A Parallel Adaptive Mesh Refinement Software for Complex Geometry Flow Simulations
Document Type
Conference Proceeding
Publication Date
We present a parallel adaptive mesh refinement method with unstructured connectivity. The AMR package is being developed as an open-source project to support immersed boundary flow simulations around complex geometry. In the current work, we explain the parallel implementation of 2:1 balanced implicit-octree generation. A Cartesian processor topology is used to generate the initial mesh for a given geometry. Each processor then constructs its own local tree. One-sided communication features of the MPI-II library is used to carry out the information exchange with other processors. Several complex geometries are used to demonstrate the versatility of the AMR package.
Publication Information
Hasbestan, J.J. and Senocak, I.. (2017). "A Parallel Adaptive Mesh Refinement Software for Complex Geometry Flow Simulations". 23rd AIAA Computational Fluid Dynamics Conference, AAIAA 2017-3301-1 - AAIAA 2017-3301-8.