Vertically Integrated Projects (VIP) Showcases | Boise State University Research | ScholarWorks

Vertically Integrated Projects, or VIP, is a program within the College of Innovation and Design created to increase student access to hands-on learning with faculty mentors and diverse teams.

Faculty working on long-term projects that need students from multiple disciplines and skill areas create a VIP course. Student participation in these courses prepares them for the work world of interdisciplinary teams working on complex problems, where they build skills and responsibilities over time. Students have the opportunity for leadership training and experience, as well as team building and project management skills. Students contribute to the project’s success by exploring different roles on the team depending on what professional and technical skills (e.g., lab skills, scientific method application) they wish to grow. At the heart of VIP is the faculty mentorship, which is one of the most powerful and proven factors in student success after graduation.

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Browse the Vertically Integrated Projects (VIP) Showcases Collections:

VIP 2020

VIP 2023