
Submissions from 2020


Mapping Snowmelt Progression in the Upper Indus Basin with Synthetic Aperture Radar, Jewell Lund, Richard R. Forster, Summer B. Rupper, Elias J. Deeb, H.P. Marshall, Muhammad Zia Hashmi, and Evan Burgess


Three-Dimensional Mortar Models Using Real-Shaped Sand Particles and Uniform Thickness Interfacial Transition Zones: Artifacts Seen in 2D Slices, Yang Lu, Md Aminul Islam, Steven Thomas, and Edward J. Garboczi


Availability-Driven Design of Hairpin Fuels and Small Interfering Strands for Leakage Reduction in Autocatalytic Networks, Drew Lysne, Kailee Jones, Alma Stolsius, Tim Hachigian, Jeunghoon Lee, and Elton Graugnard


To Act or Not to Act?: Student-Athlete Perceptions of Social Justice Activism, Andrew Mac Intosh, Eric M. Martin, and Yannick Kluch


Youth Definitions of Success, Obstacles to Success, and How Significant Others Can Help: Providing Youth a Voice in Their Own Development, Andrew S. Mac Intosh, Eric M. Martin, and Martha E. Ewing


Does Updating Natural Hazard Maps to Reflect Best Practices Increase Viewer Comprehension of Risk?, Carson C. MacPherson-Krutsky, Brittany D. Brand, and Michael K. Lindell


Quantifying Increased Fire Risk in California in Response to Different Levels of Warming and Drying, Shahrbanou Madadgar, Mojtaba Sadegh, Felicia Chiang, Elisa Ragno, and Amir AghaKouchak


Is Cross‐Lingual Readability Assessment Possible?, Ion Madrazo Azpiazu and Maria Soledad Pera


Changes in the Exposure of California’s Levee-Protected Critical Infrastructure to Flooding Hazard in a Warming Climate, Iman Mallakpour, Mojtaba Sadegh, and Amir AghaKouchak


Building Student Agency Through Contract Grading in Technical Communication, Jennifer C. Mallette and Amanda Hawks


Within‐Stand Boundary Effects on Snow Water Equivalent Distribution in Forested Areas, H.P. Marshall


Caring for Vulnerable Populations During a Pandemic: Literature Review, Jennifer L. Marsh, Marilyn O'Mallon, Steven Stockdale, and Danita R. Potter


Designing Informal Learning Environments, Seth-Aaron Martinez and Justin N. Whiting


Outcomes Associated with a Nurse-Driven Palliative Care Screening Tool in the Intensive Care Unit, Kim Martz, Jenny Alderden, Rick Bassett, and Dawn Swick


Sibling Warmth Moderates the Intergenerational Transmission of Romantic Relationship Hostility, April S. Masarik and Christina R. Rogers


Exciton Delocalization in Indolenine Squaraine Aggregates Templated by DNA Holliday Junction Scaffolds, Olga A. Mass, Christopher K. Wilson, Simon K. Roy, Matthew S. Barclay, Lance K. Patten, Ewald A. Terpetschnig, Jeunghoon Lee, Ryan D. Pensack, Bernard Yurke, and William B. Knowlton


Hyper-Spectral Communications and Networking for ATM: Results and Prospective Future, David W. Matolak, Ismail Guvenc, Hani Mehrpouyan, and Greg Carr


The Multi-Dimensional Environment of Publicly Funded U.S. Crime Laboratories and Its Impact on Lab Priorities, Matthew C. Matusiak, William R. King, and Bradley A. Campbell


Long‐Distance Natal Dispersal Is Relatively Frequent and Correlated with Environmental Factors in a Widespread Raptor, Hanna M. McCaslin, T. Trevor Caughlin, and Julie A. Heath


Patterns and Mechanisms of Heterogeneous Breeding Distribution Shifts of North American Migratory Birds, Hanna M. McCaslin and Julie A. Heath


The Role of Passive Evil in Perpetuating Downward Academic Mobbing, Theodore W. McDonald, Sandina Begic, and R. Eric Landrum


The Influence of Board of Director Gender Diversity on Gendered Corporate Social Responsibility, Wenlu McIntosh and John C. McIntosh


Contrasting Storage-Flux-Age Interactions Revealed by Catchment Inter-Comparison Using a Tracer-Aided Runoff Model, J. McNamara


Service-Learning: An Experiment to Increase Interpersonal Communication Confidence and Competence, D. Brian McNatt


Learning Word Groundings from Humans Facilitated by Robot Emotional Displays, David McNeill and Casey Kennington


Revolutionizing the Mechanical Engineering Undergraduate Curriculum, Shelby Ann McNeilly, Krishna Pakala, and Donald Plumlee


Geology of the Acropolis Prospect, South Australia, Constrained by High-Precision CA-TIMS Ages, J. McPhie, K. J. Ehrig, M. B. Kamenetsky, J. L. Crowley, and V. S. Kamenetsky


Joint Inversion of Compact Operators, Jodi L. Mead and James F. Ford


Immigration, Environment, and Security on the U.S.-Mexico Border, Lisa Meierotto


Vardis Fisher's Last Essay, Alessandro Meregaglia


Upper Permian and Lower Triassic Conodonts, High-Precision U-Pb Zircon Ages and the Permian-Triassic Boundary in the Malay Peninsula, I. Metcalfe and J. L. Crowley


Impact of a Brief, Bystander Bullying Prevention Program on Depressive Symptoms and Passive Suicidal Ideation: A Program Evaluation Model for School Personnel, Aida Midgett, Diana M. Doumas, Claudia Peralta, Laura Bond, and Brian Flay


A Ranking Strategy to Promote Resources Supporting the Classroom Environment, Ashlee Milton, Oghenemaro Anuyah, Lawrence Spear, Katherine Landau Wright, and Maria Soledad Pera


“Don’t Judge a Book by Its Cover”: Exploring Book Traits Children Favor, Ashlee Milton, Levesson Batista, Garrett Allen, Siqi Gao, Yiu-Kai D. Ng, and Maria Soledad Pera


What Snippets Feel: Depression, Search, and Snippets, Ashlee Milton and Maria Soledad Pera


The Influence of Undergraduate Research Assistant Experiences on Future Nursing Roles, Kelsy Mitchell, Julie Rekiere, and Jane S. Grassley


Efficacy of Enzymatically Induced Calcium Carbonate Precipitation in the Retention of Heavy Metal Ions, Arif Ali Baig Moghal, Mohammed Abdul Lateef, Syed Abu Sayeed Mohammed, Kehinde Lemboye, Bhaskar C. S. Chittoori, and Abdullah Almajed


Asynchronous Trilobite Extinctions at the Early to Middle Cambrian Transition, M. T. Mohr and M. D. Schmitz


Redefining the Tonto Group of Grand Canyon and Recalibrating the Cambrian Time Scale, M. T. Mohr and M. D. Schmitz


Inkjet-Printed Graphene-Based 1 × 2 Phased Array Antenna, Mahmuda Akter Monne, Peter Mack Grubb, Harold Stern, Harish Subbaraman, Ray T. Chen, and Maggie Yihong Chen


Neonatal Lead (Pb) Exposure and DNA Methylation Profiles in Dried Bloodspots, Luke Montrose


Smoke from Wildfires Can Worsen COVID-19 Risk, Putting Firefighters in Even More Danger, Luke Montrose


What’s in Wildfire Smoke, and Why is It So Bad for Your Lungs?, Luke Montrose


Wildfire Smoke Worsens Coronavirus Risk, Putting Firefighters in Extra Danger, Luke Montrose


My Enemy’s Fear is My Fun: Print Columnists’ Mixed Reactions to the Frights of Religious Dystopia, Rick Clifton Moore


A Multi-Objective Optimal Allocation of Treated Wastewater in Urban Areas Using Leader-Follower Game, Mehrdad Ghorbani Mooselu, Mohammad Reza Nikoo, Morvarid Latifi, Mojtaba Sadegh, Malik Al-Wardy, and Ghazi Ali Al-Rawas


Fourier Shape Analysis, FSA: Freeware for Quantitative Study of Particle Morphology, G. Moreno Chávez, F. Castillo-Rivera, J. A. Montenegro-Ríos, L. Borselli, L. A. Rodríguez-Sedano, and D. Sarocchi


Semantics with Feeling: Emotions for Abstract Embedding, Affect for Concrete Grounding, Daniele Moro, Gerardo Caracas, David McNeill, and Casey Kennington


Phase Field Modeling of Crack Propagation in Shape Memory Ceramics: Application to Zirconia, Ehsan Moshkelgosha and Mahmood Mamivand


Gender and Imagination: A Feminist Analysis of Shahrnush Parsipur’s Women without Men, Reshmi Mukherjee


A New Micro-Endemic Species of Alectryon (Sapindaceae) from Koghis Forest, New Caledonia, Jérôme Munzinger, Porter P. Lowry, Martin W. Callmander, and Sven Buerki


‘Not Feeling Like a Caged Animal’: Prisoner Perceptions of a Remote Video Visitation System, Danielle J. Murdoch and Laura L. King


Development and Calibration of a Probabilistic Finite Element Hip Capsule Representation, Casey A. Myers, Clare K. Fitzpatrick, Daniel N. Huff, Peter J. Laz, and Paul J. Rullkoetter


Cancer Rates Not Explained by Smoking: A County-Level Analysis, Douglas J. Myers, Polly Hoppin, Molly Jacobs, Richard Clapp, and David Kriebel


Inside Out and Outside in: How the COVID-19 Pandemic Affects Self-Disclosure on Social Media, Teagen Nabity-Grover, Christy M.K. Cheung, and Jason Bennett Thatcher


Professional Noticing on a Statistical Task, Courtney Nagle, Stephanie Casey, and Michele Carney


Journal Writing by Families of Critically Ill Patients: An Integrative Review, Hannah Nakashima and Cara Gallegos

The Bridge Generation of Việt Nam: Spanning Wartime to Boomtime, Nancy K. Napier and Dau Thuy Ha


Examining the Alignment of Mathematics Instructional Practices and Mathematics Vocabulary Between Core and Intervention Materials, Gena Nelson, Kathleen Hughes Pfannenstiel, and Rebecca Zumeta Edmonds


Geochronological Constraints on Neoproterozoic Rifting and Onset of the Marinoan Glaciation from the Kingston Peak Formation in Death Valley, California (USA), Lyle L. Nelson, Emily F. Smith, Eben B. Hodgin, James L. Crowley, Mark D. Schmitz, and Francis A. Macdonald


Print-A-Punch: A 3D Printed Device to Cut Dumbbell-Shaped Specimens from Soft Tissue for Tensile Testing, Sean J. Nelson, Jaremy J. Creechley, Madison E. Wale, and Trevor J. Lujan


Isolated Nuclei Stiffen in Response to Low Intensity Vibration, Joshua Newberg, Jesse Schimpf, Kali Woods, Stacie Loisate, Paul H. Davis, and Gunes Uzer


Harmonious Insurrections: “Labor Progressivism” and Working-Class Power in Washington State, 1886–1919, Shaun S. Nichols


A Framework for Pore‐Scale Simulation of Effective Electrical Conductivity and Permittivity of Porous Media in the Frequency Range From 1 mHz to 1 GHz, Qifei Niu, Chi Zhang, and Manika Prasad


A User-Centric and Sentiment Aware Privacy-Disclosure Detection Framework Based on Multi-Input Neural Network, A. K. M. Nuhil Mehdy and Hoda Mehrpouyan

Reference and Access for Archives and Manuscripts, Cheryl Oestreicher


Analysis Methods for Characterizing Energy Saving Opportunities from Home Automation Devices Using Smart Meter Data, Sukjoon Oh, Jeff S. Haberl, and Juan-Carlos Baltazar


Analysis of Zone-by-Zone Indoor Environmental Conditions and Electricity Savings from the Use of a Smart Thermostat: A Residential Case Study, Sukjoon Oh, Jeff S. Haberl, and Juan-Carlos Baltazar


Heating Performance Analysis for Short-Term Energy Monitoring and Prediction Using Multi-Family Residential Energy Consumption Data, Sukjoon Oh, Chul Kim, Joonghyeok Heo, Sung Lok Do, and Kee Han Kim


Change-Point Modeling Analysis for Multi-Residential Buildings: A Case Study in South Korea, Sukjoon Oh and Kee Han Kim


Mapping Foodscapes and Sagebrush Morphotypes with Unmanned Aerial Systems for Multiple Herbivores, Peter J. Olsoy, Jennifer S. Forbey, Lisa A. Shipley, Janet L. Rachlow, Brecken C. Robb, Jordan D. Nobler, and Daniel H. Thornton


Effects of Ca Doping on Structural and Optical Properties of PZT Nanopowders, K. H. Omran, M. Mostafa, M. S. Abd El-sadek, O. M. Hemeda, and R. Ubic


Concentrating Photovoltaic Retrofit for Existing Parabolic Trough Solar Collectors: Design, Experiments, and Levelized Cost of Electricity, Todd P. Otanicar, Rhetta Wingert, Matthew Orosz, and Clay McPheeters


Evolutionary Origins of Three Rare Alpine-Endemic Species of Lomatium (Apiaceae) in the Wallowa and Elkhorn Mountains of Northeastern Oregon, Michael V. Ottenlips, Mary Ann E. Feist, Donald H. Mansfield, Gregory M. Plunkett, Sven Buerki, and James F. Smith


Pedigree Validation Using Genetic Markers in an Intensively-Managed Taonga Species, the Critically Endangered Kakī (Himantopus novaezelandiae), Ashley Overbeek, Stephanie Galla, Liz Brown, Simon Cleland, Cody Thyne, Richard Maloney, and Tammy Steeves


Endothelial Cell Contributions to COVID-19, Alexandra E. Oxford, Fabio Halla, Evan B. Robertson, and Brad E. Morrison


Clinical Trials in Alzheimer’s Disease: A Hurdle in the Path of Remedy, Alexandra E. Oxford, Erica S. Stewart, and Troy T. Rohn


Investigation of Multiphasic 3D-Bioplotted Scaffolds for Site-Specific Chondrogenic and Osteogenic Differentiation of Human Adipose-Derived Stem Cells for Osteochondral Tissue Engineering Applications, Julia T. Oxford

Leveraging Technology to Elevate Pedagogy in Mechanical Engineering Teaching and Learning, Krishna Pakala and Diana Bairaktarova


Additive Manufacturing of Magnetostrictive Thin Film Sensors, Shane Palmer and Zhangxian Deng


A Review of Inkjet Printed Graphene and Carbon Nanotubes Based Gas Sensors, Twinkle Pandhi, Ashita Chandnani, Harish Subbaraman, and David Estrada


Fully Inkjet-Printed Multilayered Graphene-Based Flexible Electrodes for Repeatable Electrochemical Response, Twinkle Pandhi, Kiyo Fujimoto, Pete Barnes, Jasmine Cox, Hui Xiong, Paul H. Davis, Harish Subbaraman, and David Estrada


The Effect of Tai Chi Exercise on Postural Time-to-Contact in Manual Fitting Task Among Older Adults, Jiahao Pan, Cuixian Liu, Li Li, and Shuqi Zhang


Message Integrity Protection Over Wireless Channel: Countering Signal Cancellation via Channel Randomization, Yanjun Pan, Yantian Hou, Ming Li, Ryan M. Gerdes, Kai Zeng, Md. A. Towfiq, and Bedri A. Cetiner


Top-κ User-Specified Preferred Answers in Massive Graph Databases, Noseong Park, Andrea Pugliese, Edoardo Serra, and V. S. Subrahmanian


Public Corporations and Quasi-Government Organizations in Korea, Sanghee Park


Seeking Changes in Ivory Towers: The Impact of Gender Quotas on Female Academics in Higher Education, Sanghee Park


Size Matters: Toward a Contingency Theory of Diversity Effects on Performance, Sanghee Park


Merit, Diversity, and Performance: Does Diversity Management Moderate the Effect of Merit Principles on Governmental Performance?, Sanghee Park and Jiaqi Liang


Fall in the Sea, Eventually?: A Green Paradox in Climate Adaptation for Coastal Housing Markets, Lee C. Parton and Steven J. Dundas


Multiple Dose Pharmacokinetic Models Predict Bioavailability of Toxins in Vertebrate Herbivores, Dane Patey, Jennifer Forbey, Steven Kern, and Rongsong Liu


Effects of Proton Irradiation on Microstructure and Mechanical Properties of Nanocrystalline Cu–10at%Ta Alloy, Priyam V. Patki, Yaqiao Wu, and Janelle P. Wharry


Developing and Evaluating an Asynchronous Online Library Microcredential: A Case-Study, Rebeca Peacock, Heather Grevatt, Ellie Dworak, Lindsay Marsh, and Shelly Doty

Critical Inquiry and the First-Year Experience, Rebeca Peacock, Heather Grevatt, and Elizabeth Ramsey


Accessibility Best Practices, Procedures, and Policies in Northwest United States Academic Libraries, Rebeca Peacock and Amy Vecchione


A Library for Everyone: Building a Model for Library Digital Accessibility, Rebeca Peacock and Amy Vecchione


Novel Synthesis and Processing Effects on the Figure of Merit for NbCoSn, NbFeSb, and ZrNiSn Based Half-Heusler Thermoelectrics, Samuel V. Pedersen, Joseph R. Croteau, Nicholas Kempf, Yanliang Zhang, Darryl P. Butt, and Brian J. Jaques


Mechanochemical Conversion Kinetics of Red to Black Phosphorus and Scaling Parameters for High Volume Synthesis, Samuel V. Pedersen, Florent Muramutsa, Joshua D. Wood, Chad Husko, David Estrada, and Brian J. Jaques


Does Implementing a New Intervention Disrupt Use of Existing Evidence-Based Autism Interventions?, Melanie Pellecchia, Rinad S. Beidas, Gwendolyn Lawson, Nathaniel J. Williams, Max Seidman, John R. Kimberly, Carolyn C. Cannuscio, and David S. Mandell


Li Isotope Zoning in Garnet from Franciscan Eclogite and Amphibolite: The Role of Subduction-Related Fluids, Sarah C. Penniston-Dorland, Lukas P. Baumgartner, Besim Dragovic, and Anne-Sophie Bouvier