Public Policy and Administration Faculty Publications and Presentations | Public Policy and Administration Program | Boise State University


Submissions from 2024


A Representative-Represented Matrix: Exploring the Symbolic Effect of Minority Representation, Sanghee Park


Exposure of Future Nuclear Energy Infrastructure to Climate Change Hazards: A Review Assessment, Joana Portugal-Pereira, Miguel Esteban, and Kathleen Araújo

Submissions from 2023


Determinants of the Success of Cooperative Public Procurement, Sawsan Abutabenjeh, Ana-Maria Diamand, and Jie Tao


The Nexus Between Gender Diversity and Research Performance: The Case of Public Procurement, Sawsan Abutabenjeh, Ana-Maria Dimand, Evelyn Rodriguez-Plesa, and Aisha Ahmadu

Routledge Handbook of Energy Transitions, Kathleen Araujo


A Roadmap for Concepts and Theory of Energy Transitions, Kathleen M. Araújo


The Evolving Field of Energy Transitions: A World of Change, Kathleen M. Araújo


Reconceptualizing the Next Frontier in Energy Transitions, Kathleen M. Araújo, Timothy J. Foxon, Jochen Markard, Rob Raven, and Roberto Schaeffer


Human Capital Drivers of Employee Intent to Innovate: The Case of Public Procurement Professionals, Ana-Maria Diamand, Sawsan Abutabenjeh, Evelyn Rodriguez-Plesa, Mohamad G. Alkadry, and Susannah Bruns Ali


Bottom-Up Innovation Adoption of Green Public Procurement in the United States, Ana-Maria Diamand and Shaoming Cheng


Social Equity in Federal Contracting During Emergencies: A Portfolio Management Perspective, Ana-Maria Diamand, Andrea S. Patrucco, Evelyn Rodriguez-Plesa, and Andra M. Hiriscau


Strategies for Dealing with Policy Ambiguities, Luke Fowler


The Role of Knowledge in Water Resource Management: An Assessment of the Oregon General Public, Monica L. Hubbard


Rural and Urban Difference in the Acceptance of Alternative Water Management Strategies: Case Study of Idaho Residents, Monica L. Hubbard and Rebecca L. Som Castellano


The Evolution of Participatory Policy-Making for Regional Power Grids, Nicholas Johnson, Stephanie Lenhart, and Seth Blumsack


Municipal Arts and Cultural Plans: Implementation and Impact, Carolyn G. Loh, Amanda Ashley, Leslie Durham, and Aaron Williams


Quota Effects Moderated by Descriptive Gender Representation within Legislatures: A Cross-National Analysis, Sanghee Park


How Can Procurement Create (Sustainable) Public Value Under the Bipartisan Infrastructure Deal?, Andrea S. Patrucco, Ana-Maria Dimand, Milena I. Neshkova, and Madison M. Cevallos


Venue Shopping in Multiple Streams: Campus Free Speech Policy Adoption in Wisconsin, Brian Stelbotsky and Luke Fowler


Creatively Interpreting Policy to Move Science Forward: Implementing Participatory Technology Assessment at NASA, Christopher Torres and Luke Fowler

Submissions from 2022


Determinants of Local Government Innovation: The Case of Green Public Procurement in the United States, Ana Maria Dimand


Searching for Green Elephants and Other Mythical Creatures During the Trump Years: Partisanship and Congressional Voting on Environmental Legislation, Luke Fowler


Using the Multiple Streams Framework to Connect Policy Adoption to Implementation, Luke Fowler


Administration, Rhetoric, and Climate Policy in the Obama Presidency, Craig Jones and Luke Fowler


Is It Us? Is It Them? Or is It This Place?: Predicting Civility in State Legislatures, Jaclyn J. Kettler, Luke Fowler, and Stephanie L. Witt


When Push Comes to Shove: The Effect of Economic Crisis on the Spending of Government Savings, Cheong Kim and Sanghee Park

Comparing and Contrasting the Institutional Relationships, Regulatory Frameworks, and Energy System Governance of European and U.S. Electric Cooperatives, Stephanie Lenhart, Gabriel Chan, Matthew Grimley, and Elizabeth Wilson


Gendered Leadership During the COVID-19 Pandemic: How Democracy and Representation Moderate Leadership Effectiveness, Sanghee Park


Merit Principles Merit Further Investigation: The Influence on Employee Perception of Whistleblowing, Sanghee Park and So Hee Jeon


Intergovernmental Representation at Different Levels of Government: The Effect of Gender Representation, Sanghee Park and Yesse Charles Mwihambi


Community Social Capital, Political Values, or Organizational Capacity?: Indicators of Engagement in Sustainable Public Procurement at the Local Level, Evelyn Rodriguez-Plesa, Ana-Maria Dimand, and Mohamad G. Alkadry

Energy Dominance, Jen Schneider and Jennifer Peeples


Super-Human or Sub-Human?: Positive Dehumanization and Gender in Public Performance Evaluations, Stephen M. Utych and Luke Fowler

Submissions from 2021


Willingness to Support Environmental Actions and Policies: A Comparative Study, Erika Allen Wolters, Donna L. Lybecker, Frances Fahy, and Monica L. Hubbard


A Meta-Level Framework for Evaluating Resilience in Net-Zero Carbon Power Systems with Extreme Weather Events in the United States, Kathleen Araújo and David Shropshire


The Trump Administration Feuded with State and Local Leaders Over Pandemic Response – Now the Biden Administration is Trying to Turn Back a Page in History, Ana Maria Dimand and Benjamin M. Brunjes


How to Implement Policy: Coping with Ambiguity and Uncertainty, Luke Fowler


Does the Primacy System Work?: State versus Federal Implementation of the Clean Water Act, Luke Fowler and Chris Birdsall


Are Republicans Bad for the Environment?, Luke Fowler and Jaclyn J. Kettler


Pandemics and Partisanship: Following Old Paths into Uncharted Territory, Luke Fowler, Jaclyn J. Kettler, and Stephanie L. Witt


Are People Better Employees Than Machines?: Dehumanizing Language and Employee Performance Appraisals, Luke Fowler and Stephen Utych


Conditional Nature of Policy as a Stabilizing Force: Erin’s Law and Teacher Child Abuse Reporting Practices, Luke Fowler and Joel Vallett


Institutional Collective Action on Drugs: Functional and Vertical Dilemmas of Unused Pharmaceuticals, Monica Hubbard and Luke Fowler


Is It Still a Mandate If We Don’t Enforce It?: The Politics of COVID-Related Mask Mandates in Conservative States, Jeffrey Lyons and Luke Fowler


Quantifying the Representation of Plant Communities in the Protected Areas of the U.S.: An Analysis Based on the U.S. National Vegetation Classification Groups, Alexa McKerrow, Anne Davidson, Matthew Rubino, Don Faber-Langendoen, and Daryn Dockter


Gender and Performance in Public Organizations: A Research Synthesis and Research Agenda, Sanghee Park


Political and Administrative Decentralization and Responses to COVID-19: Comparison of the United States and South Korea, Sanghee Park and Luke Fowler


A Comparative Study of Gender Representation and Social Outcomes: The Effect of Political and Bureaucratic Representation, Sanghee Park and Jiaqi Liang


Evaluating Citizen Science Outreach: A Case-Study with The Peregrine Fund’s American Kestrel Partnership, Sarah E. Schulwitz, Greg C. Hill, Vanessa Fry, and Christopher J.W. McClure


More Human Than Human: The Consequences of Positive Dehumanization, Stephen Utych and Luke Fowler


Democracy, Complexity, and Science: Exploring Structural Sources of National Scientific Performance, Travis A. Whetsell, Ana-Maria Dimand, Koen Jonkers, Jeroen Baas, and Caroline S. Wagner

Submissions from 2020


How Key Sociodemographic and Spatial Variables Influence Stakeholders' Social Control Frames Regarding Natural Resource Conservation in East Sikkim, India, Paulami Banerjee, Tarla R. Peterson, Michael J. Liles, Rahul Banerjee, and Markus J. Peterson


Best Practices for Implementing Federal Environmental Policies: A Principal-Agent Perspective, Luke Fowler


Governance, Federalism and Organizing Institutions to Manage Complex Problems, Luke Fowler


Are the Best and Brightest Joining the Public Service?, Luke Fowler and Chris Birdsall


Democratic Governors are Quicker in Responding to the Coronavirus Than Republicans, Luke Fowler, Jaclyn Kettler, and Stephanie Witt


Balancing Multi-Level Politics in Local Environmental Policy Choices, Luke Fowler and Geoffrey Rabinowitz


Moving Bureau of Land Management Headquarters to Colorado Won’t Be Good for Public Lands, John Freemuth and James R. Skillen


The Risky Business of Water Resources Management: Assessment of the Public’s Risk Perception of Oregon’s Water Resources, Monica L. Hubbard


Municipal Utilities and Electric Cooperatives in the United States: Interpretive Frames, Strategic Actions, and Place-Specific Transitions, Stephanie Lenhart, Gabriel Chan, Lindsey Forsberg, Matthew Grimley, and Elizabeth Wilson


Representative Bureaucracy, Distributional Equity, and Environmental Justice, Jiaqi Liang, Sanghee Park, and Tianshu Zhao


Public Corporations and Quasi-Government Organizations in Korea, Sanghee Park


Seeking Changes in Ivory Towers: The Impact of Gender Quotas on Female Academics in Higher Education, Sanghee Park


Size Matters: Toward a Contingency Theory of Diversity Effects on Performance, Sanghee Park


Merit, Diversity, and Performance: Does Diversity Management Moderate the Effect of Merit Principles on Governmental Performance?, Sanghee Park and Jiaqi Liang

Democracy at Work: Pathways to Well-Being in Brazil, Brian Wampler, Natasha Borges Sugiyama, and Michael Touchton

Submissions from 2019


Nonrandom Territory Occupancy by Nesting Gyrfalcons (Falco rusticolus), David L. Anderson, Peter J. Bente, Travis L. Booms, Leah Dunn, and Christopher J.W. McClure


Pay for Success: Diffusion of Policy Innovation for Social and Economic Stability, Vanessa Crossgrove Fry


“Convoluted Journeys”: Integrating Nonprofit Organizations and University Science, Vanessa Crossgrove Fry, Jen Schneider, Sally Sargeant-Hu, Carl Anderson, and Erik Olson


Topographic Drivers of Flight Altitude Over Large Spatial and Temporal Scales, Leah Dunn


How Artificial Intelligence is Reshaping Repression, Steven Feldstein


How Artificial Intelligence Systems Could Threaten Democracy, Steven Feldstein


Is Partnership Quality or Quantity More Effective?, Luke Fowler


Obstacles and Motivators for Partnership Formation in a Multi-Dimensional Environment, Luke Fowler


Problems, Politics, and Policy Streams in Policy Implementation, Luke Fowler


Second‐Order Devolution or Local Activism?: Local Air Agencies Revisited, Luke Fowler and Bryant Jones


State Preemption of Local Authority: Explaining Patterns of State Adoption of Preemption Measures, Luke Fowler and Stephanie L. Witt


Cutbacks Revisited: The Relationship Between Resources and Performance, Sanghee Park


Hardening Budget Constraints: A Cross-National Study of Fiscal Sustainability and Subnational Debt, Heidi Jane Smith, Sanghee Park, and Liguang Lui

Books from 2018

Low Carbon Energy Transitions: Turning Points in National Policy and Innovation, Kathleen Araújo


Moral Failure in Libya, Steven Feldstein


Trump, Saudi Arabia and the Khashoggi Case: What Would Obama Have Done?, Steven Feldstein


Who is John Bolton and What Does He Want?, Steven Feldstein


Zimbabwe’s Coup Did Not Create Democracy from Dictatorship, Steven Feldstein


Intergovernmental Relations and Energy Policy: What We Know and What We Still Need to Learn, Luke Fowler


When Need Meets Opportunity: Expanding Local Air Networks, Luke Fowler


A Happy Combination?: Great Interests, Particular Interests, and State-Federal Conflicts Over Public Lands, John Freemuth


The Sage Grouse Isn’t Just a Bird – It’s a Proxy for Control of Western Lands, John Freemuth


The Trump Administration is Scrapping a Collaborative Sage Grouse Protection Plan to Expand Oil and Gas Drilling, John Freemuth


Examining Strategic Sustainability Plans and Smart-Growth Land-Use Measures in California Cities, Myungjung Kwon, Shui-Yan Tang, and Cheongsin Kim


Federal Employees Work for Both Democrats and Republicans – Even Kellyanne Conway, Matthew May

Personal Conflict Management: Theory and Practice, Suzanne McCorkle and Melanie J. Reese


Understanding Public Sector Debt: Financial Vicious Circle Under the Soft Budget Constraint, Sanghee Park


The Energy Covenant: Energy Dominance and the Rhetoric of the Aggrieved, Jen Schneider and Jennifer Peeples

Submissions from 2017


Regions of Hierarchy and Security: US Troop Deployments, Spatial Relations, and Defense Burdens, Michael A. Allen, Michael E. Flynn, and Julie VanDusky-Allen


Household Preparedness Motivation in Lahar Hazard Zones: Assessing the Adoption of Preparedness Behaviors Among Laypeople and Response Professionals in Communities Downstream from Mount Baker and Glacier Peak (USA) Volcanoes, Kimberley A. Corwin, Brittany D. Brand, Monica L. Hubbard, and David M. Johnston


After Coup, Will Zimbabwe See Democracy or Dictatorship?, Steven Feldstein


Under the Trump Administration, US Airstrikes are Killing More Civilians, Steven Feldstein


Tracking State Trends in Environmental Public Opinion, Luke Fowler


Creating Accountability with Interstate Cooperation: Unauthorized Water Use Enforcement on the Klamath River, Luke Fowler and Isaac Castellano


Overlapping Authorities in U.S. Energy Policy, Luke Fowler and Autumn T. Johnson


Cultural Penetration and Punctuated Policy Change: Explaining the Evolution of U.S. Energy Policy, Luke Fowler, Tonya T. Neaves, Jessica N. Terman, and Arthur G. Cosby


Idaho: Carefully and Cautiously Progressing, Elizabeth D. Fredericksen and John Riggins


Interior Secretary Zinke Invokes Teddy Roosevelt as Model, but His Public Land Policies Don’t, John Freemuth


Local Revenue Structure Under Economic Hardship: Reliance on Alternative Revenue Sources in California Counties, Sanghee Park


Inside the Coal Industry’s Rhetorical Playbook, Steve Schwarze, Jennifer Peeples, Jen Schneider, and Pete Bsumek


Half the World: Refugees Transform the City of Trees, Todd Shallat (editor), Kathleen Rubinow Hodges (editor), Errol D. Jones (editor), and Laura Winslow (editor)

Submissions from 2016


The Localized and Spatial Effects of US Troop Deployments on Host-State Defense Spending, Michael A. Allen, Julie VanDusky-Allen, and Michael E. Flynn


Western Regional Identity and Urban Development Policy: The View from Professional Planners, Amanda Johnson Ashley and Leslie Alm


PAYGO for Punctuality, Luke Fowler


How the Antiquities Act Has Expanded the National Park System and Fueled Struggles Over Land Protection, John Freemuth


The Twisted Roots of U.S. Land Policy in the West, John Freemuth


Dems and the GOP are Miles Apart on Yet Another Issue: Public Lands, John Freemuth and Mackenzie Case


Corporate Sponsors at Yosemite?: The Case Against Privatizing National Parks, John Freemuth and William Lowry


Reflections on Recent Recommendations on the Use of Science in Disaster Risk Reduction Using Case Studies from Bangladesh and the Western United States, Susanne Sargeant and Eric Lindquist

Under Pressure: Coal Industry Rhetoric and Neoliberalism, Jen Schneider, Steve Schwarze, Peter K. Bsumek, and Jennifer Peeples


Political Efficacy and Familiarity as Predictors of Attitudes Towards Electric Transmission Lines in the United States, David Solan and Dave Koehler


A Simplified Approach to Stakeholder Engagement in Natural Resource Management: The Five-Feature Framework, Jared L. Talley, Jen Schneider, and Eric Lindquist

Submissions from 2015


Social Scientists: Making a Difference, Leslie R. Alm


Quantitative and Qualitative Comparison of Light Water and Advanced Small Modular Reactors, Fatih Aydogan, Geoffrey Black, Meredith A. Taylor Black, and David Solan


Using GIS Analytics and Social Preference Data to Evaluate Utility-Scale Solar Power Site Suitability, Justin Brewer, Daniel P. Ames, David Solan, Randy Lee, and Juliet Carlisle

Cities, Sagebrush, and Solitude: Urbanization and Cultural Conflict in the Great Basin, Dennis R. Judd and Stephanie L. Witt

The Last Urban Frontier, Dennis R. Judd and Stephanie L. Witt


Implications of a Changing Agro-Ecosystem on the Nascent Wine Grape Production Industry in Idaho, Eric Lindquist

Mediation Theory and Practice, Suzanne McCorkle and Melanie J. Reese


The Nuclear Pipeline: Integrating Nuclear Power and Climate Change, Jen Schneider, Abraham S.D. Tidwell, and Savannah Avgerinos Fitzwater


River by Design: Essays on the Boise River, 1915-2015, Todd Shallat (editor), Colleen Brennan (editor), Mike Medberry (editor), Roy V. Cuellar, Richard Martinez, Erin Nelson, Travis Armstrong, Doug Copsey, Sheila Spangler, Emily Berg, Dean Gunderson, and Michael Gosney

Urban Places/Empty Spaces: Big and Small Governments in the Great Basin, Stephanie L. Witt

Go Away Closer: The Collision of Culture and Governance, Stephanie L. Witt and Brian Laurent

Submissions from 2014


Support for Solar Energy: Examining Sense of Place and Utility-Scale Development in California, Juliet E. Carlisle, Stephanie L. Kane, David Solan, and Jeffrey C. Joe

Pollution, Monica Hubbard

Social Network Analysis: A Means to Discovering the Tipping Point in Gaining Cooperation?, Susan Mason, Don Holley, Aaron Wells, Alark Joshi, Amit Jain, and Thomas Wuerzer

People Skills for Public Managers, Suzanne McCorkle and Stephanie L. Witt

The Politics of Redistribution in Local Governments: The Effect of Gender Representation on Welfare Spending in California Counties, Sanghee Park


The Influence of Executive Selection Factors on the Performance of Public Sector Organizations in Korea, Sanghee Park and Yoon Jik Cho

The Use of DRR Science in an International Comparative Context: An Interdisciplinary Framework, Susanne Sargeant and Eric Lindquist

Submissions from 2013


Bridges and Barriers: The Lake Superior Borderlands, Leslie R. Alm and Ross E. Burkhart


Canada–US Border Communities: What the People Have to Say, Leslie R. Alm and Ross E. Burkhart

Canadian Environmental Policy, Leslie R. Alm and Ross E. Burkhart


Apples or Sticks: The Promise and Pitfalls of Merit Pay Policies, Tad Conner


Assessing the Impact of Indian Gaming on American Indian Nations: Is the House Winning?, Thaddieus W. Conner and William A. Taggart


Indian Gaming and Tribal Revenue Allocation Plans: Socio-Economic Determinants of Policy Adoption, Thaddieus W. Conner and William A. Taggart


Explaining Organizational Responses to Workplace Aggression, Elizabeth D. Fredericksen and Suzanne McCorkle


The Preservation Gap, John Freemuth and Sheri Freemuth


The Hispanic Profile Data Book for Idaho, Errol D. Jones, Rosaura Conley-Estrada, and Greg Hill

The 'Convenient' Environmental Presidency of George H.W. Bush: A Kingdonian Assessment, Eric Lindquist and Ann O'M. Bowman


Local, Simple, Fresh: Sustainable Food in the Boise Valley, Todd Shallat, Larry Burke, and Guy Hand


Oregon Water: Assessing Differences Between the Old and New Wests, Erika Allen Wolters and Monica L. Hubbard

Submissions from 2012

Managing the Risks of Carbon Sequestration: Liability Concerns and Alternatives, Elizabeth Lokey Aldrich, Cassandra Koerner, Joseph C. Perkowski, and Travis L. McLing


Oil Politics and Indigenous Resistance in the Peruvian Amazon: The Rhetoric of Modernity Against the Reality of Coloniality, George Stetson


Are Telecommuting and Personal Travel Complements or Substitutes?, Pengyu Zhu

Submissions from 2011


The Need for More Academics in Carbon Market Formation, Elizabeth L. Aldrich


Analysis of Carbon Capture and Sequestration Pore Space Legislation: A Review of Existing and Possible Regimes, Elizabeth L. Aldrich and Cassandra Koerner


Managing Undocumented Students: Do Undocumented Students Hinder Student Performance?, Gregory Hill and Daniel P. Hawes

Submissions from 2010


The Importance of a Clearly Defined Policy Goal for AAU Trading, Elizabeth Aldrich


When the Music Stops: Succession is More than Filling Seats, Elizabeth Fredericksen

Personal Conflict Management: Theory and Practice, Suzanne McCorkle and Melanie J. Reese


Making Livable Places: Transportation, Preservation, and the Limits of Growth, Todd Shallat, David Eberle, and Larry Burke

Economic and Employment Impacts of Small Modular Nuclear Reactors, David Solan, Geoffrey Black, Michael Louis, Steve Peterson, Larry Carter, Sam Peterson, Ryan Bills, Brogan Morton, and Edward Arthur

Submissions from 2009

Identifying and Cueing Network Membership, Elizabeth Fredericksen and Stephanie L. Witt


The Effect of Frequent Managerial Turnover on Organizational Performance: A Study of Professional Baseball Managers, Gregory C. Hill

Economic Problems, Revenue Scarcity and Idaho State Budgeting, Dick Kinney and Gregory Hill


Conflict in Residence Halls: A Preliminary Study of the Efficacy of Roommate Negotiations to Reduce Roommate Conflict, Suzanne McCorkle and Susan G. Mason


The EPAStat Quarterly Report and Lessons Learned, David Solan

Submissions from 2007

The Policy Process and the American West: An Environmental Perspective, Leslie R. Alm

Submissions from 2006


Scientists’ Perceptions of Objectivity and Advocacy: Making the Linkage of Science to Environmental Policy, Leslie R. Alm


Differences That Matter: Canada, the United States and Environmental Policymaking, Leslie R. Alm and Ross E. Burkhart

Is Spotlighting Enough? Environmental NGOs and the Commission for Environmental Cooperation, Leslie R. Alm and Ross E. Burkhart

The Mormon Question: Political Culture and Influence of Latter-Day Saints in Idaho, Leslie R. Alm, Ross E. Burkhart, W. David Patton, and James B. Weatherby

Submissions from 2005

Canada and the United States: Approaches to Global Environmental Policy-Making, Leslie R. Alm and Ross E. Burkhart


The Effects of Managerial Succession on Organizational Performance, Gregory C. Hill

Mediation Theory and Practice, Suzanne McCorkle and Melanie J. Reese

Bureaucracy in the Twenty-First Century, Kenneth J. Meier and Gregory C. Hill

Submissions from 2004


Political Culture and Ideology in the Mountain West: Regionalism in the State of Idaho, Leslie R. Alm, Ross E. Burkhart, W. David Patton, and James B. Weatherby

Borderland Patterns of Scientific Identity: Canada, the United States, and Acid Rain, Leslie R. Alm and Whitney Parker

Building Sustainable Communities: Leadership Development Along the U.S.-Mexico Border, Patricia J. Fredericksen

Accountability and the Use of Volunteer Officers in Public Safety Organizations, Patricia J. Fredericksen and Daniel Levin

Submissions from 2003


Science and Policy: The View from the World of Scientists, Leslie R. Alm


Alberta and Idaho: An Implicit Bond, Leslie R. Alm and Leah Taylor

Books from 2002

Human Resource Management: The Public Service Perspective, W. David Patton, Stephanie L. Witt, Nicholas Lovrich, and Patricia J. Fredericksen

A Broken Mirror: Protestant Fundamentalism in the Philippines, L. Shelton Woods

Submissions from 2001


Intrastate Regional Differences in Political Culture: A Case Study of Idaho, Leslie R. Alm, Ross E. Burkhart, W. David Patton, and James B. Weatherby

Sustaining Community Through Collaboration: The Value of Conflict Management Training for Community Leaders, Patricia J. Fredericksen and Nicholas P. Lovrich

Books from 2000

Crossing Borders, Crossing Boundaries: The Role of Scientists in the U.S.-Canadian Acid Rain Debate, Leslie R. Alm

Natural Scientists, Social Scientists, and the Environment: A Cross Border Analysis, Leslie R. Alm and Marc V. Simon

Does Service Learning Make a Difference in Student Performance?, Patricia J. Fredericksen


Disconnect in the Hollow State: The Pivotal Role of Organizational Capacity in Community-Based Development Organizations, Patricia Fredericksen and Rosanne London

Submissions from 1999

Scientists and Environmental Policy: A Canadian-US Perspective, Leslie R. Alm

Scientists, Politics, and Environmental Policymaking: The U.S.-Canadian Acid Rain Debate, Leslie R. Alm

Don’t Ask - Don’t Tell: Legal Issues and Management Strategies in the Development and Implementation of Binational, Municipal Environmental Agreements, Patricia J. Fredericksen and William G. Weaver

Submissions from 1998


Lost Credibility?: Scientists, Advocacy and Acid Rain, Leslie R. Alm

Investing in Community Consensus: Implications for Conflict Management Training and Community Leadership, Patricia J. Fredericksen


Employee Attitudes Toward Benefit Packaging: The Job Sector Dilemma, Patricia J. Fredericksen and Dennis L. Soden

Submissions from 1997


Scientists and Acid Rain Policy in Canada and the United States, Leslie R. Alm


The Rural-Urban Linkage to Environmental Policy Making in the American West: A Focus on Idaho, Leslie R. Alm and Stephanie L. Witt

County Government and the Public Lands: A Review of the County Supremacy Movement in Four Western States, Stephanie L. Witt and Leslie R. Alm

The Correlates of Tolerance: Analyzing the Statewide Votes on Anti-Gay Initiatives, Stephanie L. Witt and Leslie R. Alm

Submissions from 1996

The Rural-Urban Environmental Conflict in the American West: A Four-State Study, Leslie R. Alm and Stephanie L. Witt

Women Forest Rangers: Revisiting Kaufman's The Forest Ranger, Franklin O. Carroll, John C. Freemuth, and Leslie R. Alm

Submissions from 1995

Environmental Policy in the Intermountain West: The Rural-Urban Linkage, Leslie R. Alm and Stephanie L. Witt

The Glass Ceiling in the USDA Forest Service: Willing to Conform, Demanding Change, Franklin O. Carroll, W. David Patton, and Leslie R. Alm


Policy Windows and Two-Level Games: Explaining the Passage of Acid-Rain Legislation in the Clean Air Act of 1990, Marc V. Simon and Leslie R. Alm

Submissions from 1994

Acid Rain and the Key Factors of Issue Maintenance, Leslie R. Alm


Policy Elite Perceptions: Canada, the United States and Acid Rain, Leslie R. Alm

The Urban West: Managing Growth and Decline, James B. Weatherby and Stephanie L. Witt

Submissions from 1993


Regional Influences and Environmental Policymaking: A Study of Acid Rain, Leslie R. Alm

The Long Road Toward Influence: Canada as an American Interest Group, Leslie R. Alm


Agenda Setting and Acid Precipitation in the United States, Leslie R. Alm and Charles Davis


Religion and Roll Call Voting in Idaho: The 1990 Abortion Controversy, Stephanie L. Witt and Gary Moncrief

Religion and Roll-Call Voting in Idaho: The 1990 Abortion Controversy, Stephanie L. Witt and Gary Moncrief