It’s Never Been Just for Boys: Female Fans of NCAA Division I and Professional Sports


Bret Andreason, College of Social Sciences and Public Affairs, Boise State UniversityFollow
Greg Bauwens, College of Social Sciences and Public Affairs, Boise State UniversityFollow
Jeff Braun, College of Social Sciences and Public Affairs, Boise State UniversityFollow
Alissa Clark, College of Social Sciences and Public Affairs, Boise State UniversityFollow
Mandi Crane, College of Social Sciences and Public Affairs, Boise State University
Dan Goodale, College of Social Sciences and Public Affairs, Boise State UniversityFollow
Nate Haderlie, College of Social Sciences and Public Affairs, Boise State UniversityFollow
Jake Hardee, College of Social Sciences and Public Affairs, Boise State UniversityFollow
Kevin Haynes, College of Social Sciences and Public Affairs, Boise State UniversityFollow
Rachel Hendershott, College of Social Sciences and Public Affairs, Boise State UniversityFollow
Timothy Hibbard, College of Social Sciences and Public Affairs, Boise State UniversityFollow
Brittney Johnson, College of Social Sciences and Public Affairs, Boise State University
Alishia Jonas, College of Social Sciences and Public Affairs, Boise State UniversityFollow
Rachel Lane, College of Social Sciences and Public Affairs, Boise State University
Erica Lloyd, College of Social Sciences and Public Affairs, Boise State UniversityFollow
Tutulupeatau Mataele, College of Social Sciences and Public Affairs, Boise State UniversityFollow
Casey McManus, College of Social Sciences and Public Affairs, Boise State UniversityFollow
Audrey Mearns, College of Social Sciences and Public Affairs, Boise State UniversityFollow
Kayti Proctor, College of Social Sciences and Public Affairs, Boise State University
Nicole Sellars, College of Social Sciences and Public Affairs, Boise State UniversityFollow
Troy Ware, College of Social Sciences and Public Affairs, Boise State UniversityFollow
Ryan Watkins, College of Social Sciences and Public Affairs, Boise State UniversityFollow

Document Type

Student Presentation

Presentation Date


Faculty Sponsor

Laurel Traynowicz


College and professional sports depend on fans. Female fans constitute a lucrative but often neglected demographic in the sport industry. While marketers and advertisers recognize the power of the female customer, many sport organizations marginalize female fans by virtue of omission. Given the multi-dimensional nature of the female sport fan and the growth potential of the fan base, the sport industry must pay attention. This makes good sense not only ethically and socially, but economically as well since this demographic is steadily growing while the male fan base remains stable. The current study examined consumer practices and attitudes of female fans at professional and Division I college revenue sporting events during the 2013-14 season. Over 900 female fans of NCAA Division I revenue sports (football, men’s basketball, women’s basketball), professional basketball and professional hockey were interviewed regarding both consumer choices and their perceived value as fans. Results indicate specific expressed needs and preferences of female fans. Of great interest is the preponderance of female college-sport fans who declared themselves as valued “long-time fans” compared to the relatively short-time nature of the professional sport fans. Implications for the sport industry include the importance of including female demographics in brand strategy and loyalty.

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