"Beyond Educational Voyeurism: An Analysis of a Ugandan-North American " by Philip P. Kelly and Amy Cordileone

Document Type


Publication Date

Summer 2013


Beyond simply watching teachers in international settings as tourists might, teachers in a Ugandan-North American international teacher partnership program went further, reflecting on the social/political contexts within which they taught. Teachers’ surveys and reflections are analyzed for factors addressing the successful negotiation of both teaching and relationship making across the cultural, pedagogical and political divides that separate them. In the midst of the international teacher partnership program, concerns arose regarding teacher-centered pedagogy and student passivity as after effects of Uganda’s colonial education system.

Copyright Statement

This document was originally published by SPREAD Corporation in African Journal of Teacher Education. This work is provided under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 License. Details regarding the use of this work can be found at: http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/.
