"Rural and Urban Difference in the Acceptance of Alternative Water Mana" by Monica L. Hubbard and Rebecca L. Som Castellano

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Idaho is one of the fastest-growing states in the US. The stressors of population growth and climate change are increasing the strain on its water resources, emphasizing the need for water management strategies. Public support, however, can vary by a range of factors, including geography. This study aims to assess the rural and urban distinctions of support for water resource management. In 2014, 401 people from Idaho’s general public responded to an online survey, with 375 of the respondents georeferenced into three groups: urban areas; urban clusters (small towns); and rural. The responses showed similarities in support among the groups; however, there were some notable differences. Water conservation received the most support for all groups, but there was a significant difference around land use regulations. The majority of respondents supported land use regulations, with urban clusters having the highest level of support. These findings can assist water managers throughout the United States with respect to recognizing public preferences in different geographies of residence.

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This material may be downloaded for personal use only. Any other use requires prior permission of the American Society of Civil Engineers. This material may be found at https://doi.org/10.1061/JWRMD5.WRENG-5503
