RockSat-X: A Sub-Orbital In-Space Test of Flexible RF Electronics

Faculty Mentor Information

Stephen Parke Dan Lawrence Dale Wilson Kaz Lawler


NNU has had a RockSat-X undergraduate research team for the past five consecutive years. In August, their experimental payload will ride 100 miles into space above the Atlantic ocean on a NASA sub-orbital rocket. Their experiment will test flexible RFID (Radio frequency identification) sensors and ADCs (Analog to Digital Converters) made by Boise companies PakSense and American Semiconductor Inc., respectively. During the flight, these flexible RF electronics will be fully exposed to space conditions in order to assess their functionality and durability in the harsh space environment.


Poster #W57

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RockSat-X: A Sub-Orbital In-Space Test of Flexible RF Electronics

NNU has had a RockSat-X undergraduate research team for the past five consecutive years. In August, their experimental payload will ride 100 miles into space above the Atlantic ocean on a NASA sub-orbital rocket. Their experiment will test flexible RFID (Radio frequency identification) sensors and ADCs (Analog to Digital Converters) made by Boise companies PakSense and American Semiconductor Inc., respectively. During the flight, these flexible RF electronics will be fully exposed to space conditions in order to assess their functionality and durability in the harsh space environment.