"The Yeti Tumbler Alliance" by Emily Huber


Summer 2022

Type of Culminating Activity

Student presentation


For my Capstone Project I chose a topic that I am passionate about. I truly believe that outdoor recreation is critical to mental health. My family is passionate about rock climbing. I have found that many people find this sport to be inaccessible. Most climbing areas have very difficult climbs or very easy climbs for beginners. My goal was to develop and bolt a climb that is easy for beginners but next to harder climbs so people could take their friends and introduce them to the sport in an environment where everyone can have fun.

I am very happy with the result. My route is easy enough and short enough to give anyone confidence and feel successful. The route is in a beautiful location with many surrounding climbs. In addition, my climb can be used to practice lead climbing, so already successful climbers can practice my climb and then set up top route climbs nearby. This climb will be well used and help the climbing community and hopefully attract new climbers to the sport. Climbing has mental, physical, and social benefits that can just make life better.

Degree Program

Bachelor of Multidisciplinary Studies


Shawn P. Willsey



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