"The Power of 20-Minute Naps to Zen Time" by Lee Rockwell


Summer 2022

Type of Culminating Activity

Student research paper


Naps are not just for National Nap Day on March 13th (SHRM, 2019) and naps aren’t only for toddlers. Approximately 1 in 3 American adults nap, according to previous Pew Research Center data (Everyday Health, 2022). Research has shown that the workplace needs to offer separate time for their employees to take a 20-minute power nap or Zen time. Zen time can be defined as relaxed or feeling peaceful (Zen Definitions, 2022). ‌Some people would consider napping to be lazy. However, it is the opposite. A survey by Mattress Nerd of 2,000 adults showed nappers considered themselves more productive at 93% vs the non-nappers at only 65% (Anderer, 2021).

Degree Program

Bachelor of Multidisciplinary Studies


Jon Schneider



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