"Redefining Cybersecurity Approaches in Small Businesses: A Journey fro" by Brooke J. Lacey


Fall 2023

Type of Culminating Activity

Student research paper


This capstone project addresses the critical need for enhancing cybersecurity awareness in small businesses. Despite the rise in cyber threats, there's a notable gap in proactive measures, with the industry often resorting to reactive, lazy solutions. The project involved creating a comprehensive cybersecurity toolkit and training programs, tailored to small businesses. Despite initial enthusiasm, the project journey revealed a prevalent industry attitude of reactivity and a general apathy among small businesses towards preemptive cybersecurity measures. This paper discusses the innovative approach taken, the results, and the lessons learned in attempting to shift the paradigm from reactive to proactive cybersecurity in small businesses.

Degree Program

Bachelor of Arts in Interdisciplinary Professional Studies


Margaret Sass, J.D., Ed.D.


© 2023, Brooke J. Lacey.



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