The Department of Curriculum, Instruction and Foundational Studies (CIFS) serves a wide variety of students. Our department encompasses everything from initial teacher certification and principal certification through graduate studies in curriculum, instruction and school improvement. The CIFS faculty are committed to partnering with educators throughout the Treasure Valley and nationally to improve and strengthen education for all children. In addition to pre-service and graduate education programs, the department also serves teachers and local school districts through cooperatively developed in-service programs. The department supports school improvement efforts and provides assistance to school districts, government agencies, and the private sector. Faculty members in the department are encouraged and supported in their efforts to conduct applied and action research in school settings.
Submissions from 2024
What’s Up with Words?: A Systematic Review of Designs, Strategies, and Theories Underlying Vocabulary Research, Cherrynn Kast Black and Katherine Landau Wright
Submissions from 2023
Teachers’ Engagement with Student Mathematical Agency and Authority in School-Based Professional Learning, Elizabeth B. Dyer, Michael Jarry-Shore, Alissa Fong, Rebecca Deutscher, Janet Carlson, and Hilda Borko
Supporting Student Success by Embedding Personal Narratives in Engineering Courses, Eric Jankowski, Krishna Pakala, and Sara Hagenah
Sustaining at Scale: District Mathematics Specialists’ Adaptations to a Teacher Leadership Preparation Program, Michael Jarry-Shore, Victoria Delaney, and Hilda Borko
The Emotional Work of Being a Teacher Educator and Persisting Through a Pandemic, Jennifer L. Snow, Cheryl Dismuke, Hannah Carter, Angel'n Larson, and Stefanie Holloway
Morphology in Reading Comprehension Among School-Aged Readers of English: A Synthesis and Meta-Analytic Structural Equation Modeling Study, Dongbo Zhang, Sihui (Echo) Ke, and Ya Mo
Submissions from 2022
Supporting Aesthetic Experience of Science in Everyday Life, Leslie Atkins Elliott
Socioeconomic Status and Early Reading Achievement: How Working Memory and Cognitive Flexibility Mediate the Relation in Low-Achieving and Typically Developing K to First Grade Students, Zachary T. Barnes, Peter Boedeker, Kelly B. Cartwright, and Bingshi Zhang
Physical Activity and Academic Achievement: An Analysis of Potential Student- and School-Level Moderators, Peter J. Boedeker and Hannah G. Calvert
Simulation Evaluating Disproportionality-Based Indicators of Inequitable Selection Practices into Advanced Academic Programming, Peter Boedeker, Kristen N. Lamb, and Todd Kettler
A Community of Practice Model as a Theoretical Perspective for Teacher Leadership, Todd Campbell, Julianne A. Wenner, Latanya Brandon, and Molly Waszkelewicz
Interpretation and Use Statements for Instruments in Mathematics Education, Michele B. Carney, Jonathan Bostic, Erin Krupa, and Jeff Shih
Efficient Assessment of Students’ Proportional Reasoning, Michele Carney, Katie Paulding, and Joe Champion
Coding Protocol: Early Math Interventions in Informal Learning Settings: Attention to Literacy, Hannah Carter, Gena Nelson, and Peter Boedeker
The Longitudinal Association Between Objectively-Measured School-Day Physical Activity and Academic Achievement in US Elementary School Students, Paul N. Elish, Cassandra S. Bryan, Peter J. Boedeker, Hannah G. Calvert, Christi M. Kay, Adria M. Meyer, and Julie A. Gazmararian
Collaborative Elementary Civics Curriculum Development to Support Teacher Learning to Enact Culturally Sustaining Practices, Esther A. Enright, William Toledo, Stacy Drum, and Sarah Brown
Mechanisms of Influence on Youth Substance Use for a Social-Emotional and Character Development Program: A Theory-Based Approach, Stefanie Holloway, Brian R. Flay, and Carl Siebert
Recruitment Strategy Development for First Generation, Underrepresented, and Low-Income Masters Students, Briceland McLaughlin and Julianne A. Wenner
Tree-Based Methods: A Tool for Modeling Nonlinear Complex Relationships and Generating New Insights from Data, Ya Mo, Brian Habing, and Nell Sedransk
A Systematic Review of Research Syntheses on Students with Mathematics Learning Disabilities and Difficulties, Gena Nelson, Angela Crawford, Jessica Hunt, Soyoung Park, Emily Leckie, Alex Duarte, Tasia Brafford, Mary Ramos-Duke, and Kary Zarate
Drawing to Improve Metacomprehension Accuracy, Keith W. Thiede, Katherine L. Wright, Sara Hagenah, Julianne Wenner, Jadelyn Abbott, and Angela Arechiga
Study Protocol for a Cluster-Randomized Trial of a Bundle of Implementation Support Strategies to Improve the Fidelity of Implementation of Schoolwide Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports in Rural Schools, Lindsey Turner, Hannah G. Calvert, Christopher M. Fleming, Teri Lewis, Carl Siebert, Nate Anderson, Tate Castleton, Ashley Havlicak, and Michaela McQuilkin
Competency-Based Education in the State Policy Arena: Comparative Case Study of Two Neighboring States, Heather P. Williams, Kathleen Shoup, Marita Diffenbaugh, and Kelly Brady
Psychometric Evaluation of a Pragmatic Measure for Assessing Adherence to System of Care Principles in Behavioral Health Service Interactions, Nathaniel J. Williams, James Beauchemin, Guido Giuntini, Jennifer Griffis, and Ya Mo
Submissions from 2021
Stop-Motion Animation to Model the Analemma, Leslie Atkins Elliott, Amanda Hunter, Carl Krutz, ShaKayla Moran, and Elliot Sherrow
Study Protocol for Testing the Association Between Physical Activity and Academic Outcomes Utilizing a Cluster-Randomized Trial, Peter Boedeker, Lindsey Turner, Hannah Calvert, Christi Kay, Adria Meyer, Chuck Truett, and Julie Gazmararian
When “College and Career Ready” Means Only (or Mostly) College Ready: Perspectives from Stakeholders in Six Rural and Small Communities, Kathleen Budge, Elizabeth Wargo, David Carr-Chellman, and Kathy Canfield-Davis
Prevalence of Evidence-Based School Meal Practices and Associations with Reported Food Waste Across a National Sample of U.S. Elementary Schools, Hannah G. Calvert, Punam Ohri-Vachaspati, Michaela McQuilkin, Peter Boedeker, and Lindsey Turner
Implementation of Physical Activity in US Elementary Schools: The Role of Administrative Support, Financial Resources, and Champions, Blake Densley, Hannah G. Calvert, Peter Boedeker, and Lindsey Turner
Effects of Positive Action in Elementary School on Student Behavioral and Social-Emotional Outcomes, Kendra M. Lewis, Stefanie D. Holloway, Niloofar Bavarian, Naida Silverthorn, David L. DuBois, Brian R. Flay, and Carl F. Siebert
Tinkering with Theoretical Objects: Designing Theories in Scientific Inquiry, ShaKayla Moran and Leslie Atkins Elliott
Using Think-Alouds for Response Process Evidence of Teacher Attentiveness, Ya Mo, Michele Carney, Laurie Cavey, and Tatia Totorica
Early Math Interventions in Informal Learning Settings Coding Protocol, Gena Nelson, Hannah Carter, and Peter Boedeker
The Relationship Between Teachers' Cue-Utilization and Their Monitoring Accuracy of Students' Text Comprehension, Janneke van de Pol, Tamara van Gog, and Keith Thiede
On the Digital Frontier: Stakeholders in Rural Areas Take on Educational Technology and Schooling, Elizabeth Wargo, Davin Carr Chellman, Kathleen Budge, and Kathryn Canfield Davis
Horses Preparing Superintendent Candidates for the Leadership Arena, Heather P. Williams
Submissions from 2020
VCAST Learning Modules: A Functions & Modeling Course Innovation, Laurie O. Cavey, Jason Libberton, Tatia Totorica, Michele Carney, and Patrick R. Lowenthal
Silencing Ivan Illich Revisited: A Foucauldian Analysis of Intellectual Exclusion, David Gabbard
Argumentation Surrounding Argument-Based Validation: A Systematic Review of Validation Methodology in Peer-Reviewed Articles, Matthew Ryan Lavery, Jonathan D. Bostic, Lance Kruse, Erin E. Krupa, and Michele B. Carney
Professional Noticing on a Statistical Task, Courtney Nagle, Stephanie Casey, and Michele Carney
Truth, Success, and Faith: Novice Teachers’ Perceptions of What's at Risk in Responsive Teaching in Science, Amy D. Robertson and Leslie J. Atkins Elliott
Scaffolding Development of Clinical Supervisors: Learning to be a Liaison, Jennifer Snow, Hannah Carter, Sherry A. Dismuke, Angel Larson, and Stefanie Shebley
Science Packs: Take-Home STEM-Themed Backpacks Provide Opportunities for Engaging Family Fun!, Julianne A. Wenner and Soñia Galaviz
Writing Motivation and Middle School: An Examination of Changes in Students’ Motivation for Writing, Katherine Landau Wright, Tracey S. Hodges, Sherry Dismuke, and Peter Boedecker
Submissions from 2019
Engineering Design in Scientific Inquiry, Leslie Atkins Elliott
Modeling Potential Energy of the Gaussian Gun, Leslie Atkins Elliott, André Bolliou, Hanna Irving, and Douglas Jackson
Modeling Chemical Reactions with the Gaussian Gun, Leslie Atkins Elliott, Elizabeth Sippola, and Jeffrey Watkins
An Exploration of Supports for Increasing Classroom Physical Activity within Elementary Schools, Hannah G. Calvert, Julianne A. Wenner, and Lindsey Turner
Scaling Professional Development for Mathematics Teacher Educators, Michele B. Carney, Jonathan L. Brendefur, Gwyneth Hughes, Keith Thiede, Angela R. Crawford, Dan Jesse, and Brandie Ward Smith
Developing a Construct Map for Teacher Attentiveness, Michele B. Carney, Tatia Totorica, Laurie O. Cavey, and Patrick R. Lowenthal
Comparison of Two Approaches to Interpretive Use Arguments, Michele Carney, Angela Crawford, Carl Siebert, Rich Osguthorpe, and Keith Thiede
Finding our Place in the Third Space: The Authority of Not Knowing as Becoming in School-University Partnership Work, Hannah Carter, Jennifer Snow, Sara DiGrazia, and Sherry Dismuke
The Performance of Multilevel Models When Outcome Data are Incomplete, Wanchen Chang and Keenan A. Pituch
Building Capacity in Teacher Preparation with Practitioner Inquiry: A Self-Study of Teacher Educators’ Clinical Feedback Practices, Sherry Dismuke, Esther A. Enright, and Julianne A. Wenner
The Effects of Completing PREP Academy: A University-Based Transition Project for Students with Disabilities (Practice Brief), Jeremy W. Ford, Julianne A. Wenner, and Victoria Murphy
Designing Teacher Preparation Courses: Integrating Mobile Technology, Program Standards, and Course Outcomes, Serena Hicks and Devshikha Bose
Argument-Based Validation in Practice: Examples From Mathematics Education, Erin Elizabeth Krupa, Michele Carney, and Jonathan Bostic
Inequities of Enrollment in Gifted Education: A Statewide Application of the 20% Equity Allowance Formula, Kristin N. Lamb, Peter Boedeker, and Todd Kettler
Prevalence and Types of School‐Based Out‐of‐School Time Programs at Elementary Schools and Implications for Student Nutrition and Physical Activity, Sarah A. Silwa, Hannah G. Calvert, Heather P. Williams, and Lindsey Turner
Toward a Practice‐Based Theory for How Professional Learning Communities Engage in the Improvement of Tools and Practices for Scientific Modeling, Jessica J. Thompson, Sara Hagenah, Scott McDonald, and Christie Barchenger
Social Capital: A Key Ingredient in the Development of Physical Activity Leadership, Julianne A. Wenner, Kimberly M. B. Tucker, Hannah G. Calvert, Tyler G. Johnson, and Lindsey Turner
Submissions from 2018
Constructing Entities in Scientific Models, Leslie Atkins Elliott and Lauren Barth-Cohen
Developing a Multi-Dimensional Early Elementary Mathematics Screener and Diagnostic Tool: The Primary Mathematics Assessment, Jonathan L. Brendefur, Evelyn S. Johnson, Keith W. Thiede, Sam Strother, and Herbert H. Severson
Building Place Value Understanding Through Modeling and Structure, Jonathan L. Brendefur, Sam Strother, and Kelli Rich
Mapping Student Reasoning in Support of Mathematics Teacher Candidate Digital Learning, Laurie Cavey, Tatia Totorica, Michele Carney, Patrick Lowenthal, and Jason Libberton
Video Case Analysis of Students’ Mathematical Thinking: Initial Development Process, Laurie Cavey, Tatia Totorica, Michele Carney, Patrick R. Lowenthal, and Jason Libberton
It’s a Balancing Act: A Self-Study of Teacher Educators’ Feedback Practices and the Underlying Tensions, Sherry Dismuke, Esther A. Enright, and Julianne A. Wenner
Tact and the Pedagogical Triangle: The Authenticity of Teachers in Relation, Norman Friesen and Richard Osguthorpe
Funneling Versus Focusing: When Talk, Tasks, and Tools Work Together to Support Students’ Collective Sensemaking, Sara Hagenah, Carolyn Colley, and Jessica Thompson
On the Importance of Engaging Students in Crafting Definitions, Angela Little and Leslie Atkins Elliott
Investigating Differences in Teacher Practices Through a Complexity Theory Lens: The Influence of Teacher Education, Susan D. Martin and Sherry Dismuke
Revisiting the Rural Superintendency: Rethinking Guiding Theories for Contemporary Practice, Erin McHenry-Sorber and Kathleen Budge
Examining Validity and Reliability of a Mathematics Assessment Tool for K-2 Students, Carl F. Siebert and Jonathan L. Brendefur
Data Analysis with Small Samples and Non-Normal Data: Nonparametrics and Other Strategies, Carl F. Siebert and Darcy Clay Siebert
Improving the Accuracy of Teachers' Judgments of Student Learning, Keith W. Thiede, Jonathan L. Brendefur, Michele B. Carney, Joe Champion, Lindsey Turner, Roger Stewart, and Richard D. Osguthorpe
Thick and Thin: Variations in Teacher Leader Identity, Julianne A. Wenner and Todd Campbell
Focused Video Reflections in Concert with Practice-Based Structures to Support Elementary Teacher Candidates in Learning to Teach Science, Julianne A. Wenner and Julie Kittleson
On the Other Side of the Table: Lessons Learned From Negotiations, Heather P. Williams and Fritz Peters
Influence of Teaching Self-Regulation on Academic Achievement of At-Risk Students, Heather Williams and Carl F. Siebert
Books from 2017
Composing Science: A Facilitator's Guide to Writing in the Science Classroom, Leslie Atkins Elliott, Kim Jaxon, and Irene Salter
Assessing Teacher Attentiveness to Student Mathematical Thinking, Michele B. Carney, Laurie Cavey, and Gwyneth Hughes
Social Justice Through Citizenship Education: A Collective Responsibility, Sara Winstead Fry and Jason O'Brien
Consolidated Energy: Hillary Clinton and the 2016 U.S. Presidential Campaign, David Gabbard
Stakeholder Roles in an Action-Oriented Science Space, Sara Hagenah
New Literacies and Technology: Keeping Current in a Writing Methods Course, Susan D. Martin and Sherry Dismuke
Measuring Rights-Based Perspectives: A Validation of the Human Rights Lens in Social Work Scale, Jane McPherson, Carl F. Siebert, and Darcy Clay Siebert
“All Students are Brilliant”: A Confession of Injustice and a Call to Action, Amy D. Robertson and Leslie J. Atkins Elliott
Re-Culturing Educator Preparation Programs: A Collaborative Case Study of Continuous Improvement, Jennifer Snow, Sherry Dismuke, A. J. Zenkert, and Carolyn Loffer
How Restudy Decisions Affect Overall Comprehension for Seventh‐Grade Students, Keith W. Thiede, Joshua S. Redmond, Jennifer Wiley, and Thomas D. Griffin
Urban Elementary Science Teacher Leaders: Responsibilities, Supports, and Needs, Julianne A. Wenner
The Theoretical and Empirical Basis of Teacher Leadership: A Review of the Literature, Julianne A. Wenner and Todd Campbell
Two Departments, Two Models of Interdisciplinary Peer Learning, Julianne A. Wenner and Paul J. Simmonds
Submissions from 2016
Exploring and Examining Quantitative Measures, Jonathan D. Bostic, Erin Krupa, Michele Carney, and Jeff Shih
The Relationship Between High-School Mathematics Teachers' Beliefs and Their Practices in Regards to Intellectual Quality, Jonathan L. Brendefur and Michelle B. Carney
Assessing Student Understanding: A Framework for Testing and Teaching, Jonathan L. Brendefur, Sam Strother, Kelli Rich, and Sarah Appleton
The Effects of Professional Development on Elementary Students’ Mathematics Achievement, Jonathan L. Brendefur, Keith W. Thiede, Sam Strother, Dan Jesse, and John Sutton
Statewide Mathematics Professional Development: Teacher Knowledge, Self-Efficacy, and Beliefs, Michele B. Carney, Jonathan L. Brendefur, Keith Thiede, Gwyneth Hughes, and John Sutton
Influence of Proportional Number Relationships on Item Accessibility and Students’ Strategies, Michele B. Carney, Everett Smith, Gwyneth R. Hughes, Jonathan L. Brendefur, and Angela Crawford
Students' Reasoning Around the Functional Relationship, Michele Carney and Angela Crawford
What about Writing?: A National Study of Writing Instruction in Teacher Preparation Programs, Sherry Dismuke and Susan Martin
Moving Online: Challenges and Successes of Transforming Mandated Professional Development from an In-Person to Hybrid Model, Gwyneth Hughes, Michele Carney, and Jonathan Brendefur
From Pen Pals to Global Citizens, Jean Kirshner, Eli Tzib, Zilpa Tzib, and Sara Fry
The Role of Family Interactions in HIV Risk for Gay and Bisexual Male Youth: A Pilot Study, Michael C. LaSala, Carl F. Siebert, James P. Fedor, and Elyse J. Revere
Interpersonal Neurobiology: Applications for the Counseling Profession, Raissa Miller
Neuroeducation: Integrating Brain-Based Psychoeducation into Clinical Practice, Raissa Miller
Binge-Eating Disorder: A Primer for Professional Counselors, Raissa M. Miller and Jaime D. McManus
Does Adlerian Theory Stand the Test of Time: Examining Individual Psychology from a Neuroscience Perspective, Raissa Miller and Dalena Dillman Taylor
Multivariate Models for Normal and Binary Responses in Intervention Studies, Keenan A. Pituch, Tiffany A. Whittaker, and Wanchen Chang
Enhancing Information Literacy for Preservice Elementary Teachers: A Case Study from the United States, Margie Ruppel, Sara Winstead Fry, and Adil Bentahar
Clarifying and Capturing “Trust” in Relation to Science Education: Dimensions of Trustworthiness within Schools and Associations with Equitable Student Achievement, Lara K. Smetana, Julianne Wenner, John Settlage, and D. Betsy McCoach
Five Key Ideas to Teach Fractions and Decimals with Understanding, Sam Strother, Jonathan L. Brendefur, Keith Thiede, and Sarah Appleton
Rigor and Responsiveness in Classroom Activity, Jessica Thompson, Sara Hagenah, Hosun Kang, David Stroupe, Melissa Braaten, Carolyn Colley, and Mark Windschitl
Increasing Prevalence of US Elementary School Gardens, but Disparities Reduce Opportunities for Disadvantaged Students, Lindsey Turner, Meghan Eliason, Anna Sandoval, and Frank J. Chaloupka
Improving Metacomprehension Accuracy in an Undergraduate Course Context, Jennifer Wiley, Thomas D. Griffin, Allison J. Jaeger, Patrick J. Cushen, and Keith W. Thiede
Comparing the Effect of Two Internship Structures On Supervision Experience and Learning, Robin D. Winslow, Meghan Eliason, and Keith W. Thiede
Submissions from 2015
Developing a Comprehensive Mathematical Assessment Tool to Improve Mathematics Intervention for At-Risk Students, Jonathan Brendefur, Evelyn S. Johnson, Keith W. Thiede, Everett V. Smith, Sam Strother, Herbert H. Severson, and John Beaulieu
Framing Professional Development That Promotes Mathematical Thinking, Jonathan L. Brendefur, Michelle Carney, Gwyneth Hughes, and Sam Strother
A Glimpse into Secondary Students’ Understanding of Functions, Jonathan L. Brendefur, Gwyneth Hughes, and Robert Ely
Developing Multiplication Fact Fluency, Jonathan Brendefur, S. Strother, K. Thiede, and S. Appleton
Developing a Mathematics Instructional Practice Survey: Considerations and Evidence, Michele B. Carney, Jonathan L. Brendefur, Gwyneth R. Hughes, and Keith Thiede
Conducting Classroom Assessment Based in Cognition: The Case of Proportional Reasoning, Michele B. Carney, Gwyneth R. Hughes, Jonathan L. Brendefur, Angela R. Crawford, and Tatia Totorica
Analysis of Students’ Proportional Reasoning Strategies, Michele Carney, Ev Smith, Gwyneth Hughes, Jonathan Brendefur, Angela Crawford, and Tatia Totorica
Influences of Intensive Professional Development in Writing Instruction on Teachers' Dispositions and Self-Efficacy: It's a Matter of Practice, Sherry Dismuke
Grit, Biography, and Dedicated Teachers Who Struggled Academically as Students, Sara Winstead Fry
Cultivating a Justice Orientation Toward Citizenship in Preservice Elementary Teachers, Sara W. Fry and Jason O'Brien
Reshaping Teachers’ Mathematical Perceptions: Analysis of a Professional Development Task, Gwyneth Hughes, Jonathan Brendefur, and Michele Carney
Expect the Unexpected When Teaching Probability, Karen Koellner, Mary Pittman, and Jonathan L. Brendefur
Examining Elementary School Science Achievement Gaps Using an Organizational and Leadership Perspective, John Settlage, Malcolm B. Butler, Julianne Wenner, Lara K. Smetana, and Betsy McCoach
“We Do More Than Discuss Good Ideas”: A Close Look at the Development of Professional Capital in an Elementary Education Liaison Group, Jennifer L. Snow, Susan D. Martin, and Sherry Dismuke
Can Teachers Accurately Predict Student Performance?, Keith W. Thiede, Jonathan L. Brendefur, Richard D. Osguthorpe, Michele B. Carney, Amanda Bremner, Sam Strother, Steven Oswalt, and Jennifer L. Snow
Problems without Ceilings: How Mentors and Novices Frame and Work on Problems-of-Practice, Jessica Thompson, Sara Hagenah, Karin Lohwasser, and Kat Laxton
Submissions from 2014
Career Changers as First-Year High School Teachers, Holly Anderson, Sara Fry, and Jack J. Hourcade
Using Solution Strategies to Examine and Promote High School Students’ Understanding of Exponential Functions: One Teacher’s Attempt, Jonathan L. Brendefur, Kim Bunning, and Walter G. Secada
Instructional Learning Teams: A Case Study, Jonathan L. Brendefur, Brian Whitney, Roger A. Stewart, Joshua Pfiester, and Julia Zarbnisky
The Ethical Literacy Leader: Advocating for a Model of Equity, Sherry Dismuke and Robin Sly
The Wingman Project: An Exploratory Study of School-Based Communication with Grandparents, Meghan Eliason
I Just Don't Trust Them: The Development and Validation of an Assessment Instrument to Measure Trust in Science and Scientists, Louis Nadelson, Cheryl Jorcyk, Dazhi Yang, Mary Jarratt Smith, Sam Matson, Ken Cornell, and Virginia Husting
Why I Am An Engineering Major: A Cross-Sectional Study of Undergraduate Students, Louis Nadelson, Dee K. Mooney, Janine Rush-Byers, and Nathan Dean
Where do We Go from Here?: Conversations with K-6 Principals Following Three Years of Engineering Education Professional Development for Their Faculty, Louis S. Nadelson and Janet Callahan
Place-Based STEM: Leveraging Local Resources to Engage K-12 Teachers in Teaching Integrated STEM and for Addressing the Local STEM Pipeline, Louis Nadelson, Anne Louise Seifert, and Meagan McKinney
Place Based STEM: Leveraging Local Resources to Engage K-12 Teachers in Teaching Integrated STEM and for Addressing the Local STEM Pipeline, Louis Nadelson, Anne Seifert, and Meagan McKinney
“The False Promise of Group Harmony”: The Centrality of Challenging Practices in Teachers’ Professional Development, Miriam Raider-Roth, Vicki Stieha, Mark Kohan, and Carrie Turpin
Confessions of Practice: Multidimensional Interweavings of Our Work as Teacher Educators, Jennifer L. Snow and Susan M. Martin
The Activist Learner: Inquiry, Literacy, and Service to Make Learning Matter, Jeffrey D. Wilhelm, Whitney Douglas, and Sara W. Fry
Submissions from 2013
Education Revitalization is the New Reform: Five National Classroom Trends for Idaho, Diane Boothe
Developing Mathematical Thinking: Changing Teachers’ Knowledge and Instruction, Jonathan L. Brendefur, Keith Thiede, Sam Strother, Kim Bunning, and Duane Peck
A Professional Development Program to Improve Math Skills Among Preschool Children in Head Start, Jonathan Brendefur, Sam Strother, Keith Thiede, Cristianne Lane, and Mary Jo Surges-Prokop
Four Cornerstones of Calibration Research: Why Understanding Students' Judgments Can Improve Their Achievement, John Dunlosky and Keith W. Thiede
Metamemory, John Dunlosky and Keith W. Thiede
Student Attitudes Towards and Impressions of Project Citizen, Sara Winstead Fry and Adil Bentahar
The Variables Related to Public Acceptance of Evolution in the United States, Benjamin C. Heddy and Louis S. Nadelson
The Paradox of Universal Secondary Education in Uganda, Philip P. Kelly
Beyond Educational Voyeurism: An Analysis of a Ugandan-North American Teacher Partnership Program, Philip P. Kelly and Amy Cordileone
Describing the "Supported Collaborative Teaching Model": A Designed Setting to Enhance Teacher Education, Julie M. Kittleson, Janna Dresden, and Julianne A. Wenner
Engaging Teachers in Digital Products and Processes: Interview Feature Articles, Susan D. Martin and Sherry Dismuke
The Intersection of Preservice Teachers’ Confidence, Perceptions, and Ideas for Using Instructional Technology for Teaching and Learning, Louis Nadelson, Darcie Bennett, Ezra Gwilliam, Catherine Howlett, Steve Oswalt, and Jaime Sand
Who Is Watching and Who Is Playing: Parental Engagement with Children at a Hands-On Science Center, Louis S. Nadelson
Teacher STEM Perception and Preparation: Inquiry-Based STEM Professional Development for Elementary Teachers, Louis S. Nadelson, Janet Callahan, Patricia Pyke, Anne Hay, Matthew Dance, and Joshua Pfiester
Perceptions, Engagement, and Practices of Teachers Seeking Professional Development in Place-Based Integrated STEM, Louis S. Nadelson and Anne Seifert
Where They Go for Help: Teachers' Pedagogical and Content Support Seeking Practices and Preferences, Louis S. Nadelson, Anne L. Seifert, Jill K. Hettinger, and Brad Coats
Why Did They Come Here? - The Influences and Expectations of First-Year Students’ College Experience, Louis S. Nadelson, Carrie Semmelroth, Gregory Martinez, Matthew Featherstone, Casey Alexander Fuhriman, and Andrew Sell
A Journey Toward Mastery Teaching: STEM Faculty Engagement in a Year-Long Faculty Learning Community, Louis S. Nadelson, Susan E. Shadle, and Jill K. Hettinger
Messages are Everywhere: Reading Perceptions, Habits, and Preferences of Undergraduates, Louis S. Nadelson, Amanda Villagómez, Danielle Konkol, Chris Haskell, Meleah McCulley, and Denise Campbell
Exploring the Judgment–Action Gap: College Students and Academic Dishonesty, Lori Olafson, Gregory Schraw, Louis S. Nadelson, Sandra Nadelson, and Nicolas Kehrwald
Attending to Ethical and Moral Dispositions in Teacher Education, Richard D. Osguthorpe
Teacher Candidate Beliefs About the Moral Work of Teaching, Richard D. Osguthorpe and Matthew N. Sanger
The Moral Nature of Teacher Candidate Beliefs About the Purposes of Schooling and Their Reasons for Choosing Teaching as a Career, Richard D. Osguthorpe and Matthew N. Sanger
The Moral Work of Teaching and Teacher Education: Preparing and Supporting Practitioners, Matthew N. Sanger and Richard Osguthorpe
Inquiring Into the Moral Work of Teaching and Teacher Education, Matthew N. Sanger and Richard D. Osguthorpe
Modeling as Moral Education: Documenting, Analyzing, and Addressing a Central Belief of Preservice Teachers, Matthew N. Sanger and Richard D. Osguthorpe
The Moral Vacuum in Teacher Education Research and Practice, Matthew N. Sanger and Richard D. Osguthorpe
Family Background of Beginning Education Students: Implications for Teacher Educators, Roger A. Stewart, Kenneth M. Coll, and Richard Osguthorpe
Caring in a Technology-Mediated Online High School Context, Andrea Velasquez, Charles R. Graham, and Richard Osguthorpe
Submissions from 2012
From Charity to Solidarity, Sara Fry
Learning Global Citizenship: Students and Teachers in Belize and the U.S. Take Action Together, Sara Fry, Shari Griffin, and Jean Kirshner
Writing to Learn: Benefits and Limitations, Sara Winstead Fry and Amanda Villagomez
The Tension Between Teacher Accountability and Flexibility: The Paradox of Standards-Based Reform, Louis Nadelson, Pamela Briggs, Katie Bubak, Michael Fuller, David Hammons, and Margaret Sass
Student Attitudes Toward and Recall of Outside Day: An Environmental Science Field Trip, Louis Nadelson and J. Richard Jordan
A Shifting Paradigm: Preservice Teachers' Multicultural Attitudes and Efficacy, Louis S. Nadelson, Mikaela D. Boham, Lori Conlon-Khan, Molly J. Fuentealba, Cynthia J. Hall, Gregory A. Hoetker, Diana S. Hooley, Bong Seok Jang, Kristina L. Luckey, Kelley J. Moneymaker, Matthew A. Shapiro, and A. J. Zenkert
Teaching by Design: Preparing K-12 Teachers to Use Design Across the Curriculum, Louis S. Nadelson, Anne Louise Seifert, and Jill K. Hettinger
i-STEM Summer Institute: An Integrated Approach to Teacher Professional Development in STEM, Louis S. Nadelson, Anne Seifert, Amy J. Moll, and Brad Coats
A More Fine-Grained Measure of Students' Acceptance of Evolution: Development of the Inventory of Student Evolution Acceptance—I-SEA, Louis S. Nadelson and Sherry A. Southerland
Turning High-Poverty Schools into High-Performing Schools, William H. Parrett and Kathleen Budge
Concept Mapping Improves Metacomprehension Accuracy Among 7th Graders, Joshua Redford, Keith W. Thiede, Jennifer Wiley, and Thomas Griffin
Perspektiven der Praxisforschung: Partnerschaften beim Wissensaufbau und lebenslange berufliche Entwicklung von Lehrpersonen, Jennifer Snow-Gerono and Alan John Zenkert
An Intentional Approach to Teaching Evolution, Sherry A. Southerland and Louis Nadelson
Measuring One Aspect of Teachers’ Affective States: Development of the Science Teachers' Pedagogical Discontentment Scale, Sherry A. Southerland, Louis Nadelson, Scot Sowell, Yavuz Saka, Murat Kahveci, and Ellen M. Granger
Elementary School Experience with Comprehension Testing May Influence Metacomprehension Accuracy Among Seventh and Eighth Graders, Keith W. Thiede, Joshua S. Redford, Jennifer Wiley, and Thomas D. Griffin
Submissions from 2011
Instructional Leadership and English Language Teaching Through Problem-Based Learning, Diane Boothe
Reader's Theatre, Diane Boothe and Alye Caspary
Generating Keywords Improves Metacomprehension and Self-Regulation in Elementary and Middle School Children, Anique B. H. de Bruin, Keith Thiede, Gino Camp, and Joshua Redford
Agenda-Based Regulation of Study-Time Allocation, John Dunlosky, Robert Ariel, and Keith W. Thiede
Negotiating Complex Relationships in School-University Partnerships: Befuddled, Bewildered, and Even Bemused, Cheryl A. Franklin Torrez, Jennifer L. Snow, and Susan Martin
Enhancing Preservice Elementary Teachers’ 21st Century Information and Media Literacy Skills, Sara Fry and Sara Seely
Career Changers as First-Year Teachers in Rural Schools, Sara Winstead Fry and Holly Anderson
Democratic Education Only for Some: Secondary Schooling in Northern Uganda, Philip Kelly and Stephen Odama
Developing a Life Skills Evaluation Tool for Assessing Children Ages 9-12, Kristina L. Luckey and Louis S. Nadelson
Navigating the Terrain of Third Space: Tensions with/in Relationships in School-University Partnerships, Susan D. Martin, Jennifer Snow, and Cheryl A. Franklin Torrez
A Comparison of Two Engineering Outreach Programs for Adolescents, Louis S. Nadelson and Janet M. Callahan
Living in a Materials World: Materials Science and Engineering Professional Development for K-12 Educators, Louis S. Nadelson, Amy J. Moll, and Anne Louise Seifert
Connecting Science with Engineering: Using Inquiry and Design in a Teacher Professional Development Course, Louis S. Nadelson, Patricia Pyke, Janet Callahan, Anne Hay, Joshua Pfiester, and Mark A. Emmet
Exploring Metacognitive Accuracy in Visual Search, Joshua Redford, Sean Green, Micah Geer, Michael Humphrey, and Keith W. Thiede
Teacher Education, Preservice Teacher Beliefs, and the Moral Work of Teaching, Matthew N. Sanger and Richard D. Osguthorpe
Information Literacy Follow-Through: Enhancing Pre-Service Teachers' Information Evaluation Skills Through Formative Assessment, Sara Seely, Sara Fry, and Margie Ruppel
Test Expectancy Affects Metacomprehension Accuracy, Keith W. Thiede, Jennifer Wiley, and Thomas D. Griffin
Graduate School Learning Curves: McNair Scholars' Postbaccalaureate Transitions, Scott Willison and Emily Gibson
Submissions from 2010
Instructional and Communication Tools: RSS Feeds, Holly Anderson, Constance Pollard, and Jack Hourcade
Using Music to Engage Children in Literacy and History, Sara Fry and Georgia Newlin
The Analysis of an Unsuccessful Novice Teacher’s Induction Experiences: A Case Study Presented Through Layered Account, Sara Winstead Fry
The Professional Handbook: Developing Professionalism and Reflective Skills While Connecting Theory and Practice Through Technology, Sara Winstead Fry
Once a Struggling Student…, Sara Winstead Fry and Kim DeWit
Fourth Graders as Models for Teachers: Teaching and Learning 6+1 Trait Writing as a Collaborative Experience, Sara Winstead Fry and Shari Griffin
Motivational Engagement and Video Gaming: A Mixed Methods Study, Bobby Hoffman and Louis S. Nadelson
Pedagogical Considerations that May Encourage Character Development in a Distance Education Course, Michael C. Johnson, Richard Osguthorpe, and David D. Williams
The Phenomenon of Character Development in a Distance Education Course, Michael C. Johnson, Richard Osguthorpe, and David D. Williams
Where are the Children?: Educational Neglect Across the Fifty States, Philip Kelly
Teaching Inquiry-Based STEM in the Elementary Grades Using Manipulatives: A SySTEMic Solution Report, Louis S. Nadelson, Anne Hay, Pat Pyke, Janet Callahan, and Cheryl Schrader
Bridging Research and Practice: Research Summaries for Science Educators, Louis S. Nadelson, Julie Luft, and Kathryn Scantlebury
Shifting Acceptance of Evolution: Promising Evidence of the Influence of the Understanding Evolution Website, Louis S. Nadelson and Gale M. Sinatra
Examining the Interaction of Acceptance and Understanding: How Does the Relationship Change with a Focus on Macroevolution?, Louis S. Nadelson and Sherry A. Southerland
Perceptions of the Nature of Science by Geoscience Students Experiencing Two Different Courses of Study, Louis S. Nadelson and Karen Viskupic
Course-Integrated Undergraduate Research Experiences Structured at Different Levels of Inquiry, Louis Nadelson, Linda Walters, and Jane Waterman
Students as Carers Across Three Disciplines: Quantifying Student Caring in Higher Education, Sandra Nadelson, Louis Nadelson, and Richard Osguthorpe
Decorating for NCATE, Richard Osguthorpe and Jennifer L. Snow-Gerono
Evidence of Metacognitive Control by Humans and Monkeys in a Perceptual Categorization Task, Joshua Redford
Science and Religion: Ontologically Different Epistemologies?, Gale M. Sinatra and Louis S. Nadelson
Living an Inquiry Stance Toward Teaching in School-University Partnerships, Jennifer L. Snow-Gerono
Poor Metacomprehension Accuracy as a Result of Inappropriate Cue Use, Keith W. Thiede, Thomas Griffin, Jennifer Wiley, and Mary C. M. Anderson
Submissions from 2009
Graphing Calculator Use in Algebra Teaching, Brenda L. Dewey, Ted J. Singletary, and Margaret T. Kinzel
Teaching Morally and Teaching Morality, Gary D. Fenstermacher, Richard D. Osguthorpe, and Matthew N. Sanger
Characteristics and Experiences That Contribute to Novice Elementary Teachers’ Success and Efficacy, Sara Fry
Exploring Social Studies Through Multicultural Literature: Legend of the St. Ann’s Flood, Sara Winstead Fry
On Borrowed Time: How Four Elementary Preservice Teachers Learned to Teach Social Studies in the NCLB Era, Sara Winstead Fry
Student Perceptions of Teacher Evaluations: A Proposed Model, H. Joey Gray, Louis S. Nadelson, and James A. Busser
Balancing on the Backs of Children: A Contemporary Theoretical Examination of Conflicting Claims to Educational Authority, Philip Kelly
Unexpected Journeys: A Trustee's Story, Philip P. Kelly
Teaching Evolution Concepts to Early Elementary School Students, Louis Nadelson, Rex Culp, Suzan Bunn, Ryan Burkhart, Robert Shetlar, Kellen Nixon, and James Waldron
How Can True Inquiry Happen in K-16 Science Education?, Louis S. Nadelson
Preservice Teacher Understanding and Vision of how to Teach Biological Evolution, Louis S. Nadelson
A SySTEMic Solution: Elementary Teacher Preparation in STEM Expertise and Engineering Awareness, Louis S. Nadelson, Janet Callahan, Pat Pyke, Anne Hay, and Cheryl Schrader
K-8 Educators Perceptions and Preparedness for Teaching Evolution Topics, Louis S. Nadelson and Sandra Nadelson
Development and Preliminary Evaluation of the Measure of Understanding of Macroevolution: Introducing the MUM, Louis S. Nadelson and Sherry A. Southerland
Perceptions of Education, Engineering, and Nursing Faculty Members Regarding Their Role in Helping Students Develop Professional Behavior, Sandra Nadelson, Louis Nadelson, and Richard Osguthorpe
On the Possible Forms a Relationship Might Take Between the Moral Character of a Teacher and the Moral Development of a Student, Richard Osguthorpe
Prospective Teachers’ Conceptions of Character Education and Civic Education, Richard Osguthorpe and Cheryl Franklin Torrez
Tough Questions for Tough Times, William Parrett and Kathleen Budge
Analysing the Child Development Project Using the Moral Work of Teaching Framework, Matthew Sanger and Richard Osguthorpe
Instant Integration: Just Add Water, Ted Singletary and Rickie Miller
Which Path to Educational Equity? How External Policy Influences Internal School Goals, Jennifer Snow-Gerono and Anne Gregory
Voices Less Silenced: What do Veteran Teachers Value in School–University Partnerships and Initial Teacher Preparation?, Jennifer L. Snow-Gerono
Metacognitive Monitoring During and After Reading, Keith W. Thiede, Thomas D. Griffin, Jennifer Wiley, and Joshua S. Redford
Are Federal Dollars Bearing Fruit?: An Analysis of the College Assistance Migrant Program, Scott Willison and Bong Seok Jang
Submissions from 2008
Schools in the 21st century: Changes and Implications for Boys, Holly Anderson and Jack J. Hourcade
Why Do Delayed Summaries Improve Metacomprehension Accuracy?, Mary C. M. Anderson and Keith W. Thiede
Saving our Students, Saving our Schools: 50 Proven Strategies for Revitalizing At-Risk Students and Low-Performing Schools, Robert D. Barr and William H. Parrett
Local Revenue: Making a Difference in College Readiness, Christian A. Busnardo and Philip P. Kelly
Managing the Classroom: Creating a Culture for Middle and Secondary Teaching and Learning, Billie J. Enz, Connie J. Honaker, and Sharon A. Kortman
Managing the Classroom: Creating a Culture for Primary and Elementary Teaching and Learning, Billie J. Enz, Sharon A. Kortman, and Connie J. Honaker
Understanding Early Literacy Learning in the Inclusive Classroom, Anne Gregory and Jennifer L. Snow-Gerono
Individual Differences, Rereading, and Self-Explanation: Concurrent Processing and Cue Validity as Constraints on Metacomprehension Accuracy, Thomas D. Griffin, Jennifer Wiley, and Keith W. Thiede
Transformative Education for Culturally Diverse Learners Through Narrative and Ethnography, Aileen Hale, Jennifer Snow-Gerono, and Fernanda Morales
Educational Professionals’ Knowledge and Acceptance of Evolution, Louis S. Nadelson and Gale M. Sinatra
On the Reasons We Want Teachers of Good Disposition and Moral Character, Richard D. Osguthorpe
Lifestyle Physical Activity of Older Rural Women, Donna J. Plonczynski, JoEllen Wilbur, Janet L. Larson, and Keith W. Thiede
Following Up with Professional Development School Graduates: An Emergent Theory of Novice Teacher Leadership, Jennifer Snow-Gerono, N. F. Dana, and J. Nolan
Locating Supervision—A Reflective Framework for Negotiating Tensions Within Conceptual and Procedural Foci for Teacher Development, Jennifer L. Snow-Gerono
Portraits of an Inquiry Stance Toward Teaching: Exploring Explicit Relationships Between Inquiry and PDS, Jennifer L. Snow-Gerono
Subject, Self, and Social for Leadership of Place, Jennifer L. Snow-Gerono and Kathleen Budge
Books from 2007
The Kids Left Behind: Catching Up the Underachieving Children of Poverty, Robert D. Barr and William H. Parrett
Perceptions of Teaching in an Environment of Standardized Testing: Voices from the Field, Cheryl A. Franklin and Jennifer L. Snow-Gerono
“Like Produces Like”: John Heyl Vincent and His 19th Century Theory of Character Education, Catherine Ganiere, Scott L. Howell, and Richard Osguthorpe
The Scholarship of Educational Foundations: What Does It Imply for Teaching a Course?, Richard D. Osguthorpe
Instructional Design as a Living Practice: Toward a Conscience of Craft, Russell T. Osguthorpe and Richard D. Osguthorpe
Democratic Education Through Curriculum Work, Jennifer L. Snow-Gerono
Accountability Systems' Narrowing Effect on Curriculum in the United States: A Report Within an Elementary Education Teacher Certification Program, Jennifer L. Snow-Gerono and Cheryl A. Franklin
Submissions from 2006
Understanding Urban School Culture: In/Exclusion Within Yearbook Discourses, R. Antrop-Gonzalez, Debra M. Freedman, Jennifer L. Snow-Gerono, Anne L. Slonaker, Pey-chewn Duo, and Hsiu-Ping Huang
Deconstructing Inquiry in the Professional Development School: Exploring the Domains and Contents of Teachers' Questions, Nancy Fichtman Dana, Diane Yendol-Hoppey, and Jennifer L. Snow-Gerono
Teacher Education in an Era of Standardization and Accountability: Elementary School Teachers Share their Perceptions of Teaching and Mentoring in an Environment of Testing, Cheryl A. Franklin and Jennifer L. Snow-Gerono
Yearbook Discourse In/Ex-Clusion: Excavating Identity and Memory, Debra M. Freedman, Jennifer L. Snow-Gerono, Anne L. Slonaker, Rene Antrop Gonzalez, Pey-chewn Duo, and Hsiu-Ping Huang
Listening to Children Think Critically about Christopher Columbus, Mary Beth Henning, Jennifer L. Snow-Gerono, Diane Reed, and Amy Warner
Education by Design: Connecting Engineering and Elementary Education, Rickie Miller and Elisa H. Barney Smith
Mentor Teachers Share Views on NCLB Implementation, Jennifer L. Snow-Gerono and Cheryl A. Franklin
Submissions from 2005
Engineering for Educators, Elisa Barney Smith and Rickie Miller
A Factious Analogous Analysis of No Child Left Behind Through the Lens of Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix, Anne Gregory, Mary Ann Rawley, Lawrence R. Rogien, Jennifer Snow, and Debra L. Yates
Naming Inquiry: PDS Teachers' Perceptions of Teacher Research and Living an Inquiry Stance toward Teaching, Jennifer L. Snow-Gerono
Professional Development in a Culture of Inquiry: PDS Teachers Identify the Benefits of Professional Learning Communities, Jennifer L. Snow-Gerono
Understanding the Delayed-Keyword Effect on Metacomprehension Accuracy, Keith Thiede, John Dunlosky, Thomas D. Griffin, and Jennifer Wiley
Putting the Comprehension in Metacomprehension, Jennifer Wiley, Thomas D. Griffin, and Keith Thiede
Submissions from 2004
Authentic Pedagogy and the Novice Teacher: Acculturating Teachers into a Reflective Practice, Jonathan L. Brendefur and Anne E. Gregory
Causes and Constraints of the Shift-to-Easier-Materials Effect in the Control of Study, John Dunlosky and Keith W. Thiede
Accountability in Collaboration: A Framework for Evaluation, Jack Hourcade, Phil Parette, and Holly L. Anderson
Finding our Discursive Selves: Examining Positionality and (Silent) Voices in School-University Partnerships, Jennifer L. Snow-Gerono and Anne L. Slonaker
Preparing Economic Educators for a New Era: An Interdisciplinary Model Yields Teacher and Student Gains, Scott Willison and Philip P. Kelly
Books from 2003
Saving our Students, Saving our Schools : 50 Proven Strategies for Revitalizing At-Risk Students and Low-Performing Schools, Robert D. Barr and William H. Parrett
Changing the Culture of Teaching, Anne E. Gregory and Jonathan L. Brendefur
Cultural Sensitivity in Technology Selection, Jack J. Hourcade and Holly Anderson
Submissions from 2002
Decentralisation of Professional Development: Teachers' Decisions and Dilemmas, Philip P. Kelly and Mcdiarmid G. Williamson
Ethical Considerations for Teachers in the Evaluation of Other Teachers, Kenneth D. Peterson, Philip Kelly, and Micki Caskey
Submissions from 2001
The Importance of Teacher Literacy: A Survey of Educators, Holly Anderson and Jack J. Hourcade
Submissions from 2000
Teacher Peer Review Recommendations, Philip Kelly