The mission of the Division of Public Health and Population Science is to strengthen and improve the overall health of individuals, organizations, the environment, and communities using evidence-based teaching, scholarship, and service.
Submissions from 2024
Observed Face Mask Use Outside Retail Chain Stores During the COVID-19 Pandemic in Two Cities in the State of Idaho, USA, Megan E. Cahill, Sujeith Barraza Lozoya, Michelle A. Griffin, Anna Blackstock, Kayden Stockdale, Savannah Cowman, Robert Graff, Caile Spear, and Kris Carter
Association Between Community Social Vulnerability and Preventable Hospitalizations, Rachel Hogg-Graham, Joseph A. Benitez, Mary E. Lacy, Joshua Bush, Juan Lang, Haritomane Nikolaou, Emily R. Clear, J. M. McCullough, and Teresa M. Waters
“No Matter How Hot It is, You Just Have to Do the Work”: Examining Farmworkers’ Experiences with Heat and Climate Change in Idaho, Carly Hyland, Delmy Flores, Grace Augusto, Irene Ruiz, Marielena Vega, and Rulon Wood
Examination of Urinary Pesticide Concentrations, Protective Behaviors, and Risk Perceptions Among Latino and Latina Farmworkers in Southwestern Idaho, Carly Hyland, Alejandra Hernandez, Éric Gaudreau, Jessica Larose, Jean-François Bienvenu, Lisa Meierotto, Rebecca L. Som Castellano, and Cynthia L. Curl
Mixed-Methods Assessment of Farmworkers’ Perceptions of Workplace Compliance with Worker Protection Standards and Implications for Risk Perceptions and Protective Behaviors, Carly Hyland, Lisa Meierotto, Rebecca L. Som Castellano, and Cynthia L. Curl
Dietary Predictors of Urinary Biomarkers of Pyrethroids in the General Population: A Scoping Review, Nadia Koyratty, James R. Olson, Marissa Kawyn, Cynthia L. Curl, and Katarzyna Kordas
The Icelandic Prevention Model Evaluation Framework and Implementation Integrity and Consistency Assessment, Michael J. Mann, John P. Allegrante, Megan L. Smith, Inga Dora Sigfusdottir, and Alfgeir L. Kristjansson
Not Only How Much but How: The Importance of Diversifying Funding Streams in a Reimagined Public Health System, J. Mac McCullough, Umesh Ghimire, Jason M. Orr, Sezan O. Onal, Ashley Edmiston, Krishna Patel, Timothy C. McCall, and Jonathon P. Leider
Self-Efficacy, Grit, and Rural Career Aspirations Among Early Career Nurses: A Repeated Cross-Sectional Study, Daniel Terry, Blake Peck, Ed Baker, and David Schmitz
The Threshold of Rural Placement Frequency and Duration: A Repeated Cross-Sectional Study Examining Rural Career Aspirations Among Student Nurses, Daniel Terry, Blake Peck, Jessica Elliott, Leah East, Liz Ryan, Ed Baker, and David Schmitz
Submissions from 2023
Efficacy of Information Extraction from Bar, Line, Circular, Bubble and Radar Graphs, Hiddadura Isura Malinda Mendis Abeynayake, Ravindra S. Goonetilleke, Albert Wijeweera, and Uwe Reischl
Acceptability, Appropriateness, and Feasibility of Rural School Support Strategies for Behavioral Interventions: A Mixed Methods Evaluation Over Two Years of a Hybrid Type 3 Implementation-Effectiveness Trial, Hannah G. Calvert, Michaela McQuilkin, Ashley Havlicak, Teri Lewis, and Lindsey Turner
Perspective: Organic Food Consumption During Pregnancy and the Potential Effects on Maternal and Offspring Health, Cynthia L. Curl and Annica Balentine
The Effect of Pesticide Spray Season and Residential Proximity to Agriculture on Glyphosate Exposure Among Pregnant People in Southern Idaho, 2021, Cynthia L. Curl, Carly Hyland, Meredith Spivak, Lianne Sheppard, Bruce Lanphear, Michael N. Antoniou, Maria Ospina, and Antonia M. Calafat
Exploring the Associations Between Serious Psychological Distress and the Quantity or Frequency of Tobacco, Alcohol, and Cannabis Use Among Pregnant Women in the United States, Ayomide T. David, Vinita Sharma, Lorna Bittencourt, Kelly K. Gurka, Juan Guillermo Perez-Carreño, and Catalina Lopez-Quintero
Screening the “Invisible Population” of Older Adult Patients for Prescription Pain Reliever Non-Medical Use and Use Disorders, Alyssa M. Falise, Vinita Sharma, Carolin C. Hoeflich, Catalina Lopez-Quintero, and Catherine W. Striley
Urinary Glyphosate Concentrations Among Pregnant Participants in a Randomized, Crossover Trial of Organic and Conventional Diets, Carly Hyland, Meredith Spivak, Lianne Sheppard, Bruce P. Lanphear, Michael Antoniou, Maria Ospina, Antonia M. Calafat, and Cynthia L. Curl
Possible Role of Caffeine in Nicotine Use Onset Among Early Adolescents: Evidence from the Young Mountaineer Health Study Cohort, Alfgeir L. Kristjansson, Steven M. Kogan, Michael J. Mann, Megan L. Smith, Christa L. Lilly, and Jack E. James
Social Support and Perceptions of COVID-19-Related Emotional Impact on Mental Health Among Early Adolescents in Appalachia, Hannah M. Layman, Michael J. Mann, Megan L. Smith, Steven M. Kogan, and Alfgeir L. Kristjansson
The Opportunity Cost of COVID for Public Health Practice: COVID-19 Pandemic Response Work and Lost Foundational Areas of Public Health Work, J. Mac McCullough and Moriah Robins
Associations Between Physician Practice Models and Health Information Exchange, J. Mac McCullough and Chad Stecher
Is Adiposity Related to Repeat Measures of Blood Leukocyte DNA Methylation Across Childhood and Adolescence?, Luke Montrose
Simplifying Blood Pressure Measurements in Clinical Settings, Uwe Reischl and Conrad Colby
Prenatal and Childhood Exposure to Organophosphate Pesticides and Behavior Problems in Adolescents and Young Adults in the CHAMACOS Study, Sharon K. Sagiv, Ana M. Mora, Stephen Rauch, Katherine R. Kogut, Carly Hyland, Robert B. Gunier, Asa Bradman, Julianna Deardorff, and Brenda Eskenazi
Sustaining Rural Pharmacy Workforce Understanding Key Attributes for Enhanced Retention and Recruitment, Daniel Terry, Blake Peck, Danny Hills, Jaclyn Bishop, Mark Kirschbaum, Kehinde Obamiro, Hoang Phan, Ed Baker, and David Schmitz
Risk & Protective Factors for Youth Substance Use Across Family, Peers, School, & Leisure Domains, Tara C. Woodward, Megan L. Smith, Michael J. Mann, Alfgeir Kristjansson, and Holly Morehouse
Submissions from 2022
Residential Proximity to Agricultural Pesticide Use and Risk-Taking Behaviors in Young Adults from the CHAMACOS Study, Robert B. Gunier, Julianna Deardorff, Stephen Rauch, Patrick T. Bradshaw, Katherine Kogut, Sharon Sagiv, Carly Hyland, Ana Maria Mora, and Brenda Eskenazi
Testing the Pragmatic Effectiveness of a Consumer-Based Mindfulness Mobile App in the Workplace: Randomized Controlled Trial, Jennifer L. Huberty, Hallie M. Espel-Huynh, Taylor L. Neher, and Megan E. Puzia
Health Effects of Pesticide Exposure in Latin American and the Caribbean Populations: A Scoping Review, Carly Hyland
Pesticide Exposure and Cortical Brain Activation Among Farmworkers in Costa Rica, Carly Hyland
Invited Perspective: Eliminating Toxics to Prevent Disease: Asbestos Leads the Way, David Kriebel and Douglas J. Myers
Caffeine Consumption and Onset of Alcohol Use Among Early Adolescents, Alfgeir L. Kristjansson, Michael J. Mann, Megan L. Smith, Steven M. Cogan, Christa L. Lilly, and Jack E. James
Outdoor and Indoor Fine Particulate Matter at Skilled Nursing Facilities in the Western United States During Wildfire and Non-Wildfire Seasons, Luke Montrose, Ethan S. Walker, Sarah Toevs, and Curtis W. Noonan
If Smoking Were Eliminated, Which US Counties Would Still Have High Rates of Smoking-Related Cancers?, Douglas J. Myers and David Kriebel
The Pharmacy Community Apgar Questionnaire: A Modified Delphi Technique to Develop a Rural Pharmacist Recruitment and Retention Tool, Daniel R. Terry, Blake Peck, Danny Hills, Jaclyn Bishop, Mark Kirschbaum, Kehinde O. Obamiro, Hoang Phan, Ed Baker, and David Schmitz
Study Protocol for a Cluster-Randomized Trial of a Bundle of Implementation Support Strategies to Improve the Fidelity of Implementation of Schoolwide Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports in Rural Schools, Lindsey Turner, Hannah G. Calvert, Christopher M. Fleming, Teri Lewis, Carl Siebert, Nate Anderson, Tate Castleton, Ashley Havlicak, and Michaela McQuilkin
Submissions from 2021
Grower Perceptions of Safety Hazards and Associated Injuries Among Farmworkers Involved in Northwest Potato Production, Cynthia Curl, Karin Adams, Rachel Phinney, and Matthew Blua
Understanding Challenges to Well-Being Among Latina FarmWorkers in Rural Idaho Using in an Interdisciplinary, Mixed-Methods Approach, Cynthia L. Curl, Lisa Meierotto, and Rebecca L. Som Castellano
Measurement of Urinary Pesticide Biomarkers Among Latina Farmworkers in Southwestern Idaho, Cynthia L. Curl, Lisa Meierotto, Rebecca L. Som Castellano, Meredith R. Spivak, and Kurunthachalam Kannan
Organophosphate Pesticide Dose Estimation from Spot and 24-Hr Urine Samples Collected from Children in an Agricultural Community, Carly Hyland, Katherine Kogut, Robert B. Gunier, Rosemary Castorina, Cynthia Curl, Brenda Eskenazi, and Asa Bradman
Faculty Perspectives on Teaching Public Health at Community Colleges: An Exploratory Snapshot, Katherine J. Johnson, Becky Corran, Andrea Salis, Anuradha Srivastava, Lillian U. Smith, Kaysie Schmidt, Sarah Baron, Sallie Beth Johnson, Jacqueline A. Dick, and Alexis L. Lowe
Exploring the Structural Relationships Between Course Design Factors, Learner Commitment, Self-Directed Learning, and Intentions for Further Learning in a Self-Paced MOOC, Dongho Kim, Eulho Jung, Meehyun Yoon, Yunjeong Chang, Sanghoon Park, Dongsim Kim, and Fatih Demir
Our Children Are Not “Behind” Due to the COVID‐19 Pandemic, but Our Institutional Response Might Be, Michael J. Mann, Megan L. Smith, Alfgeir L. Kristjansson, Shay Daily, Shannon McDowell, and Piper Traywick
Parental Support and Monitoring as Associated with Adolescent Alcohol and Tobacco Use by Gender and Age, Rosalina Mills, Michael J. Mann, Megan L. Smith, and Alfgeir L. Kristjansson
What’s in Wildfire Smoke?: A Toxicologist Explains the Health Risks and Which Masks Can Help, Luke Montrose
Breathing Wildfire Smoke Can Affect the Brain and Sperm, as Well as the Lungs, Luke Montrose and Adam Schuller
Assessment of Electrostatic Potential Resulting from Friction Between Fabric Samples Made of Natural and Synthetic Fibers, Uwe Reischl and Budimir Mijovic
Simulated Wildfire Smoke Significantly Alters Sperm DNA Methylation Patterns in a Murine Model, Adam Schuller, Chiara Bellini, Timothy G. Jenkins, Matthew Eden, Jacqueline Matz, Jessica Oakes, and Luke Montrose
Adverse Childhood Experiences Among Females in Substance Use Treatment and Their Children: A Pilot Study, Brittany T. Smith, Michael R. Brumage, Keith J. Zullig, Elizabeth A. Claydon, Megan L. Smith, and Alfgeir L. Kristjansson
Application of Polyethylene Air-Bubble Cushions to Improve the Shock Absorption Performance of Type I Construction Helmets for Repeated Impacts, John Z. Wu, Christopher S. Pan, Mahmood Ronaghi, Bryan M. Wimer, and Uwe Reischl
Submissions from 2020
Parents’ Knowledge, Attitudes and Behaviours Related to Children’s Beverage Consumption in Youth Soccer: A Qualitative Analysis, Nicole D. Bolter, Yong Gao, Scott A. Conger, Caile E. Spear, Anna K. Radin, and Hilary Flint
Synthetic Pesticides and Health in Vulnerable Populations: Agricultural Workers, Cynthia L. Curl, Meredith Spivak, Rachel Phinney, and Luke Montrose
School Climate as a Universal Intervention to Prevent Substance Use Initiation in Early Adolescence: A Longitudinal Study, Shay M. Daily, Michael J. Mann, Christa L. Lilly, Thomas K. Bias, Megan L. Smith, and Alfgeir L. Kristjansson
School Climate as an Intervention to Reduce Academic Failure and Educate the Whole Child: A Longitudinal Study, Shay M. Daily, Michael J. Mann, Christa L. Lilly, Angela M. Dyer, Megan L. Smith, and Alfgeir L. Kristjansson
Using School Climate to Improve Attendance and Grades: Understanding the Importance of School Satisfaction Among Middle and High School Students, Shay M. Daily, Megan L. Smith, Christy L. Lilly, Danielle M. Davidov, Michael J. Mann, and Alfgeir L. Kristjansson
The Thermodynamics of Indoor Air Pollution: A Pilot Study Emulating Traditional Kenyan Homesteads, Lauren Haggerty, Uwe Reischl, Rodney G. Handy, Darrah K. Sleeth, Karin Adams, and Camie Schaefer
Development and Guiding Principles of the Icelandic Model for Preventing Adolescent Substance Use, Alfgeir L. Kristansson, Michael J. Mann, Jon Sigfusson, Ingibjorg E. Thorisdottir, John P. Allegrante, and Inga Dora Sigfusdottir
Implementing the Icelandic Model for Preventing Adolescent Substance Use, Alfgeir L. Kristjansson, Michael J. Mann, Jon Sigfusson, Ingibjorg E. Thorisdottir, John P. Allegrante, and Inga Dora Sigfusdottir
Neonatal Lead (Pb) Exposure and DNA Methylation Profiles in Dried Bloodspots, Luke Montrose
Smoke from Wildfires Can Worsen COVID-19 Risk, Putting Firefighters in Even More Danger, Luke Montrose
What’s in Wildfire Smoke, and Why is It So Bad for Your Lungs?, Luke Montrose
Wildfire Smoke Worsens Coronavirus Risk, Putting Firefighters in Extra Danger, Luke Montrose
Cancer Rates Not Explained by Smoking: A County-Level Analysis, Douglas J. Myers, Polly Hoppin, Molly Jacobs, Richard Clapp, and David Kriebel
COVID-19 Personal Protective Equipment Sterilization System, Uwe Reischl
Influence of Woodsmoke Exposure on Molecular Mechanisms Underlying Alzheimer’s Disease: Existing Literature and Gaps in Our Understanding, Adam Schuller and Luke Montrose
Prevention is Possible: A Brief History of the Origin and Dissemination of the Icelandic Prevention Model, Inga Dora Sigfusdottir, Humberto E. Soriano, Michael J. Mann, and Alfgeir L. Kristjansson
School Climate, Developmental Support, and Adolescent Identity Formation, Megan L. Smith, Michael J. Mann, and Alfgeir L. Kristjansson
Support for Rural Practice: Female Physicians and the Life–Career Interface, Kimberly Stutzman, Ruth Ray Karpen, Pragna Naidoo, Sarah E. Toevs, Amanda Weidner, Ed Baker, and David Schmitz
Application of Air-Bubble Cushioning to Improve the Shock Absorption Performance of Type I Industrial Helmets, John Z. Wu, Christopher S. Pan, Mahmood Ronaghi, Bryan M. Wimer, and Uwe Reischl
Submissions from 2019
Outcomes of Participation in a Community-Based Physical Activity Program, Michelle Arnett, Sarah E. Toevs, Laura Bond, and Elisabeth Hannah
Multidimensional Wellness Promotion in the Health and Fitness Industry, James D. Beauchemin, Nicole Gabana, Kirk Ketelsen, and Chris McGrath
Organic Food Health Benefits Have Been Hard to Assess, but That Could Change, Cynthia Curl
Effect of a 24-Week Randomized Trial of an Organic Produce Intervention on Pyrethroid and Organophosphate Pesticide Exposure Among Pregnant Women, Cynthia L. Curl, Jessica Porter, Ian Penwell, Rachel Phinney, Marai Ospina, and Antonia M. Calafat
School Climate and Academic Achievement in Middle and High School Students, Shay M. Daily, Michael J. Mann, Alfgeir L. Kristjansson, Megan L. Smith, and Keith J. Zullig
Environmental Health Sciences in a Translational Research Framework: More Than Benches and Bedsides, Joel D. Kaufman and Cynthia L. Curl
Addressing Challenges to the Reliable, Large-Scale Implementation of Effective School Health Education, Michael J. Mann and David K. Lohrmann
‘Why Do We Need a Policy?’: Administrators’ Perceptions on Breast-Feeding-Friendly Childcare, Ellen J. Schafer
From Initiation to Cessation: Turning Points and Coping Resources in the Breastfeeding Experience of First-Time Mothers, Ellen J. Schafer, Elana D. Buch, Shelly Campo, and Sato Ashida
Submissions from 2018
Social Networks, Social Relationships, and Their Effects on the Aging Mind and Brain, Sato Ashida and Ellen J. Schafer
Evaluation of a Web‐Based Alcohol Program Alone and in Combination with a Parent Campaign for Ninth‐Grade Students, Robin Hausheer, Diana M. Doumas, and Susan Esp
Ergonomic Design Solution for Reducing Smoke Build-Up Inside Rural Kitchens in Kenya, Uwe Reischl and Olga Salinas
Psychosocial Dimensions of Human Milk Sharing, Ellen J. Schafer, Sato Ashida, and Aunchalee E. L. Palmquist
Lived Experiences and Insights into the Advantages Important to Rural Recruitment and Retention of General Practitioners, Daniel R. Terry, Hoang B. Nguyen, David Schmitz, and Ed Baker
Evaluation of Food Insecurity in Adults and Children with Cystic Fibrosis: Community Case Study, Sarah E. Toevs and Tiffany A. Robb
Evaluation of 1-Nitropyrene as a Surrogate Measure for Diesel Exhaust, Emily Zamzow and Dale J. Stephenson
Submissions from 2017
A Faceoff with Hazardous Noise: Noise Exposure and Hearing Threshold Shifts of Indoor Hockey Officials, Karin L. Adams and William J. Brazile
A Formative Evaluation of Healthy Habits, Healthy U: A Collaborative School Based Cancer Education Program, Alicia Anderson, Caile Spear, Mary Pritchard, Kayla George, Kyle Young, and Carrie Smith
Cost Benefit Analysis of Idaho’s Fit and Fall Proof Program, Susie Bergeron, Michelle Arnett, Sarah Toevs, Tami Cirerol, Rihana Hartung, Linda Petersen, Trina Stolp, Zijada Sulejmanovic, Maria Tellez, Hailee Tilton, Nicole Tuffield, and Kenzie Wilson
Identifying Factors Associated with Participation in T1D Support Program for Young Adults, Taylor L. Neher, Samuel D. Towne Jr., and Sarah E. Toevs
Behavior Imaging®: Resolving Assessment Challenges for Autism Spectrum Disorder in Pharmaceutical Trials, Ron Oberleitner, Uwe Reischl, Kamilla G. Gazieva, N. Nazneen, Jasjit S. Suri, and Christopher J. Smith
The Nursing Community Apgar Questionnaire in Rural Australia: An Evidence Based Approach to Recruiting and Retaining Nurses, Molly Prengaman, Daniel R. Terry, David Schmitz, and Ed Baker
Pressure Thresholds and Stiffness on the Plantar Surface of the Human Foot, Thilina W. Weerasinghe, Ravindra S. Goonetilleke, and Uwe Reischl
The Effects of Faculty Status, Faculty Gender, Field of Study, and Class Size on the Use of Blogs, Wikis, and Discussion Boards, Dazhi Yang and Caile E. Spear
Submissions from 2016
Exposure to Traffic-Related Air Pollution in Relation to Progression in Physical Disability Among Older Adults, Cynthia Curl
Advances in Understanding Air Pollution and CVD, Cynthia L. Curl
Fabric Cooling by Water Evaporation, Uwe Reischl and Ravindra S. Goonetilleke
Cooling Dynamics of Wet Clothing, Uwe Reischl, Kylie Pace, Conrad Colby, and Ravindra Goonitelleke
Impact of Dementia Behavioral Crises Events on First Responder and Family Systems in Idaho: An Exploratory Study, Trina Stolp, Mary Brown, Sarah Toevs, and Mike Berlin
Community Assets and Capabilities to Recruit and Retain GPS: The Community Apgar Questionnaire in Rural Victoria, Daniel R. Terry, Ed Baker, and David Schmitz
Submissions from 2015
Learning from Degree-Seeking Older Adult Students in a University Library, Mary C. Aagard, Marilia Y. Antunez, and Jaime N. Sand
Resolving Bottlenecks: Converting Three High-Enrollment Nursing Courses to an Online Format, Ken-Zen Chen, Jeff Anderson, Elizabeth Lyon Hannah, Christine Bauer, and Corinna Provant-Robishaw
Parental Consent Procedures: Impact on Response Rates and Nonresponse Bias, Diana M. Doumas, Susan Esp, and Robin Hausheer
Use of Robotic Controls in Ergonomics Laboratories, U. Reischl and B. Mijović
Use of a Novel Imaging Technology for Remote Autism Diagnosis: A Reflection on Experience of Stakeholders, Uwe Reischl
Assessing Ultraviolet and Infrared Radiation Penetration Through Clothing, Uwe Reischl and Jordan Ramage
Assessing Idaho Rural Family Physician Scope of Practice Over Time, David Schmitz, Ed Baker, Lisa MacKenzie, Logan Kinney, and Ted Epperly
Submissions from 2014
Rejuvenating Aging Studies in Academic Libraries, Marilia Y. Antunez, Sarah E. Toevs, and Melissa A. Gains
Adopting a Brief, Web-Based Feedback Approach to Counter High School Drinking: Considerations for Professional School Counselors, Diana M. Doumas, Susan Esp, Rob Turrisi, and April Schottelkorb
Reducing Alcohol Use Among 9th Grade Students: 6 Month Outcomes of a Brief, Web-Based Intervention, Diana M. Doumas, Robin Hausheer, Susan Esp, and Courtney Cuffee
Providers’ Perceptions of Prevalent Mental and Behavioral Health Problems: Differences and Similarities Across Urban, Rural, and Frontier Areas, Theodore W. McDonald, Amy K. Curtis-Schaeffer, Alexander A. Theiler, and Elsa K.M. Howard
Telehealth Technology Enabling Medication Management of Children with Autism, U. Reischl and R. Oberleitner
Bridging the Gap Between Academics and Advising: Incorporating Student Development into a Large Upper Division Lecture Course, Olga Salinas, Jamie Jensen, and Uwe Reischl
Submissions from 2013
Adults' Alcohol Consumption Behaviour and Support for Restrictions on Youth-Oriented Alcohol Advertisements, Sandina Begic, Elsa K. M. Howard, and Theodore W. McDonald
Supporting Behavioral Health in Rural Idaho, Susan Esp and Elizabeth "Lee" Hannah
Successful Advocacy Strategies for State Affiliates: Relationships, Messages, Member Involvement, Funding and Persistence, R. B. Holliday, E. M. Long, S. Linja, and S. J. Safail
The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly: the Unnecessarily Broad Impact of Qui Tam Civil False Claims Act Cases on Rural Health Care Providers, Andrew M. Hyer
The Impact of Volunteering on Seniors’ Health and Quality of Life: An Assessment of the Retired and Senior Volunteer Program, Theodore W. McDonald, Erica L. Chown, Jordan E. Tabb, Amy K. Schaeffer, and Elsa K. M. Howard
Extending Global Education Through Remote Laboratory Access, Uwe Reischl and Scott Harris
Optimizing Protective Clothing Design for Hot Outdoor Environments, Uwe Reischl, Gang Sun, Qazaleh Bahramian, and Zhuqing Xue
ICD-10-CM/PCS: Transferring Knowledge from ICD-9-CM, Jaime N. Sand and Patt Elison-Bowers
Submissions from 2012
Assessing Community Health Center (CHC) Assets and Capabilities for Recruiting Physicians: The CHC Community Apgar Questionnaire, E. T. Baker, D. F. Schmitz, S. A. Wasden, L. A. MacKenzie, and T. Epperly
Paying for Long-Term Care in the Gem State: A Survey of the Federal and State Laws Influencing How Long-Term Care Services for Idaho’s Growing Aged and Disabled Populations Are - and Will Be - Funded, Andrew M. Hyer, Elizabeth L. Hannah, Ross E. Burkhart, and Sarah Toevs
Thermographic Assessment of Sweat Evaporation Inside Clothing Systems, Budimir Mijović, Ivana Salopek Čubrić, Zenun Skenderi, and Uwe Reischl
Association of "Grit" and Satisfaction in Rural and Nonrural Doctors, Alex J. Reed, David Schmitz, Ed Baker, Ayaka Nukui, and Ted Epperly
Self-Inflating Mask Interface for Noninvasive Positive Pressure Ventilation, Uwe Reischl, Lonny Ashworth, Lutana Haan, and Conrad Colby
The Evaluation of Heat Transfer Using the Foot Manikin, Uwe Reischl, Ivana Salopek Cubrić, Zenun Skenderi, and Budimir Mijović
Spine Compression Characteristics Associated with Back Pain Symptoms of Healthcare Workers, Uwe Reischl, R. Goonetilleke, and C. Swoboda
Submissions from 2011
Strategies for Managing Large Online Classes, Patt Elison-Bowers, Jaime Sand, M. Rose Barlow, and Thomas J. Wing
Two Physical Therapists’ Perspectives on Their Profession, Glenda Hill
Applying Innovative Approaches to Address Health Disparities in Native Populations: An Assessment of the Crow Men’s Health Project, Paul R. Lachapelle, Tim Dunnagan, and James Real Bird
Emerging Use of Behavior Imaging for Autism and Beyond, Uwe Reischl
Heat Transfer Dynamics in Clothing Exposed to Infrared Radiation, Uwe Reischl
Thermal Properties of Reflective Helmet Exposed to Infrared Radiation, Uwe Reischl and Ravindra S. Goonetilleke
Thermal Characteristics of Infrared Radiation Protective Vests, Uwe Reischl, Ravindra S. Goonetilleke, Budimir Mijović, and Zenun Skenderi
Idaho Rural Family Physician Workforce Study: The Community Apgar Questionnaire, D. F. Schmitz, E. Baker, A. Nukui, and T. Epperly
Using the Alter-G Treadmill System with an Extremely Obese Female: A Case Study, Shawn R. Simonson, Jane M. Shimon, Elaine M. Long, and Brooke E. Lester
Submissions from 2010
Rural Idaho Family Physicians’ Scope of Practice, Ed Baker, David Schmitz, Ted Epperly, Ayaka Nukui, and Carissa Moffat Miller
The Cost of Substance Abuse: The Use of Administrative Data to Investigate Treatment Benefits in a Rural Mountain State, Peter A. Collins, Jonathon A. Cooper, Brady Horn, Mary K. Stohr, Anthony Walsh, Lisa Bostaph, and Edward T. Baker
Electronic Health Record: The Impact on Public Health, Patt Elison-Bowers, Uwe Reischl, Jaime Sand, and Linda Osgood
Resolving Instructor Challenges in the Online Classroom, Patt R. Elison-Bowers, Kimberly Henderson, Jaime Sand, and Linda Osgood
The Healthy Food Slide Rule (HFSR): A Nutrition Education Tool for Children, Elaine M. Long, Uwe Reischl, and Barbara B. Abo
Mental Health and Substance Abuse Issues Among Native Americans Living on a Remote Reservation: Results from a Community Survey, Theodore W. McDonald and Mary E. Pritchard
Adaptive Multi Airbag Shoe Insert for Diabetic Foot Care, Vidya Nandikolla, Jenna Matthews, Marco P. Schoen, Suhas Pharkute, Uwe Reischl, and Ajay Mahajan
Assessing Community Health Center (CHC) Assets and Capabilities for Recruiting and Retaining Physicians: The CHC Community Apgar Questionnaire, David Schmitz, Ed Baker, Ayaka Nukui, and Benjamin Tverdy
Submissions from 2009
Molecular Analysis of Antimicrobial-Susceptible and -Resistant Escherichia coli from Retail Meats and Human Stool and Clinical Specimens in a Rural Community Setting, Elizabeth Hannah, James R. Johnson, Frederick Angulo, Bassam Haddadin, Jacquelyn Williamson, and Matthew H. Samore
The Quest to Prevent Employee Injury: Implementation of a Lift Team, Pamela Springer, Bonnie K. Lind, Johanna Kratt, Ed Baker, and Joanne T. Clavelle
Submissions from 2008
Biomechanical Model of the Diabetic Foot, A. Agić, V. Nikolić, B. Mijović, and Uwe Reischl
Risk of Childhood Cancers Associated with Residence in Agriculturally Intense Areas in the United States, Susan E. Carozza, Bo Li, Kai Elgethun, and Ryan Whitworth
Climate Change and Idaho’s Treasure Valley Air Quality: Potential Impact on Community Health, Leonard Herr and Uwe Reischl
Ventilatory and Metabolic Responses of Burrowing Owls, Athene cunicularia, to Moderate and Extreme Hypoxia: Analysis of the Hypoxic Ventilatory Threshold vs. Hemoglobin Oxygen Affinity Relationship in Birds, Delbert L. Kilgore Jr., Dona F. Boggs, Trevor J. Kilgore, Conrad Colby, Burl R. Williams Jr., and Ryan W. Bavis
Promoting Environmental Awareness, Nancy Otterness, Patt Elison-Bowers, and Uwe Reischl
A Case Study of Chinese Bound Feet: Application of Footprint Analysis, Uwe Reischl, Vidya Nandikolla, Conrad Colby, B. Mijović, and Hsian-Chuen Wei
Carbon Monoxide Exposure on Denali: Comparing the 2004 and 2005 Climbing Seasons, Clay Roscoe, Ed Baker, Emily Johnston, Tor Sandven, Caitlin Gustafson, Todd Arndt, and Jen Dow
Collaborative Rural Research Addresses Access and Education in Idaho, David Schmitz and Ed Baker
Submissions from 2007
Maintaining Mobility of an Aging Population, Nathan D. Johnson and Uwe Reischl
Optimizing the Personal Health Record with Special Video Capture for the Treatment of Autism, Ron Oberleitner, Patt Elison-Bowers, Uwe Reischl, and Jim Ball
Health and Safety Issues of Older Workers, Uwe Reischl
Asthma Slide Rule – A Tool for Managing a Child’s Physical Activity During Air Pollution Episodes, Uwe Reischl and Conrad Colby
Submissions from 2006
The Psychological Effects of Exposure to Wartime Trauma in Bosnian Residents and Refugees: Implications for Treatment and Service Provision, Sandina Begic and Theodore McDonald
Study of Participating and Nonparticipating States' Telemedicine Medicaid Reimbursement Status: Its Impact on Idaho's Policymaking Process, Gayle A. Gray, B. Hudnall Stamm, Sarah Toevs, Uwe Reischl, and Diane Yarrington
Merging Video Technology with Personal Health Records to Facilitate Diagnosis and Treatment of Autism, Ron Oberleitner, Patt Elison-Bowers, John Harrington, Ron Hendren, Luis Kun, and Uwe Reischl
Connecting Autism Families with Emergency Support, Uwe Reischl, Ron Oberleitner, and Patra Simper
Investigating Carbon Monoxide Exposure on Denali, Clay Roscoe, Ed Baker, Caitlin Gustafson, Todd Arndt, Jennifer Dow, Emily Johnston, and Aaron Brillhart
Comparison of Sampling Methods to Measure Exposure to Diesel Particulate Matter in an Underground Metal Mine, Dale Stephenson, T. M. Spear, and M. G. Lutte
Submissions from 2005
Teaching and Learning Operant Principles in Animal Shelters: Perspectives from Faculty, Students, and Shelter Staff, Theodore McDonald, Rafaelito Caso, and Dee Fugit
Mental Health Care Issues in a Predominantly Rural and Frontier State: Results and Implications from a Comprehensive Survey, Theodore W. McDonald, Stephanie M. Harris, and Elizabeth A. LeMesurier
Health Informatics: A Roadmap for Autism Knowledge Sharing, Ron Oberleitner, Rebecca Wurtz, Michael L. Popovich, Reno Fiedler, Tim Moncher, Swamy Laxminarayan, and Uwe Reischl
Pandemic Preparedness on Campus, Uwe Reischl, Vincent Serio, Conrad Colby, and Komal Mehrota
Spine Dynamics as a Measure of Risk for Work-Induced Back Pain, Uwe Reischl and Wolfram Weinsheimer
Environmental Health and Service Learning, Kelly Tuohig, Dale Stephenson, Dean Lillquist, Justin Bird, Stephen Adler, and Mark Babitz
Submissions from 2004
Program Evaluation in a Residential Youth Care Facility: The Case of Project PATCH, Theodore W. McDonald
The Influence of Social Status on Token Women Leaders’ Expectations about Leading Male-Dominated Groups, Theodore W. McDonald, Loren L. Toussaint, and Jennifer A. Schweiger
Side-By-Side Comparison of Three Sampling Methods for Aerosolized Endotoxin in a Wastewater Treatment Facility, Dale Stephenson, F. D. DeRosso, Dean Lillquist, D. D. Greene, and G. White
Submissions from 2003
An Analysis of VDT Monitor Placement and Daily Hours of Use for Female Bifocal Users, J. L. Lyon Jr., Dean Lillquist, S. Alder, Dale Stephenson, and D. S. Bloswick
Workplace Exposure to Submicron Particle Mass and Number Concentrations From Manual Arc Welding of Carbon Steel, Dale Stephenson, Gauri Seshadri, and John M. Veranth