"Assessing Barriers to Housing in Boise" by Chance Johnson, Marisa Keith et al.

Document Type

Student Presentation

Presentation Date


Faculty Mentor

Vanessa Fry, Ph.D. Krista Paulsen, Ph.D.


The City of Boise Housing and Community Development (HCD) deploys a community survey every five years to help inform the city’s 5-Year Consolidated Plan regarding use of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) grants. Historically, the majority of survey respondents are residents who own homes and make 80% or more of Area Median Income (AMI), despite the grant funding being reserved for those making less than 80% of AMI and facing housing insecurity.

The goal of this project includes developing a survey that will elicit the necessary data from respondents in a manner that captures a higher representation of identified sub-populations than previous surveys. This will be accomplished through understanding the data points, identifying shortcomings in previous survey queries, generating new survey questions, and working with community partners serving vulnerable populations.
