Bo Shen, PhD
Wayne State University, USA
Specialty areas: Curriculum and instruction in physical education, Motivation, and
Physical activity intervention
Student Assistant to Editor-in-Chief
Shridula Kotakondla
Wayne State University, USA
Editorial Board
Erin Centeio, PhD
University of Hawaii at Manoa, USA
Specialty areas: Physical education teacher education, Curriculum and instruction, School-based physical activity intervention
Alex Garn, PhD
Louisiana State University, USA
Specialty areas: Pedagogy and the psychology of physical activity; Motivational
and emotional determinants of physical activity, Motor skill performance,
Learning, and Psychological well-being
Yong Gao, PhD
Boise State University, USA
Specialty areas: Statistics, Measurement and evaluation
Zan Gao, PhD
The University of Minnesota, USA
Specialty areas: Physical activity epidemiology, Physical activity and health,
Physical activity and health disparities, Emerging technology applications, Digital
Minsoo Kang, PhD
The University of Mississippi, USA
Specialty areas: Big data analytics, Measurement and evaluation, Applied statistics
Weidong Li, PhD
Ohio State University, USA
Specialty areas: Curriculum and teaching in physical education, Students'
motivation and cognition
Ken Lodewyk, PhD
Brock University, Canada
Specialty areas: Motor development, Physical literacy, Movement pedagogy
Denis Pasco, PhD
University Bourgogne Franche-Comté, France
Specialty areas: Technology integration in physical activity, Motivation in
physical education and physical activity, Teacher education, Pedagogic theory
and educational technology
Qingwen Peng, PhD
College of Huai Hua, China
Specialty areas: Intercollegiate athletic administration, Elementary and secondary school curriculum design and instruction, Early childhood physical education teacher preparation,
Lynda Ransdell, PhD
Northern Arizona University, USA
Specialty areas: Enhancing female sport performance, Exercise and aging, Gender equity in sport, Gender differences in athletic performance
Haichun Sun, PhD
University of South Florida, USA
Specialty areas: Curriculum and instruction, Physical activity and achievement
Tao Zhang, PhD
University of North Texas, USA
Specialty areas: Physical activity and health disparities; Physical activity and
sedentary behavior interventions; Social determinants of physical activity,
motor skill, physical fitness, and quality of life
Copyediting Assistant
Shridula Kotakondla
Wayne State University, USA