Summer 2022
Type of Culminating Activity
Student research paper
For my project I am going to help create and implement new LOTO procedures for our substation. This will be part of a much larger project. The larger project will be implementing an Electrical Safety Program. Part of that program is creating lock out procedures. This project will help solve a gap in an established safety program. Either we continue as we have been and leave ourselves vulnerable to safety and reliability issues or we create an established safety program that will bring us more in-line with current industry standards. Through this project we will create procedures for safely isolating certain equipment in the substation. This will help the company ensure more reliability for the grid through safe practices. This will ultimately positively affect all of the stakeholders involved. I will work with a small team to start the ESP project and in the process create worthwhile LOTO procedures.
Degree Program
Bachelor of Applied Science
Margaret Sass, J.D., Ed.D.