College of Engineering Poster Presentations | 2013 Undergraduate Research and Scholarship Conference | Boise State University


Submissions from 2013

Animatronic Venus Flytrap, Jordan Hill, Brandon Capener, Eric Caward, Orrin Stimpson, Mollie Hunt, and Gabe Sutherland

Artificial Neural Networks - Memristor Circuit Modeling, Mikaela Cekalski and Dustin Koser

Assessment of Surface Energy Balance in Southern Idaho, Beda Luitel

Atmospheric Impacts in the Dry Creek Experimental Watershed, Evan Mayfield

Ball Milling and Spark Plasma Sintering of Cerium Silicides as a Surrogate Nuclear Fuel, Allyssa Bateman

BillieRacks Accessory Attachment, Kevan Hyde, Tate Mackay, and Chris Bidondo

BillieRacks Racking Redesign, Ashley Boullon, Trenton Campbell, and Riley Morton

Camp Rainbow Gold, Cathedral Pines Renovation, Austin Edwards, Tim DeWeese, Kevin Craig, Josh Mann, Brendan Curnow, and Eric Medina

Camp Rainbow Gold - New Design, Joanna Doherty, Kyara Diaz, Alisa Hagemann, Manogya Khanal, Ray McEwan, Jacob Parduhn, and Jason Thomas

Characterization of Nanocrystalline W-based Alloys, Megan Beck and Steven Livers

Continuously-Variable Programming in Ionic-Conducting Devices Displaying Differential Negative Resistance, Stephen Stauts and Kolton Drake

Creating a Microplasma Discharge Using an RF Generated Plasma Source, Eric Wright, Janos Cserna, Rashana Acharya, Wes Butler, Brian McMillon, Brooke Garner, and David Mullner

Data Analysis of the Ni-Mn-Ga Single Crystal Growth Processes, Zachary Harris, Eric Rhoads, Nikole Kucza, Theodore Lawrence, and Peter Müllner

Develop Attachment Process for Ion Grids to Low Temperature Co-Fired Ceramic (LTCC), Jacob Davlin

Developing A Math Adventure Game, Tyler Dale and Sara Isom

Device and Methodology for Micro-mechanical Characterization of Thru Silicon VIAs, Sanjeev Acharya, Sumit Ratna Tamrakar, Cheryl Mason, Troy Watson, AJ Garland, Armando DeLeon, and Brittni Blessie

Discovery Center of Idaho Inverted Pendulum Interactive Display, Bret Schofield, Richard Atchley, Eugene Castro, Vladimir Lukomsky, Nathaniel Phillips, and Bret Schofield

Dynamic Recrystallization of Stainless Steel 316L: A Comparison of Experimental Results to Computer Simulation, Megan Beck, Koyuki Fritchman, Chris Stifter, and Callum Poole

Effect of Processing on Corrosion Behavior of Case Hardened Aerospace Bearing Steels, Veronica Rafla

Effects of Air Quality on Snowpack in the Intermountain West., Evan Mayfield

Electrical Continuity Testing of Through-Silicon Vias Under Static Force Application, Julen Arozamena, Julen Arozamena, Jared Arave, Jose Prado, Rylan Elsethagen, Eric Wright, and Sara Isom

Electric Vehicle design for Shell ECO-Marathon, Rob Schabacker, Patrick Lough, Landon Nye, Brandon Deadmond, James Powell, Roshan Bhandari, Brighton McCabe, and RJ Wagner

Electromagnetism and its use in Civil Engineering, Steven Huber

Energy Conversion Demo, Daniel Cotten, Sagar Shrestha, and Ericka Bentley

Evaluation of Bike Frame Fatigue Behavior, Jesse Taff, Wylie Foss, Veronica Rafla, Brendan Healy, Ben Brown, Binay Joshi, and David Connolly

Fabrication and Characterization of Ni-Mn-Ga Microdots , Amber Thompson, Jeff Huntsinger, and Kimo Wilson

Failure Analysis of Stainless Steel Repair Clamps Used in the City of Boise Geothermal System, Chris Olson

Field-Assisted Ion Exchange of Borosilicate Glass, Alex Croson, Amber Thompson, Alex Croson, Chris Rumrill, and Nick Schmidt

Finish Line Arch, Jonathan Schmidt, Courtney Hollar, Matt Lacy, and Jonathan Schmidt

Free Throw Training Aid, Nick Petterson, Adam Bender, and Luis Madrigal

French-Fry Battery Senior Design Team, David Manthey, David Manthey, Stephanie Johnson, and Zach Hibberd

Garden City Geotechnical, Transportation and Structural / Pronto Engineering, Iara Fernal, Mariah Fowler, Jeremy Dyer, Peter Foss, Rhett Levin, Matt Micheletty, and Will Johnson

Garden City Reservoir and Booster Pump, James Benavente, Lewis Martin, Beda Luitel, Styles Salek, Trevor Howard, and Derrit Kerner

GPS based speedometer and IMU for use in land speed racing applications, Rich Hedden, Kelsey Drake, and Jeremy Clayton

High-Speed STDP Pulse Generator, Alfredo Bravo Iniguez and Aaron Brown

Image Display Device, Jeffery Biermann, Scott Jossis, and Miles Vieira

Implementation of Bicycle Safety Infrastructure at Boise State University , Lucas Marsh

Influence of Electrode Design on Electrochemical Impedance Response in Oil to Improve Engine Life, Sanjeev Acharya

In the Ditch, William Moss, Sam Howell, Jerry Belmont, and Hazen Moss

Jitter Injection Test on a High-Speed Serial Device, Ngoc Luong, Aaron Edwards, Ngoc Luong, and Jakob Morrison

Less-Lethal Sabot Loader, Casey Schmitt, Clancy Umphrey, and Andrew Wheeler

Magnetic and Electric Fields Produced from a Slow Wave circuit, Janos Cserna and Kyle Straub

Measuring Concrete Sealer Effectiveness for the Idaho Transportation Department, Rafael Flores, Justin Nielsen, Josh Baker, Jonathan Veit, Erick Medina, and Albert Palacios


Mechanical Testing and Design of the Magnetic Linear Test Apparatus, Sam Barker, Eric Rhoads, Brittni Blessie, Zachary Harris, and Courtney Hollar


Micro Grids Fabricated for Miniature Ion Thruster, Deborah French and Jesse Taff

Microplasma, Wes Butler

Modeling Groundwater and Surface Water Interaction to Optimize Water Resource Management, Martika Flores Ramos, Kyara Diaz, and David S. Tamayo

Modeling of Negative Differential Resistance in Memristive Devices, Reuben Pradhan and Dr. Kris Campbell

Modeling the Effective Size of Charge-Balancing Vacancies in the Structure of Rare Earth Doped Perovskites., Kevin Talley, Kevin Tolman, Jonathon Schmidt, Emma Faulkner, Binay Joshi, Josh Owens, Chris Rumrill, and AJ Garland

Nanomechanical Properties of Ni-Mn-Ga , Courtney Hollar

Novel Techniques for Visualizing Large Time Series Data, Jacob DeSarno

NPD 3-D Printing, Nate Bishop

Oxidation Study of Cerium Monosulfide , Sumit Tamrakar

Plasma Simulations for a Miniature Ion Thruster, Alfredo Bravo Iniguez and Jake Morrison

Power Through Hydrogen, Chris Heimlich, Cooper Raines, and Chris Russell


Predicting Creep in an Alloy 617 Pressure Vessel Using Uniaxial Bar Test Data, Justin Allen, Allyssa Bateman, Yudhishthir Bhetwal, Theodora Caldwell, Joseph Croteau, and Elias Lindau

Processing and Structure of Disordered Pyrochlores for Solid Electrolyte Applications, Tyler Young

Ranger Subdivision Design, Derek Christensen, Patrick Sullivan, Tyson Mauchley, Jock MacGregor, Joe Bushong, and Brandon Mapes

Redesign of the North Fork Payette River Bridge, Clare Ratto, Arcenio Carrillo, Joseph Eixenberger, Scott Litchfield, Kindra Smith, and Kris Walker

Research Data Visualization for the Deer Flat Low Line Irrigation Canal in the Treasure Valley, Idaho, Stephen LeDet and Andrew Campbell

Silicon Photonic Networks, Tyler Bevan

Static VAR Compensator, Mohammad AlBrahim, Sean Dufurrena, and Ron Clausen

Stirling Engine Powered Generator, Adrian Day, Donny Kiehn, Jonathan Stephens, and Steele Stone

Unmanned Aerial Vehicle Stabilizer, Kyle Straub, Nicholas Terrell, and Drew Rawlings


Use of Global Electrochemical Techniques to Characterize Localized Corrosion Behavior on Aluminum Alloys, Joe Croteau, Kerry N. Allahar, Darryl P. Butt, and Michael F. Hurley