Psychological Sciences Faculty Publications and Presentations | Department of Psychological Science | Boise State University
Psychological science is our focus. Students who complete courses in Psychology are expected to be familiar with current psychological theories, research findings, and should possess the skills that enable them to be life-long learners and productive community members. Faculty members strive to develop in students the kinds of communication, learning, and problem-solving skills that will be useful in a wide variety of pursuits. All members of the department maintain active and diverse programs of research. Indeed, the department has received local, regional, national, and international recognition for its research contributions. Current projects include influence of homelessness and poverty on child development, community empowerment, credibility assessment, effects of childhood trauma on adult functioning, student experiences (retention, evaluations, grade inflation), prevention of adolescent alcohol related problems, prevention of childhood skin cancer, biological rhythms (including shift work, jet lag, and basic processes responsible for circadian rhythms) and central nervous system insult and recovery (traumatic brain injury, stroke, tumors, spine injury, Parkinson’s treatment through deep brain stimulation, sleep disorders). Psychology is also the home of the Family Studies Research Initiative (FSRI). Consistent with our pedagogical focus on psychological science, we have earned wide spread acclaim for involving undergraduate students in all aspects of research productivity including data collection, literature search and evaluation, data analysis, writing and publishing journal articles, and presentations at professional conferences. Thus, our students not only study research in the classroom but have opportunities to learn about research experientially by becoming research assistants.


Submissions from 2024


The Impact of Severity of Motor Delay, Timing of Task Mastery, and START-Play Intervention on the Development of Means-End Problem Solving in Young Children, Andrea B. Cunha, Iryna Babik, Dongho Choi, Natalie Koziol, Regina T. Harbourne, Stacey C. Dusing, Sarah W. McCoy, Sandra L. Willett, James A. Bovaird, and Michele A. Lobo

Submissions from 2023


Unpredictable Needs are Associated with Lower Expectations of Repayment, Jessica D. Ayers


COVID-19 and Friendships: Agreeableness and Neuroticism are Associated with More Concern About COVID-19 and Friends' Risky Behaviors, Jessica D. Ayers, Diego Guevara Beltrán, Andrew Van Horn, Lee Cronk, Hector Hurmuz-Sklias, Peter M. Todd, and Athena Aktipis


A Factor Analytic Examination of Women's and Men's Friendship Preferences, Jessica D. Ayers, Jaimie Arona Krems, and Athena Aktipis


The Effect of START-Play Intervention on Reaching-Related Exploratory Behaviors in Children with Neuromotor Delays: A Secondary Analysis of a Randomized Controlled Trial, Iryna Babik


Socioeconomic Status and Home Affordances Moderate Effects of Motor Delay and Intervention, Iryna Babik, Andrea B. Cunha, Dongho Choi, Natalie A. Koziol, Lin-Ya Hsu, Regina T. Harbourne, Stacey C. Dusing, Sarah W. McCoy, James A. Bovaird, Sandra L. Willett, and Michele A. Lobo


Biological and Environmental Factors May Affect Children’s Executive Function Through Motor and Sensorimotor Development: Preterm Birth and Cerebral Palsy, Iryna Babik, Andrea B. Cunha, and Sudha Srinivasan


Hand-Use Preferences for Reaching and Object Exploration in Children with Impaired Upper Extremity Functioning: The Role of Environmental Affordances, Iryna Babik and Michele A. Lobo


Moving Toward an Integrated Model of the Father–Daughter Relationship During Adolescence, Rachel S. Blickman and Cynthia G. Campbell


Checking the Scales: A Psychometric Evaluation of the Weight Concerns Scale in a Sample of College-Aged Cisgender Men from the United States, Kyle M. Brasil, Callie E. Mims, Ryon C. McDermott, and Mary E. Pritchard


Two Decades of Coparenting Research: A Scoping Review, Cynthia G. Campbell


What Is Reciprocity?: A Review and Expert-Based Classification of Cooperative Transfers, Diego Guevara Beltran, Jessica D. Ayers, Andres Munoz, Lee Cronk, and Athena Aktipis


Descriptive Norms Caused Increases in Mask Wearing During the COVID-19 Pandemic, Samantha L. Heiman, Scott Claessens, Jessica D. Ayers, Diego Guevara Beltrán, Andrew Van Horn, Edward R. Hirt, Athena Aktipis, and Peter M. Todd

Submissions from 2022


Change in Students’ Peer Evaluations of Requirements Elicitation Interviews Across the Pre-Pandemic and Pandemic-Affected Semesters, Dmytro Babik and Iryna Babik


From Hemispheric Asymmetry Through Sensorimotor Experiences to Cognitive Outcomes in Children with Cerebral Palsy, Iryna Babik


A Model for Using Developmental Science to Create Effective Early Intervention Programs and Technologies to Improve Children's Developmental Outcomes, Iryna Babik, Andrea B. Cunha, and Michele A. Lobo


Early Exploration of One’s Own Body, Exploration of Objects, and Motor, Language, and Cognitive Development Relate Dynamically Across the First Two Years of Life, Iryna Babik, James Cole Galloway, and Michele A. Lobo


Stress and Resilience Among Resettling Refugee Youth: An Illustrative Review and New Applications for the Family Stress Model, April S. Masarik, Hailey Fritz, and Vanja Lazarevic

Submissions from 2021


START-Play Physical Therapy Intervention Impacts Motor and Cognitive Outcomes in Infants with Neuromotor Disorders: A Multisite Randomized Clinical Trial, Iryna Babik


Dynamic Associations Among Socioeconomic Status (SES), Parenting Investments, and Conscientiousness Across Time and Generations, Rand D. Conger, Monica J. Martin, and April S. Masarik


A Comprehensive Meta-Analysis of the Comparison Question Polygraph Test, Charles R. Honts, Steven Thurber, and Mark Handler


Untangling the Associations Between Generalized Anxiety and Body Dissatisfaction: The Mediating Effects of Social Physique Anxiety Among Collegiate Men and Women, Mary Pritchard, Kyle Brasil, Ryon McDermott, and Anna Holdiman


That's Fake News!: Reliability of News When Provided Title, Image, Source Bias & Full Article, Francesca Spezzano, Anu Shrestha, Jerry Alan Fails, and Brian W. Stone

Submissions from 2020


A Perspective on the Development of Hemispheric Specialization, Infant Handedness, and Cerebral Palsy, Claudio L. Ferre, Iryna Babik, and George F. Michel


Self-Reported Eating Disorder Risk in Lean and Non-Lean NCAA Collegiate Athletes, Anna Holdiman McDonald, Mary Pritchard, and Mary Kate McGuire


Sibling Warmth Moderates the Intergenerational Transmission of Romantic Relationship Hostility, April S. Masarik and Christina R. Rogers


The Role of Passive Evil in Perpetuating Downward Academic Mobbing, Theodore W. McDonald, Sandina Begic, and R. Eric Landrum

The Dreams of Joseph and Martin, Virgil A. Wood and Ryan J. Hulbert

Submissions from 2019


Play with Objects in Children with Arthrogryposis: Effects of Intervention with the Playskin LiftTM Exoskeletal Garment, Iryna Babik, Andrea B. Cunha, and Michele A. Lobo


Risk and Protective Factors for Secondary Traumatic Stress and Burnout Among Home Visitors, Sandina Begic, Jennifer M. Weaver, and Theodore W. McDonald


Masculinity and Suicidal Desire in a Community Sample of Homeless Men: Bringing Together Masculinity and the Interpersonal Theory of Suicide, Matthew C. Genuchi


The Importance of Taking Psychology: A Comparison of Three Levels of Exposure, R. Eric Landrum, Regan A. R. Gurung, and Eric Amsel


The Effects of Internalized Shame and Self-Blame on Disordered Eating and Drive for Muscularity in Collegiate Men, Brent Larison and Mary Pritchard


Exploring Determinants of Behavioral Chronotype in a Diurnal-Rodent Model of Human Physiology, Roberto Refinetti, Gabrielle Earle, and G. J. Kenagy


Teaching Visually Impaired College Students in Introductory Statistics, Brian W. Stone, Donovan Kay, and Anthony Reynolds

Submissions from 2018


Promoting Critical Thinking Through Service Learning: A Home-Visiting Case Study, Cynthia G. Campbell and Brianna R. Oswald


Father–Daughter Bonds: A Comparison of Adolescent Daughters’ Relationships with Resident Biological Fathers and Stepfathers, Cynthia G. Campbell and Elizabeth J. Winn


Practice What We Teach: Improving Teaching and Learning in Psychology, Stephen L. Chew, Jane S. Halonen, Maureen A. McCarthy, Regan A. R. Gurung, Melissa J. Beers, Robert McEntarffer, and R. Eric Landrum


Affordances and Alignments: Continuing Challenges in Advising Undergraduate Psychology Majors, R. Eric Landrum


Civility and Academic Freedom: Who Defines the Former (and How) May Imperil Rights to the Latter, Theodore W. McDonald, James D. Stockton, and R. Eric Landrum


Using a Polygraph System for Evaluation of the Social Desirability Response Bias in Self-Report Measures of Aggression, Dmitri Poltavski, Richard Van Eck, Austin T. Winger, and Charles Honts


Circadian Rhythms of Body Temperature and Locomotor Activity in the Antelope Ground Squirrel, Ammospermophilus leucurus, Roberto Refinetti and G. J. Kenagy


Diurnally Active Rodents for Laboratory Research, Roberto Refinetti and G. J. Kenagy


Breastfeeding Duration Predicts Greater Maternal Sensitivity Over the Next Decade, Jennifer M. Weaver, Thomas J. Schofield, and Lauren M. Papp

Submissions from 2017

A Formative Evaluation of Healthy Habits, Healthy U: A Collaborative School Based Cancer Education Program, Alicia Anderson, Caile Spear, Mary Pritchard, Kayla George, Kyle Young, and Carrie Smith


Daily Rhythmicity of Behavior of Nine Species of South American Feral Felids in Captivity, Sciabarrasi Bagilet Antonio, Raúl Delmar Cerutti, María Cristina Scaglione, Giuseppe Piccione, and Roberto Refinetti


Cognitive and Emotional Processes as Predictors of a Successful Transition Into School, A. Nayena Blankson, Jennifer Miner Weaver, Esther M. Leerkes, Marion O'Brien, Susan D. Calkins, and Stuart Marcovitch


Chronotype, Class Times, and Academic Achievement of University Students, Tristan Enright and Roberto Refinetti


Using Metaphors to Facilitate Exploration of Emotional Content in Counseling With College Men, Matthew C. Genuchi, Brian Hopper, and Charles R. Morrison

Facts and Fiction About Truth and Deception, Charles R. Honts


Parenting and Adolescents’ Psychological Adjustment: Longitudinal Moderation by Adolescents’ Genetic Sensitivity, April S. Masarik


Stress and Child Development: A Review of the Family Stress Model, April S. Masarik and Rand D. Conger


Am I a STEM Professional? Documenting STEM Student Professional Identity Development, Sharon Paterson McGuire, Kirsten A. Davis, Arvin Farid, Kimberly K. Hardy, Yu-Chang Hsu, Uwe Kaiser, Rajesh Nagarajan, and Sasha Wang


Western Diet Affects the Murine Circadian System Possibly Through the Gastrointestinal Microbiota, Roberto Refinetti


The Police Officer Tacit Knowledge Inventory (POTKI): Towards Determining Underlying Structure and Applicability as a Recruit Screening Tool, Teresa Z. Taylor, Beatrice I. J. M. Van der Heijden, and Matthew C. Genuchi

Submissions from 2016


Daily Rhythms of Physiological Parameters in the Dromedary Camel Under Natural and Laboratory Conditions, Ahmed A. Al-Haidary, Khalid A. Abdoun, Emad M. Samara, Aly B. Okab, Mamane Sani, and Roberto Refinetti


The Individual Day-to-Day Process of Social Anxiety in Vulnerable College Students, Cynthia G. Campbell, Karen L. Bierman, and Peter C. M. Molenaar


Couple Resilience to Economic Pressure Over Time and Across Generations, April S. Masarik, Monica J. Martin, Emilio Ferrer, Frederick O. Lorenz, Katherine J. Conger, and Rand D. Conger

Circadian Physiology, Roberto Refinetti


Variability of Behavioral Chronotypes of 16 Mammalian Species Under Controlled Conditions, Roberto Refinetti


Effects of Sodium Nitroprusside on Mouse Erythrocyte Catalase Activity and Malondialdehyde Status, Mamane Sani, Hichem Sebai, Roberto Refinetti, Mohan Mondal, Néziha Ghanem-Boughanmi, Naceur A. Boughattas, and Mossadok Ben-Attia


Optimal Assessment of Parenting, or How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love Reporter Disagreement, Thomas J. Schofield, Ross D. Parke, Scott Coltrane, and Jennifer M. Weaver


Daily Activity and Nest Occupation Patterns of Fox Squirrels (Sciurus niger) Throughout the Year, Thomas Wassmer and Roberto Refinetti

Submissions from 2015


Experimental Quantification of Improvement During Circadian Wheel Running in the Indian Field Mouse, Mus terricolor: Theoretical Uses, Priyoneel Basu, Muniyandi Singaravel, and Roberto Refinetti


Anger and Hostility as Primary Externalizing Features of Depression in College Men, Matthew Genuchi


Sex Differences in Masculine Depression: Externalizing Symptoms as a Primary Feature of Depression in Men, Matthew C. Genuchi and Lauren K. Mitsunaga


Clinical Supervisors’ Perceptions of the Clarity and Comprehensiveness of the Supervision Competencies Framework, Matthew C. Genuchi, Jeffrey A. Rings, Mistie D. Germek, and Jennifer A. Erickson Cornish

A New Paradigm for the Experimental Study of Malintent, Charles R. Honts


The Comparison Question Polygraph Test: A Contrast of Methods and Scoring, Charles R. Honts and Racheal Reavy


A Longitudinal Assessment of the Relation Between Executive Function and Theory of Mind at 3, 4, and 5 Years, Stuart Marcovitch, Marion O'Brien, Susan D. Calkins, Esther M. Leerkes, Jennifer M. Weaver, and Douglas W. Levine


Applying the CACAO Change Model to Promote Systemic Transformation in STEM, Anthony Marker, Patricia Pyke, Sarah Ritter, Karen Viskupic, Amy Moll, R. Eric Landrum, Tony Roark, and Susan Shadle


I Like Therefore I Learn! Engineering Student Motivation to Learn in Their Least and Most Favorite Courses, Louis Nadelson, Kimberly Kristine Hardy, and Dazhi Yang


Trust in Science and Scientists and the Acceptance of Evolution, Louis S. Nadelson and Kimberly K. Hardy


Validity and Reliability of Eating Disorder Assessments Used with Athletes: A Review, Zachary Pope, Yong Gao, Nicole Bolter, and Mary Pritchard


Mending Broken Fences, Mary E. Pritchard


Daily Activity Patterns of 2,316 Men and Women from Five Countries Differing in Socioeconomic Development, Mamane Sani and Roberto Refinetti


Dosing-Time Dependent Effects of Sodium Nitroprusside on Cerebral, Renal, and Hepatic Catalase Activity in Mice, Mamane Sani, Hichem Sebai, Roberto Refinetti, Mohan Mondal, Néziha Ghanem-Boughanmi, Naceur A. Boughattas, and Mossadok Ben-Attia


Democratic Parenting Beliefs and Observed Parental Sensitivity: Reciprocal Influences Between Coparents, Thomas J. Schofield and Jennifer M. Weaver


Relationships1 Among Applications of Tacit Knowledge and Transformational/Transactional Leader Styles: An Exploratory Comparison of the MLQ and TKML, Teresa Z. Taylor, Joseph Psotka, and Peter Legree


Mediation and Moderation of Divorce Effects on Children’s Behavior Problems, Jennifer M. Weaver and Thomas J. Schofield

Submissions from 2014


Measuring Fragmentation in Dissociative Identity Disorder: The Integration Measure and Relationship to Switching and Time in Therapy, M. Rose Barlow and James A. Chu


Childhood Trauma and Active Mental Processes: Dissociation and Metacognition Influence Control of Negative Thoughts, M. Rose Barlow and Rachel E. Goldsmith


The Role of Anger as a Component of a Masculine Variation of Depression, Matthew C. Genuchi and Jesse N. Valdez

Your Undergraduate Degree in Psychology: From College to Career, Paul I. Hettich and R. Eric Landrum

Scoring Respiration When Using Directed Lie Comparison Questions, Charles R. Honts and Mark Handler


‘I'd Know a False Confession If I Saw One’: A Constructive Replication with Juveniles, Charles R. Honts, Saul M. Kassin, and Ronald A. Craig

Annual Editions: Psychology 13/14, R. Eric Landrum


Media Influence on Drive for Thinness and Drive for Muscularity, Mary Pritchard and Brooke Cramblitt


Do Body Image Investment and Evaluation Relate to Bulimic Symptoms in U.S. Collegiate Men and Women in the Same Way?, Mary E. Pritchard


What Predicts Drive for Muscularity in Collegiate Athletes v. Non-Athletes?, Mary Pritchard and Alli Nielsen

An Easyguide to APA Style, Beth M. Schwartz, R. Eric Landrum, and Regan A.R. Gurung

Submissions from 2013


Classroom Level Effects of Children’s Prior Participation in Child Care, K. Alison Clarke-Stewart, Rachel Lucas-Thompson, Jennifer M. Weaver, and Andrea Karsh


Media's Influence on the Drive for Muscularity in Undergraduates, Brooke Cramblitt and Mary Pritchard


Factors and Convergent Validity of the Pet Attachment and Life Impact Scale (PALS), Lisa DeMarni Cromer and M. Rose Barlow


Analysis of Gender Differences in Self-Statements and Mood Disorders, Robert DeVore and Mary E. Pritchard

An Overview of Assessment: Demonstrating Effective Teaching and Learning, Dana S. Dunn, Suzanne C. Baker, Chandra M. Mehrotra, R. Eric Landrum, and Maureen A. McCarthy

Assessing Teaching and Learning in Psychology: Current and Future Perspectives, Dana S. Dunn, Suzanne C. Baker, Chandra M. Mehrotra, R. Eric Landrum, and Maureen A. McCarthy


Emotion Regulation Difficulties Mediate Associations Between Betrayal Trauma and Symptoms of Posttraumatic Stress, Depression, and Anxiety, Rachel E. Goldsmith, Samantha A. Chesney, Nicole M. Heath, and M. Rose Barlow

Assessment and the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning, Regan A. R. Gurung and R. Eric Landrum

Bottleneck Concepts in Psychology: Exploratory First Steps, Regan A. R. Gurung and R. Eric Landrum

A Case Study of the Validity of the Arther Examination Procedures in a Criminal Case with DNA Confirmation, Charles R. Honts and Mark Handler

Research Design for Educators: Real-World Connections and Applications, R. Eric Landrum


The Ubiquitous Clicker SoTL Applications for Scientist–Educators, R. Eric Landrum


Writing in APA Style: Faculty Perspectives of Competence and Importance, R. Eric Landrum

The Psychology Major: Career Options and Strategies for Success, R. Eric Landrum and Stephen F. Davis


Is Latency to Test Deadline a Predictor of Student Test Performance?, R. Eric Landrum and Regan A. R. Gurung


The Memorability of Introductory Psychology Revisited, R. Eric Landrum and Regan A. R. Gurung

Assessment Practices for Undergraduate Psychology: A Model Perspective, R. Eric Landrum and Maureen A. McCarthy


The Reliability of Student Ratings of Master Teacher Behaviors, R. Eric Landrum and Jeffrey R. Stowell


Treating Students as Early-Career Professionals: The Ethics of Teaching, Maureen A. McCarthy and R. Eric Landrum

ICD-10-CM/PCS: Transferring Knowledge from ICD-9-CM, Jaime N. Sand and Patt Elison-Bowers


The Use of Telemedicine to Train Perioperative Nurses in Rural Settings, Pennie S. Seibert, Tatiana Reddy, Tiffany Whitmore, Jennifer Valerio, and CodieAnn DeHaas


The Concomitant Relationship Shared by Sleep Disturbances and Type 2 Diabetes: Developing Telemedicine as a Viable Treatment Option, Pennie S. Seibert, Jennifer Valerio, and CodieAnn DeHaas


Leading a Multiple Project Mobile Learning Initiative: The Approach at Boise State University, Susan E. Shadle, Ross A. Perkins, Doug J. Lincoln, Michael J. Humphrey, and R. Eric Landrum


A Police Officer’s Tacit Knowledge Inventory (POTKI): Establishing Construct Validity and Exploring Applications, T. Z. Taylor, P. Elison-Bowers, E. Werth, E. Bell, J. Carbajal, K. B. Lamm, and Efren A. Velazquez

Submissions from 2012


Caring for Our Students in Courses with Potentially Threatening Content, M. Rose Barlow and Kathryn Becker-Blease


Childhood Neglect, Attachment to Companion Animals, and Stuffed Animals as Attachment Objects in Women and Men, M. Rose Barlow, Cory Anne Hutchinson, Kelsy Newton, and Lindsey Ward


Ethical Challenges of Online Teaching, Patt R. Elison-Bowers and Chareen Snelson


Relationships Between Social Self-Esteem, Media Influence and Drive for Thinness, Sofia Fernandez and Mary E. Pritchard


A Multisite Study of Learning in Introductory Psychology Courses, Regan A. R. Gurung, David B. Daniel, and R. Eric Landrum

Using the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning to Improve Learning Outcomes, Regan A. R. Gurung and R. Eric Landrum

Comparing Student Perceptions of Textbooks: Does Liking Influence Learning?, Regan Gurung and R. Eric Landrum


Body Dissatisfaction: Commitment, Support and Trust in Romantic Relationships, Lilia Juarez and Mary Pritchard


Drive for Muscularity and Drive for Thinness: The Impact of Pro-Anorexia Websites, Lilia Juarez, Ernesto Soto, and Mary Pritchard


Selection of Textbooks or Readings for Your Course, R. Eric Landrum

Undergraduate Writing in Psychology: Learning to Tell the Scientific Story, R. Eric Landrum


Assessments of Textbook Usage and the Relationship to Student Course Performance, R. Eric Landrum, Regan A. R. Gurung, and Nathan Spann

Teaching Ethically: Challenges and Opportunities, R. Eric Landrum and Maureen McCarthy


Differentiating Maternal Sensitivity to Infant Distress and Non-Distress, Esther M. Leerkes, Jennifer M. Weaver, and Marion O'Brien


The Role of Domain Satisfaction in Explaining the Paradoxical Association Between Life Satisfaction and Age, Kimberly K. McAdams, Richard E. Lucas, and M. Brent Donnellan


Not Always a Straight Path: College Students’ Narratives of Heterosexual Identity Development, Elizabeth M. Morgan


Interpersonal Identity Formation in Conversations with Close Friends About Dating Relationships, Elizabeth M. Morgan and Neill Korobov

You've Earned Your Doctorate in Psychology-- Now What?: Securing a Job as an Academic or Professional Psychologist, Elizabeth M. Morgan and R. Eric Landrum


Changes in Sexual Values and Their Sources Over the 1st Year of College, Elizabeth M. Morgan and Eileen L. Zurbriggen

Predicting Exercise Dependence in Athletes v. Non-Athletes, Mary Pritchard and Alli Nielsen


The Graduate School Application Process: What Our Students Report They Know, Cheryl E. Sanders and R. Eric Landrum

An Easyguide to APA Style, Beth M. Schwartz, R. Eric Landrum, and Regan A. R. Gurung


Optimal Management for People with Severe Spasticity, Jeffrey S. Shilt, Pennie S. Seibert, and Vivek Kadyan

The Arduous Path Toward Healthcare Reform: Is Unification of Ideals and Realities Possible?, Christian G. Zimmerman and Pennie S. Seibert

Submissions from 2011


Memory for Complex Emotional Material in Dissociative Identity Disorder, M. Rose Barlow

Does Integrative Restoration (iRest) Meditation Decrease Perceived Stress Levels and Negative Moods in School Counselors?, Bobbie Birdsall, Mary Pritchard, Patt Elison-Bowers, and Jaqueline Spann


Individual Differences in Vagal Regulation Moderate Associations Between Daily Affect and Daily Couple Interactions, Lisa M. Diamond, Angela M. Hicks, and Kimberly D. Otter-Henderson


Environment, Health, & Nursing Practice, Patt Elison-Bowers, Nancy Otterness, and Mary Pritchard


Strategies for Managing Large Online Classes, Patt Elison-Bowers, Jaime Sand, M. Rose Barlow, and Thomas J. Wing

Research Methods for Psychophysiological Deception Detection, Charles R. Honts and John C. Kircher


Motivation, Goal Orientation, Coaching, and Training Habits of Women Ultrarunners, Rhonna Z. Krouse, Lynda Ransdell, Shelley M. Lucas, and Mary Pritchard

Documenting the Beneficial Effects of Student Engagement: Assessing Student Learning Outcomes, R. Eric Landrum

Exposing a "Covert Op": Bringing Skill Acquisition to the Forefront, R. Eric Landrum


Faculty Perceptions Concerning the Frequency and Appropriateness of Student Behaviors, R. Eric Landrum


Measuring Dispositional Humility: A First Approximation, R. Eric Landrum

So Today I'm Going to Teach Like It's 2099: A Model of Higher Education for the 22nd Century, R. Eric Landrum


Concurrent Herb-Prescription Medication Use and Health Care Provider Disclosure Among University Students, Cindy E. McCrea and Mary E. Pritchard


Associations Between Young Adults' Use of Sexually Explicit Materials and Their Sexual Preferences, Behaviors, and Satisfaction, Elizabeth M. Morgan


Processes of Sexual Orientation Questioning Among Heterosexual Women, Elizabeth M. Morgan and Elisabeth Morgan Thompson

Ethical Challenges in the Undergraduate Context: Navigating the Ethical Landscape, Daniel M. Niederjohn, Maureen A. McCarthy, and R. Eric Landrum


Do Exercise Motives Predict Obligatory Exercise?, Mary Pritchard and Jessica L. Beaver


Peer Influence: Use of Alcohol, Tobacco, and Prescription Medications, Mary E. Pritchard and Alberto Varela


What Predicts Drive for Muscularity in College Students?, Mary Pritchard, Chanel Parker, and Alli Nielsen

Submissions from 2010

Are Private Counselors Comfortable Treating Combat-Related Trauma?, Bobbie A. Birdsall, Mary Pritchard, Patt R. Elison-Bowers, Bradley C. Smith, and Amber Klein

Electronic Health Record: The Impact on Public Health, Patt Elison-Bowers, Uwe Reischl, Jaime Sand, and Linda Osgood


Resolving Instructor Challenges in the Online Classroom, Patt R. Elison-Bowers, Kimberly Henderson, Jaime Sand, and Linda Osgood

An EDA Primer for Polygraph Examiners, Mark Handler, Raymond Nelson, Donald Krapohl, and Charles R. Honts

Faculty and Student Perceptions of Providing Instructor Lecture Notes to Students: Match or Mismatch?, R. Eric Landrum

Intent to Apply to Graduate School: Perceptions of Senior Year Psychology Majors, R. Eric Landrum

Skills for Undergraduate Psychology Majors: Because You Need It, Do We Measure It?, R. Eric Landrum

Warning: GRE Changes Are Closer Than They Appear, R. Eric Landrum


Desired Outcomes of an Undergraduate Education in Psychology from Departmental, Student, and Societal Perspectives, R. Eric Landrum, Bernard C. Beins, Mukul Bhalla, Karen Brakke, Deborah S. Briihl, Rita M. Curl-Langager, Thomas P. Pusateri, and Jaye Jang Van Kirk

The Psychology Major: Career Options and Strategies for Success, R. Eric Landrum and Stephen F. Davis


Alumni Perceptions of Workforce Readiness, R. Eric Landrum, Paul I. Hettich, and Abby Wilner

Building a Psychology Orientation Course: Common Themes and Exercises, Brian T. Loher and R. Eric Landrum


Mental Health and Substance Abuse Issues Among Native Americans Living on a Remote Reservation: Results from a Community Survey, Theodore W. McDonald and Mary E. Pritchard


Comparing Narratives of Personal and Preferred Partner Characteristics in Online Dating Advertisements, Elizabeth M. Morgan, Tamara C. Richards, and Emily M. VanNess


Image and Video Disclosure of Substance Use on Social Media Websites, Elizabeth M. Morgan, Chareen Snelson, and Patt Elison-Bowers


Processes of Sexual Orientation Questioning among Heterosexual Men, Elizabeth M. Morgan, Matthew G. Steiner, and Elisabeth Morgan Thompson


A Longitudinal Study of Conversations with Parents about Sex and Dating During College, Elizabeth M. Morgan, Avril Thorn, and Eileen L. Zurbriggen


Does Self Esteem Moderate the Relation Between Gender and Weight Preoccupation in Undergraduates?, Mary E. Pritchard


Impact of Integrative Restoration (iRest) Meditation on Perceived Stress Levels in Multiple Sclerosis and Cancer Outpatients, Mary Pritchard, Patt Elison-Bowers, and Bobbie A. Birdsall


Momentary Work Worries, Marital Disclosure, and Salivary Cortisol Among Parents of Young Children, Richard B. Slatcher, Theodore F. Robles, Rena L. Repetti, and Michelle D. Fellows

Traditional and Non-Traditional Male College Students' Attitudes on Muscularity, N. Spann and Mary Pritchard

Submissions from 2009

Development and Description of the Incivility in Nursing Education (INE) Survey, Cynthia Clark, Judy Farnsworth, and R. Eric Landrum


Integration of Pre-Employment Polygraph Screening into the Police Selection Process, Mark Handler, Charles R. Honts, Donald J. Krapohl, Raymond Nelson, and Stephen Griffin


Information Gain of Psychophysiological Detection of Deception in Forensic and Screening Settings, Charles R. Honts and William Schweinle


Are There Instructional Differences Between Fulltime and Parttime Faculty?, R. Eric Landrum

Finding Jobs with a Psychology Bachelor's Degree: Expert Advice for Launching Your Career, R. Eric Landrum


The Relationship Between Time to Complete a Test and Test Performance, R. Eric Landrum, Heather Carlson, and Wendy Manwaring

The Post-Baccalaureate Perceptions of Psychology Alumni, R. Eric Landrum and Patt Elison-Bowers


Student Trauma in the Classroom, Mary E. Pritchard, Patt Elison-Bowers, and Bobbie Birdsall


Relationships Among Loneliness, Interpersonal Dependency, and Disordered Eating in Young Adults, Mary Pritchard and Kyra L. Yalch

Using YouTube Videos to Engage the Affective Domain in E-Learning, Chareen Snelson and Patt R. Elison-Bowers


Effectiveness of Pupil Diameter in a Probable-Lie Comparison Question Test for Deception, Andrea K. Webb, Charles R. Honts, John C. Kircher, Paul Bernhardt, and Anne E. Cook

The Relationship Between Coping Styles and Drinking Behaviors in Teenage Athletes, Gregory S. Wilson and Mary E. Pritchard

An Examination of the Relation of Gender, Mass Media Influence, and Loneliness to Disordered Eating Among College Students, C. Wright and Mary E. Pritchard

Submissions from 2008

Health Science Students and Their Learning Environment: A Comparison of Perceptions of On-Site, Remote-Site, and Traditional Classroom Students, Patt R. Elison-Bowers, Chareen Snelson, Mario Casa de Calvo, and Heather Thompson


Faculty Perceptions of Undergraduate Students' Participation in Regional Psychology Conferences, Courtney Haines and R. Eric Landrum

You Can Run, but You Can’t Hide: A Critical Look at the Fight or Flight Response in Psychophysiological Detection of Deception, Mark Handler and Charles R. Honts

Scientific Status: The Case for Polygraph Tests, Charles R. Honts, D. C. Raskin, and J. C. Kircher

Evaluating the Undergraduate Research Assistantship Experience, R. Eric Landrum

Undergraduate Writing in Psychology: Learning to Tell the Scientific Story, R. Eric Landrum


The Effect of Decreasing Response Options on Students' Evaluation of Instruction, R. Eric Landrum and Keli A. Braitman

Use of Alumni Perceptions to Evaluate Instructional and Departmental Quality, R. Eric Landrum and Nathan R. Lisenbe


Comparing Sexual-Minority and Heterosexual Young Women’s Friends and Parents as Sources of Support for Sexual Issues, Elizabeth M. Morgan and Carly K. Friedman

Promoting Environmental Awareness, Nancy Otterness, Patt Elison-Bowers, and Uwe Reischl


Disordered Eating in Undergraduates: Does Gender Role Orientation Influence Men and Women the Same Way?, Mary Pritchard

Diet is a 4-Letter Word: What Can Be Done About America’s Unhealthy Obsession with Weight?, Mary E. Pritchard


Gender Differences in CAM Usage in Undergraduates, Mary E. Pritchard, Patt Elison-Bowers, Phares Book, and Bobbie Birdsall

Telemedicine Research: Opportunities and Challenges, Pennie S. Seibert, Tiffany A. Whitmore, Carin M. Patterson, Caitlin C. Otto, Patrick D. Parker, Nichole Whitener, Michael J. Ward, Jean Basom, and Christian G. Zimmerman

Exploring the Versatility of Telemedicine in Diverse Medical Arenas, Pennie S. Seibert, Tiffany A. Whitmore, Carin M. Patterson, Caitlin C. Otto, Michael J. Ward, Missy B. Coblentz, Nichole Whitener, and Christian G. Zimmerman


Telemedicine Facilitates CHF Home Health Care for Those with Systolic Dysfunction, Pennie S. Seibert, Tiffany A. Whitmore, Carin M. Patterson, Patrick D. Parker, Caitlin C. Otto, Jean Basom, Nichole Whitener, and Christian G. Zimmerman


"Mostly Straight" Young Women: Variations in Sexual Behavior and Identity Development, Elisabeth Morgan Thompson and Elizabeth M. Morgan


Bringing Alcohol on Campus to Raise Money: Impact on Student Drinking and Drinking Problems, Robert B. Voas, Mark Johnson, Robert J. Turrisi, Dexter Taylor, Charles R. Honts, and Lisa Nelsen

The Relationship Between Exercise Frequency and Mood Disturbance in College Students, Gregory S. Wilson and Mary Pritchard

Submissions from 2007

Getting Started with Online Paralegal Instruction, Patt Elison-Bowers and Chareen Snelson


Information Does Not Affect the Validity of a Comparison Question Test, Charles R. Honts and Wendy R. Alloway


Automation of a Screening Polygraph Test Increases Accuracy, Charles R. Honts and Susan Amato


Introductory Psychology Student Performance: Weekly Quizzes Followed by a Cumulative Final Exam, R. Eric Landrum

The Psychology Major: Career Options and Strategies for Success, R. Eric Landrum and Stephen F. Davis


Use of Pre- and Postcourse Surveys to Predict Student Outcomes, R. Eric Landrum and Stephen D. Mulcock

Creating Syllabi for Statistics and Research Methods Courses, R. Eric Landrum and R. A. Smith


Optimizing the Personal Health Record with Special Video Capture for the Treatment of Autism, Ron Oberleitner, Patt Elison-Bowers, Uwe Reischl, and Jim Ball

Comparisons of Risky Health Behaviors Between Male and Female College Athletes and Non-Athletes, Mary E. Pritchard, BreeAnn Milligan, Jenna Elgin, Paul Rush, and Maureen Shea

Risk Factors for Disordered Eating in High School and College Athletes, Mary E. Pritchard, Paul Rush, and BreeAnn Milligan


Predicting Academic Success in Undergraduates, Mary E. Pritchard and Gregory S. Wilson


What Predicts Adjustment Among College Students? A Longitudinal Panel Study, Mary E. Pritchard, Gregory S. Wilson, and Ben Yamnitz


Is Self-Esteem the Primary Predictor of Disordered Eating?, Maureen E. Shea and Mary Pritchard


Micro-Level Design for Multimedia-Enhanced Online Courses, Chareen Snelson and Patt Elison-Bowers

Factors Relating to Nutritional Supplement Use in College Students: Do the Same Motives Apply to Athletes and Non-Athletes?, Gregory S. Wilson and Mary Pritchard


What Do Adolescents Know About Health?, Christy Zenner and Mary Pritchard

Submissions from 2006


Community Projects in a Senior Capstone Course, Linda J. Anooshian and Mary E. Pritchard

Gender Differences in Disordered Eating and its Correlates, Jenna E. Elgin and Mary Pritchard


Adult Attachment and Disordered Eating in Undergraduate Men and Women, Jenna Elgin and Mary Pritchard

Fostering Student Professional Development, R. Eric Landrum

Writing Letters of Recommendation, R. Eric Landrum

Student Perceptions of Textbook Outlines, R. Eric Landrum and Jeremy Clark


Grading Without Points: Does It Hurt Student Performance?, R. Eric Landrum and Karen H. Dietz


College Students' Study Time: Course Level, Time of Semester, and Grade Earned, R. Eric Landrum, Rob Turrisi, and Jessica M. Brandel

Facilitating Preventative Mental Health Interventions for College Students: Institutional and Individual Strategies, Theodore W. McDonald, Mary E. Pritchard, and R. Eric Landrum

The Relationship Between Gender, Type of Sport, Body Dissatisfaction, Self Esteem and Disordered Eating Behaviors in Division I Athletes, BreeAnn Milligan and Mary Pritchard


Merging Video Technology with Personal Health Records to Facilitate Diagnosis and Treatment of Autism, Ron Oberleitner, Patt Elison-Bowers, John Harrington, Ron Hendren, Luis Kun, and Uwe Reischl

Are Midterms Bad for Faculty?, Mary E. Pritchard and Gregory S. Wilson


The Relation Between Parental Status and Alcohol Use Patterns and Attitudes About Underage Drinking, Mary Pritchard and Theodore W. McDonald

The Emerging Role of Telemedicine in Diagnosing and Treating Sleep Disorders, Pennie S. Seibert, T. A. Whitmore, P. D. Parker, F. P. Grimsley, K. Payne, and J. E. O'Donnell

Submissions from 2005


Core Terms in Undergraduate Statistics, R. Eric Landrum


Production of Negative Transfer in a Problem Solving Task, R. Eric Landrum

The Curriculum Vita: A Student's Guide to Preparation, R. Eric Landrum


Graduate Admissions Criteria in Psychology: An Update, R. Eric Landrum and Jeremy Clark

Factors Influencing Body Image in Female Adolescent Athletes, Mary Pritchard and Gregory S. Wilson


Cranio-Cervical Stabilization of Traumatic Atlanto-Occipital Dislocation with Minimal Resultant Neurological Deficit, Pennie S. Seibert, P. Stridh-Igo, T. A. Whitmore, B. M. Dufty, and C. G. Zimmerman

Age Makes a Difference, Pennie S. Seibert, Tiffany A. Whitmore, Brian M. Dufty, Nichole Whitener, Fred P. Grimsley, and Janat E. O'Donnell

Comparing Sources of Stress in College Student Athletes and Non-Athletes, Gregory S. Wilson and Mary Pritchard


Individual Differences in Adolescent Health Symptoms: The Effects of Gender and Coping, Gregory S. Wilson, Mary E. Pritchard, and Brian Revalee

Submissions from 2004


Effects of Outside Issues on the Comparison Question Test, Charles R. Honts, Susan Amato, and Anne Gordon

New Odds for Graduate Admissions in Psychology, R. Eric Landrum


Departmental Search Committees and the Evaluation of Faculty Applicants, R. Eric Landrum and Michael A. Clump

The Relationship Between Student Performance and Instructor Evaluations Revisited, R. Eric Landrum and Ronna J. Dillinger

Barron's Revised Ego-Strength Scale as a Measure of Test Taking Style: Relationships with the Validity Scales of the MMPI-2, Steven Thurber, Eugene Bonynge, and Charles R. Honts

Submissions from 2003


Graduate Admissions in Psychology: Transcripts and the Effect of Withdrawals, R. Eric Landrum


What Employers Want from Psychology Graduates, R. Eric Landrum and Renee Harrold


Important Topics in an Introduction to the Psychology Major Course, R. Eric Landrum, Cynthia S. Shoemaker, and Stephen F. Davis

Perspectives of Awareness and Cognitive Processing During the Event of Stroke and Subsequent Recovery: Competence Versus Performance, Pennie S. Seibert, Pernilla M. Stridh-Igo, Tiffany A. Whitmore, and Christian G. Zimmerman

Submissions from 2002


An Information Course for the Beginning Psychology Major, Ronna J. Dillinger and R. Eric Landrum

Cultural Diversity on Campus: Perceptions of Faculty, Staff, and Students, Ronna J. Dillinger and R. Eric Landrum

The Scientific Status of Research on Polygraph Techniques: The Case for Polygraph Tests, Charles R. Honts, D. C. Raskin, and J. C. Kircher

Maximizing Undergraduate Opportunities: The Value of Research and Other Experiences, R. Eric Landrum

Tips for Doing Well in Psychology Courses, R. Eric Landrum


The Undergraduate Research Assistantship: An Analysis of the Benefits, R. Eric Landrum and Lisa R. Nelsen


College Student's Thoughts About Leaving the University: The Impact of Faculty Attitudes and Behaviors, Cara Lundquist, Rebecca J. Spalding, and R. Eric Landrum

Spontaneous Countermeasures During Polygraph Examinations: An Apparent Exercise in Futility, Kimberly D. Otter-Henderson, Charles R. Honts, and Susan Amato


Brain Injury: Quality of Life's Greatest Challenge, Pennie S. Seibert, D. Peter Reedy, Joanne Hash, Andrea Webb, Pernilla Stridh-Igo, Jean Basom, and Christian G. Zimmerman


A Checklist to Facilitate Cultural Awareness and Sensitivity, P. S. Seibert, P. Stridh-Igo, and C. G. Zimmerman


The Zung Self-Rating Depression Scale: Convergent Validity and Diagnostic Discrimination, Steven Thurber, Mark Snow, and Charles R. Honts

Submissions from 2001

Effects of Spontaneous Countermeasures Used Against the Comparison Question Test, Charles R. Honts, Susan L. Amato, and Anne K. Gordon

I'm Getting My Bachelor's Degree in Psychology--What Can I Do With It?, R. Eric Landrum


The Responsibility for Retention: Perceptions of Students and University Personnel, R. Eric Landrum


Satisfaction with College by Traditional and Nontraditional College Students, R. Eric Landrum, J et'aime Hood, and Jerry M. McAdams


Caffeine Consumption Questionnaire: A Standardized Measure for Caffeine Consumption in Undergraduate Students, Kristi L. Shohet and R. Eric Landrum

Submissions from 2000


Psychophysiological Credibility Assessment, Charles R. Honts and Susan Amato

Student Perceptions of Grading Practices: Does “Average” Class Performance Equal a “C” Grade?, R. Eric Landrum and Ronna J. Dillinger

Assessment of Cultural Diversity at Metropolitan Universities, R. Eric Landrum, Ronna J. Dillinger, and Elizabeth A. Vandernoot

Motivational Differences among Traditional and Nontraditional Students Enrolled in Metropolitan Universities, R. Eric Landrum, Jerry M. McAdams, and J et'aime Hood


Case Study Music and the Brain: The Impact of Music on an Oboist's Fight for Recovery, Pennie S. Seibert, Laura Fee, Jean Basom, and Christian Zimmerman

Submissions from 1999

The Utah Numerical Scoring System, Brian G. Bell, David C. Raskin, Charles R. Honts, and John C. Kircher

The Discussion of Comparison Questions Between List Repetitions (Charts) is Associated with Increased Test Accuracy, Charles R. Honts

The Hybrid Directed Lie Test, the Overemphasized Comparison Question, Chimeras and Other Inventions: A Rejoinder to Abrams, Charles R. Honts, D. C. Raskin, Susan Amato, Anne Gordon, and M. K. Devitt


Fifty-Plus Years As a Student-Centered Teacher: An Interview With Wilbert J. McKeachie, R. Eric Landrum


Scaling Issues in Faculty Evaluations, R. Eric Landrum

Student Expectations of Grade Inflation, R. Eric Landrum

Subject Pool Policies in Undergraduate-Only Departments: Results from a Nationwide Survey, R. Eric Landrum and Garvin Chastain


University Image: The Benefits of Assessment and Modeling, R. Eric Landrum, Rob Turrisi, and Clayton Harless


The Willingness of Children to Lie and the Assessment of Credibility in an Ecologically Relevant Laboratory Setting, Marcus Choi Tye, Susan L. Amato, Charles R. Honts, Mary K. Devitt, and Douglas Peters

Books from 1998

A Guide to Teaching Introductory Psychology, R. Eric Landrum

Demonstrating Tutoring Effectiveness within a One-semester Course, R. Eric Landrum and Garvin Chastain

Submissions from 1997


Effects of Emotional Mood States in Recognizing Places: Disentangling Conscious and Unconscious Retrieval, Linda J. Anooshian and Pennie S. Seibert

Truth or Just Bias: The Treatment of the Psychophysiological Detection of Deception in Introductory Psychology Textbooks, Mary K. Devitt, Charles R. Honts, and Lynelle Vondergeest

Truth or Bias: Psychology and the Polygraph, Charles R. Honts


The Role of Comparison Questions in Physiological Detection of Deception, Steven W. Horowitz, John C. Kircher, Charles R. Honts, and David C. Raskin


Implicit Memory Effects When Using Pictures with Children and Adults: Hypermnesia Too?, R. Eric Landrum

Introduction to Psychology: A General Guidebook, R. Eric Landrum

Individual and Family Characteristics of Juvenile Sexual Offenders, Heather Plager and R. Eric Landrum

Submissions from 1996


Conscious and Unconscious Retrieval in Picture Recognition: A Framework for Exploring Gender Differences, Linda J. Anooshian and Pennie S. Seibert


Diversity Within Spatial Cognition: Memory Processes Underlying Place Recognition, Linda J. Anooshian and Pennie S. Seibert


Psychology Seminar: Careers and Graduate Study in Psychology, Jerry P. Dodson, Garvin Chastain, and R. Eric Landrum

Criterion Development and Validity of the CQT in Field Application, Charles R. Honts


Mental and Physical Countermeasures Reduce the Accuracy of the Concealed Knowledge Test, Charles R. Honts, Mary K. Devitt, Marcus Winbush, and John C. Kircher

Submissions from 1995

Horizontal Gaze Nystagmus Test: The State of the Science in 1995, Susan L. Amato-Henderson and Charles R. Honts


Mood and Lexical Access of Positive, Negative, and Neutral Words, Garvin Chastain, Pennie S. Seibert, and F. Richard Ferraro


Polygrapher's Dilemma or Psychologist's Chimaera: A Reply to Furedy's Logico-ethical Considerations for Psychophysiological Practitioners and Researchers, Charles R. Honts, John C. Kircher, and David C. Raskin

The Polygraph in 1995: Progress in Science and the Law, Charles R. Honts and Bruce D. Quick

Experiment Spot-Checks: A Method for Assessing the Educational Value of Undergraduate Participation in Research, R. Eric Landrum and Garvin Chastain

The Importance of a Thorough Needs Assessment, Pennie S. Seibert

Books from 1994

Introduction to Psychology: A General Guidebook, R. Eric Landrum

The Decision-Making Processes of Graduate Admissions Committees in Psychology, R. Eric Landrum, E. B. Jeglum, and J. R. Cashin


Assessing Students' Library Skills and Knowledge: The Library Research Strategies Questionnaire, R. Eric Landrum and Diana M. Muench

Family Dynamics and Attitudes Toward Marriage, Diana M. Muench and R. Eric Landrum

Submissions from 1993


Identifying Core Concepts in Introductory Psychology, R. Eric Landrum

Problem Solving Strategies and Obstacles, R. Eric Landrum


Sensitivity of Implicit Memory to Input Processing and the Zeigarnik Effect, R. Eric Landrum

Thought: Study and Measurement, R. Eric Landrum


More Evidence in Favor of Three-Option Multiple-Choice Tests, R. Eric Landrum, Jeffrey R. Cashin, and Kristina S. Theis


Indirect Expression of Preference in Sketch Maps, Pennie S. Seibert and Linda J. Anooshian

Submissions from 1992

College Students' Use of Caffeine and Its Relationship to Personality, R. Eric Landrum

Student Perceptions of the Effects of Test Delays, R. Eric Landrum

Books from 1975

The Origins of Intellect: Piaget's Theory, John L. Phillips Jr.

Books from 1969

The Origins of Intellect: Piaget's Theory, John L. Phillips Jr.