanocluster Film, J. A. Sundararajan, M. Kaur, J. Burns, Y. Q. Wu, T. Schimel, and Y. Qiang
Creating a Hockey Environment in a College Football Town, Jen Hake, Anika Colburn, Luke Tokunaga, Maddi Osburn, Kyle Mitsunaga, David McKinzie, Chandler Hutchison, David Hirsch, Ryan Wolpin, and Zach Haney
Creating an Online Information Literacy Course for Concurrent Enrollment Students: A Collaboration with a State-Sponsored Online School, G. Megan Davis and Elaine Watson
Creating a Rural Nursing Workforce, Heidi Johnston
Creating a STEM Identity: Investment with Return, Janet Callahan, Patricia Pyke, Susan Shadle, and R. Eric Landrum
Creating Participatory Online Learning Environments: A Social Learning Approach Revisited, Quincy Conley, Heather S. Lutz, and Amanda J. Padgitt
Criminology: The Essentials, Anthony Walsh and Cody Jorgensen
Critical Scholarship in Media and Communication Studies, Ed McLuskie
Cross Correlation of Transcription Factor Binding and RNA Synthesis in Saccharomyces cerevisiae by 3D Orbital Tracking, Micah Buckmiller, Tineke Lenstra, and Matthew L. Ferguson (Mentor)
Cross-Species Transmission of Plasmids in Saccharomyces Yeast, Damien M. Pickens and Paul A. Rowley (Mentor)
Cryoablation and Meriva Have Strong Therapeutic Effect on Triple-Negative Breast Cancer, Dinesh Chandra, Arthee Jahangir, Francois Cornelis, Klara Rombauts, Lydie Mehaus, Cheryl L. Jorcyk, and Claudia Gravecamp
Cultivating Textbook Alternatives From the Ground Up: One Public University’s Sustainable Model for Open and Alternative Educational Resource Proliferation, Jonathan Lashley, Rebel Cummings-Sauls, Andrew B. Bennett, and Brian L. Lindshield
Cultural Penetration and Punctuated Policy Change: Explaining the Evolution of U.S. Energy Policy, Luke Fowler, Tonya T. Neaves, Jessica N. Terman, and Arthur G. Cosby
Culture as a Design "Next": Theoretical Frameworks to Guide New Design, Development, and Research of Learning Environments, Tutaleni I. Asino, Lisa A. Giacumo, and Victoria Chen
Cultures, Madeline Martinson
Cummings, Abbott and Costello: How "Who's on First?" Can Help Students Understand "anyone lived in a pretty how town", Jeff Westover
CuMo Mine Feasibility Study, Thomas Robbins, Naser Alotaibi, Paul Lucia, Bandar Alzufairi, and Kody Johnson
Current-Voltage Response of Cosputtered Ge40Se60 Films, Randall Bassine and Kris Campbell (Mentor)
Cutoff Processes and Their Importance for Bed and Planform Morphodynamic Adaptation, Z. Li, A. Mendoza, J. D. Abad, T. Endreny, C. D. Smallidge, and B. Han
Cutthroat Trout Population Response to Instream Habitat Improvement Efforts, Megan A. Brauner, Tyson B. Hallbert (Mentor), and Ernest R. Keeley (Mentor)
CVD Growth and Electrochemical Transfer of Graphene Films, Lynn Karriem, Kari McLaughlin, Kiyo Fujimoto, Corey Efaw, Mike Hurley, David Estrada (Mentor), Lizandra Godwin, Stephanie Tuft, Marissa Hondros, and Julia Oxford
Cyclopamine Bioactivity by Extraction Method from Veratrum californicum, Matthew W. Turner, Roberto Cruz, Jared Mattos, Nic Baughman, Jordan Elwell, Jenny Fothergill, Anna Nielsen, Jessica Brookhouse, Ashton Bartlett, Petr Maleck, Xinzhu Pu, Matthew D. King, and Owen M. McDougal
Daily Rhythms of Physiological Parameters in the Dromedary Camel Under Natural and Laboratory Conditions, Ahmed A. Al-Haidary, Khalid A. Abdoun, Emad M. Samara, Aly B. Okab, Mamane Sani, and Roberto Refinetti
Data Associated with 'Coupling Biophysical Processes and Water Rights to Simulate Spatially Distributed Water Use in an Intensively Managed Hydrologic System', Bangshuai Han, Shawn G. Benner, John P. Bolte, Kellie B. Vache, and Alejandro N. Flores
Data for Partitioned Carbon and Energy Fluxes Within the Reynolds Creek Critical Zone Observatory, Aaron W. Fellows, Gerald N. Flerchinger, Mark S. Seyfried, and Kathleen Lohse
Data for Trace Chemical Evaluation of Cloud Seeding in the Payette Basin Idaho, James M. Fisher, Shawn G. Benner, Marion L. Lytle, Melvin L. Kunkel, Derek Blestrud, Shaun K. Parkinson, and P. Ross Edwards
Data Set for Acoustic and Seismic Fields of Hydraulic Jumps at Varying Froude Numbers, Timothy J. Ronan, Dylan Mikesell, and Jonathan M. Lees
Data Set for Improved Supervised Classification of Accelerometry Data to Distinguish Behaviors of Soaring Birds, Maitreyi Sur, Tony Suffredini, Stephen M. Wessells, Peter H. Bloom, Michael Lanzone, Sheldon Blackshire, Srisarguru Sridhar, and Todd Katzner
Dataset for Predicting Soil Thickness on Soil Mantled Hillslopes, Nicholas R. Patton, Kathleen A. Lohse, Sarah E. Godsey, Mark S. Seyfried, and Benjamin T. Crosby
Date Night 1, Cameo Scarlet Rose Willett
Date Night 2, Cameo Scarlet Rose Willett
David Anthony Smith - Idaho Shakespeare Festival, Allison Corona
Deactivation of Varicella Zoster Virus Using Cold Atmospheric Plasma, Blaire Anderson, Desiree Self, and Tiffany Berntsen
Deaggregation of Functionalized Gold Nanoparticles via Controlling Ionic Strength Toward Enhanced DNA Detection, Andrea U. Nguyen and Jeunghoon Lee (Mentor)
Death of a Wolf, Jennifer Diane Clements
Death of a Wolf (Detail 1), Jennifer Diane Clements
Death of a Wolf (Detail 2), Jennifer Diane Clements
Death of a Wolf (Detail 3), Jennifer Diane Clements
Debridement of Biofilm By Cold-Atmospheric Plasma Within A Porcine Wound Model, Kate Benfield, Steven Saldivar, and Arianna Paules Aldrey
Decentralized Secure Framework for Sharing and Managing Electronic Health Record Using Ethereum-based Blockchain Technology, Chandra L. Adhikari and Gaby Dagher (Mentor)
Decoding Nonverbal Ability: A Theoretical Model for the Acquisition of Nonverbal Decoding Skill, Julia Berger
Decomposition Food Webs in Nicrophorus Beetles Using Isotope Analysis, Jeremy M. Starkey, Rosemary J. Smith (Mentor), and Gretchen Lohse
Deconstructing the Cell’s Mechanical Circuits by 3D Orbital Tracking Microrheology, Anthony M. Loper, Micah Buckmiller, and Matthew Ferguson (Mentor)
Decrypting the Link Between Elliptic Primes and Twin Primes, John M. Elizarraras, Devin N. Ferri, Javier M. Hernandez Jr, Anthony Luo, Isabel F. Swafford, Liljana Babinkostova (Mentor), Robin M. Betcher (Mentor), Spencer Nelson (Mentor), and Marion Scheepers (Mentor)
Deficient Low-Light Photoreactivation in an Excision-Repair Mutant of Chlamydomonas Compared To Wildtype, Nataliia Piestrup, Jared Harris, Dr. Sue Kane (Mentor), and Steve Stefanides (Mentor)
Deficient Low-Light Photoreactivation in an Excision-Repair Mutant of Chlamydomonas Compared to Wildtype, Nataliia Piestrup, Jared Harris, Sue E. Kane (Mentor), and Steve Stephanides (Mentor)
Deformation and Dynamic Load Amplification Trends at Railroad Bridge Approaches: Effects Caused by High-Speed Passenger Trains, Debakanta Mishra, Huseyin Boler, Erol Tutumluer, Wenting Hou, and James P. Hyslip
Degradation of Plant Secondary Metabolites in Green Nest Material Used by Golden Eagles, Emmanuel Imonigie, Benjamin Dudek, Julie A. Heath (Mentor), Jennifer Forbey (Mentor), and Britt A. Pendleton (Mentor)
Degrees of Cooperation in Dynamic Spectrum Access for Distributed Cognitive Radios, Zhu Han
Deliberate Living: The Challenge of Walden in the 21st Century (Lecture), Laura Walls
Democracy at Work: Moving Beyond Elections to Improve Well-Being, Michael Touchton, Natasha Borges Sugiyama, and Brian Wampler
Density functional theory studies of Cy5 Dye interactions with DNA, Andres Correa
Density Functional Theory Studies of Cy5 Dye Interactions with DNA, Andres Correa Hernandez, Eric B. Nelson, Jenny Fothergill, and Lan (Samantha) Li (Mentor)
Deploying Guns to Expendable Communities: Bloodshed in Mexico, U.S. Imperialism, and Transnational Capital—A Call for Revolutionary Critical Pedagogy, Lilia D. Monzó, Peter McLaren, and Arturo Rodriguez
DePP: A System for Detecting Pages to Protect in Wikipedia, Kelsey Suyehira and Francesca Spezzano
Depths of Crystallization Along the Gorda Ridge Based on Olivine-hosted Melt Inclusion Compositions, Valerie Strasser
Description of Two Species of Caenomorphid Ciliates (Ciliophora, Armophorea): Morphology and Molecular Phylogeny, Song Li, William A. Bourland, Saleh A. Al-Farraj, Lifang Li, and Xiaozhong Hu
Design and Optimization of Automotive Thermoelectric Generators for Maximum Fuel Efficiency Improvement, Nicholas Kempf and Yanliang Zhang
Design Considerations for an Optimized FPGA Implementation of Space-Vector PWM for a Two-Level Inverter, Danyal Mohammadi, Nader Rafla, and Said Ahmed-Zaid
Designing and Developing the Virtual English Adventure in Second Life, Youngkyun Baek and Hoe Kyeung Kim
Designing the Vagabonda Ranch - A Mountain Retreat Center - Boise County, ID, Aaron Bonney, Eric Jones, Dimitri Rebich, Christine Santos, and Chris Simmons
Design, Synthesis, and Characterization of Nanoscale Optical Devices Using DNA Directed Self-Assembly, William Peter Klein
Design, Synthesis, and Evaluation of Next-Generation Small Molecule Inhibitors of 5’Methylthioadenosine / S-Adenosylhomocysteine Nucleosidase (MTN), Miranda Y. Tang, Necia M. Hunter, Patrick H. Erstad, John H. Thurston (Mentor), and Ken Cornell (Mentor)
Design-to-Testing: A Low-Power, 1.25 GHz, Single-Bit Single-Loop Continuous-Time ΔΣ Modulator with 15 MHz Bandwidth and 60 dB Dynamic Range, Sakkarapani Balagopal, Kehan Zhu, Xinyu Wu, and Vishal Saxena
Detecting Low Magnitude Seismicity in Idaho, Thomas Van Der Weide and Dylan Mikesell (Mentor)
Detection of Structural Bolt Detorquing Using Direct Stethoscope Measurement, Joe Guarino and Robert Hamilton
Determination of Glycoalkaloids in Potatoes and Potato Products by Microwave Assisted Extraction, Narasimharao Kondamudi, Jacob K. Smith, and Owen M. McDougal
Determining Electrical Signal Integrity of Passive Microelectrode Arrays, Kyle Kramer, Sepideh Rastegar, David Estrada, and Kurtis Cantley (Mentor)
Determining Mechanical Behavior of High Early Strength Concrete for Field-Cast Connection of Bridge Precast Elements, Chris Clauson, Max Casanova, Arya Ebrahimpour (Mentor), and Mustafa Mashal (Mentor)
Determining the Population Affinity of an Unprovenienced Human Skull for Repatriation, Jennifer K. Watkins, Samantha H. Blatt, Cynthia A. Bradbury, Gordon A. Alanko, Matthew J. Kohn, Marion L. Lytle, and Darryl P. Butt
Determining the Temporal and Spatial Variability of Biomass Productivity in a Pilot-scale Algal Resource Recovery Unit Treating Agricultural Wastewater, Gary Dunn, Nicholas Guho, Erik Coats, and Kevin Feris (Mentor)
Developing Accessible P2P Email Encryption Based on CLOW-GKA, Kathleen D. White, Jyh-haw Yeh, and Srisarguru Sridhar (Mentor)
Developing a Multi-Dimensional Early Elementary Mathematics Screener and Diagnostic Tool: The Primary Mathematics Assessment, Jonathan L. Brendefur, Evelyn S. Johnson, Keith W. Thiede, Sam Strother, and Herbert H. Severson
Developing an ABAC-Based Grant Proposal Workflow Management System, Milson Munakami
Developing an Instrument to Assess the Effects of Pre-College Engineering Participation on the Experiences of First-Year Engineering Students, Noah Salzman, Matthew W. Ohland, and Monica E. Cardella
Developing a Telomere Length Assay in the American Kestrel (Falco sparvarius), Esteban Palencia, Kathleen Callery, Julie Heath, and Eric Hayden (Mentor)
Developing a Tree-ring Chronology for Reconstructing Past Climate Conditions: Coral Pink Sand Dunes, UT, Amy L. Cutter
Development and Application of Novel Microfluidic Alternatives to Existing Biological and Chemical Protocols, Will A. Callahan, Miranda Y. Tang, John H. Thurston (Mentor), and Scott Truksa (Mentor)
Development and Assessment of a Combined REU/RET Program in Materials Science, Noah Salzman and Rick Ubic
Development and Morphological Aging Metrics of Osprey Nestlings in West Central Idaho, Tyrell Styhl, Andrew Dorrell, Elizabeth Meisman, Dusty Perkins (Mentor), and Marc Bechard (Mentor)
Development of a Cold Atmospheric Pressure Plasma Scalpel to Eradicate Biofilms from Chronic Wound Models, Jenna Clingerman, Tiffany Berntsen, Kate Benfield, Jim Browning (Mentor), Julia T. Oxford (Mentor), and Ken Cornell (Mentor)
Development of a Laser Driving Circuit for Force-Feedback in Atomic Force Microscopy, Tom Pe, Rick Stone, and Byung Kim (Mentor)
Development of a Phase-Controlled Magnetron Using Gate Field Emission, Tonglin Lu, Ryan Harper, Tiffany Berntsen, Steven Saldivar, and Jim Browning (Mentor)
Development of Environmental Behavior Among Children in Idaho Via Parent and Peer Influences, Clementina Arriaga and Vicken Hillis (Mentor)
Development of Genetically Engineered Bioluminescent Cancer Cell Lines, Dallin Harper, Tyler Smith, Sajjad Askaryar, and Ken Cornell (Mentor)
Development of Involuntary Hold Process for Individuals with Dementia: Application of Delphi Method, Annalise Goyette
Development of Secondary Education Modeling and Data Analysis Literacy Summer Institute, Jason May, Michele Carney (Mentor), Joe Champion (Mentor), and Tatia Totorica (Mentor)
Dialogue: Shakespeare's First Folio, Marcia Franklin and Eric Rasmussen
DICER1 Syndrome: A Comprehensive Review, Jake Robertson
Dichotomy Theorems for Families of Non-Cofinal Essential Complexity, John D. Clemens, Dominique Lecomte, and Benjamin D. Miller
Differences Between Students with and without Disabilities in College Counseling, Lindsay C. Varkula, James D. Beauchemin, Sandra D. Facemire, and Emily C. Bucher
Differential Expression of Extracellular Matrix Genes Under Various Co-Culture Models of the Blood-Brain Barrier, Alex L. Lanza, Brian A. Hoettels, Travis S. Wertz, Julia T. Oxford, and Richard S. Beard Jr. (Mentor)
Different Name, Different Game: Will Soccer in the United States Ever Equal Football’s Popularity in Europe?, Maicee Byrd, Kylee Wren, Daniel Park, Blaise Prokop, and Jovana Fitzgerald
Diffusion Centrality: A Paradigm to Maximize Spread in Social Networks, Chanhyun Kang, Sarit Kraus, Cristian Molinaro, Francesca Spezzano, and V. S. Subrahmanian
Digital Self-Ownership: A Publicity-Rights Framework for Determining Employee Social Media Rights, Susan Park and Patricia Sánchez Abril
Diluted Diversity: How Race Devoid Diversity Affects Neoliberal Higher Education, Christina Mendez
Directed Solid Phase Peptide Synthesis of alpha-Conotoxin MII, Jenny Fothergill, Vanessa Bowman, Matt Turner, Matt King, and Owen McDougal (Mentor)
Direct Numerical Simulation of Turbulent Katabatic Slope Flows with an Immersed-Boundary Method, Clancy Umphrey, Ray DeLeon, and Inanc Senocak
Discourse and Identity: An Autoethnographic Resistance Beyond Athlete, Lonnie Jackson
Disjointed, Morgan Bailey Russell
Disjointed, Morgan Bailey Russell
Disjointed, Morgan Bailey Russell
Disjointed, Morgan Bailey Russell
Disjointed (Angle), Morgan Bailey Russell
Diversity in Neoliberalized Higher Education, Clifford Ross
Diversity Through Musical Reading, John Waits
DNA Damage as a Biomarker of Endogenous Deleterious Oxidative Processes in the Sac-I Mutant of Chlamydomonas, Susanna Black, Annie Stefanides, Gretha Eifert, Mirsa Cassiano, Jacob Heit, Rebecca Schmidt, Dr. Sue Kane (Mentor), and Steve Stefanides (Mentor)
DNA Enhancer Looping and the Logic of Gene Regulation, John S.F. Martin Jr. and Matthew L. Ferguson (Mentor)
DNA Translocation Through Single Lysenin Channels, Philip Belzeski
Doctor's Office, Elizabeth Lee Parkinson
Do-It-Yourself Fractal Functions, Janet Shiver, Teri Willard, and Mandy McDaniel
Doubling the Life of Concrete Structures, Ian C. Ehrsam and Batric Pesic (Mentor)
Douglas Fir Sap Flow Analysis Across An Elevation Gradient, Nestor A. Madrigal, Sarah Godsey Dr., and John A. Whiting (Mentor)
Do You Have What it Takes: Defining a “true fan” of Boise State Bronco Football /, Sierra Caldara Echols, Raven Boyer, David Hirsch, Tyler Zacharisen, Jessica Richmond, Amy Boyle, Maddie Patsel, Peter Huguenin, and Shane Larson
Drivers of Variation in Reproductive Success of Migratory Golden Eagles, Macy Kenney, James Belthoff (Mentor), Tricia Miller, and Todd E. Katzner (Mentor)
Dr. Richard Klautsch and the Boise State University Meistersingers, Allison Corona
Dryland - Detritus Input and Removal Treatments (D-DIRT) SAGE: Relating Litter Inputs to Carbon Storage and Climate Change, Dylan Hixson
Dust Devil Populations and Statistics, Ralph D. Lorenz and Brian K. Jackson
Dust on a Smokey Day, Emma Elizabeth Hood
Dynamic Rating of Overhead Transmission Lines over Complex Terrain Using a Large-Eddy Simulation Paradigm, Tyler Phillips, Ray DeLeon, and Inanc Senocak
Dynamics of RNA Polymerase in E. Coli determined by Raster Image Correlation Spectroscopy and Number and Brightness Analysis, Daniel Bugas, Matthew Ferguson (Mentor), Abigail Figueroa, Steven Burden, and Eric Hayden
Dystrophin-Glycoprotein Complex and Reactive Oxygen Species, Jennica Compton, Lynn Karriem, and AnnaGrace Blomquist
Earlier Nesting by Generalist Predatory Bird is Associated with Human Responses to Climate Change, Shawn H. Smith, Karen Steenhof, Christopher J.W. McClure, and Julie A. Heath
Early “Neolithics” of China: Variation and Evolutionary Implications, Shengqian Chen and Pei-Lin Yu
Early Neolithic Wine of Georgia in the South Caucasus, Michael P. Callahan and Karen E. Smith
Earthquake Segment Boundaries and Tsunamigenic Faults of the Kodiak Segment, Alaska-Aleutian Subduction Zone, Marlon D. Ramos
Ecological Correlates of Land Snails from the Lower Salmon River, Brandon Cole Larsen, T. Mason Linscott, and Christine E. Parent (Mentor)
Ecology of Lignocellulose Degrading Microbes, Brandi Strand, Jessica A. Lee (Mentor), and Chris Marx
Ecology of Tammany Creek: A Preliminary Study for Watershed Restoration, Randi Bowman and Michael Edgehouse (Mentor)
Economic Growth Under Weak and Strong Sustainability Scenarios, Sean Ippolito
Economic Growth under Weak and Strong Sustainability Scenarios, Sean Ippolito
Economic Impact of Agricultural Water Restrictions in Southeastern Idaho, Christa White, Morey Burnham (Mentor), Meg du Bray (Mentor), and Katrina Running (Mentor)
Ecosystems Services and Idaho Farmers, Kathleen Shipley, Jordan Burke, Tomas Cota, and Katrina Running (Mentor)
Edge Weight Prediction in Weighted Signed Networks, Srijan Kumar, Francesca Spezzano, V. S. Subrahmanian, and Christos Faloutsos
Editing Behavior Analysis and Prediction of Active/Inactive Users in Wikipedia, Harish Arelli
Educated privilege, cleansing white sins, Juniper Dulaney
Educating Mothers of Obese Hispanic Preschoolers to Create Lifelong Healthy Habits, Lynette Marshall
Education: Ancient and Modern, Kyle Edward Eidson
Effective and Sustainable Advice Line Promotes Safe Vaccine Practices, Pamela K. Strohfus, Sharon R. Brown, and Paige Potratz
Effectiveness of a Brief Online Self-Compassion Intervention for College Students, Kylie A. George and Clarissa M. E. Richardson (Mentor)
Effect of Anthracycline and anti-PD-1 Antibody Combination Therapy on Murine Carcinoma, Tyler R. Smith, Dallin S. Harper, Sajjad Askaryar, Yeliazar V. Tymoshchuk, LJ McKenzie, Jerrett Holdaway, Don L. Warner (Mentor), and Ken A. Cornell (Mentor)
Effect of Changing Demographic and Transportation Technology in Treasure Valley, Kiahni Freeman, Ryan Shearer, Derek Stuede, and Tyler Anderson
Effect of Endothelial-Specific FoxO1 Deletion on the Architecture of Adult Retinal Microvessels, Heidi A. Henderson, Travis S. Wertz, Jessica M. McAllister, Ofeira N. Faapouli, Julia T. Oxford, and Richard S. Beard Jr. (Mentor)
Effect of Particle Size and Shape Characteristics on Ballast Shear Strength: A Numerical Study Using the Direct Shear Test, Debakanta Mishra and S. M. Naziur Mahmud
Effect of Particle Size Distribution and Packing Characteristics on Railroad Ballast Shear Strength: A Numerical Study Using the Discrete Element Method, S. M. Naziur Mahmud
Effect of Unit Weight on Porosity and Consolidation Characteristics of Expansive Clays, B. C.S. Chittoori, A. A.B. Moghal, A. Pedarla, and A. M. Al-Mahbashi
Effects of an Invasive Species Complex on a Native Fish in a Southeastern Idaho Stream, Rachel A. Brinkley, Colden Baxter (Mentor), and James Paris
Effects of a Warming Climate at Reynolds Creek CZO, Dirk K. Baskett, Patrick Kormos, Kathleen Lohse (Mentor), and Emma McCorkle (Mentor)
Effects of Cold Atmospheric Plasma on Cell Adhesion to Graphene Scaffolds, Austin Snyder, Jake Robertson, Jenna Clingerman, Brad Grimm, and Julia Oxford (Mentor)
Effects of Cold Atmospheric Pressure (CAP) Plasma on Cell Adhesion to Graphene Scaffolds, Austin Snyder*, Jake Robertson*, Jenna Clingerman, and Bradley Grimm
Effects of Doxorubicin on Cardiac Muscle Subsarcolemmal and Intermyofibrillar Mitochondria, Andreas N. Kavazis, Aaron B. Morton, Stephanie E. Hall, and Ashley J. Smuder
Effects of Endothelial-Specific FoxO1 Deletion on Brain Microvasculature and Rescue of EAE-Induced Paralysis in Adult Mice, Jessica M. McAllister, Travis S. Wertz, Ofeira N. Faapouli, Brian A. Hoettels, Heidi A. Henderson, Erica L. Korbel, Steven J. Pilarski, Julia T. Oxford, and Richard S. Beard Jr. (Mentor)
Effects of Juniper Removal on the Dietary Quality of Sagebrush and Sage-grouse Population Dynamics, Erin Moore, Jennifer S. Forbey (Mentor), Dan Melody (Mentor), and Todd Forbes (Mentor)
Effects of Noise Pollution from F-35A Aircraft at Gowen Field Air Base, Rebecca Frey, John Carlson, and John Clayton
Effects of Personalization and Invitation Email Length on Web-Based Survey Response Rates, Jesús H. Trespalacios and Ross A. Perkins
Electrical Characteristics of Nanocrystalline Silicon Resistive Memory Devices, Sumedha Gandharava, Catherine Walker, and Kurtis D. Cantley
Electrochemical Impedance Spectroscopy for Materials Research, Nicholas A. Carter, William Crow, Corey Efaw, Elton Graugnard, and Michael Hurley (Mentor)
Electromagnetically Induced Alteration of Hydraulic Conductivity of Coarse-Grained Soils for Geotechnical Applications, Rakesh Acharya
Electronic and Vibrational Properties of Transition Metal-Oxides: Comparison of GGA, GGA + U, and Hybrid Approaches, Sumeet C. Pandeya, Xu Xu, Izaak Williamson, Eric B. Nelson, and Lan Li
Elementary School Use of the Sidekick Basic Kit for TI LaunchPad™, Tara N. Kimmey, Thad B. Welch, and Cameron H.G. Wright
Embodied Rhetoric and the Blue Campaign: On Human Trafficking Awareness, Kayla Dawn Marie Griffin
Emerging Evidence on the Use of Big Data and Analytics in Workplace Learning: A Systematic Literature Review, Lisa A. Giacumo and Jeroen Breman
Feather Ball and The Book of Lost Knowledge, Shelley Renae Sinquefield Needles
Handlebar Prints, Printmaking Tricycle and Connectivity, Kailee Maureen Poetsch
In Situ TEM Micropillar Compression Testing in Irradiated Oxide Dispersion Strengthened Alloys, Kayla Haruko Yano
In Vitro and In Vivo Studies of Chemotherapeutic Doxorubicin Analogs, Sangphil Moon
Learning to Code Music: Development of a Supplemental Unit for High School Computer Science, Kelsey Wright
Empirical Evidence for A-Site Order in Perovskites, Kevin Tolman, Rick Ubic, Izaak Williamson, Katharine Bedke, Eric B. Nelson, and Lan Li
Empirical Models for Structural Effects of A-Site Point Defects and Ordering in Perovskites, Kevin Ross Tolman
Empirical Synthesis of the Effect of Standard Error of Measurement on Decisions Made within Brief Experimental Analyses of Reading Fluency, Matthew K. Burns, Crystal N. Taylor, Kristy L. Warmbold-Brann, June L. Preast, John L. Hosp, and Jeremy W. Ford
Employee Internet Privacy: A Proposed Act that Balances Legitimate Employer Rights and Employee Privacy, Susan Park
Employees’ Adherence to Information Security Policies: A Partial Replication, David Sikolia, Douglas Twitchell, and Glen Sagers
Shipwrecked Pirates: In the Stocks, Allison Corona
Shipwrecked Pirates Performers, Allison Corona
Shipwrecked Pirates Performers, Allison Corona
Shoulder Armor with Cloak of Feathers and Found Object, Shelley Renae Sinquefield Needles
The Shipwrecked Pirates Display, Allison Corona
Tools of Labor and Encumbrance, Candace Rood
Untitled 1 and Untitled 2, Anna Kristine Wanless
Untitled 1, Untitled 2, and Student Portfolio, Anna Kristine Wanless
Who are we now? and "...and carry a big the biggest stick!", Alexander B. Vestermark
Encouraging a Diverse Maker Culture, Amy Vecchione, Deana Brown, Gregory Brasier, and Ann Delaney
Encumbrance, Candace Rood
Encumbrance, Candace Rood
Encumbrance, Candace Rood
Endoplasmic Reticulum Stress and Unfolded Protein Response in Cartilage Pathophysiology; Contributing Factors to Apoptosis and Osteoarthritis, Alexandria Hughes, Alexandra E. Oxford, Ken Tawara, Cheryl L. Jorcyk, and Julia Thom Oxford
Energy Efficient HVAC Design in Residential Buildings, Anna Chang and Yang Lu (Mentor)
Energy Efficient HVAC system in Large Office Building, Taeyun Kong
Energy Efficient Switched Parasitic Array Antenna for 5G Networks and IoT, Ahmed Kausar, Hani Mehrpouyan, Mathini Sellathurai, Rongrong Qian, and Shafaq Kausar
English Versus Dutch Utilization in the Netherlands, Kirby Carlson, Anh Dang, and Ellen Geary
Enhanced Precipitation Promotes Decomposition and Soil C Stabilization in Semiarid Ecosystems, but Seasonal Timing of Wetting Matters, Xochi Campos, Matthew J. Germino, and Marie-Anne de Graaff
Enhancing Information Literacy for Preservice Elementary Teachers: A Case Study from the United States, Margie Ruppel, Sara Winstead Fry, and Adil Bentahar
Enhancing the Sensitivity for DNA Detection Using the Gold Nanoparticle System at Lower Concentrations via Controlling Ionic Strength, Andrea U. Nguyen, Minji Ko, and Jeunghoon Lee (Mentor)
Ensemble Models for Data-Driven Prediction of Malware Infections, Chanhyun Kang, Noseong Park, B. Adita Prakash, Edoardo Serra, and V. S. Subrahmanian
Environmental Management’s Impact on Market Value: Rewards and Punishments, Amy McMillan, Timothy C. Dunne, Joshua R. Aaron, and Brandon N. Cline
Enzymatic Analysis of New In Silico Derived Allosteric Inhibitors of Bacterial MTN, Kynna Bertagnolli and Steve Nick
Espacios de la Heterodoxia del Exilio, Larraitz Ariznabarreta
Establishing Doctoral Programs in Electrical Engineering, Materials Science and Engineering, and Computing in an Emerging Research Institution: Lessons Learned and Best Practices, Janet Callahan, Cheryl B. Schrader, Darryl P. Butt, Timothy Anderson, Tammi Vacha-Hasse, and Amy J. Moll
Estimates for the Number of Visible Galaxy-Spanning Civilizations and the Cosmological Expansion of Life, S. Jay Olson
Estimating Length Statistics of Aggregate Fried Potato Product via Electromagnetic Radiation Attenuation, Jesse Lovitt
Estimating Vegetation Biomass and Cover Across Large Plots in Shrub and Grass Dominated Drylands Using Terrestrial Lidar and Machine Learning, Nancy Glenn (Mentor) and Lucas P. Spaete
Evaluating ADN Faculty Job Satisfaction, Karen M. Thies
Evaluating Crowdsourced Distribution Data: The Portneuf Drainage Amphibian and Reptile iNaturalist Project., Alejandro Torres, Charles R. Peterson (Mentor), and Patrick D. Giltz (Mentor)
Evaluating the Effects of Major Assumptions in Layered Elastic Theory on Railroad Track Response Prediction Through the Development of an Improved Track Analysis Software, Sadichchha Sharma
Evaluating the Impact of Social Media in Detecting Health-Violating Restaurants, Mikel Joaristi, Edoardo Serra, and Francesca Spezzano
Evaluating the Marketing Practices of Rural Hospitals in Idaho, Shaun D. Menchaca
Evaluating the Privacy Implications of Frequent Itemset Disclosure, Edoardo Serra, Jaideep Vaidya, Haritha Akella, and Ashish Sharma
Evaluating the Suitability of Microbial Induced Calcite Precipitation Technique for Stabilizing Expansive Soils, Sikha Neupane
Evaluation of Abstinence-Only Education Strategies in Idaho, Chandra R. Story
Evaluation of Glaciogenic Cloud Seeding Using Trace Chemistry, James M. Fisher, Marion L. Lytle, and Shawn G. Benner
Evaluation of Image Spatial Resolution for Machine Learning Mapping of Wildland Fire Effects, Jonathan Branham, Nicholas Hamilton, Dale Hamilton (Mentor), and Barry Myers (Mentor)
Evaluation of Micro-GPS Receivers for Tracking Small-Bodied Mammals, Laura A. McMahon, Janet L. Rachlow, Lisa A. Shipley, Jennifer S. Forbey, Timothy R. Johnson, and Peter J. Olsoy
Evaluation of PERSIANN-CDR Product in Reproducing Observed Seasonal Mean and Extreme Precipitation Trends, Maria Paquin and Jaechoul Lee (Mentor)
Evaluation of Texture as an Input of Spatial Context for Machine Learning Mapping of Wildland Fire Effects, Jonathan Branham, Barry Myers (Mentor), Zachary Garner, and Dale Hamiton (Mentor)
Evaluation of the Effect of Implementing an Impact Evaluation within the Idaho and Community-Based Waiver Program, Stacy Knipple
Evidence of Erosional Self-Channelization of Pyroclastic Density Currents Revealed by Ground-Penetrating Radar Imaging at Mount St. Helens, Washington (USA), Andrew C. Gase, Brittany D. Brand, and John H. Bradford
Evolutionary Impact of Visual Predator Preferences on Naesiotus wolfi Coloration, Chloe W. Philip, Andrew C. Kramer, and Christine E. Parent (Mentor)
Examination of Novel MTN inhibitors as Antibiotics to Treat Lyme Borreliosis, Samuel Schwarz and Joe Green
Examining an Alternative Take on Urban Development: The Alignment of Public Art and Conservation to Build Seattle’s Olympic Sculpture Park, Amanda Johnson Ashley
Examining Bystander Intervention in the Wake of #BlackLivesMatter and #TransLivesMatter, Adriane Bang, Annie Kerrick, and Christian K. Wuthrich
Examining Faculty Background and Self-Efficacy as Factors in Teaching, Bishal Thapa and Kasee L. Smith (Mentor)
Examining Hospital Usage of Apps, Dakshata Pradhan, Sankara Subramanian Srinivasan (Mentor), and Asim Dhakal
Examining Maternal Age and Aggressive Behavior in Children, Sinead Martin and Taylor Red Elk
Examining the Effects of Phosphazene Additives in Electrolytes for Sodium Ion Batteries, Devin T. Krasowski, Dr. Claire Xiong (Mentor), Kassiopeia Smith, and Andreas Savva
Examining the Influence of Number Line Fraction Task Characteristics on Student Work, Sharlee Hatch
Exhibit Promotional Video, Boise State University
Expanding an Empirical Models of Perovskites, David C. Hancock and Rick Ubic (Mentor)
Exploiting Domain and Program Structure to Synthesize Efficient and Precise Data Flow Analyses (T), Elena Sherman and Matthew B. Dwyer
Exploring How Individual Traits Influence Enjoyment in a Mobile Learning Game, Youngkyun Baek and Achraf Touati
Exploring Human and HIV Protein Interactions Through Biophysical Modeling, Caleb J. Quates, Jagdish S. Patel, Paul A. Rowley (Mentor), and F. Marty Ytreberg (Mentor)
Exploring Learning Experiences In a Research Class, Brittney Simmons
Exploring Small Group Analysis of Instructional Design Cases in Online Learning Environments, Jesus Trespalacios
Exploring the Shallow Geothermal Fluid Reservoir of Fang Geothermal System, Thailand via a 3-D Magnetotelluric Survey, Spencer H. Wood
Exposing the Truth about Gender Inequality, Jasmine Mirajkar, Emily Nally, Brittany Mitko, and Kayla Crotz
Expression, Immunogenicity and Variation of Iron-Regulated Surface Protein A from Bovine Isolates of Staphylococcus aureus, Neha Misra, Tyler F. Wines, Colton L. Knopp, Mark A. McGuire, and Juliette K. Tinker
Expression, Purification and Analysis of Recombinant 3Beta Hydroxy-Sterol Dehydrogenase (NSDHL): A Potential Farnesol Dehydrogenase, Yeliazar V. Tymoshchuk, Tyler Smith, SJ Askaryar, Dallin Harper, Jean-Baptiste Roullet, and Ken Cornell (Mentor)
Extracurriculars and Refugee Youth Adjustment in Schools: An Illustrative Review, Alex Knudson
Fabricating Stable Hybrid Perovskite Solar Cells, Erik Nordquist, Brad Kinney (Mentor), and Rick Ubic (Mentor)
Fabrication and Characterization of Uranium-based Nuclear Fuels, Joshua R. Winger, Jennifer K. Watkins (Mentor), and Brian J. Jaques
Fabrication of a Nanoscale Electrical Thermometry Platform for 2D Materials, Karen Perez, Elton Graugnard (Mentor), and David Estrada (Mentor)
Fabric Cooling by Water Evaporation, Uwe Reischl and Ravindra S. Goonetilleke
Face to Face: Painting Basque Identity in the Diaspora, Zoe Bray
Factors Affecting Plasma Chemistry Values of the Black-Browed Albatross Thalassarche melanophrys, Miguel Ferrer, Virginia Morandini, Lynelle Perry, and Marc Bechard
Factors Affecting Student Success in Oregon Associate Degree Nursing Programs, Tracy Fawns
Factors Contributing to Laboratory Contamination in Forensic DNA Analysis, Makenna Hardy
Facts Become Traditions, Veiko V. Valencia
Faculty Drivers and Barriers: Laying the Groundwork for Undergraduate STEM Education Reform in Academic Departments, Susan E. Shadle, Anthony Marker, and Brittnee Earl
Fake Stories are the Best Way to Distract People from the Major Issues, Veiko V. Valencia
Fake Stories are the Best Way to Distract People from the Major Issues (Back), Veiko V. Valencia
Family Crest Banners, Allison Corona
Family Crest Banners, Allison Corona
Family Matters: The Implications of Family Support on Multiracial Identity, Clarissa Abidog
Family Matters: The Implications of Family Support on Multiracial Identity, Clarissa Abidog
Family Matters: The Implications of Family Support on Multiracial Identity Development, Clarissa Abidog and Mary Pritchard
Fast Separation of Charged Molecules by Electrodialysis, Noah Brown, Caitlin Sall, Colton Farnsworth, Aaron Belzeski, Cosmin Fologea, Devon Richtsmeier, and Daniel Fologea (Mentor)
Fatal Attraction?: Intraguild Facilitation and Suppression Among Predators, Kelly J. Sivy, Casey B. Pozzanghera, James B. Grace, and Laura R. Prugh
Fatigue Life of Bovine Meniscus Under Longitudinal and Transverse Tensile Loading, Jaremy J. Creechley, Madison E. Krentz, and Trevor J. Lujan
FATREC Workshop on Responsible Recommendation Proceedings, Michael Ekstrand and Amit Sharma
Fe++ 100 dpa 500C - Fe-9%Cr ODS, Kayla Yano and Janelle Wharry
Fe++ 3 dpa 500C - Fe-9%Cr ODS, Kayla Yano and Janelle Wharry
Fe-9%Cr ODS, As-received, APT Data, Matthew Swenson, Yaqiao Wu, and Janelle Wharry
Fe-9%Cr ODS, As-received, TEM Images, Matthew Swenson and Janelle Wharry
Fe-9%Cr ODS, Fe2+ irradiated to 100 dpa at 500C, APT Data, Matthew Swenson, Yaqiao Wu, and Janelle Wharry
Fe-9%Cr ODS, Fe2+ irradiated to 100 dpa at 500C, TEM Images, Matthew Swenson and Janelle Wharry
Fe-9%Cr ODS, Fe2+ irradiated to 1 dpa at 500C, APT Data, Matthew Swenson, Yaqiao Wu, and Janelle Wharry
Fe-9%Cr ODS, Fe2+ irradiated to 1 dpa at 500C, TEM Images, Matthew Swenson and Janelle Wharry
Fe-9%Cr ODS, Fe2+ irradiated to 3 dpa at 500C, APT Data, Matthew Swenson, Yaqiao Wu, and Janelle Wharry
Fe-9%Cr ODS, Fe2+ irradiated to 3 dpa at 500C, TEM Images, Matthew Swenson and Janelle Wharry
Fe-9%Cr ODS, Fe2+ irradiated to 50 dpa at 400C, APT Data, Matthew Swenson, Yaqiao Wu, and Janelle Wharry
Fe-9%Cr ODS, Fe2+ irradiated to 50 dpa at 400C, TEM Images, Matthew Swenson and Janelle Wharry
Fe-9%Cr ODS, Neutron irradiated to 3 dpa at 500C, APT Data, Matthew Swenson, Yaqiao Wu, and Janelle Wharry
Fe-9%Cr ODS, Neutron irradiated to 3 dpa at 500C, TEM Images, Matthew Swenson and Janelle Wharry
Fe-9%Cr ODS, Proton irradiated to 1 dpa at 500C, APT Data, Matthew Swenson, Yaqiao Wu, and Janelle Wharry
Fe-9%Cr ODS, Proton irradiated to 1 dpa at 500C, TEM Images, Matthew Swenson and Janelle Wharry
Fe-9%Cr ODS, Proton irradiated to 3 dpa at 500C, APT Data, Matthew Swenson, Yaqiao Wu, and Janelle Wharry
Fe-9%Cr ODS, Proton irradiated to 3 dpa at 500C, TEM Images, Matthew Swenson and Janelle Wharry
Fe-9%Cr ODS, Proton irradiated to 7 dpa at 500C, APT Data, Matthew Swenson, Yaqiao Wu, and Janelle Wharry
Fe-9%Cr ODS, Proton irradiated to 7 dpa at 500C, TEM Images, Matthew Swenson and Janelle Wharry
Feasibility of Harnessing Space Solar Energy through Solar Power Satellites, Chris Mathew
Feasibility of Melville Marginalia Authorship Differentiation, Aaron Burdin
Feed, Ashley Barr
Feminist Agency, Sexual Scripts, and Sexual Violence: Developing a Model for Postgendered Family Communication, Kelly R. Rossetto and Andrew C. Tollison
Ferritin Iron Release by Anthracyclines: Investigations of the Basis for Cardiotoxicity and Implications for Drug Development, Julie L. Brown
Fiction Can Become a Fact, Veiko V. Valencia
Finding Alignment: The Perceptions and Integration of the Next Generation Science Standards Practices by Elementary Teachers, Janette Smith and Louis Nadelson
Fine Tuning Model Updating for Multivariate Calibration Maintenance, Anit Gurung, John H. Kalivas (Mentor), and Erik Andries
Finland and the Bear: Eutrophication and International Conflict on the Baltic Sea, Deana Neaves
FireMAP Unmanned Aircraft System (UAS) Mapping, Josh Gambill, Jonathan Hamilton, and Dale Hamilton (Mentor)
Fire Monitoring and Assessment Platform (FireMAP): Analysis of Spectral Reflectance, Mikhail Bowerman and Dale Hamilton (Mentor)
Fire Monitoring and Assessment Platform (FireMAP): Object Identification in Images using Spectral and Spatial Cluster Analysis, Patrick J. Richardson, Dale Alvin Hamilton (Mentor), and Barry Lee Myers (Mentor)
Fire Monitoring and Assessment Platform (FireMAP): Post Classification Processing, Jonathan W. Hamilton, Barry L. Myers (Mentor), and Dale A. Hamilton (Mentor)
First Folio Carnival Promotional Video, Boise State University
First Folio Dives into the Printing of Shakespeare’s Work, Kalvyn Herring
First Folio Exhibit Panels from the Folger Shakespeare Library, Allison Corona
First Folio Fever Hits Boise with a Visit from the Bard's Book, Dana Oland
First Folio First Time in Idaho Promotional Banner, Boise State University
First Folio First Time in Idaho Promotional Image, Boise State University
First Folio's Last Look is Today, Marcel Pacatte
First-Principles Study of Nanostructured MX2 Materials with Transition Metal Substitutes, Nathan Wilson, Lan Li (Mentor), and Izaak Williamson (Mentor)
First Record of Nestling Relocation by Adult Gyrfalcons (Falco rusticolus) Following Nest Collapse, Bryce W. Robinson, Neil Paprocki, David L. Anderson, and Marc J. Bechard
Five Degrees of Separation, Aaron David Rodriguez
Five Degrees of Separation, Aaron David Rodriguez
Five Degrees of Separation, Aaron David Rodriguez
Flexibility in the Periplasmic Domain of BamA Is Important for Function, Lisa A. Warner, Petia Z. Gatzeva-Topalova, Pamela A. Doerner, Arthur Pardi, and Marcelo C. Sousa
Flow Connectivity in Active Volcanic Areas: Use of Index of Connectivity in the Assessment of Lateral Flow Contribution to Main Streams, A. J. Ortíz-Rodríguez, L. Borselli, and D. Sarocchi
Fluorescence Quenching Studies to Investigate Acyl-chain Specificity for RhlI Quorum Sensing Signal Synthase from Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Jesse McDonald, Christian Keetch, John Taffin, Luke Schwarz, and Rajesh Nagarajan (Mentor)
Folger Shakespeare Librarian Daniel DeSimone, Allison Corona
Folio Gallery, Allison Corona
Following a Ten-Step Procedure to Evaluate the Administrative Services Qualification Card Program, Julie R. Barkin, Seung Youn (Yonnie) Chyung, and Megan Lemke
Food Scarcity and Immigration Flows, Ben Albert
Forecasting Disturbance Effects on Wildlife: Tolerance Does Not Mitigate Effects of Increased Recreation on Wild Lands, B. P. Pauli, R. J. Spaul, and J. A. Heath
Fortilin Binds IRE1α and Prevents ER Stress from Signaling Apoptotic Cell Death, Matthew D. King and Owen M. McDougal
Free Ammonia Offers Algal Crop Protection from Predators in Dairy Wastewater and Ammonium-Rich Media, Patrick K. Thomas, Gary P. Dunn, Maxine Passero, and Kevin P. Feris
From One Human to the Next: How Stories Might Save Our Lives, Stacie Lewton Rice
From Pen Pals to Global Citizens, Jean Kirshner, Eli Tzib, Zilpa Tzib, and Sara Fry
From the Russian Revolution to Today: The Human Desire for Religious Freedom in Boris Pasternak’s Dr. Zhivago, Ashley Thompson
Functional and Access Control Testing of an Attribute Based Access ControlledSystem, Liliana V. Acevedo, Nicholas Chapa, Milson Munakami (Mentor), and Dianxiang Xu (Mentor)
Fundamentals of Atomic Layer Deposition, William Crow, Steven Letourneau, and Elton Graugnard (Mentor)
Fusion of Synchronous Fluorescence Spectra with Application to Argan Oil for Adulteration Analysis, Tyler D. Stokes, Mellou Foteini, Brett Brownfield, John H. Kalivas (Mentor), George Mousdis, Aziz Amine, and Constantinos Georgiou
Gallery Visitors, Allison Corona
Game-Based Online Antenatal Breastfeeding Education: A Pilot, Jane S. Grassley, Kelley C. Connor, and Laura Bond
Game Theoretical Analysis of Coexistence in MIMO-Empowered Cognitive Radio Networks, Yantian Hou, Ming Li, and Dejun Yang
Gangs, Clubs, and Alcohol: The Effect of Organizational Membership on Adolescent Drinking Behavior, Chan S. Suh, Matthew E. Brashears, and Michael Genkin
Gas-Phase Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Study of Internal Isomerization in Perfluoro-2-Azapropene: Comparison of Experimental and Computed Kinetic Parameters, Clifford LeMaster, Carole LeMaster, Benjamin Greenwood, Drew Butler, Keanan Cassidy, and Jonathan Prince
Gemini, Christine Elizabeth McLenna
Gender Analysis of Shakespeare’s “A Midsummer Night’s Dream” and Edward Albee’s “Who’s Afraid of Virginia Woolf?”, Robert Schulkey
Gendered Perceptions of Tigers in Chitwan National Park, Nepal, Neil H. Carter and Teri D. Allendorf
General Education at Boise State and Around the Country, Daniel Hopkins, Eva Rodriguez, and Cerena Lee
Generation of Efficient Test Cases for Mutation Testing, Kyrhee D. Powell, Darragh P. Ruane, and Elena Sherman (Mentor)
Genre and Register Variation: Academic Conference Presentations in Spanish in the United States, Carolina Viera
Geochronology of the Tectonic, Stratigraphic, and Magmatic Evolution of Neoproterozoic to Early Paleozoic, North American Cordillera and Cryogenian Glaciation, Vincent H. Isakson
Geophysical Investigations of Pyroclastic Density Current Processes and Deposit Properties at Mount St. Helens, Washington (USA), Andrew Cleveland Gase
Gevgelija, Macedonia Water Park Development Project, Darrien Miles, Ali Alshareef, Ben Focht, Tyler Hamilton, and Zahraa Alwazzan
Girls Need Girls, Nancy Marie Flecha
Gliding Velocity of Euglena mutabilis Can Fluctuate over Tenfold, Veronica Chiu, Julia Bittencourt, Tyler Gulliksen, and Douglas Cole (Mentor)
Global Scenarios of Urban Density and Its Impacts on Building Energy Use Through 2050, Michail Fragkias
Glyphosate in Roundup Affects Siderophore Synthesis in Pseudomonas fluorescens, Carissa Gilliland, Martina Ederer (Mentor), and Patricia Hartzell (Mentor)
Going GREEN With LEAN, Zachary Metzger, Marta Söderlund, Erika Vaudrin, and Savannah Richardson
Golden Eagle Selection of Green Nest Material for Ectoparasite Control, Logan Treat, Benjamin Dudek, Jennifer Forbey, Britt Pendleton, and Julie Heath (Mentor)
Graduate Interprofessional Education and Collaborative Practice Experiences: A Phenomenological Inquiry, Jaime Sand
Green Screen Photo Booth, Allison Corona
Green Screen Photo Booth, Allison Corona
Grounding Communication Studies in Enlightenment Criticality: Scaling Up Theoretical and Dialectical Ambition, Ed McLuskie
Hairs, Carley Brook Rowley
Half-Heusler Thermoelectric Materials' Synthesis and Characterization, Addie Lupercio
Half the World: Refugees Transform the City of Trees, Todd Shallat (editor), Kathleen Rubinow Hodges (editor), Errol D. Jones (editor), and Laura Winslow (editor)
Hall Effect Calibration of Silicon Doped GaAs Grown by Molecular Beam Epitaxy (MBE), Joseph Spinuzzi and Paul Simmonds (Mentor)
Hand Gesture Recognition for Sign Language Transcription, Iker Vazquez Lopez
Hardware Realization of a Residential Static Var Compensator, Muhammad Kamran Latif
HCM12A, Fe2+ irradiated to 100 dpa at 500C, APT Data, Matthew Swenson, Yaqiao Wu, and Janelle Wharry
HCM12A, Fe2+ irradiated to 100 dpa at 500C, TEM Images, Matthew Swenson and Janelle Wharry
HCM12A, Fe2+ irradiated to 3 dpa at 500C, APT Data, Matthew Swenson, Yaqiao Wu, and Janelle Wharry
HCM12A, Fe2+ irradiated to 3 dpa at 500C, TEM Images, Matthew Swenson and Janelle Wharry
HCM12A, Neutron irradiated to 3 dpa at 500C, APT Data, Matthew Swenson, Yaqiao Wu, and Janelle Wharry
HCM12A, Neutron irradiated to 3 dpa at 500C, TEM Images, Matthew Swenson and Janelle Wharry
HCM12A, Proton irradiated to 1 dpa at 500C, APT Data, Matthew Swenson, Yaqiao Wu, and Janelle Wharry
HCM12A, Proton irradiated to 1 dpa at 500C, TEM Images, Matthew Swenson and Janelle Wharry
HCM12A, Proton irradiated to 3 dpa at 500C, APT Data, Matthew Swenson, Yaqiao Wu, and Janelle Wharry
HCM12A, Proton irradiated to 3 dpa at 500C, TEM Images, Matthew Swenson and Janelle Wharry
Health Conditions of Post-Resettlement African Refugees in Boise, Idaho, Mikal Smith, Pamela Springer, Terri Soelberg, Pat Lazare, and Michal Temkin-Martinez
Healthy Habits, Healthy U: A Primary Cancer Prevention Program, Mikayla Finley, Marcus Chapa, Alicia Anderson, Mary Pritchard, Vicky Jekich, and Kyle Young
Helmet, Shelley Renae Sinquefield Needles
Hexarray: A Novel Self-Reconfigurable Hardware System, Fady Hussein
Hidden Associations: Observing Connections in Data Published Online Using a Web Scraper and Graphing Software, William W. Grigg, Stephanie Denton, John Edwards (Mentor), and Justin D. Stover (Mentor)
Higher Education Faculty Perceptions of Open Textbook Adoption, Eulho Jung, Christine Bauer, and Allan Heaps
Higher Education: The Impact on Bosnian Women Who Came as Refugees to the United States, Belma Sadikovic
High Performance Solid State Thermoelectric Power Generation Modules for Self-Powered Electronics, Yanliang Zhang
High Temperature Analysis of Dysprosium Rods, Beck Perrine
High Temperature Behavior of Zirconium Alloys, Jordan Vandegrift
High-throughput Molecular Simulations into the Morphology of P3HT:PCBM Blends, Kyle D. Miller, Paul A. Chery, Evan Miller (Mentor), and Eric Jankowski (Mentor)
High-Throughput Mutational Analysis of Six Self-Cleaving Ribozymes, Tanner B. Pollock, Devin P. Bendixsen, and Eric J. Hayden (Mentor)
High Throughput Screening of Antifungal Toxins Targeted Against Plant Pathogenic Fungi, Jade S. Harris and Paul A. Rowley (Mentor)
Histopathological Analyses of Respiratory Viral Co-infections in Mice., Emmanuel C. Ijezie, Andres Gonzalez (Mentor), and Tanya Miura (Mentor)
History, Heritage, or Propaganda: Should Confederate Monuments Come Down?, Elizabeth Swearingen
Holiday Mice, Katya Michele Greimes
Homelessness in Small Cities, Busayo Apampa
Housing the Homeless: A Regional Analysis of the Impact of Available Beds on Rates of Homelessness, Cassandra Nicole Solmonsen
How Boise State Prepared to Host Shakespeare's First Folio, Adam Cotterell
How Burying Beetle Decomposition Affects Plants, Brittan Hardy and Rosemary Smith (Mentor)
How Do Simulated Error Experiences Impact Attitudes Related to Error Prevention?, Karen R. Breitkreuz, Renae L. Dougal, and Melanie C. Wright
How Education Level and Willingness to Learn Affect Older Adults in their use of Mobile Technology in Southwest Idaho, Kimberly M. Neagle and Kathryn E. Demps (Mentor)
How Education Level and Willingness to Learn Affect Older Adults in their use of Mobile Technology in Southwest Idaho, Kimberly Neagle
How Education Level and Willingness to Learn Affect Older Adults in Their Use of Mobile Technology in Southwest Idaho, Kimberly M. Neagle
How Far Do Ciliate Flagships Sail?: A Proposed Gondawanaland Endemic Species at Anchor in Idaho Soils, William Bourland
How Far Does Influence Go? Racial Ideology, Anti-racist Action, and University Culture, Chandra Reyna and Rosaura Conley-Estrada (Mentor)
How Far Does Influence Go? Racialized Resistance and University Culture, Chandra Reyna
How Far Does Influence Go? Racialized Resistance and University Culture, Chandra Reyna
How Higher Education Interpellates Students for Industry Funding, Katrina Pietromica
How Neoliberal Ideology Interpellates Students as Alienated Learners, Katrina Pietromica and David Gabbard (Mentor)
How Pure is Pure? Metal Complexation Studies Directed Towards Pharmaceutical Drug Purification, Nicolas A. Johnson and Kristopher V. Waynant (Mentor)
How Social Media Matter: Repression and the Diffusion of the Occupy Wall Street Movement, Chan S. Suh, Ion Bogdan Vasi, and Paul Y. Chang
How the Boise River is Moved, David C. Pinkerton, Jillian Moroney (Mentor), Jen Schneider, Shawn Benner, Curtis Crandall, and Ana Costa
HSP Judges: A Template for Community Collaboration, Nathan Philipps, Nick Canfield, Melissa Derig, and Tim Johnson
HT9, Fe2+ irradiated to 100 dpa at 500C, APT Data, Matthew Swenson, Yaqiao Wu, and Janelle Wharry
HT9, Fe2+ irradiated to 100 dpa at 500C, TEM Images, Matthew Swenson and Janelle Wharry
HT9, Fe2+ irradiated to 3 dpa at 500C, APT Data, Matthew Swenson, Yaqiao Wu, and Janelle Wharry
HT9, Fe2+ irradiated to 3 dpa at 500C, TEM Images, Matthew Swenson and Janelle Wharry
HT9, Neutron irradiated to 3 dpa at 500C, APT Data, Matthew Swenson, Yaqiao Wu, and Janelle Wharry
HT9, Neutron irradiated to 3 dpa at 500C, TEM Images, Matthew Swenson and Janelle Wharry
HT9, Proton irradiated to 1 dpa at 500C, APT Data, Matthew Swenson, Yaqiao Wu, and Janelle Wharry
HT9, Proton irradiated to 1 dpa at 500C, TEM Images, Matthew Swenson and Janelle Wharry
HT9, Proton irradiated to 3 dpa at 500C, APT Data, Matthew Swenson, Yaqiao Wu, and Janelle Wharry
HT9, Proton irradiated to 3 dpa at 500C, TEM Images, Matthew Swenson and Janelle Wharry
Hydrology: Indo-Gangetic Groundwater Threat, Scott Fendorf and Shawn G. Benner
Hydrothermal Corrosion Studies on Nitride Fuels, Brian J. Jaques, Jennifer Watkins, Thomas Braine, Beata Tyburska-Puschel, Peng Xu, Edward J. Lahoda, and Darryl P. Butt
Hydrothermal Synthesis of Titanate Nano-Structures for use as Anode Material in Sodium-Ion Batteries, Ainsley St. Clair, Kassiopeia Smith, and Hui Xiong (Mentor)
HyperLink: Virtual Machine Introspection and Memory Forensic Analysis without Kernel Source Code, Jidong Xiao, Lei Lu, Haining Wang, and Xiaoyun Zhu
I-84 Garrity Boulevard Interchange Widening and Realignment, TJ Centanni, Haider Malik, Brandon Elizondo, Bobby Davies, and David Jamison
IdaBOT: An Autonomous Utility Robot for Idaho Specialty Crops, Richard E. Grindstaff III, Lucas Pomeroy, Duke M. Bulanon (Mentor), and Joshua Griffin (Mentor)
Idaho Center for the Book Newsletter: First Folio 2016, Idaho Center for the Book, Anthony Doerr, Eric Rasmussen, and Doug Copsey
Idaho Historical Society Booth, Allison Corona
Idaho Shakespeare Festival Booth, Allison Corona
Idaho Shakespeare Festival Managing Director Mark Hofflund, Allison Corona
Idaho's Southern Accent: Confederates, White Flight and the Aryan Nations, Jill Gill
Idaho State University Strong Floor Construction for Quasi-Static Testing, Jordan M. Stearns and Mustafa Mashal (Mentor)
Identification of Unknown Landscape Types Using CNN Transfer Learning, Ashish Sharma
Identifying and Scheduling Loop Chains Using Directives, Ian J. Bertolacci, Michelle Mills Strout, Stephen Guzik, Jordan Riley, and Catherine Olschanowsky
Identifying At-Risk Students for Early Interventions—A Time-Series Clustering Approach, Jui-Long Hung, Morgan C. Wang, Shuyan Wang, Maha Abdelrasoul, Yaohang Li, and Wu He
Identifying Irrigated Areas in the Snake River Plain, Idaho: Evaluating Performance across Composting Algorithms, Spectral Indices, and Sensors, Eric W. Chance, Kelly M. Cobourn, Valerie A. Thomas, Blaine C. Dawson, and Alejandro N. Flores
Identifying Vaccine Targets for Bovine Mastitis, Delaney Sauer and Juliette Tinker (Mentor)
Identity and Investment in Language Learning Among Young Adult Refugees with Interrupted Schooling, Desirée Midby, Gail Shuck (Mentor), and Casey Keck (Mentor)
I Feel Something You Have Felt, Aaron David Rodriguez
I Feel Something You Have Felt, Aaron David Rodriguez
If You Build It, They Will Come: Evaluating the Role of Man-Made Nest Platforms and Anthropogenic Landscape Change on Shaping the Habitat Suitability and Breeding Success of Ospreys (Pandion haliaetus) in West-Central Idaho, Elizabeth Meisman, Tyrell Styhl, Andrew Dorrell, Bryan Krouse, Marc Bechard, Rob Miller, and Dusty Perkins (Mentor)
Illumination, Jillise Marie Wade
Illumination, Jillise Marie Wade
Illumination, Jillise Marie Wade
Illumination, Jillise Marie Wade
Illumination, Jillise Marie Wade
Image Training Data Selector 2.0 for FireMAP and Prostate Smears, Gregory Smith, Dale Hamilton (Mentor), and Barry Myers (Mentor)
Image Training Data Selector for FireMAP* and Prostate Smears, Gregory Smith, Dale Hamilton (Mentor), and Barry Myers (Mentor)
Imaging of Surface Wear in Joint Replacement Devices using a Three-dimensional Structured-light Scanner, Katherine Hollar
Immunizations Challenge Healthcare Personnel and Affects Immunization Rates, Pamela K. Strohfus, Susan C. Kim, Sara Palma, Russell A. Duke, Richard Remington, and Caleb Roberts
Impacting Instructional Practice in the Secondary Mathematics Classroom: Does Mindset Matter?, Tatia Totorica
Impact of Books, Alyssa Buffi
Impact of Graphene Structure Property Processing Correlations on C2C12 Growth and Differentation, Nate Ortiz and David Estrda (Mentor)
Impact of Micropeening on Magnetic Shape Memory Alloys, Paige Plaskonos, Andrew Armstrong, and Peter Müllner (Mentor)
Impact of Road Salt on Stormwater Wetlands, James D. Guthrie, Carolyn Macek (Mentor), and Rebecca Hale (Mentor)
Impact of Spatial Averaging on Radar Reflectivity at Internal Snowpack Layer Boundaries, N. Rutter, H.P. Marshall, K. Tape, R. Essery, and J. King
Impact of Surgery on Patellar Bone Strain in Patients with Crouch Gait, Erika Ramirez, Thomas Beers, Olivia Coca, and Clare Fitzpatrick (Mentor)
Impact of Travel and Tourism on Boise’s Local Economy, Matthew Netjes, Erika Vaudrin, Joseph Bruce, and Daniel Victorio
Impact of Travel and Tourism on Boise’s Local Economy, Matthew Netjes, Erika Vaudrin, Joe Bruce, and Daniel Victorio
Impacts of Travel and Tourism on Boise’s Economic Development, Kailee Bales, Nathan Burt, and Gregory Faith
Implementation of an AVID Elementary Program in a Technology-Rich Environment, Molly J. Large
Improved Supervised Classification of Accelerometry Data to Distinguish Behaviors of Soaring Birds, Maitreyi Sur and Srisarguru Sridhar
Improved UO2 Parameters for Grain Boundary Energy Interpolation, Jarin C. French, Evan D. Hansen (Mentor), and Yongfeng Zhang (Mentor)
Improvement Rates in Aerobic and Anaerobic Training, Shaun Cook, Chad Skiles, Kelli Kenser, and Clay Robinson (Mentor)
Improvements and Disparities in Types of Foods and Milk Beverages Offered in Elementary School Lunches, 2006–2007 to 2013–2014, Lindsey Turner, Punam Ohri-Vachaspati, Lisa Powell, and Frank J. Chaloupka
Improvements to an Optical Magneto-Mechanical Device, Carl Rustad, Paul Lindquist (Mentor), and Peter Müllner (Mentor)
Improving Computational Efficiency in Identifying Parsimonious Statistical Models, Joseph L. Valentin, Ken Aho (Mentor), John Edwards (Mentor), Dewayne Derryberry, and Teri Peterson
Improving Metacomprehension Accuracy in an Undergraduate Course Context, Jennifer Wiley, Thomas D. Griffin, Allison J. Jaeger, Patrick J. Cushen, and Keith W. Thiede
Improving Patient Satisfaction of Pediatric Dietary Services, John David Bishop
Improving Spatial Resolution of Induced Positron Annihilation Spectroscopy for Defect Characterization in Irradiated Layers, Devin R. Batkiewicz, Erik Oaas (Mentor), Steve Laney (Mentor), and Janelle Wharry (Mentor)
Improving STEM Education: Engaged Learning in an Introductory Computer Programming Course, Jacqueline Ory, William Grigg, Jonathan Holmes (Mentor), Kevin Parker (Mentor), and John Edwards (Mentor)
Improving the Informed Consent Process Through the Use of a Question and Answer Tool, Loretta S. Amy
Improving the Memory of Intelligent Personal Assistants, Daniel Kondratyuk
Incandescence, Aarin Cody Bigler
Incandescence (Detail), Aarin Cody Bigler
Increasing Academic Performance of Deaf Students at Alpha University: A Case Study, Elyse Taylor, Erin Callahan, Kristen Pinta, Leah Yeatts, and Donald Winiecki
Increasing Prevalence of US Elementary School Gardens, but Disparities Reduce Opportunities for Disadvantaged Students, Lindsey Turner, Meghan Eliason, Anna Sandoval, and Frank J. Chaloupka
Increasing Primary Care Hepatitis C Screening in the 1945-1965 Birth Cohort, Maria M. Shimizu
Increasing Probability of Mass-Mortality During Indian Heatwaves, Mojtaba Sadegh
Increasing Undergraduate Interest to Learn Geoscience with GPS-based Augmented Reality Field Trips on Student's Own Smartphones, Natalie Bursztyn, Brett Shelton, Andy Walker, and Joel Pederson
Influence, Anna E. Matejcek
Influence, Anna E. Matejcek
Influence, Anna E. Matejcek
Influence, Anna E. Matejcek
Influence, Anna E. Matejcek
Influence, Anna E. Matejcek
Influence, Anna E. Matejcek
Influence, Anna E. Matejcek
Influence, Anna E. Matejcek
Influence, Anna E. Matejcek
Influence, Anna E. Matejcek
Influence, Anna E. Matejcek
Influence, Anna E. Matejcek
Influence, Anna E. Matejcek
Influence, Anna E. Matejcek
Influence, Anna E. Matejcek
Influence: Art, Activism, and Identity as Seen Through a Neurodivergent Lens, Anna Matejcek
Influence of Grazing on Habitat Associations of the Belding's Ground Squirrel, Kendra Rose Allgier and Tracey Johnson (Mentor)
Influence of Organismal and Landscape Characteristics on Road Mortality of Amphibians and Reptiles in the Lewis-Clark Valley, Alex Heimerdinger and Charles R. Peterson (Mentor)
Influence of Proportional Number Relationships on Item Accessibility and Students’ Strategies, Michele B. Carney, Everett Smith, Gwyneth R. Hughes, Jonathan L. Brendefur, and Angela Crawford
Information Retrieval and the Community, Ognomo Daniel Bakyono and Maria Soledad Pera (Mentor)
Inhibition of Cellular Growth and DNA Replication by Anthracycline Analogs, L.J. McKenzie, Phil Moon (Mentor), Dr. Ken Cornell (Mentor), and Dr. Don Warner (Mentor)
Inhibition of Streptococcus uberis Invasion Into Bovine Mammary Epithelial Cells by Contact with Purified Adhesion Molecule SuaM, Kristina Chapman
Instream vegetation survey of Marsh Creek, Kyndra S. Hawkes, Sarah Stalder, and Rebecca Hale (Mentor)
Instructional Strategies for High School ELL Refugee Students in Mathematics, Seoyeon Lee
Integrated Circuit Design for Hybrid Optoelectronic Interconnects, Kehan Zhu
Integration of Medical and Dental Services: Case Study of the Terry Reilly Health Services Latah Clinic Experience, Kylie B. Pace
Integrity Coded Databases: Ensuring Correctness and Freshness of Outsourced Databases, Ujwal Karki
Intensified Foraging and the Roots of Farming in China, Shengqian Chen and Pei-Lin Yu
Interactive Storytelling: Opportunities for Online Course Design, Sally Baldwin and Yu-Hui Ching
Interface Translation for Reuse of Assembly-Language Modules in a Two-Language Environment, James R. Buffenbarger
Interpersonal Neurobiology: Applications for the Counseling Profession, Raissa Miller
In the Organization’s Shadow: How Individual Behavior is Shaped by Organizational Leakage, Matthew E. Brashears, Michael Genkin, and Chan S. Suh
Intrusive and Depositional Constraints on the Cretaceous Tectonic History of the Southern Blue Mountains, Eastern Oregon, M. Schmitz and B. D. Ware
Investigating College Instructors’ Methods of Differentiation and Derivatives in Calculus Classes, Wedad Mubaraki
Investigating Deuterium Depletion in American Kestrel (Falco sparverius) Nestlings Using Growth Rates, Christina M. Hartmann, Julie A. Heath (Mentor), Matthew J. Kohn (Mentor), and Samantha L. Evans (Mentor)
Investigating Hydrothermal and Radiation Effects on Nitrogen Heterocycles Relevant to Meteorite Parent Bodies, Phillip G. Hammer
Investigating the Effects of Seeding Density on Mesenchymal Stem Cell Tenogenesis, Sophia Bowen and Nathan R. Schiele (Mentor)
Investigating the Influence of Habitat Heterogeneity on Diversity of Insectivorous Birds in a River-Floodplain Mosaic, Paige C. Miller, Jade E. Ortiz, and Colden V. Baxter (Mentor)
Investigating the Role of Methionine 234 in Catalysis by Human Carbonyl Reductase I, Jordan Williams; Sierra Etzler; Michael Brownlee; Darrian Lobato; and Henry A. Charlier, Jr. (Mentor)
Investigation of Hypokalemic Periodic Paralysis Mutation in a Voltage-Gated Sodium Channel, Blake W. Martin and James R. Groome (Mentor)
Investigation of Physical and Chemical Water Quality Parameters in Agriculturally Adjacent Lakeshore Wetlands, Austin C. Madsen, Karina Gutierrez, and Rebecca Flock (Mentor)
Investigation of the Geographic Origin of Burrowing Owl Fleas with Implications for the Ecology of Plague, Kara A. Moran, David H. Johnson, Samantha Evans, Matthew J. Kohn, and Jim Belthoff (Mentor)
Investigations on the Mesozoic Geologic and Tectonic History of the Jackson Mountains, Northwest Nevada, Thomas Anthony Colby
In Vitro Cell Viability Effects of Doxorubicin Analogs in Uterine Soft Tissue Sarcomas, Rylee Samander
In vitro sensitivity of soft tissue sarcoma cells to novel anthracyclines, Sajjad Askaryar, Dallin Harper, Tyler Smith, Don Warner (Mentor), and Ken Cornell (Mentor)
Irruptive Migration of Chestnut-Backed Chickadees to Southwestern Idaho, Jay D. Carlisle
Islam is the New Black: Muslim Perceptions of Law Enforcement, Jesenia Robles and Cody Jorgensen (Mentor)
Islam is the New Black: Muslim Perceptions of Law Enforcement, Jesenia Robles
Islam Is the New Black: Muslim Perceptions of Law Enforcement, Jesenia Robles
Isolation (Angle 1), Tyler James Dougal
Isolation (Angle 2), Tyler James Dougal
Isotopic Composition of Precipitation in a Topographically Steep, Seasonally Snow-Dominated Watershed and Implications of Variations from the Global Meteoric Water Line, Daniel J. Tappa, Matthew J. Kohn, James P. McNamara, Shawn G. Benner, and Alejandro N. Flores
Isotopic Compositions of Intrusive Rocks from the Wallowa and Olds Ferry Arc Terranes of Northeastern Oregon and Western Idaho: Implications for Cordilleran Evolution, Lithospheric Structure, and Miocene Magmatism, Gene A. Kurz, Mark D. Schmitz, Clyde J. Northrup, and Tracy L. Vallier
Isotopic Evidence for a Lithospheric Origin of Alkaline Rocks and Carbonatites: An Example from Southern Africa, Lewis D. Ashwal, Madelein Patzelt, Mark D. Schmitz, and Kevin Burke
"Is Sven Seven?": A Search Intent Module for Children, Nevena Dragovic, Ion Madrazo Azpiazu, and Maria Soledad Pera
It's A Girl! A Guide to Your New Pink Tax, Paige Cirerol
It’s All about Relationships: AMF-Plant Associations, the Rhizosphere, and Our Changing World, Joel Velasco
Jacob Cortez Reads Hamlet's "To Be or Not To Be", Allison Corona
Joint Inversion of Compact Operators, James Ford
Jolly Della Pringle: Star of the Western Stage, Charles E. Lauterbach
José Villanueva de Amezketa: Southern Idaho’s Immigrant Outlier, Marsha Hunter
Just Another “Selfie” Help Book; Walt Whitman in the 21st Century, Jocelyn Wade
KD-Tree and k-Nearest Neighbor Image Classification, Llewellyn B. Johnston, Barry L. Myers (Mentor), and Dale A. Hamilton (Mentor)
Keynoter, April/May 2017, Boise State University Association of Office Professionals
Keynoter, February/March 2017, Boise State University Association of Office Professionals
Keynoter, November/December 2017, Boise State University Association of Office Professionals
Keynoter, September/October 2017, Boise State University Association of Office Professionals
Killer Yeasts As A Source of Novel Antifungal Toxins, Emily Anne Kizer and Paul Rowley (Mentor)
Kinetic Control of Nucleic Acid Strand Displacement Reactions, Xiaoping Olson
Kinetics of DNA Strand Displacement Systems with Locked Nucleic Acids, Xiaoping Olson, Shohei Kotani, Bernard Yurke, Elton Graugnard, and William L. Hughes
Kingdom of Rath Performers, Allison Corona
Kirby Carlson at the Boise State English Major's Association Booth, Allison Corona
KNN vs SVM: A Comparison of Algorithms, Ryan G. Pacheco, Dale Hamilton (Mentor), and Barry Myers (Mentor)
Korean Speaking Contest, Carley Baeta, Cerose Cedoux, Anh Dang, Jenni Domanowski, Justan Gochanour, Kalli King, Genee Parker, Shantal Pinon, Sierra Renteria, Hikari Sasaki, and Madison Vosk
La Escritura Como Lugar para Vivir en la Obra del Exilio de Martin Ugalde, Larraitz Ariznabarreta Garabieta
Landscape-Scale Manipulation of the Acoustic Environment Alters the Distribution of Breeding Birds and Arthropods, Elizeth Cinto-Mejia
La Rivière Comme Métaphore de l’Identité Chez Marcel Proust et Édouard Glissant, Margaret Gray and Jason Herbeck
Laser Ultrasound Observations of Mechanical Property Variations in Ice Cores, Thomas Dylan Mikesell, Kasper van Wijk, Larry Thomas Otheim, Hans-Peter Marshall, and Andrei Kurbatov
Las Hijas de Violencia and the Rhetoric of Place in Protest, Mackenzie Moss and Amy Arellano (Mentor)
Late Artinskian–Early Kungurian (Early Permian) Warming and Maximum Marine Flooding in the East Gondwana Interior Rift, Timor and Western Australia, and Comparisons Across East Gondwana, Vladimir I. Davydov
Latin Squares and Their Applications to Cryptography, Nathan O. Schmidt
Lava Coils at Craters of the Moon National Monument and Preserve, Caleb Renner and Shannon Kobs (Mentor)
Leaching of Conductive Species: Implications to Measurements of Electrical Resistivity, R. Spragg, S. Jones, Y. Bu, Y. Lu., D. Bentz, K. Snyder, and J. Weiss
Learning for You and Learning for Me: Mentoring as Professional Development for Mentor Teachers, Janette Smith and Louis Nadelson
Legacies of Colonialism: White Entitlement and Neoliberalism, Dalton Dagondon Tiegs
Let's Talk Success, Jessica Campbell, Joseph Wayment, and Paige Ashmead
Let’s Try Something New: Service Learning in Boise State's Computer Science Department, Daniel Kondratyuk
Leveraging Academic Partnerships to Improve Logistics at Nonprofit Organizations, Andrew S. Manikas, James R. Kroes, and Thomas F. Gattiker
Leveraging Multiple Linear Regression for Wavelength Selection, Tony Lemos and John H. Kalivas (Mentor)
Libra, Christine Elizabeth McLenna
Lidar Aboveground Vegetation Biomass Estimates in Shrublands: Prediction, Uncertainties and Application to Coarser Scales, Aihua Li, Shital Dhakal, Nancy F. Glenn, and Lucas P. Spaete
LiDAR Odometry and Mapping for Terrain Analysis from Drones, Galen Cochrane, John Edwards (Mentor), and Donna Delparte (Mentor)
Lifetime Physical Fitness and Wellness: A Personalized Program, Werner W. K. Hoeger and Sharon A. Hoeger
Light Trespass, Aarin Cody Bigler
Linguistic Features of Somali Chizigula, Samantha Showers and Madeleine Jewell
Link Test, Michelle Armstrong
Lipid Analysis of Synthetic and Natural Algal Polycultures Cultivated in Agricultural Wastewater, Alison R. Good, Patrick K. Thomas, Gary P. Dunn, Kevin Feris (Mentor), and Michael P. Callahan (Mentor)
Liquid-Gas Surface Tension Voltage Dependence During Electrowetting on Dielectric of 5-90 nm Gold Nanofluids, Saeid Vafaei, Karthik Chinnathambi, and Theodorian Borca-Tasciuc
Listening and Negotiation II, Adjo A. Amekudzi-Kennedy, Kevin D. Hall, Trevor Scott Harding, Amy J. Moll, and Janet Callahan
LISTEN: Why the First Folio Coming to Boise is a Big Deal, Adam Cotterell
Little Red Riding Hood, Jennifer Diane Clements
Living in Putin's Land: The Wealthy, the Ignored, and the Persecuted, Chase Johnson
Living in Subalternity: The Becoming of the Subaltern in Bessie Head’s A Woman Alone, A Gesture of Belonging, and When Rain Clouds Gather, Reshmi Mukherjee
Local and Regional Weather Patterns Influencing Post-Breeding Migration Counts of Soaring Birds at the Strait of Gibraltar, Spain, Robert A. Miller, Alejandro Onrubia, Beatriz Martín, Gregory S. Kaltenecker, Jay D. Carlisle, Marc J. Bechard, and Miguel Ferrer
Local Revenue Structure Under Economic Hardship: Reliance on Alternative Revenue Sources in California Counties, Sanghee Park
Locomotor Mechanics of a Three-Legged Dog, Nathan L. Newby and Craig P. McGowan (Mentor)
Long-Term, Continuous Air Temperature Time Series from Measurement Sites in Dry Creek Experimental Watershed, Southwest Idaho, James P. McNamara
Long-Term, Continuous Net Radiation Time Series from Measurement Sites in Dry Creek Experimental Watershed, Southwest Idaho, James P. McNamara
Long-Term, Continuous Precipitation Time Series from Measurement Sites in Dry Creek Experimental Watershed, Southwest Idaho., James P. McNamara
Long-Term, Continuous Relative Humidity Time Series from Measurement Sites in Dry Creek Experimental Watershed, Southwest Idaho, James P. McNamara
Long-Term, Continuous Snow Depth Time Series from Measurement Sites in Dry Creek Experimental Watershed, Southwest Idaho, James P. McNamara
Long-Term, Continuous Solar Radiation (Incoming Shortwave) Time Series from Measurement Sites in Dry Creek Experimental Watershed, Southwest Idaho, James P. McNamara
Long-Term, Continuous Stream Discharge Time Series from Measurement Sites in Dry Creek Experimental Watershed, Southwest Idaho, James P. McNamara
Long-Term, Continuous Stream Temperature Time Series from Measurement Sites in Dry Creek Experimental Watershed, Southwest Idaho, James P. McNamara
Long-Term, Continuous Wind Direction Time Series from Measurement Sites in Dry Creek Experimental Watershed, Southwest Idaho, James P. McNamara
Long-Term, Continuous Wind Speed Time Series from Measurement Sites in Dry Creek Experimental Watershed, Southwest Idaho, James P. McNamara
Long-Term Durability Studies on Chemically Treated Reclaimed Asphalt Pavement Material as a Base Layer for Pavements, Anand J. Puppala, Aravind Pedarla, Bhaskar Chittoori, Vijay Krishna Ganne, and Soheil Nazarian
Looking Outward: Archival Research as Community Engagement, Whitney Douglas
Losing a Vital Voice: Grief and Language Work, Racquel-María Sapién and Tim Thornes
Lost in Translation: Wittgenstein as a Tragic Philosopher of Education, Norm Friesen
Love Letters from a Voluptuous Sexagenarian, Miguel Delibes and Teresa Boucher
Low Loss and Low Dispersion Fiber for Transmission Applications in the Terahertz Regime, Sohel Rana, Adnan Siraj Rakin, Harish Subbaraman, Rainer Leonhardt, and Derek Abbott
Lysenin Channels as Single Molecule Nano-Sensors and Nano-Switches for Controlled Membrane Permeability, Nisha Shrestha
Magmatism as a Response to Exhumation of the Priest River Complex, Northern Idaho: Constraints from Zircon U–Pb Geochronology and Hf Isotopes, L. M. Stevens, J. A. Baldwin, J. L. Crowley, C. M. Fisher, and J. D. Vervoort
Mainstreaming Coexistence with Wildlife: Reply to Gallagher, Neil H. Carter and John D.C. Linnell
Major League Experience in a Minor League Town: Gaining Sport Industry Insights Through Community Partnerships, Jen Hake, Sonnay Alvarez, Daniel Auelua, Nicole Criner, Brigitta Cumiskey, Jabril Frazier, Zach Haney, David Hirsch, Chandler Hutchison, Jessica Huttash, Kyle Mitsunaga, Maddi Osburn, Matt Pistone, Rathen Ricedorff, AJ Richardson, Kelly Richardson, Kaitlyn Sartori, Trent Thomas, Luke Tokunaga, Malcolm Velazquez, Cedrick Wilson, and Mike Young
MakerSat: A CubeSat Designed for In-Space Assembly, Connor Nogales, Aaron Ewing, Grant Johnson, Braden Grim, Mitch Kamstra, Joshua Griffin (Mentor), Stephen Parke (Mentor), Jason Dunn (Mentor), and Dennis Zattiero (Mentor)
Making It Personal: Performance-Based Assessments, Ubiquitous Technology, and Advanced Learners, Kelly Arispe and Jack Burston
Making Livable Places: Transportation, Preservation, and the Limits of Growth, Todd Shallat, David Eberle, and Larry Burke
Making Wireless Body Area Networks Robust Under Cross-Technology Interference, Yantian Hou, Ming Li, and Shucheng Yu
Mapping perceptions for Ecosystem Services provision, Eric J. Martinez
Mapping Soc Distribution in Semi-arid Mountainous Regions Using Variables From Hyperspectral, Lidar and Traditional Datasets, Ryan M. Will, Shawn Benner, Nancy F. Glenn, Jennifer Pierce, Kathleen A. Lohse, Nicholas Patton, Lucas P. Spaete, and Christopher Stanbery
Mapping the Spatial Distribution Patterns of OFF Bipolar Cells in the Mouse Retina, Jamie R. Doyle and Peter Fuerst (Mentor)
María Alvarez Sainz & Kepa Xabier Apellaniz
Marital Dissolution and Child Educational Outcomes in San Borja, Bolivia, Kristin Snopkowski
Massively Parallel Algorithm for Solving the Eikonal Equation on Multiple Accelerator Platforms, Anup Shrestha
Matching Funding to Transportation Projects Across Southwest Idaho, Felicia Barlow, Danny Fisher, Joel Matheson, and Aaron Stark
Materials By Design: Carbon Capture, Matthew R. Lawson and Lan Li (Mentor)
Maximum Waring Ranks of Monomials and Sums of Coprime Monomials, Erik Holmes, Paul Plummer, Jeremy Siegert, and Zach Teitler
Measurement of Signal-to-Noise Ratio in Neural Microelectrodes, Justin W. Stadlbauer, Sepideh Rastegar, David Estrada (Mentor), and Kurtis D. Cantley (Mentor)
Measurement of Source Code Readability Using Word Concreteness and Memory Retention of Variable Names, Weifeng Xu, Dianxiang Xu, and Lin Deng
Measuring the Viscoelasticity of the Extracellular Matrix by Fluorescence Correlation Spectroscopy and Orbital Tracking Microrheology, Abigail Figueroa, Daniel Bugas, Anthony Loper, and Matthew Ferguson (Mentor)
Mechanical Properties of Cartilage Tissue Grown within a Three-Dimensional Graphene Foam Scaffold, Katie M. Yocham, Dave Estrada (Mentor), and Trevor Lujan (Mentor)
Mechanisms Driving Bacterial Community Dynamics in the Human Vagina, Zoila I. Alvarez-Aponte, Kenetta L. Nunn (Mentor), and Larry J. Forney (Mentor)
Mechanisms of Change in the ARC Organizational Strategy: Increasing Mental Health Clinicians’ EBP Adoption Through Improved Organizational Culture and Capacity, Nathaniel J. Williams, Charles Glisson, Anthony Hemmelgarn, and Philip Green
Mechanochemical Synthesis and Characterization of Cerium Monosulfide, Benjamin Robles, Brian J. Jaques (Mentor), Darryl P. Butt (Mentor), and Jennifer Watkins
Medical Imagery and Fragmentation: Modernism, Scientific Discourse, and the Mexican/Indigenous Body, 1870-1940s, Dora Alicia Ramírez
Memristor Device Fabrication, Jeremy Astle and Kris Campbell (Mentor)
Men in the Kitchen, Elizabeth Wonacott, Jordan Marcione, and Abby Bittick
Messages from President Bob Kustra and Director Gregory Martinez
Metamorphic Temperature Investigation of Coexisting Calcite and Dolomite Marble––Examples from Nikani Ghar Marble and Nowshera Formation, Peshawar Basin, Pakistan, Muhammad Fahad, Yaseen Iqbal, Mohammad Riaz, Rick Ubic, and Simon A.T. Redfern
Metanoic Movement: The Transformative Power of Regret, Kelly A. Myers
Methodological Considerations of Terrestrial Laser Scanning for Vegetation Monitoring in the Sagebrush Steppe, Nancy F. Glenn and Lucas P. Spaete
Metrology of DNA Arrays by Super-Resolution Microscopy, Christopher M. Green, Kelly Schutt, Noah Morris, Reza M. Zadegan, William L. Hughes, Wan Kuang, and Elton Graugnard
Michael Porter, Boise State Assistant Professor of Music, Allison Corona
Microhabitat Characteristics of Northern Goshawk (Accipiter gentilis) Nest Sites in the Naturally Fragmented Forests of the Northern Great Basin, USA, Lauren Whitenack, Gregory S. Kaltenecker, Jay D. Carlisle, and Robert A. Miller (Mentor)
Micro/Nano-Structural Examination and Fission Product Identification in Neutron Irradiated AGR-1 TRISO Fuel, I. J. van Rooyen, T. M. Lillo, H. M. Wen, C. M. Hill, T. G. Holesinger, Y. Q. Wu, and J. A. Aguiar
Microscale Thermoelectric Property Characterization and Performance-Driven Thermoelectric System Design, Nick Kempf
Microstructure Impacts on Mechanical Properties in a High Temperature Austenitic Stainless Steel, D. Purdy, P. J. Maziasz, J. Wharry, and C. Dolph
Mitigation of Vibrations during Ni-Mn-Ga Single Crystal Growth, Justina Freilich, Andrew Armstrong, Kevin Finn, Tony Hobza, Paul Lindquist (Mentor), and Peter Mullner (Mentor)
Mobile Augmented Reality for Validating Embodied Learning Agents, Emmanuel Massaquoi, Karen Perez, Alexis Araiza, and Quincy Conley (Mentor)
Modeled Impacts of Climate Change on Regional Hydrology in the Upper Boise River Basin Idaho, Amy Steimke, Alejandro Flores, Bangshuai Han, Jodi Brandt, and Rebecca Som Castellano
Modeling the Drivers of Land Use Change in Ada County and Canyon County, Idaho, Using a Regression Discontinuity Design, Christopher Hans Felt
Modeling the Isotopic Evolution of Snowpack and Snowmelt: Testing a Spatially Distributed Parsimonious Approach, Pertti Ala-Aho, Doerthe Tetzlaff, James P. McNamara, and Hjalmar Laudon
Modernization, Risk, and Conservation of the World's Largest Carnivores, Neil H. Carter
Modern Political Economy, Global Environmental Change and Urban Sustainability Transitions, Michail Fragkias and Christopher G. Boone
Molecular Basis for the Substrate Specificity of Quorum Signal Synthases, Shi-Hui Dong, Nicole D. Frane, Quin H. Christensen, E. Peter Greenberg, Rajesh Nagarajan, and Satish K. Nair
Molecular Basis of Substrate Recognition in BjaI, an AHL Synthase from Bradyrhizobium Japonicum, Nicole Cornell
Molecular Damage Delays Gametic Release in Chlamydomonas, Rebecca A. Schmidt, Emily A. Carroll, Steve Stefanides (Mentor), and Sue E. Kane (Mentor)
Mom Tested, Janice Neri
Monarch Butterfly Demography and Habitat Suitability in Western Idaho, Vance W. McFarland, Emmanuel Reyes, Bryan Krouse, Rob Miller, and Dusty Perkins (Mentor)
Monarch Butterfly Habitat Suitability in Western Idaho, David A. Draper Jr, Vance McFarland, Emmanuel Reyes, Bryan Krouse, and Dusty Perkins (Mentor)
Monitoring and Predicting Stress Corrosion Cracking of Long Term Spent Nuclear Fuel Storage, Vikram M. Patel, Sin Ming Loo, Brian Jaques, Michael Hurley, Sean M. McDeavitt, and Darryl P. Butt
More Visitors Viewing the First Folio, Allison Corona
Morphologic and Phylogenetic Studies of Two Hypotrichous Ciliates, with Notes on Morphogenesis in Gastrostyla steinii Engelmann, 1862 (Ciliophora, Hypotrichia), Xiaotian Luo, Lifang Li, Chundi Wang, William Bourland, Xiaofeng Lin, and Xiaozhong Hu
Most New Businesses Fail, but Mine Won’t…Right?, Eric Shaunn Mattingly and Trayan Kushev
Mountain Bike Ride, Elizabeth Lee Parkinson
Moving Beyond Smile Sheets: A Case Study on the Evaluation and Iterative Improvement of an Online Faculty Development Program, Ken-Zen Chen, Patrick R. Lowenthal, Christine Bauer, Allan Heaps, and Crystal Nielsen
Moving Online: Challenges and Successes of Transforming Mandated Professional Development from an In-Person to Hybrid Model, Gwyneth Hughes, Michele Carney, and Jonathan Brendefur
Much Ado About the First Folio at Boise State, Brandon Rasmussen
Multi-Arm Junctions for Dynamic DNA Nanotechnology, Shohei Kotani and William L. Hughes
Multilevel Mechanisms of Implementation Strategies in Mental Health: Integrating Theory, Research, and Practice, Nathaniel J. Williams
Multiplex PCR for Genotyping and Identifying a Novel Toxin in Bovine Salmonella, Matt Dobrowski and Juliette Tinker (Mentor)
Multi-Rate Runge-Kutta-Chebyshev Time Stepping for Parabolic Equations on Adaptively Refined Meshes, Talin Mirzakhanian
Multi-Relay Communications in the Presence of Phase Noise and Carrier Frequency Offsets, Omar H. Salim, Ali Arshad Nasir, Hani Mehrpouyan, and Wei Xiang
Multivariate Copula Analysis Toolbox (MvCAT): Describing Dependence and Underlying Uncertainty Using a Bayesian Framework, Mojtaba Sadegh, Elisa Ragno, and Amir AghaKouchak
Musketeer, Allison Corona
My Name is David, Elizabeth Lee Parkinson
Mysophobia, Jamil Lionel Lawyer
Mysophobia (Detail), Jamil Lionel Lawyer
Nail Clippers, Carley Brook Rowley
Naming What Bothers Us: Measuring Moral Rhetoric in the 2016 Presidential Debates, Skyler James Meeks
Nanomanufacturing Outside of the Lab: An Academic-Industry Partnership Case Study, Ann E. Delaney
Nasty Woman, Andie Kelly
Nasty Woman (Detail 1), Andie Kelly
Nasty Woman (Detail 2), Andie Kelly
Nasty Woman (Detail 3), Andie Kelly
Nasty Woman (Detail 4), Andie Kelly
National Opinions About Skills Psychology Graduates Should Possess, Rachel Aguilar
Natural and Anthropogenic Sounds Reduce Song Performance: Insights from Two Emberizid Species, Benjamin M. Davidson, Gabriela Antonova, Haven Dlott, Jesse R. Barber, and Clinton D. Francis
Natural History Collections: Teaching About Biodiversity Across Time, Space, and Digital Platforms, Anna K. Monfils, Karen E. Powers, Christopher J. Marshall, Christopher T. Martine, James F. Smith, and L. Alan Prather
Natural Variation in XRN1 and its Role in Determining Antiviral Specificity, Nova M. Tebbe and Paul A. Rowley (Mentor)
Nature’s Chemical Clues: Predicting Diet Quality Using Glucuronic Acid as a Biomarker, Joel Velasco
Negligible Connections? The Role of Familiar Others in the Diffusion of Smoking Among Adolescents, Chan S. Suh, Yongren Shi, and Matthew E. Brashears
Neoliberalism and the Gendered Paradox, Riley Buckles
Neoliberalism on College Campuses and the Perpetuation of Class Warfare via Vocational Training, Hallie Decime
Neoliberal Motherhood in the University, Erika Abbott
Neoproterozoic to Early Paleozoic Tectonic Evolution of the Zavkhan Terrane of Mongolia: Implications for Continental Growth in the Central Asian Orogenic Belt, Uyanga Bold, James L. Crowley, Emily F. Smith, Oyungerel Sambuu, and Francis A. Macdonald
Neuroendocrinology and Mental Health Consequences of War-Related Trauma: An Illustrative Review, Cierra Abellera
New Imaging of Submarine Landslides from the 1964 Earthquake Near Whittier, Alaska, and a Comparison to Failures in Other Alaskan Fjords, Andrew Peterson and Lee Liberty
New Insights into Kawah Ijen's Volcanic System from the Wet Volcano Workshop Experiment, Jeffrey B. Johnson
New Planar Myths, Benjamin H. Geeslin
New Planar Myths, Benjamin H. Geeslin
New Planar Myths, Benjamin H. Geeslin
New Planar Myths, Benjamin H. Geeslin
New Planar Myths, Benjamin H. Geeslin
News Media Literacy and Political Engagement: What’s the Connection?, Seth Ashley, Adam Maksl, and Stephanie Craft
Nitrate Analysis of Lindsay Creek, Abby Mae Pedersen and Jenni Light (Mentor)
Nitrogen Heterocycles and the pre-RNA World, Melissa R. Roberts, Michael P. Callahan (Mentor), Christopher H. House, and Laura E. Rodriguez
Noise from a Phantom Road Experiment Alters the Age Structure of a Community of Migrating Birds, C. J. W. McClure, H. E. Ware, J. D. Carlisle, and J. R. Barber
Non-Aqueous Electrolytes for Na-Ion Batteries, Devan Karsann and Hui Xiong (Mentor)
Non-Feynman Deterministic Pulsing Ratchet Based on a Symmetric Periodic Potential with Harmonic Time Modulation, Semen Semenov and Martin Schimpf
Non-Profit Community Project, Christine Lee, Nicole Gomez, Riziki Mberwa, Michelle McCollough, and Alex Tulen
Norse Ash Tree, Shelley Renae Sinquefield Needles
Nothing was in Vain as in a Puzzle Every Piece Matters, Veiko V. Valencia
Novel MTN Inhibitors as a New Class of Antibiotics, Christina Lee, Addison Wooldridge, Tudor Firica, John Thurston, and Ken Cornell (Mentor)
Novel Oxadizaole-based Transition State Analogs of Enzyme 5’-Methylthioadenosine / S-Adenosylhomocysteine Nucleosidase, Dylan T. Quintana, Lacey J. Wayment, Christina Lee, Miranda Y. Tang, Ken Cornell (Mentor), Dong Xu, and John Thurston (Mentor)
Nursing Student Birth Doulas’ Influence on the Childbearing Outcomes of Vulnerable Populations, Shirley E. Van Zandt, Soohyun Kim, and Amanda Erickson
Nursing Students' Evidence-Based Knowledge of IM Injections, Chelsea Tindell
Obsessive Perspectives, Clara M. Thomas
Obsessive Perspectives, Clara M. Thomas
Occurrence of Triclocarban and Triclosan in an Agro-Ecosystem Following Application of Biosolids, Jessica J. Sherburne, Kim J. Fernie, Jennifer S. Forbey, and Alfred M. Dufty
Once Everything is Settle the Territory Needs to be Secured, Veiko V. Valencia
Once Everything is Settle the Territory Needs to be Secured (Angle), Veiko V. Valencia
Once Everything is Settle the Territory Needs to be Secured (Detail), Veiko V. Valencia
Oncostatin M Contributes To Breast Tumor Metastasis, Hunter J. Covert
One-Dimensional Photonic Crystal Slot Waveguide for Silicon-Organic Hybrid Electro-Optic Modulators, Hai Yan, Xiaochuan Xu, Chi-Jui Chung, Harish Subbaraman, Zeyu Pan, Swapnajit Chakravarty, and Ray T. Chen
One-Way Ticket to the Upper Class: How Neoliberal Ideology Maintains Socioeconomic Divisions by Manipulating the Middle Class, Celeste Conrad
Only Three More Days to See Shakespeare's First Folio in Boise, Dana Oland
On the Reliability of Direct Rayleigh-Wave Estimation From Multicomponent Cross-Correlations, Zongbo Xu and T. Dylan Mikesell
Opening Carnival Crowd, Allison Corona
Optical Image Processing by Using a Photorefractive Spatial Soliton Waveguide, Paul J. Simmonds
Optimal Assessment of Parenting, or How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love Reporter Disagreement, Thomas J. Schofield, Ross D. Parke, Scott Coltrane, and Jennifer M. Weaver
Optimal Surface Preparation of Ni-Mn-Ga Through Micro-peening, Eric Frank, Laurel Johnston, Andrew Armstrong, and Peter Müllner (Mentor)
Optimization of Mustard Seed Meal Extract as a Biopesticide in Different Soil Types, Tasha Paul and Matthew Morra (Mentor)
Optimizing Cell Cultivation via Electro-spun Titania-Poly(vinylpyrrolidone) Nanofiber Mats, Brian Beatty and D. Eric Aston (Mentor)
Optimizing Fiber Parameters Coupled with Chemical Treatment: PROMETHEE Approach, Arif Ali Baig Moghal, Ateekh Ur Rehman, and Bhaskar Chittoori
Optimizing MR Image Reconstruction of the Knee Joint for Computational Simulation, Colton T. Brodock and Clare Fitzpatrick (Mentor)
Optimizing the Dispersion of Single-Walled Carbon Nanotubes in Sodium Dodecylbenzene Sulfonate, Ginger A. Ferguson, Jayde Nielsen, and Kevin Ausman (Mentor)
Organizational Improvement Readiness Assessment (OIRA) Tool Evaluation, Leslie Hough Falk
Organ Music in the Arena: Should Hockey Music Play to Benefactors or Court the Next Generation of fans?, Kaitlyn Sartori, Cedrick Wilson, A.J. Richardson, Malcolm Velazquez, and Sonnay Alvarez
Origin of Friction Generated by Chain-like water Confined Between Two Surfaces, Sunwoo Jung and Byung Kim (Mentor)
Our Farmland, Our Future: The Effects of Urban Sprawl on the Water Infrastructure in the Treasure Valley, Gaylen Edmo, Bailey Rogers, Ridge Baldner, and Alli Olsen
Oxidation-Based Sample Preparation of Nuclear Graphite for Transmission Electron Microscopy, Wontak Shin
Page 10, Amethyst Brooke Tagney
Page 12, Amethyst Brooke Tagney
Page 18, Amethyst Brooke Tagney
Page 2, Amethyst Brooke Tagney
Paleomagnetism of the Teel Basalts from the Zavkhan Terrane: Implications for Paleozoic Paleogeography in Mongolia and the Growth of Continental Crust, T. M. Kilian, N. L. Swanson-Hysell, U. Bold, J. Crowley, and F. A. Macdonald
Palmitoyl Acyltransferase DHHC21 Mediates Endothelial Dysfunction in Systemic Inflammatory Response Syndrome, Richard S. Beard Jr.
Papermaking Demonstration, Allison Corona
Papermaking Demonstration, Allison Corona
Papermaking Demonstration, Allison Corona
Parameter Estimation for HVAC System Models from Standard Test Data, Hannah Luthman and John F. Gardner
Particularism vs. Entrepreneurialism: President Obama and Race to the Top, Jodi A. Hoalst
Particulate Carbon and Nitrogen Dynamics in a Headwater Catchment in Northern Thailand: Hysteresis, High Yields, and Hot Spots, Alan D. Ziegler, Shawn G. Benner, Melvin L. Kunkel, Valerie X.H. Phang, Massimo Lupascu, and Chatchai Tantasirin
Passing the Affordable Care Act: Transaction Costs, Legerdemain, Acquisition of Control, Charlotte Twight
Passive and Active Loading of Liposomes for Localized Drug Delivery, Caitlin Sall, Nisha Shrestha, Joshua Eixenberger, and Daniel Fologea (Mentor)
Peace Through Partnership: IGO Membership and Military Spending, Isaac M. Castellano
Peach Blossom Monitoring Using Small Unmanned Aerial Systems, Ryan N. Horton, Esteban B. Cano, Duke M. Bulanon (Mentor), and Esmaeil Fallahi (Mentor)
Perceived and Realized Risk Tolerance: Changes During the 2008 Financial Crisis, Diane K. Schooley and Debra Drecnik Worden
Perceptions of Internet-of-Things Surveillance by Human Resource Managers, Gundars Kaupins and Malcolm Coco
Perceptions of Paternal Support After Transitioning to College: Interpretations Based on the Generative Fathering Framework, Kelly R. Rossetto, Jimmie Manning, and ERik W. Green
Performance of Aggregate Subgrade Layers in Low Volume Roads Constructed with Unconventional Recycled Aggregates, Hasan Kazmee, Erol Tutumluer, and Debakanta Mishra
Perinatal Hypothyroidism and Infant Health and Sleep, Taylor Ramos, Jessica Riedstra, and Nicki Aubuchon-Endsley (Mentor)
Personal Conflict Management: Theory and Practice, Suzanne McCorkle and Melanie J. Reese
Personal Economics and Political Ideology, Derrick Hill
Petrogenesis of Cinder Cones on Villarrica Volcano, Southern Chile, Jordan Engstrom
Phase Transitions in Vanadium Dioxide Thin Film Heterostructures Studied by Raman Spectroscopy, Joseph Spinuzzi
Phosphorus Release In Lake Fernan, Reese Beard and Frank Wilhelm (Mentor)
Phylogenetic Relationships of Lower Salmon River Oreohelix: The Haydeni Cluster, Tyler Souza, Christine Parent (Mentor), and Mason Linscott (Mentor)
Physical Activity and Coping Tactics in Undergraduate Students, Talegria Brown and Mary Pritchard (Mentor)
Physical Activity and Coping Tactics in Undergraduate Students, Talegria Brown
Physical Activity and Coping Tactics in Undergraduate Students, Talegria Brown
Physical Activity Education: The New Name for Our Field, Tyler G. Johnson, Lindsey Turner, and Michael Metzler
Physical Computing for STEAM Education: Maker-Educators' Experiences in an Online Graduate Course, Yu-Chang Hsu, Yu-Hui Ching, and Sally Baldwin
Physiological Conditions of Parent and Offspring Black-Browed Albatrosses Thalassarche melanophris, Miguel Ferrer, Virginia Morandini, Lynelle Perry, and Marc Bechard
Pioneer Theatre in the Boise Basin: 1863-1899: Boise, Idaho Theatre from Gold Rush Days Through the Gilded Age, Charles E. Lauterbach
Planning a Juried Art Exhibit in an Academic Library and Providing Digital Access in an Institutional Repository, Amber Sherman, Elaine Watson, and Gwyn Hervochon
Plastic Zone Size for Nanoindentation of Irradiated Fe–9%Cr ODS, Corey K. Dolph, Douglas J. da Silva, Matthew J. Swenson, and Janelle P. Wharry
Playing Catch, Elizabeth Lee Parkinson
Pleistocene Deposits in the Southern Egyptian Sahara: Lithostratigraphic Relationships of Sediments and Landscape Dynamics at Bir Tarfawi, Christopher L. Hill and Romuald Schild
Policies, Work, and Community: Why Idaho Farmworkers Choose to Stay, Kimberly Luna
Polifonias Heterodoxas y Silencios, Larraitz Ariznabarreta
Political Efficacy and Familiarity as Predictors of Attitudes Towards Electric Transmission Lines in the United States, David Solan and Dave Koehler
Political Efficacy and Familiarity as Predictors of Attitudes Towards Electric Transmission Lines in the United States, David Solan and David Khoehler
Post-fledging Behavior of Western Screech-Owls in Idaho, Alfredo Gonzalez, Skyler Swiecki, and James R. Belthoff (Mentor)
Postintake, Colin-Uriah Johnson
Potential of Dedicated Language Processing Units in Computer Voice Interaction, Justin D. Tolman and H Greg Wilson (Mentor)
Powder River Basin Graphene Inks, Katarzyna Lewandowska, Michael Seas, Twinkle Pandhi, Ashita Chandnani, Harish Subbaraman, Patrick Johnson, and David Estrada (Mentor)
Power Control and Beamforming Design for SWIPT in AF Two-Way Relay Networks, Wei Wang, Rui Wang, Hani Mehrpouyan, and Guoan Zhang
Precession Electron Diffraction for SiC Grain Boundary Characterization in Unirradiated TRISO Fuel, T. M. Lillo, I. J. van Rooyen, and Y. Q. Wu
Precise U-Pb Zircon Ages and Geochemistry of Jurassic Granites, Ellsworth-Whitmore Terrane, Central Antarctica, Mark D. Schmitz, James L. Crowley, and Jeremiah Larocque
Predicting Friendship Strength in Facebook, Nitish Dhakal
Predicting Perylene Morphology Using Molecular Dynamics, Vincent Greenholt, Mitchell Leibowitz, and Eric Jankowski (Mentor)
Predicting Student Success by Modeling Student Interaction in Asynchronous Online Courses, Brett E. Shelton, Jui-Long Hung, and Patrick R. Lowenthal
Prenatal Maternal Cortisol and Infant Growth, Nicole E. Douthit, Marissa Jesser, Joe H. Neal, and Nicki Aubuchon-Endsley (Mentor)
Prescription, Erika Hunt
Pre-Service Teachers’ Perceptions of Their Abilities for Technology Integration: A Mixed Methods Case Study, David James Mulder
Prey Use and Productivity of Ferruginous Hawks in Rural and Exurban New Mexico, William H. Keeley, Marc J. Bechard, and Gail L. Garber
Priceless Piece of Shakespeare History on Display at BSU, Dean Johnson
Privacy and Social Capital in Online Social Networks, Jin-Hee Cho, Izzat Alsmadi, and Dianxiang Xu
Probabilistic Inversion with Graph Cuts: Application to the Boise Hydrogeophysical Research Site, Guillaume Pirot, Niklas Linde, Grégoire Mariethoz, and John H. Bradford
Processes Affecting the Spatial Distribution of Seagrass Meadow Sedimentary Material on Yao Yai Island, Thailand, Shawn G. Benner and Sam Evans
Processes of Silver Photodiffusion into Ge-chalcogenide Probed by Neutron Reflectivity Technique, Gaurav Sheoran and Maria Mitkova
Prograde and Near-Peak Zircon Growth in a Migmatitic Pelitic Schist of the Southeastern Canadian Cordillera, Félix Gervais and James L. Crowley
Program Transformation for Symbolic Java Pathfinder, Cameron Wright and Elena Sherman (Mentor)
Promoting an Essentialist Sexism, Karly Hensley
Promoting Financial Capability of Incarcerated Women for Community Reentry: A Call to Social Workers, Cynthia K. Sanders
Protecting Patagonia: Science, Conservation and the Pre-History of the Nature State on a South American Frontier, 1903-1934, Emily Wakild
Protective Effects of Antioxidants on Acrylonitrile-Induced Oxidative Stress in Female F344 Rats, Xinzhu Pu, Zemin Wang, Shayou Zhou, and James E. Klaunig
Proteolytic Cleavage of Apolipoprotein E in the Down Syndrome Brain, Ryan J. Day, Katie L. McCarty, Kayla E. Ockerse, Elizabeth Head, and Troy T. Rohn
Proteomic Analysis of MTN Deficiency in Enterohemorrhagic E. coli O157:H7, Kynna Bertagnolli, Meagan Boll, Grace Liu, Shin Pu (Mentor), and Ken Cornell (Mentor)
Psychological Reasons Why College Students Avoid Healthcare, Matthew Barvo and Brian Stone (Mentor)
Pulse Shape and Timing Dependence on the Spike-Timing Dependent Plasticity Response of Ion-Conducting Memristors as Synapses, Kris A. Campbell, Kolton T. Drake, and Elisa H. Barney Smith
Purification of Staphylococcus aureus and Streptococcus uberis Antigens to Promote Bovine Vaccine Development, Kristina Chapman and Juliette Tinker (Mentor)
Quail and Mouse, Katya Michele Greimes
Quail and Mouse Spot, Katya Michele Greimes
Qualitative Assessment of an Electronic Health Record in an Integrated Health Care Delivery System, Corey Surber
Quantification of DNA Repair Rates in Chlamydomonas reinhardtii, Chris J. Horton, Derin B. Wysham (Mentor), Sue Kane (Mentor), Johnny Vargas, and Ellie Kahler
Quantifying CDS Sortability of Permutations Using Strategic Piles, Marisa Gaetz, Bethany Molokach, Meghan Shanks, and Marion Scheepers (Mentor)
Quantifying Green-Water Outputs in an Urban Watershed, Camdon B. Kay, Keith Reinhardt (Mentor), and Steven Augustine (Mentor)
Quantifying the Effect of Invasive Rodents on Endemic Galápagos Land Snails, Nicole H. Carter and Christine E. Parent (Mentor)
Quill Pen Demonstration, Allison Corona
R2: Dell HPC Intel E5v4 (High Performance Computing Cluster), Kelly A. Byrne
Racial Bias in Jury Decision Making, Patrick Thomas Hughes
Racialized Bodies, Differential Experiences: Perceptions of Inclusivity among Latinx students at a predominantly-white Institution, Fructoso Basaldua
Radiation Hardening by Process of CBRAM Resistance Switching Cells, Mahesh Ailavajhala and Maria Mitkova
Radio Frequency Tag Satellite: Backscatter Communication in Low Earth Orbit, Kaleb J. Davis, Dakota J. Lindsay, Hannah L. Thomas, Miles D. Lawrence (Mentor), Joshua D. Griffin (Mentor), and Stephen A. Parke (Mentor)
Railroad Park Development Project in Gevgelija, Macedonia, Anthony Newton, Omar Althaidy, Patrick Kelly, Ethan McCurdy, and Brook Bishop
Rain or Snow: Hydrologic Processes, Observations, Prediction, and Research Needs, James P. McNamara
Rapid Dissolution of ZnO Nanoparticles Induced by Biological Buffers Significantly Impacts Cytotoxicity, Josh E. Eixenberger, Catherine B. Anders, Rebecca J. Hermann, Raquel J. Brown, Kongara M. Reddy, Alex Punnoose, and Denise G. Wingett
Rare Disease Review: Mitochondrial Neurogastrointestinal Encephalomyopathy (MNGIE), Courtney Isaacs
Raster Data for Projecting Urban Expansion in the Treasure Valley (Idaho) to Year 2100 Under Different Scenarios of Population Growth and Housing Density, Christian Sprague, Michail Fragkias, Jenna Narducci, Jodi Brandt, and Shawn G. Benner
Reach and Implementation of Physical Activity Breaks and Active Lessons in Elementary School Classrooms, Lindsey Turner and Frank J. Chaloupka
Reading the 'Book of Nature': Emerson, the Hunterian Museum And Transatlantic Science, Samantha C. Harvey
Reading the "Book of Nature": Thomas Cole and the British Romantics, Samantha C. Harvey
Real Time Lidar Terrain Mapping and Analysis, Galen Cochrane, Marko Sterbentz, and John Edwards (Mentor)
Recreation of Purple: A Study of Color-Shifted Dyes Available for Fayum Funerary Portraits, John Paul Stroud, Alaggio Laurino, Brittany Cannon, and Benjamin Herren
Redescription and Molecular Phylogeny of the Type Species for Two Main Metopid Genera, Metopus es (Müller, 1776) Lauterborn, 1916 and Brachonella contorta (Levander, 1894) Jankowski, 1964 (Metopida, Ciliophora), Based on Broad Geographic Sampling, William Bourland, Johana Rotterová, and Ivan Čepička
Redox Controls on Arsenic Enrichment and Release from Aquifer Sediments in Central Yangtze River Basin, Shawn G. Benner
Reducing Spectral Analyte Prediction Error with Penalties on Interferents, William C. Spence and John Kalivas
Reflections, Dawn Vera Wolz
Reflections (Detail 1), Dawn Vera Wolz
Reflections (Detail 2), Dawn Vera Wolz
Reflections (Detail 3), Dawn Vera Wolz
Reflections (Detail 4), Dawn Vera Wolz
Refugees in American Schools; Examining English Language Learning of Adolescent Refugees, Desiree Midby
Regional Effects of Demographic Transition: The Interrelationship Between Education and Wealth on Fertility Decisions, Delaney Glass and Kristin Snopkowski (Mentor)
Regional Greenland Accumulation Variability from Operation IceBridge Airborne Accumulation Radar, Gabriel Lewis, Erich Osterberg, Robert Hawley, Brian Whitmore, Hans Peter Marshall, and Jason Box
Regional Industry Analysis: An Approach for Economies Large and Smaller, Susan G. Mason, Pengyu Zhu, and Jon Van Dyke
Regional Sensitivities of Seasonal Snowpack to Elevation, Aspect, and Vegetation Cover in Western North America, Nancy F. Glenn
Regions of Hierarchy and Security: US Troop Deployments, Spatial Relations, and Defense Burdens, Michael A. Allen, Michael E. Flynn, and Julie VanDusky-Allen
Regularization Adaption Processes for Multivariate Calibration Maintenance, Anit Gurung, Erik Andries, and John H. Kalivas (Mentor)
Relating Soil Organic Matter Inputs to Carbon Storage in Arid Ecosystems, Mariah Emele, Dylan Hixson, Leslie Nichols, and Marie-anne de Graaff (Mentor)
Relative Abundance, Habitat Use, and Seasonal Variability of Raptor Assemblages In the Flooding Pampas of Argentina, Alejandro V. Baladrón, María S. Bó, Marc Bechard, and Ana I. Malizia
Renaissance Costume Display, Allison Corona
Renaissance Costume Display, Allison Corona
Renewable Resources and Regional Governance: Policy Implementation and Negotiation of Authority in Western Electricity Markets, Stephanie S. Lenhart
Reproductive Responses to Economic Uncertainty: Fertility Decline in Post-Soviet Ust’-Avam, Siberia, David A. Nolin and John P. Ziker
Rescue of The PD-causing VPS35 Mutation (D620N) Using Autophagy-Activating Drugs, Emily Oe, Nathan Lai, Abir A. Rahman, and Brad Morrison (Mentor)
Research and Applications of 2D Materials, Tyler M. Webb, Elton Graugnard (Mentor), Steven Letourneau, and Dave Estrada
Resettlement Stress and Family Functioning in Refugees: An Illustrative Review, Anna Holdiman
Reshaping Teachers’ Mathematical Perceptions: Analysis of a Professional Development Task, Gwyneth Hughes, Jonathan Brendefur, and Michele Carney
Residual Self-Interference Cancellation and Data Detection in Full-Duplex Communication Systems, Abbas Koohian, Hani Mehrpouyan, Ali Arshad Nasir, Salman Durrani, and Steven D. Blostein
Resolving Relationships at the Animal-Fungal Divergence: A Molecular Phylogenetic Study of the Protist Trichomycetes (Ichthyosporea, Eccrinida), Nicole K. Reynolds, Eric D. Tretter, Justin Gause, Dustin Heeney, James F. Smith, Stephen J. Novak, William A. Bourland, and Merlin M. White
Resonant Frequency, Jessica Tara Miceli-Dodd
Resonant Frequency, Jessica Tara Miceli-Dodd
Resonant Frequency, Jessica Tara Miceli-Dodd
Resonant Frequency, Jessica Tara Miceli-Dodd
Resonant Frequency, Jessica Tara Miceli-Dodd
Return to the Typewriter, Bruce Ballenger
Revenge of the Nerds: Engineering Masculinity in the Neoliberal University, Colin Fenello
Reversible Permeabilization of Cell Membranes with Pore-Forming Toxins, Christopher Thomas, Nisha Shrestha, Raquel Brown, Devon Richtsmeier, Andrew Bogard, Juliette Tinker (Mentor), and Daniel Fologea (Mentor)
Review Article: Molecular Beam Epitaxy of Lattice-Matched InAlAs and InGaAs Layers on InP (111)A, (111)B, and (110), Christopher D. Yerino, Baolai Liang, Diana L. Huffaker, Paul J. Simmonds, and Minjoo Larry Lee
Review of Perception of Afterimages, Christopher Herrera, Bardha Vrapi, Matthew Barvo, and Cooper Lyons
RFTSat: Radio Frequency Tag CubeSat, Cassie Wade, Daniel Slemmer, Jordan Poundstone, Lucas Schamber, Curtis Garner, Joshua Griffin (Mentor), Stephen Parke (Mentor), and Dan Lawrence (Mentor)
Rhetorical Criticism of Ambigrams in Advertising, Brandon K. Sams and Manda V. Hicks (Mentor)
Ribbon Cutting Ceremony, Allison Corona
Risk Factors for Pressure Injuries Among Critical Care Patients: A Systematic Review, Jenny Alderden, June Rondinelli, Ginette Pepper, Mollie Cummins, and JoAnne Whitney
Robert C. Sims Collection on Minidoka and Japanese Americans, Gwyn Hervochon, Alex Meregaglia, and Jim Duran
RockSat-X: A Sub-Orbital In-Space Test of Flexible RF Electronics, Tyler Hestand, Braden Grim, Mitch Kamstra, Jameson Krueger, Stephen Parke (Mentor), Dan Lawrence (Mentor), Dale Wilson (Mentor), and Kaz Lawler (Mentor)
Romanticism, Samantha C. Harvey
R & R 1, Cameo Scarlet Rose Willett
R & R 2, Cameo Scarlet Rose Willett
Rules for Creating Great Research Posters, Michele Armstrong
Saccharomyces Killer Yeasts to Combat Fungal Human Pathogens, Emily A. Kizer and Paul A. Rowley (Mentor)
Salmonflies: the Hidden Key to Family Cohesion, Loni K. Nelson, Adam Eckersell (Mentor), and Antonio Castro (Mentor)
Samantha Showers Reading Hamlet's Soliloquy, Allison Corona
Saunders' Capable: A Child Overcoming Adult Reality, Justin Shumway
Scanning Tunneling Microscope: 3D Imaging on the Atomic Level, Jake Soares, Elton Graugnard (Mentor), and Steve Hues (Mentor)
ScholarWorks Statistics - April 2017, ScholarWorks
ScholarWorks Statistics - August 2017, ScholarWorks
ScholarWorks Statistics - December 2016, ScholarWorks
ScholarWorks Statistics - February 2017, ScholarWorks
ScholarWorks Statistics - January 2017, ScholarWorks
ScholarWorks Statistics - January Through December 2016, ScholarWorks
ScholarWorks Statistics - July 2017, ScholarWorks
ScholarWorks Statistics - June 2017, ScholarWorks
ScholarWorks Statistics - March 2017, ScholarWorks
ScholarWorks Statistics - May 2017, ScholarWorks
ScholarWorks Statistics - November 2017, ScholarWorks
ScholarWorks Statistics - October 2017, ScholarWorks
ScholarWorks Statistics - September 2017, ScholarWorks
Scripts for All The Cool Kids, How Do They Fit In?, Michael D. Ekstrand, Mucun Tian, Ion Madrazo Azpiazu, Jennifer D. Ekstrand, Oghenemaro Anuyah, David McNeill, and Maria Soledad Pera
Scripts for Recommender Response to Diversity and Popularity Bias in User Profiles, Sushma Channamsetty and Michael D. Ekstrand
Scripts for Sturgeon and the Cool Kids: Problems with top-N Recommender Evaluation, Michael Ekstrand and Vaibhav Mahant
Scripts for The Demographics of Cool, Michael D. Ekstrand and Maria Soledad Pera
Searching For Titius-Bode Predicted Exoplanets, Jacob Sabin and Brian Jackson (Mentor)
Secrecy Constrained Distributed Inference in Wireless Sensor Networks, Jun Guo
Secure Framework for Healthcare Data Management Using Ethereum-based Blockchain Technology, Chandra Adhikari
Securing a Grant Proposal Workflow Management System, Patrick Chapman, Dianxiang Xu (Mentor), and Samer Khamaiseh
Security Testing with Misuse Case Modeling, Samer Yousef Khamaiseh
Seeking Autonomy Through Self-Depreciation, Gina-Monica Tomulescu
See Shakepeare's First Folio: First Time in Idaho - Opening Carnival Invitation, Boise State University
See Shakespeare's First Folio First Time in Idaho Flyer, Boise State University
Selective Foraging by Pogonomyrmex salinus (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) in Semiarid Grassland: Implications for a Rare Plant, Matthew S. Schmasow and Ian C. Robertson
Self Portrait #1, Clara M. Thomas
Self Portrait #2, Clara M. Thomas
Self Portrait #3, Clara M. Thomas
Selling Narratives of a Mexico in Crisis: Environmental Reporting in Excélsior and Uno Más Uno, 1983-84, Adam Behrman
Semantic Hiding Databases: Cloud Encryption, Monica Robison, Jake Douglas, and Jyh-haw Yeh (Mentor)
Sending Soccer to Spain: Boise State Women’s Soccer, Taylor Hartung, Jen Hake, and Alli Rogers
Sensing Strain with Ni-Mn-Ga, Anthony Hobza, Charles L. Patrick, Kari Ullakko, Nader Rafla, Paul Lindquist, and Peter Müllner
Sensitivity and Resistance to “Killer toxins” in Yeast, Courtney B. Kennedy and Paul A. Rowley (Mentor)
Sensitivity of Cause Prioritization to Moral Frameworks, Chema Caillet Bois
Servant Leadership, Melissa D. LeMar Mrs
Sex Determination by Morphological Measurements of Black-Browed Albatrosses (Thalassarche melanophrys) Using Discriminant Analysis, Miguel Ferrer, Virginia Morandini, Lynelle Perry, and Marc Bechard
Sexual Conflict and Resolution Among Contemporary Indonesian Couples, James Joseph Nelson
Shakespeare Original Book Tour Stops at Boise State University: First Folio! The Book That Gave Us Shakespeare, MIchael Sevren
Shakespearian Costume Display, Allison Corona
Shake Table Testing: The Most Reliable Tool to Simulate Earthquakes, Jared Cantrell and Mustafa Mashal (Mentor)
Sharing Knowledge, Promoting Value: A Case Study of a Coaches' Community of Practice, Scott James Moorcroft
Shortfall-Based Optimal Placement of Security Resources for Mobile IoT Scenarios, Antonino Rullo, Edoardo Serra, Elisa Bertino, and Jorge Lobo
Shortfall-Based Optimal Security Provisioning for Internet of Things, Antonino Rullo, Edoardo Serra, Elisa Bertino, and Jorge Lobo
Short-Period Kepler Exoplanets, Samantha Johnson, Steven Kreyche, and Elisabeth Adams
Showy Milkweed (Asclepias speciosa) Propagation and Transplant Survivorship, Tyson B. Mann, Eric Willadsen (Mentor), Dusty Perkins (Mentor), Leslie Blackburn, and Ann DeBolt
Shrouded, Kathie Jo Manning
Shrouded, Kathie Jo Manning
Shrouded, Kathie Jo Manning
Shrouded, Kathie Jo Manning
Shrouded, Kathie Jo Manning
Sibling Influence on Physical Activity and Sport Participation: Considerations for Coaches, Chelsea N. Allbaugh, Nicole D. Bolter, and Jane M. Shimon
Signal Processing Concepts Help Teach Optical Engineering, Cameron H.G. Wright, Thad B. Welch, and Michael G. Morrow
Signifyin(g) Metamorphosis in Thylias Moss's Slave Moth, Jeffrey Westover
Silence, Please!: Interrupting In-Car Phone Conversations, Soledad López Gambino, Casey Kennington, and David Schlangen
Simulation of a Crossed-Field Amplifier Using a Modulated Distributed Cathode, Marcus Pearlman
Simulations Reveal the Power and Peril of Artificial Breeding Sites for Monitoring and Managing Animals, Christopher J.W. McClure, Benjamin P. Pauli, and Julie A. Heath
Single Molecule Simulations and Modeling Of Transcription, Splicing And Release In Living Cells, Peter Brown, Matthew Ferguson (Mentor), and Charles Hanna (Mentor)
Skitsəˈfrēnēə, Cameo Scarlet Rose Willett
Skull & Box Display, Allison Corona
Small Theology / You Here, Heike Henderson
Smart Cities and Technical Literacy for an Enlightened Citizenry and the Future, Thad B. Welch, Mike Montoya, and Andrés Valdepeña Delgado
Snake River Stewardship Program, Christine Smith, Tyler Jenson, and Melissa Wagner
SNP’s, Snails, and Mountain Trails, Garren L. Riggers, Christine Parent (Mentor), and Mason Linscott
Social Justice Through Citizenship Education: A Collective Responsibility, Sara Winstead Fry and Jason O'Brien
Social Media: The Influence of Social Media on Body Image in Men, Anna Holdiman
Social Work Practice with Older Adults: An Actively Aging Framework for Practice, Jill M. Chonody and Barbra Teater
Soil and Lakeshore Ecosystem Quality in Lake Lowell, Canyon County, Idaho, Karina G. Gutierrez, Austin Madsen, Leticia Camacho, and Rebecca Flock (Mentor)
Soil Moisture and Temperature Along an Elevation, Paired-Aspect Transect, Dry Creek Experimental Watershed, SW Idaho, 2008-2018, Shawn G. Benner, James P. McNamara, Michael J. Poulos, and Toni Smith
Soil Moisture and Temperature Hourly Data for Dry Creek Experimental Watershed, Southwest Idaho, Lower Deer Point Weather Station, James P. McNamara
Soil Moisture and Temperature Hourly Data for Dry Creek Experimental Watershed, Southwest Idaho, Lower Weather Station, James P. McNamara
Soil Moisture and Temperature Hourly Data for Dry Creek Experimental Watershed, Southwest Idaho, Shingle Creek Ridge Weather Station, James P. McNamara
Soil Moisture and Temperature Hourly Data for Dry Creek Experimental Watershed, Southwest Idaho, Treeline Weather Station, James P. McNamara
Soil Moisture,Temperature, Electrical Conductivity and Heat Flux Hourly Data for Dry Creek Experimental Watershed, Southwest Idaho, Bogus Ridge Weather Station, James P. McNamara
Soil Response to Recurring Fire in the Sagebrush Steppe of the Northern Columbia Basin, Ana Velasquez, Leslie Nichols (Mentor), and Marie-Anne de Graaff (Mentor)
Soldier-Relevant Body Borne Loads Increase Knee Joint Contact Force During a Run-to-Stop Maneuver, John W. Ramsay, Clifford L. Hancock, Meghan P. O'Donovan, and Tyler N. Brown
Sorting, Groups, and Reversals – A Game of Factoring, Cecily Chase, Olivia Dennis, Luke Guatelli, Jaroor Modi, and Marion Scheepers (Mentor)
South Coasters, Timothy Griffith
So, Your Lawyer is A Lady? Attorney Gender and Judicial Decision Making at the U.S. Courts of Appeals, Christine M. Bailey and Shane Gleason (Mentor)
Spangle Lakes: An Investigation of Late Archaic Human Land-Use within the Sawtooth Mountains, Kaitlyn Mansfield
Spatial Distribution of Stream Conductivity and Temperature in a Snowdrift-Dominated Intermittent Headwater Network, Rituraj Yadav, Sarah Godsey (Mentor), and Anna Radke
Spatial Mapping of Soluble Sulfate Concentrations Present in Natural Soils Using Geostatistics, Tejo V. Bheemasetti, Bhaskar Chittoori, Haifeng Zou, Anand J. Puppala, and Justin Thomey
Spatial Pattern of Soil Organic Carbon Acquired from Hyperspectral Imagery at Reynolds Creek Critical Zone Observatory (RC-CZO), Aihua Li, Ryan Will, Nancy F. Glenn, Shawn Benner, and Lucas P. Spaete
Spatio-Temporal Pattern Recognition in Neural Circuits with Memory-Transistor-Driven Memristive Synapses, Kurtis D. Cantley, Robert C. Ivans, Anand Subramaniam, and Eric M. Vogel
Speaking as (Significant) Othered, Amy Arellano and Christina L. Ivey
Species Boundaries in the Astragalus cusickii Complex Delimited Using Molecular Phylogenetic Techniques, Jay Zimmers, M. Thomas, L. Yang, A. Bombarely, M. M. Mancuso, M. F. Wojciechowski, and J. F. Smith
Specific Conductivity Along Intermittent and Ephemeral Streams in Southeastern Idaho, Davian Martinez, Rebecca Hale, and Sarah Godsey (Mentor)
Spontaneous Oligomerization of Nucleotide Alternatives in Aqueous Solutions, Karen E. Smith, Christopher H. House, Jason P. Dworkin, and Michael P. Callahan
Sports Card Market Research (Football Rookie Cards), Tyler Pickard
Stability of Nanoclusters in an Oxide Dispersion Strengthened Alloy Under Neutron Irradiation, Xiang Liu, Yinbin Miao, Yaqiao Wu, Stuart A. Maloy, and James F. Stubbins
Stable Computations with Flat Radial Basis Functions Using Vector-Valued Rational Approximations, Grady B. Wright and Bengt Fornberg
State Highway 19 over Succor Creek Bridge Redesign - Homedale, ID, Ryan Dummer, Trevor Sigman, Layth Ati, Mohammad Aldaihani, and Garrett Davis
Statistics as Unbiased Estimators: Exploring the Teaching of Standard Deviation, Nicholas H. Wasserman, Stephanie Casey, Joe Champion, and Maryann Huey
STEM-EDS Analysis of Fission Products in Neutron-Irradiated TRISO Fuel Particles from AGR-1 Experiment, B. Leng, I. J. van Rooyen, Y.Q. Wu, I. Szlufarska, and K. Sridharan
Stiffness of Peroneal Musculature Relates to Ankle Inversion, Sareya J. Harvey, Wyatt D. Ihmels (Mentor), and Tyler N. Brown (Mentor)
Stirring the Pot: Supporting and Challenging General Education Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics Faculty to Change Teaching and Assessment Practice, Vicki Stieha, Susan E. Shadle, and Sharon Paterson
STOP: Puck in Play - Does Hockey Game Etiquette Matter?, David Hirsch, Trent Thomas, and Luke Tokunaga
Storytime, Elizabeth Lee Parkinson
Strangulation in Domestic Violence Cases: A Public Health Issue, Michael Gerritsen
Strategic Implementation of Open Educational Resources in Higher Education Institutions, Eulho Jung, Christine Bauer, and Allan Heaps
Strategic Planning for Arts, Culture, and Entertainment Districts, Amanda J. Ashley
Strategic Security Resource Allocation for Internet of Things, Antonino Rullo, Daniele Midi, Edoardo Serra, and Elisa Bertino
Stress and Mental Health of Refugees- An Illustrative Review, Amber Mack
Stretched Too Thin?: The Relationship Between Insufficient Resource Allocation and Physical Education Instructional Time and Assessment Practices, Lindsey Turner, Tyler G. Johnson, Hannah G. Calvert, and Frank J. Chaloupka
Structural Basis for the Recognition of Spliceosomal SmN/B/B' Proteins by the RBM5 OCRE Domain in Splicing Regulation, André Mourão, Sophie Bonnal, Komal Soni, Lisa Warner, Rémy Bordonné, Juan Valcárcel, and Michael Sattler
Structural, Electrical, Phonon, and Optical Properties of Ti- and V-Doped Two-Dimensional MoS2, Izaak Williamson, Shasha Li, Andres Correa Hernandez, Matthew Lawson, Yue Chen, and Lan Li
Structural Interpretation of Geology Along a 100 km West-to-East Section of East-Central Idaho, Christopher Steuer
Structure and Kinematic Evolution of the Duke River Fault, Southwestern Yukon, Rosie Cobbett, Steve Israel, Jim Mortensen, Nancy Joyce, and James Crowley
Structure and Kinematic Evolution of the Duke River Fault, Southwestern Yukon, Rosie Cobbett, Steve Israel, Jim Mortensen, Nancy Joyce, and James Crowley
Student Design and Construction of an Atomic Layer Deposition Chamber, and Its Use in Depositing Germanium Sulfide Thin Films, Ben I. Poulter, Seth Helsley, and Rene Rodriguez (Mentor)
Student Fan Attendance at Boise State University Men’s Basketball Games, Brigitta Cumiskey, Chandler Hutchison, Nicole Criner, Zach Haney, and Jessica Huttash
Student Portfolio, Anna Kristine Wanless
Students' Experiences of Othering: Recommendations for Inclusive Classroom Climates, Stela Saltaga
Students Perceptions of Interactions in a Blended Synchronous Learning Environment: A Case Study, Sheri Lyn Conklin
Studies of Cy5 Chromophore Interactions – Excitonics for Quantum Computing, Eric Nelson and Andres Correa Hernandez
Study of Electromagnetic-Induced Liquefaction Mitigation and Alteration of the Hydraulic Conductivity of Coarse-Grained Soils, Rakesh Acharya and Arvin Farid
Subject — Not Only Object — of Study: Basque Studies, Aitor Anduaga
Substance Use and Bullying Victimization Among Middle and High School Students: Is Positive School Climate a Protective Factor?, Diana M. Doumas, Aida Midgett, and April D. Johnston
Subsurface Characterization of Flexible Pavements Constructed Over Expansive Soil Subgrades and Selection of Suitable Rehabilitation Alternatives, Kazi Moinul Islam
Sub Urban 3A, Patrick M. Sweeney
Sub Urban 6B, Patrick M. Sweeney
Sub Urban Diptych 1, Patrick M. Sweeney
Sub Urban Diptychs 1-8, Patrick M. Sweeney
Sub Urban Diptychs 1-8, Patrick M. Sweeney
Success Biased Imitation Increases the Probability of Effectively Dealing with Ecological Disturbances, Jacopo A. Baggio and Vicken Hillis
Suicide Prevention in the Non-Psychiatric Hospital Setting: A Nurse Education Process, Terry Bird
Supplements, Carley Brook Rowley
Supporting Academic Achievement Through School-Based Mental Health Services: A Multisite Evaluation of Reading Outcomes Across One Academic Year, Kate M. Wegmann, Joelle D. Powers, Danielle C. Swick, and Charity S. Watkins
Switch or Persevere? The Effects of Experience and Metacognition on Persistence Decisions, Eric Shaunn Mattingly, Trayan N. Kushev, Manju K. Ahuja, and Dalong Ma
Sword Display, Allison Corona
Synchronized Shared Scene Viewing in Mixed VR Devices in Support of Group Collaboration, Steve Cutchin and Iker Vazquez
Synthesis and Characterization of Amino Acid Derived Small Molecule Inhibitors of Bacterial 5'Methylthioadenosine / S-Adenosylhomocysteine Nucleosidase (MTN), Miranda Y. Tang, Dylan T. Quintana, Ken Cornell (Mentor), Dong Xu (Mentor), and John H. Thurston (Mentor)
Synthesis and Characterization of Next-Generation Adenine-Based Inhibitors of Bacterial MTN, Molly E. Vitale-Sullivan, Lacey J. Wayment, Frank Gigray, Dylan Quintana, Christina Lee, Ken Cornell (Mentor), Dong Xu, and John Thurston (Mentor)
Synthesis and Study of Anticancer Agents (AZM) Related to the Natural Product Mitomycin C, Thaaer Muhammed, Savannah Irving, Ryan Reeves, and Don L. Warner (Mentor)
Synthesis and Testing of Novel Bisbenzimidazole Inhibitors of Bacterial MTN, Christina Lee and Romaric Mukuna
Synthesis of 2,2’-dimethyl-3-oxohexanoyl-ACP Substrate for EsaI AHL Synthase Enzyme, Noah J. Collingwood, Nhu Lam, and Rajesh Nagarajan (Mentor)
Synthesis of Aziridinomitosenes for Exploration as Potential Chemotherapeutics, Olivia H. Schwarz, Savannah W. Irving, Annika K. Kohlmeier, and Don L. Warner (Mentor)
Synthesis of Graphene Foam via Chemical Vapor Deposition, Vanessa Howard, Lizandra Godwin (Mentor), and David Estrada (Mentor)
Synthesis of Novel Adenine-Based Small Molecule Inhibitors of 5’-methylthioadenosine/S-adenosylhomocysteine Nucleosidase, Frank Gigray, Neicia Hunter, Kynna Bertagnolli, John Thurston (Mentor), and Ken Cornell (Mentor)
Syrup, Erika Hunt
Systems Enabling Low-Carbon Operations: The Salience of Accuracy, Nigel P. Melville, Terence J.V. Saldanha, and Daniel E. Rush
Taboo Issues in Social Science: Questioning Conventional Wisdom, Anthony Walsh
Take Things Invisible and Make Them Visible, Anne Albertson, Becky Lopez, Mike Roybal, and Cherie Ecret
Taking a Community Approach to Curriculum Change, Sarah E. Dalrymple, Anna Jo Auerbach, and Elisabeth E. Schussler
Talking About a Revolution: Overview of NSF RED Projects, Noah Salzman
Target Reliability Approach to Study the Effect of Fiber Reinforcement on UCS Behavior of Lime Treated Semi-Arid Soil, Arif Ali Baig Moghal, Bhaskar C.S. Chittoori, B. Munwar Basha, and Mosleh Ali Al-Shamrani
Taurus, Christine Elizabeth McLenna
Teacher Perceptions, Beliefs, and Attitudes About Technology and the Implementation of Classroom Technology Integration Practices: A Mixed Methods Case Study, Carol Annabel Askin
Teachers’ Attitudes Toward Mobile Learning in Korea, Youngkyun Baek, Hui Zhang, and Seongchul Yun
Teaching A Small Robot How to Understand Spoken Language, Sarah Plane
Tectonomagmatic Evolution of Distinct Arc Terranes in the Blue Mountains Province, Oregon and Idaho, C. J. Northrup, M. Schmitz, G. Kurz, and K. Tumpane
Telomere Estimates by qPCR in American Kestrel Birds, Esteban Palencia, Julie A. Heath (Mentor), and Eric J. Hayden (Mentor)
TEM in Situ Micropillar Compression Tests of Ion Irradiated Oxide Dispersion Strengthened Alloy, K. H. Yano, M. J. Swenson, Y. Q. Wu, and J. P. Wharry
Template Generation from Postmarks Using Cascaded Unsupervised Learning, Elisa H. Barney Smith and Gernot Fink
Ten Years Later: Where are They Now?, Janet Callahan, Donna C. Llewellyn, Vicki Stieha, and Ann E. Delaney
Tephrostratigraphy Studies at Kings Bowl, Craters of the Moon National Monument and Preserve, Erin D. Sandmeyer, Allison Trcka, and Shannon Kobs Nawotniak (Mentor)
Tequila, Erika Hunt
Testing for Spatial Equilibrium Using Happiness Data, Frank Goetzke and Samia Islam
Testing Our Assumptions: The Role of First Course Grade and Course Level in Mathematics and English, Janet Callahan and Marcia Belcheir
Testing the Limits of Chronostratigraphic Resolution in the Appalachian Basin, Late Devonian (Middle Frasnian), Eastern North America: New U-Pb Zircon Dates for the Belpre Tephra Suite, Amanda Lanik, D. Jeffrey Over, Mark Schmitz, and William T. Kirchgasser
The Best Police Officer in the Force: Chief Constables and Their Men, 1900-39, Joanne Klein
The Book's the Thing, Marcel Pacatte
The Boron and Lithium Isotopic Composition of Mid-Ocean Ridge Basalts and the Mantle, Horst R. Marschall, V. D. Wanless, Nombumichi Shimizu, Philip A.E. Pogge von Strandmann, Tim Elliot, and Brian D. Monteleone
The Central Addition: Boise's LIV District, Sebrina Mortensen, Kailee Bales, James Teget, and Kellie Dugdale
The Centrality of Seeing in Journey to Love, Jeffrey Westover
The Classification Problem for Models of ZFC, Samuel Dworetzky
The Combinatorics of GLn Generalized Gelfand–Graev Characters, Scott Andrews and Nathaniel Thiem
The Complexity of Public Attitudes Toward Sex Crimes, Laura L. King and Jennifer R. Roberts
The Conditional Effect of Term Limits on Electoral Activities, Julie VanDusky-Allen
The Conjugacy Problem for Automorphism Groups of Countable Homogeneous Structures, Samuel Coskey and Paul Ellis
The Contribution of CALL to Advanced-Level Foreign/Second Language Instruction, Jack Burston and Kelly Arispe
The Coward in Albert Camus's Carnets, Jason Herbeck
The Creeping Terror: An Ecogothic Examination of the Haunted Houses, Women, and Plants of Nathaniel Hawthorne, Charlotte Perkins Gilman, and Shirley Jackson, Summer M. DuPree
The Curious Researcher: A Guide to Writing Research Papers, Bruce Ballenger
The Discovery of Novel Mycoviruses in Saccharomyces Yeasts, Cody G. Willmore, Sarah Brocke, Emily Kizer, and Paul Rowley (Mentor)
The Earth Connector, Shelley Renae Sinquefield Needles
The Effect of Mutation on Age-Related Changes in Protein Aggregation in Daphnia magna, Whitney E. Raver Ms., Leigh C. Latta (Mentor), Shane J. Kinzer Mr., Rhegan C. Humphrey Ms., Sarah A. Eberle Ms., and Djeneba Dezoumbe Ms.
The Effect of Nordic Hamstring Strength Training on Muscle Architecture, Stiffness, and Strength, Kayla D. Seymore, Zachary J. Domire, Paul DeVita, Patrick M. Rider, and Anthony S. Kulas
The Effect of Nullomer-Derived Peptides 9R, 9S1R and 124R on the NCI-60 Panel and Normal Cell Lines, Abdelkrim Alileche and Greg Hampikian
The Effects Carbohydrate Loading Has on Aerobic Performance, Chad M. Skiles, Ashley L. Aurand, Megan J. Gilmer, and Clay L. Robinson (Mentor)
The Effects of Faculty Status, Faculty Gender, Field of Study, and Class Size on the Use of Blogs, Wikis, and Discussion Boards, Dazhi Yang and Caile E. Spear
The Effects of High Concentrations of Ionic Liquid on GB1 Protein Structure and Dynamics Probed by High-Resolution Magic-Angle-Spinning NMR Spectroscopy, Lisa Warner, Erica Gjersing, Shelby E. Follett, K. Wade Elliott, Sergei V. Dzyuba, and Krisztina Varga
The Effects of Professional Development on Elementary Students’ Mathematics Achievement, Jonathan L. Brendefur, Keith W. Thiede, Sam Strother, Dan Jesse, and John Sutton
The Effects of Self-Esteem and Narcissism on Forgiveness, Katelyn Croswell
The Effects of the Chemotherapeutic Agent Doxorubicin on Cardiac Fibroblast Function, Steve J. Nick, Xinzhu Pu (Mentor), and Ken A. Cornell (Mentor)
The Engagement Curve: Populism and Political Engagement in Latin America, Rafael Piñeiro, Matthew Rhodes-Purdy, and Fernando Rosenblatt
The Evolution of Anti-Bat Sensory Illusions in Moths, Juliette Rubin
The Exclusivity, and the Struggle, and the Scary Masses: Students Embracing Privatization, Deborah Mullner
The First Lady and Education, Hope Gibson and Justin Thorpe (Mentor)
The Flipped Training Model: Six Steps for Getting Employees to Flip Out Over Training, Quincy Conley, Heather S. Lutz, and Carrie Lewis Miller
The Fundamental Theorem on Symmetric Polynomials: History's First Whiff of Galois Theory, Ben Blum-Smith and Samuel Coskey
The Gestalt of Revision: Commentary on "Return to the Typewriter", Bruce Ballenger
"The Ghostly Language of the Ancient Earth": The Idea of Nature in Deep Time, Scott Ashley
The Golden Age of Boise Theatre: 1900-1920, Charles E. Lauterbach
The Habituated Perspective of the Human Landscape, Jason Craig Natzke
The Habituated Perspective of the Human Landscape, Jason Craig Natzke
The Habituated Perspective of the Human Landscape, Jason Craig Natzke
The Habituated Perspective of the Human Landscape, Jason Craig Natzke
The Habituated Perspective of the Human Landscape, Jason Craig Natzke
The Impact of American Sign Language Interpreter Licensure Laws on d/Deaf Defendants in Criminal Cases, Kymberly Marie Couch
The Impact of County-Level Gun Ownership on the Risk of Homicide, Daniel Moody and Anthony W. Hoskin (Mentor)
The Importance of Preserving Farmland in the Treasure Valley, Danielle Warnke, Austin Lewis, Cassidy Bremer, and Colby Behr
The Influence of Language Ideologies on Education in Trinidad and Tobago, Michael Wallingford and Autumn Ellis
The Influence of Plant Defensive Chemicals, Diet Composition, and Winter Severity on the Nutritional Condition of a Free-Ranging, Generalist Herbivore, Grace L. Parikh, Jennifer Sorensen Forbey, Brecken Robb, Rolf O. Peterson, Leah M. Vucetich, and John A. Vucetich
The Influence of Weight Change on Physical Fitness from Childhood to Adolescence, Han Chen, Lynn Housner, and Yong Gao
The Interdependence of Professional Hockey Players and Their Fans, Kyle Mitsunaga
The Intersection of Design Thinking and 21st Century Approaches to Innovation, Christopher Baughn and Christy Suciu
The Ladies Room, Nancy Marie Flecha
The Main Challenges to 21st-century Business Administration: The Management of People and Knowledge. The ner Group case, María Alvarez Sainz and Kepa Xabier Apellaniz
The Mathematical Dynamics of Ciliate Gene Sorting Algorithms, Colby Brown, Claudia Sofia Carrillo Vazquez, Rashmika Goswami, Sam Heil, and Marion Scheepers (Mentor)
The Mechanism of Radiation-Induced Nanocluster Evolution in Oxide Dispersion Strengthened and Ferritic-Martensitic Alloys, Matthew John Swenson
The Mother's Mark on the Daughter's Speech, Jeffrey Westover
The Nature State: Rethinking the History of Conservation, Wilko Graf von Hardenberg, Matthew Kelly, Claudia Leal, and Emily Wakild
The NECST Program - Networking and Engaging in Computer Science and Information Technology Program, Jerry Alan Fails
The Nutritive Value of Alfalfa Varieties Grown at Two Different Elevations in Idaho, Cheyanne A. Myers, G. Shewmaker, R. Findlay, R. Roemer, J. Sagers, J. Hogge, and G. E. Chibisa (Mentor)
The “Old Way”: Sherman Alexie’s Modern Native American Warrior, Chrystyna Toneekia Hernandez
The Original Sin, Amy Nicole Hildebrandt
The Original Sin (Detail), Amy Nicole Hildebrandt
The “Other” and “I”: Patriarchal and Racial Violence via Postcolonial Theory in Toni Morrison’s Jazz and Paradise, Heather McBride
The Other Idahoans: Forgotten Stories of Boise Valley, Todd Shallat, Colleen Brennan, and Molly Humphreys
The Other Side of the Atomic Air Force: Artifacts of the Air Force's People Programs, Yancy D. Mailes
The Participatory Roots of Selective Exposure: Baby Boomers, Political Protest, and Talk Radio, David A. Weaver
The Phenomenological Experience of Student Advocates Trained as “Defenders” to Stop School Bullying, Aida Midgett, Steven J. Moody, Blaine Reilly, and Sarah Lyter
The Police Officer Tacit Knowledge Inventory (POTKI): Towards Determining Underlying Structure and Applicability as a Recruit Screening Tool, Teresa Z. Taylor, Beatrice I.J.M. Van der Heijden, and Matthew C. Genuchi
The Politics of Boredom and the Boredom of Politics in The Pale King, Ralph Clare
The Random Graph and Reciprocity Laws, Spencer M. Nelson
The Relationship between Nonverbal Mirroring and Reciprocal Self-Disclosure, Tyler J. Read and Donna Allen (Mentor)
There Were No Coincidences Everything was Rigorously Planned, Veiko V. Valencia
There Were No Coincidences Everything was Rigorously Planned, Veiko V. Valencia
Thermoelectric Properties of the LaCoO3-LaCrO3 System Using a High-Throughput Combinatorial Approach, K. R. Talley, S. C. Barron, N. Nguyen, W. Wong-Ng, J. Martin, Y. L. Zhang, and X. Song
Thermoelectric System Modeling and Design, Buddhima Pasindu Gamarachchi
The Role of Development in Kabuki Syndrome: A Review, Joe Christianson
The Role of Disease and Ectoparasites in the Ecology of Nestling Golden Eagles, Benjamin Michael Dudek
The Role of Col11a1 Expression During Cartilage Development, Jonathon Charles Reeck
The Role of Examples in Teaching, Margaret T. Kinzel and Laurie O. Cavey
The Role of Low Intensity Vibrations on MSC Proliferation and Osteogenesis Under Simulated Microgravity, Ryan Byrd, Gunes Uzer (Mentor), Hallie Touchstone, Annagrace Blomquist, Denise Wingett, and Rebecca Hermann
The Role of the NOTCH-MKP-1 Signaling Pathway and Gamma-secretase in familial Hidradenitis Suppurativa, Holly Lind
The Scientific Analysis of Don Santo, Veiko V. Valencia
The Sea Squirt as a Model Organism For Biophysics, Anthony M. Loper and Matthew L. Ferguson (Mentor)
The Set Splittablity Problem, Peter Bernstein, Cashous Bortner, Shuni Li, Connor Simpson, and Samuel Coskey (Mentor)
The Shakesbeer Garden, Allison Corona
The Shipwrecked Pirates, Allison Corona
The Shipwrecked Pirates - Fencing, Allison Corona
The Sino-Philippine South China Sea Dispute, Shelton Woods
The Theoretical and Empirical Basis of Teacher Leadership: A Review of the Literature, Julianne A. Wenner and Todd Campbell
The Trailhead, Kerri Webster
The Undue Cost of Academic Publishing: Democratizing Information Access, Memo Cordova and Amber Sherman
The Usefulness of a News Media Literacy Measure in Evaluating a News Literacy Curriculum, Adam Maksl, Stephanie Craft, Seth Ashley, and Dean Miller
The Use of Integrity Coded Database (ICDB) to Prevent Data Tampering in Clouds, Andrew R. DeSousa, Ujwa Karki, Dan Kondratyuk, and Jyh-Haw Yeh (Mentor)
The Use of Pathos in IPDA Debate: Justifications and Guidelines, Jeffrey Hobbs and Amy Arellano
The Velvet Veranda 1, Nancy Marie Flecha
The Velvet Veranda 2, Nancy Marie Flecha
The Velvet Veranda 3, Nancy Marie Flecha
The Women’s March and the Power of Demonstration, Matthew Housen, CJ Kaestner, Megan Parker, Amelia Kelly, and Rachel Budge
The World According to Don Santo, Veiko V. Valencia
The World According to Don Santo (Angle 1), Veiko V. Valencia
The World According to Don Santo (Angle 2), Veiko V. Valencia
The World According to Don Santo (Angle 3), Veiko V. Valencia
The World of Don Santo, Veiko Valencia
The World of Don Santo, Veiko V. Valencia
The World of Don Santo (Angle), Veiko V. Valencia
Three UV-Sensitive Chlamydomonas Mutants are All Deficient in Photoreactivation, Kyle Beattie, Jordan Harris, Ashley Heuchert, Alfa Hordges-Johnson, Steve Stefanides, and Dr. Sue Kane
Throughput Optimization in Multi-Hop Wireless Networks with Reconfigurable Antennas, Yantian Hou, Ming Li, and Kai Zeng
Time Sources in Proust and Glissant, Margaret Gray and Jason Herbeck
Timing and Carrier Synchronization with Channel Estimation in AF Two-Way Relaying Networks, Ali A. Nasir, Hani Mehrpouyan, Salman Durrani, Steven D. Bolstein, and Rodney A. Kennedy
Timothy Johnson Reading Hamlet's Soliloquy, Allison Corona
TiO2 Coatings Formed by Atomic Layer Deposition for Enhanced Corrosion Performance of Mg-biomaterials, Steve Johns, William Crow, Jesse Schimpf, Paul H. Davis (Mentor), Elton Graugnard (Mentor), and Michael F. Hurley (Mentor)
Tissues, Carley Brook Rowley
To Boldly Go: Boldness Predicts Behavior and Survivorship of a Critical Prey Species, Zoe Katherine Tinkle
Tongue Scraper, Carley Brook Rowley
Tools of Labor (Detail), Candace Rood
Tooth Enamel Maturation Reequilibrates Oxygen Isotope Compositions and Supports Simple Sampling Methods, Robin B. Trayler and Matthew J. Kohn
To Pay, or Not to Pay . . . Student-athletes at Division 1 Universities, Matt Pistone, Mike Young, Maddi Osburn, Daniel Auelua, Rathen Ricedorff, and Jabril Frazier
Top-Two Primary Reform and State Legislature Ideology, Devon Downey
To the Fairest, Amy Nicole Hildebrandt
To the Fairest (Detail), Amy Nicole Hildebrandt
Towards Automatic Repair of Access Control Policies, Dianxiang Xu and Shuai Peng
Towards Automatic Repair of XACML Policies, Shuai Peng
Towards Multipurpose Readability Assessment, Ion Madrazo
Towards the Structure and Function of Xiphophorus LARP6 RRM, Bri Grantham, Rafael Gomez, Raquel Brown, Karen Lewis, and Lisa R. Warner (Mentor)
Trace Chemical Evaluation of Cloud Seeding in the Payette Basin, James Mitchell Fisher
Tracking State Trends in Environmental Public Opinion, Luke Fowler
Traffic by the Empty Lot, Emma Elizabeth Hood
Training African Refugee Interpreters for Health Related Research, Terri Soelberg, Michal Temkin-Martínez, Mikal Smith, and Pamela Springer
Training Elementary School Students to Intervene as Peer-Advocates to Stop Bullying at School: A Pilot Study, Aida Midgett and Diana M. Doumas
Transforming Conflict in the Classroom: Best Practices for Facilitating Difficult Dialogues and Creating an Inclusive Communication Climate, Tasha Souza, Nancy Vizenor, Diane Sherlip, and Lisa Raser
Translating Dyslexia Across Species, Lisa A. Gabel, Monica Manglani, Nicholas Escalona, Jessica Cysner, Rachel Hamilton, Jefferey Pfaffmann, and Evelyn Johnson
Treasure Valley Grocery Store HFC's, Rebekah Triolo, Jace Parker, and Matt Clark
Trend and Return Level of Extreme Snow Events in New York City, Mintaek Lee
Trumpaturik, Larraitz Ariznabarreta
Trust in Marsh Creek and Government Angencies, Emily Foltz and Casey Taylor (Mentor)
Two Departments, Two Models of Interdisciplinary Peer Learning, Julianne A. Wenner and Paul J. Simmonds
Two-Dimensional Transition Metal Dichalcogenides (2D-TMDs) Studies via Computational Calculations, Ian C. Rivera-Colon, Matthew Lawson, Thiago da Silva, and Lan Li (Mentor)
Two-Way Symmetric Communication Between Public Utilities and the Public, Maria Willacy
Ultrafast Magmatic Buildup and Diversification to Produce Continental Crust During Subduction, Mihai N. Ducea, George W. Bergantz, James L. Crowley, and Juan Otamendi
Ultrapotassic Dykes in the Moldanubian Zone and Their Significance for Understanding of the Post-Collisional Mantle Dynamics During Variscan Orogeny in the Bohemian Massif, Šárka Kubínová, Shah Wali Faryad, Kryštof Verner, Mark Schmitz, and František Holub
Ultrapotassic Dykes in the Moldanubian Zone and Their Significance for Understanding of the Post-collisional Mantle Dynamics During Variscan Orogeny in the Bohemian Massif, Šárka Kubínová, Shah Wali Faryad, Kryštof Verner, Mark Schmitz, and František Holub
Ultra Short Period Planets in K2 with Companions: A Double Transiting System for Epic 220674823, Brian Jackson
Ultraviolet Raman Spectroscopy Of Cube-Shaped Barium Titanate Nanocrystals Of Variable Sizes, McKenzie V S Holland, Dmitri A. Tenne (Mentor), and A K. Farrar
Ultraviolet Raman Spectroscopy of Lead Zirconate Titinate Nanotubes, Joseph W. Spinuzzi, Dmitri A. Tenne (Mentor), T H. Kim, and C B. Eom
Uncertainty in a Geophysical Survey for a Bridge Foundation Design, Paul Michaels
Understanding How Algorithms Work Persuasively Through the Procedural Enthymeme, Kevin Brock and Dawn Shepherd
Understanding Plant Water Use Across the Snow-Rain Transition, Katie M. Wright, Sarah Godsey (Mentor), and John Whiting
Understanding Student Social Networks: A Case Study from the University of Idaho, Bethany Kersten, Carly Scott, Kari Storjohann, and Mark Warner (Mentor)
Understanding U.S. Debates Surrounding Standards in Involuntary Inpatient Psychiatric Commitment Through the Maryland Experience, Corey Shdaimah and Nicole O'Reilly
Under the Trump Administration, US Airstrikes are Killing More Civilians, Steven Feldstein
University Learning Outcomes Assessment Plan & Reporting Guidelines, Vicki Stieha and Kay Wingert
Unpolished Emeralds in the Gem State: Hard-Rock Mining, Labor Unions, and Irish Nationalism in the Mountain West and Idaho, 1850-1900, Victor D. Higgins
Untitled, Tyler James Dougal
Untitled, Tyler James Dougal
Untitled, Tyler James Dougal
Untitled 1, Anna Kristine Wanless
Untitled 2, Anna Kristine Wanless
Urban Elementary Science Teacher Leaders: Responsibilities, Supports, and Needs, Julianne A. Wenner
Urban Hypotheses and Spatiotemporal Characterization of Urban Growth in the Treasure Valley of Idaho, USA, Khila R. Dahal, Shawn Benner, and Eric Lindquist
Urban Texture, Sara Audrey Parker
Urban Texture, Sara Audrey Parker
Urban Texture, Sara Audrey Parker
Urban Texture, Sara Audrey Parker
Urban Texture, Sara Audrey Parker
Urea-Derived Graphitic Carbon Nitride (u-g-C3N4) Films with Highly Enhanced Antimicrobial and Sporicidal Activity, John H. Thurston, Necia M. Hunter, Lacey J. Wayment, and Kenneth A. Cornell
US-20 Interchange Design in Thornton, Idaho, Grady Beck, Lu Vo, Grant Moore, Abdullah Dashti, and Waleed Alharbi
Use of Engineering Geophysics in the Design of Highway Passing Lanes, P. Michaels
Using Aspartyl Nitrobenzothiazine to Improve Glycoligation Strategy, Tyler R. Siegford, Daniel Collins, Philip Garner, and Darren Thompson (Mentor)
Using Chemicals in Plants to Disrupt Antennal Grooming in Bedbugs, Leticia Camacho, Britt Pendleton (Mentor), and Jennifer Forbey (Mentor)
Using Corpus Linguistics to Analyze Reporting Verbs in Literary Narratives, Laurel Hinds
Using Digital Image Correlation for Mechanical Analysis of Cellular-Collagen Gels, Porter Nelson, Trevor Lujan (Mentor), and John Everingham
Using Geophysical Surveys to Test Tracer-Based Storage Estimates in Headwater Catchments, J. Bradford and J. P. McNamara
Using Importance-Performance Analysis to Guide Instructional Design of Experiential Learning Activities, Sheri Anderson, Yu-Chang Hsu, and Judy Kinney
Using iNaturalist to Obtain Distribution Data for Idaho Amphibians and Reptiles, Patrick D. Giltz and Charles R. Peterson (Mentor)
Using Infrasound Waves to Monitor Tropospheric Weather and Crater Morphology Changes, Hugo David Ortiz
Using IR Cameras Beyond Outreach: Motivational Projects for Engineering Students, Cameron H.G. Wright and Thad B. Welch
Using Isotopes to Constrain Water Flux and Age Estimates in Snow-Influenced Catchments Using the STARR (Spatially Distributed Tracer-Aided Rainfall–Runoff) Model, Pertti Ala-Aho, Doerthe Tetzlaff, James P. McNamara, Hjalmar Laudon, and Chris Soulsby
Using Learning Analytics to Predict Academic Success in Online and Face-to-Face Learning Environments, Lisa Janine Berry
Using LT-Spice Circuit Modeling to Investigate the Effects of Changing the Metal-Selenide Layer in the Self-Directed Channel Memristor, Denver Lloyd and Kris Campbell (Mentor)
Using Metaphors to Facilitate Exploration of Emotional Content in Counseling With College Men, Matthew C. Genuchi, Brian Hopper, and Charles R. Morrison
Using Morphometrics to Estimate Age of Northern Idaho Ground Squirrels (Urocitellus brunneus), Nolan A. Helmstetter, Courtney J. Conway (Mentor), and Amanda R. Goldberg (Mentor)
Using Mountain Snowpack to Predict Summer Water Availability in Semiarid Mountain Watersheds, Rebecca Dawn Garst
Using Near-Infrared Photography to Better Study Snow Microstructure and Its Variability Over Time and Space, Jesse Raymond Dean
Using Photography to Support Research Communication, Shawna Hanel
Using SamplePoint to Determine Vegetation Percent Cover in a Sagebrush Steppe Ecosystem, Silvia Perritte, Kate Carter-Cram, Matt Von Lintig, Luke Spaete, and Josh Enterkine
Using Temporal Probabilistic Logic for Optimal Monitoring of Security Events with Limited Resources, Sushil Jajodia, Noseong Park, Edoardo Serra, and V. S. Subrahmanian
Using the Undergraduate Research Conference to Launch Your Scholarly Profile, Michelle Armstrong
Using Vegetation and Forage Data to Understand Group Movement and Behavior in Elk, Katie Anderson, Ryan Long (Mentor), and Sierra Robatcek (Mentor)
Using VoiceThread to Facilitate Asynchronous Communication: A Design Case, Jesús Trespalacios
Utility-Scale Solar and Public Attitudes Toward Siting: A Critical Examination of Proximity, Juliet E. Carlisle, David Solan, Stephanie L. Kane, and Jeffrey Joe
Utilizing Image Segmentation with Supervised Machine Learning to Analyze Air Particulate Samples, Robert Buechler, Macie Larranaga, Mariah Fowler, and Sandra Miller
Validation of Accelerometer-Based Energy Expenditure Prediction Models in Structured and Simulated Free-Living Settings, Alexander H.K. Montoye, Scott A. Conger, Christopher P. Connolly, Mary T. Imboden, M. Benjamin Nelson, Josh M. Bock, and Leonard A. Kaminsky
Valinomycin–mediated Cation Transport in Planar Bilayer Lipid Membranes, Daniel Prather, Sheenah Bryant, Nisha Shrestha, Philip Belzeski, Conner Patricelli, and Daniel Fologea (Mentor)
Valley of the Sun: Part I, Sean William Frede
Variable Effects of Snow Conditions Across Boreal Mesocarnivore Species, C. B. Pozzanghera, K. J. Sivy, M. S. Lindberg, and L. R. Prugh
Vegetative Analysis of Columbia Basin Pygmy Rabbit (Brachylagus idahoensis) Habitat, Aspen S. Welker, Austin DuPuis, Stacey A. Nerkowski, and Lisette P. Waits (Mentor)
Verifying the Implementation of An Anisotropic Grain Boundary Energy Model in Idaho National Lab’s MARMOT, John-Michael H. Bradley, Evan D. Hansen, Jarin C. French, and Yongfeng Zhang (Mentor)
Vertically Integrated Projects (VIP) Programs: Multidisciplinary Projects with Homes in Any Discipline, Jocelyn B.S. Cullers, William L. Hughes, and Donna C. Llewellyn
Vibrational Spectroscopy in Forensic Investigations, Ronni Diggi, Ben Poulter, and Rene Rodriguez (Mentor)
View Immortality When Shakespeare's First Folio Visits Boise, Tony Doerr
Violence in the ‘Ayn al-Hilweh Palestinian Refugee Camp in Lebanon, 2007–2009, Royce A. Hutson, Harry Shannon, and Taylor Long
Virginia Woolf and Illness, Cheryl Hindrichs
Virtual Reality in Healthcare, Asim Dhakal and Sankara Subramanian Srinivasan (Mentor)
Visions of Quality Assurance in Online MBA Programs, Glori Lynn Hinck
Visitors in the Gallery, Allison Corona
Visitors Viewing the First Folio, Allison Corona
Visitors Viewing the First Folio, Allison Corona
Vizcaínos: The Scourge of the Empire and Uncomfortable Identities, Juan Gil-Osle
Volcanic Eruptions Repose, and Their Unrest, Precursors, and Timing, Committee on Improving Understanding of Volcanic Eruptions, Committee on Seismology and Geodynamics, Board on Earth Sciences and Resources, Division on Earth and Life Studies, and Jeffrey B. Johnson
Volcanic Initiation of the Eocene Heart Mountain Slide, Wyoming, USA, Mark D. Schmitz
Volumes of Recently-Erupted Rhyolite Lava Flows in the Yellowstone Plateau Volcanic field, Schuyler T. Robinson and Dan Moore (Mentor)
VPS35 D620N Inhibits Autophagy by IGF-1R Dysregulation, Nathan Lai, Abir A. Rahman, Joshua E. Albright, and Brad Morrison (Mentor)
Wally the Whale Finds Friends, Kelsie Nagle
Water Bridge Forces in Ambient Environments Studied by Interfacial Force Microscopy, Serrin Kim and Byung Il Kim (Mentor)
Water Reflecting on a Deck, Emma Elizabeth Hood
Water Use in the Treasure Valley, Angel Sanabria, Jillian Moroney (Mentor), Jen Schneider, Shawn Benner, Curtis Crandall, and Ana Costa
Weaponry Display, Allison Corona
Welcome Remarks, Allison Corona
Welcoming Remarks by Boise Mayor David Bieter, Allison Corona
Western Diet Affects the Murine Circadian System Possibly Through the Gastrointestinal Microbiota, Roberto Refinetti
What are the Differences in Treatment Outcomes Between Alpha-Theta Neurofeedback and Traditional Inpatient Treatment for Alcoholic Men?, Sandra Kugler
What Happens When Social Pressures Collide? The Role of Environmental Pressures Throughout Life, Jeffrey Lyons
What is an American? Anthology of the 1890s, Brennen Keen, Lindsey Fuit, Emily Allen, Mark Horton, Cydney Haines, Robert Schulkey, Laurel Hinds, and Chrystyna Hernandez
What is the Fate of Heavy Metals At the Bottom of Lake Coeur d'Alene Under Anoxic Conditions?, Kasey R. Peach, James G. Moberly (Mentor), and Andrew W. Child (Mentor)
What She Left with the Sea, Kolby Weston Deagle
What She Left with the Sea (Detail), Kolby Weston Deagle
What's Past is Prologue: Celebrating 40 Seasons of Idaho Shakespeare Festival, Stephanie Bacon, Gwyn Hervochon, Cheryl Oestreicher, and Doug Copsey
What the Eye Cannot See, Emma Elizabeth Hood
What to Expect at the Undergraduate Research Conference: The Do's, Don'ts, and What to Wear, Bridget Howley, Ann Delaney, and Alondra Perez
When the System Becomes Your Personal Docent: Curated Book Recommendations, Nevena Dragovic
Where Is The Love? Women’s Basketball Lack of Student Support /, Christina Washington, Daniel Auelua, Archie Lewis, and Cedrick Wilson
Which is More Costly? The Effects of Migration vs. Overwintering on Telomeres of American Kestrels (Falco sparverius), Kathleen R. Callery, Steven Burden, Eric J. Hayden, Christina M. Hartmann, Samantha L. Evans, Matthew J. Kohn, and Julie A. Heath (Mentor)
Whiskey, Erika Hunt
Who Am I?: Memory, Consciousness, and Alzheimer's Disease, Patricia A. Koleini
Who Am I?: Memory, Consciousness, and Alzheimer's Disease, Patricia A. Koleini
Who Am I?: Memory, Consciousness, and Alzheimer's Disease, Patricia A. Koleini
Who Am I?: Memory, Consciousness, and Alzheimer's Disease, Patricia A. Koleini
Who Am I?: Memory, Consciousness, and Alzheimer's Disease, Patricia A. Koleini
Who are we now? (Detail), Alexander B. Vestermark
Who Uses Social Networking Sites? Exploring Associations among Personality and the Relationship with Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram, Chantal Martinez
Who Uses Social Networking Sites? Exploring Associations among Personality, and the Relationship with Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram, Chantal Martinez and Kim Hardy (Mentor)
Who uses Social Networking Sites? Exploring Associations among personality, and the relationship with Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram, Chantal Martinez
Wild, Tame, and In-Between: Traditional Agricultural Knowledge of Taiwan Indigenous People, Pei-Lin Yu
Wind Farm Power Prediction in Complex Terrain, Micah Sandusky
Window Dressing: Isolation in Cornell Woolrich's Short Fiction, Annika R.P. Deutsch
Wine, Erika Hunt
Winners, Losers, and Protest Behavior in Parliamentary Systems, Julie VanDusky-Allen
Worlds of Wordcraft: The Metafiction of Kurt Vonnegut, Ralph Clare
Xenophobia, Jamil Lionel Lawyer
Xenophobia (Detail), Jamil Lionel Lawyer
Xiphophorous LARP6 La Motif: To Bind or not to Bind, Rafael J. Gomez and Lisa Warner (Mentor)
X-Ray Diffraction and Density Functional Theory Studies of R(Fe0.5Co0.5)O3 (R = Pr, Nd, Sm, Eu, Gd), I. Williamson, K. R. Talley, and L. Li
X-Ray Radiation Induced Effects in Selected Chalcogenide Glasses and CBRAM Devices Based on Them, Maria Mitkova, Kasandra Wolf, George Belev, Mahesh Ailavajhala, Dmitri A. Tenne, Hugh Barnaby, and Michael N. Kozicki
Xylem Anatomy and Hydraulic Conductivity of Psuedotsuga menziesii var. glauca Along an Elevation Gradient, Zane C. Stephenson, Theresa Condo (Mentor), and Keith Reinhardt (Mentor)
You Don't Know Me: Discourse and the Identity of Cooks and Chefs, Brianna Pitcock
Zircon Exsolution from Rutile: Constraints on Ultra-High Temperature: Metamorphism of Lower Crustal Granulites, Travis Leach
Zynq-Based SoC Implementation of an Induction Machine Control Algorithm, Danyal Mohammadi, Luka Daoud, Nader Rafla, and Said Ahmed-Zaid
α-Conotoxin Decontamination Protocol Evaluation: What Works and What Doesn’t, Matthew W. Turner, John R. Cort, and Owen M. McDougal