"The Evolution of Participatory Policy-Making for Regional Power Grids" by Nicholas Johnson, Stephanie Lenhart et al.

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In the United States, Regional Transmission Organizations (RTOs) are critical for maintaining electric reliability and facilitating the shift toward more efficient and sustainable electric power systems. RTOs are voluntary member-driven organizations that engage hundreds of stakeholders in policy decisions affecting planning, markets, and operations. RTOs have evolved into highly complex and interdependent systems with internal feedback among and within RTO functions, and external feedback from emerging technologies and federal and state clean energy policies. In the PJM Interconnection, the expanded scope of responsibilities, complexity, and member body size has created tensions within the stakeholder processes that has led some to question the efficacy of existing decision-making structures. We develop a case study of recent tensions within the PJM stakeholder process and argue that the source of many of these tensions is a fundamental change in the organizational nature of PJM and other RTOs.

Copyright Statement

This document was originally published in Energy Law Journal by the Foundation of the Energy Law Journal. Copyright restrictions may apply.
