Publication Date
Date of Final Oral Examination (Defense)
Type of Culminating Activity
Degree Title
Master of Arts in Anthropology
Department Filter
Supervisory Committee Chair
Kathryn E. Demps, Ph.D.
Supervisory Committee Member
John P. Ziker, Ph.D.
Supervisory Committee Member
Kelly Hopping, Ph.D.
Non-consumptive wildlife-associated recreation has grown by over 1000% since 1970. While the number of consumptive users has remained largely unchanged. Behavioral ecology and foraging theory can help to explain birder behavior to ascertain recreationists’ values and motives while on the landscape. During the Christmas Bird Counts of December 2022, 68 participants from Boise, Bruneau, and Nampa, Idaho counts were surveyed. A subset of those participants (29) volunteered to be interviewed further. Rarity and native species were found to be a top value for birders with 127 unique species with low encounter rates across all sites appeared in the top ranked species by participants. Invasives and common birders were the least valued and only 31 unique species appeared in the bottom rankings. The rarity of the species, the thrill of identifying a new species, or adding to their list was indicated as important by 55% of participants. Transmission of knowledge, particularly the use of apps such as eBird was indicated in several results: equipment usage (93%), species identification (79%), and where to bird (45%). The use of social cues and successful trips highlights the usage of both patch and prey modeling behavior for birders, whether they are seeking a biodiverse patch or a specific species these values are transmitted through the foraging reporting of others. Studies have previously focused on avitourism and destination birding, however this study provides a pilot initiative into bridging a gap in the behavior and value of birders in their local areas to potential management actions or conservation involvement.
Recommended Citation
Waskovich, Rebecca (Bekki) Ann, "Patterns of Non-Consumptive Public Land Users: How Do Birders Value Species and Make Foraging Decisions" (2024). Boise State University Theses and Dissertations. 2256.