"The Effects of Cheatgrass Invasion on US Great Basin Carbon Storage De" by Toby M. Maxwell and Matthew J. Germino

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  1. Annual-grass invasions are transforming desert ecosystems in ways that affect ecosystem carbon (C) balance, but previous studies do not agree on the pattern, magnitude and direction of changes. A recent meta-analysis of 41 articles and 386 sites concludes that invasion by annual grasses such as cheatgrass (Bromus tectorum L) reduces C in biomass across the Great Basin (Nagy et al., 2021). Reanalysis reveals that whether cheatgrass affects biomass C stocks is not generalizable, but rather depends on the considerable variation in climate across the subject sites. Our analysis suggests that accurate Great Basin-scale estimates of cheatgrass effects on C balance are not yet possible.
  2. Addition of climate variables to the meta-analysis reveals that cheatgrass invasion (a) reduced C in above-ground biomass in relatively summer-wet sites but not in summer-dry sites, (b) increased surface soil C in sites with intermediate resistance and resilience classifications (R&R) but not in low R&R sites—that is, mesic/aridic soil climates and (c) did not affect deep soil C.
  3. Considering that cheatgrass has expanded most in relatively summer-dry sites and mesic/aridic sites, omission of climate factors leads to model overestimates of cheatgrass effects on C when extrapolating to larger areas. Estimates of cheatgrass effects on C would also be improved if the analysis considered that (a) perennial grasslands are a common community state in the Great Basin that have intermediary C relative to annual grasslands and sagebrush stands, that is the omission of perennial grasslands from analysis inflates the baseline C storage of uninvaded Great Basin ecosystems, and( b) cheatgrass does not often exist in stable monocultures and soil carbon can reflect current or recent presence of other species.
  4. Synthesis and applications. Invasions often reveal heterogeneity in ecosystem structure and function that is not otherwise evident, and the heterogeneity can influence estimation of the net impacts of the invaders. For cheatgrass and other invaders, we propose that formally accounting for the spatial variability of invasion on ecosystem functions will improve the estimation of their net effect on ecosystem C, and thus improve prospects for adjusting management practices to optimize C sequestration.

Copyright Statement

This document was originally published in the Journal of Applied Ecology by Wiley. This article has been contributed to by U.S. Government employees and their work is in the public domain in the USA. Copyright restrictions may apply. https://doi.org/10.1111/1365-2664.14289

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