2024 Undergraduate Research Showcase
Document Type
Student Presentation
Presentation Date
Faculty Sponsor
Dr. Shikhar Sarin
Concerns have grown in recent years about the environmental impact and greenhouse emissions of the meat production industry and meat consumption. Attempts are under way to grow meat in labs from existing meat cells without having to additionally harvest animals and have recently been approved by the FDA. We have collected data from 252 survey respondents from the Northwest to explore consumer perceptions about such lab-grown meat products. Preliminary findings in the data display a generally positive attitude and a moderate level of confidence in the safety of lab-grown meat. Lastly, our findings suggest that businesses may be able to capitalize on consumer interest in lab grown meat by emphasizing the safety, ethical production methods, and environmental sustainability of these products. Additional analysis and results will be presented.
Recommended Citation
Power-Thornton, Taya; Graham, Taylor; Kinghorn, Sarah; Guerricabe, Alyson; Robson, Miranda; and Winkler, Tyler, "Lab Grown Meat Consumer Perception Analysis" (2024). 2024 Undergraduate Research Showcase. 117.
Research Mentors: Rebecca Cataldo and Jaidan Alexander