
Submissions from 2019


Workload-Aware Task Placement in Edge-Assisted Human Re-Identification, Anil Acharya, Yantian Hou, Ying Mao, Min Xian, and Jiawei Yuan


Edge-Assisted Image Processing with Joint Optimization of Responding and Placement Strategy, Anil Acharya, Yantian Hou, Ying Mao, and Jiawei Yuan


Therapist Financial Strain and Turnover: Interactions with System-Level Implementation of Evidence-Based Practices, Danielle R. Adams, Nathaniel J. Williams, Emily M. Becker-Haimes, Laura Skriner, Lauren Shaffer, Kathryn DeWitt, Geoffrey Neimark, David T. Jones, and Rinad S. Beidas


Effects of Fertilization, Plant Species, and Intra-Specific Diversity on Soil Carbon and Nitrogen in Biofuel Cropping Systems After Five Growing Seasons, Jaron Adkins, Julie D. Jastrow, Geoffrey P. Morris, and Marie-Anne de Graaff

Infrared Thermography for In-Pile Imaging of Nuclear Fuel Cracking, Kevin Agarwal, Marat Khafizov, Robert Schley, Colby Jensen, David Hurley, Nirmala Kandadai, and Harish Subbaraman


Rural Accessibility, Rural Development, and Natural Disasters in Bangladesh, Saleh Ahmed and Elizabeth Eklund


Impacts of Spatial Patterns of Rural and Exurban Residential Development on Agricultural Trends in the Intermountain West, Saleh Ahmed and Douglas Jackson-Smith

Temperature Sensing in Nuclear Facilities: Application of the Phase Change Effect of Chalcogenide Glasses, Al-Amin Ahmed Simon, Karishmae Kadrager, Bahareh Badamchi, Harish Subbaraman, and Maria Mitkova


A Study of the Multiple Sign-In Feature in Web Applications, Marwan Albahar, Xing Gao, Gaby Dagher, Daiping Liu, Fengwei Zhang, and Jidong Xiao


Outcomes Associated with Stage 2 Pressure Injuries Among Surgical Critical Care Patients: A Retrospective Cohort Study, Jenny Alderden, Yunchuan (Lucy) Zhao, Donna Thomas, Ryan Butcher, Brenda Gulliver, and Mollie Cummins


Lens-Based Millimeter Wave Reconfigurable Antenna NOMA, Mojtaba Ahmadi Almasi, Roohollah Amiri, Mojtaba Vaezi, and Hani Mehrpouyan


Impact of Beam Misalignment on Hybrid Beamforming NOMA for mmWave Communications, Mojtaba Ahmadi Almasi, Mojtaba Vaezi, and Hani Mehrpouyan


Reinforcement Learning for Self Organization and Power Control of Two-Tier Heterogeneous Networks, Roohollah Amiri, Mojtaba Ahmadi Almasi, Jeffrey G. Andrews, and Hani Mehrpouyan


Multi-Stream LDPC Decoder on GPU of Mobile Devices, Roohollah Amiri and Hani Mehrpouyan


Nonrandom Territory Occupancy by Nesting Gyrfalcons (Falco rusticolus), David L. Anderson, Peter J. Bente, Travis L. Booms, Leah Dunn, and Christopher J.W. McClure


Using Structured Knowledge and Traditional Word Embeddings to Generate Concept Representations in the Educational Domain, Oghenemaro Anuyah, Ion Madrazo Azpiazu, and Maria Soledad Pera


An Empirical Analysis of Search Engines’ Response to Web Search Queries Associated with the Classroom Setting, Oghenemaro Anuyah, Ashlee Milton, Michael Green, and Maria Soledad Pera


A Clean Energy Assessment of Early Adopters in Electric Vehicle and Solar Photovoltaic Technology: Geospatial, Political and Socio-Demographic Trends in New York, Kathleen Araújo, Jean Léon Boucher, and Omkar Aphale


Editing Behavior Analysis for Predicting Active and Inactive Users in Wikipedia, Harish Arelli, Francesca Spezzano, and Anu Shrestha


Skin Conductance, Heart Rate and Aggressive Behavior Type, Todd Armstrong, Jessica Wells, Danielle L. Boisvert, Richard Lewis, Eric M. Cooke, Matthias Woeckener, and Nicholas Kavish


Outcomes of Participation in a Community-Based Physical Activity Program, Michelle Arnett, Sarah E. Toevs, Laura Bond, and Elisabeth Hannah


Spatial, Road Geometric and Biotic Factors Associated with Barn Owl Mortality Along an Interstate Highway, Erin M. Arnold, Steven E. Hanser, Tempe Regan, Jeremy Thompson, Melinda Lowe, Angela Kociolek, and James R. Belthoff


Beyond Fact-Checking: 5 Things Schools Should Do to Foster News Literacy, Seth Ashley

American Journalism and "Fake News": Examining the Facts, Seth Ashley, Jessica Roberts, and Adam Maksl


Culture and Global Workplace Learning: Foundations of Cross‐Cultural Design Theories and Models, Tutaleni I. Asino and Lisa Giacumo


Engineering Design in Scientific Inquiry, Leslie Atkins Elliott


Modeling Potential Energy of the Gaussian Gun, Leslie Atkins Elliott, André Bolliou, Hanna Irving, and Douglas Jackson


Modeling Chemical Reactions with the Gaussian Gun, Leslie Atkins Elliott, Elizabeth Sippola, and Jeffrey Watkins


Social Scavenging by Wintering Striated Caracaras (Phalcoboenus australis) in the Falkland Islands, Anna R. Autilio, Marc J. Bechard, and Keith L. Bildstein


Earthquake Surface Rupture: A Brief Survey on Interdisciplinary Research and Practice from Geology to Geotechnical Engineering, B. B. Avar and N. W. Hudyma


Play with Objects in Children with Arthrogryposis: Effects of Intervention with the Playskin LiftTM Exoskeletal Garment, Iryna Babik, Andrea B. Cunha, and Michele A. Lobo


Anomalous Primes and the Elliptic Korselt Criterion, L. Babinkostova, J. C. Bahr, Y. H. Kim, E. Neyman, and G. K. Taylor


Selective Versions of θ-Density, L. Babinkostova, B. A. Pansera, and M. Scheepers

A Novel High Temperature Optical Waveguide Sensor for Nuclear Reactors, B. Badamchi, N. Kandadai, A. A. Simon, M. Mitkova, and H. Subbaraman


Understanding Second Grader’s Computational Thinking Skills in Robotics Through Their Individual Traits, Youngkyun Baek, Dazhi Yang, and Yibo Fan

Analysing Professional Discourse on Twitter: A Mixed Methods Analysis of the #Openeducation Hashtag, Fredrick W. Baker III and Patrick R. Lowenthal


Online Course Design: A Review of the Canvas Course Evaluation Checklist, Sally Baldwin and Yu-Hui Ching


An Online Course Design Checklist: Development and Users’ Perceptions, Sally J. Baldwin and Yu-Hui Ching

The Emotional Work of Revision, Bruce Ballenger and Kelly Myers


Bottle Filling Task Reasoning: A Comparison of Matching Versus Constructed Student Responses, Dominique Banner and Laurie Overman Cavey

Experiencing Pollution Through Animal Senses, Jesse Barber


An Improved Method for Utilizing High‐Throughput Amplicon Sequencing to Determine the Diets of Insectivorous Animals, Jesse R. Barber


Phylogenomics Reveals the Evolutionary Timing and Pattern of Butterflies and Moths, Jesse R. Barber


Phylogenomics Resolves Major Relationships and Reveals Significant Diversification Rate Shifts in the Evolution of Silk Moths and Relatives, J. R. Barber

How Digital Technology Helps Solve Mysteries in the Humanities, Elisa Barney Smith


Opportunities for Student Members, Elisa H. Barney Smith

The Gishe Expedition, Warren Barrash


Contextualizing Consensus Protocols in Blockchain: A Short Survey, Golam Bashar, Graham Hill, Subroto Singha, Praneeth Marella, Gaby G. Dagher, and Jidong Xiao


Effects of Sintering Aides on the Hydrothermal Oxidation of Silicon Nitride Spherical Rolling Elements, Allyssa Bateman, Abby J. Queale, Darryl P. Butt, and Brian J. Jaques


Multidimensional Wellness Promotion in the Health and Fitness Industry, James D. Beauchemin, Nicole Gabana, Kirk Ketelsen, and Chris McGrath


Grounding Neuro-Informed Practice in a Humanistic Framework: A Response to Wilkinson, Eric T. Beeson and Raissa M. Miller


Risk and Protective Factors for Secondary Traumatic Stress and Burnout Among Home Visitors, Sandina Begic, Jennifer M. Weaver, and Theodore W. McDonald


Political Parties and Foreign Direct Investment Inflows Among Developing Countries, Nisha M. Bellinger and Byunghwan Son


Is Authoritarianism Bad for the Economy? Ask Venezuela – or Hungary or Turkey, Nisha Bellinger and Byunghwan Son


Relationship Between Ferromagnetism and Formation of Complex Carbon Bonds in Carbon Doped ZnO Powders, Jailes J. Beltrán, Cesar A. Barrero, and Alex Punnoose


Predicting Power-Transformer Bushings’ Seismic Vulnerability: Mounting Stiffness and Coupling, Jon Bender and Arvin Farid


Genotype Network Intersections Promote Evolutionary Innovation, Devin P. Bendixsen, James Collet, Bjørn Østman, and Eric J. Hayden


Normalization of Unconstrained Handwritten Words in Terms of Slope and Slant Correction, Suman Kumar Bera, Akash Chakrabarti, Sagnik Lahiri, Elisa H. Barney Smith, and Ram Sarkar


Economic Evaluation of Concussion Programs in the State of Idaho: The Collective Potential of Prevention and Clinical Care, Susie Bergeron, Hilary Flint, and Zeynep Hansen


Using the Loop Chain Abstraction to Schedule Across Loops in Existing Code, Ian J. Bertolacci, Michelle Mills Strout, Jordan Riley, Stephen M. J. Guzik, Eddie C. Davis, and Catherine Olschanowsky


Economic Viability of Light Water Small Modular Nuclear Reactors: General Methodology and Vendor Data, Geoffrey A. Black, Fatih Aydogan, and Cassandra L. Koerner


"Anon What What?": Children's Understanding of the Language of Privacy, Stacy Black, Rezvan Joshaghani, Dhanush Kumar Ratakonda, Hoda Mehrpouyan, and Jerry Alan Fails


The Effect of an Auditor Identity Disclosure Requirement on Audit Quality: An Experimental Examination Incorporating the Incremental Effect of a Signature Requirement, Allen D. Blay, Eric S. Gooden, Mark J. Mellon, and Douglas E. Stevens


The Effect of an Auditor Identity Disclosure Requirement on Audit Quality: An Experimental Examination Incorporating the Incremental Effect of a Signature Requirement, Allen D. Blay, Eric S. Gooden, Mark J. Mellon, and Douglas E. Stevens


Stone Blowing as a Remedial Measure to Mitigate Differential Movement Problems at Railroad Bridge Approaches, Huseyin Boler, Debakanta Mishra, Erol Tutumluer, Steven Chrismer, and James P. Hyslip


Differences Between Sons and Daughters in the Intergenerational Transmission of Wealth, Monique Borgerhoff Mulder, Mary C. Towner, Ryan Baldini, Bret A. Beheim, Samuel Bowles, Heidi Colleran, Michael Gurven, Karen L. Kramer, Siobhán M. Mattison, David A. Nolin, Brooke A. Scelza, Eric Schniter, Rebecca Sear, Mary K. Shenk, Eckart Voland, and John Ziker


What Constitutes Environmental Displacement?: Challenges and Opportunities of Exploring Connections Across Thematically Diverse Areas, Pablo Bose and Elizabeth Lunstrum


Mountain, Militarized: North Korea, Nuclear Tests, and Nature, Lisa Brady


Environmental War, Lisa M. Brady

Valuing the Wounds of War: Korea's DMZ as Nature Preserve, Lisa M. Brady

War from the Ground Up: Integrating Military and Environmental Histories, Lisa M. Brady


The Community Outreach Model of Service-Learning: A Case Study of Active Learning and Service-Learning in a Natural Hazards, Vulnerability, and Risk Class, Brittany D. Brand, Kara Brascia, and Margaret Sass

Map Your Hazards!": Assessing Hazards, Vulnerability, and Risk Through an Active Learning-Based Educational Module, Brittany D. Brand, Melissa Schlege, and Pamela McMullin-Messier


A Needs Analysis to Inform Global Humanitarian Capacity Building, Jeroen Breman, Lisa A. Giacumo, and Rachel Griffith-Boyes


Fluid Capture During Exhumation of Subducted Lithologies: A Fluid Inclusion Study from Sifnos, Greece, Hanna L. Brooks, Besim Dragovic, Héctor M. Lamadrid, Mark J. Caddick, and Robert J. Bodnar


Doctoral E-Mentoring: Current Practices and Effective Strategies, David Byrnes, Lida J. Uribe-Flórez, Jesús Trespalacios, and Jodi Chilson


Air Pollution, Combustion and Friction Derived Nanoparticles, and Alzheimer’s Disease in Urban Children and Young Adults, Lilian Calderón-Garcidueñas, Angélica González-Maciel, Randy J. Kulesza, Luis Oscar González-González, Rafael Reynoso-Robles, Partha S. Mukherjee, and Ricardo Torres-Jardón


School-Day Classroom-Based Physical Activity and Sedentary Behavior, Hannah G. Calvert and Lindsey Turner


An Exploration of Supports for Increasing Classroom Physical Activity within Elementary Schools, Hannah G. Calvert, Julianne A. Wenner, and Lindsey Turner


Development of a Novel Tool for Assessing Coverage of Implementation Factors in Health Promotion Program Resources, Hannah Calvert and Lindsey Turner


Effects of Acute Physical Activity on NIH Toolbox-Measured Cognitive Functions Among Children in Authentic Education Settings, H. G. Calvert, J. M. Barcelona, D. Melville, and L. Turner


The Trial of the (Eighteenth) Century: Active Learning and Moll Flanders, Ann Campbell


An Optically Gated Transistor Composed of Amorphous M + Ge2Se3 (M = Cu or Sn) for Accessing and Continuously Programming a Memristor, Kristy A. Campbell, Randall A. Bassine, Md. Faisal Kabir, and Jeremy Astle


Scaling Professional Development for Mathematics Teacher Educators, Michele B. Carney, Jonathan L. Brendefur, Gwyneth Hughes, Keith Thiede, Angela R. Crawford, Dan Jesse, and Brandie Ward Smith

Developing a Construct Map for Teacher Attentiveness, Michele B. Carney, Tatia Totorica, Laurie O. Cavey, and Patrick R. Lowenthal


Comparison of Two Approaches to Interpretive Use Arguments, Michele Carney, Angela Crawford, Carl Siebert, Rich Osguthorpe, and Keith Thiede


“Opening the Window to a World Wider Than Our Little Classroom”: The Importance of Culturally Relevant Pedagogy, Hannah Carter and Melissa Bradford


Finding our Place in the Third Space: The Authority of Not Knowing as Becoming in School-University Partnership Work, Hannah Carter, Jennifer Snow, Sara DiGrazia, and Sherry Dismuke


Landscape Heterogeneity is Key to Forecasting Outcomes of Plant Reintroduction, T. Trevor Caughlin, Ellen I. Damschen, Nick M. Haddad, Douglas J. Levey, Christopher Warneke, and Lars A. Brudvig


High-Resolution Remote Sensing Data as a Boundary Object to Facilitate Interdisciplinary Collaboration, T. Trevor Caughlin, Sarah J. Graves, Gregory P. Asner, Bryan C. Tarbox, and Stephanie A. Bohlman


The Performance of Multilevel Models When Outcome Data are Incomplete, Wanchen Chang and Keenan A. Pituch


Deviant: A Mutation Testing Tool for Solidity Smart Contracts, Patrick Chapman, Dianxiang Xu, Lin Deng, and Yin Xiong


Measurement Invariance and Latent Mean Differences of the Chinese Version Physical Activity Self-Efficacy Scale Across Gender and Education Levels, Han Chen, Jun Dai, and Yong Gao


Unequal Opportunities and Public Policy: The Impact of Parental Disability Benefits on Child Post-Secondary Attendance, Kelly Chen, Lars Osberg, and Shelley Phipps


Adaptive and Maladaptive Coping with an It Threat, Tim Chenoweth, Tom Gattiker, and Karen Corral


Elementary School Student Development of STEM Attitudes and Perceived Learning in a STEM Integrated Robotics Curriculum, Yu-Hui Ching, Dazhi Yang, Sasha Wang, Youngkyun Baek, Steve Swanson, and Bhaskar Chittoori


Evaluating Shallow Mixing Protocols as Application Methods for Microbial Induced Calcite Precipitation Targeting Expansive Soil Treatment, Bhaskar C. S. Chittoori, Tasria Rahman, Malcolm Burbank, and Arif Ali Baig Moghal


Understanding the Role of Relationship Maintenance in Enduring Couple Partnerships in Later Adulthood, Jill M. Chonody and Jacqui Gabb


"A Woman CEO? You’d Better Think Twice!": Exploring Career Challenges of Women CEOs at Multinational Corporations in South Korea, Yonjoo Cho, Jiwon Park, Soo Jeoung Han, and Yedam Ho

10-Step Evaluation for Training and Performance Improvement, Seung Youn (Yonnie) Chyung