Access to Mental Health Services for Minor Patients


Fall 2021

Type of Culminating Activity

Student presentation


Mental health services in the United States are lacking for all ages and demographics. The real issue is the lack of affordable options available to patients and proximity of offered care. The healthcare system continually struggles to meet the needs of those who require physical health care let alone mental health services. The overuse of the emergency system as well as the lack of preventative care services in rural communities contributes to the rising cost of healthcare as well as the lack of available resources when an emergency occurs. High risk community members such as children, homeless, veterans, and disabled are fighting daily to maintain both their physical and mental health. This project was created to attempt to pinpoint where the issues are and how we can work to resolve the lack of care. With interviews from some local social workers as well as statistics from other countries who face similar issues we can find innovative solutions to the issues these children face on a daily basis.

Degree Program

Bachelor of Multidisciplinary Studies


Margaret Sass, J.D., Ed.D.


Please note the final title for this presentation is different than what is shown on the video.


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