
Submissions from 2023


Assessing Controls on Ice Dynamics at Crane Glacier, Antarctic Peninsula, Using a Numerical Ice Flow Model, Rainey Aberle, Ellyn M. Enderlin, Hans-Peter Marshall, Michal Kopera, and Tate G. Meehan


May Graduation, Samuel Coskey


The Local Structure of Injective LOT-Complexes, Jens Harlander and Stephan Rosebrock


Understanding Graph Neural Networks with Generalized Geometric Scattering Transforms, Michael Perlmutter, Alexander Tong, Feng Gao, Guy Wolf, and Matthew Hirn

Submissions from 2022


Efficient Assessment of Students’ Proportional Reasoning, Michele Carney, Katie Paulding, and Joe Champion


Relative Primeness and Borel Partition Properties for Equivalence Relations, John D. Clemens


New Jump Operators on Equivalence Relations, John D. Clemens and Samuel Coskey


Joint Full-Waveform Ground-Penetrating Radar and Electrical Resistivity Inversion Applied to Field Data Acquired on the Surface, Diego Domenzain, John Bradford, and Jodi Mead


Implicit Surface Reconstruction with a Curl-Free Radial Basis Function Partition of Unity Method, Kathryn P. Drake, Edward J. Fuselier, and Grady B. Wright


Evaluating an Explicit Instruction Teacher Observation Protocol Through a Validity Argument Approach, Evelyn S. Johnson, Yuzhu Zheng, Angela R. Crawford, and Laura A. Moylan


TCR-L: An Analysis Tool for Evaluating the Association Between the T-Cell Receptor Repertoire and Clinical Phenotypes, Meiling Liu, Juna Goo, Yang Liu, Wei Sun, Michael C. Wu, Li Hsu, and Qianchuan He


A Systematic Review of Research Syntheses for Students with Mathematics Learning Disabilities and Difficulties, Gena Nelson, Angela Crawford, and Jessica Hunt


A Systematic Review of Research Syntheses on Students with Mathematics Learning Disabilities and Difficulties, Gena Nelson, Angela Crawford, Jessica Hunt, Soyoung Park, Emily Leckie, Alex Duarte, Tasia Brafford, Mary Ramos-Duke, and Kary Zarate


Reporting Quality in Math Meta-Analyses for Students with or at Risk of Disabilities, Gena Nelson, Soyoung Park, Tasia Brafford, Nicole A. Heller, Angela R. Crawford, and Kevallyn R. Drake

Submissions from 2021


Countable Dimensionality, a Game and the Haver Property, Liljana Babinkostova and Marion Scheepers


Efficient Inversion of 2.5D Electrical Resistivity Data Using the Discrete Adjoint Method, Diego Domenzain, John Bradford, and Jodi Mead


A Partition of Unity Method for Divergence-Free or Curl-Free Radial Basis Function Approximation, Kathryn P. Drake, Edward J. Fuselier, and Grady B. Wright


Identifying ATT&CK Tactics in Android Malware Control Flow Graph Through Graph Representation Learning and Interpretability, Jeffrey Fairbanks, Andres Orbe, Christine Patterson, Janet Layne, Edoardo Serra, and Marion Scheepers


Does Special Educator Effectiveness Vary Depending on the Observation Instrument Used?, Evelyn S. Johnson, Angela R. Crawford, Yuzhu Zheng, and Laura A. Moylan


The Relationship of Special Education Teacher Performance on Observation Instruments with Student Outcomes, Evelyn S. Johnson, Yuzhu Zheng, Angela R. Crawford, and Laura A. Moylan


Homflypt Skein Theory, String Topology and 2-Categories, Uwe Kaiser


Lag Time Between State-Level Policy Interventions and Change Points in COVID-19 Outcomes in the United States, Jaechoul Lee


Long-Term Trend Analysis of Extreme Coastal Sea Levels with Changepoint Detection, Mintaek Lee and Jaechoul Lee


Lessons Learned from Creating Videos for Online Video-Based Instructional Modules in Mathematics Teacher Education, Patrick R. Lowenthal and Laurie O. Cavey


Using Think-Alouds for Response Process Evidence of Teacher Attentiveness, Ya Mo, Michele Carney, Laurie Cavey, and Tatia Totorica


Copula Density Estimation by Finite Mixture of Parametric Copula Densities, Leming Qu and Yang Lu


An Efficient High-Order Meshless Method for Advection-Diffusion Equations on Time-Varying Irregular Domains, Varun Shankar, Grady B. Wright, and Aaron L. Fogelson


Side-Channel Leakage Assessment Metrics: A Case Study of GIFT Block Ciphers, William Unger, Liljana Babinkostova, Mike Borowczak, and Robert Erbes

Submissions from 2020


Extending a Catalog of Mock and Quantum Modular Forms to an Infinite Class, Allison Arnold-Roksandich, Brian Diaz, Erin Ellefsen, and Holly Swisher


Meager Sets, Games and Singular Cardinals, Liljana Babinkostova and Marion Scheepers


A Bound for the Waring Rank of the Determinant via Syzygies, Mats Boij and Zach Teitler

VCAST Learning Modules: A Functions & Modeling Course Innovation, Laurie O. Cavey, Jason Libberton, Tatia Totorica, Michele Carney, and Patrick R. Lowenthal


The Classification of Countable Models of Set Theory, John Clemens, Samuel Coskey, and Samuel Dworetzky


Joint Inversion of Full-Waveform Ground-Penetrating Radar and Electrical Resistivity Data: Part 1, Diego Domenzain, John Bradford, and Jodi Mead


Joint Inversion of Full-Waveform Ground-Penetrating Radar and Electrical Resistivity Data — Part 2: Enhancing Low Frequencies with the Envelope Transform and Cross Gradients, Diego Domenzain, John Bradford, and Jodi Mead


Efficacy of the eCHECKUP TO GO for High School Seniors: Sex Differences in Risk Factors, Protective Behavioral Strategies, and Alcohol Use, Diana M. Doumas, Susan Esp, Rob Turrisi, Laura Bond, and Brian Flay


A Fast and Accurate Algorithm for Spherical Harmonic Analysis on HEALPix Grids with Applications to the Cosmic Microwave Background Radiation, Kathryn P. Drake and Grady B. Wright


Quantifying CDS Sortability of Permutations by Strategic Pile Size, Marisa Gaetz, Bethany Flanagan, Marion Scheepers, and Meghan Shanks


Directed Diagrammatic Reducibility, Jens Harlander and Stephan Rosebrock


Perspective on Coarse-Graining, Cognitive Load, and Materials Simulation, Eric Jankowski, Nealee Ellyson, Jenny W. Fothergill, Michael M. Henry, Mitchell H. Leibowitz, Evan D. Miller, Mone't Alberts, Jamie D. Guevara, Chris D. Jones, Mia Klopfenstein, Kendra K. Noneman, Rachel Singleton, and Matthew L. Jones


Validity of a Special Education Teacher Observation System, Evelyn S. Johnson, Angela Crawford, Laura A. Moylan, and Yuzhu Zheng


Trend Assessment for Daily Snow Depths with Changepoint Considerations, J. Lee, R. Lund, J. Woody, and Y. Xu


Trend and Return Level of Extreme Snow Events in New York City, Mintaek Lee and Jaechoul Lee


Cyber-Physical Systems Security Introductory Course for STEM Students, Sin Ming Loo and Liljana Babinkostova


Joint Inversion of Compact Operators, Jodi L. Mead and James F. Ford


A Robust Hyperviscosity Formulation for Stable RBF-FD Discretizations of Advection-Diffusion-Reaction Equations on Manifolds, Varun Shankar, Grady B. Wright, and Akil Narayan

Submissions from 2019


Outcomes of Participation in a Community-Based Physical Activity Program, Michelle Arnett, Sarah E. Toevs, Laura Bond, and Elisabeth Hannah


Anomalous Primes and the Elliptic Korselt Criterion, L. Babinkostova, J. C. Bahr, Y. H. Kim, E. Neyman, and G. K. Taylor


Selective Versions of θ-Density, L. Babinkostova, B. A. Pansera, and M. Scheepers


Bottle Filling Task Reasoning: A Comparison of Matching Versus Constructed Student Responses, Dominique Banner and Laurie Overman Cavey


Air Pollution, Combustion and Friction Derived Nanoparticles, and Alzheimer’s Disease in Urban Children and Young Adults, Lilian Calderón-Garcidueñas, Angélica González-Maciel, Randy J. Kulesza, Luis Oscar González-González, Rafael Reynoso-Robles, Partha S. Mukherjee, and Ricardo Torres-Jardón

Developing a Construct Map for Teacher Attentiveness, Michele B. Carney, Tatia Totorica, Laurie O. Cavey, and Patrick R. Lowenthal


Elementary School Student Development of STEM Attitudes and Perceived Learning in a STEM Integrated Robotics Curriculum, Yu-Hui Ching, Dazhi Yang, Sasha Wang, Youngkyun Baek, Steve Swanson, and Bhaskar Chittoori


On the Classification of Vertex-Transitive Structures, John Clemens, Samuel Coskey, and Stephanie Potter


Conjugacy for Homogeneous Ordered Graphs, Samuel Coskey and Paul Ellis


Variance and Reliability in Special Educator Observation Rubrics, Angela R. Crawford, Evelyn S. Johnson, Laura A. Moylan, and Yuzhu Zheng


Estimating Optimal Additive Content for Soil Stabilization Using Machine Learning Methods, Amit Gajurel, Partha Sarathi Mukherjee, and Bhaskar Chittoori


Developing an Explicit Instruction Special Education Teacher Observation Rubric, Evelyn S. Johnson, Yuzhu Zheng, Angela R. Crawford, and Laura A. Moylan

Learning Through Practice: Doing Statistics, Kathrine Johnson

Learning Through Practice: Statistical Reasoning, Kathrine Johnson


An All-Optical Excitonic Switch Operated in the Liquid and Solid Phases, Donald L. Kellis, Brittany L. Cannon, Paul H. Davis, Elton Graugnard, Jeunghoon Lee, Ryan D. Pensack, Bernard Yurke, and William B. Knowlton

Mild Cognitive Impairment and Dementia Involving Multiple Cognitive Domains in Mexican Urbanites, Partha S. Mukherjee


On a Hypothesis for ℵ0-Bounded Groups, Marion Scheepers


HIGH Expression of OSM and IL-6 Are Associated with Decreased Breast Cancer Survival: Synergistic Induction of IL-6 Secretion by OSM and IL-1β, Ken Tawara, Hannah Scott, Jacqueline Emathinger, Cody Wolf, Dollie LaJoie, Danielle Hedeen, Laura Bond, and Cheryl Jorcyk


Using Literature to Engage Students Mathematically, Ann Wheeler, Joe Champion, and Holly Dybvig

Submissions from 2018


Intra-Abdominal Complications Following Intestinal Anastomoses by Suture and Staple Techniques in Dogs, Laura Bond


The Crux: Promoting Success in Calculus II, Doug Bullock, Janet Callahan, and Jocelyn B. S. Cullers

Mapping Student Reasoning in Support of Mathematics Teacher Candidate Digital Learning, Laurie Cavey, Tatia Totorica, Michele Carney, Patrick Lowenthal, and Jason Libberton

Video Case Analysis of Students’ Mathematical Thinking: Initial Development Process, Laurie Cavey, Tatia Totorica, Michele Carney, Patrick R. Lowenthal, and Jason Libberton


Evaluating Active Learning with Cost and Memory Awareness, Dmitry Duplyakin, Jed Brown, and Donna Calhoun


Geophysical Imaging of Subsurface Structures with Least Squares Estimates, Hank Hetrick and Jodi Mead


Secondary Mathematics Teachers’ Planned Approaches For Teaching Standard Deviation, Maryann E. Huey, Joe Champion, Stephanie Casey, and Nicholas H. Wasserman


Efficient Blind Image Deblurring Using Nonparametric Regression and Local Pixel Clustering, Yicheng Kang, Partha Sarathi Mukherjee, and Peihua Qiu


Immunogenicity of a Staphylococcus aureus-Cholera Toxin A2/B Vaccine for Bovine Mastitis, N. Misra, T. F. Wines, C. L. Knopp, R. Hermann, L. Bond, and J. K. Tinker


Alzheimer’s Disease and Alpha-Synuclein Neuropathology in the Olfactory Bulbs Of Children and Young Adults ≤40years Exposed to High Levels of Fine Particulate Matter Air Pollution in Metropolitan Mexico City: APOE4 Carriers at Higher Risk of Suicide Accelerate Their Olfactory Bulb Damage, Partha S. Mukherjee


Hallmarks of Alzheimer Disease are Evolving Relentlessly in Metropolitan Mexico City Infants, Children and Young Adults. APOE4 Carriers Have Higher Suicide Risk and Higher Odds of Reaching NFT Stage V at ≤ 40 Years of Age, Partha S. Mukherjee


Non-Phosphorylated Tau in Cerebrospinal Fluid is a Marker of Alzheimer’s Disease Continuum in Young Urbanites Exposed to Air Pollution, Partha S. Mukherjee


Mesh-Free Semi-Lagrangian Methods for Transport on a Sphere Using Radial Basis Functions, Varun Shankar and Grady B. Wright


Improving the Accuracy of Teachers' Judgments of Student Learning, Keith W. Thiede, Jonathan L. Brendefur, Michele B. Carney, Joe Champion, Lindsey Turner, Roger Stewart, and Richard D. Osguthorpe


An Algorithm for Partial Functional Differential Equations Modeling Tumor Growth, B. Zubik-Kowal

Submissions from 2017


Sorting Permutations: Games, Genomes, and Cycles, K. L. M. Adamyk, E. Holmes, G. R. Mayfield, D. J. Moritz, M. Scheepers, B. E. Tenner, and H. C. Wauck


The Combinatorics of GLn Generalized Gelfand–Graev Characters, Scott Andrews and Nathaniel Thiem


An Exploration of a Quantitative Reasoning Instructional Approach to Linear Equations in Two Variables with Community College Students, Paul T. Belue, Laurie Overman Cavey, and Margaret T. Kinzel


The Fundamental Theorem on Symmetric Polynomials: History's First Whiff of Galois Theory, Ben Blum-Smith and Samuel Coskey


Subinhibitory Dalbavancin Attenuates Exotoxin Production from Methicillin-Sensitive and Methicillin-Resistant Staphylococcus aureus in vitro, Laura Bond


Calculus Reform: Increasing STEM Retention and Post-Requisite Course Success While Closing the Retention Gap for Women and Underrepresented Minority Students, Doug Bullock, Janet Callahan, and Jocelyn B. S. Cullers


Downward Transference of Mice and Universality of Local Core Models, Andrés Eduardo Caicedo and Martin Zeman


Combustion-Derived Nanoparticles, the Neuroenteric System, Cervical Vagus, Hyperphosphorylated Alpha Synuclein and Tau in Young Mexico City Residents, Lilian Calderón-Garcidueñas, Rafael Reynoso-Robles, Beatriz Pérez-Guillé, Partha S. Mukherjee, and Angélica Gónzalez-Maciel


Assessing Teacher Attentiveness to Student Mathematical Thinking, Michele B. Carney, Laurie Cavey, and Gwyneth Hughes


Dichotomy Theorems for Families of Non-Cofinal Essential Complexity, John D. Clemens, Dominique Lecomte, and Benjamin D. Miller


Cardinal Characteristics and Countable Borel Equivalence Relations, Samuel Coskey and Scott Schneider


A Radial Basis Function Method for Computing Helmholtz-Hodge Decompositions, Edward J. Fuselier and Grady B. Wright


Combustion-Derived Nanoparticles in Key Brain Target Cells and Organelles in Young Urbanites: Culprit Hidden in Plain Sight in Alzheimer’s Disease Development, Angélica González-Maciel, Rafael Reynoso-Robles, RIcardo Torres-Jardón, Partha S. Mukherjee, and Lilian Calderón-Garcidueñas


The Role of Examples in Teaching, Margaret T. Kinzel and Laurie O. Cavey


Prescribed Fire Effects on Activity and Movement of Cattle in Mesic Sagebrush Steppe, Jaechoul Lee and Kyungduk Ko


A Radial Basis Function (RBF) Compact Finite Difference (FD) Scheme for Reaction-Diffusion Equations on Surfaces, Erik Lehto, Varun Shankar, and Grady B. Wright


Am I a STEM Professional? Documenting STEM Student Professional Identity Development, Sharon Paterson McGuire, Kirsten A. Davis, Arvin Farid, Kimberly K. Hardy, Yu-Chang Hsu, Uwe Kaiser, Rajesh Nagarajan, and Sasha Wang


Exposures to Fine Particulate Matter and Ozone Above USA Standards are Associated with Auditory Brainstem Dysmorphology and Delayed Auditory Brainstem Evoked Potentials in Healthy Dogs, Partha S. Mukherjee


A Multi-Resolution and Adaptive 3-D Image Denoising Framework with Applications in Medical Imaging, Partha Sarathi Mukherjee


The Emergence of Earliest Angiosperms May be Earlier than Fossil Evidence Indicates, James F. Smith, Laura Bond, and Jay Zimmers


Statistics as Unbiased Estimators: Exploring the Teaching of Standard Deviation, Nicholas H. Wasserman, Stephanie Casey, Joe Champion, and Maryann Huey


Stable Computations with Flat Radial Basis Functions Using Vector-Valued Rational Approximations, Grady B. Wright and Bengt Fornberg

Submissions from 2016


Evaluation of NASA's MERRA Precipitation Product in Reproducing the Observed Trend and Distribution of Extreme Precipitation Events in the United States, Hamed Ashouri, Soroosh Sorooshian, Kuo-Lin Hsu, Michael G. Bosilovich, Jaechoul Lee, Michael F. Wehner, and Allison Collow


Longitudinal Success of Calculus I Reform, Doug Bullock, Kathrine E. Johnson, and Janet Callahan


Clawpack: Building an Open Source Ecosystem for Solving Hyperbolic PDEs, Donna Calhoun


Calculus Students’ Ideas About Functions: Identifying Opportunities to Support Teacher Learning, Laurie Overman Cavey and Patrick R. Lowenthal


The Conjugacy Problem for Automorphism Groups of Countable Homogeneous Structures, Samuel Coskey and Paul Ellis


Arithmagons and Geometrically Invariant Multiplicative Integer Partitions, J. A. Franco, J. Champion, and J. W. Lyons


A High-Order Radial Basis Function (RBF) Leray Projection Method for the Solution of the Incompressible Unsteady Stokes Equations, Edward J. Fuselier, Varun Shankar, and Grady B. Wright


Baire Spaces and Infinite Games, Fred Galvin and Marion Scheepers


Using Ciliate Operations to Construct Chromosome Phylogenies, Jacob L. Herlin, Anna Nelson, and Marion Scheepers


Maximum Waring Ranks of Monomials and Sums of Coprime Monomials, Erik Holmes, Paul Plummer, Jeremy Siegert, and Zach Teitler


A US-China Interview Study: Biology Students' Argumentation and Explanation About Energy Consumption Issues, Hui Jin, Hayat Hokayem, Sasha Wang, and Xin Wei


An Efficient Generalized Least Squares Algorithm for Periodic Trended Regression with Autoregressive Errors, Jaechoul Lee, Anthony Dini, and William Negri


Improving Middle Grades STEM Teacher Content Knowledge and Pedagogical Practices Through a School-University Partnership, Cherie McCollough, Tonya Jeffery, Kim Moore, and Joe Champion


Prefrontal White Matter Pathology in Air Pollution Exposed Mexico City Young Urbanites and Their Potential Impact on Neurovascular Unit Dysfunction and the Development of Alzheimer’s Disease, Partha S. Mukherjee


On Phase II Monitoring of the Probability Distributions of Univariate Continuous Processes, Partha Sarathi Mukherjee


Decompositions of Ideals of Minors Meeting a Submatrix, Kent M. Neuerburg and Zach Teitler


Support Model for Transfer Students Utilizing the STEM Scholarship Program, Lynn Olson, Amy J. Moll, Doug Bullock, Amit Jain, and Janet Callahan


Teaching Math to Deaf/Hard-of-Hearing (DHH) Children Using Mobile Games: Outcomes with Student and Teacher Perspectives, Brett E. Shelton and Mary Ann Parlin


Computing with Functions in Spherical and Polar Geometries I. The Sphere, Alex Townsend, Heather Wilber, and Grady B. Wright


Discourse Perspective of Geometric Thoughts, Sasha Wang

Stretching Probability Explorations with Geoboards, Ann Wheeler and Joe Champion

Submissions from 2015


Coherent Calculus Course Design: Creating Faculty Buy-In for Student Success, Doug Bullock, Janet Callahan, and Susan E. Shadle


A Refinement of Michener’s Example Classification, Laurie O. Cavey and Margaret T. Kinzel


Lower Bound for Ranks of Invariant Forms, Harm Derksen and Zach Teitler


Selective Games on Binary Relations, Rodrigo R. Dias and Marion Scheepers

Learning About Functions Through Learner-Generated Examples, Martha O. Dinkelman and Laurie O. Cavey


Radial Basis Function-Generated Finite Differences: A Mesh-Free Method for Computational Geosciences, Natasha Flyer, Grady B. Wright, and Bengt Fornberg


Order-Preserving Derivative Approximation with Periodic Radial Basis Functions, Edward Fuselier and Grady B. Wright


DNA Topology Influences Molecular Machine Lifetime in Human Serum, Sara Goltry, Natalya Hallstrom, Tyler Clark, Wan Kuang, Jeunghoon Lee, Cheryl Jorcyk, William B. Knowlton, Bernard Yurke, William L. Hughes, and Elton Graugnard


Aspherical Word Labeled Oriented Graphs and Cyclically Presented Groups, Jens Harlander and Stephan Rosebrock


Orthogonal Decomposition Methods to Analyze PIV, LDV, and Thermography Data of Thermally Driven Rotating Annulus Laboratory Experiments, Uwe Harlander, Thomas von Larcher, Grady B. Wright, Michael Hoff, Kiril Alexandrov, and Christoph Egbers


How Do U.S. and Chinese Biology Students Compare in Explaining Energy Consumption Issues?, Hui Jin, Hayat Hokayem, Sasha Wang, and Xin Wei


Lacing Together Mathematics and Culture, Denise L. Mirich and Laurie O. Cavey


A Critical Proton MR Spectroscopy Marker of Alzheimer Early Neurodegenerative Change: Low Hippocampal NAA/Cr Ratio Impacts APOE 4 Mexico City Children and Their Parents., Partha S. Mukherjee


Mexico City Normal Weight Children Exposed to High Concentrations of Ambient PM2.5 Show High Blood Leptin and Endothelin-1, Vitamin D Deficiency, and Food Reward Hormone Dysregulation versus Low Pollution Controls. Relevance for Obesity and Alzheimer Disease, Partha S. Mukherjee


Image Denoising by a Local Clustering Framework, Partha Sarathi Mukherjee and Peihua Qiu


Clinical Study and Numerical Simulation of Brain Cancer Dynamics Under Radiotherapy, S. Nawrocki and B. Zubik-Kowal


Air Pollution and Children: Neural and Tight Junction Antibodies and Combustion Metals, the Role of Barrier Breakdown and Brain Immunity in Neurodegeneration, Partha Sarathi-Mukherjee


Augmenting the Immersed Boundary Method with Radial Basis Functions (RBFs) for the Modeling of Platelets in Hemodynamic Flows, Varun Shankar, Grady B. Wright, Robert M. Kirby, and Aaron L. Fogelson


Castelnuovo–Mumford Regularity and Arithmetic Cohen–Macaulayness of Complete Bipartite Subspace Arrangements, Zach Teitler and Douglas A. Torrence


Identifying Similar Polygons: Comparing Prospective Teachers’ Routines with a Mathematician’s, Sasha Wang

It's Elementary: A Parent's Guide to K-5 Mathematics, Joy W. Whitenack, Laurie O. Cavey, and Catherine Henney


Extension of Chebfun to Periodic Functions, Grady B. Wright, Mohsin Javed, Hadrien Montanelli, and Lloyd N. Trefethen

Submissions from 2014


The Axiom Scheme of Acyclic Comprehension, Zuhair Al-Johar, M. Randall Holmes, and Nathan Bowler


On the Sensitivity of 3-D Thermal Convection Codes to Numerical Discretization: A Model Intercomparison, P.-A. Arrial, N. Flyer, G. B. Wright, and L. H. Kellogg


Algebraic Properties of Generalized Rijndael-Like Ciphers, L. Babinkostova, Kevin W. Bombardier, Matthew M. Cole, Thomas A. Morrell, and Cory B. Scott


A Standard Test Case Suite for Two-Dimensional Linear Transport on the Sphere: Results from a Collection of State-of-the-Art Schemes, D. Calhoun


From Whole Numbers to Invert and Multiply, Laurie O. Cavey and Margaret T. Kinzel

Revisit Pattern Blocks to Develop Rational Number Sense, Joe Champion and Ann Wheeler


Prescribed Fire Effects on Resource Selection by Cattle in Mesic Sagebrush Steppe. Part 1: Spring Grazing, Patrick E. Clark, Jaechoul Lee, Kyungduk Ko, Ryan M. Nielson, Douglas E. Johnson, David C. Ganskopp, Joe Chigbrow, Frederick B. Pierson, and Stuart P. Hardegree


Automorphisms of Cornoa Algebras, and Group Cohomology, Samuel Coskey and Ilijas Farah


Arithmetic Toric Varieties, E. Javier Elizondo, Paulo Lima-Filho, Frank Sottile, and Zach Teitler


Kernel Based Quadrature on Spheres and Other Homogeneous Spaces, E. Fuselier, T. Hangelbroek, F. J. Narcowich, J. D. Ward, and G. B. Wright


On Hereditarily Small Sets in ZF, M. Randall Holmes


On Constructions of Generalized Skein Modules, Uwe Kaiser


Trends in Extreme U.S. Temperatures, Jaechoul Lee, Shanghong Li, and Robert Lund


Numerical Simulation of Diffusion MRI Signals Using an Adaptive Time-Stepping Method, Jing-Rebecca Li, Donna Calhoun, Cyril Poupon, and Denis Le Bihan


I Just Don't Trust Them: The Development and Validation of an Assessment Instrument to Measure Trust in Science and Scientists, Louis Nadelson, Cheryl Jorcyk, Dazhi Yang, Mary Jarratt Smith, Sam Matson, Ken Cornell, and Virginia Husting

The Combinatorics of Open Covers, Masami Sakai and Marion Scheepers


Remarks on Countable Tightness, Marion Scheepers


Estimating Unsaturated Hydraulic Functions for Coarse Sediment from a Field-Scale Infiltration Experiment, Michael J. Thoma, Warren Barrash, Michael C. Cardiff, John Bradford, and Jodi Mead


The Prevalence of Antibodies Against Wheat and Milk Proteins in Blood Donors and Their Contribution to Neuroimmune Reactivities, Aristo Vojdani, Datis Kharrazian, and Partha Sarathi Mukherjee


How Do They Know It Is a Parallelogram? Analysing Geometric Discourse at Van Hiele Level 3, Sasha Wang and Margaret Kinzel


The Role of Framing in Productive Classroom Discussions: A Case for Teacher Learning, Joy W. Whitenack, Laurie O. Cavey, and Aimee J. Ellington


A Fast Parallel Algorithm for Delay Partial Differential Equations Modeling the Cell Cycle in Cell Lines Derived from Human Tumors, Barbara Zubik-Kowal


Numerical Algorithm for the Growth of Human Tumor Cells and Their Responses to Therapy, Barbara Zubik-Kowal

Submissions from 2013


Weak Covering Properties and Selection Principles, L. Babinkostova, B. A. Pansera, and Marion Scheepers


Waring Decompositions of Monomials, Weronika Buczyńska, Jarosław Buczyński, and Zach Teitler


On the Dehn Complex of Virtual Links, Rachel Byrd and Jens Harlander


Navigating the Seas of Mathematics Education: New Waves in Research to Improve Student Learning, Jinfa Cai and Sasha Wang


Ioana's Superrigidity Theorem and Orbit Equivalence Relations, Samuel Coskey

Infinite Time Turing Machines and an Application to the Hierarchy of Equivalence Relations on the Reals, Samuel Coskey and Joel David Hamkins


Borel Tukey Morphisms and Combinatorial Cardinal Invariants of the Continuum, Samuel Coskey, Tamás Mátrai, and Juris Steprāns


An Interface-Capturing Regularization Method for Solving the Equations for Two-Fluid Mixtures, Jian Du, Robert D. Guy, Aaron L. Fogelson, Grady B. Wright, and James P. Keener


A High-Order Kernel Method for Diffusion and Reaction-Diffusion Equations on Surfaces, Edward J. Fuselier and Grady B. Wright


Localized Bases for Kernel Spaces on the Unit Sphere, E. Fuselier, T. Hangelbroek, F. J. Narcowich, J. D. Ward, and G. B. Wright


Borel's Conjecture in Topological Groups, Fred Galvin and Marion Scheepers


A Wavelet-Based Bayesian Approach to Regression Models with Long Memory Errors and Its Application to fMRI Data, Jaesik Jeong, Marina Vannucci, and Kyungduk Ko


Numerical Simulations for Tumor and Cellular Immune System Interactions in Lung Cancer Treatment, M. Kolev, S. Nawrocki, and Barbara Zubik-Kowal


Discontinuous Parameter Estimates with Least Squares Estimators, J. L. Mead


x2 Tests for the Choice of the Regularization Parameter in Nonlinear Inverse Problems, J. L. Mead and C. C. Hammerquist


Flavonol-Rich Dark Cocoa Significantly Decreases Plasma Endothelin-1 and Improves Cognition in Urban Children, Partha S. Mukherjee


Efficient Bias Correction for Magnetic Resonance Image Denoising, Partha Sarathi Mukherjee and Peihua Qiu

High Rayleigh Number Mantle Convection on GPU, David A. Sanchez, Christopher Gonzalez, David A. Yuen, Grady B. Wright, and Gregory A. Barnett


A Study of Different Modeling Choices for Simulating Platelets Within the Immersed Boundary Method, Varun Shankar, Grady B. Wright, Aaron L. Fogelson, and Robert M. Kirby


An Exploration of Metacognition and Its Effect on Mathematical Performance in Differential Equations, Mary Jarratt Smith


Topological Criteria for Schlichtness, Zach Teitler


Prospective Teachers’ Learning in Geometry: Changes in Discourse and Thinking, Sasha Wang


Understanding Prospective Teachers’ Levels of Geometric Thoughts: Insights from a Discursive Analysis, Sasha Wang

Submissions from 2012


Weak Covering Properties and Infinite Games, L. Babinkostova, B. A. Pansera, and M. Scheepers


Analytical Upstream Collocation Solution of a Quadratically Forced Steady-State Convection-Diffusion Equation, Stephen H. Brill and Eric Smith

Both Sides of the Equation: Learner and Teacher, Janet Callahan, Doug Bullock, and Seung Youn Chyung

Using Online Assessment and Practice to Achieve Better Retention and Placement in Precalculus and Calculus, Alex Feldman, Doug Bullock, and Janet Callahan


A Guide to RBF-Generated Finite Differences for Nonlinear Transport: Shallow Water Simulations on a Sphere, Natasha Flyer, Erik Lehto, Sébastien Blaise, Grady Wright, and Amik St-Cyr


Scattered Data Interpolation on Embedded Submanifolds with Restricted Positive Definite Kernels: Sobolev Error Estimates, Edward J. Fuselier and Grady Wright


The Secant Conjecture in the Real Schubert Calculus, Luis D. García-Puente, Nickolas Hein, Christopher Hillar, Abraham Martín del Campo, James Ruffo, Frank Sottile, and Zach Teitler


Hyperbolic Alternating Virtual Link Groups, Jens Harlander


On Primeness of Labeled Oriented Trees, Jens Harlander and Stephan Rosebrock


The Usual Model Construction for NFU Preserves Information, M. Randall Holmes


Experimental Versus Numerical Data for Breast Cancer Progression, Cheryl L. Jorcyk, M. Kolev, Ken Tawara, and Barbara Zubik-Kowal


A Refined Efficiency Rate for Ordinary Least Squares and Generalized Least Squares Estimators for a Linear Trend with Autoregressive Errors, Jaechoul Lee and Robert Lund


Copula Density Estimation by Total Variation Penalized Likelihood with Linear Equality Constraints, Leming Qu and Wotao Yin

Submissions from 2011


Topological Groups and Covering Dimension, Liljana Babinkostova

Set Theory and Its Applications: Annual Boise Extravaganza in Set Theory, 1995--2010, Boise, Idaho, Liljana Babinkostova, Andrés Caicedo, S. Geschke, and Marion Scheepers


The Monodromy Conjecture for Hyperplane Arrangements, Nero Budur, Mircea Mustaţă, and Zach Teitler


BPFA and Projective Well-Orderings of the Reals, Andrés Eduardo Caicedo and Sy-David Friedman

The Idaho Science Talent Expansion Program: Improving Freshmen Retention for STEM Majors, Janet Callahan, Judith A. Garzolini, Gary LeRoy Hunt, Joe Guarino, Doug Bullock, Susan Shadle, and Cheryl Schrader

The Value of Interactive Simulations Used in an Undergraduate Math Class, Seung Youn Chyung, Joseph Guarino, Marion Scheepers, Rey DeLeon, Charles Adams, and Paul Williams


Combinatorial Bounds on Hilbert Functions of Fat Points in Projective Space, Susan Cooper, Brian Harbourne, and Zach Teitler

Creating and Implementing Cloud-Based Simulations to Enhance a Multivariable Calculus Course, Joseph Guarino, Seung Youn Chyung, Charles Adams, Rey DeLeon, Marion Scheepers, Francisco Castellon, Michael G. Wiedenfeld, and Paul Williams

Creating and Implementing Cloud-Based Simulations to Enhance a MultiVariable Calculus Course, Joseph Guarino, Seung Youn Chyung, Charles Adams, Rey DeLeon, Marion Scheepers, Francisco Castellon, Michael G. Wiedenfeld, and Paul Williams


Flow-Induced Channel Formation in the Cytoplasm of Motile Cells, Robert D. Guy, Toshiyuki Nakagaki, and Grady Wright


On the K-Theory and Homotopy Theory of the Klein Bottle Group, Jens Harlander and Andrew Misseldine

How Do Mathematicians Make Sense of Definitions?, Margaret Kinzel, Laurie Cavey, Sharon Walen, and Kathleen Rohrig


Numerical Solutions for a Model of Tissue Invasion and Migration of Tumour Cells, Mikhail Kolev and Barbara Zubik-Kowal


Numerical Versus Experimental Data for Prostate Tumour Growth, Mikhail Kolev and Barbara Zubik-Kowal

Numerical Experiments with Model Equations of Cancer Invasion of Tissue, M. Kolev and Barbara Zubik-Kowal


Nonparametric Copula Density Estimation in Sensor Networks, Leming Qu, Hao Chen, and Yicheng Tu


Rothberger Bounded Groups and Ramsey Theory, Marion Scheepers


A High-Resolution Finite-Difference Method for Simulating Two-Fluid, Viscoelastic Gel Dynamics, Grady Wright, Robert D. Guy, Jian Du, and Aaron L. Fogelson


A Semiparametric Approach for Analyzing Nonignorable Missing Data, Hui Xie, Yi Qian, and Leming Qu

Submissions from 2010


Weakly Infinite Dimensional Subsets of RN, Liljana Babinkostova and Marion Scheepers


Regressive Functions on Pairs, Andrés Eduardo Caicedo

Seeing the Potential in Students' Questions, Laurie O. Cavey and W. Ted Mahavier


Nonlinear Modeling with Mammographic Evidence of Carcinoma, K. Drucis, M. Kolev, W. Majda, and Barbara Zubik-Kowal


New Directions in Nielsen-Reidemeister Theory, Alexander Fel'shtyn


Twisted Conjugacy Classes in Symplectic Groups, Mapping Class Groups and Braid Groups (with an Appendix Written Jointly with Francois Dahmani), Alexander Fel'shtyn and Daciberg L. Gonçalves


Rayleigh Wave Dispersion Curve Inversion: Occam Versus the L1-Norm, Matthew M. Haney and Leming Qu


On Distinguishing Virtual Knot Groups from Knot Groups, Jens Harlander and Stephan Rosebrock


Inducing Normality from Non-Gaussian Long Memory Time Series and its Application to Stock Return Data, Kyungduk Ko


Least Squares Problems with Inequality Constraints as Quadratic Constraints, Jodi Mead and Rosemary A. Renaut


Wavelet Image Restoration and Regularization Parameters Selection, Leming Qu


Gerlits and Function Spaces, Marion Scheepers


Measurable Cardinals and the Cardinality of Lindelöf Spaces, Marion Scheepers


Lindelöf Indestructibility, Topological Games and Selection Principles, Marion Scheepers and Franklin D. Tall


Modeling of Tsunami Waves and Atmospheric Swirling Flows with Graphics Processing Unit (GPU) and Radial Basis Functions (RBF), Jessica Schmidt, Cécile Piret, Nan Zhang, Benjamin J. Kadlec, David A. Yuen, Yingchun Liu, Grady Wright, and Erik O. D. Sevre


A Hybrid Radial Basis Function-Pseudospectral Method for Thermal Convection in a 3-D Spherical Shell, Grady Wright, Natasha Flyer, and David A. Yuen

Submissions from 2009


On Some Questions About Selective Separability, Liljana Babinkostova

The Implementation of an Online Mathematics Placement Exam and its Effects on Student Success in Precalculus and Calculus, Doug Bullock, Janet Callahan, Yuguang Ban, Alison Ahlgren, and Cheryl Schrader

Improving Students' Learning in Precalculus with E-Learning Activities and Through Analyses of Student Learning Styles and Motivational Characteristics, Seung Youn Chyung, Janet M. Hampikian, Doug Bullock, Kendra Bridges, Joanna Guild, and Cheryl Schrader


Graphing Calculator Use in Algebra Teaching, Brenda L. Dewey, Ted J. Singletary, and Margaret T. Kinzel


A Radial Basis Function Method for the Shallow Water Equations on a Sphere, Natasha Flyer and Grady Wright


Error and Stability Estimates for Surface-Divergence Free RBF Interpolants on the Sphere, Edward J. Fuselier, Francis J. Narcowich, Joseph D. Ward, and Grady Wright


Stability and Error Estimates for Vector Field Interpolation and Decomposition on the Sphere with RBFs, Edward J. Fuselier and Grady Wright


Low-Distortion Embeddings of Infinite Metric Spaces into the Real Line, Stefan Geschke


Correlation Between Animal and Mathematical Models for Prostate Cancer Progression, Zdzislaw Jackiewiczy, Cheryl L. Jorcyk, Mikhail K. Kolev, and Barbara Zubik-Kowal

Numerical Solution of a Model for Brain Cancer Progression After Therapy, Z. Jackiewicz, Y. Kuang, C. Thalhauser, and Barbara Zubik-Kowal


Discrete Variable Methods for Delay-Differential Equations with Threshold-Type Delays, Z. Jackiewicz and Barbara Zubik-Kowal


Finite-Difference and Pseudo-Sprectral Methods for the Numerical Simulations of In Vitro Human Tumor Cell Population Kinetics, Z. Jackiewicz, Barbara Zubik-Kowal, and B. Basse


Frobenius Algebras and Skein Modules of Surfaces in 3-Manifolds, Uwe Kaiser


Wavelet-Based Bayesian Estimation of Partially Linear Regression Models with Long Memory Errors, Kyungduk Ko, Leming Qu, and Marina Vannucci


A Reformulation of Weighted Least Squares Estimators, Jaechoul Lee


First-Order Bias Correction for Fractionally Integrated Time Series, Jaechoul Lee and Kyungduk Ko


A Newton Root-Finding Algorithm For Estimating the Regularization Parameter For Solving Ill-Conditioned Least Squares Problems, Jodi Mead and Rosemary Renaut


Copula Density Estimation by Total Variation Penalized Likelihood, Leming Qu, Yi Qian, and Hui Xie


Wavelet Reconstruction of Nonuniformly Sampled Signals, Leming Qu, Partha S. Routh, and Phil D. Anno


Optimal Hermite Collocation Applied to a One-Dimensional Convection-Diffusion Equation Using an Adaptive Hybrid Optimization Algorithm, Karen L. Ricciardi and Stephen H. Brill


Partition Relations for Hurewicz-Type Selection Hypotheses, Nadav Samet, Marion Scheepers, and Boaz Tsaban

Submissions from 2008


Selective Screenability in Topological Groups, Liljana Babinkostova


Twisted Conjugacy Classes in R. Thompson’s Group F, Collin Bleak, Alexander Fel'shtyn, and Daciberg L. Gonçalves


Enhancing Precalculus Curricula with E-Learning: Implementation and Assessment, Janet Callahan, Seung Youn Chyung, Joanna Guild, William Clement, Joe Guarino, Doug Bullock, and Cheryl Schrader


A Parallel Computational Method for Simulating Two-Phase Gel Dynamics, Jian Du, Aaron L. Fogelson, and Grady Wright


Nielsen Theory, Floer Homology and a Generalisation of the Poincaré-Birkhoff Theorem, Alexander Fel'shtyn


Geometry of Reidemeister Classes and Twisted Burnside Theorem, Alexander Fel'shtyn and Evgenji Troitsky


Potential Continuity of Colorings, Stefan Geschke


Symmetry as a Criterion for Comprehension Motivating Quine’s ‘New Foundations’, M. Randall Holmes


The Urysohn Space Embeds in Banach Spaces in Just One Way, M. Randall Holmes


Confidence Intervals for Long Memory Regressions, Kyungduk Ko, Jaechoul Lee, and Robert Lund


Equivalent Sample Sizes in Time Series Regressions, Jaechoul Lee and Robert Lund


Prey Behavior, Age-Dependent Vulnerability, and Predation Rates, Susan Lingle, Alex Feldman, Mark S. Boyce, and W. Finbarr Wilson


A Priori Weighting for Parameter Estimation, Jodi Mead


Rothberger's Property in All Finite Powers, Marion Scheepers


An Efficient and Robust Method for Simulating Two-Phase Gel Dynamics, Grady Wright, Robert D. Guy, and Aaron L. Fogelson

Submissions from 2007


Transport Schemes on a Sphere Using Radial Basis Functions, Natasha Flyer and Grady Wright


Inversion for Non-Smooth Models with Physical Bounds, Partha S. Routh, Leming Qu, Mrinal K. Sen, and Phil D. Anno

Submissions from 2006


Bayesian Wavelet-Based Methods for the Detection of Multiple Changes of the Long Memory Parameter, Kyungduk Ko


Bayesian Wavelet Estimation of Partially Linear Models, Leming Qu


Wavelet Deconvolution in a Periodic Setting Using Cross-Validation, Leming Qu, Partha S. Routh, and Kyungduk Ko


Change Point Estimation of Bilevel Functions, Leming Qu and Yi-Cheng Tu


Solutions for the Cell Cycle in Cell Lines Derived from Human Tumors, B. Zubik-Kowal

Submissions from 2005


Assimilation of Simulated Float Data in Lagrangian Coordinates, J. L. Mead


An Iterated Pseudospectral Method for Functional Partial Differential Equations, J. Mead and B. Zubik-Kowal


Bayesian Wavelet Estimation of Long Memory Parameter, Leming Qu


Characterization of Fluorescent Chimeras of Cholera Toxin and Escherichia coli Heat-Labile Enterotoxins Produced by Use of the Twin Arginine Translocation System, Juliette K. Tinker, Jarrod L. Erbe, and Randall K. Holmes

Submissions from 2004

Optimal Collocation Solution of the One-Dimensional Steady-State Convection-Diffusion Equation with Variable Coefficients, Stephen H. Brill


Wavelet Estimation of Partially Linear Models, Xiao-Wen Chang and Leming Qu


Link Bordism Skein Modules, Uwe Kaiser


Quantum Deformations of Fundamental Groups of Oriented 3-Manifolds, Uwe Kaiser


The Shallow Water Equations in Lagrangian Coordinates, J. L. Mead

Explicating a Mechanism for Conceptual Learning: Elaborating the Construct of Reflective Abstraction, Martin A. Simon, Ron Tzur, Karen Heinz, and Margaret T. Kinzel

Submissions from 2003

Analytical Upstream Collocation Solution of a Forced Steady-State Convection-Diffusion Equation, Stephen H. Brill


Deformation of String Topology into Homotopy Skein Modules, Uwe Kaiser


Wavelet Thresholding in Partially Linear Models: A Computation and Simulation, Leming Qu

Submissions from 2002

Analytical Solution of Hermite Collocation Discretization of Self-Adjoint Ordinary Differential Equations, Stephen H. Brill

Analytical Solution of Hermite Collocation Discretization of the Steady-State Convection-Diffusion Equation, Stephen H. Brill

Optimal Upstream Collocation Solution of the One-Dimensional Steady-State Convection-Diffusion Equation, Stephen H. Brill


Parallel Implementation of the Bi-CGSTAB Method with Block Red–Black Gauss–Seidel Preconditioner Applied to the Hermite Collocation Discretization of Partial Differential Equations, Stephen H. Brill and George F. Pinder


Accuracy, Resolution and Stability Properties of a Modified Chebyshev Method, Jodi Mead and Rosemary A. Renaut

Submissions from 2001


Hermite Collocation Solution of Partial Differential Equations via Preconditioned Krylov Methods, Stephen H. Brill


Analysis of a Block Red-Black Preconditioner Applied to the Hermite Collocation Discretization of a Model Parabolic Equation, Stephen H. Brill and George F. Pinder


Eigenvalue Analysis of a Block Red-Black Gauss–Seidel Preconditioner Applied to the Hermite Collocation Discretization of Poisson's Equation, Stephen H. Brill and George F. Pinder

Linking Task Characteristics to the Development of Symbol Sense, Margaret Tatem Kinzel


Towards Regional Assimilation of Lagrangian Data: The Lagrangian Form of the Shallow Water Reduced Gravity Model and its Inverse, J. L. Mead and A. F. Bennett


An Account of a Teacher's Perspective on Learning and Teaching Mathematics: Implications for Teacher Development, Ron Tzur, Martin A. Simon, Karen Heinz, and Margaret Kinzel

Submissions from 1999


Combinatorics of Open Covers VI: Selectors for Sequences of Dense Sets, Marion Scheepers

Submissions from 1998


Skein Quantization and Lattice Gauge Field Theory, Doug Bullock, Joanna Kania-Bartoszyńska, and Charles Frohman

Submissions from 1997


Combinatorics of Open Covers (III): Games, Cp(X), Marion Scheepers

Submissions from 1996


Combinatorics of Open Covers (I): Ramsey Theory, Marion Scheepers

Submissions from 1995


Untyped λ-Calculus with Relative Typing, M. Randall Holmes