2024 Undergraduate Research Showcase

2024 Undergraduate Research Showcase


The Undergraduate Research Showcase is a celebration of research and a forum for Boise State undergraduate students from all academic disciplines to share their research with the campus community. Its purpose is to provide students with a low-stakes opportunity to present their work and receive constructive and helpful feedback.

The 2024 Undergraduate Research Showcase took place on Friday, April 19th in the Student Union Building at Boise State University. Featuring in-person poster presentations and an in-person reception featuring lightning talks.

This event is supported by the Institute for Inclusive and Transformative Scholarship at Boise State University. Please see the following link for more information: https://www.boisestate.edu/undergraduate-research/showcase/


Submissions from 2024


Importance of Experiential Education Opportunities for Adult Learners, Jamie Hudson

Migratory Strategies and Morphology of American Kestrels (Falco sparverius), Mackenzie G. Hutchinson, Sarah E. Scott, Nora Honkomp, Linda Reynard, and Julie A. Heath

Hiring the “Best Minds in Technology”: How Amazon’s Job Postings Perpetuates Gender Inequality, Amelia Jobe and Michael Kreiter

Does Virtual Reality Facilitate Motor Learning?: A Literature Review, Alicia Johnson, Mariane Bacelar, and Laura Petranek


Development and Validation of a Miniaturized Ball-on-Three-Ball Test for Biaxial Flexure Strength of Technical Ceramics, Brandon King, Will Johanson, Adriana Lupercio, Jackie Stone, Andrew Nelson, and Brian Jaques


Investigating Neoliberalism in Higher Education, Danilla Kowalczuk

The Manipulation of the Gut Microbiome Using GAD-Lactococcus lactis Bacteria and Gnotobiotic Zebrafish (Danio rerio) to Alleviate Symptoms of Anxiety and PTSD, Alexandra LaFollette, Javier Ochoa-Reparaz, Kristina Hoffman, and Dani Babcock

Are Separately Elected Lieutenant Governors More Likely to Seek Other Statewide Offices?, Ethan R. LaHaug, Jaclyn J. Kettler, and Charles R. Hunt

Sustainable Agriculture and Food Insecurity in Idaho, Maggie Larson and Mari Rice

Violence with No Peace, Sebastian Lazarevic, Beret Norman, Mykenna Thornburg, Kannon Marble, Richard Glaman, Alexis Williams, and Maddy Thomas

Emerging Technologies for Early Detection of Distal Leg Stress Fracture (Evaluating Tibial Loading), Carina Linke, Tyler Brown, and Iona Halliday

Is Manual Lateralization Associated with Manual Performance?, Kylie Llamas and Iryna Babik

Water Quality Through the Lens of a Trail Camera, Zoe Lowder, Alejandro Flores, and Anna Bergstrom

Clothing Fire Safety: Do Fabric Layers Matter?, Tatum Lowenberg and Uwe Reischl

Determining Structural Integrity of Dissolvable Microneedles, Karlee Macaw, Trevor Lujan, Haley Bridgewater, Amevi Semodji, and Juliette Tinker

Nuclear Sustainability: Exploring SMR Waste Management, Fernando Marez Sanchez, Sondra Miller, Deanna Baldwin, Madeline Garner, Julian Martin, and Lindsey Wiggins

Moving Mountains: Determining Temperature Distribution in the Himalaya's Earliest Metamorphic Rocks, Katherine Markthaler, Matt Kohn, Jayna Thompson, John Fink, Adelie Ionescu, Sean Long, Darin Schwartz, and Sajjad Shah

The Potential of Plant-based Alternatives: Market Research of Consumer Attitudes Towards Meat Substitutes, Paige McDowell, Shikhar Sarin, Kali Dey, Hailey Thaxton, Jayda Clark, Star Hunh, Trista Hull, Rebecca Cataldo, and Jaidin Alexander

Project Natick with Expanded AI Integration, Ryan McFarland and Sondra Miller

The Effect of Print Parameters and Spatter on Additively Manufactured Inconel 718, Noah Montrose, Brian Jaques, Kyle Holloway, and Allyssa Bateman

PREP Academy: Research to Support Program Improvement, McKenna Morgan, Jeremy Ford, Jordyn Falkner, Lexi Wright, and Katie Lambert

Comparing the Quantity of Heat Stress-Associated Genes in Sagebrush Phyllosphere Fungi, Holly Morrison, Leonora Bittleston, Chadwick DeFehr, Jessica Bernardin, and Jacob Heil

Small Modular Reactors: Answer to the World's Power Needs, Owen Moss, Sondra Miller, Enrique Gonzalez, Kaleb VanderSys, and Joseph Myers

Unveiling the Impact of Militaristic Culture: Challenges in Veteran Reintegration, Sailor Nelson and April Masarik


Investigating the Epistemology of Ignorance, Justine Niyogushimwa, Michael Kreiter, Arthur Scarritt, Amelia Jobe, Chloe Otsuji, Danilla Kowalczuk, Niamh Winters, Lauren Sichenze, Karson Bird, and Jeff Cates

Evaluating Extraction Solvents and Methods to Analyze Bioactive Alkaloids in Commercially Available Kratom, Delaney Odell, Owen McDougal, Christopher Orizaba, McKenzi Riggs, Angus Fitzgerald, Jamison Rowley, Jordan Hoover, and Anna Shuey

Visualization of DX-Tile Structures with High-Resolution Atomic Force Microscopy, Nolan Olaso, Paul Davis, Corey Efaw, Simon Roy, John Hall, Bill Knowlton, Bernie Yurke, and Jeunghoon Lee

Improving Prediction of Solar Material Properties Through Software Engineering, Ryn Y. Oliphant and Eric Jankowski

Petrogenesis of the Galapagos Islands: A Case Study at Fernandina and Pinta Volcanoes, Layla Parades, Dorsey Wanless, Jacob Lucas, Katherine Markthaler, Alice Parham, Isabella Welk, Emma McCully, and Janine Andrys


Grouse Genomics: Exploring the Application of DNA Approaches in a Declining Prairie Grouse, Julia Parker, Jack Knutson, Morgan Calahan, Elizabeth Jessmore, and Stephanie Galla

Characterization of Mali Andradite Garnets as U-Pb Reference Materials, Jake Peckenpaugh, Mark Schmitz, and Darin Schwartz

Grandparental Investment and the Role of Family Conflict, Sophie Pederson, Kristin Snopkowski, Amanda Kunz, Naiya Gagliardi, and Katherine Kappelman

Do Gender Ideology and Social Support Impact the Mental Health of European Mothers?, Sonia Perizzolo, Kristin Snopkowski, Amy Josey, and Rhyann Power

Designing Healthy Communities, Hailey Pierce, Kendall House, Jessica Schneider, and Elyse Palumbo


Genomic Data Analysis of SARS-Cov-2 Variants and Trends, Makenna A. Potter, Alex G. Hardy, Maureen L. Welcker, and Stephanie F. Hudon


Lab Grown Meat Consumer Perception Analysis, Taya Power-Thornton, Taylor Graham, Sarah Kinghorn, Alyson Guerricabe, Miranda Robson, and Tyler Winkler

Is the Sagebrush Genome Built Different?: Investigating Gene Regulation in Stress Response, Adam Renfrow, Sven Buerki, Paige Skinner, and Peggy Martinez

Integrating Antifreeze Proteins in Silk Microneedle Patch Delivery, Antonio Reyes, Konrad Meister, Sophia Theodossiou, and Brian Penney


Utilizing Qualitative Coding to Pinpoint Challenges and Desired Outcomes in Blaine County’s Comprehensive Plan, Mackenzie Rhoads, Nikki Root, Haley Netherton-Morrison, and Kelly Hopping

A Standardized Method to Quantitate Bioactive Alkaloids in Kratom, McKenzi Riggs, Owen McDougal, Anna Shuey, Delaney Odell, Christopher Orizaba, and Jordan Hoover

Effects of PEF on Continuous and Kettle Style Root Vegetable Chips, Tauras Rimkus, Owen McDougal, Priscila Santiago Mora, Alyssa Hendricks, Morgan Fong, and Mark Skinner

Quantification of Shear Force Vectors in the Knee Through Motion Capture and Force Plate Analysis, Riley Robarge, Tyler Brown, and Aden Harrison

Microbial Supplements for Dairy Cows to Reduce Enteric Methane Emissions, Phaedra Roby and Jared L. Talley

The Pressures of Immigration on Cultural Values and Parental Beliefs and Practices: A Comparison Between Indian Families Living in India vs. the U.S., Madison Ross and Iryna Babik

Factors and Processes Behind Fire-Induced Carbonate Accumulation in Shrub-Steppe Ecosystem Soils, Jisong Ryu, David Huber, Sophia Huber, Gabrielle Killingstad, Akira Byrne, and Jacob Anderson

Whole River Contaminant Degradation Depends Upon Transport Processes in River Sediments, Ryan Samolis and Kevin Roche


Dynamic Plant-Soil Relationships Determine Forage Nutrition for Sheep Grazing in a Degraded Landscape, Jacob Scott, Madelyn Sorrentino, Kloe Walter, and Kelly Hopping

Frontal Plane Knee Kinematics Over Different Surfaces, Mason Shaffer, Tyler Brown, Nic Hunt, and Matthew Robinett

A Step Toward Resolving Spatiotemporal Distribution of Suspended Sediment Concentration Using Remote Sensing, Cheyon Sheen, Moji Sadegh, Hannah Spero, and Arash Modaresi Rad


Inheritance, Property Reform, and the Language of Original Sin in Nathaniel Hawthorne's The House of the Seven Gables, Elizabeth Shockley