Department of Biological Sciences Faculty Publications and Presentations | Department of Biological Sciences | Boise State University


Submissions from 2024


9S1R Nullomer Peptide Induces Mitochondrial Pathology, Metabolic Suppression, and Enhanced Immune Cell Infiltration, in Triple-Negative Breast Cancer Mouse Model, Nilufar Ali, Cody Wolf, Swarna Kanchan, Shivakumar R. Veerabhadraiah, Laura Bond, Matthew W. Turner, Cheryl L. Jorcyk, and Greg Hampikian


Genomic Surveillance of SARS-CoV-2 Sequence Variants at Universities in Southwest Idaho, Jennifer R. Chase, Laura Bond, Daniel J. Vail, Milan Sengthep, Adriana Rodriguez, Joe Christianson, Stephanie F. Hudon, and Julia Thom Oxford


Season of Grazing Interacts with Soil Texture, Selecting for Associations of Biocrust Morphogroups, Lea A. Condon, Roger Rosentreter, Kari E. Veblen, and Peter S. Coates


Reciprocal Inhibition and Competitive Hierarchy Cause Negative Biodiversity-Ecosystem Function Relationships, Rafael D'Andrea, Gabriel Khattar, Thomas Koffel, Veronica F. Frans, Leonora S. Bittleston, and Catalina Cuellar-Gempeler


Applied Soft Classes and Fuzzy Confusion in a Patchwork Semi-Arid Ecosystem: Stitching Together Classification Techniques to Preserve Ecologically-Meaningful Information, Josh Enterkine, T. Trevor Caughlin, Hamid Dashti, and Nancy F. Glenn


COVID-19 Hospitalizations and Deaths Predicted by SARS-CoV-2 Levels in Boise, Idaho Wastewater, Swarna Kanchan, Ernie Ogden, Minu Kesheri, Alexis Skinner, Erin Miliken, Devyn Lyman, Jacob Armstrong, Lawrence Sciglitano, and Greg Hampikian


Leveraging High Resolution Classifications and Random Forests for Hindcasting Decades of Mesic Ecosystem Dynamics in the Landsat Time Series, N. E. Kolarik, N. Shrestha, T. Caughlin, and J. S. Brandt


Effects of Wind Turbine Noise on Songbird Behavior During Nonbreeding Season, Yael Lehnardt, Jesse R. Barber, and Oded Berger-Tal


Overlapping Extractive Land Use Rights Increases Deforestation and Forest Degradation in Managed Natural Production Forests, Bingcai Liu, Anand Roopsind, and Brent Sohngen


Flammulated Owl Distribution and Habitat Associations During the Breeding Season in the Western United States, Robert A. Miller, Zachary P. Wallace, Robert C. Skorkowsky, Jennifer A. Blakesley, Markus Mika, Joseph B. Buchanan, Jay D. Carlisle, and Michael Green


Demography with Drones: Detecting Growth and Survival of Shrubs with Unoccupied Aerial Systems, Peter J. Olsoy, Andrii Zaiats, Donna M. Delparte, Matthew J. Germino, Bryce A. Richardson, Anna V. Roser, Jennifer S. Forbey, Megan E. Cattau, and T. Trevor Caughlin


The Role of NAD+ and NAD+-Boosting Therapies in Inflammatory Response by IL-13, Anton D. Pugel, Alyssa M. Schoenfeld, Sara Z. Alsaifi, Jocelyn R. Holmes, and Brad E. Morrison


Low Spatial Habitat Overlap of Herbivores in the High Arctic Tundra, Virve Ravolainen, Ingrid M. G. Paulsen, Isabell Eischeid, Jennifer Sorensen Forbey, Eva Fuglei, Tomáš Hájek, Brage B. Hansen, Leif Egil Loe, Petr Macek, Jesper Madsen, Eeva M. Soininen, James D. M. Speed, Audun Stien, Hans Tømmervik, and Åshild Ønvik Pedersen


Application of Criminology in Urban Ecology and Evolution: Routine Activity Theory and Field Equipment Disappearance Dynamics, Ignacy Stadnicki, Michela Corsini, and Marta Szulkin


Proteomic Dataset for Decellularization of Porcine Auricular Cartilage, Roxanne N. Stone, Xinzhu Pu, and Julia Thom Oxford


Structural Heterogeneity Predicts Ecological Resistance and Resilience to Wildfire in Arid Shrublands, Andrii Zaiats, Megan E. Cattau, David S. Pilliod, Rongsong Liu, Patricia Kaye T. Dumandan, Ahmad Hojatimalekshah, Donna M. Delparte, and T. Trevor Caughlin

Submissions from 2023


Anaerobic Digestion Reduces Seed Germination and Viability of Six Plant Species from the Upper Nile Valley, Egypt, Ahmed M. Abbas, Mohamed Abdelazeem, and Stephen J. Novak


Genetic and Environmental Drivers of Migratory Behavior in Western Burrowing Owls and Implications for Conservation and Management, Kelly Barr, Christen M. Bossu, Rachel A. Bay, Eric C. Anderson, Jim Belthoff, Lynne A. Trulio, Debra Chromczak, Colleen L. Wisinski, Thomas B. Smith, and Kristen C. Ruegg


Lichens of Cypress Island, Washington: The Seen and the Unseen, Kathryn Beck, Katherine Glew, Amanda Hardman, Natasha Lavdovsky, Bruce McCune, Nils Nelson, Jeanne Ponzetti, Fred Rhoades, Roger Rosentreter, Daphne Stone, Tiffany Theden, Tor Tønsberg, and John Villella


Modulation of Voltage-Gating and Hysteresis of Lysenin Channels by Cu2+ Ions, Andrew Bogard, Pangaea W. Finn, Aviana R. Smith, Ilinca M. Flacau, Rose Whiting, and Daniel Fologea


Socio-Ecological Interactions Promote Outbreaks of a Harmful Invasive Plant in an Urban Landscape, T. Trevor Caughlin, Matthew Clark, Louis W. Jochems, Nick Kolarik, Andrii Zaiats, Cody Hall, Jason M. Winiarski, Breanna F. Powers, Martha M. Brabec, and Kelly Hopping


Another Recently Recognized Monotypic Genus is No Longer Monotypic: A Second Species of Pachycaulos (Gesneriaceae) from the Huancabamba Depression in Northern Peru, John L. Clark, James F. Smith, and Peter W. Moonlight


Could Biological Soil Crusts Act as Natural Fire Fuel Breaks in the Sagebrush Steppe?, Lea A. Condon, Douglas J. Shinneman, Roger Rosentreter, and Peter S. Coates


Biocrusts Indicators of Livestock Grazing Effects on Soil Stability in Sagebrush Steppe: A Case Study from a Long-Term Experiment in the Northern Great Basin, Stella M. Copeland, Lea A. Condon, Roger Rosentreter, Jesse E. D. Miller, and Maya Kahn-Abrams


Farnesol Brain Transcriptomics in CNS Inflammatory Demyelination, William J. Doyle, Dana Walters, Xutong Shi, Kristina Hoffman, Krisztian Magori, Jean-Baptiste Roullet, and Javier Ochoa-Repáraz


Background Acoustics in Terrestrial Ecology, Clinton D. Francis, Jennifer N. Phillips, and Jesse R. Barber


The Immunomodulatory Roles of the Gut Microbiome in Autoimmune Diseases of the Central Nervous System: Multiple Sclerosis as a Model, Kristina Hoffman, Zackariah Brownell, William J. Doyle, and Javier Ochoa-Repáraz


Lidar and Deep Learning Reveal Forest Structural Controls on Snowpack, Ahmad Hojatimalekshah, Joel Gongora, Josh Enterkine, Nancy F. Glenn, T. Trevor Caughlin, Hans-Peter Marshall, and Christopher A. Hiemstra


American Kestrel Migration: Insights and Challenges from Tracking Individuals Across the Annual Cycle, Anjolene R. Hunt, Jesse L. Watson, Jason M. Winiarski, Ron R. Porter, and Julie A. Heath


Root Traits of Perennial C4 Grasses Contribute to Cultivar Variations in Soil Chemistry and Species Patterns in Particulate and Mineral-Associated Carbon Pool Formation, Megan J. Kelly-Slatten, Catherine E. Stewart, Malak M. Tfaily, Julie D. Jastrow, Abigail Sasso, and Marie-Anne de Graaff


Experimentally Broadcasted Wind-Turbine Sound Drastically Alters Songbirds' Habitat Selection and Vocal Communication in a Natural Environment, Yael Lehnardt, Tom Klein, Jesse R. Barber, and Oded Berger-Tal


Acclimation and Hardening of a Slow-Growing Woody Species Emblematic to Western North America from in vitro Plantlets, Peggy Martinez, Marcelo Serpe, Rachael Barron, and Sven Buerki


Experimental Manipulation of Soil-Surface Albedo Alters Phenology and Growth of Bromus tectorum (Cheatgrass), Toby M. Maxwell, Matthew J. Germino, Seth Romero, Lauren M. Porensky, Dana M. Blumenthal, Cynthia S. Brown, and Peter B. Adler


A Genotype × Environment Experiment Reveals Contrasting Response Strategies to Drought Between Populations of a Keystone Species (Artemisia tridentata; Asteraceae), Anthony E. Melton, Kara Moran, Peggy Martinez, Paige Ellestad, Erin Milliken, Walker Morales, Andrew W. Child, Bryce A. Richardson, Marcelo Serpe, Stephen J. Novak, and Sven Buerki


Temporal and Spatial Population Dynamics of the Nomadic Short-Eared Owl Across the Western United States, Robert A. Miller, Joseph B. Buchanan, Theresa L. Pope, Jay D. Carlisle, Colleen E. Moulton, and Travis L. Booms


Doxorubicin-Induced Modulation of TGF-β Signaling Cascade in Mouse Fibroblasts: Insights into Cardiotoxicity Mechanisms, Conner Patricelli, Parker Lehmann, Julia Thom Oxford, and Xinzhu Pu


An Experimental Comparison of Stand Management Approaches to Sudden Oak Death: Prevention vs. Restoration, Gissella B. Quiroga, Allison B. Simler-Williamson, Kerri M. Frangioso, Susan J. Frankel, David M. Rizzo, and Richard C. Cobb


Sex, Body Size, and Winter Weather Explain Migration Strategies in a Partial Migrant Population of American Kestrels, Sadie C. Ranck, Christina M. Garsvo, Darin M. Schwartz, Linda M. Reynard, Matthew J. Kohn, and Julie A. Heath


RNA Sequence to Structure Analysis from Comprehensive Pairwise Mutagenesis of Multiple Self-Cleaving Ribozymes, Jessica M. Roberts, James D. Beck, Tanner B. Pollock, Devin P. Bendixsen, and Eric J. Hayden


A Field‐Capable Rapid Plant DNA Extraction Protocol Using Microneedle Patches for Botanical Surveying and Monitoring, Jonathan Selz, Nicolas R. Adam, Céline E. M. Magrini, Fulvia Malvido Montandon, Sven Buerki, and Sebastian J. Maerkl


Effects of Doxorubicin on Extracellular Matrix Regulation in Primary Cardiac Fibroblasts from Mice, Cameron Skaggs, Steve Nick, Conner Patricelli, Laura Bond, Kali Woods, Luke Woodbury, Julia Thom Oxford, and Xinzhu Pu


Advances in Cartilage Tissue Engineering Using Bioinks with Decellularized Cartilage and Three-Dimensional Printing, Roxanne N. Stone, Jonathon C. Reeck, and Julia Thom Oxford


Illegal Shooting is Now a Leading Cause of Death of Birds Along Power Lines in the Western USA, Eve C. Thomason, Natalie J. S. Turley, James R. Belthoff, Tara J. Conkling, and Todd E. Katzner


Social and Biological Perspectives to Investigate and Address Illegal Shooting of Raptors, Eve Thomason, Kenneth Wallen, and Todd Katzner


Hypo-Osmotic Stress and Pore-Forming Toxins Adjust the Lipid Order in Sheep Red Blood Cell Membranes, Rose Whiting, Sevio Stanton, Maryna Kucheriava, Aviana R. Smith, Matt Pitts, Daniel Robertson, Jacob Kammer, Zhiyu Li, and Daniel Fologea

Submissions from 2022


Post-Fire Seed Dispersal of a Wind-Dispersed Shrub Declined with Distance to Seed Source, yet had High Levels of Unexplained Variation, Cara Applestein, T. Trevor Caughlin, and Matthew J. Germino


Bayesian Models for Spatially Explicit Interactions Between Neighbouring Plants, Cristina Barber, Andrii Zaiats, Cara Applestein, Lisa Rosenthal, and T. Trevor Caughlin


Hidden Phylogenomic Signal Helps Elucidate Arsenurine Silkmoth Phylogeny and the Evolution of Body Size and Wing Shape Trade-Offs, Jesse R. Barber


Anti-Bat Ultrasound Production in Moths is Globally and Phylogenetically Widespread, Jesse R. Barber, Brian C. Leavell, Krystie A. Miner, and Brandt Quirk-Royal


Characterization and Comparison of Convergence Among Cephalotus follicularis Pitcher Plant-Associated Communities with Those of Nepenthes and Sarracenia Found Worldwide, Leonora S. Bittleston, Elizabeth L. Benson, Jessica R. Bernardin, and Naomi E. Pierce


Drivers of Flight Performance of California Condors (Gymnogyps californianus), Sophie R. Bonner, Sharon A. Poessel, Joseph C. Brandt, Molly T. Astell, James R. Belthoff, and Todd E. Katzner


Clock-Linked Genes Underlie Seasonal Migratory Timing in a Diurnal Raptor, Christen M. Bossu, Julie A. Heath, Gregory S. Kaltenecker, Barbara Helm, and Kristen C. Ruegg


Phenology Effects on Productivity and Hatching-Asynchrony of American Kestrels (Falco sparverius) Across a Continent, Kathleen R. Callery, Sarah E. Schulwitz, Anjolene R. Hunt, Jason M. Winiarski, Christopher J. W. McClure, Richard A. Fischer, and Julie A. Heath


Seasonal Trends in Adult Apparent Survival and Reproductive Trade-Offs Reveal Potential Constraints to Earlier Nesting in a Migratory Bird, Kathleen R. Callery, John A. Smallwood, Anjolene R. Hunt, Emilie R. Snyder, and Julie A. Heath


Optimizing Process-Based Models to Predict Current and Future Soil Organic Carbon Stocks at High-Resolution, Marie-Anne de Graaff and Ryan Will


Uncovering Haplotype Diversity in Cultivated Mexican Vanilla Species, Paige Ellestad, Miguel Angel Perez Farrera, Félix Forest, and Sven Buerki


The Nutritional Condition of Moose Co-Varies with Climate, but Not with Density, Predation Risk, or Diet Composition, Jennifer S. Forbey and Daniel P. Melody


The Relevance of Pedigrees in the Conservation Genomics Era, Stephanie J. Galla and Julie A. Heath


Interactions Between Strains Govern the Eco-Evolutionary Dynamics of Microbial Communities, Akshit Goyal, Leonora S. Bittleston, Gabriel E. Leventhal, Lu Lu, and Otto X. Cordero


Hidden Intermediates in Mango III RNA Aptamer Folding Revealed by Pressure Perturbation, Balasubramanian Harish, Jinqiu Wang, Eric J. Hayden, Bastian Grabe, Wolf Hiller, Roland Winter, and Catherine A. Royer


Comparing Genome-Based Estimates of Relatedness for Use in Pedigree-Based Conservation Management, Samantha S. Hauser, Stephanie J. Galla, Andrea S. Putnam, Tammy E. Steeves, and Emily K. Latch


Sarracenia Pitcher Plant-Associated Microbial Communities Differ Primarily by Host Species Across a Longitudinal Gradient, Jacob A. Heil, Charles J. Wolock, Naomi E. Pierce, Anne Pringle, and Leonora S. Bittleston


Anderson and Shushan: Lichens of Western North America Fascicle VIII, Hailey Jones, Larry L. St. Clair, Jason Hollinger, Laura S. Cooper, Roger Rosentreter, Rachel Keuler, and Steven D. Leavitt


Nonhistone Lysine Methylation as a Protein Degradation Signal, Nicholas A. Lehning and Brad E. Morrison


Importance of Local Weather and Environmental Gradients on Demography of a Broadly Distributed Temperate Frog, Hallie Lingo and James C. Munger


Reassessment of Chirita umbrophila (Gesneriaceae) Based on Molecular and Morphological Evidence, Peng-Wei Li, James F. Smith, Debabrata Maity, Xi-Zuo Shi, and Li-Hua Yang


The Effects of Cheatgrass Invasion on US Great Basin Carbon Storage Depend on Interactions Between Plant Community Composition, Precipitation Seasonality, and Soil Climate Regime, Toby M. Maxwell and Matthew J. Germino


An Amino-Terminal Fragment of Apolipoprotein E4 Leads to Behavioral Deficits, Increased PHF-1 Immunoreactivity, and Mortality in Zebrafish, Madyson M. McCarthy, Makenna J. Hardy, Saylor E. Leising, Alex M. LaFollette, Erica S. Stewart, Amelia S. Cogan, Tanya Sanghal, Katie Matteo, Jonathon C. Reeck, Julia T. Oxford, and Troy T. Rohn


Applied Studies of Raptor Sensory Ecology are Rare, Christopher J.W. McClure, Simon Potier, and Jesse R. Barber


A Haploid Pseudo-Chromosome Genome Assembly for a Keystone Sagebrush Species of Western North American Rangelands, Anthony E. Melton, Richard S. Beard Jr., Carlos Dave C. Dumaguit, Jennifer S. Forbey, Marie-Anne de Graaff, Peggy Martinez, Stephen J. Novak, Desiree Self, Marcelo Serpe, and Sven Buerki


Meta-Analysis Reveals Challenges and Gaps for Genome-to-Phenome Research Underpinning Plant Drought Response, Anthony E. Melton, Stephanie J. Galla, Carlos Dave C. Dumaguit, John M.A. Wojahn, Stephen Novak, Marcelo Serpe, Peggy Martinez, and Sven Buerki


Short-Eared Owl Land-Use Associations During the Breeding Season in the Western United States, Robert A. Miller, Joseph B. Buchanan, Theresa L. Pope, Jay D. Carlisle, Colleen E. Moulton, and Travis L. Booms


Importance of Flood Irrigation for Foraging Colonial Waterbirds, Colleen E. Moulton, Jay D. Carlisle, Sonya J. Knetter, Kathryn Brenner, and Robert A. Cavallaro


Endemism, Projected Climate Change, and Identifying Species of Critical Concern in the Scrub Mint Clade (Lamiaceae), Andre A. Naranjo, Anthony E. Melton, Douglas E. Soltis, and Pamela S. Soltis


Food Quality, Security, and Thermal Refuge Influence the Use of Microsites and Patches by Pygmy Rabbits (Brachylagus idahoensis) Across Landscapes and Seasons, Peter J. Olsoy, Charlotte R. Milling, Jordan D. Nobler, Meghan J. Camp, Lisa A. Shipley, Jennifer S. Forbey, Janet L. Rachlow, and Daniel H. Thornton


Near-Infrared Spectroscopy Aids Ecological Restoration by Classifying Variation of Taxonomy and Phenology of a Native Shrub, Brecken C. Robb, Peter J. Olsoy, T. Trevor Caughlin, Stephanie J. Galla, Marcella R. Fremgen-Tarantino, Jordan D. Nobler, and Jennifer S. Forbey


Drone Imagery Protocols to Map Vegetation are Transferable Between Dryland Sites Across an Elevational Gradient, Anna Roser, Josh Enterkine, Juan M. Requena-Mullor, Nancy F. Glenn, Alex R. Boehm, Marie-Anne de Graaff, Patrick E. Clark, Fred Pierson, and T. Trevor Caughlin


Interannual Variation in Climate Contributes to Contingency in Post-Fire Restoration Outcomes in Seeded Sagebrush Steppe, Allison B. Simler-Williamson, Cara Applestein, and Matthew J. Germino


Mule Deer Do More with Less: Comparing Their Nutritional Requirements and Tolerances with White-Tailed Deer, Anna R. Staudenmaier, Lisa A. Shipley, Meghan J. Camp, Jennifer S. Forbey, Ann E. Hagerman, Abigail E. Brandt, and Daniel H. Thornton


Detecting Gold Mining Impacts on Insect Biodiversity in a Tropical Mining Frontier with SmallSat Imagery, Eric Stoll, Anand Roopsind, Gyanpriya Maharaj, Sandra Velazco, and T. Trevor Caughlin


Trichomycetes from the Columbia Mountains, British Columbia, Canada, D. B. Strongman and Merlin M. White


Natural and Anthropogenic Noise Increase Vigilance and Decrease Foraging Behaviors in Song Sparrows, K. A. Sweet, B. P. Sweet, D. G. E. Gomes, C. D. Francis, and J. R. Barber


Two New Pendulous Epiphytic Columnea L. (Gesneriaceae) Species from the Chocó Forests of the Northern Andes, Francisco Tobar, James F. Smith, and John L. Clark


A Stochastic Simulation Model for Assessing the Masking Effects of Road Noise for Wildlife, Outdoor Recreation, and Bioacoustic Monitoring, Cory A. Toth, Benjamin P. Pauli, Christopher J.W. McClure, Clinton D. Francis, Peter Newman, Jesse R. Barber, and Kurt Fristrup


Habitat Fragmentation Alters the Distance of Abiotic Seed Dispersal Through Edge Effects and Direction of Dispersal, Christopher R. Warneke, T. Trevor Caughlin, Ellen I. Damschen, Nick M. Haddad, Douglas J. Levey, and Lars A. Brudvig


Centralized Project-Specific Metadata Platforms: Toolkit Provides New Perspectives on Open Data Management within Multi-Institution and Multidisciplinary Research Projects, Andrew Wright Child, Jennifer Hinds, Lucas Sheneman, and Sven Buerki


Spatial Models Can Improve the Experimental Design of Field-Based Transplant Gardens by Preventing Bias Due to Neighborhood Crowding, Andrii Zaiats, Juan M. Raquena-Mullor, Matthew J. Germino, Jennifer S. Forbey, Bryce A. Richardson, and T. Trevor Caughlin

Submissions from 2021


Rapid Production and Purification of Dye-Loaded Liposomes by Electrodialysis-Driven Depletion, Gamid Abatchev, Andrew Bogard, Zoe Hutchinson, Jason Ward, and Daniel Fologea


Abundance, Distribution, and Growth Characteristics of Three Keystone Vachellia Trees in Gebel Elba National Park, South-Eastern Egypt, Ahmed M. Abbas, Mohammed Al-Kahtani, Stephen J. Novak, and Wagdi Saber Soliman


Noise Distracts Foraging Bats, Louise C. Allen, Nickolay I. Hristov, Juliette J. Rubin, Joseph T. Lightsey, and Jesse R. Barber


Weather Affects Post-Fire Recovery of Sagebrush-Steppe Communities and Model Transferability Among Sites, Cara Applestein, T. Trevor Caughlin, and Matthew J. Germino


Local Weather Explains Annual Variation in Northern Goshawk Reproduction in the Northern Great Basin, USA, Allyson B. Bangerter, Eliana R. Heiser, Jay D. Carlisle, and Robert A. Miller


Adaptive Shifts Underlie the Divergence in Wing Morphology in Bombycoid Moths, Jesse R. Barber


Artificial Nightlight Alters the Predator–Prey Dynamics of an Apex Carnivore, Jesse R. Barber


Commentary: The Past, Present, and Future of the Global Raptor Impact Network, James R. Belthoff and Julie A. Heath


Exploring Microbiome Functional Dynamics Through Space and Time with Trait-Based Theory, Leonora S. Bittleston and Jessica R. Bernardin


The Ionic Selectivity of Lysenin Channels in Open and Sub-Conducting States, Andrew Bogard, Pangaea W. Finn, Fulton McKinney, Ilinca M. Flacau, Aviana R. Smith, Rosey Whiting, and Daniel Fologea


Some Morphologically Distinguishable Hypotrich Ciliates Share Identical 18S rRNA Gene Sequences: Taxonomic Insights from a Case Study on Oxytricha Species (Protista, Ciliophora), William Bourland


The American Kestrel (Falco sparverius) Genoscape: Implications for Monitoring, Management, and Subspecies Boundaries, Michaela Brinkmeyer and Julie A. Heath


A Record of Vapour Pressure Deficit Preserved in Wood and Soil Across Biomes, Adrian Broz, Gregory J. Retallack, Toby M. Maxwell, and Lucas C.R. Silva


An Updated Infra-Familial Classification of Sapindaceae Based on Targeted Enrichment Data, Sven Buerki


Pandanus grayorum (Pandanaceae): A New Species Endemic to North-Eastern Queensland (Australia), Martin W. Callmander, Sven Buerki, Frank A. Zich, Ashley R. Field, and Timothy Gallaher


Neotypification of Pandanus odorifer the Correct Name for P. odoratissimus (Pandanaceae), Martin W. Callmander, Timothy J. Gallaher, John McNeill, Henk Beentje, Altafhusain B. Nadaf, David J. Middleton, and Sven Buerki


Otto Warburg and His Contributions to the Screw Pine Family (Pandanaceae), Martin W. Callmander, Robert Vogt, Anna Donatelli, Sven Buerki, and Chiara Nepi


Repurposing Drugs to Treat Heart and Brain Illness, Maranda S. Cantrell, Alejandro Soto-Avellaneda, Jackson D. Wall, Aaron D. Ajeti, Brad E. Morrison, Lisa R. Warner, and Owen M. McDougal


Co-Inoculation with a Dark Septate Endophyte Alters Arbuscular Mycorrhizal Colonization of Two Widespread Plants of the Sagebrush Steppe, Craig L. Carpenter, Merlin White, and Marcelo D. Serpe


Monitoring Tropical Forest Succession at Landscape Scales Despite Uncertainty in Landsat Time Series, T. Trevor Caughlin, Cristina Barber, Gregory P. Asner, Nancy F. Glenn, Stephanie A. Bohlaman, and Chris H. Wilson


Soil Organic Carbon is Not Just for Soil Scientists: Measurement Recommendations for Diverse Practitioners, M.-A. de Graaff


SoDaH: The SOils DAta Harmonization Database, an Open-Source Synthesis of Soil Data from Research Networks, Version 1.0, Marie-Anne de Graaff


An Alternative Approach to Nucleic Acid Memory, George D. Dickinson, Golam Md Mortuza, William Clay, Luca Piantanida, Christopher M. Green, Chad Watson, Eric J. Hayden, Tim Andersen, Wan Kuang, Elton Graugnard, Reza Zadegan, and William L. Hughes


Assessing the Vulnerabilities of Vertebrate Species to Light and Noise Pollution: Expert Surveys Illuminate the Impacts on Specialist Species, Mark A. Ditmer, Clinton D. Francis, Jesse R. Barber, David C. Stoner, Brett M. Seymoure, Kurt M. Fristrup, and Neil H. Carter


Shared Functional Traits Explain Synchronous Changes in Long-Term Count Trends of Migratory Raptors, Patricia Kaye T. Dumandan, Keith L. Bildstein, Laurie J. Goodrich, Andrii Zaiats, T. Trevor Caughlin, and Todd E. Katzner


Harnessing Large-Scale Biodiversity Data to Infer the Current Distribution of Vanilla planifolia (Orchidaceae), Paige Ellestad, Félix Forest, Marcelo Serpe, Stephen J. Novak, and Sven Buerki


Low Activities of Digestive Enzymes in the Guts of Herbivorous Grouse (Aves: Tetraoninae), Jennifer Sorensen Forbey


Assessing Accuracy of GAP and LANDFIRE Land Cover Datasets in Winter Habitats Used by Greater Sage-Grouse in Idaho and Wyoming, USA, Marcella R. Fremgen-Tarantino, Peter J. Olsoy, Graham G. Frye, John W. Connelly, Alan H. Krakauer, Gail L. Patricelli, and Jennifer Sorensen Forbey


Expanding the Conservation Genomics Toolbox: Incorporating Structural Variants to Enhance Genomic Studies for Species of Conservation Concern, Stephanie J. Galla


Performance of the Ecosystem Demography Model (EDv2.2) in Simulating Gross Primary Production Capacity and Activity in a Dryland Study Area, Nancy F. Glenn, Marie Anne de Graaff, and Alejandro Flores


Nuclear Envelope Mechanobiology: Linking the Nuclear Structure and Function, Matthew Goelzer, Julianna Goelzer, Matthew L. Ferguson, Corey P. Neu, and Gunes Uzer


Phantom Rivers Filter Birds and Bats by Acoustic Niche, D. G. E. Gomes, C. A. Toth, H. J. Cole, C. D. Francis, and J. R. Barber


Using the Past to Understand the Present: Coping with Natural and Anthropogenic Noise, Dylan G.E. Gomes, Clinton D. Francis, and Jesse R. Barber


Phantom River Noise Alters Orb‐Weaving Spider Abundance, Web Size and Prey Capture, Dylan G.E. Gomes, Thomas Hesselberg, and Jesse R. Barber


Experimental River Noise Alters Arthropod Abundance, Dylan G.E. Gomes, Cory A. Toth, Craig C. Bateman, Clinton D. Francis, Akito Y. Kawahara, and Jesse R. Barber


A Repeated Triple Lysine Motif Anchors Complexes Containing Bone Sialoprotein and the Type XI Collagen A1 Chain Involved in Bone Mineralization, Jeff P. Gorski, Nichole T. Franz, Daniel Pernoud, Andrew Keightley, David R. Eyre, and Julia Thom Oxford


Is the Grass Always Greener on the Other Side?: Weak Relationships Between Vegetation Cover and Parasitic Fly Infestations, Christine D. Hayes, Thomas I. Hayes, Martín Quiroga, Russell K. Thorstrom, Laura Bond, and David L. Anderson


Demography of a Widespread Raptor Across Disparate Regions, Julie A. Heath


Golden Eagle Dietary Shifts Following Wildfire and Shrub Loss Have Negative Consequences for Nestling Survivorship, Julie A. Heath, Michael N. Kochert, and Karen Steenhof


Primers to Highly Conserved Elements Optimized for qPCR-Based Telomere Length Measurement in Vertebrates, Stephanie F. Hudon, Esteban Palencia Hurtado, James D. Beck, Steven J. Burden, Devin P. Bendixsen, Kathleen R. Callery, Jennifer Sorensen Forbey, Julie A. Heath, and Eric J. Hayden


Unifying Community Detection Across Scales from Genomes to Landscapes, Stephanie F. Hudon, Andrii Zaiats, Anna Roser, Anand Roopsind, Cristina Barber, Brecken Robb, Britt Pendleton, Merry M. Davidson, Jonas Frankel-Bricker, Marcella Fremgen-Tarantino, Jennifer Sorensen Forbey, Eric Hayden, Olivia K. Rodriguez, and T. Trevor Caughlin


The Function and Evolution of Motile DNA Replication Systems in Ciliates, Nicholas A.T. Irwin, Alexandros A. Pittis, Varsha Mathur, LeAnne J. Howe, Patrick J. Keeling, Denis H. Lynn, and William A. Bourland


Weed-Suppressive Bacteria Effects Differ in Culture Compared to in Soils and with or without Microbial Competition and Separation of Active Ingredient, Brynne E. Lazarus, Kevin Feris, and Matthew J. Germino


Does Experimentally Quieting Traffic Noise Benefit People and Birds?, Mitchell J. Levenhagen, Christopher J.W. McClure, and Jesse R. Barber


Bioactive Recombinant Human Oncostatin M for NMR-Based Screening in Drug Discovery, Olga A. Mass, Joseph Tuccinardi, Luke Woodbury, Cody L. Wolf, Bri Grantham, Kelsey Holdaway, Xinzhu Pu, Matthew D. King, Don L. Warner, Cheryl L. Jorcyk, and Lisa R. Warner


A Draft Genome Provides Hypotheses on Drought Tolerance in a Keystone Plant Species in Western North America Threatened by Climate Change, Anthony E. Melton, James Beck, Stephanie J. Galla, Marcelo Serpe, Stephen Novak, and Sven Buerki


Poor Vector Competence of the Human Flea, Pulex irritans, to Transmit Yersinia pestis, Adélaïde Miarinjara, David M. Bland, James R. Belthoff, and B. Joseph Hinnebusch


Fire Frequency Impacts Soil Properties and Processes in Sagebrush Steppe Ecosystems of the Columbia Basin, Leslie Nichols, Douglas J. Shinneman, Susan K. McIlroy, and Marie-Anne de Graaff


Scaling Up Sagebrush Chemistry with Near-Infrared Spectroscopy and UAS-Acquired Hyperspectral Imagery, Peter J. Olsoy, Brecken C. Robb, Jennifer Sorenson Forbey, T. Trevor Caughlin, Chelsea Merriman, and Jordan D. Nobler


Decreased Cortisol Among Hikers Who Preferentially Visit and Value Biodiverse Riparian Zones, Ellie Opdahl, Kathryn Demps, and Julie A. Heath


Resolving Species Boundaries in a Recent Radiation with the Angiosperms353 Probe Set: The Lomatium packardiae/L. anomalum Clade of the L. triternatum (Apiaceae) Complex, Michael V. Ottenlips, Sven Buerki, and James F. Smith


Cellular Activity of Salmonella Typhimurium ArtAB Toxin and Its Receptor-Binding Subunit, Elise Overgaard, Brad Morris, Omid Mohammad Mousa, Adriana Rodriguez, Leyla Cufurovic, Richard S. Beard, and Juliette K. Tinker


Monitoring Through Community Science: Anna’s Hummingbird Winter Range Expansion into Idaho, Jessica J. Pollock, Heidi Ware Carlisle, Heather M. Hayes, and Bryce W. Robinson


Intra-Specific Variation in Migration Phenology of American Kestrels (Falco sparverius) in Response to Spring Temperatures, Breanna F. Powers, Jason M. Winiarski, Juan M. Requena-Mullor, and Julie A. Heath


Active Restoration Leads to Rapid Recovery of Aboveground Biomass but Limited Recovery of Fish Diversity in Planted Mangrove Forests of the North Brazil Shelf, Mark A. Ram, T. Trevor Caughlin, and Anand Roopsind


Authentication of a Novel Antibody to Zebrafish Collagen Type XI Alpha 1 Chain (Col11a1a), Jonathon C. Reeck, Makenna J. Hardy, Xinzhu Pu, Cynthia Keller-Peck, and Julia Thom Oxford


Natural Noise Affects Conspecific Signal Detection and Territorial Defense Behaviors in Songbirds, Veronica A. Reed, Cory A. Toth, Ryan N. Wardle, Dylan G.E. Gomes, Jesse R. Barber, and Clinton D. Francis


Long-Term Crop Rotation Diversification Enhances Maize Drought Resistance Through Soil Organic Matter, Leah L.R. Renwick, William Deen, Lucas Silva, Matthew E. Gilbert, Toby Maxwell, Timothy M. Bowles, and Amélie C.M. Gaudin


The Role of Genome Duplication in Big Sagebrush Growth and Fecundity, Bryce A. Richardson, Matthew J. Germino, Marcus V. Warwell, and Sven Buerki


Biological Soil of Crusts of North American Drylands: Cryptic Diversity at Risk, Roger Rosentreter


Using an Ultraviolet Light Test to Improve Sagebrush Identification and Predict Forage Quality for Wildlife, Roger Rosentreter, Brecken C. Robb, and Jennifer S. Forbey


Integrating Genomics in Population Models to Forecast Translocation Success, Travis Seaborn, Kimberly R. Andrews, Cara V. Applestein, Tyler M. Breech, Molly J. Garrett, Andrii Zaiats, and T. Trevor Caughlin


A Phantom Ultrasonic Insect Chorus Repels Low-Flying Bats, but Most are Undeterred, Jodi L. Sedlock, Dylan G.E. Gomes, Juliette J. Rubin, Sarah Woody, Buyung A.R. Hadi, and Jesse R. Barber


Disentangling the Effects of Multiple Fires on Spatially Interspersed Sagebrush (Artemisia spp.) Communities, Douglas J. Shinneman, Susan K. McIlroy, and Marie-Anne de Graaff


Wildfire Alters the Disturbance Impacts of an Emerging Forest Disease via Changes to Host Occurrence and Demographic Structure, Allison B. Simler-Williamson, Margaret R. Metz, Kerri M. Frangioso, and David M. Rizzo


Phylogenetics and Comparative Plastome Genomics of Two of the Largest Genera of Angiosperms, Piper and Peperomia (Piperaceae), Sara E. Simmonds, James F. Smith, Christopher Davidson, and Sven Buerki


Data Management Tools to Measure the Impact of Core Facilities, Diane B. Smith, Tracy L. Yarnell, Barbara J. Jibben, Linda E. Liou, Carolyn J. Hovde, and Julia Thom Oxford


A Higher-Level Nuclear Phylogenomic Study of the Carrot Family (Apiaceae), James F. Smith


Gateway Scholarships in Biological Sciences: Year 4 Annual Report, Vicki Stieha, Julia Oxford, Amy Ulappa, Brittnee Earl, Jennifer Forbey, Laura Bond, Kevin Feris, Jocelyn Cullers, and Caleb Hartman


Decellularized Porcine Cartilage Scaffold: Validation of Decellularization and Evaluation of Biomarkers of Chondrogenesis, Roxanne N. Stone, Stephanie M. Frahs, Makenna J. Hardy, Akina Fujimoto, Xinzhu Pu, Cynthia Keller-Peck, and Julia Thom Oxford


Linking Behavioral States to Landscape Features for Improved Conservation Management, Maitreyi Sur and Jim R. Belthoff


Macrophages Expedite Cell Proliferation of Prostate Intraepithelial Neoplasia Through Their Downstream Target ERK, Mikalah U. Thomas, Justin K. Messex, Tu Dang, Sarki A. Abdulkadir, Cheryl L. Jorcyk, and Geou-Yarh Liou


A Multiplexed, Automated Evolution Pipeline Enables Scalable Discovery and Characterization of Biosensors, Brent Townshend, Joy S. Xiang, Gabriel Manzanarez, Eric J. Hayden, and Christina D. Smolke


Bio-Acoustic Tracking and Localization Using Heterogeneous, Scalable Microphone Arrays, Erik Verreycken, Ralph Simon, Brandt Quirk-Royal, Walter Daems, Jesse Barber, and Jan Steckel


Biological Soil Crusts of the Great Plains: A Review, Steven D. Warren, Roger Rosentreter, and Nicole Pietrasiak


Artificial Night Light and Anthropogenic Noise Interact to Influence Bird Abundance Over a Continental Scale, Ashley A. Wilson, Mark A. Ditmer, Jesse R. Barber, Neil H. Carter, Eliot T. Miller, Luke P. Tyrell, and Clinton D. Francis


G2PMineR: A Genome to Phenome Literature Review Approach, John M.A. Wojahn, Stephanie J. Galla, Anthony E. Melton, and Sven Buerki


Intraspecific Variation Mediates Density Dependence in a Genetically Diverse Plant Species, Andrii Zaiats, Matthew J. Germino, Marcelo D. Serpe, Bryce Richardson, and T. Trevor Caughlin

Submissions from 2020


Evaluation of the Efficacy of a Cholera Toxin-Based Staphylococcus aureus Vaccine Against Bovine Intramammary Challenge, Hussain A. Alabdullah, Elise Overgaard, Danielle Scarbrough, Janet E. Williams, Omid Mohammad Mousa, Gary Dunn, Laura Bond, Mark A. McGuire, and Juliette K. Tinker


Low Intensity Vibrations Augment Mesenchymal Stem Cell Proliferation and Differentiation Capacity During in vitro Expansion, Guniz Bas, Stacie Loisate, Stephanie F. Hudon, Kali Woods, Eric J. Hayden, Xinzhu Pu, Richard Beard, Julia T. Oxford, and Gunes Uzer


AKT2 Maintains Brain Endothelial Claudin-5 Expression and Selective Activation of IR/AKT2/FOXO1-Signaling Reverses Barrier Dysfunction, Richard S. Beard Jr., Brian A. Hoettels, Jamie E. Meegan, Travis S. Wertz, Byeong J. Cha, Xiaoyuan Yang, Julia T. Oxford, Mack H. Wu, and Sarah Y. Yuan


Variation in Monthly Sizes of Home‐Ranges of Hooded Vultures Necrosyrtes monachus in Western, Eastern and Southern Africa, Marc J. Bechard


Context-Dependent Dynamics Lead to the Assembly of Functionally Distinct Microbial Communities, Leonora S. Bittleston, Matti Gralka, Gabriel E. Levanthal, Itzhak Mizrahi, and Otto X. Cordero


Genomics of New Ciliate Lineages Provides Insight into the Evolution of Obligate Anaerobiosis, William Bourland


Description of Three New Genera of Metopidae (Metopida,Ciliophora): Pileometopus gen. Nov., Castula gen. Nov., and Longitaenia gen. Nov., with Notes on the Phylogeny and Cryptic Diversity of Metopid Ciliates, William Bourland, Johana Rotterová, and Ivan Čepička


Harvester Ants Reduce Seed Survivorship in Slickspot Peppergrass, a Rare Mustard Endemic to Idaho, Jennifer A. Brown and Ian C. Robertson


New Guinea Has the World’s Richest Island Flora, Sven Buerki


The Ghost Fruits of Madagascar: Identifying Dysfunctional Seed Dispersal in Madagascar's Endemic Flora, Sven Buerki


Illegal Killing of Nongame Wildlife and Recreational Shooting in Conservation Areas, Jay D. Carlisle, Eve C. Thomason, James R. Belthoff, Julie A. Heath, Kristina J. Parker, Heather M. Hayes, Madeline C. Alberg, Sandra M. Amdor, Steven E. Alsup, and Stephanie E. Coates


Operational Large-Area Land-Cover Mapping: An Ethiopia Case Study, Trevor Caughlin


Passive Restoration of Vegetation and Biological Soil Crusts Following 80 years of Exclusion from Grazing Across the Great Basin, Lea A. Condon, Nicole Pietrasiak, Roger Rosentreter, and David A. Pyke


Characterization of 5′-Methylthioadenosine/S-Adenosylhomocysteine Nucleosidases from Borrelia burgdorferi: Antibiotic Targets for Lyme Disease, Kenneth A. Cornell, Reece J. Knippel, Gerald R. Cortright, Meghan Fonken, Christian Guerrero, Amy R. Hall, and Kristen A. Mitchell


Notch Family Members Follow Stringent Requirements for Intracellular Domain Dimerization at Sequence-Paired Sites, Jacob J. Crow and Allan R. Albig


Evaluating a Rapid Field Assessment System for Anticoagulant Rodenticide Exposure of Raptors, Ariana J. Dickson, James R. Belthoff, and Kristen A. Mitchell


Weed-Suppressive Bacteria Fail to Control Bromus tectorum Under Field Conditions, Kevin P. Feris


The Phantom Chorus: Birdsong Boosts Human Well-Being in Protected Areas, Danielle M. Ferraro, Zachary D. Miller, Lauren A. Ferguson, B. Derrick Taff, Jesse R. Barber, Peter Newman, and Clinton D. Francis


Influences of a Prolific Gut Fungus (Zancudomyces culisetae) on Larval and Adult Mosquito (Aedes aegypti)-Associated Microbiota, Jonas Frankel-Bricker, Sven Buerki, Kevin P. Feris, and Merlin M. White


Winter Foraging Ecology of Greater Sage-Grouse in a Post-Fire Landscape, Marcella R. Fremgen-Tarantino, Jacqueline J. Peña, John W. Connelly, and Jennifer Sorensen Forbey


Investigation of an Elevational Gradient Reveals Strong Differences Between Bacterial and Eukaryotic Communities Coinhabiting Nepenthes Phytotelmata, Kadeem J. Gilbert, Leonora S. Bittleston, Mark Arcebal K. Naive, Anthony E. Kiszewski, Perry Archival C. Buenavente, David J. Lohman, and Naomi E. Pierce


Tropical Pitcher Plants (Nepenthes) Act as Ecological Filters by Altering Properties of Their Fluid Microenvironments, Kadeem J. Gilbert, Leonora S. Bittleston, Wenfei Tong, and Naomi E. Pierce


Long‐Distance Natal Dispersal Is Relatively Frequent and Correlated with Environmental Factors in a Widespread Raptor, Hanna M. McCaslin, T. Trevor Caughlin, and Julie A. Heath


Patterns and Mechanisms of Heterogeneous Breeding Distribution Shifts of North American Migratory Birds, Hanna M. McCaslin and Julie A. Heath


A New Micro-Endemic Species of Alectryon (Sapindaceae) from Koghis Forest, New Caledonia, Jérôme Munzinger, Porter P. Lowry, Martin W. Callmander, and Sven Buerki


Mapping Foodscapes and Sagebrush Morphotypes with Unmanned Aerial Systems for Multiple Herbivores, Peter J. Olsoy, Jennifer S. Forbey, Lisa A. Shipley, Janet L. Rachlow, Brecken C. Robb, Jordan D. Nobler, and Daniel H. Thornton


Evolutionary Origins of Three Rare Alpine-Endemic Species of Lomatium (Apiaceae) in the Wallowa and Elkhorn Mountains of Northeastern Oregon, Michael V. Ottenlips, Mary Ann E. Feist, Donald H. Mansfield, Gregory M. Plunkett, Sven Buerki, and James F. Smith


Pedigree Validation Using Genetic Markers in an Intensively-Managed Taonga Species, the Critically Endangered Kakī (Himantopus novaezelandiae), Ashley Overbeek, Stephanie Galla, Liz Brown, Simon Cleland, Cody Thyne, Richard Maloney, and Tammy Steeves


Endothelial Cell Contributions to COVID-19, Alexandra E. Oxford, Fabio Halla, Evan B. Robertson, and Brad E. Morrison


Clinical Trials in Alzheimer’s Disease: A Hurdle in the Path of Remedy, Alexandra E. Oxford, Erica S. Stewart, and Troy T. Rohn


Investigation of Multiphasic 3D-Bioplotted Scaffolds for Site-Specific Chondrogenic and Osteogenic Differentiation of Human Adipose-Derived Stem Cells for Osteochondral Tissue Engineering Applications, Julia T. Oxford


Multiple Dose Pharmacokinetic Models Predict Bioavailability of Toxins in Vertebrate Herbivores, Dane Patey, Jennifer Forbey, Steven Kern, and Rongsong Liu


Genetic Analysis of Invasive Populations of Ventenata dubia (Poaceae): An Assessment of Propagule Pressure and Pattern of Range Expansion in the Western United States, Inna Pervukhina-Smith, René F.H. Sforza, Massimo Cristofaro, James F. Smith, and Stephen J. Novak


Transcriptome Analyses in BV2 Microglial Cells Following Treatment with Amino-Terminal Fragments of Apolipoprotein E, Tanner B. Pollock, Giovan N. Cholico, Tarun Suresh, Erica S. Stewart, Madyson M. McCarthy, and Troy T. Rohn


Enhanced Hyaluronan Signaling and Autophagy Dysfunction by VPS35 D620N, Abir A. Rahman, Alejandro Soto-Avellaneda, Iva Stojkovska, Nathan K. Lai, Joshua E. Albright, Abby R. Webb, Emily Oe, Jacob P. Valarde, Alexandra E. Oxford, Paige E. Urquhart, Brandon Wager, Connor Brown, Isabella Amado, Peyton Vasquez, Nicholas Lehning, Xinzhu Pu, and Brad E. Morrison


Climatic Drivers of Verticillium dahliae Occurrence in Mediterranean Olive-Growing Areas of Southern Spain, Juan M. Requena-Mullor, Jose Manuel García-Garrido, Pedro Antonio García, and Estefanía Rodríguez


Colony Dynamics and Plant Community Associations of the Harvester Ant, Pogonomyrmex salinus (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) in Sagebrush-Steppe Habitat, Ian C. Robertson and Wilma G. Robertson

Should I Be Tested for Alzheimer's Disease?, Troy Rohn


Grazing Disturbance Promotes Exotic Annual Grasses by Degrading Soil Biocrust Communities, Heather T. Root, Jesse E.D. Miller, and Roger Rosentreter


Biocrust Lichen and Moss Species Most Suitable for Restoration Projects, Roger Rosentreter


Biodiversity and Ecology of Lichens of Kenai Fjords National Park, Alaska, Roger Rosentreter


If a Tree Falls in the Forest, Will Its Lichens Flourish or Die?, Roger Rosentreter, Laurel Kaminsky, and Ann DeBolt


Effects of a Companion Plant on the Formation of Mycorrhizal Propagules in Artemisia tridentata Seedlings, Marcelo D. Serpe, Adam Thompson, and Erika Petzinger


Quantifying the Relative Importance of Variation in Predation and the Environment for Species Coexistence, Lauren G. Shoemaker, Allison K. Barner, Leonora S. Bittleston, and Ashley I. Teufel


Temporary Membrane Permeabilization via the Pore-Forming Toxin Lysenin, Nisha Shrestha, Christopher A. Thomas, Devon Richtsmeier, Andrew Bogard, Rebecca Hermann, Malyk Walker, Gamid Abatchev, Raquel J. Brown, and Daniel Fologea


Signaling and Other Functions of Lipids in Autophagy: A Review, Alejandro Soto-Avellaneda and Brad E. Morrison


Gateway Scholarships in Biological Sciences: Year 3 Annual Report, Vicki Stieha, Julia Oxford, Amy Ulappa, Brittnee Earl, Jennifer Forbey, Laura Bond, Kevin Feris, and Jocelyn Cullers


Relevance of Individual and Environmental Drivers of Movement of Golden Eagles, Maitreyi Sur


Emerging Gene-Editing Modalities for Osteoarthritis, Alekya S. Tanikella, Makenna J. Hardy, Stephanie M. Frahs, Aidan G. Cormier, Kalin D. Gibbons, Clare K. Fitzpatrick, and Julia Thom Oxford


Low-Intensity Vibration Restores Nuclear YAP Levels and Acute YAP Nuclear Shuttling in Mesenchymal Stem Cells Subjected to Simulated Microgravity, Matthew Thompson, Kali Woods, Joshua Newberg, Julia Thom Oxford, and Gunes Uzer


Morphological and Molecular Characterization of Two Trichodina (Ciliophora, Peritrichia) Species from Freshwater Fishes in China, Zhe Wang, William A. Bourland, Tong Zhou, Hao Yang, Chenxin Zhang, and Zemao Gu


Morphology, Morphogenesis, and Phylogeny of Urosoma caudata (Ehrenberg, 1833) Berger, 1999 (Ciliophora, Hypotrichia) Based on a Chinese Population, Wenxin Xu, Yan Zhao, Bo Pan, Yongqiang Liu, Yuan Li, William A. Bourland, and Xiaotian Luo

Submissions from 2019


Effects of Fertilization, Plant Species, and Intra-Specific Diversity on Soil Carbon and Nitrogen in Biofuel Cropping Systems After Five Growing Seasons, Jaron Adkins, Julie D. Jastrow, Geoffrey P. Morris, and Marie-Anne de Graaff


Spatial, Road Geometric and Biotic Factors Associated with Barn Owl Mortality Along an Interstate Highway, Erin M. Arnold, Steven E. Hanser, Tempe Regan, Jeremy Thompson, Melinda Lowe, Angela Kociolek, and James R. Belthoff


Social Scavenging by Wintering Striated Caracaras (Phalcoboenus australis) in the Falkland Islands, Anna R. Autilio, Marc J. Bechard, and Keith L. Bildstein

Experiencing Pollution Through Animal Senses, Jesse Barber


An Improved Method for Utilizing High‐Throughput Amplicon Sequencing to Determine the Diets of Insectivorous Animals, Jesse R. Barber


Phylogenomics Reveals the Evolutionary Timing and Pattern of Butterflies and Moths, Jesse R. Barber


Phylogenomics Resolves Major Relationships and Reveals Significant Diversification Rate Shifts in the Evolution of Silk Moths and Relatives, J. R. Barber


Genotype Network Intersections Promote Evolutionary Innovation, Devin P. Bendixsen, James Collet, Bjørn Østman, and Eric J. Hayden


Landscape Heterogeneity is Key to Forecasting Outcomes of Plant Reintroduction, T. Trevor Caughlin, Ellen I. Damschen, Nick M. Haddad, Douglas J. Levey, Christopher Warneke, and Lars A. Brudvig


High-Resolution Remote Sensing Data as a Boundary Object to Facilitate Interdisciplinary Collaboration, T. Trevor Caughlin, Sarah J. Graves, Gregory P. Asner, Bryan C. Tarbox, and Stephanie A. Bohlman


Long-Billed Curlew Nest Site Selection and Success in the Intermountain West, Stephanie E. Coates, Benjamin W. Wright, and Jay D. Carlisle


A First Phylogenetic Assessment of Dictyonemo in Southwestern North America Reveals Three New Basidiolichens, Described in Honor James D. Lawrey, Manuel Dal Forno, Laurel Kaminsky, Roger Rosentreter, R. Troy McMullin, André Aptroot, and Robert Lücking


Empirical Methods for Remote Sensing of Nitrogen in Drylands May Lead to Unreliable Interpretation of Ecosystem Function, Hamid Dashti, Nancy F. Glenn, Nayani T. Ilangakoon, Alejandro N. Flores, and Marie-Anne de Graaff


Effects of Agricultural Intensification on Soil Biodiversity and Implications for Ecosystem Functioning: A Meta-Analysis, Marie-Anne de Graaff, Nicole Hornslein, Heather L. Throop, Paul Kardol, and Linda T.A. van Diepen


The Role of Antarctica in Biogeographical Reconstruction: A Point of View, Manuel de la Estrella, Sven Buerki, Thais Vasconcelos, Eve J. Lucas, and Félix Forest


Cheatgrass-Associated AMF Community Negatively Affects Sagebrush Root Production but Not C Transfer to the Soil, Janina Dierks, Karolien Denef, Linda T.A. van Diepen, and Marie-Anne de Graaff


Where to Forage When Afraid: Does Perceived Risk Impair Use of the Foodscape?, Samantha P.H. Dwinnell, Hall Sawyer, Jill E. Randall, Jeffery L. Beck, Jennifer S. Forbey, Gary L. Fralick, and Kevin L. Monteith


Defect Engineering of ZnO Nanoparticles for Bioimaging Applications, Josh E. Eixenberger, Katelyn Wada, Kongara M. Reddy, Raquel J. Brown, Jonathan Moreno-Ramirez, Ariel E. Weltner, Karthik Chinnathambi, Dmitri A. Tenne, Daniel Fologea, and Denise G. Wingett


Trophic Interactions and Abiotic Factors Drive Functional and Phylogenetic Structure of Vertebrate Herbivore Communities Across the Arctic Tundra Biome, Jennifer Forbey


Prechondrogenic ATDC5 Cell Attachment and Differentiation on Graphene Foam; Modulation by Surface Functionalization with Fibronectin, Stephanie M. Frahs, Jonathon C. Reeck, Katie M. Yocham, Kiyo Fujimoto, Crystal Scott, Richard S. Beard Jr., Raquel J. Brown, Trevor J. Lujan, David Estrada, and Julia Thom Oxford


Correcting Forensic DNA Errors, Greg Hampikian


Using Motion-Activated Trail Cameras to Study Diet and Productivity of Cliff-Nesting Golden Eagles, Jordan T. Harrison, Michael N. Kochert, Benjamin P. Pauli, and Julie A. Heath


Colonial History Impacts Urban Tree Species Distribution in a Tropical City, Nadia Hunte, Anand Roopsind, Abdullah A. Ansari, and T. Trevor Caughlin


Shotgun Sequencing Decades-Old Lichen Specimens to Resolve Phylogenomic Placement of Type Material, Steven D. Leavitt, Rachel Kueler, Clayton C. Newberry, Roger Rosentreter, and Larry L. St. Clair


Natural Sounds Alter California Ground Squirrel, Otospermophilus beecheyi, Foraging, Vigilance and Movement Behaviours, My-Lan T. Le, Christopher M. Garvin, Jesse R. Barber, and Clinton D. Francis


A Simple and Rapid Cryopreservation Technique for Ciliates: A Long‐Term Storage Procedure Used for Marine Scuticociliates, Yongqiang Liu, Bei Nan, Lili Duan, Ting Cheng, William A. Bourland, Mingjian Liu, and Yan Zhao


Phylogeny of the Ciliate Family Psilotrichidae (Protista, Ciliophora), a Curious and Poorly-Known Taxon, with Notes on Two Algae-Bearing Psilotrichids from Guam, USA, Xiaotian Luo, Jie A. Huang, Lifang Li, Weibo Song, and William A. Bourland


Ribbon α-Conotoxin KTM Exhibits Potent Inhibition of Nicotinic Acetylcholine Receptors, Leanna A. Marquart, Matthew W. Turner, Lisa R. Warner, Matthew D. King, James R. Groome, and Owen M. McDougal


Experimental Exclusion of Insectivorous Predators Results in No Responses Across Multiple Trophic Levels in a Water-Limited, Sagebrush-Steppe Ecosystem, Peggy Martinez, Elizeth Cinto Mejia, Jesse R. Barber, and Marie-Anne de Graaff


Investigation of the Geographic Origin of Burrowing Owl Fleas with Implications for the Ecology of Plague, Kara A. Navock, David H. Johnson, Samantha Evans, Matthew J. Kohn, and James R. Belthoff


Preferences of Specialist and Generalist Mammalian Herbivores for Mixtures versus Individual Plant Secondary Metabolites, Jordan D. Nobler and Jennifer S. Forbey


Conservation Genomics in the Sagebrush Sea: Population Divergence, Demographic History, and Local Adaptation in Sage-Grouse (Centrocercus spp.), Kevin P. Oh, Cameron L. Aldridge, Jennifer S. Forbey, Carolyn Y. Dadabay, and Sara J. Oyler-McCance


Extracellular Matrix in Development and Disease, Julia Thom Oxford, Jonathon C. Reeck, and Makenna J. Hardy


A Fragment of Apolipoprotein E4 Leads to the Downregulation of a CXorf56 Homologue, a Novel ER-Associated Protein, and Activation of BV2 Microglial Cells, Tanner B. Pollock, Jacob M. Mack, Noail F. Isho, Raquel J. Brown, Alexandra E. Oxford, Brad E. Morrison, Eric J. Hayden, and Troy T. Rohn


Nitrous Oxide from Streams and Rivers: A Review of Primary Biogeochemical Pathways and Environmental Variables, Annika M. Quick, W. Jeffery Reeder, Tiffany B. Farrell, Daniele Tonina, Kevin P. Feris, and Shawn G. Benner


Contributions of VPS35 Mutations to Parkinson’s Disease, Abir A. Rahman and Brad E. Morrison


Morpho-Molecular Characterization of the Litostomatean Predatory Ciliate Phialina pupula (Müller, 1773) Foissner, 1983 (Haptoria, Lacrymariidae), Ľubomír Rajter, William Bourland, and Peter Vďačný


Human-Carnivore Relations: Conflicts, Tolerance and Coexistence in the American West, Juan M. Requena-Mullor


Integrating Anthropogenic Factors into Regional-Scale Species Distribution Models: A Novel Application in the Imperiled Sagebrush Biome, Juan M. Requena-Mullor, Kaitlin C. Maguire, Douglas J. Shinneman, and Timothy Trevor Caughlin


Dietary Plasticity in a Specialist Predator, the Gyrfalcon (Falco rusticolus): New Insights into Diet During Brood Rearing, Bryce W. Robinson, Travis L. Booms, Marc J. Bechard, and David L. Anderson


Insect Communities in Big Sagebrush Habitat are Altered by Wildfire and Post-Fire Restoration Seeding, Ashley T. Rohde, David S. Pilliod, and Stephen J. Novak


Reduced-Impact Logging for Climate Change Mitigation (RIL-C) Can Halve Selective Logging Emissions from Tropical Forests, Anand Roopsind


Biological Soil Crust Diversity and Composition in Southwest Idaho, U.S.A., Roger Rosentreter and Heather T. Root


Evolution of the Caribbean Species of Columnea (Gesneriaceae) with an Emphasis on the Jamaican Species, James F. Smith, Maggie T.-Y. Ooi, Lacie J. Schulte, Keron C. St.E. Campbell, Judeen Meikle, and John L. Clark


Gateway Scholarships in Biological Sciences: Year 2 Annual Report, Vicki Stieha, Julia Oxford, Amy Ulappa, Brittnee Earl, Jennifer Forbey, Kevin Feris, and Jocelyn Cullers


New Species and Geographical Distribution of Trichomycetes (Gut Fungi) in a Novel Host, Caddisfly (Trichoptera), D. B. Strongman and M. M. White


Co-Expression of VEGF and IL-6 Family Cytokines is Associated with Decreased Survival in HER2 Negative Breast Cancer Patients: Subtype-Specific IL-6 Family Cytokine-Mediated VEGF Secretion, Ken Tawara, Hannah Scott, Jacqueline Emathinger, Alex Ide, Ryan Fox, Daniel Greiner, Dollie LaJoie, Danielle Hedeen, Madhuri Nandakumar, Andrew J. Oler, Ryan Holzer, and Cheryl Jorcyk


HIGH Expression of OSM and IL-6 Are Associated with Decreased Breast Cancer Survival: Synergistic Induction of IL-6 Secretion by OSM and IL-1β, Ken Tawara, Hannah Scott, Jacqueline Emathinger, Cody Wolf, Dollie LaJoie, Danielle Hedeen, Laura Bond, and Cheryl Jorcyk


Algal Diversity and Traits Predict Biomass Yield and Grazing Resistance in Wastewater Cultivation, Patrick K. Thomas, Gary P. Dunn, Erik R. Coats, Deborah T. Newby, and Kevin P. Feris


A Natural Algal Polyculture Outperforms an Assembled Polyculture in Wastewater-Based Open Pond Biofuel Production, Patrick K. Thomas, Gary P. Dunn, Alison R. Good, Michael P. Callahan, Erik R. Coats, Deborah T. Newby, and Kevin P. Feris


Recovery of Stem Cell Proliferation by Low Intensity Vibration Under Simulated Microgravity Requires LINC Complex, H. Touchstone, R. Bryd, S. Loisate, M. Thompson, X. Pu, R. Beard, J. T. Oxford, and G. Uzer


Diversification of the Gut Fungi Smittium and Allies (Harpellales) Co-Occurred with the Origin of Complete Metamorphosis of Their Symbiotic Insect Hosts (Lower Diptera), Yan Wang, Merlin M. White, and Jean-Marc Moncalvo


Opportunities for Carbon Emissions Reduction from Selective Logging in Suriname, Joey Zalman, Peter W. Ellis, Sarah Crabbe, and Anand Roopsind

Submissions from 2018


Zno Nanoparticle Preparation Route Influences Surface Reactivity, Dissolution and Cytotoxicity, Catherine B. Anders, Josh E. Eixenberger, Nevil A. Franco, Rebecca J. Hermann, Katherine D. Rainey, Alex Punnoose, and Denise G. Wingett


Shedding New Light on the Origin and Spread of the Brinjal Eggplant (Solanum melongena L.) and Its Wild Relatives, Xavier Aubriot, Sandra Knapp, Mindy M. Syfert, Péter Poczai, and Sven Buerki


Diel Behavior in Moths and Butterflies: A Synthesis of Data Illuminates the Evolution of Temporal Activity, Jesse R. Barber


Allele Frequencies of 15 STR Loci (Identifiler™ Kit) in Basque-Americans, Jason Besecker, Gianluca Peri, Michael Davis, Josu Zubizarreta, and Greg Hampikian


Remodeling the Specificity of an Endosomal CORVET Tether Underlies Formation of Regulated Secretory Vesicles in the Ciliate Tetrahymena thermophila, William A. Bourland


The Little-Known Freshwater Metopid Ciliate, Idiometopus turbo (Dragesco and Dragesco-Kernéis, 1986) nov. gen., nov. comb., Originally Discovered in Africa, Found on the Micronesian Island of Guam, William Bourland, Johana Rotterová, Xiaotian Luo, and Ivan Čepička


Gymnosperms on the EDGE, Sven Buerki


Museum Collections are the Key to Studying Lemurs’ Diet: Gastrointestinal Morphology of Cheirogaleus major, Sven Buerki and Roberto Portela Miguez


Interacting Effects of Ambient Temperature and Food Quality on the Foraging Ecology of Small Mammalian Herbivores, Meghan J. Camp, Lisa A. Shipley, Charlotte R. Milling, Janet L. Rachlow, and Jennifer S. Forbey


Dietary Partitioning of Toxic Leaves and Fibrous Stems Differs Between Sympatric Specialist and Generalist Mammalian Herbivores, M. M. Crowell, L. A. Shipley, J. S. Forbey, J. L. Rachlow, and R. G. Kelsey


Simulating the Success of Trail Closure Strategies on Reducing Human Disturbance to Nesting Golden Eagles, Laura E. D'Acunto, Robert J. Spaul, Julie A. Heath, and Patrick A. Zollner


Metagenomic Sequencing Provides Insights into Microbial Detoxification in the Guts of Small Mammalian Herbivores (Neotoma spp.), Jennifer Sorensen Forbey


Review: Using Physiologically Based Models to Predict Population Responses to Phytochemicals by Wild Vertebrate Herbivores, J. S. Forbey and T. T. Caughlin


Extracellular Matrix Expression and Production in Fibroblast-Collagen Gels: Towards an In Vitro Model for Ligament Wound Healing, Stephanie Frahs, Julia Thom Oxford, Erika E. Neumann, Raquel Brown, Cynthia R. Keller-Peck, Xinzhu Pu, and Trevor J. Lujan


Group Characteristics Influence Distribution Patterns of Off-Road Vehicle Recreation within a Complex Trail System in Southwest Idaho, Eric Frey, Kathryn Demps, Ben Pauli, and Julie A. Heath


A Tree-Based Approach to Biomass Estimation from Remote Sensing Data in a Tropical Agricultural Landscape, Sarah J. Graves, T. Trevor Caughlin, Gregory P. Asner, and Stephanie A. Bohlman


An Eco-Friendly System for the Production of Value-Added Materials from Dairy Manure, Donna Post Guillen, Erik R. Coats, Armando G. McDonald, and Kevin Feris


Modeling Anthropogenic Noise Impacts on Animals in Natural Areas, Alexander C. Keyel, Sarah E. Reed, Kathryn Nuessly, Elizeth Cinto-Mejia, Jesse R. Barber, and George Wittemyer


A Comparison of Resveratrol and Other Polyphenolic Compounds on Notch Activation and Endothelial Cell Activity, Bryce LaFoya, Jordan A. Munroe, and Allan R. Albig


Beyond the Matrix: The Many Non-ECM Ligands for Integrins, Bryce LaFoya, Jordan A. Munroe, Alison Miyamoto, Michael A. Detweiler, Jacob J. Crow, Tana Gazdik, and Allan R. Albig


Fireflies Thwart Bat Attack with Multisensory Warnings, Brian C. Leavell, Juliette J. Rubin, Christopher J.W. McClure, Krystie A. Miner, Marc A. Branham, and Jesse R. Barber


Morphological and Molecular Redefinition of Euplotes platystoma Dragesco & Dragesco‐Kernéis, 1986 and Aspidisca lynceus (Müller,1773) Ehrenberg, 1859, with Reconsideration of a “Well‐known” Euplotes Ciliate, Euplotes harpa Stein, 1859 (Ciliophora, Euplotida), Chunyu Lian, Xiaotian Luo, Xinpeng Fan, Jie Huang, Yuhe Yu, William Bourland, and Weibo Song


Morphological, Ontogenetic and Molecular Data Support Strongylidiids as Being Closely Related to Dorsomarginalia (Protozoa, Ciliophora) and Reactivation of the Family Strongylidiidae Fauré-Fremiet, 1961, Xiaotian Luo, Ying Yan, Chen Shao, Saleh A. Al-Farraj, William A. Bourland, and Weibo Song


Phylogenomic Analysis of Nassula variabilis n. sp., Furgasonia blochmanni, and Pseudomicrothorax dubius Confirms a Nassophorean Clade, Denis H. Lynn, Martin Kolisko, and William Bourland


Immunoproteomics to Identify Staphylococcus aureus Antigens Expressed in Bovine Milk During Mastitis, N. Misra, X. Pu, D. N. Holt, M. A. McGuire, and J. K. Tinker


Immunogenicity of a Staphylococcus aureus-Cholera Toxin A2/B Vaccine for Bovine Mastitis, N. Misra, T. F. Wines, C. L. Knopp, R. Hermann, L. Bond, and J. K. Tinker


Blood Chemistry Values in Nestlings of Rockhopper Penguins (Eudyptes chrysocome): The Effect of Sex and Body Condition, Virginia Morandini, Miguel Ferrer, Lynelle Perry, and Marc Bechard


Sex Determination by Morphological Measurements of Young Rockhopper Penguins (Eudyptes chrysocome) During the Crèche Phase, Virginia Morandini, Miguel Ferrer, Lynelle Perry, and Marc Bechard


Hyporheic Source and Sink of Nitrous Oxide, W. Jeffery Reeder, Annika M. Quick, Tiffany B. Farrell, Shawn G. Benner, Kevin P. Feris, Alessandra Marzadri, and Daniele Tonina


Spatial and Temporal Dynamics of Dissolved Oxygen Concentrations and Bioactivity in the Hyporheic Zone, W. Jeffery Reeder, Annika M. Quick, Tiffany B. Farrell, Shawn G. Benner, Kevin P. Feris, and Daniele Tonina


Assessing Patterns of Barn Owl Tyto alba Occupancy from Call Broadcast Surveys, Tempe Regan, Christopher J.W. McClure, and James R. Belthoff


Modeling How Land Use Legacy Affects the Provision of Ecosystem Services in Mediterranean Southern Spain, Juan Miguel Requena-Mullor, Cristina Quintas-Soriano, Jodi Brandt, Javier Cabello, and Antonio J. Castro


Breeding Dispersal by Burrowing Owls (Athene cunicularia) in Idaho, Corey S. Riding and James R. Belthoff


Modification of Diet and Foraging Range by Harvester Ants in Response to Altered Seed Availability, Ian C. Robertson and Matthew S. Schmasow


DICER1 Syndrome: DICER1 Mutations in Rare Cancers, Jake C. Robertson, Cheryl L. Jorcyk, and Julia Thom Oxford


Genetic Testing: Should I Get Tested for Alzheimer’s Risk?, Troy Rohn


Trade-Offs Between Carbon Stocks and Timber Recovery in Tropical Forests are Mediated by Logging Intensity, Anand Roopsind, T. Trevor Caughlin, Peter van der Hout, Eric Arets, and Francis E. Putz


Tropidoatractidae fam. nov., a Deep Branching Lineage of Metopida (Armophorea, Ciliophora) Found in Diverse Habitats and Possessing Prokaryotic Symbionts, Johana Rotterová, William Bourland, and Ivan Čepička


The Evolution of Anti-Bat Sensory Illusions in Moths, Juliette J. Rubin, Chris A. Hamilton, Christopher J.W. McClure, Brad A. Chadwell, Akito Y. Kawahara, and Jesse R. Barber


Apex Predators and the Facilitation of Resource Partitioning Among Mesopredators, Kelly J. Sivy, Casey B. Pozzanghera, Kassidy E. Colson, Matthew A. Mumma, and Laura R. Prugh


Incipient Speciation in a Neotropical Gesneriaceae: Columnea kucyniakii is Nested within C. strigosa, James F. Smith, Maggie T.-Y. Ooi, and John L. Clark


Try Tri Again?: Resolving Species Boundaries in the Lomatium triternatum (Apiaceae) Complex, James F. Smith and Edgar Sosa


Effects of Mowing and Tebuthiuron on the Nutritional Quality of Wyoming Big Sagebrush, Kurt T. Smith, Jennifer S. Forbey, and Jeffrey L. Black


Resolving the Anomaly of Lomatium anomalum: Discovery of a New Species in Southwestern Idaho (U.S.A.), Lomatium andrusianum (Apiaceae), Mckayla Stevens, Donald H. Mansfield, James F. Smith, and Mary Ann E. Feist


Examination of Pesticide Exposure in Burrowing Owls Nesting in Agricultural and Nonagricultural Areas in the Morley Nelson Snake River Birds of Prey National Conservation Area, Idaho, Matthew J. Stuber, Michael J. Hooper, and James R. Belthoff


The Utility of Point Count Surveys to Predict Wildlife Interactions with Wind Energy Facilities: An Example Focused on Golden Eagles, Maitreyi Sur, James R. Belthoff, Emily R. Bjerre, Brian A. Millsap, and Todd Katzner


Divergent Rates of Change Between Tree Cover Types in a Tropical Pastoral Region, Bryan C. Tarbox, Carlita Fiestas, and T. Trevor Caughlin


OSM Potentiates Preintravasation Events, Increases CTC Counts, and Promotes Breast Cancer Metastasis to the Lung, Ken Tawara, Celeste Bolin, Jordan Koncinsky, Sujatha Kadaba, Hunter Covert, Caleb Sutherland, Laura Bond, and Cheryl L. Jorcyk

Predicting Potential Conflict Areas Between Wind Energy Development and Eastern Red Bats (Lasiurus borealis) in Indiana, Rachel A. Vanausdall, Patrick A. Zollner, Benjamin P. Pauli, Eli C. Frazier, and G. Scott Haulton


Transcriptome Analysis on Chlorpyrifos Detoxification in Uronema marinum (Ciliophora, Oligohymenophorea), Chongnv Wang, William A. Bourland, Weijie Mu, and Xuming Pan

New Species and Emendations of Orphella: Taxonomic and Phylogenetic Reassessment of the Genus to Establish the Orphellales, for Stonefly Gut Fungi with a Twist, Merlin M. White


New Contribution to the Species-Rich Genus Euplotes: Morphology, Ontogeny and Systematic Position of Two Species (Ciliophora; Euplotia), Ying Yan, Yangbo Fan, Xiaotian Luo, Hamed A. El-Serehy, William Bourland, and Xiangrui Chen


Mechanical Properties of Graphene Foam and Graphene Foam—Tissue Composites, Katie M. Yocham, Crystal Scott, Kiyo Fujimoto, Raquel Brown, Emily Tanasse, Julia T. Oxford, Trevor J. Lujan, and David Estrada

Submissions from 2017


The Effect of Nullomer-Derived Peptides 9R, 9S1R and 124R on the NCI-60 Panel and Normal Cell Lines, Abdelkrim Alileche and Greg Hampikian


Relative Abundance, Habitat Use, and Seasonal Variability of Raptor Assemblages In the Flooding Pampas of Argentina, Alejandro V. Baladrón, María S. Bó, Marc Bechard, and Ana I. Malizia


Negative Epistasis in Experimental RNA Fitness Landscapes, Devin P. Bendixsen, Bjørn Østman, and Eric J. Hayden


Effects of Delayed NSAID Administration After Experimental Eccentric Contraction Injury – A Cellular and Proteomics Study, Laura Bond


How Far Do Ciliate Flagships Sail?: A Proposed Gondawanaland Endemic Species at Anchor in Idaho Soils, William Bourland


Morphologic and Molecular Characterization of Seven Species of the Remarkably Diverse and Widely Distributed Metopid Genus Urostomides Jankowski, 1964 (Armophorea, Ciliophora), William Bourland, Johana Rotterová, and Ivan Čepička


Redescription and Molecular Phylogeny of the Type Species for Two Main Metopid Genera, Metopus es (Müller, 1776) Lauterborn, 1916 and Brachonella contorta (Levander, 1894) Jankowski, 1964 (Metopida, Ciliophora), Based on Broad Geographic Sampling, William Bourland, Johana Rotterová, and Ivan Čepička


Alectryon vitiensis: A New Species of Sapindaceae Endemic to Fiji, Sven Buerki, Porter P. Lowry II, Jérôme Munzinger, Marika Tuiwawa, Alivereti Naikatini, and Martin W. Callmander


Anthropogenic Noise Changes Arthropod Abundances, Jessie P. Bunkley, Christopher J.W. McClure, Akito Y. Kawahara, Clinton D. Francis, and Jesse R. Barber


The Balancing Act of Foraging: Mammalian Herbivores Trade-Off Multiple Risks When Selecting Food Patches, M. J. Camp, L. A. Shipley, T. R. Johnson, P. J. Olsoy, J. S. Forbey, J. L. Rachlow, and D. H. Thornton


Enhanced Precipitation Promotes Decomposition and Soil C Stabilization in Semiarid Ecosystems, but Seasonal Timing of Wetting Matters, Xochi Campos, Matthew J. Germino, and Marie-Anne de Graaff


Natural and Anthropogenic Sounds Reduce Song Performance: Insights from Two Emberizid Species, Benjamin M. Davidson, Gabriela Antonova, Haven Dlott, Jesse R. Barber, and Clinton D. Francis


Correlates of Immune Defenses in Golden Eagle Nestlings, Benjamin M. Dudek and Julie A. Heath


Rapid Dissolution of ZnO Nanoparticles Induced by Biological Buffers Significantly Impacts Cytotoxicity, Josh E. Eixenberger, Catherine B. Anders, Rebecca J. Hermann, Raquel J. Brown, Kongara M. Reddy, Alex Punnoose, and Denise G. Wingett


Factors Affecting Plasma Chemistry Values of the Black-Browed Albatross Thalassarche melanophrys, Miguel Ferrer, Virginia Morandini, Lynelle Perry, and Marc Bechard


Physiological Conditions of Parent and Offspring Black-Browed Albatrosses Thalassarche melanophris, Miguel Ferrer, Virginia Morandini, Lynelle Perry, and Marc Bechard


Case Report: Coincidental Inclusion in a 17-Locus Y-STR Mixture, Wrongful Conviction and Exoneration, Greg Hampikian, Gianluca Peri, Shih-Shiang Lo, Mon-Hwa Chin, and Kuo-Lan Liu


Endoplasmic Reticulum Stress and Unfolded Protein Response in Cartilage Pathophysiology; Contributing Factors to Apoptosis and Osteoarthritis, Alexandria Hughes, Alexandra E. Oxford, Ken Tawara, Cheryl L. Jorcyk, and Julia Thom Oxford


Nesting Behavior, Provisioning Rates, and Parental Roles of Ferruginous Hawks in New Mexico, William H. Keeley and Marc J. Bechard


Acoustic Environments Matter: Synergistic Benefits to Humans and Ecological Communities, Mitchell Levenhagen and Jesse R. Barber


Description of Two Species of Caenomorphid Ciliates (Ciliophora, Armophorea): Morphology and Molecular Phylogeny, Song Li, William A. Bourland, Saleh A. Al-Farraj, Lifang Li, and Xiaozhong Hu


Morphologic and Phylogenetic Studies of Two Hypotrichous Ciliates, with Notes on Morphogenesis in Gastrostyla steinii Engelmann, 1862 (Ciliophora, Hypotrichia), Xiaotian Luo, Lifang Li, Chundi Wang, William Bourland, Xiaofeng Lin, and Xiaozhong Hu


Simulations Reveal the Power and Peril of Artificial Breeding Sites for Monitoring and Managing Animals, Christopher J.W. McClure, Benjamin P. Pauli, and Julie A. Heath


Commentary: Research Recommendations for Understanding the Decline of American Kestrels (Falco sparverius) Across Much of North America, Christopher J.W. McClure, Sarah E. Schulwitz, Richard Van Buskirk, Benjamin P. Pauli, and Julie A. Heath


Noise from a Phantom Road Experiment Alters the Age Structure of a Community of Migrating Birds, C. J. W. McClure, H. E. Ware, J. D. Carlisle, and J. R. Barber


Evaluation of Micro-GPS Receivers for Tracking Small-Bodied Mammals, Laura A. McMahon, Janet L. Rachlow, Lisa A. Shipley, Jennifer S. Forbey, Timothy R. Johnson, and Peter J. Olsoy


Repeated Observations of Northern Goshawks Foraging as Terrestrial Predators, Robert A. Miller


Contrasting Habitat Associations of Sagebrush-Steppe Songbirds in the Intermountain West, Robert A. Miller, Laura Bond, Patrick N. Migas, Jay D. Carlisle, and Gregory S. Kaltenecker


Seasonal Variation in Behavioral Thermoregulation and Predator Avoidance in a Small Mammal, Charlotte R. Milling, Janet L. Rachlow, Timothy R. Johnson, Jennifer S. Forbey, and Lisa A. Shipley


Expression, Immunogenicity and Variation of Iron-Regulated Surface Protein A from Bovine Isolates of Staphylococcus aureus, Neha Misra, Tyler F. Wines, Colton L. Knopp, Mark A. McGuire, and Juliette K. Tinker


Natural History Collections: Teaching About Biodiversity Across Time, Space, and Digital Platforms, Anna K. Monfils, Karen E. Powers, Christopher J. Marshall, Christopher T. Martine, James F. Smith, and L. Alan Prather


Ribonucleoprotein Purification and Characterization Using RNA Mango, Shanker Shyam S. Panchapakesan, Matthew L. Ferguson, Eric J. Hayden, Xin Chen, Aaron A. Hoskins, and Peter J. Unrau


Molecular Phylogeny and Taxonomy of a New Freshwater Hymenostomatid from Northeastern China, with the Establishment of a New Genus Anteglaucoma gen. n. (Protista, Ciliophora, Oligohymenophorea), Xuming Pan, Zihan Shi, Chundi Wang, William A. Bourland, Ying Chen, and Weibo Song


The Influence of Plant Defensive Chemicals, Diet Composition, and Winter Severity on the Nutritional Condition of a Free-Ranging, Generalist Herbivore, Grace L. Parikh, Jennifer Sorensen Forbey, Brecken Robb, Rolf O. Peterson, Leah M. Vucetich, and John A. Vucetich


Forecasting Disturbance Effects on Wildlife: Tolerance Does Not Mitigate Effects of Increased Recreation on Wild Lands, B. P. Pauli, R. J. Spaul, and J. A. Heath


Resolving Relationships at the Animal-Fungal Divergence: A Molecular Phylogenetic Study of the Protist Trichomycetes (Ichthyosporea, Eccrinida), Nicole K. Reynolds, Eric D. Tretter, Justin Gause, Dustin Heeney, James F. Smith, Stephen J. Novak, William A. Bourland, and Merlin M. White


First Record of Nestling Relocation by Adult Gyrfalcons (Falco rusticolus) Following Nest Collapse, Bryce W. Robinson, Neil Paprocki, David L. Anderson, and Marc J. Bechard


Counterintuitive Roles of Experience and Weather on Migratory Performance, Adrian I. Rus, Adam E. Duerr, Tricia A. Miller, James R. Belthoff, and Todd Katzner


Fatal Attraction?: Intraguild Facilitation and Suppression Among Predators, Kelly J. Sivy, Casey B. Pozzanghera, James B. Grace, and Laura R. Prugh


The Emergence of Earliest Angiosperms May be Earlier than Fossil Evidence Indicates, James F. Smith, Laura Bond, and Jay Zimmers


Resolving Incongruence: Species of Hybrid Origin in Columnea (Gesneriaceae), James F. Smith, John L. Clark, Marisol Amaya-Márquez, and Oscar H. Marín-Gómez


Earlier Nesting by Generalist Predatory Bird is Associated with Human Responses to Climate Change, Shawn H. Smith, Karen Steenhof, Christopher J.W. McClure, and Julie A. Heath


Flushing Responses of Golden Eagles (Aquila chrysaetos) in Response to Recreation, Robert J. Spaul and Julie A. Heath


Improved Supervised Classification of Accelerometry Data to Distinguish Behaviors of Soaring Birds, Maitreyi Sur and Srisarguru Sridhar


Free Ammonia Offers Algal Crop Protection from Predators in Dairy Wastewater and Ammonium-Rich Media, Patrick K. Thomas, Gary P. Dunn, Maxine Passero, and Kevin P. Feris


Species Boundaries in the Astragalus cusickii Complex Delimited Using Molecular Phylogenetic Techniques, Jay Zimmers, M. Thomas, L. Yang, A. Bombarely, M. M. Mancuso, M. F. Wojciechowski, and J. F. Smith

Submissions from 2016


Effects of Switchgrass Cultivars and Intraspecific Differences in Root Structure on Soil Carbon Inputs and Accumulation, Jaron Adkins, Julie D. Jastrow, Geoffrey P. Morris, Johan Six, and Marie-Anne de Graaff


Nestin-Positive/SOX2−Negative Cells Mediate Adult Neurogenesis of Nigral Dopaminergic Neurons in Mice, Joshua E. Albright, Iva Stojkovska, Abir A. Rahman, Connor J. Brown, and Brad E. Morrison


Nesting Phenology, Mate Choice, and Genetic Divergence within a Partially Migratory Population of American Kestrels, Alexandra M. Anderson, Stephen J. Novak, James F. Smith, Karen Steenhof, and Julie A. Heath


Epidermal Growth Factor-Induced Stimulation of Proliferation and Gene Expression Changes in the Hypotrichous Ciliate, Stylonychia lemnae, William A. Bourland


Cryoablation and Meriva Have Strong Therapeutic Effect on Triple-Negative Breast Cancer, Dinesh Chandra, Arthee Jahangir, Francois Cornelis, Klara Rombauts, Lydie Mehaus, Cheryl L. Jorcyk, and Claudia Gravecamp


Selection of Food Patches by Sympatric Herbivores in Response to Concealment and Distance from a Refuge, Miranda M. Crowell, Lisa A. Shipley, Meghan J. Camp, Janet L. Rachlow, Jennifer S. Forbey, and Timothy R. Johnson


Consequences of Inoculation with Native Arbuscular Mycorrhizal Fungi for Root Colonization and Survival of Artemisia Tridentata ssp. Seedlings After Transplanting, Bill E. Davidson, Stephen J. Novak, and Marcelo D. Serpe


Proteolytic Cleavage of Apolipoprotein E in the Down Syndrome Brain, Ryan J. Day, Katie L. McCarty, Kayla E. Ockerse, Elizabeth Head, and Troy T. Rohn


MAGP2 Controls Notch via Interactions with RGD Binding Integrins: Identification of a Novel ECM-Integrin-Notch Signaling Axis, Peter Deford, Kasey Brown, Rae Lee Richards, Aric King, Kristin Newburn, Katherine Westover, and Allan R. Albig


Assessing the Potential of Polyculture to Accelerate Algal Biofuel Production, Kevin P. Feris


Sex Determination by Morphological Measurements of Black-Browed Albatrosses (Thalassarche melanophrys) Using Discriminant Analysis, Miguel Ferrer, Virginia Morandini, Lynelle Perry, and Marc Bechard


Exposure to 2,3,7,8-Tetrachlorodibenzo-p-Dioxin (TCDD) Increases Human Hepatic Stellate Cell Activation, Wendy A. Harvey, Kimberly Jurgensen, Xinzhu Pu, Cheri L. Lamb, Kenneth A. Cornell, Reilly J. Clark, Carolyn Klocke, and Kristen A. Mitchell


Empirical Analysis of RNA Robustness and Evolution Using High-Throughput Sequencing of Ribozyme Reactions, Eric J. Hayden


Multigene-Based Phylogeny of the Ciliate Families Amphisiellidae and Trachelostylidae (Protozoa: Ciliophora: Hypotrichia), Jie Huang, Xiaotian Luo, William A. Bourland, Feng Gao, and Shan Gao


A Hierarchical Framework for Studying the Role of Biodiversity in Soil Food Web Processes and Ecosystem Services, Paul Kardol, Heather L. Throop, Jaron Adkins, and Marie-Anne de Graaff


Prey Use and Productivity of Ferruginous Hawks in Rural and Exurban New Mexico, William H. Keeley, Marc J. Bechard, and Gail L. Garber


Microbial Detoxification in the Gut of a Specialist Avian Herbivore, the Greater Sage-Grouse, Kevin D. Kohl, John W. Connelly, M. Denise Dearing, and Jennifer Sorensen Forbey


Wind Energy, Nest Success, and Post-Fledging Survival of Buteo Hawks, Patrick S. Kolar and Marc J. Bechard


Notch: A Multi-Functional Integrating System of Microenvironmental Signals, Bryce LaFoya, Jordan A. Munroe, Masum M. Mia, Michael A. Detweiler, Jacob J. Crow, Travis Wood, Steven Roth, and Allan R. Albig


Aryl Hydrocarbon Receptor Activation by TCDD Modulates Expression of Extracellular Matrix Remodeling Genes During Experimental Liver Fibrosis, Cheri L. Lamb, Giovan Cholico, Daniel E. Perkins, Michael T. Fewkes, Julia T. Oxford, Trevor J. Lujan, Erica E. Morrill, and Kristen A. Mitchell


Anthropogenic Noise Impairs Owl Hunting Behavior, J. Tate Mason, Christopher J. W. McClure, and Jesse R. Barber


Local and Regional Weather Patterns Influencing Post-Breeding Migration Counts of Soaring Birds at the Strait of Gibraltar, Spain, Robert A. Miller, Alejandro Onrubia, Beatriz Martín, Gregory S. Kaltenecker, Jay D. Carlisle, Marc J. Bechard, and Miguel Ferrer


The Ecological Implications of Visitor Transportation in Parks and Protected Areas: Examples from Research in US National Parks, Christopher Monz, Ashley D'Antonio, Steve Lawson, Jesse Barber, and Peter Newman


Genotypic Diversity Effects on Biomass Production in Native Perennial Bioenergy Cropping Systems, Geoffrey P. Morris, Zhenbin Hu, Paul P. Grabowski, Justin O. Borevitz, Marie-Anne de Graaff, R. Michael Miller, and Julie D. Jastrow


Nutritional Analysis of Sagebrush by Near-Infrared Reflectance Spectroscopy, Peter J. Olsoy, Thomas C. Griggs, Amy C. Ulappa, Kristina Gehlken, Lisa A. Shipley, Glenn E. Shewmaker, and Jennifer Sorensen Forbey


Variable Effects of Snow Conditions Across Boreal Mesocarnivore Species, C. B. Pozzanghera, K. J. Sivy, M. S. Lindberg, and L. R. Prugh


Cryopreservation of Human Blood for Alkaline and Fpg-Modified Comet Assay, Xinzhu Pu, Zemin Wang, and James E. Klaunig


Protective Effects of Antioxidants on Acrylonitrile-Induced Oxidative Stress in Female F344 Rats, Xinzhu Pu, Zemin Wang, Shayou Zhou, and James E. Klaunig


Controls on Nitrous Oxide Emissions from the Hyporheic Zones of Streams, Annika M. Quick, W. Jeffery Reeder, Tiffany B. Farrell, Daniele Tonina, Kevin P. Feris, and Shawn G. Benner


Early-Onset Alzheimer’s: Should You Worry?, Troy Rohn


Plasma Carotenoid Concentrations of Incubating American Kestrels (Falco sparverius) Show Annual, Seasonal, and Individual Variation and Explain Reproductive Outcome, Elizabeth C. Sassani, Christeena Sevy, Erin H. Strasser, Alexandra M. Anderson, and Julie A. Heath


Selective Foraging by Pogonomyrmex salinus (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) in Semiarid Grassland: Implications for a Rare Plant, Matthew S. Schmasow and Ian C. Robertson


Variable Shifts in the Autumn Migration Phenology of Soaring Birds in Southern Spain, Micah N. Scholer, Beatriz Martín, Miguel Ferrer, Alejandro Onrubia, Marc J. Bechard, Greg S. Kaltenecker, and Jay D. Carlisle


Occurrence of Triclocarban and Triclosan in an Agro-Ecosystem Following Application of Biosolids, Jessica J. Sherburne, Kim J. Fernie, Jennifer S. Forbey, and Alfred M. Dufty

Promoting Transparency in Evolutionary Biology and Ecology, James F. Smith, T. H. Parker, S. Nakagawa, J. Gurevitch, and TTEE (Tools for Transparency in Ecology and Evolution) Working Group


Nonmotorized Recreation and Motorized Recreation in Shrub-Steppe Habitats Affects Behavior and Reproduction of Golden Eagles (Aquila Chrysaetos), Robert J. Spaul and Julie A. Heath


Mid- and Long-Term Effects of Wildfire and Debris Flows on Stream Ecosystem Metabolism, Quenton M. Tuckett and Peter Koetsier


Cyclopamine Bioactivity by Extraction Method from Veratrum californicum, Matthew W. Turner, Roberto Cruz, Jared Mattos, Nic Baughman, Jordan Elwell, Jenny Fothergill, Anna Nielsen, Jessica Brookhouse, Ashton Bartlett, Petr Maleck, Xinzhu Pu, Matthew D. King, and Owen M. McDougal


Understanding Tradeoffs Between Food and Predation Risks in a Specialist Mammalian Herbivore, Jamie L. Utz, Lisa A. Shipley, Janet L. Rachlow, Tamara Johnstone-Yellin, Meghan Camp, and Jennifer Sorenson Forbey


Responses of Female Burrowing Owls to Alterations in Clutch Size: Are Burrowing Owls Determinate or Indeterminate Egg-Layers?, Jamie L. Wade and James R. Belthoff


Reduction of GHG Emissions Through the Conversion of Dairy Waste to Value-Added Materials and Products, Caryn Wendt, Ellis Chaston, Donna Post Guillen, Kevin Feris, Erik R. Coats, and Armando McDonald


A Phylum-Level Phylogenetic Classification of Zygomycete Fungi Based on Genome-Scale Data, Merlin M. White


Quantifying Wing Shape and Size of Saturniid Moths with Geometric Morphometrics, Minjia Zhong, Geena M. Hill, Jesse R. Barber, and Akito Y. Kawahara

Submissions from 2015


Serum Proteins Enhance Dispersion Stability and Influence the Cytotoxicity and Dosimetry of ZnO Nanoparticles in Suspension and Adherent Cancer Cell Models, Catherine B. Anders, Jordan J. Chess, Denise G. Wingett, and Alex Punnoose

How Much Does Natural Quiet Matter?, Jesse Barber


A Framework to Assess Evolutionary Responses to Anthropogenic Light and Sound, Jesse R. Barber


Moth Tails Divert Bat Attack: Evolution of Acoustic Deflection, Jesse R. Barber, Brian C. Leavell, Adam L. Keener, and Christopher J. W. McClure


Burrowing Owls, Pulex irritans, and Plague, James R. Belthoff, Emily Price, and Juliette K. Tinker


Ciliates — Protists with Complex Morphologies and Ambiguous Early Fossil Record, William A. Bourland


Morphology, Ontogenesis and Molecular Characterization of Atractos contortus Vörösváry, 1950 and Stichotricha aculeata Wrzesniowskiego, 1866 (Ciliophora, Stichotrichida) with Consideration of Their Systematic Positions, William A. Bourland


Noise Reduces Foraging Efficiency in Pallid Bats (Antrozous pallidus), Jessie Patrice Bunkley and Jesse Rex Barber


Anthropogenic Noise Alters Bat Activity Levels and Echolocation Calls, Jessie P. Bunkley, Christopher J.W. McClure, Nathan J. Kleist, Clinton D. Francis, and Jesse R. Barber


Modeling Trade-Offs Between Plant Fiber and Toxins: A Framework for Quantifying Risks Perceived by Foraging Herbivores, Meghan J. Camp, Lisa A. Shipley, Timothy R. Johnson, Jennifer Sorenson Forbey, Janet L. Rachlow, and Miranda M. Crowell


Caspase-Cleaved Tau Co-Localizes with Early Tangle Markers in the Human Vascular Dementia Brain, Ryan J. Day, Maria J. Mason, Chloe Thomas, Wayne W. Poon, and Troy T. Rohn


A Meta-Analysis of Soil Biodiversity Impacts on the Carbon Cycle, M.-A. de Graaff, J. Adkins, P. Kardol, and H. L. Throop


Linked Canopy, Climate, and Faunal Change in the Cenozoic of Patagonia, Regan E. Dunn, Caroline A. E. Strömberg, Richard H. Madden, Matthew J. Kohn, and Alfredo A. Carlini


Wintering Bald Eagle Count Trends in the Conterminous United States, 1986-2010, Wade L. Eakle, Laura Bond, Mark R. Fuller, Richard A. Fischer, and Karen Steenhof


DNA Topology Influences Molecular Machine Lifetime in Human Serum, Sara Goltry, Natalya Hallstrom, Tyler Clark, Wan Kuang, Jeunghoon Lee, Cheryl Jorcyk, William B. Knowlton, Bernard Yurke, William L. Hughes, and Elton Graugnard


The Effect of OSM on MC3T3-E1 Osteoblastic Cells in Simulated Microgravity with Radiation, Jake Goyden, Ken Tawara, Danielle Hedeen, Jeffrey S. Willey, Julia Thom Oxford, and Cheryl L. Jorcyk


Intramolecular Phenotypic Capacitance in a Modular RNA Molecule, Eric J. Hayden, Devin P. Bendixsen, and Andreas Wagner


Reclaiming Lost Territory: The Response of Owyhee Harvester Ants to Forager Intrusions by Neighboring Colonies, Brett D. Howell and Ian C. Robertson


Mitigation Effectiveness for Improving Nesting Success of Greater Sage-Grouse Influenced by Energy Development, Christopher P. Kirol, Andrew L. Sutphin, Laura Bond, Mark R. Fuller, and Thomas L. Maechtle


An Irrigation Canal as a Lotic Mesocosm: Examining the Relationship Between Macroinvertebrate Benthos and Drift, Peter Koetsier and Luana M. M. McCauley


Pavement and Riparian Forest Shape the Bird Community Along an Urban River Corridor, Christopher J.W. McClure, Allison C. Korte, Julie A. Heath, and Jesse R. Barber


Fearscapes: Mapping Functional Properties of Cover for Prey with Terrestrial LiDAR, Peter J. Olsoy, Jennifer S. Forbey, Janet L. Rachlow, Jordan D. Nobler, Nancy F. Glenn, and Lisa A. Shipley


Cyclosporin A Disrupts Notch Signaling and Vascular Lumen Maintenance, Raghav Pandey, Mark A. Botros, Benjamin A. Nacev, and Allan R. Albig


Dairy Wastewaters for Algae Cultivation, Polyhydroxyalkanote Reactor Effluent Versus Anaerobic Digester Effluent, Maxine Passero, Ben Cragin, Erik R. Coats, Armando G. McDonald, and Kevin Feris


Landscape Features Associated with the Roosting Habitat of Indiana Bats and Northern Long-Eared Bats, Benjamin P. Pauli, Holly A. Badin, G. Scott Haulton, Patrick A. Zollner, and Timothy C. Carter


A Molecular Phylogeny of Eumorpha (Lepidoptera: Sphingidae) and the Evolution of Anti-Predator Larval Eyespots, Francesca V. Ponce, Jesse W. Breinholt, Thomas Hossie, Jesse R. Barber, Daniel H. Janzen, Winnie Hallwachs, and Akito Y. Kawahara


Antioxidant Capacity of Wyoming Big Sagebrush (Artemisia tridentata SSP. Wyomingensis) Varies Spatially and is Not Related to the Presence of a Sagebrush Dietary Specialist, Xinzhu Pu, Lisa Lam, Kristina Gehlken, Amy C. Ulappa, Janet Rachlow, and Jennifer Sorensen Forbey


Origin and Evolution of Petrocosmea (Gesneriaceae) Inferred from Both DNA Sequence and Novel Findings in Morphology with a Test of Morphology-Based Hypotheses, Zhi-Jing Qiu, Yuan-Xue Lu, Chao-Qun Li, Yang Dong, James F. Smith, and Yin-Zheng Wang


Removal of Old Nest Material Decreases Reuse of Artificial Burrows by Burrowing Owls, Corey S. Riding and James R. Belthoff


Oncostatin M Binds to Extracellular Matrix in a Bioactive Conformation: Implications for Inflammation and Metastasis, Randall E. Ryan, Bryan Martin, Liliana Mellor, Reed B. Jacob, Ken Tawara, Owen M. McDougal, Julia Thom Oxford, and Cheryl L. Jorcyk


Speciation within Columnea section Angustiflora (Gesneriaceae): Islands, Pollinators and Climate, Lacie J. Schulte, John L. Clark, Stephen J. Novak, Shandra K. Jeffries, and James F. Smith


A Phantom Road Experiment Reveals Traffic Noise is an Invisible Source of Habitat Degradation, Heidi E. Ware, Christopher J.W. McClure, Jay D. Carlisle, and Jesse R. Barber


Lichen-Based Indices to Quantify Responses to Climate and Air Pollution Across Northeastern U.S.A, Susan Will-Wolf, Sarah Jovan, Peter Neitlich, JeriLynn E. Peck, and Roger Rosentreter


The Effect of Lichen-Dominated Biological Soil Crusts on Growth and Physiological Characteristics of Three Plant Species in a Temperate Desert of Northwest China, W. W. Zhuang, M. Serpe, and Y. M. Zhang

Submissions from 2014


Environmental Drivers of Variability in the Movement Ecology of Turkey Vultures (Cathartes aura) in North and South America, Marc J. Bechard


Plant Protein and Secondary Metabolites Influence Diet Selection in a Mammalian Specialist Herbivore, Laura Bond, Xinzhu Pu, and Jennifer Sorensen Forbey


Two New Species of Piper from the Greater Antilles, Allan J. Bornstein, James F. Smith, and Eric J. Tepe


Redescription of Atopospira galeata (Kahl, 1927) nov. comb. and A. violacea (Kahl, 1926) nov. comb. with Redefinition of Atopospira Jankowski, 1964 nov. stat. and Brachonella Jankowski, 1964 (Ciliophora, Armophorida), William A. Bourland and Laura Wendell


Morphologic and Molecular Description of Metopus fuscus Kahl from North America and New rDNA Sequences from Seven Metopids (Armophorea, Metopidae), William A. Bourland, Laura Wendell, and Greg Hampikian


Morphology and Phylogeny of Bryophryoides ocellatus N. G., N. Sp. (Ciliophora, Colpodea) from In Situ Soil Percolates of Idaho, U.S.A., William A. Bourland, Laura Wendell, Greg Hampikian, and Peter Vďačný


An Observation of Apparent Teaching Behavior in the Pallid Bat, Antrozous pallidus, Jessie P. Bunkley and Jesse R. Barber


CoVE: A Colony Visualization System for Animal Pedigrees, Brady Cannon, Minoti Hiremath, Cheryl Jorcyk, and Alark Joshi


Assessing the Diversity of Arbuscular Mycorrhizal Fungi in Semiarid Shrublands Dominated by Artemisia tridentata ssp. wyomingensis, Keith A. Carter, James F. Smith, Merlin M. White, and Marcelo D. Serpe


Differential Priming of Soil Carbon Driven by Soil Depth and Root Impacts on Carbon Availability, Marie-Anne de Graaff, Julie D. Jastrow, Shay Gillette, Aislinn Johns, and Stan D. Wullschleger


A Synthesis of Climate and Vegetation Cover Effects on Biogeochemical Cycling in Shrub-Dominated Drylands, Marie-Anne de Graaff, Heather L. Throop, Paul S.J. Verburg, John A. Arnone III, and Xochi Campos


New SSU-rDNA Sequences for Eleven Colpodeans (Ciliophora, Colpodea) and Description of Apocyrtolophosis Nov. Gen, Wilhelm Foissner, William A. Bourland, Klaus W. Wolf, Thorsten Stoeck, and Micah Dunthorn


Do Necklace-Style Radiotransmitters Influence Flushing Behavior of Greater Sage-Grouse?, Graham G. Frye and Jennifer S. Forbey


Phylogenetic Analysis Reveals Multiple Cases of Morphological Parallelism and Taxonomic Polyphyly in Lomatium (Apiaceae), Emma E. George, Donald H. Mansfield, James F. Smith, Ronald L. Hartman, Stephen R. Downie, and Cody E. Hinchliff


The Effects of Stabilizing and Directional Selection on Phenotypic and Genotypic Variation in a Population of RNA Enzymes, Eric J. Hayden, Sinisa Bratulic, Iwo Koenig, Evandro Ferrada, and Andreas Wagner


Ah Receptor–Mediated Suppression of Liver Regeneration Through NC-XRE–Driven p21Cip1 Expression, Daniel P. Jackson, Hui Li, Kristen A. Mitchell, Aditya D. Joshi, and Cornelis J. Elferink


Decline of the Cheat Mountain Salamander Over a 32-Year Period and the Potential Influence of Competition from a Sympatric Species, Whitney A. Kroschel, William B. Sutton, Christopher J. W. McClure, and Thomas K. Pauley


The Dilemma of Foraging Herbivores: Dealing with Food and Fear, Clare McArthur, Peter B. Banks, Rudy Boonstra, and Jennifer Sorensen Forbey


Copperheads are Common when Kingsnakes are Not: Relationships Between the Abundances of a Predator and One of their Prey, Christopher J. W. McClure


Snake Co-Occurrence Patterns Are Best Explained by Habitat and Hypothesized Effects of Interspecific Interactions, Christopher J. W. McClure


Homology Modeling and Molecular Docking for the Science Curriculum, Owen M. McDougal, Nic Cornia, Chris Mallory, Julia Thom Oxford, and Tim Andersen


Stüve-Wiedemann Syndrome: LIFR and Associated Cytokines in Clinical Course and Etiology, Dawn Mikelonis, Cheryl L. Jorcyk, Ken Tawara, and Julia Thom Oxford


Effects of Prey Abundance on Breeding Season Diet of Northern Goshawks (Accipiter gentilis) Within an Unusual Prey Landscape, Robert A. Miller, Jay D. Carlisle, and Marc J. Bechard


Acyl-ACP Substrate Recognition in Burkholderia Mallei BmaI1 Acyl-Homoserine Lactone Synthase, Aubrey N. Montebello, Ryan M. Brecht, Remington D. Turner, Miranda Ghali, Xinzhu Pu, and Rajesh Nagarajan


I Just Don't Trust Them: The Development and Validation of an Assessment Instrument to Measure Trust in Science and Scientists, Louis Nadelson, Cheryl Jorcyk, Dazhi Yang, Mary Jarratt Smith, Sam Matson, Ken Cornell, and Virginia Husting


Regional Distribution Shifts Help Explain Local Changes in Wintering Raptor Abundance: Implications for Interpreting Population Trends, Neil Paprocki, Julie A. Heath, and Shawn J. Novak


Ultraviolet Radiation Pre-Treatment Modifies Dairy Wastewater, Improving Its Utility as a Medium for Algal Cultivation, Maxine L. Passero, Benjamin Cragin, Amy R. Hall, Nathan Staley, Erik R. Coats, Armando G. McDonald, and Kevin Feris


The First Successful Use of a Low Stringency Familial Match in a French Criminal Investigation, Emmanuel Pham-Hoai, Frank Crispino, and Greg Hampikian


Cytotoxicity of ZnO Nanoparticles Can Be Tailored by Modifying Their Surface Structure: A Green Chemistry Approach for Safer Nanomaterials, Alex Punnoose, Kelsey Dodge, John W. Rasmussen, Jordan Chess, Denise Wingett, and Catherine Anders


Apolipoprotein E Pathology in Vascular Dementia, Troy T. Rohn, Ryan J. Day, Colin B. Sheffield, Alexander J. Rajic, and Wayne W. Poon


Factors Associated with Flammulated Owl and Northern Saw-Whet Owl Occupancy in Southern Idaho, Micah N. Scholer, Matthias Leu, and James R. Belthoff


Paraphyly of Section Stygnanthe (Columnea, Gesneriaceae) and a Revision of the Species of Section Angustiflorae, a New Section Inferred from ITS and Chloroplast DNA Data, Lacie J. Schulte, John L. Clark, Stephen J. Novak, Maggie T.-Y. Ooi, and James F. Smith

Performance of Alternative European Wine Grape Cultivars in Southwestern Idaho: Cold Hardiness, Berry Maturity, and Yield, Krista Shellie, Jacob Cragin, and Marcelo Serpe


Microbial Community Structure Varies Across Soil Organic Matter Aggregate Pools During Tropical Land Cover Change, A. P. Smith, E. Marín-Spiotta, M. A. de Graaff, and T. C. Balser


Informing Management of Endemic Habitat Specialists: Multiscale Habitat Selection by the Red Hills Salamander, David A. Steen, James C. Godwin, Christopher J. W. McClure, and Michael Barbour


Immunogenicity of a West Nile Virus DIII-Cholera Toxin A2/B Chimera After Intranasal Delivery, Juliette K. Tinker, Jie Yan, Reece J. Knippel, Panos Panayiotou, and Kenneth A. Cornell


An Eight-Gene Molecular Phylogeny of the Kickxellomycotina, Including the First Phylogenetic Placement of Asellariales, Eric D. Tretter, Eric M. Johnson, Yan Wang, Prasanna Kandel, Stephen J. Novak, James F. Smith, and Merlin M. White


Movements of a Juvenile Crowned Eagle (Harpyhaliaetus Coronatus) Tracked by Satellite Telemetry in Central Argentina, Vicente Urios, Maria Pilar Donat-Torres, Marc J. Bechard, and Miguel Ferrer


Diet of a Cryptic but Widespread Invader, the Oriental Weatherfish (Misgurnus anguillicaudatus) in Idaho, USA, Alexander N. Urquhart and Peter Koetsier


Low-Temperature Tolerance and Critical Thermal Minimum of the Invasive Oriental Weatherfish Misgurnus anguillicaudatus in Idaho, USA, Alexander N. Urquhart and Peter Koetsier


Using a Five-Gene Phylogeny to Test Morphology-Based Hypotheses of Smittium and Allies, Endosymbiotic Gut Fungi (Harpellales) Associated with Arthropods, Yan Wang, Eric D. Tretter, Eric M. Johnson, Prasanna Kandel, Stephen J. Novak, James F. Smith, and Merlin M. White


Assessing the Potential Effects of Fungicides on Nontarget Gut Fungi (Trichomycetes) and Their Associated Larval Black Fly Hosts, Emma R. Wilson, Laura Bond, Lance Steele, Prasanna Kandel, Alison Chamberlin, Justin Gause, Nicole Reynolds, Ian Robertson, Stephen Novak, Kevin Feris, and Merlin M. White

Submissions from 2013


Serdemetan Antagonizes the Mdm2-HIF1α Axis Leading to Decreased Levels of Glycolytic Enzymes, Allan R. Albig


Hawkmoths Produce Anti-Bat Ultrasound, Jesse R. Barber and Akito Y. Kawahara


Autism as the Early Closure of a Neuroplastic Critical Period Normally Seen in Adolescence, Julia Marie Berger, Troy T. Rohn, and Julia Thom Oxford


Dynamic Passivation with BSA Overcomes LTCC Mediated Inhibition of PCR, Jason Besecker, Kenneth A. Cornell, and Greg Hampikian


Estimating Raptor Nesting Success: Old and New Approaches, Jessi L. Brown, Karen Steenhof, Michael N. Kochert, and Laura Bond


DockoMatic 2.0: High Throughput Inverse Virtual Screening and Homology Modeling, Casey Bullock, Nic Cornia, Reed Jacob, Andrew Remm, Thomas Peavey, Ken Weekes, Chris Mallory, Julia T. Oxford, Owen M. McDougal, and Timothy L. Andersen


Increase in ACC Oxidase Levels and Activities During Paradormancy Release of Leafy Spurge (Euphorbia Esula) Buds, Wun S. Chao, Marcelo Serpe, Jeffrey C. Suttle, and Ying Jia


Variation in Root Architecture Among Switchgrass Cultivars Impacts Root Decomposition Rates, Marie-Anne de Graaff, Johan Six, Julie D. Jastrow, Christopher W. Schadt, and Stan D. Wullschleger


An Integrated Two-Stage Anaerobic Digestion and Biofuel Production Process to Reduce Life Cycle GHG Emissions from US Dairies, Kevin Feris


Impacts of an Ethanol-Blended Fuel Release on Groundwater and Fate of Produced Methane: Simulation of Field Observations, Kevin P. Feris


A Pharm-Ecological Perspective of Terrestrial and Aquatic Plant-Herbivore Interactions, Jennifer Sorensen Forbey, M. Denise Dearing, Elisabeth M. Gross, Colin M. Orians, Erik E. Sotka, and William J. Foley


Hungry Grouse in a Warming World: Emerging Risks from Plant Chemical Defenses and Climate Change, Jennifer Sorensen Forbey, Natasha L. Wiggins, Graham G. Frye, and John W. Connelly