"Financial Wellness for Recent College Graduates" by Haley N. Westenskow


Fall 2023

Type of Culminating Activity

Student research paper


This service learning project focused on financial resources that are available to individuals that have no cost or have a minimal cost for the resource. There is a plethora of resources that are available, but it can be difficult or overwhelming to locate those resources, let alone know if they are a reputable resource. My project was to take some of those available resources and create a “one stop shop” for a recent college graduate to access. The webpage has several entries that highlight some of the reputable resources that are available, so new graduates have the ability to start off their careers and next chapters in their lives on the financial right foot.

Degree Program

Bachelor of Applied Science


Margaret Sass, J.D., Ed.D.

Creative Commons License

Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.



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