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Conducting interviews in a cross-cultural setting is increasingly common for human performance technology (HPT) practitioners and researchers. Planning to conduct interviews in a culture that the practitioner may not be familiar with requires additional methodological and ethical considerations. In this article, we draw from published scholarly works on cross-cultural interviewing practices across disciplines to develop evidence-based recommendations HPT professionals can utilize in their own cross-cultural interview project.

Copyright Statement

This is the peer reviewed version of the following article:

Peters, D.T. and Giacumo, L.A. (2020). Ethical and Responsible Cross‐Cultural Interviewing: Theory to Practice Guidance for Human Performance and Workplace Learning Professionals. Performance Improvement, 59(1), 26-34.

which has been published in final form at doi: 10.1002/pfi.21906. This article is published by Wiley on behalf of the International Society for Performance Improvement. It may be used for non-commercial purposes in accordance with Wiley Terms and Conditions for Self-Archiving.
