Life AD (After Diploma): A Capstone Project


Spring 2022

Type of Culminating Activity

Student presentation


In my capstone, my focus was on how might I create a product that will inform, organize and support Multidisciplinary students who wish to identify and apply to graduate programs? As MDS graduates, our knowledge bases are so broad and varied. It’s very difficult sometimes to “frame” our degree into a marketable “tag-line” or to understand exactly where we fit into the overall college academic world. My initial plan was to create a blog where I share my struggles with identifying programs. However, my final deliverable resulted in a website, Life AD (after diploma) where I share tools that I created to help students identify program opportunities, a collection of helpful resources, my own lessons learned as well as an application tracker tool.

Degree Program

Bachelor of Multidisciplinary Studies


Margaret Sass, J.D., Ed.D.
Larissa Samson


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