Juan Gil-Osle


Juan Pablo Gil-Osle after nine years of work as a Basque, French and Spanish translator and interpreter came to the U.S. to complete his doctorate at the University of Chicago. Currently he is Associate Professor of Spanish early modern literature at Arizona State University; after having held positions at the University of Michigan and Arkansas State University. His recent publications concerning Basque Studies touch on the concepts of originality and plagiarism in Obabakoak by Bernardo Atxaga; the 2006 commemorations of Francis Xavier in books, websites, and exhibits; the linguistic description of the “vascongados” in Cabeza de Vaca’s Naufragios; and Iban Zaldua’s essay on how to write Basque fiction. Right now, his two big projects are: finishing his next book’s title is Early Global Modernity, where the Basque component is fundamental; and organizing, with the generous help of the American Council for Learned Societies and The University of Chicago, a conference on early modern Chinese and Spanish theaters, in Hong Kong in June 2018.


Ph.D. Spanish, University of Chicago, 2007; M.A. Spanish, Ohio University, 2001

Accreditation Legal Translator and Interpreter of French and Spanish, Traductor; Jurado del Ministerio de Exteriores (Spain), 1995; M.B.A. Universidad de Zaragoza (Spain), 1993; B.A. Universidad de Zaragoza (Spain), 1993