"CDA and Continuing Dental Education on Company Time" by Christopher Arnold Ponte


Fall 2023

Type of Culminating Activity

Student research paper


As a Certified Dental Assistant (CDA), the obligation to obtain Continuing Dental Education (CDE) credits to maintain one’s certification is an annual occurrence. Through the Dental Assisting National Board (DANB), annual renewals for CDAs consist of a fee, CPR certification, and one’s CDE acquisition. Working for a nonprofit community health center, Terry Reilly Health Services, I find it crucial to be able to share with my colleagues resources on finding CDE opportunities. Thus this led to the creation of my CDA quickstart guidebook to ensure staff have the correct resources for pursuing or maintaining a CDA certification. It is a compilation of crucial courses that satisfy DANB requirements. I’m hoping that my work acts as a cushion for how stressful it can be to obtain CDE credits alone.

Degree Program

Bachelor of Applied Science


Margaret Sass, J.D., Ed.D.


© 2023, Christopher Arnold Ponte.



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