College of Social Sciences and Public Affairs Presentations | 2014 Undergraduate Research and Scholarship Conference | Boise State University


Submissions from 2014

Wildland Urban Interface Awareness, Carl Anderson, Brian Owen, and Richard Salas

It’s Never Been Just for Boys: Female Fans of NCAA Division I and Professional Sports, Bret Andreason, Greg Bauwens, Jeff Braun, Alissa Clark, Mandi Crane, Dan Goodale, Nate Haderlie, Jake Hardee, Kevin Haynes, Rachel Hendershott, Timothy Hibbard, Brittney Johnson, Alishia Jonas, Rachel Lane, Erica Lloyd, Tutulupeatau Mataele, Casey McManus, Audrey Mearns, Kayti Proctor, Nicole Sellars, Troy Ware, and Ryan Watkins


The Effects of Masculinity and Trauma on Prosocial Behaviors, Kyle Brasil

Campus Farmer's Market, Russell Bridges, Kodi Sims, and Joseph Rush

Mexican Politicization: Cultivating Optimism, Fostering Community, Abraham Calderón

Translocation to Boise State University: Experiences at and Across Borders, Briana Cornwall

Direct v. Indirect Exposure to Trauma: An Insight to Officer Coping Mechanisms, Marybel Cortez

Predictors of College Students’ Opinions on Sexual Taboo Topics, Sara Couture


Defining Honesty: A Qualitative Analysis of the Trait Honesty, Sara Couture, Kim Hayes, Kyle Brasil, Drew Lindgren, Lauren Stephens Stephens, and Jared Talley

How Confident Are Psychology Undergraduates in Their Major Choice?, Sibylle Gorla

Techno-structure and Techno-power in the Neoliberal University, Crispin Gravatt

Mediated Voyeurism and Female Sport Fans, Greg Bauwens and Nicole Sellars

Pharmaceutical Hazardous Waste Management Practices in Idaho Medical Facilities, Kyla Griffin, Wesley Koster, and Marc Callister

MY Team vs. OUR Team: Bandwagon Fan Culture in Sports, Nate Haderlie, Kayti Proctor, Erica Lloyd, Alissa Clark, Audrey Mearns, Tutulupeatau (Deuce) Mataele, and Brittney Johnson

Muscle Fitness Self Promotion through Social Networking Sites, Ty Hawkins

Jersey Chasers’ Playbook: Understanding the Behaviors and Motives of Flirtatious Female Fans, Kevin Haynes, Troy Ware, Dan Goodale, Jake Hardee, Ryan Watkins, and Jeff Braun


Hockey Fan Excitement, Timothy Hibbard and Bret Andreason

Recollection of Middle and High School Years: Parental Involvement Effect on College Students' Motivation, Ericka Hill

The Role of Altruism in Impulsivity, Religiosity and Substance Use, Melissa Hughes

Gender Differences in Attitudes Toward Help Seeking: Before and After Counseling Experiences, Melissa Hughes, Ahva Mozrafi, Kyle Brasil, Caley Featherstone, and Matthew Genuchi

They got Spirit, Yes they Do: How Cheerleaders and Dancers Influence College Sports, Alishia Jonas, Kayla Jonas, and Mandi Crane

What If Students Remembered Course Content: Storytelling as Pedagogy, Morgan Kawamura


Out Cold: A Case Study of Human Skeletal Remains Demonstrating the Importance of Site Context, Melissa Kidd, Audrey Rogers, Nicole Inghilterra, Beki Jumonville, and Samantha H. Blatt

Boise River Posphorus Outreach, Jason Kittridge, Matthew Kintol, Benjamyn Blamires, and Kamay Emele


Facebook and Life Satisfaction: In Search of the Happy Balance, Jamie Lundergreen


Policy Pressures on Federal Dam Building Decisions and the Cost Benefit Analysis, Richard Martinez


Family Relationships Effect on Transition to Kindergarten, Catherine McArthur

Strategies to Reduce Agricultural Nonpoint Source Pollution in the Boise Watershed, Cassidy McClelland, Emily McClintock, Matthew Date, and Cassidy Eby


Attitudes Towards Age-Appropriate Breastfeeding, Kimberly McGourty

The Kids Are All Right: The Appeal of Violence in Sports for Children, Casey McManus


Parental Involvement: Perceptions of Stay-at-Home Fathers, Lauren Moore

Psychology Majors’ Perceptions Versus Reality: Self-reflection and Awareness, Mercedes Pearson

Effects of Social Media on Relationships, McKenzie Perkins

The Role of Media in Shaping Public Perceptions About LGBT Policy Discussions in Idaho, Megyn Rodriguez

Una Historia Rebelde: Corridos and the Sixties, Osciel Salazar

Mores Creek Watershed Restoration Overview, Sarah Sneider and Joe Thiessen


The Power That Nourishes: The Chipko Movement in India, Renae Sullivan

Internationalization and the Construction of Diversity Ideologies, Jamie Thomas


Prosocial Behavior and Posttraumatic Growth After Trauma, Rhiannon Trull

Sustainable Solar Options at Boise State University, Lindsey Walters, Michelle Gordon, Toby Mogavero, and Emily Montague

Sex Differences in Depression and Maladaptive Decision-Making, Tom Weekes

Black Creek Reservoir Outdoor Classroom, Shaun Wheeler, Maren Watkins, Russell Bridges, and Kristin Araki


Time Distribution of Faculty Workload at Boise State University, John P. Ziker, Allyanna Wintermote, David Nolin, Kathryn Demps, Matthew Genuchi, and Katie Meinhardt