
Document Type



fidelity of implementation, experimental research, treatment fidelity, treatment integrity, treatment differentiation

Publication Date



No conceptual framework and valid and reliable measurement of treatment fidelity are available for intervention research in K-12 school physical education. The purposes of this study were to propose a conceptual framework and then develop and validate a checklist to assess treatment fidelity in K-12 school physical education. A literature search was conducted on journal article titles using key words through EBSCO Discovery Service. A conceptual framework and Treatment Fidelity Checklist were developed. The conceptual framework and Treatment Fidelity Checklist were validated by four experts and an intercoder reliability coefficient. All experts validated the conceptual framework and Treatment Fidelity Checklist. The overall IOA was 88%. The Treatment Fidelity Checklist is valid and reliable. The conceptual framework and Checklist of Treatment Fidelity provide a very useful document to guide future intervention research in physical education and what to be reported in publications.


